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1. VLDL is synthesized in and secreted in the .

- Liver, blood
- Intestine, blood
- Nucleus, cytosol
- ER, intestines

2. Which lipoprotein removes surplus cholesterol from the periphery and transports it to the
liver for disposal?
- Chylomicrons

3. Chylomicrons metabolism begins by secretion of chylomicron from cells.

- Gall bladder
- Mucosa (in intestine)
- Liver
- Pancreas

1. Which of the following is not true about peptide bond?

- The reaction between two amino acids is thermodynamically favorable and does not
require ATP
- Free rotation is only allowed about the Ca carbons
- Delocalization of electrons creates a planar and stable peptide bond
- The condensation of two amino acids forms a peptide bond and releases water

2. Question 6
Which of the following molecules prevent iron ions from participating in Fenton reaction?
- Transferrin
- Bilirubin
- Ceruloplasmin
- Glutathione peroxidase

Question about calcium blood levels:

Select the correct information about calcium blood levels:
A. 55% non-diffusible, 40% non-ionizable, 5% diffusible
B. 50% non-diffusible, 50% ionizable
C. 45% non-diffusible, 50% ionizable, 5% non-diffusible
D. 55% non-diffusible, 45% diffusible

Question about superoxide anion:

The process of liberation of superoxide anion by neutrophils is called:
● Apoptosis
● Autophagy
Oxidative burst
Question about lipoprotein composition
and density:
Which of the following statements are correct regarding Lipoprotein Composition and Density?
● As size increases, density increases.
● As % of apolipoprotein increases, density decreases.
● As size increases, the contents as a % of the lipids composition increase.
● As size (diameter) increases, the % of Apolipoprotein decreases.

**Question about lipoprotein components:**

Which of the following are NOT components of a lipoprotein?
- Apolipoprotein
- Cholesterol Ester
- Phospholipid
- Free Fatty Acid

**Question about oxidative modification:**

The consequence of oxidative modification of proteins are all processes beyond:
- Peptide bond leakage
- Carbonyl group formation
- Disulfide bond formation
- Hydroperoxide formation

**Question about apolipoproteins:**

Apolipoprotein A is bound to all and Apolipoprotein B is bound to .
- HDL, Triglycerides
- HDL, Chylomicrons/VLDL/LDL/Lp(a)
- All of the above are incorrect
What temperature is best for:


High LDL=

Intestinal construction
Liver cancer
Sickle cell anemia
Coronary heart disease

**Question about lipid peroxidation markers:**

Which of the following molecules act as a marker of lipid peroxidation?
- Nitrotyrosine
- 8-oxoguanine

**Question about enzyme specificity:**

Specificity of the enzyme is:
- The limitation of the activity of an enzyme to a specific substrate, specific reaction, or
specific type of reaction.
- The ability of the enzyme to recognize the substrate.
- The quality of substrate recognition.
- The measure of enzyme activity.
**Question about blood group antigens:**
Which sentence about blood group antigens is true?
- The antigens which determine blood types belong to proteoglycans and glycoproteins.
- The H substance is the precursor of both A and B substances.
- In comparison to the H substance, A substance contains additional fucose and B substance
an additional galactose to oligosaccharides.
- Human blood groups are formed from complex groups of polysaccharides on the surfaces
of erythrocytes.
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**Question about marker of lipid peroxidation:**

Which of the following molecules act as a marker of lipid peroxidation?
- Nitrotyrosine
- 8-oxoguanine

**Question about enzyme specificity:**

Specificity of the enzyme is:
- The limitation of the activity of an enzyme to a specific substrate, specific reaction, or
specific type of reaction.
- The ability of the enzyme to recognize the substrate.
- The quality of substrate recognition.
- The measure of enzyme activity.

**Question about blood group antigens:**

Which sentence about blood group antigens is true?
- The antigens which determine blood types belong to proteoglycans and glycolipids.
- The H substance is the precursor of both A and B substances.
- In comparison to the H substance, A substance contains additional fucose and B substance
an additional galactose or glucose.
- Human blood groups are formed from complex groups of polysaccharides on the surfaces
of erythrocytes.

**Question about proteins and glycosylation:**

Which sentence is true?
- Mucins are glycoproteins and the presence of repeating amino acid sequences rich in
serine, threonine, and proline.
- All of the globular proteins present in human plasma are glycoproteins.
- Glycoproteins are proteins to which oligosaccharides are noncovalently attached.
-Mucins are proteoglycans
**Question about lipoproteins classification:**
Families of lipoproteins are classified, based on their .
- Mass
- Volume
- Density
- Diameter

**Question about lipoprotein density:**

Which component of a lipoprotein contributes greatest to its density?
- Free Cholesterol
- Apolipoprotein
- Phospholipids
- Triglycerides

**Question about hydroxyl radical production:**

Which of the following processes typically produces hydroxyl radical?
- Lipid peroxidation
- Protein deamination and oxidation
- DNA oxidative damage
- Three-electron reduction of oxygen molecule in mitochondria

**Question about enzyme cofactor:**

A cofactor of the enzyme is:
- A protein part of an enzyme
- A non-protein part of an enzyme
- A catalytic site of an enzyme
- An apoenzyme

**Question about bacterial cell walls:**

The cell of many bacteria are made of:
- Cellulose
- Glycosaminoglycans
- Peptidoglycans
- Proteoglycans

**Question about ligases:**

Ligases are:
- Catalyze the hydrolysis of substrates
- Catalyze the bonding together of two substrate molecules
- Catalyze the isomerization (rearrangement of atoms) of a substrate
- Catalyze the addition of a molecule such as H2O, CO2, or NH3
**Question about myoglobin:**
What is not true about Myoglobin?
- Myoglobin is an example of a small globular protein
- Myoglobin has one heme group embedded within the polypeptide chain
- Myoglobin is a simple protein
- Myoglobin doesn't possess a quaternary structure

**Question 35:**
A cofactor of an enzyme is:
- A protein part of an enzyme
- A non-protein part of an enzyme
- A catalytic site of an enzyme
- An apoenzyme

**Question 36:**
The cell of many bacteria are made of:
- Cellulose
- Glycosaminoglycans
- Peptidoglycans
- Proteoglycans

**Question 37:**
Ligases are:
- catalyze the hydrolysis of substrates
- catalyze the bonding together of two substrate molecules
- catalyze the isomerization (rearrangement of atoms) of a substrate
- catalyze the addition of a molecule such as H2O, CO2, or NH3

**Question 38:**
What is not true about Myoglobin
- Myoglobin is an example of a small globular protein
- Myoglobin has one heme group embedded within the polypeptide chain
- Myoglobin is a simple protein
- Myoglobin doesn't possess a quaternary structure

**Question 39:**
Choose the correct statement:
- Transferrin transports 2 Fe 2+ ions
- Mg 2+ neutralizes the negative charge density on the ATP
- Calcitonin increases calcium blood level by mobilization of calcium from bones
- One third of the total sodium, potassium, and chloride content of the body is present in
the plasma
**Question 40:**
Fluid part of blood containing water-soluble vitamins is called:
- whole blood
- blood plasma
- blood cells
- blood serum

**Question 41:**
Proteins referred to as guide the folding process, especially if the final structure of the
protein being synthesized is incorrect.
- chaperons
- carboxypeptidase A
- cytochromes

**Question 42:**
Which of the following belongs to endogenous antioxidants:
- β-carotene
- Ascorbic acid
- Ferulic acid
- Glutathione

**Question 44:**
The most abundant macronutrient in the human body is:
- carbon
- hydrogen
- nitrogen
- oxygen

**Question 45:**
Which enzyme is responsible for superoxide anion elimination?
- Superoxide dismutase
- Catalase
- Glutathione reductase
- Glutathione peroxidase
1. Coenzyme NAD+ participates in the following reaction:
a. Decarboxylation
b. Carboxylation
c. Transamination
d. Oxidoreduction

2. Which of the following vitamins is a part of coenzyme FADH2?

a. Vitamin C Ascorbic acid
b. Vitamin B1 Thiamine
c. Vitamin B2 Riboflavin
d. Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine

- Lipases are
1. Ligases
2. Transferases
3. Hydrolases
4. Isomerases

9. Hyaluronic acid contains many alternating units of:

a. D-glucuronic acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-4-sulfate
b. D-glucuronic acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine
c. D-glucaric acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-4-sulfate
E. D-glucaric acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-4-sulfate

9. Which of the following statements about tertiary structure of proteins is true?

a. Three-dimensional arrangement of all atoms in the protein, including the atoms
in the side chains and any prosthetic groups
b. Spatial arrangement of atoms in the backbone of the polypeptide chain
c. Linear sequence of amino acids and the location of disulfide bridges
d. Arrangement of subunits with respect to one another

10. Which of the following is classifying as a simple protein?

a. Transferrin
b. Collagen
c. Ceruloplasmin
d. Albumin
Which of the following statements is FALSE?
e. All amino acids may exist in zwitterionic form
f. All amino acids found in proteins are L-isomers
g. All amino acids found in proteins have an asymmetric α-carbon atom
h. Α-amino acids are distinguished from each other based on the nature of their
side chains

11. Testosterone and 17β-estradiol represents one of the following group

of hormones:
a. Pancreatic hormones
b. Hormones of gonads
c. Mineralocorticoids
d. Catechplamides

p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is found in the structure of:

e. folic acid
f. bile acids
g. vitamin D3
h. detergents
Questions 31 – 33
Match each description below with the appropriate lipoprotein

A. Chylomicrons

12. The LCAT reaction is held with D

13. Are synthesized in the liver B
14. Have cholesterol as their major lipid component C

Questions 34 – 36
Match the below monomeric unit with the appropriate polymer:

A. β-D-glucopyranose
B. N-acetyl-β-D-glucosamine
C. N-acetyl-α-D-galactosamine
D. α-D-glucopyranose

Chitin B
Glycogen D
Cellulose A
1. All statement about noncompetitive inhibitors are false EXCEPT:
a. Increase in the Km in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
b. Decrease the maximal velocity (Vmax) of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
c. Increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
d. Decrease the Km in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
e. Is an ether-containing phospholipid

2. The reaction shown below is catalyzed by:

a. A hydrolase
b. An isomerase
c. A ligase
d. A transferase

3. Which glycosaminoglycans can bind to blood proteins?

a. Chitin
b. Heparin
c. Hyaluronic acid
Chondroitin sulfate

1. NAD+ and NADPH represent a group of coenzymes that contain:

a. Biotin
b. Nicotinamide
c. Vitamin B6
d. Vitamin C

2. Hyaluronic acid contains many alternating units of:

a. D-glucuronic acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-4-sulfate
b. D-glucuronic acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine
c. D-glucaric acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-4-sulfate
d. D-glucaric acid β (1 -> 3) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine-4-sulfate

3. AMP, ADP and ATP are NOT examples of:

a. Adenosine derivatives
b. Phosphorylated nucleosides
c. Derivatives of purine and pyrimidine
d. Detergents
4. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. Primary structure of proteins is represented by the linear sequence of amino
acids and the location of disulfide bridges
b. Peptide bond has partial double bond character and it results in the planar
link between the two amino acids
c. Quaternary structure represents the supersecondary structure of protein
stabilized by disulfide bonds
d. Secondary structure of proteins represents the conformation of the polypeptide
chain in the protein

5. Vitamin K is required for synthesis of:

a. Blood clotting factors
b. Insulin
c. Bile acids
d. Vitamin D2

6. Which of the following statements concerning reduced glutathione (GSH)

a. Is abundant in most cells
b. Carries out the reduction of peroxides
c. In the erythrocyte, is to maintain iron in the reduced (Fe2+) state
d. In the liver, conjugated with bile acids

7. The most abundant bile acids in humans are:

a. Deoxycholic acid and litocholic acid
b. Cholic acid and litocholic acid
c. Deoxycholic acid and cholic acid
d. Cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid
8. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Bile salts emulsify dietary fats in the intestine
b. The hydroxyphobic surface of the bile salt molecule associates with phospholipids
c. Bile acids conjugate with aspartate and glutamate
d. Bile salts are produced from cholesterol by ultraviolet photolysis

9. Testosterone and 17β-estradiol represents one of the following groups of

a. Pancreatic hormones
b. Hormones of gonads
c. Mineralcorticoids
d. Glucocorticoids

10. Which of the following statements concerns mineralocorticoids?

a. Regulate events during pregnancy
b. Regulate ion balance by promoting reabsorption in the kidney of Na+, Cl- and
c. Female sex hormones, support female characteristics
d. Promote male sexual development and maintain male sex characteristics
1. the secondary bile acids are:
a. cholic acid and chenodeosycholic acid
b. cholic acid and litocholic acid
c. deoxycholic acid and litocholic acid
d. deoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid

2. All statements concerning enzymes are true, EXCEPT:

a. enzymes are biological catalysts
b. the formation of enzyme-substrate complex decreases the activation of energy
c. enzymes change the equilibrium constant of reaction
d. enzymes are not consumed during the reaction

3. The Michaelis constant (Km) characterizes:

a. an affinity of an enzyme to a substrate
b. the maximal velocity
c. a concentration of an inhibitor
d. none of the above

4. Cofactor:
a. has a tertiary structure that recognizes the substrate
b. has a structure that fits the active site of an enzyme
c. the combination of an enzyme with a substrate
d. a nonprotein metal ion or an organic molecule

5. Match each of the following vitamins with their deficiency symptoms

or conditions:

1. cobalamin B
2. Vitamin C C
3. Vitamin K A

a. bleeding
b. anemia
6. The major class of lipoproteins in reverse cholesterol transport is:
b. HDL
c. LDL
d. Chylomicrons

7. All the following are antioxidant enzymes EXCEPT:

a. catalase
b. glutathione peroxidase
c. cyclooxygenase
d. superoxide dismutase

8. Match:

a. chylomicrons
c. HDL
d. LDL

1. “Bad-cholesterol” is associated with this lipoprotein. D

2. transport dietary lipids from the intestine via lymphatic system A
3. transport cholesterol from the extrahepatic tissues to the liver C

9. Which of the following statements are True?

a. all amino acids are insoluble at acidic pH
b. amino acids founding proteins are D-isomers
c. all amino acids found in proteins have two asymmetric a-carbon atams
d. a-amino acids are distinguished from each other based on the nature side chain

10. All the following statements are correct, EXCEPT:

a. primary structure of proteins is represented by linear sequence of amino acid
and the location of disulfide bridges.
b. Amino acids which are apart in the primary sequence can never be
brought together to form functional domains
c. Quaternary structure represents subunit.subunit interactions of an
oligomer protein
d. Secondary structure of proteins is represented ba formation of regular
structured such as a-helices and ß-pleased sheets

11. The major estrogens are:

a. estradiol and progesterone
b. cortisol and coticosterone
c. corticosterone and alsosterone
d. testosterone and alsosterone
12. Cholic acid and chenocholic acid may be conjugated with:
a. glucose and galactose
b. choline and ethanolamine
c. glycine and taurine
d. serine and tryptophan

13. Bile acids are synthesized in the liver from:

a. steroid hormones
b. fatty acids
c. vitamin D
d. cholesterol

14. When the pH value of albumin solution equals the value of the albumin
isoelectic point, then:
a. the solubility of alubium is unlimited
b. albumin becomes insoluble and precipitates from the solution
c. albumin migrates in the electric field during the electrophoresis
d. the buffer capacity of albumin is the highest one

15. Histamine is produced in the human body from histidine in one of the
following reactions:
a. N-acetylation
b. Dehydration
c. Transamination
d. Decarboxylation

All statements concerning ENZYMES are true EXCEPT:

A. enzymes are biological catalysts

B. the formation of enzyme-substrate complex decreases the activation of energy
C. enzymes change the equilibrium constant of reaction
D. enzymes are not consumed during the reaction
2. The Michaelis constant (Km) characterizes:

A. an affinity of an enzyme to a substrate

B. the maximal velocity
C. a concentration of an inhibitor
D. none of the above

3. Name the enzyme classes that catalyze the following reactions

A. CO2 fixation
B. Splitting peptide bonds in proteins
C. Transfer of the phosphoryl group
D. Converting glucose to fructose

Questions 4 - 6. Match the following three terms

4. Enzyme – substrate complex

5. Enzyme

6. Cofactor

A. has a tertiary structure that recognizes the substrate

B. has a structure that fits the active site of an enzyme
C. the combination of an enzyme with a substrate
D. a nonprotein metal ion or an organic molecule

7. The secondary bile acids are:

A. cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid

B. cholic acid and litocholic acid
C. deoxycholic acid and litocholic acid
D. deoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid

8. The major class of lipoproteins in reverse cholesterol transport is:

D. Chylomicrons

1. The Following statement -

“Linear sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain and the location of
disulfide bridges”
A. Primary structure of proteins
B. Tertiary structure of proteins
C. Three – dimensional arrangement of atoms in the backbone of the
polypeptide chain
D. Forces that stabilize the secondary structure of proteins

2. When the pH value of the albumin solution equals the value of the albumin isoelectric
point, then:

A. The solubility of albumin is unlimited

B. Albumin becomes unsoluble and precipitates from the solution
C. Albumin migrates in the electrical field during the electrophoresis
D. The buffer capacity of albumin is the highest one

3. Which of the following statements about the Schiff’s base formation is TRUE?

A. The product of esterification of an organic acid and an aliphatic alcohol

B. The product of the reaction between an inorganic acid and primary amine
C. The product of hydrolysis of the peptides in solution of pH higher than 7
D. The product of the reaction of an aldehyde and a primary amine
4. The sulfa drugs are derivatives of:

A. p-aminobenzoic acid
B. acetylsalicylic acid
C. p-aminobenzenesulfonamid
D. p-aminosalicylic acid

24. Sanger’s reagent reacts with:

A. the C-terminal of the polypeptide

B. the N-terminal of the polypeptide
C. the thiol groups
D. the –OH groups in the side chains of serine

25. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Vitamin K is required for biosynthesis of blood clotting factors

B. Vitamin K cycle allows reduced form vitamin K to be regenerated
C. Vitamin K is a precursor of bile acids
D. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is caused by deficiency of Vitamin K

26. Adrenaline and noradrenaline derive from an amino acid which is:

A. Phenylalanine
B. Tyrosine
C. Histidine
D. Tryptophan

27. Cholesterol is the precursor of steroid hormones and bile acids but NOT:

A. ubiquinones
E. vitamin D3
F. estrogens
C. the bile salts
28. Conjugation of bile salts with:

A. glycine and taurine

B. alanine and glycine
C. serine and glycine
D. lysine and glycine

makes them better detergents than are the unconjugated bile salts.

29. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Bile salts emulsify fats in the intestine

B. The hydrophobic surface of the bile salt molecule associates with triacylglycerols
C. Aggregates of bile salts and neutral fats form a micelle, with the polar surface
of the bile
salt facing outward
D. Bile salts are produced from cholesterol by ultraviolet photolysis

30. Which of the following steroid hormones regulates the balance of ions Na +, Cl –
and HCO3 -?

A. progesterone
B. the glucocorticoids
C. the mineralcorticoids
D. ?
18. Name the enzyme classes that catalyze the following reactions

A. CO2 fixation - lygase

B. Splitting peptide bonds in proteins- lipase
C. Transfer of the phosphoryl group- transfer
D. Converting glucose to fructose- isomerse
19. The secondary bile acids are:

A. cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid

B. cholic acid and litocholic acid
C. deoxycholic acid and litocholic acid
D. deoxycholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid

18. The major class of lipoproteins in reverse cholesterol transport is:

24. Sanger’s reagent reacts with:

E. the C-terminal of the polypeptide

F. the N-terminal of the polypeptide
G. the thiol groups
H. the –OH groups in the side chains of serine

25. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

E. Vitamin K is required for biosynthesis of blood clotting factors

F. Vitamin K cycle allows reduced form vitamin K to be regenerated
G. Vitamin K is a precursor of bile acids
H. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is caused by deficiency of Vitamin K

26. Adrenaline and noradrenaline derive from an amino acid which is:

G. Phenylalanine
H. Tyrosine
I. Histidine
J. Tryptophan

27. Cholesterol is the precursor of steroid hormones and bile acids but NOT:

A. ubiquinones
K. vitamin D3
L. estrogens
D. the bile salts

1. The sulfa drugs are derivatives of:

D. p-aminobenzoic acid
E. acetylsalicylic acid
F. p-aminobenzenesulfonamid
G. p-aminosalicylic acid
28. Conjugation of bile salts with:

E. glycine and taurine

F. alanine and glycine
G. serine and glycine
H. lysine and glycine

makes them better detergents than are the unconjugated bile salts.

29. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

E. Bile salts emulsify fats in the intestine

F. The hydrophobic surface of the bile salt molecule associates with triacylglycerols
G. Aggregates of bile salts and neutral fats form a micelle, with the polar surface
of the bile
salt facing outward
H. Bile salts are produced from cholesterol by ultraviolet photolysis

30. Which of the following steroid hormones regulates the balance of ions Na +, Cl –
and HCO3 -?

E. progesterone
F. the glucocorticoids
G. the mineralcorticoids
H. ?

6. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Conjugation of bile acids with taurine or glycine in the liver:

A. decreases solubility of them in the intestinal lumen

B. lowers the pK of the bile acids
C. makes them more ionized in the intestinal lumen than are the unconjugated bile
D. makes them better detergents

7. Isoprenoid units are found in the structure of:

A. Adrenaline
B. Cholesterol
C. Ubiquinone
D. Hippuric acid

8. p-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is found in the structure of:

A. Folic acid
B. Vitamin k
C. Noradrenaline
D. Alkaloids
1. Soluble soap are
a) magnesium
b) calcium
c) sodium
d) iron
e) copper

2. All statements concerning enzymes are true EXCEPT

a) enzymes are biological catalysts
b) the formation of enzyme-substrate complex decreases the activation of energy
c) enzymes change the equilibrium constant of the reaction
d) enzymes are not consumed during the
reaction C
--- don’t change constant

3. The Michaelis constant (Km) characterizes

a) an affinity of an enzyme to a substrate
b) the maximal velocity
c) a concentration of an inhibitor
d) non of the above
-----> describe substrate concentration
Match the following three terms to the 3 questions
4. Enzyme-substrate complex. C

5. Enzyme
6. Cofactor
a) has a tertiary structure that recognizes the substrate
b) has a structure that fits the active site of an enzyme
c) the combination of an enzyme with a substrate
d) a nonprotein metal ion or an organic molecule

7. Match each of the following vitamins with their deficiency symptoms or conditions

Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin K

a) bleeding
b) anemia
c) scurvy
d) pellagra----------Niacin (Vit. B3)
e) Beriberi----------Thiamin (Vit. B1)
8. The following statement: “Linear sequence of amino acids in the
polypeptide chain and the location of disulfide bridges” describes:
a) Primary structure of proteins
b) Tertiary structure of proteins
c) 3-dimensional arrangement of atoms in the backbone of the polypeptide chain
E. Forces that stabilized the secondary structure of proteins

1. When the pH value of the albumin solution equals the values of the
albumin isoelectric point, then:
a) The solubility of albumin is unlimited
b) Albumin becomes unsoluble and precipitates from the solution
2. The major class of lipoproteins in cholesterol transport is
b) HDL --- reverse cholesterol transport, has large amount of phospholipids
c) LDL --- cholesterol transport
E. Chylomicrons

3. All of the following are antioxidant enzymes EXCEPT

a) catalase
b) glutathione peroxidase
c) cyclooxygenase
E. Superoxide dismutase
Nicotinamide is a component of the 2 related coenzymes:
• NAD+ & FAD
• NAD+ & FADH2

All the following statements are correct EXCEPT

• Primary structure of proteins is represented by the linear sequence of
amino acids and the location of disulfides bridges
• Amino acids which are far apart in the primary sequence can never be
brought together to form functional domains
• Quaternary structure represents subunit-subunit interactions of an oligomer
Secondary structure of proteins is represented by formation of the regular structures such as alfa-
helices and beta-pleated sheets

The alfa-helix of proteins is

pleated structure
nonperiodic structure
d) stabilized by hydrogen bonds between NH and CO groups of the polypeptide

61. Which of the following statements about the Schiff’s base formations is TRUE?
a) The product of esterification of an organic acid and aliphatic alcohol
b) The product of the reaction between an inorganic acid and primary amine
c) The product of hydrolysis of the peptides in solution of pH higher than 7
The product of the reaction of an aldehyde and a primary amine
69. Sanger’s reagent reacts with:
a) the C-terminal of the polypeptide
b) the N-terminal of the polypeptide
c) the thiol groups
F. –OH groups in the side chains of serine

70. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a) Vitamin K is required for biosynthesis of blood clotting factors
b) Vitamin K cycle allows form vitamin K to be regenerated
c) Vitamin K is a precursor of bile acids
d) Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn is caused by deficiency of vitamin K

1. The amino acid is always in the trans config because:

- Trans peptide bonds minimize steric hindrance of R groups

2. Why Proline does not occur in alpha helicases

- Uncharged
- Interacts with other amino acids
- Lacks amide proton

3) Super secondary structures that contain recognizable structures such as alpha

helix, beta sheets and loops (eg- the Greek symbol):
- Domain
- Motif
- Homologous region
- Folds
4. Which of the following metal ions attaches itself to the enzyme other than
theactive site
- Cofactor
- Allosteric site

5. What sentence is FALSE about the globular protein functioning biologically as an

independent polypeptide chain?
- It could contain α-helices that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding.
- It likely has extensive quaternary structure to maintain its globular shape.
- Non-covalent forces are the primary source of stability for the secondary and
tertiary structure.
- Its tertiary structure is likely stabilized by the interactions of amino acid side
chains in non-neighboring regions of the polypeptide chain.

6) The CO2 produced from respiration in aerobic tissues decreases the pH of

RBCs,which in turn the affinity of O2 binding to hemoglobin.
- Increases
- Decreases
- Equalizes
- None of the above

7) Which protein is Y-shaped:

- Antibodies
- Integral Proteins
- Collagens
- Hemoglobin

12. Why does blood plasma become milky after consumed high-fat meal
B) Chylomicron

13. What is the precursor of the cholesterol that undergo UV photolysis and
produce cholecalciferol?
- Androstenedione
- 7 - Dehydrocholesterol
- Pregnalone
- Calcitriol
17.Which of the following is true about amylopectin:


- Heparin
- Inulin
- Biotin
- Short section of Chitin
19. (SC)Which polysaccharides are not only made of alpha-glucose units?
- Amylose
- Amylopectin
- Glycogen

26. A synthetase is a(an) , and its function is joining two molecules


27. The addition of metal ion such as Pb will alter an enzyme in which
manner aIlosteric inhibitor
IrreversibIe competitive
Reversible noncompetitive
28. Michaelis constant km is:
- Vm
- Vm/2
- Substrate concentration
- Substrate conc/2

29. Overdosing of vitamin A and D is more likely than overdosing vitamin C

-excessive consumption of vitamin A and D can lead to accumulation in fat tissue,
-while excessive consumption of vitamin C can be excreted in urine

30. Glucogenic amino acid can be converted into what

- Acetyl CoA
- Glucose
- Fatty acid
- Ketone bodies

31. Proteins that contain more leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine

thanasparagine, lysine and arginine (I think arginine) are:
- Hydrophobic
- Hydrophilic
- Polar
- Basic

32. What is the key to versatility of pyridoxal phosphate

- Lewis base b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Lewis acid b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Schiff base b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Hydrophobic interactions bw amino acid and coenzyme
38. What inorganic molecule is needed for hemoglobin function?
- Fe3+
- Fe2+
- K+
- N2-

39. How many CO2 can hemoglobin bind?

- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4l

Fibroin is a β-sheet protein, with a high proportion of which amino acid ?

- Glycine
- Proline
Multiple choice:
MC 04. Ascorbic acid:
□ Participates in decarboxylation reaction
□ Is water soluble and performs carboxylation reaction
□ Is a lactone
□ Requires hydroxylation e.g. serine to hydroxyserine in collagen synthesis

MC 05. Which of following are true for Maltose

2 glucose joined together
a1-4 b1-6 bonds between 2 glucose molecules
Full name:
Sorry I don’t remember the last option

MC 06. the compounds that form oxygen radicals :

□ Hydrogen peroxide
□ Trioxide
□ Hydroxyl
□ Superoxide anion

9. (MC)What hormones play a role in calcium homeostasis

- Calcitonine - Insulin
- Calmodulin

MC 10. Phosphate is part of which coenzyme structure:

□ CoA
01. Which is the most common structure for secondary proteins?
A. antiparallel beta sheet, alpha helix, 310 helix

02. GAG is
A. Highly positive -»p•“
B. Polysaccharides with (acid sugar-deoxy sugar)
C. long, unbranched, heteroglycans
D. Does not bind to large amounts of water

03. Oligosaccharides (glycans) are linked to protein by

A. Link with phenylalanine
B. Thorough GLCNac with lysine
C. Through GLCNac with oleic acid
D. Link with hydroxyl group GalNac with Threonine and serine

04. The blood plasma contains

A. 90% water and 6-8% proteins
B. 1% fibrinogen and 1% IgG
C. 60% water and 35% proteins
D. 70% albumin and 25% globulin

05. Choose the true statement of ATP

A. ATP requires magnesium ion in order to be biologically active
B. ATP can provide phosphoryl, pyrophosphoryl, methyl
C. ATP contains a nitrogen base(tyrosine), a ribose (ribitol), and three phosphate group
D. ATP ... O-adenoylserine

06. Which statement is true about Vitamin B1?

A. Thiamine pyrophosphate also called TPP, participate in reductive-oxidative reaction
B. Deficiency of VitaminB1 can cause nerve damage — y; q ,n
A. Thiamine pyrophosphate also called TPP, participate in transamination
and decarboxylation
B. Deficiency of VitaminB1 leads to pernicious anemia

07. Which is the coenzyme of Vitamin B2 riboflavin?

A. FAD and FMN
D. Acetyl-CoA

10. Enzymes that are capable of catalyzing the reaction of joining two large
molecules require ATP
A. Ligase
B. Lyase
C. Peptidase
D. Isomerase

11. Liberation of superoxide anion by inflammation cells?

A. Respiratory burst
B. Respiratory chain
C. Peroxidation
D. Racermerization

12. Protein oxidation products are

A. dityrosine cross linking bridges
B. Alkyl radicles
C. Lipid peroxidation
D. O-guanosine

13. What is the product of the one electron removal of oxygen?

A. Water molecule
B. Hydroxyl radical
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. Superoxide anion - 2”
14. Hydroxyapatite represents structure of ions
A. Calcium, phosphate
B. Calcium, Bicarbonate
C. Magnesium, carbonate
D. Fluorine, potassium, oxalate

15. Michaelis constant is unit for Km, meaning:

A. Lower the Km the higher the affinity

16. The chart below shows an enzyme reaction with and without an inhibitor. What kind
of inhibitor is this?
Rate of Reaction

Vm ax = Vm Without inhibitor

Vm ax - - Vm

’/• Vmax
’/ Vmax

'/. Vm a x

Km=Km Km Km
Concentration of Substrate
(It looks more like the red line.)
A. Irreversible inhibitor
B. Reversible competitive
C. Reversible non competitive
D. Reversible uncompetitive

17. what are the oxo-LDL receptors

A. E1
B. Scavenger receptor

18. Oxidation of lipids and protein products?

A. oxo-LDL, MDA, reduced GSH, hydroxyl radical
B. lipid peroxide, MDA, Di-nitrotyrosine

19. What is the product of the Fenton reaction?

A. hydroxyl radical yycr y _y y, y.
B. hydrogen peroxide
A. superoxide anion
B. alkyl radical
20. the pool of active GSH is regenerated by
A. GSH peroxidase
B. GSH reductase
C. GSSG peroxidase
D. GSSG reductase

21. hydroxyproline is found in

A. collagen
27. Categories of lipoprotein based on?
A. Mass
B. Velocity
C. Density
D. Volume

28. Which lipoprotein remove surplus cholesterol from peripheral tissue and transport to
the liver for excretion
B. Chylomicron
D. non of the above

29. Which lipoprotein transport dietary fats and dietary cholesterol from intestines
B. Chylomicron

30. LDL is the main transportation of in blood

A. cholesterol
B. amino acid
C. lipoprotein
D. carbohydrates

31. what has the most density

A. apolipoprotein
B. free cholesterol
C. phospholipid
D. triacylglycerol

MC03. Which protein describes the elongated molecules with well defined secondary
A. AlphaKeratin
A. Collagen
B. Albumin
C. Myoglobulin ^

MC04. Which protein represents an elongated molecule with a well-defined secondary

A. albumin
B. alpha-keratin
C. myoglobin
D. collagen
MC05. Amino acids that are not incorporated with polypeptides sometimes will become?
A. Neurotransmitter
B. Antineurotic
C. Propyl donor
D. Coenzyme

MC06. Which of the following compounds belong to Zn containing compounds

A. Carbonic anhydrase
C. ceruloplasmin
D. Transferritin

MC07. Choose correct sentences about peptide bond

A. Nitrogen is protonated hence positively charged
B. Rotation around alpha carbon can occur but is restricted by steric interactions
from neighboring carbons
C. Pi bond on three C-O-N atoms is responsible for planarity
D. fis highly electronegative and reactive

MC08. Which of the following alternations is the primary change for respiratory alkalosis?
A. pH up
B. pH down
C. HCO3- up
D. CO2 down

MC09. How to determine the primary structure of protein?

A. Sanger sequencing
B. Edman Reagent
C. Modification of amino acid residues in a polypeptide chain by
aminotransferases hydrolysis by using proteases followed by electrophoresis
D. Unfold of the protein by hydrolysis in HCL reduction and chromatographic
separation of short polypeptide chain

MC10. Which of the following belongs to Zn containing enzymes?

A. Ceruloplasmin
B. Superoxide dismutase
C. Carbolic anhydrase
D. Cytochrome c oxidase
Medical Chemistry
correct answer
Not completely Sure
wrong answer

1. Which of these proteins are conjugated? (Multiple choice)

cytochrome c

2. What is false about HDL?

The main lipid is triglycerides, it is produced in the liver and intestines, the main
apoprotein is apolipoprotein A1

3. What is hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate examples of?

glycosaminoglycan (GAG)

4. What is the product of the Fenton reaction?

Hydroxyl radical
superoxide anion
Alkyl radical
Hydroxyl peroxide

5. Which coenzymes are made from vitamin B2 (riboflavin)


6. Which of these antioxidants is non-enzymatic?

Catalase, GPx
Uronic acid, GSH, vit C
SOD, copper, Zn

7. Which of these is right about Km?

Low Km means high affinity between substrate and enzyme.
8. What are secondary structures stabilized with?
Hydrigen bonds,
van der wall interactions …..

9. What is the common secondary structure?

Antiparallel beta sheets, alpha helix, and 3 10 helix

10. What are beta sheets and DNA helix stabilized by?
Hydrogen bonds

11. What is repeated in peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell wall? Multiple choice
glucose NANA
(NAG and NAMA is right)

12. Where can you find Fe2+?

Myoglobin and hemoglobin
Cytochrome & Ubiquinone
CoQ & CoA

13. The compounds of hydroxyapatite?

Calcium and phosphate

14. What is true about ATP?

Main source of energy and stabilized with Mg ion

15. Which of these are anti-oxidants?

Vitamin A,
Vitamin B,
Vitamin C,
Vitamin E
16. How can you characterize lipoproteins? PP

17. Which enzyme joins two molecules with ATP?


18. Which metal ion is present in carbonic anhydrate, alkali phosphatase, lactate
dehydrogenase and carboxypeptidase

19. What does plasma consist of? PP

90% water and 6-8% proteins

20. What is not true about GSH?

abundant in most cells
present in the erythrocytes keeps iron ions in the reduced state (Fe+)
takes part in the oxidation peroxides
conjugates with the bile acids in the liver

21. GSH reaction PP

GSSG+H202 → 2 GSH+HO- + OH-
2 GSH + NADH + H´ —> GSSG+NAD + 2H2
2 GSH+R00H —> GSSG + H20 + ROH
22. What is associated with the Bohr effect?

23. Where is MDA from?

Lipid peroxidation

24. All the following statements about fibrous protein is true except:
a. Elongated rod shape like
b. Water soluble
c. Mechanical strength to tissue and organs
d. Are cross-linked
Practice questions for medical chemistry

1,2,3,4.Structure of: missing 2 and 4

- Platelet activating factor
- Cerebroside
- Ketone bodies - 4 pics
- AA branch of 3 (Glutamate cysteine glycine)- Glutathione

5. Which of the dicarboxylic acids has a double bond ANS-A

- fumaric
- Citric
- Oxeloacetate

6. lon present in alcohol dehydrogenase ANS-D

- Mg
- Cu
- Fe
- Zn

7. What is true about the intracellular/extracellular space? ANS -> A

- same osmolarity, different composition
- Same osmolatiry same composition
- Different osmolarity same composition
- Different osmolarity, different composition

8. Most abundant metal in body ANS-C

- iron
- Mg
- Ca
- Cu

9.Penicillin ANS-B
- disrupts the pentapeptide/glycine bridge
- Disrupts the amide bond between crosslinks
- Does not disrupt bacterial cell wall

10.Arginine and proline at ph given pka ( 9 and 5.6) ANS-D

- .5
- -.5
- -1

11. Pka 5.4 what is the state of weak acid at 7.4 ??? I think ANS D
- 90% protonated
- Almost completely protonated
- Almost completely unprotonated
- 50%
12. Where are copper zinc and manganese (multiple choice) ALL (or metal ions present in SOD, copper
zinc and manganese
- GPx (glutathione)
13. Which are globular proteins? ANS -A and C
- Hemoglobin
- Fibroin
- Albumin
- Collagen

14. Which ones are not part of blood clotting? multiple choice)
- VlT k
- Hemoglobin
- Collagen
- Ca

15. Which of the following is true

- beta alanine and pentatonic acid part of acetyl coA

16. Lineweaver-burk plot km is equal to ANS->C

- x intercept
- Y intercept
- negative reciprocal of x intercept
- Reciprocal of y intercept
- Possibly mentioned that it was negative. Or something like that

17. Metal enzymes

- Catalyze
oxidation reduction

18. Arachidonic ANS-> D (i think)

- precursor to prostaglandins
- Globular protein folded from a single sequence
- Difference between glycoprotein and proteoglycan
- Becomes essential if there is a shortage of a-linolenic acid

19. What are present in GAGs ANS -> A

- d glucoronic l iduronic acid
- Dgluconic l iduronic
- N-glucosamine and
- N- acetylgalactosamine 6 sulfates glucose ( something along those lines)

20. lon for glutathione reaction (pic of gsh-> gssg) ANS -> A
- selenium
- Copper

21. How is copper excreted? ANS- Bile

- phosphate buffer
- Mucosal discharge
- Urine
- Sweat
- Bile

22. Which buffer system present in intracellular and extracellular ANS-> C

- phosphate
- Bicarbonate
- Protein
- ammonia

23. Which of the following is not an action of the vitamin ANS-> B

- vitamin C increases absorption of iron
- Oxalates and phylates do some shit
- Vitamin D increases absorption of magnesium
- Vitamin D decreases absorption of phosphate

24. Which one has the highest lipid concentration and lowest density ANS-> A
- cholymicrons

25. Aspartate transaminase is what reaction ANS-A

- Transfer of amide from aspartate
- Transfer of amide to aspartate
- Some stuff
- Some other stuff

26. Which statement is false about a globular protein that performs it’s biological functions as a single
independent polypeptide chain? ANS-C
-lts tertiary structure is likely stabilized by the interactions of AA side cons in non-neighboring regions
of the polypeptide chain
- Non-covalent forces are the primary source of stability for the secondary and tertiary structures
- lt likely has extensive quaternary structure to maintain it’s globular shape
- lt could contain a- helices that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding

27. Nearly all peptide bonds are in the trans configuration because. ANS- C
- Trans peptide bonds are stronger
- Cis peptide bonds prevent R group from interacting
- Trans peptide bonds minimize steric hindrance of R groups
- Cis peptide bonds are weaker

28. Proline is NOT often found in A- helices of proteins because. ANS-B

- Has a bulky side chain
- Lacks a H atom on its amide Nitrogen
- Has a small uncharged side chain
- lnteracts with adjacent AA

29. Which statement demonstrates that the primary structure of a protein determines its tertiary
structure ANS-C
- Proteins can refold eve when the AA sequence is changed
- Chaotrophic agents cannot denature the native conformation
- Proteins refold when the AA sequence is the same as in the native conformation
- How the disulfide bonds hold it in the correct shape

30. What is the coenzymatic function of tetrahydrofolate (THF) ? ANS -> C

- Transamination
- Retro-alto cleavage
- Transfer of a single carbon
- Racemization

31. The formation of an enzyme substrate complex tends to be thermodynamically unfavorable due to
interactions between substrate and enzyme. not sure if this was a question
- Carbon based
- Non-covalent
- Covalent
- Coordinative

32. Cretinism is the cause of deficiency in what ion ANS -> A

- iodide
- Copper
- lron
- Zinc

33. What does Transferrin carry ANS-> A,B and C

- Cr
- Fe
- Mn
- Cu

34. What does a2mg transport in the blood ? ANS- Mn + Zn

- Mn
- Cu
- Zn
- Fe
structures 1,2,3,4

-Platelet activating factor

2…..the structure is what, and is abundant in what tissue?: ANS -> B

-Ganglioside and..,
-cerebroside and neural tissue,

3.Which one is not ketone bodies (multiple choice): all of these are ketone bodies

4.AA branch of 3 (Glutamate cysteine glycine)- Glutathione??

35. Which of the following amino acids are polar and neutral? ANS -> A
-Glutamine, cysteine, threonine
-Arg, Lys, His ??? not sure they were there

36. lf a compound (or something idk) bonds covalently to active site - ANS -> D
-Competitive inhibition
-Non-competitive inhibition
-Uncompetitive inhibition
-lrreversible inhibition

37. Ribopyranose has number of carbons & ribofuranose has number of carbons. ANS -> C

38. Tay-sachs disease caused by? ANS ->A


39. What is false about metal-activated enzymes? ANS -> B

-They are approximately located to the active site (not sure)
-They are tightly bound

40. High concentration of ketone bodies when? (multiple choice) ANS -> A and B

41. Which of these amino acids are necessary to acquire via diet? (essential AAs)
-Met, lle and Leu

42. Correct statement about enzyme inhibition? ANS -> A

-Competitive inhibition does not affect Vmax (only Km)

43. Case with panic attack and hyperventilation + some values. What state describes the acid-base
balance of the patient? ANS -> A
-Respiratory alkalosis (bc she blows out all the CO2, and the blood becomes alkaline)

44. What is the compensation mechanism when CO2 levels are decreased (or it was the opposite)? ANS -
-Decreased reabsorption of HCO3- in the kidneys (the blood is alkaline, so the kidneys will excrete more

45. What is true regarding lipid transfer cells? ANS-> A

-VLDL transports endogenous TAGs

46. Something with HDL?

Apo C1 activates ACAT, wrong

47. Correct statements about plasma transport proteins (multiple choice):

-important to carry metal ions
-highly specific
-always simple proteins.
-+ 2 more, and dont know what is correct

48. Why are glycolipids the most versatile?:

-l chose because they contain same disaccharides (i think) in many different orders

49. What are the components of lung surfactant? ANS -> A

-DPPC, cholesterol and proteins
+ 3 other options

50. Something about semi essential AAs and their synthesis

51. Protein folding by what interaction?

interactions etc
-i choose h-bonds + hydrophobic interaction
-disulfide brides + something else
-peptide bonds + something else

52. Something about calcitonin

53. Buffer solution consists of (not sure Q)?

54. Precursor of Tyrosine

55. Bicarbonate buffer active in RBC presentation

56. Something about affinity of O2 and CO2 to hemoglobin

57. pH of blood is controlled by the ratio of? l think CO2

58. Fatty acid that 18 Carbon atoms and 2 doubble bonds

-linoleic acid

59. Which one of these has an amide bond present?

- + 2 others
tnåÿ”ńavø me á¢aï bvxl Br$e;a/no¢xu oi wate
O- test time limit: 00:42: 00 (ending at 11 :12 AMP00:17:M

Answere¢i! \8 z s0

Question 19

wa‹er, mucus. s‹art: h ar›d sodl u m cnioriae

water, mucus. starch and soolum oicarbonata

Nextquesnon 1 w %nlshlesi

Question 18

Polymers produced by polymartzatJon of dlamlnea and dlcarboxyllc aolde balong to rlla group of:

ROI F8tPâf185

Question 17
Which of the followlng 8tatamenta la TRUEt

Th9‹r»oplaStl C polyme S are IIn ear OF braK hed

ibe+mof›iasti c poiymem tion v nen treated a no can oe resnope‹f

Ttiermosetling polymers are nignly cross- iinked

Ne x1 q esiion 7 sr' Finlsn lest

Æswere¢l! 1l2 / 50

Question 16



• '+' -9°ù”•‘J’ **t=»i“* (pi‘,'‹j„*;;

MsweM! lp /50

Question 15
The maln Inorgenlc end aouctural coîTî{¥ODBf¥t Of ÖOPfB8, d8Dtal CÎBBM6 :Snd
enamei Ie:


Nex\ quesllon 3
Question 14
The y•IIroIenIc acid may ba pra nted

G 20:4 . 6 5,6, 11.14

G lB!2: A9,l2

•””” G 18:3 . 6 9,12.15

Answ8‹eo! t/50

Question 13

Next qMe8liori 3 w• F›nish test

2021.02.04 Chemistry of Dentistry DDS 1 rok

@ Test tin›e iimn: 00:42:00 (ending at 11:12 AM) 00:29:50

Question Jo
Weerg *E gwvpo‹$m oon‹éa aws |ln*he owns co*W*pucmt‹in •• e+

c›s oeqtide bonds prevent R grouos from interscling

imns peptloe oonds minimize R groups

cspepnos bondsere*eaka
un¥nnwnlpdle0meMdmlihe mtdumofphoepholpeeeeAl,AS,C:*n0D.Slncenog#aoIIe onnedz1erth*Deztment,Ohefpbh mostH¥My

An0wef0cl! i / TO

Question 2

Which of thesa IIplda la NOT claaaifled aa glycarophoaphollplda7

-. Spnirigomyailn - n€trn^aI


Ney1 q«esiion 7 a fin

Question 5
pyrldoxal phosphate In anzyme catalysed raacdon7

Hydrophobic bond between nn am‹‹ a acia and coenzyme

Lea is acid be1ween an amino acia and coenzyme

Lewis base between an amino acia and coenzyme

Next question 3' •• Fin sh (est

Question 1
what la the coenzymatlc function of tetrahydrofo ata7

Transler of slzigle carbon unlls


w Submft an saw Next quesllon 3•

Question 21
Proteins hava what cha^qe on their carboxyl terminals at plzystologlcal pHt

Not enough intomatx›n to determine

@ Negative -



Next question 3' I Finish i

Question 8
Which coenzyme is a derivative of vitamin B1 :

@ FAD - @/

@ Coenzyme A (CoA) “ -

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'46:11

Answered: 2 / 50

Question 3
Which of the following statements is TRUEt

@ Cellulose monomers are linked together through a 1—+6 glycosidic bonds by condensation.

Homoglycans are polymers conta ning more than one type of monosaccharide residue. - f\o k¢}H *

Glycogen can be hydrolyzed by lipase, yielding galactose ano lactose as products.

@ Starch and glycogen are polymers of a D glucopyranose, and are known as storage polysaccharides.

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" Apper skolemaJ

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

O Test time limit: 00-4B:OD (ending at 5:4B PM) 00:44!37

Answered: 4 / 50

Question 5
The protein core of proteoglycan is rich in

Serene and methionine

Alanine and serine

Threonine and methionine

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'41:03

Answered: 11 / 50

Question 12

What pH value is associated with the onset of respiratory alkalosis?

Q 7,2

L• 7% - $# vw/c * *•a%9S


••• Submit answer Next question › I Finish test

Ouestion 13

The name of a C18 acid with three alkene groups and la-6 is

_! linoleic acid \§' Id-*

oleic acid l§'1 tg -b

palmitoleic acid )l IO “*

Oe y-linolenic acid }g:5 L¢“

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'33:37

Answered: 19 / 50

Question 20
The type of bonding that maintains the secondary structure in a protein is the

@ disulfide bonds that hold two polypeptide chains together.

/e hydrogen bonds between the carbonyl and amino groups of the backbone.

covalent bond between the caroonyl and amino groups of the amino acids.

@ hydrogen bonds between two amino acids.

Next question › I Finish test

Question 19
Keratin, the protein of hair and skin, has extensive sections with which secondary structure?

random coil


Oe beta-pleated sheet

Next question › •• Finish test

Question 23

The maximum number of substrate molecules that one enzyme molecule can act on in a given unit of time is the

C' reduction factor.

/' equilibrium constant.

turnover number.

/? rate constant.

•’ Submit answer Next question 7 v Finish test

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'30:27

Answered: 26 / 50

Question 27

a-ketoacids are produced as a result of a transamination reaction with acting as the donor molecule.




@ ornithine

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Question 26

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase catalyses the

f/ oxidation of carbonyls.

reduction of alcohols.

oxidation of alcohols.

hydrolysis of esters

Next question §' •v^ Finish test

Question 28

Which of the following is the typical shape of a plot showing the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction as a function of the pl-I?
fysikkinfo visus @ gross anatomy co... kalender skole fysikk lab fysikk ovdrsikt netters e

2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'27:53

Answered: 29 / 50

Question 30

All of the following statements concerning vitamins are true except

@ vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble.

it is difficult to overdose on water-soluble vitamins oecause excess amounts can be excreted in the urine.

it is possible to overdose on fat-soluole vitamins because they accumulate in fatty tissues.

Qa fat-soluble vitamins have a high proportion of polar carbonyl and hydroxyl groups.

Next question › I Finish test

Question 31
A deficiency in in which of the following has been shown to cause goiter?
“T’ ‘

/) selenium

L/ magnesium

Next question ¥ •• Finish test

When a molecule other than the correct substrate interacts with snme part nf an en>ymo to alter the shape of the active site, the process is called

1@ izeversible inhibition.

competitive inhibition.

t? activation.

noncompetitive inhibition. ** ' ****

Next question 7 'u' Finish test

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'24:40

Answered: 32 / 50

Question 33
Which statement concerning coenzymes and redox reactions is incorrect2

@ Oxidation can be considered as loss of hydrogen or gain of oxygen. by L, Q\

/e FAD is the reduced form of FADH2. • •Ai +\i ”

Reauction can be consioered as gain of hydrogen or loss of oxygen.

@ An oxidation reaction cannot occur unless a reduction reaction also occurs.

••• Submit answer Next question › I Finish test

Question 35
What ig the role of a chylomicront

to synthesize cholesterol and other steroids

' to store excess triacylglycerols until they are needed

to move triacylglycerol across the cell membrane

'/ to transport triacylglycerols in the bloodstreams

w Submit answer Next question 7 ••^ Finish test

Question 39

High density lipoproteins contain a greater amount of than do low density lipoproteins.

\? triglycerides

/' cholesterol


@ protein

Next question ¥ ••• Finish test

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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

@ Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00:18:43

Answered: 39 / 50

Question 40

The carbohydrate portion of a glycolipid extends in order to allow the molecule to function as a .

@ into the intracellular fluid; receptor site

@ into the intracellular fluid; transport channel

Qo into the extracellular fluid; receptor site -

*• 5, o i a •^

@ into the extracellular fluid; transport channel

Next question ' • Finish test

Question 44
Carbon dioxide is transported to the lungs in the following

forms: HCO/-.

bonded to Hb.

COC (aq).

Next question 7 •’ Finish test

Question 45
Whore in a protein structure are basic groups located?

at the N-terminal end

e tf c o•P

@ at the C-terminal end

on the Lys, Arg, and His side chains) beOC

* @ none of the above

Next question 3' •P' Finish test
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2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'09:28 @ Less than 10 minutes left in this test

Answered: 45 / 50

Question 46
What type of forces are responsible for maintaining the quaternary structure of a proteint

hydrogen bonds p qp\cut @

hydrophobic interactions - vpn oLt• jg mot\en• wp•1cra s:4•¿

@ dipole-dipole

@ ionic bonas

••• Submit answer Next question › I Finish test

fysikkinfo visus @ gross anatomy co... kalender skole fysikk lab fysikk ovdrsikt netters e

2020.12.14 Medical Chemistry 6yMD 1 rok

Test time limit: 00:48:00 (ending at 5:48 PM) 00'08:41 @ Less than 10 minutes left in this test

Answered: 46 / 50

Question 47
Which of these factors explain how an enzyme works†

@ The orientation of the reactants.

The weakening of bond energies in the reactants.

@ The closeness of the reactants to each other in the active site.

@ none of the above

••• Submit answer Next question › I Finish test

Question 50
Enzymes work as catalyst because

of a proximity effect between substrate and catalytic site.

t of an orientation effect in which the substrates are in the correct arrangement to facilitate catalysis.

of an energy effect in which the activation energy barrier is lowered.

@ none of the above correct.

Next question 7 •’ Finish test

Question 47

Harmful byproducts of biochemical oxidation include

MDA and H2O2

superoxide ions and hydroxyl free radicals.

pond catalase.
beer r••L Hg•g
vitamins A. C, and E.

Question 48

Which of the following statements about free radicals is correct2 y

B vitamins provide protection from their harmful eflects. - ppra. E

@ They can disrupt covalent bonds in biomolecules.

Superoxide catalase is one of the specific enzymes that can provide protection from lheir harmful effects.

Their unpaired electron make them extremely reactive.

Next question 7 Fini

What is pyridoxal phosphate responsible for?

Acts as coenzyme in all transamination reactions, and in some oxylation and deamination
reactions of amino acids.

Vitamin E:
Free radical scavenger, protects lipids in LDL and cell membranes from oxidation, decreases
coronary artery lesions
Question 44
What is 1ha role of cholesterol in animal cells?

Precursor of steroid hormones

Broadens the temperature range of optimum membrane fluidiy.

Aids in the transport of small hydrophobic molecules across the membrane

Blocks the association of the fatty acyl chains of phospholipids at high temperature

Ext question 3' •• Finish test

Question 37
Tryptamine is pro¢luced in the human body from tryptophan in one of the following reaction:


- Dehydratation



Question 30

A phospholipid nith thephosphate ester gtoup bonded to choline wctuld be classified as a


”› cephalin.


› sphingomyelin.
Question 31

Which of the components present in complex lipids is a cyclic structured




Questi on 18

The use of ethanol to combat methanol poisoning in humans is an example of a(n):

”' irreversible inhibitor

noncompetitive inhibitor

competitive inhibitor

Next question 7
Ouestion 19

What is the abbrevlation for the reduced form of nicptinamide admins dinucleotide7





Question 20

Whioh of the following contains the vitamin pantothenia acid. vitamin B6t



Coenz me A


Next question 7 Finish test

Ouestion 21
Which disaccharide is produced by the action of alpha-amylase on starch in the mouth7



@ Maltosa

( Sucrose
Question 26

When a person does excess vomiting the condition the blood develops is called:

respiratory a:kaIosis

respiratory acidosis

@ metabolic alkalosis - r ›sIzr s/

Oue slion 82

A cerla in glficerophosp holioid is made oJ glycerol, two fatty acids, a phosphate a nd ethan olamine. Which c om ponents do carh oxylic ester linkages connect?

the fany acids and phosphate

glycerol and the fatty acids

glycerol end ethanolamine

Meeting now
Next ouestion 3 +' Finish test

4uesflon 33
Cholesterol is implicated as a potential cause of atherosclerosis because it

attracts hydrophobic molecules to form solid deposits.

acts as a precursor to steroid hormones. ^ *”““ *

ma:ntains structure because of its flat ’igid characteristics.

Ques1ion 39

alosteric inlerac:oo

feel ng now

Question 40
Noncompeti'tive inhibition can be overcome by

decreasing thg concentration of products.

increasing the concentration of substrate.

decreasing the concen tration of inhibito r.

Su it ns r Next question 3 • Finish test

QuestiDn 22

Which of the 1oIIowing contains the vitamin niacin, Vitamin B37

@ MAD+


”” ATP

”' Caenzyme A
Question 27

When a diabetic does not have enough glucose in their blood it develops a condition callad:

metabolic alkalosis

@ metabolic aci osis

rcspiratory alkalosis

respiratory acidosis

Question 34

Which ba¢/iIy fluid has the highest concentration of potassium ian?

intracellular fluid

olood plasma

bIDOd scrum

extracellular fluid -c¥1»‹ Q, g i\AW

Question 25

As Ka increases, the strength of the acid and pH

decreases, increases

decreases, decreases


increases, decreases
QueStion 15
Which of the following proteins has a distinctive Y-shape7

¿) Hemoglobin


Question 23

Which one of these polysaccharides contains g•N-acetytgIucosamine units fanning pl1f) bonds7

CJ Amylase

J Chitin


• ' Submit answer Next question 7 w* Finish test

Question 28

The molecule shown can be classified as

‹T steroid.

‹¿ glycerophospholipid.

m eicosanoid.
question 35

t deficiency in which of the following has been found to cause excessive bleeding?

vitamin E

itami n


Ouestion 41

What type of forces are responsible for maintaining the quaternary structure of a protein?

ionic bonds

hydrophobic interactions

hyckogcn Lor’d&


ext question 7 •• Finish test

Ouest ion 16

Some enzymes re9uire certain metal ions, such as Mg2+ or Zn1+, to have full activity. This component is called

a: substrate

G 0!dC tO £

coenz yrrie
Question 36

Excess hydrogen ions are eliminated from the body in the urine as

urea and water. — r»r na•g

CO2 and H2O.

NH4+ and HZPO4-. !

NH3 and HPO42-.


Question 42

Which of the following statements concerning the reduced glutathione (GSH} is FALSE7

Conjugates with bile acids in the liver

I Present in the erythrocytes. keeps iron ans in the reduced state (Fe2+)

Abun danI in nlosl cells

Takes part in the oxidation of peroxides

Next question 7 Finish test

Ouestion 17
Enzym es increase the rates of only certain reactions involving certain substances. This genera I characteristic is called


G specificity



Next question 3 '•• Finish test

WHRi5iion e
Which of the following statements about is FALSE†

0 are componEint of Gram positive cell wall

0 wall teichoic acid are covalently linked to the peptfdoglycan

are poIyrnE›rs of glycerol or ribitol linked by phosphodiester bonds with GlcNAc and 0-AIa side

are component of Gram negative cell wall

Apoprotein B-48 is the major apoprotein for?




Arachidonic acid is the precursor to all compounds EXCEPT?




Alpha-keratin, silk ñbroin, bovine tendon collagen represent:

O abundant stmctural materials «orra•t *

J_ water-soluble connective tissue proteins

@ elongated molecules with we\I-defined secDndary stmctures


@ fibrDus proteins ut•”°/* **'* *

Choose the forces involved in protein folding:

cross-links and random coil formation

*"* hydrogen bonds and N-glycosidic bonds

hydFD hobic interactiDnS and hydrogen bonds

salt bridges and ester linkages

Question 9
The main functions of albumin, the main protein in blood plasma, are:

@ transport of fafly acids, bile acids, steroid hormones, pharmaceuticals. and

@ binding of thyroxin, functions in blood

clotting @ coagulation factor, transport of

vitamin B12
\ binding Df hemoglobin and transport of vitamin A
I"he amino acid that is the precursor to the substance associated with the inflammatory
esponse is

"" cysteine.


Carbon dioxide is transponed to the lungs in all o following forms except

@ H2CO3.

bonded to Hb.


Choose Re group of antioxidants:

*,,3 Heme, LCAT, MDA

Cataiase, GPx, Cu,Zn-SOD


?J AMP, VLDL, albumin

The main source of R‹ûS in a cell



endopiasmic reticuir‹m
'" peroxisomes
The production of great amount of superoxide anion by neutrophiles during infalmmation is
caalyzed by:


” NADPH reductase

NADPH oxidase — h

The process by which an amino group of one amino acid is exchanged with the keio group of
an a-ketoacid is called a



" oxidative deamination.

”” reductive deaillinatioil.
S-adenosylmethione takes paæ In transfer

aceÇl group

@ —CHy group

—NHy group
—SH group
A reducing sugar is one that

Makes you lose weight

Can reduce Cu*' but not Ag'

':”. Contains a b(1 •1 ) link

@ Has a hemiacetal group

What is the coenzymatic function of tetrahydrofolate?


Transfer of single carbon units - >***’**°‘„} f°*°“J °c *

':"” Transamination

" Retro-aldol cleavage

The synthesis of cholesterol ester Is catalyzed by enzyme

Lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase

" Squalene:cholesterol acyltransferase

LysoIecithin:chDIesterol acylPansferase

^ Phosphatidyl transferase
Retinoic acid is produced from of all-trans-retinal.

@ Oxidation



An unknown lipid is Peated w1th a mixture of phospholipases A1, A2, C and D. Since
no glycerol is formed aRer this treatment, the lipid is most likely

@ PhDSQhatidylethanolamine

@ PhDSphatidylcholine


@ Plasmologen
N-linked glycans are attached 1o proteins through N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetyl
galactosamine to the amide side chain of

" Arginine


Which of these processes are KOT a part of cholesterol biosynthesis†

Conversion Df acetate to acetoacetate

g @Conversion Df acetate to mevalonate

@ Cyclization of squalene to cholesterol

C_3 Conversion of mexalonate to squalene

Unsaturated triacylglycerols are usually because

Q liquids; they contain impurities from their natural sources

liquids; the kfnks in their fatty acid chains prevent their fitting tagether closely

solids; Ke similar %geag shape of their fatty acid chaths allows hem to fit together

Q solids; they have relatively long fatty acid chalns

Which of the chemicals listed are associated with blood clotting

except I I collagen.

@ iiemoglobin

I I calcium ion

I I vitamin K.
High concenVations of ketone bodies in the bloodstream may indicate

diabetes mellitus.


a decrease in the pH of the biood.

iEi non of the above

Which sta1ament about eicosanoids is correct7

The parent molecule is arachidic acid. - Pot achi§eic

@ AI of the molecules In this category are unsaturated.

] ”[ Eicosanoids Lnction as ”local hamones,° acting as short-term chemical messengers.

F"_j Linolenic acid is a precursor to aachidonic acld.

w Submß arłs\eer Next question 3' v finish test

Which protein is considered to be a globular protein?

keratln -{i6r•u.»

@ albumin

coi!agen - (ia»O

Which pair of amico acids can have hydrophobic interactions?

I_I arglnineandqlutamic acid

I I aspariC aGid and lysine

@ glycine and valine

leucineand alanine
The role of kidneys in the maintaining of acid-base balance in human body includes

Uric acid eliminaton

H” excretion

NCOs- synthesis and reabsorption

!1 Amino acids deamination - )l$$

Vich of Qe following statament(s) is{are) TRUE7

Decarboxylated deriva2ve of histidine is histamine

Bea-alanlne Is a component of pantothe in hand acetyl-coenzyme A


{ j Hydroxylatian of valine Is critical far the stmcture of collagen

{ j Glutamine is methyl esters of glutamlc acid

Which of the following is(are) hnown as Fe** containing protein(s)



I"I Mioglobin **

Hemoglobin - y *“
Which lipoprotein carries the remnants of the VLDLs from peripheral tissue to the liver for use
in synthesis?



In order to have full activity, some enzymes require certain metal ions, such as Mg2+ or
Zn2+. This component is called:

”" a regs lator.

a substrate.

a cofactor.

”" ” a coenzyme.
Methyl gFDUps are present at carbon number and in the chemical structure
of cholesterol.

8 and 11

11 and 14

9 and 12

•d• Submit answer Next question 3 w Finisn test

An excessive amount of hydrogen ion present in the kidneys could lower the pH causing the
urine to become too acidic. These hydrogen ions are removed by reactlon with either

@ urea; water

NHy; HPO4 "


NH4 ; H3PO4
wuusciui i aa

Chylomicrons are the least dense of all the lipoprotein/lipid combinations because

their lipoproteins nest together easily.

they have a high ratiO Df Cholesterol tD tfiacylglycerols.

there are many carbohydrate grDups included in the external structure.

C they have the highest proportiDn Df less dense lipid molecules.

0 Submi\ answar Next question 3’ V Finish tesl

WhTch oflhe fnllowing statemenœ about Insulin ts INCORRECTŸ

O lt is synDesized as a random œil slngl» chain on rriembrane-bound #bosomas.

<-TN•9 “
The disulfide 6nds fom after the final proteolytic üleavage to yield matura insulin.

@ e laadar saquance is cleaved off after membranetransport.

O In the active fom “€ has two polypeptide chaihs jsined by disulfide bonds.

) Next quesäon 3' ) ) O Flnish test )

An enzyme wørks well”as a catalyst at a pH ofY.2. It la found ØŒ catalytic activity is
slgnihæhtly less at a pH Ø8.4. What cO\žłd IlkeŞ cause the decease in enzyme activity?

The protonatiøn state.of amino acids involved in the catalytic mechanism has not changed.

The protein has changed shape dua to a change in charge. IU

O The protein has besn degraded into its amino acids at pH 8.4.

O Thà protâtn has nõt changed shapo due to a change in chaqe.

Naxt quenon 7 | v riniáh te«t

What distinguishes an aldonic acid from an alduronic acid?

Aldonic acids are oxidized forms of linear monosaccharides; alduronic acids are oxidized forms
of cyclic monosaccharides.

The Nvo terms are synonyms and are used interchangeably.

Aldonic acids are derivatives of aldoses, alduronic acids are derivatives of ketoses.

The oxidation of the aldehyde group in an aldonic acid and the oxidation of the highest
numbered carbon in the alduronic acid.

• ' Submit answer Next question › W Finish test

The mDIecuIe shDwn can be classified as a


0’ Wa


› triacyfglycerol.

r- glycolipid

Which of the following carbons in the molecule shown is a chiral carbon?

iH O C'H '?H

i**i 1

Which of the following is the structure for the amino acid with the abbreviation of Asn?


‘H3N CH - 0


*H3N CH —G 0


’H3N OH-C 0
A possible diasteroisomer of this carbohydrate is

CHO Supp


An enzyme is irreversibly inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP). What does this
show? ty

The enzyme has been denatured by DFP.

¢ DFP is an analog of the enzyme's substrate.

Serine is likely an important residue in the active site.

IQ DFP is an allosteric modulator of the enzyme.

Which of the following statements about inhibitors of enzyme-catafyzed reactions is TRUE?

An uncompetitive inhibitor will always bind at the active site.

A competitive inhibitor binds irreversibly to the enzyme at the active site.

A competitive inhibitor does not affect Vmax.

An uncompetitive inhibitor typically affects Km but not kcat.

Submit answer Next question › V Finish test

9:12 Õ


Which statement(s) is NOT true

about a peptide bond?

Rotation is restricted about

me peptide bond.

The peptide bond has

partial double bond

Which statement(s) is NOT true

about a peptide bond?

Rotation is iestricted about the

peptide bond.

The peptide bond has partial

doubl e-bond character.
9’12 O

G chemm
Which statement(s) is NOT true
about a peptide bond?

Rotation is restricted about

the peptide oond.

The peplide bond has partlal

doubl e bond character.

Which of the following amino

acid residues are often involved
in proton transfers in enzyme-
catalyzed reactions?

histidine, serine, and cysteine

aspart ate, glutamate

serine, arginine

Which of these compound is

NOT a part of ketone bodies?
9’12 O

Question 4
All statements concerning
platelet-activating factor (PAF)
are correct


contains sphingosine

is a major mediator of
hypersensitivity, acute
inflammatory reaclions

is an elner-
containing pho

cents n'. a r ‹“*I ,’ residue

Which of the following

statements on acid-base balance
in the human body is TRUE?

Hemoglobin binds HP042- for

transport of them to the

Production of carbonic acid is

cataly zed by catalase which is
located in the extracellular fluid.

(answer for this guys fast)

Which of the following is(are)

D b con

6 chemm
contains a methyl residue

Which of the following

statements on acid-base balance
in the human body is TRUE?

In acidosis the value a’' ' ‘ood pH

decreases be!cw 7.2.

Hemoglobin binds HPO42- for

transport of them to the kidney.

The bL"’er capacity of b'-

ad depends on equilibira
between gaseou s C02 ,
aqueous C02, carbo•‘c acid
and bicarbor•'te.

Production of carbonic acid

is catalyzed by catalase which
is located in the extracellular

(answer for this guys fast)

Which of the following

is(are) considered to be the
smallest carbohydrate?





What is the role of cholesterol In

animal cells?
9’12 O

I- chemm x

All statements concerning

platelet-activating factor (PAF}
are correct

is an ether-containing

is a major mediator
of hypersensitivity,
acute inflammatory

contains sphingosine

question 4
All statements concerning
platelet-activating factor (PAF)
are correct


contains sphingosine

is a major mediator
of hypersensitivity,
acute inflammatory

is an ether-

Oak ..”.Ie L Ti. f.... ” •

Which of the following

statements on acid-base balance
âw 4Nw k.yew NW.. Tw -PDF âcW
I- chemm x
Which of the antioxidant
enzymes catalyses the following

Glutathion peroxidase

Methionine sulphoxide

Superoxide dismutase

What is the key to versatility

of pyridoxal phosphate in
enzyme catalyzed

Lewis base between amlno acid

and coenzyme

Hydrophobic bond between

amino acld and coenzyme

Schlff base baMeen amln0

add and ooenzyme

Lewis acid between amino acid

and coenzyme

Increased accumulation of
due to folic
deficiency leads to many
cardiovascular disorder.


D b con

histidine, arginine, and lysine

Which of these compound is

NOT a part of ketone bodies?




Which of these
compound is NOT a
part of ketone bodies?




All statements concerning

platelet-activating factor (PAF)
are correct
contains a methyl residue

is an ether-containing
I- chemm x
The families of lipoproteins are
classified, based on their




An unknown lipid is treated

with a mixture of
phospholipases A1, A2, C and
D. Since no glycerol is formed
after this treatment, the lipid is
most likely





The synthesis of
cholastarol ester 1s
catalysed by enzyme



Phosphatidyl transferase
I- chemm x
6.5 to 7.5

The imidazolium ion has a pKa -

7.0. lmidazolium buffers can
be prepared for pH values of

6.5 to 7.5

6.5 to 7.5

6. OtoB0

6.1 to7.1

What enzyme facilitates the

bicarbonate reaction in the

Bicarbonate oxidase

Carbonic hydrase

Cafbonfc anhydrase

Carboxylate reductase

Increased accumulation of
due to folic deficiency
leads to many cardiovascular

' ’— a str\ .e



question 21

Irreversible enzyme
inhibitors bind _ IO
the enzyme.





Constituent of some
oxidases (for example
cytochrom c oxidase) and
superoxide dismutase, in
blood plasma bound to
ceruloplasmin is:



The synthesis of cholesterol

ester is catalyzed by enzyme


acyi transfei ase

Pho sphatidyl transferase

acyltrans ferase

Which of these lipids is NOT a

class of glycerophospholipids?



Phosphatidyl serine

Retinoic acid is produced from

_ _ of all-trans-retinal.



Carboxyl ation
I- chemm x
Increased accumulation of
due to folic
deficienay leads to many
cardiovascular disorder.




What Ts the pH of a 0.1 M

phosphate buffer (pKa = 6.86)
that contains equal amounts
of acid and conjugate base?





he imidazollum ion has a pKa =

7.0. Imidazolium buffers can be
prepared for pH values of

6.1 to 7.1

6.5 to 7.5
6 chemm

The cofactor NAD+ is _ _.

A reductant

An oxidant

Able to accept Z electrons and

2 protons

Oxidized to NADH/H+ in
dehydrogenase reactions

Which of the following

statements applies to

Amino acid residues in the

enzyme are never covalently
linked to the metal ion.

Some metal ions assist in

ATP binding.

The me1aI does not bind at

the catalytic site.

Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is an
alcohol found in beverages. It is
oxidized in the body to
acetaldehyde by the enzyme
alcohol dehydrogenase.
Methanol (CHZDH), also
known as wood alcohol, is
converted to formaldehyde by
the same enxyme.
Acetaldehyde is toxic, but
formaldehyde is far more toxic
to humans, which is why the
ingestion of relatively small
6 chemm
Super secondary structures
that contain recognizable
combinations of a-helices, §-
strands and loops (e.g. the
Greek Key) are called

Homologous regions



Which statement demonstrates

that the primary structure of
a protein determines its
tertiary structure?

Proteins can refold even

when the amino acid
sequence is changed.

Chaotropic agents cannot

denature the nat1ve

How the disulfide bonds

hold it in the correct shape.

Which of the following

statements is FALSE7

Hemoglobin is a tetramer,
each of which binds a heme
9’12 O

6 chemm

What is the role of cholesterol in

animal cells?

Broadens the temperature range

of optimum membrane

Aids in the transport of small

hydrophobic molecules across
the membrane

Blocks the association of the

fatty acyl chains of
phospholipids at high

Precursor of steroid hormones

Which of the following

statements concerning the
reduced glutathione (GSH) is

Abundant in most cells

Present in the erythrocytes,

keeps iron ions in the reduced
state (Fe2+)

Tc!:es part in the oxidation of


Conjugates with bile acids in the


Which of the following is(are)

considered to be the smailest

+4 H 0 H •4 0 H H 0 H H 0 •4 Hi 0

ft. R, R

H H 0 H H 0 H H 0 H H 0

Super secondary structures that

contain recognizable
combinations of a-helices, §-
strands and loops (e.g. the
Greek Key) are called

Homologous regions Fo|

6 chemm

Constituent of some
oxidases (for example
cytochrom c oxidase) and
superoxide dismutase,
in blood plasma bound
to ceruloplasmin is:



ATP has a high phosphoryl group

transfer potential because

It exhibits
stabilization prior to

Cleavage of -Other of s .vo bonds
proceeds with a large
ne‹ it\ve Go‘ of I ,drolys”

It has a high rate of

spontaneous hydrolysis at
physiological pH and

It is chemically unstable

What is the coenzymatic

function of
6 chemm


Which of the following

is(are) considered to be the
smallest carbohydrate?





Which of the elements below are

constituent of antioxidant
enzyme SOD?




Which statement is FALSE

about a globular protein that
performs its biological function
as a single independent
polypeptide chain?

I« terti ' y structure is likely

s. abili •d .. y t e
in.uractio..s of amino acid
side chains in r.on
neighboring regions of *be
polyp-pt be - ha)r

Non covalent forces are the


Retinoic acid is produced from

of all-trans-retinal.




Which of these lipid soluble

vitamins acts as an antioxidant?

Cholecal ciferol

”'r: ‘JC

Phyl loquinone

Hydroxyl radicals are usualJy

produced while:

Lipid peroxidation

DNA oxidative damage

Protein deamination and


Whirh nf the antinvirJnnt

1) All statement about noncompetitive inhibitors are false
EXCEPT: Increase in the Ky in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
Decrease the maximal velocity (Vmax) of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
Increase the maximal velocity (Vmax) of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction
Decrease the K» in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction

1) All statements concerning enzymes are true, EXCEPT:

a. enzymes are biological catalysts
b. the formation of enzyme-substrate complex decreases the activation of energy
c. enzymes change the equilibrium constant of reaction
d. enzymes are not consumed during the reaction

2) The Michaekis constant (Km) characterizes:

a. an affinity of an enzyme to a substrate
b. the maximal velocity
c. aconcentration of an inhibitor
d. none of the above

3) Cofactor:
a. has a tertiary structure that recognizes the substrate
b. has a structure that fits the active site of an enzyme
c. the combination of an enzyme with a substrate
d. anonprotein metal ion or an organic molecule

4) Match each of the following vitamins with their deficiency symptoms

or conditions:

1. cobalamin b
2. Vitamin C c
3. Vitamin K a

a. bleeding
b. anemia
c. scurvy
d. pellagra

5) Which of the following lipids do not contain phosphate group?

a. lecithin
b. sphingomyelin
c. cephalin
d. glikolipid

6) Membranes do not contain:

a. cholesterol
b. triacylglycerols
c. sphingolipids
d. phospholipids

7) the w-3 fatty acid 1s:

a. linoleic acid
b. oleic acid
c. linolenic acid
d. arachnoid acid
8) The major class of lipoproteins 1n reverse cholesterol transport 1s:
b. HDL
c. LDL
d. Chylomicrons

9) All the following are antioxidant enzymes EXCEPT:

a. catalase
b. glutathione peroxidase
c. cyelooxygenase
d. superoxide dismutase

10) Match:
a. chylomicrons
c. HDL
d. LDL

1. Bad-cholesterol is associated with this lipoprotein. D

2. transport dietary lipids from the intestine via lymphatic system A
3. transport cholesterol from the extrahepatic tissues to the liver C
11) Which of the following statements are True?
a. all amino acids are insoluble at acidic pH
b. amino acids founding proteins are D-isomers
c. all amino acids found in proteins have two asymmetric a-carbon atams
d. a-amino acids are distinguished from each other based on the nature side chain

12) All the following statements are correct, EXCEPT:

a. primary structure of proteins is represented by linear sequence of amino acid
and the location of disulfide bridges.
b. Amino acids which are apart in the primary sequence can never be
brought together to form functional domains
c. Quaternary structure represents subunit.subunit interactions of an oligomer
d. Secondary structure of proteins is represented ba formation of regular
structured such as a-helices and }-pleased sheets

13) The major estrogens are:

a. estradiol and progesterone
b. cortisol and coticosterone
c. corticosterone and alsosterone
d. testosterone and alsosterone

14) Cholic acid and chenocholic acid may be conjugated with:

a. glucose and galactose
b. choline and ethanolamine
c. glycine and taurine
d. serine and tryptophan

15) Bile acids are synthesized in the liver form:

a. steroid hormones
b. fatty acids
c. vitamin D
d. cholesterol

16) When the pH value of albumin solution equals the value of the albumin
isoelectic point, then:
a. the solubility of alubium is unlimited
b. alubium becomes unsoluble and precipitates from the solution
c. albumin migrates in the electric field during the electrophoresis
d. the buffer caoacity of albumin is the highest one
1) The major class of lipoproteins in reverse cholesterol transport is:
D. Chylomicrons


1) The Following statement -

Linear sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain and the location of
disulfide bridges
A. Primary structure of proteins
B. Tertiary structure of proteins
C. Three dimensional arrangement of atoms in the backbone of the
polypeptide chain
D. Forces that stabilize the secondary structure of proteins
2) Which of the following statements about the Schiffs base formation is TRUE?
A. The product of esterification of an organic acid and an aliphatic alcohol
B. The product of the reaction between an inorganic acid and primary amine
C. The product of hydrolysis of the peptides in solution of pH higher than 7
D. The product of the reaction of an aldehyde and a primary amine

3) One of the common polymers produced by step-reaction polymerization

(polycondensation) from hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid belongs to the group
A. Polyesters
B. Polyamides
C. Polyurethanes
D. Phenol-formaldehyde polymers

4) How many high energetic bonds contain ATP?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

5) Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Bile salts emulsify fats 1n the intestine
B. The hydrophobic surface of the bile salt molecule associates
with triacylglycerols
C. Aggregates of bile salts and neutral fats form a micelle, with the polar surface of the bile
salt facing outward
Bile salts are produced from cholesterol by ultraviolet photolysis
1) Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Conjugation of bile acids with taurine or glycine in the liver:

A. decreases solubility of them in the intestinal lumen

B. lowers the pK of the bile acids
C. makes them more ionized in the intestinal lumen than are
the unconjugated bile acids
D. makes them better detergents

2) Name the enzyme classes that catalyze the following reactions

A. CQsz fixation - ligase
B. Splitting peptide bonds in proteins- lipase
C. Transfer of the phosphoryl group- transfer
Converting glucose to fructose- isomers
The name of a C\8 acid with three alkene groups is
lÿt (1 Point)

15. Which of the following statements about the Schiffs base formations is TRUE?
a) The product of esterification of an organic acid and aliphatic alcohol
b) The product of the reaction between an inorganic acid and primary amine
c) The product of hydrolysis of the peptides in solution of pH higher than 7
d) The product of the reaction of an aldehyde and a primary amine D

oleic acid

The saturated fatty acid is L'.î

(1 Point)

IÏgnoceric acid

linoleric acid

AII the following statements about triacylglyœrols /TAGs/ are true

, (1 Point)

they are de mair storage forme of raKy acids

TAGs are esters or glycerol and rarrv acte

The systematic name of cepha1in is

(1 Point)

The structure snown below is known as: _..
(1 Point)



The sDucure shown below is known as:
(1 Point)

' ,—men,—en,

@ PdLeTe£-a¢tivdLing factor


Mich of the following is hydroxydicarboxylic acid L*.I

(1 Point)


0-glycosidic oond occurs in:

(l Pnint)

@ cerebraside

Which of the following is known as essential fatty acid

(1 Point)


o-linolenit acid The structure shown below is known as:

(1 Point)

O O— O O—P—O O
R'O ’’ O R



@ Cardi pin
A JÆ.day-old ”””"””'°9*""°ê^'^=•ñ ' anrYd%pCebœau!eedn9
concer 9

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1. The amino acid is always in the trans config because:

- Trans peptide bonds minimize steric hindrance of R groups

2. Why Proline does not occur in alpha helicases

- Uncharged
- Interacts with other amino acids
- Lacks amide proton

3) Super secondary structures that contain recognizable structures such as alpha

helix, beta sheets and loops (eg- the Greek symbol):
- Domain
- Motif
- Homologous region
- Folds
4. Which of the following metal ions attaches itself to the enzyme other than
the active site
- Cofactor
- Allosteric site

5. What sentence is FALSE about the globular protein functioning biologically as

an independent polypeptide chain?
- It could contain α-helices that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding.
- It likely has extensive quaternary structure to maintain its globular shape.
- Non-covalent forces are the primary source of stability for the secondary
and tertiary structure.
- Its tertiary structure is likely stabilized by the interactions of amino acid
side chains in non-neighboring regions of the polypeptide chain.

1) The CO2 produced from respiration in aerobic tissues decreases the pH of

RBCs, which in turn the affinity of O2 binding to hemoglobin.
- Increases
- Decreases
- Equalizes
- None of the above

2) Which protein is Y-shaped:

- Antibodies
- Integral Proteins
- Collagens
- Hemoglobin
10. When energy from stored triacylglycerol is needed, they are and
then transport to the bloodstream via .
- hydrolyzed / albumin
- oxidized / albumin
- Oxidized / Chylomicron

12. Why does blood plasma become milky after consumed high-fat meal
B) Chylomicron

13. What is the precursor of the cholesterol that undergo UV photolysis and
produce cholecalciferol?
- Androstenedione
- 7 - Dehydrocholesterol
- Pregnalone
- Calcitriol

14. Which of the following is true about amylopectin:

A. Amylopectin contains a 1-4 glycosidic bonds and b 1-6 glycosidic bonds

B. Amylopectin and glycogen have the same structure but glycogen is more branched
C. Starch and glycogen are the structural components of animal and plant cell walls
Complete hydrolysis of starch yields fructose

- L- galactose
26. Overdosing of vitamin A and D is more likely than overdosing vitamin C
because: Answer: excessive consumption of vitamin A and D can lead to
accumulation in fat tissue, while excessive consumption of vitamin C can be
excreted in urine
27. Proteins that contain more leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine
than asparagine, lysine and arginine (I think arginine) are:
- Hydrophobic
- Hydrophilic
- Polar
- Basic

28. What is the key to versatility of pyridoxal phosphate

- Lewis base b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Lewis acid b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Schiff base b/w amino acid and coenzyme
- Hydrophobic interactions bw amino acid and coenzyme

38. What inorganic molecule is needed for hemoglobin function?

- Fe3+
- Fe2+
- K+
- N2-

39. How many CO2 can hemoglobin bind?

- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
1. Which are globular proteins? (multiple choice)
• Collagen
• Keratin
• Hemoglobin
• I do not remember this option

2. Which of the following chemicals for blood clotting except -

• Vitamin K
• Calcium ion
• Hemoglobin
• Collagen

3. Which of these is least dense and largest lipoprotein -

• High density lipoprotein
• Low density lipoprotein
• Chylomicrons
4. Nearly all peptide bonds are in the trans configuration because
• Cis peptide bonds prevent R groups from interacting
• Trans peptide bonds minimize steric hinderance of R groups
• Trans peptide bonds are stronger
• Cis peptide bonds are weaker

5. Metal related to alcohol hydrogenase and something -

• Zn
• Mg
• Cu
• Mn

6. If a compound (or something idk) bounds covalently to active

site -
• Competitive inhibition
• Non-competitive inhibition
• Uncompetitive inhibition
• Irreversible inhibition
Poznan DDS Taiwan

?Question 1
Which statement(s) is NOT true about a peptide bond?

Rotation is restricted about the peptide bond.

The peptide bond has partial double-bond character.

The peptide bond is longer than the typical carbon-nitrogen bond.

The carbonyl oxygen and the amide hydrogen are most often in a cis
configuration with respect to one another. (This false as well, they are in Trans
?Question 1
Which statement(s) is NOT true about a peptide bond?

Rotation is restricted about the peptide bond.

The peptide bond has partial double-bond character.

The peptide bond is longer than the typical carbon-nitrogen bond.

The carbonyl oxygen and the amide hydrogen are most often in a cis
configuration with respect to one another. (This false as well, they are in Trans

What is the role of cholesterol in animal cells?

Broadens the temperature range of optimum membrane fluidity.

Aids in the transport of small hydrophobic molecules across the membrane

Blocks the association of the fatty acyl chains of phospholipids at high temperature
Precursor of steroid hormones

Which of the following statements concerning the reduced glutathione (GSH) is FALSE?

Abundant in most cells

Present in the erythrocytes, keeps iron ions in the reduced state (Fe2+)

Takes part in the oxidation of peroxides

Conjugates with bile acids in the liver

Which of the elements below are constituent of antioxidant enzyme SOD?





Which statement is FALSE about a globular protein that performs its biological function
as a single independent polypeptide chain?

Its tertiary structure is likely stabilized by the interactions of amino acid side chains
in non-neighboring regions of the polypeptide chain.

Non-covalent forces are the primary source of stability for the secondary and tertiary

It likely has extensive quaternary structure to maintain its globular shape.

It could contain α-helices that are stabilized by hydrogen bonding.


Nearly all peptide bonds are in the trans configuration because .

trans peptide bonds are stronger

cis peptide bonds prevent R groups from interacting

trans peptide bonds minimize steric hindrance of R groups

cis peptide bonds are weaker

Proline is NOT often found in α-helices of proteins because it .

Has a very bulky side chain

Lacks a hydrogen atom on its amide nitrogen

Has a small, uncharged side chain

Interacts with adjacent amino acids

Super secondary structures that contain recognizable combinations of α-
helices, β-strands and loops (e.g. the Greek Key) are called .

Homologous regions



Which statement demonstrates that the primary structure of a protein determines its
tertiary structure?

Proteins can refold even when the amino acid sequence is changed.

Chaotropic agents cannot denature the native conformation.

Proteins refold when the amino acid sequence is the same as in the native

How the disulfide bonds hold it in the correct shape.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Hemoglobin is a tetramer, each of which binds a heme group.

The iron in both hemoglobin and myoglobin has two coordination sites that bind
to oxygen.

Myoglobin is a single polypeptide chain folded about a heme prosthetic group.

In both hemoglobin and myoglobin, iron is chelated by a tetrapyrole ring system.

The formation of an enzyme-substrate complex tends to be thermodynamically

favorable due to interactions between the substrate and enzyme.




The cofactor NAD+ is .

A reductant

An oxidant

Able to accept 2 electrons and 2 protons

Oxidized to NADH/H+ in dehydrogenase reactions

Which of the following statements applies to metalloenzymes?

Amino acid residues in the enzyme are never covalently linked to the metal ion.

Some metal ions assist in ATP binding.

The metal does not bind at the catalytic site.

Many are transferases.

Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is an alcohol found in beverages. It is oxidized in the body to

acetaldehyde by the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Methanol (CH3OH), also known as
wood alcohol, is converted to formaldehyde by the same enzyme. Acetaldehyde is toxic,
but formaldehyde is far more toxic to humans, which is why the ingestion of relatively
small amounts of methanol can cause blindness or death. One treatment for mild
methanol poisoning is the administration of ethanol. Why might a doctor choose this

The doctor has given up on the patient and administers ethanol for sedation.

Ethanol likely irreversibly binds to alcohol dehydrogenase which prevents the formation of

The ethanol is likely an uncompetitive inhibitor and binds to a site other than the active
site of the enzyme.

Ethanol acts as a competitive inhibitor with respect to methanol as a substrate

for the alcohol dehydrogenase and therefore slows the formation of
Question 21

Irreversible enzyme inhibitors bind to the enzyme.





Constituent of some oxidases (for example cytochrom c oxidase) and superoxide

dismutase, in blood plasma bound to ceruloplasmin is:





ATP has a high phosphoryl group transfer potential because

It exhibits resonance stabilization prior to hydrolysis

Cleavage of either of its two phosphoanhydride bonds proceeds with a large

negative Go' of hydrolysis

It has a high rate of spontaneous hydrolysis at physiological pH and temperature

It is chemically unstable
What is the coenzymatic function of tetrahydrofolate?


Retro-aldol cleavage

Transfer of single carbon units


What characteristic of bile salts help in the digestion of fats in a mammalian

digestive system?





The families of lipoproteins are classified, based on their .




The synthesis of cholesterol
ester is catalyzed by enzyme



Phosphatidyl transferase


Retinoic acid is produced from of all-trans-retinal.




Which of these lipid soluble vitamins acts as an antioxidant?





Hydroxyl radicals are usually produced while:

Lipid peroxidation

three-electron reduction of oxygen molecule in mitochondria

DNA oxidative damage

Protein deamination and oxidation

Which of the antioxidant enzymes catalyzes the following reaction:

Glutathion peroxidase

Methionine sulphoxide reductase


Superoxide dismutase
What is the key to versatility of pyridoxal phosphate in enzyme catalyzed reaction?/b>

Lewis base between amino acid and coenzyme

Hydrophobic bond between amino acid and coenzyme

Schiff base between amino acid and coenzyme

Lewis acid between amino acid and coenzyme

What enzyme facilitates the bicarbonate reaction in the erythrocytes?

Bicarbonate oxidase

Carbonic hydrase

Carbonic anhydrase

Carboxylate reductase
Increased accumulation of due to folic deficiency leads to many
cardiovascular disorder.




A 4.Amide bond is present in
D)linolenic acid

1. The antiparallelβ-structure of proteins is?

A The pleated structure
B A randomly coiled structure
C Stabilized by hydrophobic interaction
D. Super-sedondary

1. NAD+ and NADH represent a group of coenzymes that contain:

D Nicotinamide
E Vitamin B6
F Biotin
G Thymine
2. Vitamin K is required for the biosynthesis of:
H Blood clotting factors
I Insulin
J Bile acids
K Vitamin D3
3. Porphyrines are cyclic compounds, form complexes with metal ions and present in:
L Insulin and glutathione
M Vitamins A and E
N Polynucleotides
O Heme and cytocrhomes
1. Which if these protein are conjugated? (Multiple choice)
c cassein

2. What is false about HDL?

The main lipid is triglycerides, it is produced in the liver and intestines, the main
apoprotein is apolipoprotein A1

3. What is hyaluronic acid and chondritin sulphate examples

of? glycosaminoglycan (GAG)

4. What is the product of Fentons reaction?

Hydroxyl radical

5. Which coenzymes are made from vitamin B2

(riboflavin) FAD

6. Which of these antioxidants are non-

enzymatic? Catalase, GPx
Uronic acid, GSH, vit C
SOD, copper, Zn
7. What are beta sheets and DNA helix stabilized
by? Hydrogen bonds

8. What is repeated in peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell wall? Multiple

choice NAGA
(NAG and NAMA is right)

9. Where can you find Fe2+?

Myoglobin and

10. The compounds of

hydroxyapatite? Calcium and
11. Which of these are anti-
oxidants? Vitamin A,
Vitamin E

12. How can you characterize lipoproteins?

PP Density

13. Which enzyme joins two molecules with

ATP? Lyase

14. Which metal ion is present in carbonic anhydrate, alkali phosphatase,

…? Mg right


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