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SUBJECT: j-hope’s false rumors and defamation

To whom it may concern:

I, and many other fans, are really concerned and upset by the "psychological analyzes" on
j-hope that are being carried out on different platforms by "professionals" and being
requested and spread by the fans themselves, which is wrong on so many levels and which
is what bothers and worries us the most.

There are videos saying that j-hope suffers from depression providing material that is totally
altered and taken out of context. Please make this stop. We love j-hope and he doesn't
deserve anything that is happening. We don't want this to get any bigger or for this to get to
him, or even the press. Please take legal action.

Here are some publications about it:

▪"Dr. Adrian Salama" Youtube channel

▪ "Dr. Adrian Salama" defamation videos about j-hope

▪ Some TikTok videos (because there are lots and lots of them):
There are also videos on Facebook and Youtube that you can find easily. Please, make this
whole issue stop once and for all. Thank you in advance.

(Your name)

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