Rro-qnam-B.A Hend) Engeih

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9atu a d Timu 4/3 222, 1i30 Am

Examimatien Rall Ab. 2-1o25s i09 2

Nam a Rro-qnam-B.A Hend)Engeih

Semiutu - 1

Liriau apen Cod 12o31/O

i e u apl-Iadiarm Classdal ditznatt-

Roll ne210255IOO2

i Oucthod ou thu dndian
pot kalidasa. HL ied ithe 5
Cunty the dhustian Ha. Hu
was gmu
thu beit paiu ancd
dHamatiats im Sanskutt
tmahwu,'Abhijanancusakuwmtalam m u
Dutatomdumg pLuce A a t ihu thimu in "hus
wwtimg wlu toLs 'pom pic iki
Sn thu play, kalilasa madu useMahabharnta.
ol mati
and sumbels . Jhu
cw amd t h gmet
a thu two mati hu ualdm ho
play Jho CHAL Mot a maim and
CommOm mstil Ad im Sndiom mythBl0gy
w u oun QPitic c u ond imdiidua
and thad Latu u
doteumimud by tha wu
Ate thu bjounolthawa vivah beturn
Duhgan anol Sakintalo Dushamt lot t
hu kingdern. H had tA2panats himal
Dm hd and hu Du & sepaatiom
wOL imtpmse, Dushamt ga hu his aignt
img t h hu naM impumted m it
told hu te cunt hu ters on thu Hima,
a c h . day ond belse Ah cbmpldu
hu uill And "popl t pth hu uith noyal

Spiral Teacher's Sign *************

Date. * * * * * * " * * * * * * * *

Roll No.- 210255|I D02 h.No.-2

Th Himg plaus a maysy HAlLain thi ploy

Sakwtala waitcd, bute n
waA pugnant md this wowd h

asctic Sttsh Duwwasa come te

C clay , u
the huumithgc , wns Rmsun o his ahU
ttmpe.Sakuntaula was mAtQuiau
aivalL as ahu was ngossd in h t heughis
aeut Dushant. DwwOsd was Rwuous6
simgmsbeoly thau te wlcomw him He
a u Sakiuntola, ÜmmeMAd im theughu.He
CUMARcl Sakuntala A9igMeing hh u at
a t.
ühmfer sh wû
CuMa w thot
will eget h
absut Sakuntala
cam emo absutthu CLuA Shu pell
at t ut t h asctic, Duuwasa Cannbt
tak back thi owue , h Cam omlu madiky
i . So h AayA hat hiwn
s h shous him
amythumg ha h can umwmbe 0i LCOanuz,
then he will mumbeM,
w cam sLL a amlla mstaMcs in Greek
mytholsgy. Hua blundkd etoaMas amd zius
could at
culdAot w d hu wnse out coulcl Mediy
t by gvma him th peut imttnal

Teacher's Sign. **e**

Date. **************e**

Roll No.- 210255Il002 Po No- 3

Kaludasa maku ALA dwty
moy ard callicttonihu play
mCoYnNlt without th uimy con
ALRma a 44mbol apbia un
Dushamt gaut it to Sakuntala
whun sakuntala gouss to C0wd
Dushant, he couldnt xucoqnise hui and
ung hi gavt h wid Lost

ttccowcing to 'Rornila hapax, tw

Himg c a s 0 doubu disappaHaML,
SaRntola diAappiaH aumsically amd
Literolluu. t_highlightt u mpaomc a
mimo in thw pl it bLcomuA a duH
ollucting dotian wmibm md
md tuub kimd powtHA Comu
n h , th pMw kimg amd thu
poue t h e Actic . Ahd i Jatn cam
bo Aun
pRUMul than thu pout
SouRuntolas msth , MLnuRo ducund
pum h e n ond tak hu t h hu

Spral Teacher's Sign ..

Aolno-21025511002 .No-4

Earnyon incluolig Dushamt w s Qmansd

te Seu thi. siuu he Cldnt HCollct
amythumq that haRpenud.
w a s bny at thu tume Dushant saw
thu Aing, hu ould umumben Sakuntala.

A Hahoman uw ws bOUght fe thu king

th mg in H bully a h
usegeta bokiH e momut " he ALA

he ut guuit s hi - treatruut
wth Sakuntala Jh timy hangeu thu CQAR
o p l a y . Thu HUmg 0hd on tha Himg
Culd wtds th cta
hia tuue peweHLl mAtis makr Ha
play msue uuand. h play Comt comtinue
wtaut thim.t js thu tu matiys thad
mok tu play uct

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