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IP Protocol and

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
IP Protocol
❑ At the network layer, TCP/IP model supports the
internetwork (IP) protocol. It is unreliable and connection
less protocol.
❑ IP provides no error checking. IP provides no error control
or flow control. IP uses only error detection mechanism
and discards the corrupted packet.
❑ Datagram is a variable length packet consisting of two
1. Header
2. Data

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
IPV4 header

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
Addressing schemes
❑ An address that identifies the connection of host to its
network is called Internet address or IP address.
❑ An IP address is 32 bit address. Its unique and universal
address. Unique means two devices on Internet can never
have same address at same time.
❑ Universal means that the addressing system must be
accepted by any host that wants to be connected to
the Internet.
❑ Two notations that shows the IP address
❑ 1. Binary notation.
❑ 2. Dotted Decimal notation.
Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic
IP Protocol and Network Applications
Classful Addressing
❑ The address space is divided into five classes: Class A, Class B,
Class C, Class D & Class E.
❑ Addresses in classes A, Band C are used for unicast
communication i.e. one source to one destination. (one
to one communication). Addresses in class D are used for
multicast communication i.e. one source to many
destination. (one to many communication). Addresses in class
E are reserved for future use.
❑ IP addresses in class A, Band C is divided into net id and
host id. Net id: - Network Identification Number. Host id: -
Host Address.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
Classful Addressing

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
Subnet & Masking
❑ IP addressing are designed with Two-level of hierarchy.
[Network Net id → host id]
❑ Sometimes this two level of hierarchy is not suitable to the
organization, so at that point network needs to be divided
into several smaller networks. The further division of a
network into smaller networks called sub networks.
❑ For example University has many departments. The
university has one network address, but its departments
have several sub network addresses.
❑ When we divide a network into several subnets we have
three level of hierarchy. [Network → sub network → Host]
Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic
IP Protocol and Network Applications
Subnet & Masking

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ When a router receive a packet with destination address, it
needs to route the packet. The routing is based on network
address and sub network address.
❑ The router outside the organization (Network) route the
packet based on the network address.
❑ The router inside the organization routes the packet based
on sub network address.
❑ How can a router find the network address or sub
network address? A network administrator knows the
network address and sub network addresses but router does
not. Router uses masking process.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Masking is a process that extracts the address of network
from an IP address.
❑ Masking can be done whether we have sub-netting or not.
If we not have sub-netted the network, masking extracts the
network address from an IP address. If we have sub-netted,
masking extracts the sub-network address from an IP

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ IPv6 Internetwork Protocol Version 6. IPv6 also known as IPng.
(Internetwork Protocol, next generation) In IPv6, format and
length of IP addresses were changed along with the packet
format. IPv6 provide 128 bits addressing.
❑ Features of IPv6 :
1. Large Address Space
2. Better Header Format
3. New Options
4. Allowance for extension
5. Support for Resource Allocation
6. Support for more Security
Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic
IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ To identify an entity, the internet uses an IP address, which
uniquely identifies the connection of a computer to the
❑ But user prefers to use names instead of numeric addresses.
❑ Because of remember numeric addresses are difficult
compare to names.
❑ Therefore we need a system that can map a name to an
address or an address to name. The naming scheme
used in internet is called the DNS (Domain Name System).
❑ In DNS names must be unique because the addresses are
Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic
IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Domain Name:
Each node in a tree has a domain name. A full domain
name is a sequence of labels separated by dots. Full path
names must not exceed 255 characters. Domain names are
always read from the bottom to top. Last label is the label of
the root. The root label is a null string (Empty String). Means
a full domain name always ends in a null label.
❑ Name Server:
Information contained in the domain name system
must be stored.It is very inefficient and not reliable to
have just one computer store such large information.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
E-mail Protocols
❑ Electronic mail, often abbreviated to e-mail, or simply
mail, is a store-and-forward method of writing, sending,
receiving and saving messages over electronic communication
❑ The term fie-mail" applies to the internet e-mail systems
based on simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP), to network
systems based on other protocols and to various mainframe,
minicomputer, or intranet systems allowing users within
one organization to send messages to each other in
support of workgroup collaboration.
❑ E-mail is most popular network services.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail
messages between servers. Most e-mail systems that send
mail over the internet use SMTP to send messages from one
server to another.
❑ The messages can then be retrieved with an e-mail client
using either POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP (Internet
Message Access Protocol). In addition, SMTP is generally used
to send messages from mail client to mail server.
❑ SMTP client and SMTP server has two components
❑ 1. UA - User Agent
❑ 2. MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic
IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Post Office Protocol, a protocol used to retrieve e-mail
❑ Most e-mail applications sometimes called an e-mail
client use the POP protocol, although some can use the
newer IMAP {Internet Message Access Protocol}.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, a specification
for formatting non-ASCII messages so they can be sent over
the internet.
❑ Many e-mail clients now support MIME, which enables
them to send and receive graphics, audio and video files via
the internet mail systems.
❑ In addition, MIME supports messages in character sets other
than ASCII.
❑ MIME was defined in 1992 by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF). A new version, called S/MIME, supports
encrypted messages.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ FTP is a standard mechanism provided by TCP/IP model
for copying a file from one computer to another.
❑ Transferring files from one computer to another is one of
the most common tasks expected from a networking or
internetworking environment.
❑ File Transfer Protocol, the protocol for exchanging files
over the Internet.
❑ FTP works in the same way as HTIP for transferring web
pages from a server to user's browser and SMTP for
transferring electronic mail across the Internet in that,
like these technologies.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

IP Protocol and Network Applications
❑ Communication between client computers and web servers is
done by sending HTTP Requests and receiving HTTP Response.
❑ Communication between clients and servers is done
by requests and responses.
❑ HTTP is said to be a connectionless protocol and is used to
interconnect web pages.

Dept. of Computer Engineering LJ Polytechnic

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