Girl On A Motorcycle

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a i mc OXFORD Js there a motel? Kenny is going across America by bus. One evening in summer, his bus aerives ina litle own in California, want to stop here tonight,’ says Kenny to che bus driver. ‘Ischere a motel, do you know? ‘Yes,'says the bus drive. There's nicemotel acrossthe river, I's noc expensive “Istherea bus to San Francisco tomorrow? asks Kenny ‘Yes Kenny gets off the bus with his bag. says the bus driver, ‘there's a bus every day.” 2 Give me the money! Ina street in Los Angeles, somebody is robbing a security guard outside a supermarket. The robber is sitting on a motorcycle and hasa gun, “Giveme the money! the robber tells the security guard. ‘OK, OK? says the security guard, and gives the robber the money ‘Then the robber rides avay ~ but a camera is taking pictures After the robbery, the supermarket manager phones the police. “Yes,’ he says. ‘A robbery yes, long blond hair, and witha motoreyele...a manor woman? Wedon’tkow yes, we have some pictures... OK! Quickly 3 Room twenty-three Inthelitele town, fifty kilometres away from Los Angeles, Kenny goes into the motel and asks fora room, “Room twenty-three,’ says the man at the desk. He gives Kenny'a key “Thank you,’ says Kenny. And he goes up ta his room, | | Giskona Motorcycle Kenny sits down. ‘My name’s Kenny,’ he says. “Pleased to meet you,’ she says. Pm Mel.” "Where are you froin?’ asks Kenny. ‘San Francisco,” says Mel. ‘Pm going there lacee this ‘morning, Where are you from? ‘Boston,’ says Kenny. ‘Pm going across America by bus. And I'm going to San Francisco later this morning, 100." “Are you?” the girl says. ‘I don't like buses. I like motorcycles, Look, exeuse me, I need to make a phone call” She gets up and leaves the room, 5 Not the police A young man near the door is watching Mel "Why is he watching her? thinks Kenny. ‘Does he know hher face, t00? Is he thinking she’s the gel from the robbery, Kenny goes o sit next tothe young man. Hi ‘Hi,’ says the young man, ‘Tm... Ned.’ 1e says. “My name's Kenny Mui.” Girlona Motoreyele 7] Perhaps I'm wrong “Ie it her thinks Kenny. “I want to know, Perhaps the money from the robbery isin her room.” Kenny goes upstairs Suddenly he sees the git] again, SI is coming ous of room seventeen. Kenny watches her. She locks her door and goes downstairs. “How can I get into her room? he thinks. They begin talking, Kenny tells Ned about the news of the robbery on TV, He looks across ar Mel. ‘Are you girl? heasks Ned Ned looks across at hi thinking that’s the same “1-1 don't know, he says. “Pethapsitis. “Whatcan we do?’ says Kenny.'She'sleavingsoon. Let's phone the police. I think ie’ hee. ‘No! Ned says quickly.‘Not the police. Wait...” Kenny looks carefully at him. ‘What's the matter? Are you. «afraid of something? yeasks. ‘No, but... perhaps she's got a gun!” says Ned. 0 8 J must get away 3 You're the robber! Kenny climbs into room eighteen, There is nobody there something he thinks. Is ie, a wig? eis. I's blond 1," he says to himself mney from therabbery? Girl ona Mos Kenny hears s the room, buche Ned comes into the room, He sees Kenny os Angeles 10 can’t swim! " Can we go slowly, please? Girkona Motorcycle “Now I remember you,’ Kenny says to Mel. ‘You're Mel Palmer, the famous Stunt Girl! I see you on ‘Stunt Girl, USA’, on TV sometimes.” Melsmils.*Yes,that’sme,'shesays. ‘Now, do you want to come to San Francisca on my motorcycle, or do you want to go on the bus?” -’m coming with you!" says Kenny, laughing. ‘Bur ean we go slaty, please? ACTIVITIES Before Reading 1 Look a the picture on thecover ofthe book. Now answer these gue 1 Do you think the story is aC] funny? b U1 sade © C1 exciting? 0 frigheening? 2. Where do you think the story happens? a (1 China b LD America cL Bingland aD tely 2. Read theback cover ofthe book. Now answer these questions 1 Do you think Kenny isa policeman? 2 Does the rob hoot Kenny? 3 Do you think the gt isthe robbee? Glossary bathroom the room where you can bath and wash blond a yllow-whitecolour climb gop of down sing hands and fect famous a famous person is someone who many people know gun a thing that shoots bullets kill people lock (o) use a key in a door ‘manager someone who controls a business ‘motel a building where you can pay to stay in a room and Ihave your meals news a TV or tadio programme that cellsabout the chings that happen news-reader someone who reads the news police the men and worten who catch criminals rob cake something that is nor yours robber someone who takes something that is not theirs search look carefully forsomething. seunt something dangerous and exciting ‘swim move your body through water using your arms and legs ‘wig false hair zor 30

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