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Name of student: Joshua Kim Date: 2/27/2024

Teacher: Mr.Green Block: C

The Capstone Focus I have chosen is Product

My inquiry question is: How might the availability of online math resources impact traditional
methods of learning for students?

Initially I struggled with math during grade 11 and self-studied most of the time. I wondered how
it could’ve been different if I had access to a website that specifically teaches the materials in
the pre-calculus 11 BC curriculum and how it could help other students if I made a website that
does just that. I love helping people in need and helping people learn and teach people with
what I have learned in the past. By doing this capstone project I will be able to do that while
learning new skills like making a website and creating instructional videos.

Background: I took pre-calculus 11 last year and got a 99% on that class. I am confident I will
be able to teach the material effectively through new ways I haven't used before.

Career connections: My career goal is to have a job in the medical field and because it is
science math is related to it and so by teaching it and going through the process of creating
study materials, I will be able to learn how to teach people in many different ways and also
further confirming my understanding of math.

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections: Critical thinking: I need to

develop new concepts and ideas by evaluating them with a realistic perspective. I need the
skills to identify what I could constantly improve on.

Capstone Presentation medium: PPT and Website: I will show the website I have created for
this project and also use a presentation slide to explain the process of the capstone.

Description of my Capstone project: I will research the learning process of our school district
and the Canadian education curriculum in general. How incorporating technology could increase
the quality of learning, how technology should be restricted within the learning process. I will
create some educational videos about how to solve equations and also create a website
dedicated to teaching pre-calculus 11. I will study and review pre-calculus 11 myself to refresh
my memory and study how to create a website. At the end I will have a website full of
information on the pre-calculus 11 course materials and a few instructional videos on each unit
of the course. I will be implementing the videos on the website and ensure that it is easy to
navigate, asking my peers to review my website to make sure that it is easy to navigate and
view the content. For this course I will be incorporating a membership price for access of the
information and put in a section for a one-to-one tutor session with further information. On the
website I will also make the website more interactive like adding quizzes and tests so it’s not
just reading and watching videos. When I ask some of the peers that took pre-calculus 11
before and currently, they say that it is much easier to understand and process the information
when it is in an interactive format. I will also include in my presentation how technology could be
beneficial or harmful during the learning process. At the end of this project, I will have a final
product of a fully functioning website with Pre-calculus 11 materials which includes, videos with
areas students particularly have a hard time with, quizzes, and a membership with premium
content with a one-to-one tutor tab. This capstone project aims to demonstrate a positive impact
and potential for utilizing technology to improve the quality of learning, while also placing a
affordable basic plan to produce money and make it a business.

Resources/ Technology/Skills: I will need to learn how to create websites and do market
research on how much other websites cost to access information like this. I will learn by
accessing YouTube videos and research on the web how to design and create a website

Mentors/Community Connections: I will ask my past math teacher to be my mentor, they

will help me by identifying what students lack and how technologies could be an asset in the
learning process for math. What students struggle most with. I will be asking them individually to
become my mentor for my capstone project.

Project limitations: If I must pay some sort of fee or subscription for the websites I may need
to reconsider the project. It will be hard for me to go around it and create a good website.

Ayon, V., & Dillon, A. (2021). Assistive Technology in Education: Conceptions of a Socio-
technical Design Challenge. The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion,
5(3), 174–184.

Easton, L. B., & Soguero, M. (2011). Challenging Assumptions: Helping Struggling Students
Succeed. The Phi Delta Kappan, 92(5), 27–33.

LaSorsa, P. (2012). Build a Website That Attracts Clients. GPSolo, 29(3), 46–49.

Di Blas, N. (2022). Authentic Learning, Creativity and Collaborative Digital Storytelling: Lessons
from a Large-Scale Case-Study. Educational Technology & Society, 25(2), 80–104.

Ni, A. Y. (2013). Comparing the Effectiveness of Classroom and Online Learning: Teaching
Research Methods. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 19(2), 199–215.

Luisa Zhou. (2024, April 18). Teachable Tutorial: How to Create a Course with Teachable

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