King of The Hill Beginner Update2

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King of the Hill

Figure 1: King of the Hill user interface.

King of the Hill is a new Alliance event. In this event, three Alliances will face off to see who is the
King of the Hill.

Basic Rules:

1. During the Registration Stage, an R4 or the R5 must confirm the registration for the whole
Alliance. Failure to do so will be considered as not participating in the event. The Alliance
Leader or R4 members may select up to 30 participants and 10 reservists. The event starts
every other Sunday.
2. Each Chief enters the event with three Marches, based on their game progress.
3. Legions from three factions engage in intense battles on a brand new map.
4. The event is divided into three stages:
a. Stage 1: Capture Territory (20 minutes).
b. Stage 2: Occupy Key Cities (20 minutes).
c. Stage 3: Occupy Central Cities (20 minutes).
At the end of a match, the faction with the most points wins.
5. Alliances now participate in Legions and a separate roster can now be created for Legion 2.
6. Participation Rewards are distributed on a Legion basis, and Alliance Rewards are given based
on the performance of Legion 1 and Legion 2, respectively.
7. You cannot leave your Alliance during the event.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill
Starts In:

During registration, R4 members and above are prompted to select four of the following five time-slots:
1. 03:00 UTC
2. 12:00 UTC
3. 14:00 UTC
4. 16:00 UTC
5. 18:00 UTC

Assign Troops:

Figure 2: Assign troops.

In this event, Troop Power will be decreased to a certain extent.

Note: Each King of the Hill saves your troop formation based on your previous match. This means that all the
updates you have made since your last participation will not be taken into consideration. You should always
update your troops before participating in KOTH. You cannot change your lineups on Sunday. Be sure to
activate Massive March and Emergency Dressing as these stack onto the assignment of troops.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 3: Central City.

Central City: Level 5 Territory that provides a large amount of points during the event. Leadership
cannot assign a Ruler here.

Figure 4: Starting Point.

Starting Point: Level 4 Territory and the starting or respawn point of a faction. A Ruler can be assigned

Figure 5: Key Cities.

Key Cities: Level 4 Territory that provides a large amount of points. The occupying faction will receive
extra points when the match ends. A Ruler can be assigned here.

Figure 6: Capital/Advanced Capital.

Capital/Advanced Capital: Level 2/Level 3 Territory that provides a considerable amount of points. A
Ruler can be assigned here.

Figure 7: Fortress/Port.

Fortress/Port: Level 1 Territory that provides a small amount of points.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill
Battle Rules:

1. To move to the target territory, tap on it or directly drag and drop your Marches.
2. Battles only occur within territories and are turn-based. The battle time is fixed, and both
Marches will be moved to the end of the queue after each battle. Battle speed-up items are
available to use.
3. When a territory is being contested, Marches that enter will be placed in the queue and cannot
be moved, but Chiefs can use the Advance or Retreat buttons.
4. The final occupation of the territory goes to the Chief who lands the last hit and defeats the last

Rally Rules:

1. Select a territory to initiate a rally. You may only initiate one rally but join multiple, sending one
March per rally.
2. Unlike regular rallies, Marches only join upon reaching the rally point. If a rally encounters
contested territory en route, it stops to engage in battle. Regular Marches or Marches already
garrisoned in that territory will not join the rally.
3. When a rally reaches its targeted territory, battles ensue in a standard rotation. These battles
are accelerated (except for the first one), lasting only 1 second instead of 10 seconds.
Meanwhile, Marches consume half of the usual amount of Food and move faster.
4. The rally leader can remove members from a rally, while you can withdraw your March at any
time to regain control.
5. A rally only ends when all Marches are defeated. After the battles are over, you can choose a
new rally target.

Figure 8: Initiate a Rally to a building.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill
How to Play:

Figure 9: Buildings.

In Stage 1, you must occupy more neutral territories to gain an advantage. Then fight against enemy
factions to seize enemy territories. Occupying territory will generate points, and the Alliance
with the most points will become the King of the Hill.

Figure 10: Key Cities.

In Stage 2, the Key Cities will be unlocked. These cities are rich with resources and have outstanding
strategic importance, providing extra points during the event. Occupying these cities is the key to
ultimate victory.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 11: Central Cities.

In Stage 3, the Central Cities will be unlocked. These cities will provide tons of extra points for the
occupier during the event. Occupying these cities is of utmost importance in achieving ultimate victory
and may even turn the tide in your favor.

Figure 12: Moving around.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill
Moving, activating, and recruiting troops for your Marches all require Food. Food can be restored
naturally over time or obtained from supply points. Being assigned as a Ruler can also increase
the efficiency of obtaining food. Good Food management will give you an advantage in battle.

Figure 13: Assign a player to a building as ruler to increase the food production.

Note: R5/R4’s can assign Rulers here. You can use the auto-assign button, but it could automatically assign
members who didn’t show up but were registered to play.

Figure 14: Garrisoning troops.

Depending on their types, territories have different difficulties and numbers of garrisoned troops.
Garrisoned troops will not leave their territory. When a territory is not occupied, the garrison will treat
all Chiefs as enemies. Once occupied, the garrison will belong to the occupier and revive after a
certain period of time.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 15: Battle order based on arrival time.

The initial battle order is based on the arrival time of the Marches, with the first to arrive fighting first.
After each battle, the winning March will regroup, and its battle order will be moved to the bottom,
while the losing March will lose all of its troops and respawn at the Starting Point.

Figure 16: Speeding up Marches.

If your March is in battle in a territory, you can use the Speed Up button to shorten the battle time by
consuming Charge Calls. Charge Calls can be obtained by purchasing bundles.

Note: Both sides need at least 5 queued Marches to speed up. You can also use Food to speed up Marches.
March Accelerator 1 costs 3,000 Food and March Accelerator II costs 9,000 Food.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 17: Advance button.

When the number of queued Marches is at least 5, you can launch an attack on neighboring enemy
territory using the Advance button. However, there must be friendly territory around the target. You
can also use the Retreat button to retreat to neighboring friendly territory. By retreating, you will
lose a certain amount of troops at a cost.

Figure 18: Non-battle state.

In a non-battle state, you can use the Recruit button in a designated territory to replenish troops by
consuming Food, or use the Discharge button to let a March lose all its troops and respawn at the
Starting Point.

Note: There will be a button that allows you to assign 3 Marches.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 19: Rally function.

Use the Rally function to gather troops within a territory, with half of the Food consumed and
increased March Speed. Upon a successful rally, the Marches will engage in rotation battles.


1. Alliance Ranking Rewards: At the end of the event, Rewards will be distributed based on the

Figure 20: Alliance Ranking Rewards.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

2. Solo Ranking Rewards: At the end of the event, Rewards will be distributed based on the

Figure 21: Solo Ranking Rewards: Champion (121 weeks and under).

Figure 22: Solo Ranking Rewards: Champion (122 weeks and up).

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 23: Solo Rank Rewards: Runner-Up (121 weeks and under).

Figure 24: Solo Ranking Rewards: Runner-Up (122 weeks and up).

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

Figure 25: Solo Rank Rewards: Third Place (121 weeks and under).

Figure 26: Solo Ranking Rewards: Third Place (122 weeks and up).

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver
King of the Hill

3. Solo Points Rewards: At the end of the event, Rewards will be distributed based on the points

Figure 27: Solo Points Rewards.

Author: The Crimson Joker

Credits: Bruno the Brave, Arabella of Sunsets, The Last Nebula, Broken Hearted, Collector of Clues, Lightning Shiver

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