Deleted 70652 - French Irregular Verbs

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French Irregular Verbs Cheat Sheet

by [deleted] via

Irregular- Core Verbs

Avoir Être Faire Aller

(To have) (To be) ( To do / make) (To go)
J'ai Je suis Je fais Je vais

Tu as Tu es Tu fais Tu vas
Il/Elle a Il/Elle est Il/Elle fait Il/Elle va
Nous avons Nous sommes Nous faisons Nous allons
Vous avez Vous êtes Vous faites Vous allez
Ils/Elles ont ils/Elles sont Ils/Elles font Ils/Elles vont

Irregular- Non-Gr​ouped IR Verbs

Voir Pouvoir Vouloir Savoir

(To see) (To be able to) (To want) (To know)
Je vois Je peux (Puis) Je veux Je sais
Tu vois Tu peux Tu veux Tu sais
Il/Elle voit Il/Elle peut Il/Elle veut Il/Elle sait
Nous voyons Nous pouvons Nous voulons Nous savons
Vous voyez Vous pouvez Vous voulez Vous savez
Ils/Elles voient Ils/Elles peuvent Ils/Elles veulent Ils/Elles savent

Irregular- Non-Gr​ouped Verbs

Dire Falloir
(To say) (To be necessary to)
Je dis Il faut
Tu dis _____
Il/Elle dit _____
Nous disons _____
Vous dites _____

Ils/Elles disent _____

Irregular- Verbs Like Mettre

Admettre to admit
Commettre to commit
Compro​mettre to comprise
Permettre to permit
Promettre to promise

By [deleted] Published 14th November, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 15th November, 2018. Measure your website readability!
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French Irregular Verbs Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via

Irregular- Verbs Like Mettre (cont)

Remettre to turn in work, to postpone

Soumettre to submit
Transm​ettre to transmit

Conjug​ation of Mettre:
Je mets--​---​--Nous mettons
Tu mets--​---​--Vous mettez
Il/Elle met---​---​Ils​/Elles mettent

Irregular- Verbs Like Payer

Aboyer to bark

Balayer to sweep
Effrayer to frighten
S'ennuyer to be bored
Envoyer to send
Essayer to try
Essuyer to wipe
Nettoyer to clean
Renvoyer to send back, to fire

Conjug​ation of Payer-
Je paie-​​-​-​--​-​-​-​-Nous payons
Tu paies-​​-​-​-​-​---​​-Vous payez
Il/Elle paie-​​--​​--​-​Il​​s​/​Elles paient

Irregular- Verbs Like Venir

Abstenir to refrain, to abstain from

Advenir to happen
Appartenir to belong to
Circon​venir to circumvent
Contenir to contain
Convenir to suit, to be suitable
Détenir to detain
Devenir to become
Entretenir to look after, (to support)
Maintenir to maintain
Obtenir to obtain
Parvenir to obtain
Prévenir to warn
Retenir to retain
Soutenir to support

By [deleted] Published 14th November, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 15th November, 2018. Measure your website readability!
70652/ Page 2 of 3.
French Irregular Verbs Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via

Irregular- Verbs Like Venir (cont)

Souvenir to remember
Subvenir to provide for
Survenir to occur, to take place
Tenir to hold, to keep

Conj​u​gation of Tenir:
Je tiens-​-​-​---​-​-​-Nous tenons
Tu tiens-​-​-​--​​---​-Vous tenez
Il/Elle tient-​--​​---​​Il​s​/​Elles tiennent

Irregular- Ending In CER

Bouger to move
Changer to change
Corriger to correct
Décourager to discourage
Déménager to move
Déranger to disturb
Dringer to direct
Encourager to encourage
Engager to bind
Axitger to demand
Juter to judge
Loger to lodge
Mélanger to mix
Nager to swim
Obliger to oblige

Partager to share
Rédiger to write
Voyager to travel

In the case of a verb ending in CER such as manger, when conjug​ating with nous the ending is EONS.

By [deleted] Published 14th November, 2018. Sponsored by Last updated 15th November, 2018. Measure your website readability!
70652/ Page 3 of 3.

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