Gr8 t1 Dss Hser Written Task 2024

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Term 1 – Written Task (Group work - only TWO members per group)
Weighting Weighting Cognitive level Bloom’s taxonomy
(suggested) (Actual)
31% (22 marks) 22 marks Lower Order Level 1&2
40% (28 marks) 28 marks Middle Order Level 3&4
29% (20 marks) 20 marks Higher Order Level 5&6

Due date: 12 February 2024 Date assigned: 29 January 2024

Topics: Development of Self in Society (DSS)

Health, Social and Environmental Responsibility (HSER) Marks: 70

Examiner: Mrs. R. Groenewald Moderator: Mr. A. Groenewald

Learner Information:


LO TEACHER Mrs. R. Groenewald

Possible Mark Moderated

Activity Description
Mark Obtained Mark
Question 1 Self-Concept and Friendships
Question 2 TB, HIV and Covid-19
Social Media in Self-Discovery and
Question 3 25
Relationship Formation
Referencing Harvard Referencing 5

Learner Reflection on task and their performance:


Feedback to the learner (please check feedback inside the task as well)

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 1 Written Task/Term 1


1. This written task is due on 12 February 2024 at 15:00.

 You will need to manage your time effectively to complete this task on time.
 Work in Groups of TWO only.
 Group members must be in the same class.
2. The task should be well-structured, by including the following aspects:
 Use the cover page provided at the front of this task.
 The text of your assignment must be divided into paragraphs/sections as
indicated in the instructions/criteria of the assignment.
 Start each section on a new page.
 The answers to this task must be uploaded on TEAMS (each group member
must upload their answers to this task and sign the plagiarism form).
 Relevant pictures, photos, diagrams, and graphs may be included
(These should include captions underneath and references in your
reference list).
 Include a contents page as well as page numbers.
 The use of proper spelling and grammar will count in your favour.
3. Read through the assignment carefully, paying special attention to mark allocations so
that you know what is expected of you.
4. Include a reference list (bibliography) in the Harvard referencing style. Notes will
be attached to help you.
5. Consult at least five sources (excluding pictures) so that you have a well-rounded
assignment. More sources will influence your mark positively.

6. Please add the percentage that each member contributed to this task at the end
of your work.
e.g. Name & surname: ___________________

Name & surname: ___________________ %

7. Sign your plagiarism declaration on the next page and include this with your answers.

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 2 Written Task/Term 1


Plagiarism (to pass off someone else’s work as your own) is an act of fraud involving stealing someone else’s
hard work and lying about it afterward. Plagiarism is a serious and illegal offense. The following constitutes

 Copying from a friend

 Copy-pasting from a website or other source. All work MUST be in your own words.
 Using a source without crediting (referencing) the source
o Friends and teachers are not considered sources

Plagiarism will not be tolerated at WYNBERG BOYS’ HIGH SCHOOL.

I, _________________________________, hereby acknowledge that I understand the definition of

plagiarism and to the best of my knowledge have not plagiarised any part of this project. I declare that all
work contained in this project is my work and I have acknowledged all sources that I used through the
Harvard Referencing system.

Sign:____________________________ Date:_____________________

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 3 Written Task/Term 1

Question 1: Self-Concept and Friendships
Study the cartoon below featuring Charlie Brown and his friend, Lucy van Pelt, and answer the
questions that follow.

Accessed from: on 18 January 2024

1.1. Self-concept refers to the overall view that a person has about themselves. It is how a
people sees their own abilities, qualities, characteristics, and worth. (1+2)(3)

1.2. Social Environment, Personal Achievements and Media. (3x1)(3)

1.3. Positive self-talk (2x1)(2)

Engaging in positive self-talk

1.4. Setting Boundaries communication involves setting clear and respectful boundaries. "I
Statements" Instead of blaming the bully, the teenager focuses on expressing their own
feelings and needs. This approach helps the teenager communicate their emotions
without provoking defensiveness in the bully. (2x2)(4)

1.5. Listening, Empathy and Express Feelings (2x2)(4)

1.6. Building a Support System: Developing friendships within the community provides you
with a support system. Networking Opportunities: Building relationships within the
community creates networking opportunities. (2x2)(4)

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 4 Written Task/Term 1
Question 2: TB, HIV and Covid-19

Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow.

HIV, TB associated with increased COVID-19 mortality in South African study

HIV and tuberculosis were independently associated with an increased risk for COVID-19
mortality in a South African study that included more than 22,000 patients with the new

COVID-19 death was also associated with increasing age, diabetes, hypertension, chronic
kidney disease and male sex.

Accessed from: on 18 January 2024

2.1. Persistent Cough, Weight Loss and Weakness (1+3)(4)

2.2. Vaccination and Adhering to Preventive Measures

2.3. Describe how poverty can:

a. Make it easier to contract tuberculosis.


2.4. Discuss TWO ways in which caring for someone with tuberculosis could negatively
impact a teenager’s emotional well-being. (2x2)(4)

2.5. Suggest THREE practical strategies teenagers living with HIV could put into
place to manage their health so that they can still experience a fulfilling life.

Question 3: Social Media in Self-Discovery and Relationship Formation

It was 1:30 a.m., and Anna was trying to keep her mind off her ex-boyfriend, with whom she
had ended a painful relationship. It was too late to call the therapist she was seeing to cope
with low self-esteem and homesickness, and too late to stop by a friend’s house. So, she
turned to social media. “I’m having a really hard time right now,” Anna posted on Facebook.
“Is there anyone I can call and talk to until I feel better?”
Almost immediately, three people responded with offers to talk. They were friends she had
met playing Quidditch, a sport based on the Harry Potter fantasy books, and she kept in
touch with them online. Anna talked to two of them until she was able to fall asleep.
The negative effects of social media on young people’s mental health are well-documented
by researchers and the press. Social media can drive envy and depression, enable
cyberbullying, and spread thoughts of suicide. But some academics and therapists are
proposing a counterintuitive view: They have found that social media may also help improve
Grade 8/Life health. These benefits
Orientation/Wynberg have attracted too 5little attention from journalistsWritten
Boys’ High School/2024 and Task/Term
they say. “Yes, social media is contributing to a new era of adolescent [and adult] social
stress, but when we accept that it is here to stay, we can also see it as a new opportunity for
3.1. Define the term ‘problem-solving skills’ and mention TWO problem-solving skills
Anna used to overcome her mental distress.

3.2. Describe THREE ways social media could lead to a lack of self-motivation in

3.3. Discuss THREE ways that teenagers could initiate online relationships safely.

3.4. Recommend TWO ways how parents could help guide their children towards
healthier online relationships.

3.5. Propose ONE way how teenagers can make use of social media in the formation
of their self-concept. (1x2)(2)

3.6. Suggest TWO ways that social media was particularly helpful to teenagers
who were feeling isolated because of the Covid-19 pandemic.


You will be marked for your referencing, so be sure to follow the instructions regarding the
Harvard Referencing Format, attached to this task. You will need to create a reference list
(bibliography) according to the Harvard Referencing Style. All pictures will need to have a
reference in your reference list as well as a caption underneath each picture. Please see the
rubric below for further guidance.

0-1 2-3 4 5

Referencing, No reference An attempted Complete Harvard A proper and

Presentation list = 0 reference list with Reference List. complete
, and editing referencing Use of correct bibliography. All
Just URLs/ techniques only referencing sources are
titles listed = partially adhered to. techniques. No perfectly
Max 1 more than 3 minor referenced and
Important aspects errors or 1 major listed
Layout such as name, date,
Instructions were error. There is a alphabetically.
and URL are clear effort made to Fantastic overall
not followed. present but lack
Little or no effort ensure that Harvard impression. The
finer details such as formatting learner went over
went into making
Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 6 Written Task/Term 1
the reference list. publisher or name of instructions were and above to ensure
Fewer than the website, etc. followed. One or that the assignment
FIVE sources. two extra sources was thoroughly
were included. referenced and
included many extra

No reference list = ZERO for this section.

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 7 Written Task/Term 1

Referencing: Harvard Style
Referencing means that you give credit to the various sources you have used when writing
your assignment/report. All sources should be arranged alphabetically according to the
surname of the first author.
1. Books
Author's surname and initials, year of publication, title (underlined), edition, place of publication,
and publisher.
Marais, B.V.C. and Horne, K.W.W. 2011. The influence of the media on public opinion, Pretoria:
2. Journals
Author's surname and initials, year of publication of the journal, title of the article, title of the
journal (underlines), volume, and pages.
Wobbe, T. 2001. How to organise the unorganised, Human Resource Management, 12(8), 8-9.
3. Chapters in books
Author’s surname and initials, the title of the chapter, title of the book (underlined), editor of the
book, place of publication, publisher, and pages.
Gericke, H.B. The place democracy has in our country, in South Africa, the democratic ideal
edited by J.J. Matthews. London: Benton: 44-45.
4. Newspaper articles
Author surname and initials, year, title, newspaper (underlined), date and month, page.
Louw, S.2002. Water crisis, what’s next? Daily news. 29 January: 7
5. Internet Referencing
Author surname and initials, year, title (on-line) Available: (full web address) Date accessed:
Unknown (2004) Sentient microfilaments: A tempest in a tubule (online). Available:
Date accessed: 5 May 2011.
6. Personal Interview
Surname and initials. Year. Personal Interview. Date, Place.
Malan, B.D. 2011. Personal Interview. 5 May, Stellenbosch.

________________________________TOTAL: 70 MARKS __________________________

Grade 8/Life Orientation/Wynberg Boys’ High School/2024 8 Written Task/Term 1

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