Business Communication

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Business Communication

December 2023 Examination

1) Meher is a communications consultant, fairly an unknown field. However, her customers

know how she makes a real difference in their way of reaching out to their clients. Meher handles all
the communication channels that her customers need to use in their business. Their email
communications, their social media communications, their web presence, and literature that goes
out from their offices. She also conducts training for her customers so that they can use the
strategies and make themselves effective. One basic tip that Meher likes to always follow and share
with people is controlling the style and tone of communication. Considering this case, please share
the rules or strategies that you covered about controlling the style and tone of communication, in
your course. (10 Marks)

Ans 1.


Meher works as a communications consultant in fairly unknown field and is a relatively obscure figure.
her clients are aware of the genuine impact she has on their approach to customer service, though.
Meher manages all correspondence, including web presences, social media accounts, and literature
distributed from the offices. In order to help her clients apply the ideas and make good decisions, she
also provides training.Controlling the manner and tone of communication is a fundamental rule that
Meher loves to always abide by and impart to others.Please discuss any guidelines or tactics you
discussed in your course regarding managing communication style and tone in light of this situation.

Concept and application

In any field, including communications consulting, control over communication style and tone is
crucial. When discussing communication style and tone, the following guidelines and tactics are
commonly discussed:

1. Audience Analysis: Understand your target audience, including their preferences and expectations.
Adjust your tone and style to appeal to your target audience.

2. Consistency: Maintain a consistent tone and style throughout all communication channels,
including written content, social media posts, and conversational communication. Consistency aids in
the development of an identifiable brand identity.
3. Adaptability: While consistency is important, be prepared to change your tone and manner while
talking with different audiences or in different situations. The tone you employ for professional
reports, for example, may differ from the tone you use for casual social media posts.

4. Clarity: Make sure your communications are clear and simple to understand. Avoid jargon and
overly complex language, which may turn off your audience.

5. Empathy: Show empathy and understanding in your communication. Acknowledge the concerns
and needs of your audience, and address them in a supportive manner.

6. Positive Language: Use constructive and positive phrases. Avoid negativity, criticism, or unpleasant
words, which might affect the reputation of your brand.

7. Professionalism: In business conversations, keep a professional tone. This includes good grammar,
punctuation, and wording that is respectful.

8. Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and sensitivities in your audience. Avoid
potentially offensive language or cultural references.

9. Consistency with Brand Values: Ensure that your communication style aligns with the core values
and brand identity of your client or organization. It should reinforce the desired brand image.

10. Training: As Meher does, provide training to clients and team members on how to maintain the
desired style and tone in their communication efforts. This helps ensure consistency and

11. Feedback and Evaluation: Collect feedback from your audience and clients on a regular basis to
assess the success of your communication style and tone. Make any necessary changes.

12. Crisis Communication: Have a plan in place for adjusting your style and tone during crises or
sensitive situations. Crisis communication often requires a different approach.

13. Storytelling: In order to make messages more engaging and relatable, incorporate storytelling
approaches into your communication.

14. A/B Testing: Use A/B testing in digital marketing and social media to experiment with different
styles and tones to see what resonates most with your audience.

15. Monitoring and Listening: Continuously monitor social media and online conversations to gauge
audience sentiment and adjust your communication accordingly.

These guidelines and techniques assist communications experts like Meher in effectively navigating
the complex world of communication, ensuring that messages are not only heard but also well
received by the intended audience.

Controlling communication style and tone is more than a strategy; it's an art form that impacts the
perception and effectiveness of messages in the commercial world. Understanding and perfecting
this art, as demonstrated by Meher's method, can greatly improve the way organizations connect
with their customers. It ensures that the message's substance remains consistent regardless of
platform or media. Businesses may develop trust, strengthen relationships, and assure clarity in their
communications by concentrating on style and tone. In an information-overloaded society, standing
out and developing a genuine connection becomes critical. As we conclude, it is clear that style and
tone are effective tools in the armory of communication tactics. They are the fine threads that weave
the fabric of effective communication, ensuring that businesses not only talk, but are also heard and
understood. Embracing these concepts, as Meher does, can pave the path for more meaningful and
impactful connections in the business world.

2) Praful is working for a research institute as research associate for archaeological projects. As
a part of his job, Praful needs to write to various departments of the government for access to forts
and geographical areas for research. Help Praful to develop a routine request draft towards asking for
information and action to these departments. (Write the letter to Archaeological Survey of India
about visiting 2 forts in 6 months). (10 Marks)

Ans 2.


Archaeology, as a subject, connects us to our past, allowing us to comprehend our history, culture,
and the evolution of our society. Archaeologists' careful work allow us to unravel the secrets of
bygone times and acquire insights into the life of our forefathers.

Praful, a committed research associate at a prestigious research center, is one such person who has
dedicated his life to the quest of knowledge and the uncovering of our historical roots. His interest in
archaeology extends beyond academic studies to the field where genuine discoveries are made.
However, the route to these discoveries is frequently fraught with bureaucratic stumbling blocks.
Access to historical places, particularly those under government protection, necessitates permissions
that are difficult to get. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), the country's leading institution in
charge of archaeological study, restoration, and preservation of cultural monuments, plays a critical
role in providing or restricting access to these sites. Writing to the ASI and other government offices
is a normal activity for scholars like Praful, but it holds the key to unlocking the riches of our history.
This letter demonstrates the value of collaboration between researchers and government agencies
for the greater good of conserving and comprehending our shared past.

Concept and application

The concept of archaeological research is deeply rooted in the study and understanding of human
history. It is the systematic study of past human life and culture through the collection and study of
surviving material evidence such as tombs, buildings, tools, and pottery. This discipline creates a
tangible connection with our ancestors and provides insight into their lives, culture and the
environment in which they lived.

For researchers like Praful, the journey of discovery begins long before they set foot on an
archaeological site. It begins with identifying potential targets, gathering preliminary information and
formulating hypotheses. However, one of the most important steps in this process is to obtain the
necessary permissions to access these sites. In India, many historical and archaeological sites are
protected under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act. This Act entrusts
the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) with the responsibility of protecting and preserving the nation
and its historical heritage.

Since its inception in 1861, the ASI has been at the forefront of archaeological research and
excavations. The ASI's considerable experience and resources have aided in the discovery of some of
India's most prized archeological treasures. However, because the ASI has the enormous duty of
protecting these sites, it must guarantee that they are only accessible for legitimate study reasons
and are not destroyed or desecrated in any manner. This is where routine request drafts, such as the
one Praful must create, come into play.

A routine request draft is a formal letter addressed to a government department or agency, seeking
permission or information. In the context of archaeological research, this draft serves multiple

1. Gather information about your request - Begin by gathering information for your request
letter. For example, to address someone properly, you must know their name and
professional title. Investigate the facts you want so that you may deliver a complete letter
that motivates the recipient to grant your request or react wisely.

2. Create an Outlined: Make an outline of each paragraph in your request letter. An outline is a
well-structured text that highlights the important ideas you want a reader to understand. An
outline aids in the organization of your thoughts while you write. An overview, for example,
might assist you gather relevant parts of your request rather than having them in separate

3. Introduce yourself : Introduce yourself to the receiver in the first paragraph. This allows for
an early connection and encourages them to continue reading. If you've already
communicated with the letter's recipient, use the opening paragraph to remind them of your
professional connection. For instance, you may begin by saying, "I'm the co-founder of
Alberta Charity Fund, an organization you generously donated to last year."

4. Make Your Request: Following that, state the exact reason for drafting the letter. When
articulating your request, use simple terms to ensure that the reader understands your intent.
Keep this section of your letter brief.

5. Explain the Reason for the Request: Describe what you aim to achieve if your request is
granted. If you're writing a training request letter, for example, you may discuss how
participating in a training program would help you develop your skill set. Use this paragraph
to describe the importance of the request. Participating in a training program, for example,
may assist you in bridging the professional skills gap between yourself and others at your

6. Offer to Provide Additional Information: In the following passage, propose to give more
subtleties that might be useful to the beneficiary settle on a choice. For instance, assume you
applied for a grant that requires an underwriting letter from your director. All things
considered, you might have to give connects to the grant's site and data about the
coordinators. Likewise, make sense of any time imperatives you have. For instance, on the off
chance that you're mentioning to meet somebody before a specific date, underline for what
reason you'd see the value in an ideal reaction.

7. Show Your Gratitude and Conclude the Letter : Finally, thank the recipient for examining and
considering your request. You can say something like, "Thank you for taking the time to
consider my request." "I eagerly await your response."Finish with a professional closure, such
as "Sincerely" or "Regards."

Conclusion :

Every stone unearthed, every relic uncovered, and every monument researched contributes a new
chapter to the story of our civilization. Collaboration between scholars and governmental agencies
such as the Archaeological Survey of India is critical to ensure that the complete story is presented.
While the bureaucratic procedure may appear to be time-consuming, it is vital to assure the
protection and preservation of our historical landmarks. With their unshakable devotion and
enthusiasm, researchers like Praful remind us of the value of our past and the necessity to preserve it
for future generations. It is our common obligation to encourage and support such efforts. By
allowing access to these sites, we are not only assisting in the discovery of our history. However, we
are also ensuring that these places are conserved and protected. In conclusion, the symbiotic
connection between researchers and the ASI is critical, and it is only with mutual respect,
understanding, and collaboration that we can continue to dive deeper into our history and bring its
beauties to light.

3) Sumana is heading HR of a PR agency in a big city. She is rather known for being bluntly honest.
However, she is always appreciated for being logical. While she will be honest in her negative
feedback about performance reviews or when rejecting any job application, she always gives clear
reasons, which work as positive feedback for the receivers. In light of this, answer the following

a) Put forth strategies for effectively rejecting job applications. (5 Marks)

Ans 3a.


In the fast-paced world of human resources, rejecting job applications is just as important as picking
the perfect individual. While it is critical to protect the organization's interests, it is also critical to
ensure that the rejected candidates have a favorable experience. Sumana's approach, which
combines harsh honesty with logical explanation, serves as a model for how rejection may be both
strong and helpful.

Concept and application

When effectively rejecting job applications, Sumana can follow these strategies:

1. Provide clear and specific reasons for the rejection - Be clear and straightforward in your rejection
message. While it might be tempting to sugar coat the rejection, ambiguity can lead to
misunderstandings. Politely but firmly communicate that the candidate was not selected for the

2. Offer constructive feedback on areas for improvement - While some candidates may not want
feedback, others genuinely appreciate it as it helps them improve for future opportunities. If
providing feedback, focus on specific aspects of their application or interview performance and offer
suggestions for improvement.
3. Acknowledge Positive Attributes: It is critical to recognize the person's favorable characteristics.
Thank them and emphasize their assets, such as good communication, industry understanding, or
collaborative ability.

4. Respond to Questions: It is critical to reply professionally and properly to queries from job seekers
who did not obtain the job.

Begin your response by expressing gratitude to the candidate for their time and effort in applying. Be
truthful about your decision without being overly judgemental. If feasible, provide useful suggestions
to assist them in their employment hunt.

Finish on a positive note, asking them to look into other opportunities within the organization or to
remain in touch for future employment vacancies. This demonstrates professionalism, sensitivity, and
respect, perhaps converting applicants into brand champions.

5. Be Honest : Honesty pays off; don't tell the applicant you're going to contact them if you're not
going to. Putting up their aspirations and then failing to deliver on your promises would bring them
down. Managing applicant expectations during the recruiting process is critical to ensuring a positive
candidate experience.


When used correctly, rejection may be a great instrument for progress. Sumana's approach to human
resources emphasizes the significance of balancing honesty and empathy. Organizations may
guarantee that rejected applicants leave with a path for progress rather than a sense of defeat by
delivering clear, reasonable, and constructive criticism. In the long term, this not only improves the
organization's reputation, but also adds to the overarching objective of professional development and
advancement. After all, in the world of human resources, it's not only about finding the right people;
it's also about fostering potential wherever it may be discovered.

b) Share a strategy for sharing negative performance reviews. (5 Marks)

Ans 3b.


Performance evaluations are an important part of professional growth since they provide employees
with feedback on their contributions as well as opportunities for improvement. While good ratings
are simple to transmit, negative reviews are more difficult. They may be demotivating and, if not
addressed properly, can result in lower morale and productivity. Negative performance assessments,
on the other hand, may be converted into productive talks that pave the way for development and
progress with the correct plan.

Concept and application

1. Preparation is essential.: It's critical to be prepared before conveying a bad review. This entails
collecting all essential facts and examples to back up the feedback. The input is objective since it is
factual rather than subjective.

2. Select the Appropriate Setting: The context in which the review is provided is important. A
secluded, quiet environment promotes anonymity and reduces distractions, allowing for an open and
honest talk.

3. Start with Positives: Begin the discussion by emphasizing the employee's accomplishments and
skills. This creates a good atmosphere and makes the employee more open to constructive criticism.

4. Be honest and direct about the areas that need improvement: Uncertain feedback might be
perplexing. Provide detailed examples to clearly illustrate the areas that require improvement. This
removes uncertainty and provides the employee with a clear picture of where they failed.

5. Listen Actively: Allow the employee to express their viewpoint. They may have legitimate reasons
for their performance, or they may reveal insights into systemic concerns that must be addressed.
Active listening ensures a two-way conversation during the evaluation.

6. Offer guidance and resources to help the employee improve.: Instead of merely pointing out flaws,
provide solutions. Offering assistance, whether in the form of further training, resources, or
mentorship, demonstrates to the employee that the business is engaged in their development.


When conducted with care and honesty, negative performance appraisals can serve as a catalyst for
progress. The purpose is not to condemn the employee, but to guide him or her toward greater
performance. Organizations may convert potentially discouraging events into opportunities for
growth by implementing a strategy that stresses open communication, specificity, and support. In the
end, it comes down to cultivating a culture in which criticism, even negative feedback, is considered
as a tool for growth, assuring the success of both the person and the business.

Sumana may effectively reject job applicants and provide unfavorable performance reports by using
these tactics, while still offering clear reasoning and comments that can be viewed as positive and

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