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Polarization Theory of Nuclear

Reactions Qing Biao Shen

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Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions
Qing-Biao Shen

Polarization Theory
of Nuclear Reactions
Chong-Hai Cai
Ye Tian
Bradley Kemp Wilson
Qing-Biao Shen
China Institute of Atomic Energy
Beijing, China

ISBN 978-3-031-11877-7 ISBN 978-3-031-11878-4 (eBook)

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This book develops the polarization theory describing the nuclear reactions of the
spin 1/2 and 1 incident particles with unpolarized target nuclei and residual nuclei
with arbitrary spin, and studies the polarization theory of the nuclear reactions of two
polarized light particles. The unitary transformation relations of the rank-2 and
higher-rank tensors between the spherical basis coordinate system and the orthogo-
nal Cartesian coordinate system are found, and the theoretical method for studying
the polarization phenomena of the particles with spin equal to or greater than 3/2 is
given. The continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) theory of the axis-
symmetric rotational nuclei describing the incident deuteron breakup reactions is
developed. The relativistic nuclear reaction theories are introduced, and the relativ-
istic nuclear reaction Dirac S matrix theory is proposed and developed. The polar-
ization phenomena are not considered in the existing transport theory which
describes the motion of the nucleons in nuclear medium, and it is considered that
all particles are unpolarized, which is an approximate method from the view of
microphysics. In order to describe the objective physical process in nature more
vividly, this book presents for the first time the concrete scheme and method of
establishing the polarization nuclear database. The Monte-Carlo method for describ-
ing the transport of the polarized particles and the transport equation of the polarized
particles are proposed and developed for the first time. The book provides a technical
way for the introduction of the polarization phenomenon in the micro-world into the
research and design of the nuclear engineering projects closely related to human life.


When a particle outside of the nucleus moves in the nuclear potential formed by the
interactions between the nucleons located inside of the nucleus, not only will its
coordinate position and momentum continue to change but the particle and the
nucleus itself will also undergo self-rotation, called spin. The spin values of particles
and nuclei are quantized and can only take integers or semi-odd numbers. Both
experiments and theories have proved that the nuclear potential acting on the spin
particle contains spin-orbit coupling potential, and the nuclear potential acting on the
spin 1 particle contains not only spin-orbit coupling potential but also tensor
potential. In the theory of nuclear structure, the spin-orbit coupling potential causes
the nuclear level to be split. Two nucleons with spin can be coupled to two
states of total spin S which is 0 or 1, and there is a tensor potential for the state which
total spin equals 1. The spin of the deuteron is equal to 1. When studying the
deuteron structure, it is found that not only the S state which orbit angular momen-
tum L = 0 exists but the D state which orbit angular momentum L = 2 exists as well.
The above results show that there is a tensor potential between the nucleon-nucleon.
In nuclear reaction theory, because the spin-orbital coupling potential and tensor
potential related to spin are included in the nuclear potential, the forces felt by
particles with different spin magnetic quantum numbers are different, so their motion
behavior will also be different. When all the magnetic quantum numbers of spins of
the particles are equal and mutually incoherent, the particles are called unpolarized
particles. Otherwise, they are polarized particles. In the case with spin-related
nuclear potential, the polarized outgoing particles can be obtained through nuclear
reaction induced by unpolarized incident particles. This is the polarization phenom-
enon of nuclear reactions.
The microscopic system of the nucleus is understood through the study of various
considerable measurements of nuclear reactions. Nuclear force, nuclear structure,
and nuclear reaction mechanism can be studied by studying various cross sections,
angular distributions, energy spectra, and double differential sections of nuclear
reactions. However, if only the unpolarized states of particles and nuclei are studied,

viii Introduction

the understanding for the nucleus has limitation. The polarization phenomena greatly
enrich the data obtained from scattering and nuclear reactions, provide information
on the interaction that can change spin orientation, and provide important verifica-
tion data for the study of nuclear structures or reaction mechanisms. In addition, the
effect of polarization phenomena on nuclear fusion rate is a promising research
topic. Nowadays, some peoples are studying to produce the directed neutron sources
* *  * * 
by using the nuclear reactions d t , n α or d d , n 3 He introduced by two
polarized light nuclei, and their civilian and military applications are being explored.
The theory of calculating various polarization quantities from the nuclear reaction
amplitude is called polarization theory of nuclear reactions. As early as the 1950s,
Wolfinstein et al. conducted theoretical studies on the polarization of nuclear
reactions. Later, many papers on polarization phenomena were published, some of
them also contained some information on experiments of the polarization nuclear
reactions. In 1972, Ohlsen published a paper in Rep. Prog. Phys. This paper is a
classical article on the polarization theory of nuclear reactions. In 1974, Robson
published a book titled The Theory of Polarization Phenomena with 119 pages. In
their papers, the basic knowledge of polarization theory is introduced. More detailed
computational expressions are given for the polarization theory of spin particles
with spinless targets. A part of the computational expressions is given for the
polarization theory of spin 1 particles with spinless targets. Some specific calcula-
tions were also made and compared with experimental data in spinless target case. In
Ohlsen’s paper, a brief introduction of the polarization formulas of the two polarized
light particles is given. In the relativistic optical model, the Dirac equation can be
converted into a Schrodinger-like equation, and thus the polarization quantities of
the elastic scattering between the nucleon and the target with spinless can also been
calculated. For the nuclear reactions in which the target and the residual nucleus with
non-zero spin, in 1965, Tamura gave a formula for calculating the polarization rate
of the emitted nucleons using the method of averaging the Pauli matrix by the wave
functions in his paper on coupling channel calculations. On this basis, some people
made effort to study the corresponding analyzing power. In Robson’s book, the
polarization problem of the nuclear reaction between an incident particle with
arbitrary spin and a target nucleus with arbitrary spin is discussed by using the
formal theory in the complex spherical basis coordinate, and it does not yet have the
practical application value. However, before writing this book no one has ever given
a systematic polarization theory and the clear theoretical formulas that can be used to
calculate actually the polarization observables for elastic scattering and direct reac-
tion channels of spin and 1 particles with targets with non-zero spin. For
example, there are no clear theoretical formulas to calculate the polarization observ-

! ! →
1 1
ables for 1 þ A → þ B and þ A → 1 þ B reactions which target or residual
2 2 !
nucleus with non-zero spin certainly, where represents the polarized particle with
spin . Therefore, it is impossible to fully carry out the calculations of various
Introduction ix

polarization quantities for targets or residual nuclei with non-zero spin. Since the
spins of most nuclei (including all odd A nuclei) are not equal to 0, the development
of polarization theory of nuclear reactions is constrained.
There are only the theoretical formulas for calculating various polarization
quantities of nuclear reactions using the nuclear reaction amplitude, but no specific
research is doing on the nuclear reaction amplitude itself, one can only call this kind
of theory as the formal theory. We know that the S matrix theory is a basic theory
describing the nuclear reactions. The expression of the reaction amplitude given by
S matrix theory satisfies the physical properties such as the angular momentum
conservation and the parity conservation. When studying the two-body direct reac-
tion that occurs between spin or 1 particle with the unpolarized target with spin
I and the unpolarized residual nucleus with spin I', we found that there are some kind
of internal relations between the matrix elements of the nuclear reaction amplitude
for determined spin magnetic quantum numbers MI and M'I. Therefore, when
making the summation of MI and M'I in the polarization formula, some items will
cancel each other and some items will be merged due to equality. In this way, some
clear expressions for calculating various polarization quantities are obtained. Taking
! !
1 1
þ A → þ B reaction as an example, when the spins of A and B are both 0 and
2 2
the right hand screw rule is used to select the y-axis perpendicular to the reaction
plane, the results given by the predecessors have clearly pointed out that only the
y components of the polarization analyzing powers Ai (i = x, y, z) and the polariza-
tion rates Pi (i = x, y, z) of the outgoing particles for the unpolarized incident
particles are not equal to 0, and only 5 of the 9 polarization transfer coefficients
K ji ði, j = x, y, zÞ are not equal to 0. This book strictly proves that the above
conclusion is still true when the spins of the unpolarized nuclei A and B are not
equal to 0. This result has not been given before. We also use the above method to
→ → →
! ! →
1 1
study 1 þ A → 1 þ B reactions as well as 1 þ A → þ B and þ A → 1 þ B
2 2
reactions. The study for these reactions also found that some components of the
polarization quantities are equal to 0 and have certain regularity. The above phe-
nomenon is due to the fact that the nuclear reaction process satisfies the parity
We know that optical model, coupled channel optical model, distorted wave Born
approximation (DWBA), R matrix theory, phase-shift analysis method, and even
some microscopic nuclear reaction theory can all be used to calculate S matrix
elements of nuclear reactions. These theories belong to the usual nuclear reaction
theory. Therefore, it can be said that based on the contents of this book the
polarization theory of spin or 1 particles and unpolarized targets and residual
nuclei with arbitrary spins has reached the stage that the actual calculations can
be made.
x Introduction

This book Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions comprises six chapters. The
first chapter introduces the spin operators, irreducible tensors, polarization operators,
density matrices etc., all of them are the basic knowledge of polarization theory of
nuclear reactions.
The second chapter introduces the polarization theory of nuclear reactions for
1 1
spin particles, such as the Pauli matrices, the polarization of spin particle
2 2
beams, the polarization theory of elastic scattering of unpolarized and polarized
spin particles with spinless target, polarization theory of triple elastic
scatterings between spin particle and spinless nucleus, two theoretical
methods to study the polarization phenomena of nuclear reactions. Then the polar-
! !
1 1
ization theory of þ A → þ B reactions which can be used for various kinds of
2 2
two-body direct reactions is introduced, and the spin particle polarization
theory is also introduced when both target and residual nucleus are polarized.
Finally, the polarization problem of two spin polarized particles is studied
The third chapter introduces the polarization theory of nuclear reactions for spin
1 particles, such as the spin operators and polarization operators of spin 1 particles,
the vector polarization rate and tensor polarization rate of spin 1 incident particles,
the elastic scattering amplitude of spin 1 particles with spinless target, the polariza-
tion theory of elastic scattering of spin 1 particle with both vector polarization and
tensor polarization from a spinless target, the general form of the nuclear reaction
polarization theory of spin 1 particles with non-zero spin target. Then the polariza-
→ → →
! ! →
1 1
tion theories of 1 þ A → 1 þ B, 1 þ A → þ B, þ A → 1 þ B reactions as

2 2
1 → → →
well as þ 1 and 1 þ 1 reactions with unpolarized targets and residual nuclei
are introduced, respectively. In addition, the deuteron phenomenological optical
potential with tensor term and its corresponding radial equation are introduced, the
folding model of the deuteron-nucleus reactions is described, and the spherical
nucleus continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) theory that only applies
to the spinless targets describing the breakup reactions of the loosely bound light
complex particles is introduced. This book also develops an axis-symmetric rota-
tional nucleus CDCC theory describing the breakup reaction for loosely bound light
complex particle. This theory can be used for targets with arbitrary spin and can
consider the excited states of the targets. The above theories belong to the normal
nuclear reaction theories of deuterons.
In Chap. 4, we first give the polarization theory of nuclear reactions for spin
particles in the spherical basis coordinate system. When we study the five-
dimensional rank-2 tensor in spin 1 particle polarization theory, the unitary trans-
formation relation of the rank-2 tensor between the spherical basis coordinate system
Introduction xi

and the orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system is found. According to the regularity
of the unitary transformation relations of the vector (rank-1 tensor) and the rank-2
tensor between the spherical basis coordinate system and the orthogonal Cartesian
coordinate system, the unitary transformation relations of the rank-3 and higher-rank
tensors between the spherical basis coordinate system and the orthogonal Cartesian
coordinate system are found by recursion method. And the generalized Pauli
matrix is introduced, thus the theoretical method for studying spin ≥ particle
polarization phenomena is given. Finally, based on the Maxwell equation of elec-
tromagnetic field, the quantization method of electromagnetic field is introduced,
and the polarization theory for photon beams is discussed.
The fifth chapter introduces the polarization theory of relativistic nuclear reac-
tions. It introduces the basic theory of relativistic quantum mechanics, transforma-
tion of relativistic coordinate systems, relativistic optical model and
phenomenological optical potentials, Dirac S matrix theory of relativistic nuclear
reactions, Dirac coupling channel theory including elastic scattering and collective
inelastic scattering channels, relativistic collective deformation relativistic distorted
wave Born approximation (RDWBA) method and calculation of nucleon polariza-
tion quantities, relativistic impulse approximation of elastic scattering, relativistic
impulse approximation of inelastic scattering, relativistic impulse approximation of
(p,n) reactions. Then the relativistic classical field theory and Lagrangian density in
quantum hadron dynamics, relativistic Green function theory at zero temperature,
real part of nucleon relativistic microscopic optical potential and relativistic nuclear
matter properties, imaginary part of nucleon relativistic microscopic optical poten-
tial, and contribution to imaginary part of nucleon relativistic microscopic optical
potential by fourth order exchange diagrams are introduced. Then it introduces the
relativistic Bete-Salpeter equation, the Bonn one boson exchange potential, and the
nucleon relativistic microscopic optical potential based on the Dirac-Brueckner-
Hartree-Fock (DBHF) theory. Finally, the Proca relativistic dynamics equation of
spin 1 particle and its application in elastic scattering calculations, Weinberg rela-
tivistic dynamics equation of spin 1 particles and discussion on its application, and
the relativistic nuclear reaction theory considering the internal structure of the
incident deuterons are introduced. The above theories are the basic relativistic
nuclear reaction theories for the study of the high-energy nucleon and deuteron
induced nuclear reactions. By solving the corresponding dynamic equations, the
reaction amplitude can be obtained and then various microscopic physical quantities
including polarization quantities can be calculated.
The sixth chapter introduces the basis of the polarized particle transport theory.
The polarized electron transport theory has been studied for a long time. This chapter
proposes to carry out the polarized nucleus transport theory research. In order to
simplify the theoretical formula, people usually select the y-axis along the direction
which is perpendicular to the reaction plane, in this way there is the azimuthal angle
φ = 0. If one wants to introduce the polarization process of the nuclear reactions into
the particle transport theory, the polarization quantities of any (θ, φ) angles must be
xii Introduction

! !
1 1
known. This chapter introduces the polarization theories of þ A → þ B,
! ! 2 2
→ → → 1 1 →
1 þ A → 1 þ B, 1 þ A → þ B, and þ A → 1 þ B reactions related to the
2 2
polar angle θ and azimuthal angle φ at the same time, and puts forward the specific
concept of establishing a polarization nuclear database. It is point out what polari-
zation quantities that are only related to the polar angles θ should be stored in the
polarization nuclear database for each considering nuclear reactions. The specific
calculation formulas of the polarization quantities related to (θ, φ) angles at the same
time by using the data stored in the polarization nuclear database are given. It
! ! →
1 1
is easier to deal with þ A → 0 þ B, 0 þ A → þ B, 1 þ A → 0 þ B, and

2 2
0 + A→ 1 þ B reactions related to spinless α particles, in which only the incident
or outgoing channel is polarized. In addition, the Monte-Carlo methods for simulat-
ing the reactions including polarization channels are given and the method of the
coordinate system rotation and the transformation of the polarization rates of
transported particles are presented. The transport equation of polarized particles
with spin or 1 is also proposed and developed. Finally, the prospective problems
of the future development of the polarized particle transport theory are discussed. 
* *
In the normal particle transport theory, the particle flux function ψ r , p , t is
studied, and in the polarized
 transport theory proposed in this book the
* * 1 1
particle flux function ψ r , p , s, t is studied, in which s = , - for nucleons
2 2
and s = 1, 0, -1 for deuterons. In the normal particle transport theory, only the
usual nuclear data, which is not related to spin magnetic quantum numbers, are
required. In the polarized nucleus transport theory proposed in this book, polariza-
tion nuclear data related to spin magnetic quantum numbers are needed for some
reaction channels. Due to the existence objectively of spin-orbit forces and tensor
forces related to spins of particles, the observable physical quantities of the emitted
particles with different spin magnetic quantum numbers are different. Therefore, it
can be said that the polarization particle transport theory can more realistically
describe the physical processes that exist in nature. As to when it is necessary to
consider the polarized particle transport process, this is a subject to be studied in the
More than 50 % of the theoretical formulas that appear in this book are new
derivation. The main innovations of this book are:
1. Developed a nuclear reaction polarization theory system that can be used for
specific calculations for various types of elastic scattering and two-body direct
reaction between spin or 1 particle and unpolarized target nucleus with
arbitrary spin. It breaks through the bottleneck that previously the people could
not fully calculate various polarization quantities when the spins of the target and
residual nucleus are not equal to 0.
Introduction xiii

2. The unitary transformation relations of the rank-2 and higher-rank tensors

between the spherical basis coordinate system and the orthogonal Cartesian
coordinate system are found, and the theoretical method for studying the spin
≥ particle polarization phenomena is given.
3. The axis-symmetric rotational nucleus CDCC theory describing the breakup
reaction of loosely bound light complex particles is developed. And the CDCC
theory, which was originally applied only to spinless target, is developed to be
used for the target with arbitrary spin and to include the inelastic scattering
channels of the excited states.
4. The improper introduction of the coulomb potential into the Dirac equation was
corrected. The Dirac S matrix theory of relativistic nuclear reactions is proposed
and developed, so that when the reaction amplitude of spin particles is solved
by the Dirac equation, various microscopic physical quantities including polari-
zation quantities can be calculated using this theory. And when the incident
particle energy is quite low, the relativistic Dirac S matrix theory will automat-
ically degenerate into the general non-relativistic S matrix theory of spin
5. For the first time, the idea of establishing a polarization nuclear database was
proposed. Which polarization quantities, that are only related to the polar angle θ,
! ! → → →
1 1 1
are point out for þ A → þ B , 1 þ A → 1 þ B , 1 þ A → þ B , and
2 2 2
! →
þ A → 1 þ B reactions in the polarization nuclear database, and the methods
for obtaining these data from experimental data and theoretical calculations are
discussed. The theoretical formulas for calculating the various polarization quan-
tities related to (θ, φ) angles are also given.
6. For the first time, the idea of carrying out research on polarized nucleus transport
theory is put forward. The Monte-Carlo method describing the polarized particle
transport process and the polarized particle transport equation are proposed and
developed. The polarization phenomena of nuclear reactions are objectively
existed in the microscopic world. In the existing neutron and other heavy particle
transport theories the polarization problem is not included, the above reality can
only be considered as an approximation. In order to describe the physical
processes that exist in nature more realistically, the polarized nucleus transport
theory should be studied, especially when the angular distribution of the emitted
particles clearly presents anisotropy. Above circumstances show it is necessary to
carry out the research on the polarized nucleus transport theory. Since this book
gives a nuclear reaction polarization theory system in which the spin and
1 particles react directly with unpolarized target and residual nucleus with
arbitrary spins, and the theoretical method to study the spin ≥ particle
polarization phenomena is also given, so these make it possible to carry out the
xiv Introduction

research on polarized nucleus transport theory. That is the polarized nucleus

transport theory research becoming feasible. For the first time, the establishment
of a polarization nuclear database and the development of the polarized nucleus
transport theory are proposed, that will inevitably encounter difficulties and
challenges in the future. But after all, this idea is introducing the polarization
phenomena of the microscopic world into the research and design of nuclear
engineering projects that are closely related to human reality, and showing a way
to explore the relationship of the nuclear engineering projects and the nuclear
microscopic properties including the polarization phenomena.
Professor Chong-Hai CAI of Nankai University in China made a very careful
revision for the Chinese version of this book. During the revision process, most of
the theoretical formulas in the manuscript were carefully deduced, many mistakes
were discovered and corrected, and many valuable and even key modifications were
proposed. When I handed Professor CAI the general formulas for calculating the
! !
1 1
various polarization quantities of þ A → þ B reaction with the target and the
2 2
residual nucleus with no zero spins, he programmed it into the R matrix program and
made the corresponding calculation. In the calculation results, it is found that for the
case where the spins of the target and the residual nucleus are not equal to 0, there are
also many polarization quantity components are equal to 0. It is also found that there
is a certain relationship between certain matrix elements of reaction amplitude. Then,
I carefully analyzed and deduced the relevant theoretical formulas, and theoretically
proved that the relationship between these matrix elements of reaction amplitude
seen in the calculation results does exist. And using these relations, it can be strictly
proved that those components of polarization quantities with a calculated result of
0 should indeed be equal to 0. This is a critical step in the polarization theory of
nuclear reactions given in this book. Some of the results obtained later in this book
are closely related to this step. It can be seen from this issue that Professor CAI has
made a very important contribution to this book. I would like to express my heartfelt
thanks to Professor CAI, and I feel honored to have such an excellent partner in
scientific research.
The Nuclear Data Key Laboratory of China and the China Nuclear Data Center
have provided good working conditions and necessary financial support for the
writing of this book. Researcher Yin-Lu HAN provided sincere help and support
to the writing and publication of this book from beginning to the end. I express my
sincere thanks here. Researcher Hai-Rui GUO of the Beijing Institute of Applied
Physics and Computational Mathematics and Professor Yong-Li XU of Shanxi
Datong University of China read part of the manuscript, and I express my thanks
to them for their advice and help. I am very grateful to Mr. Feng-Quan ZHAO for the
large number of typing of Chinese manuscript and formulas and making charts for
this book.
My wife Ye TIAN, an associate researcher, has made an important contribution to
the book. She and I both graduated from the Department of Modern Physics at the
University of Science and Technology of China in July 1963 and were also assigned
Introduction xv

to the China Institute of Atomic Energy, where she worked in reactor physics and
then theoretical nuclear physics. Both of us were original members of the China
Nuclear Data Center when it was founded in 1975. In the process of writing this
book, she assisted the me to do some data collation and participated in the discussion
of some related issues. When the Chinese version of the book was finished in July
2018, Ms. Ye TIAN used computer translation software and other means to produce
the first English version of the book in 2018.
Then, based on the first English draft, I carried out the revision sentence by
paragraph, focusing on the use of special vocabulary and correct expression of the
content of the book. At the same time, I also made some amendments and additions
to the manuscript. After the draft of the English version of this book was completed,
Dr. Bradley Kemp WILSON, a professor at the University of Saint Thomas in Saint
Paul, Minnesota, USA, modified and refined most parts of the English version of
this book.
In September 2021, I formally submitted the English version of the book to
Springer Nature press and applied for publication. I underwent lumbar spine surgery
on November 9, 2021, and needed to spend more than 3 months in bed after
discharge. Springer Nature press passed the reviews to the manuscript on November
20, 2021, and reviewers gave the book a lot of positive reviews, so there was an
urgent need for me to do a lot of work with the publisher via e-mail, such as
responding to reviewers’ comments, minor amendments, and discussing the content
of the publishing agreement, among other things. Since it was difficult for me to get
up to work on the computer, in this case, Ms. Ye TIAN discussed and agreed with
me on some issues and then communicated with the publisher. This allowed the
publication work of the book to proceed without delay. I take comfort in the fact that
we 84-year-old couples are still working together professionally.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Associate Researcher Ye TIAN and
Professor Bradley Kemp WILSON for their contributions to the English version of
this book.
Only this book commemorates my father Yu-Tian SHEN and my mother
Qing-Wen KONG, who were ordinary farmers, they had worked for a lifetime
in Shenzhuang Village, Gu’an County, Hebei Province in China.

Beijing, China Qing-Biao Shen

May 1, 2022

1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions . . . . . 1

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Spin Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Irreducible Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4 Polarization Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Density Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2 Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions for Spin Particles . . . . . 23
2.1 Pauli Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Polarization of the Spin Particle Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Polarization Theory of Elastic Scattering of Unpolarized
Spin Particles with Spinless Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4 Polarization Theory of Elastic Scattering of Polarized
Spin Particles with Spinless Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5 Polarization Theory of Triple Elastic Scatterings Between
Spin Particles and Spinless Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.6 Two Theoretical Methods to Study the Polarization
Phenomena of Nuclear Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
* *
1 1
2.7 Polarization Theory for þ A → þ B Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2 2
2.8 Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions of Spin Particle
with Polarized Target and Residual Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
→ →
1 1
2.9 Polarization Theory for þ Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
2 2
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

xviii Contents

3 Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions for Spin 1 Particles . . . . . 101

3.1 Spin Operators and Polarization Operators of Spin 1
Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.1.1 General Expressions of S = 1 Spin Operators
and Polarization Operators [1–3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.1.2 Specific Expressions in the Spherical Basis
Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.1.3 Specific Expressions in the Cartesian Basis
Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.1.4 Transformation Relations Between the Spherical
Basis and Cartesian Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.1.5 Transformation Relations Between the Spherical Basis
and Cartesian Basis Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
3.2 Some Mathematical Formulas Related to Spin Operators
and Polarization Operators of Spin 1 Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.2.1 Coordinate Rotation of S = 1 Spin Wave Function
and Spin Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3.2.2 Action of the S = 1 Spin Operators and Polarization
Operators on Basis Spin FUnctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.2.3 Products of S = 1 Spin Operators and Polarization
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
3.2.4 Traces of the S = 1 Spin Operators and Polarization
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3.2.5 General Spin Wave Functions and Density Matrices
for S = 1 Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
3.3 Vector Polarization Rate and Tensor Polarization Rate
of Spin 1 Incident Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
3.4 Elastic Scattering Amplitude of Spin 1 Particles with Spinless
Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.5 Polarization Theory of Elastic Scattering of Unpolarized
Spin 1 Particles with Spinless Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3.6 Polarization Theory of Elastic Scattering of Spin 1 Particle
with both Vector Polarization and Tensor Polarization
from a Spinless Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
3.7 General Form of Nuclear Reaction Polarization Theory
of Spin 1 Particles with Non-zero Spin Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
→ →
3.8 Polarization Theory for 1 þ A → 1 þ B Reactions . . . . . . . . . . 172
→ 1
3.9 Polarization Theory for 1 þ A → þ B Reactions . . . . . . . . . . 178
1 →
3.10 Polarization Theory for þ A → 1 þ B Reactions . . . . . . . . . . 192

1 →
3.11 Polarization Theory for þ 1 Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Contents xix

→ →
3.12 Polarization Theory for 1 þ 1 Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
3.13 Deuteron Phenomenological Optical Potentials with Tensor
Terms and Corresponding Radial Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3.13.1 Deuteron Phenomenological Optical Potentials
Containing Tensor Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
3.13.2 Deuteron Radial Equations for the Spherical
Nuclei when Containing Tensor Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . 245
3.14 Folding Model Describing the Reaction Between Deuteron
and Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
3.14.1 Deuteron Folding Model Without Breakup Channel
[46, 52, 53] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
3.14.2 Deuteron Folding Optical Potentials Containing Break
Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
3.15 The Spherical Nucleus CDCC Theory Describing the Breakup
Reaction for Incident Loosely Bound Light Complex Particles . . . 258
3.15.1 Development of CDCC Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
3.15.2 Spherical Nucleus CDCC Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
3.15.3 Angular Distribution of Deuteron Elastic Scattering . . . . 269
3.15.4 Double Differential Cross Section of the Ejected
Nucleons After Deuteron Breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
3.16 Axis Symmetric Rotational Nucleus CDCC Theory
Describing the Breakup Reaction for Incident Loosely
Bound Light Complex Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
3.16.1 Axis-Symmetric Rotational Nucleus CDCC Equation . . . 285
3.16.2 Angular Distribution of Deuteron Elastic and Inelastic
Scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
3.16.3 Double Differential Cross Section of the Ejected
Nucleons After Deuteron Breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
4 Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions for Spin Particles
and Polarization Theory for Photon Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
4.1 Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions for Spin Particles . . . 305
4.2 Polarization Theory for Photon Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
4.2.1 Classic Electromagnetic Field Theory [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
4.2.2 Hamilton Canonical Equation [3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
4.2.3 Quantization of Electromagnetic Fields [3–5] . . . . . . . . . 332
4.2.4 Polarization Theory of Photon Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
5 Polarization Theory of Relativistic Nuclear Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5.1 Basic Theory of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5.1.1 Klein-Gordon Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
5.1.2 Dirac Equation [5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
xx Contents

5.1.3 Pauli Metric and Bjorken-Drell Metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352

5.1.4 Plane Wave Solution of the Dirac Equation . . . . . . . . . . 355
5.1.5 Lorentz Covariant of the Dirac Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
5.1.6 The Trace Formulas for γ Matrix Products . . . . . . . . . . . 370
5.2 Transformation of Relativistic Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 371
5.3 Relativistic Optical Model and Phenomenological Optical
Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
5.4 Dirac S Matrix Theory of the Relativistic Nuclear Reactions . . . . 395
5.5 Dirac Coupling Channel Theory Including Elastic Scattering
and Collective Inelastic Scattering Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
5.6 Relativistic Collective Deformation RDWBA Method
and Calculation of Nucleon Polarization Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . 419
5.7 Relativistic Impulse Approximation of Elastic Scattering
and Calculation of Nucleon Polarization Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . 425
5.8 Relativistic Impulse Approximation of Inelastic Scattering
and Calculation of Nucleon Polarization Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . 441
5.8.1 Relativistic Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation
of Single Particle State Inelastic Scattering
[58, 60, 61] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
5.8.2 Relativistic Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation
of Collective State Inelastic Scattering [62–64] . . . . . . . 442
5.9 Relativistic Impulse Approximation of (p, n) Reactions
and Calculation of Nucleon Polarization Quantities . . . . . . . . . . . 443
5.10 Relativistic Classical Field Theory and Lagrangian Density
in Quantum Hadron Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
5.10.1 Relativistic Classical Field Theory [2, 67, 68] . . . . . . . . 448
5.10.2 Lagrangian Density in Quantum Hadron Dynamics
[2, 68–74] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
5.10.3 Relativistic Mean Field Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
5.11 Relativistic Green Function Theory at Zero Temperature . . . . . . . 461
5.11.1 The Propagator of Neutral Scalar Bosons with Spinless
[2, 67] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
5.11.2 The Propagator of Fermions with Spin [2, 6–8] . . . . . . 466
5.11.3 The Propagator of Neutral Vector Bosons with Spin 1 . . 477
5.11.4 Feynman Rules of Nucleon-Meson Interaction in
Momentum Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
5.12 Real Part of Nucleon Relativistic Microscopic Optical Potential
and Relativistic Nuclear Matter Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
5.12.1 Self-Energy Operator and Green Function in Nuclear
Matter [26, 80] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
5.12.2 Real Part of Nucleon Relativistic Microscopic Optical
Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
5.12.3 Relativistic Nuclear Matter Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
Contents xxi

5.13 Imaginary Part of Nucleon Relativistic Microscopic Optical

Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
5.13.1 Contribution of σ - σ Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of the Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . 512
5.13.2 Contribution of ω - ω Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of the Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . 522
5.13.3 Contribution of σ - ω Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of the Optical potential . . . . . . . . . 528
5.13.4 Contribution of πps - πps Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . . . 531
5.13.5 Contribution of πpv - πpv Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of the Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . 533
5.13.6 Contribution of ρV - ρV Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of the Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . 535
5.13.7 Contribution of ρT - ρT Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . . . 537
5.13.8 Contribution of ρV - ρT Meson Exchange Processes
to the Imaginary Part of Optical Potential . . . . . . . . . . . 546
5.14 Contribution to Imaginary Part of Nucleon Relativistic
Microscopic Optical Potential by Fourth Order Exchange
Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
5.15 Relativistic Bethe-Salpeter Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
5.16 Bonn One Boson Exchange Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
5.17 Nucleon Relativistic Microscopic Optical Potential Based
on the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
5.17.1 Relativistic Brueckner Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
5.17.2 Relativistic Pauli Incompatibility Operators . . . . . . . . . . 584
5.17.3 Calculation Formulas for T Matrix Elements
and Nuclear Matter Properties in Symmetric
Nuclear Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
5.17.4 Nucleon Self-Energy in Asymmetric Nuclear
Matter [103, 104] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
5.17.5 Nucleon Relativistic Microscopic Optical Potential
Based on DBHF Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
5.18 Proca Relativistic Dynamics Equation of Spin 1 Particle
and Its Application in Elastic Scattering Calculations . . . . . . . . . 599
5.18.1 Proca Equation of Free Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
5.18.2 Proca Equation with Interaction Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
5.18.3 Some Expressions Related to S=1 Spin Operators
[119] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
5.18.4 Proca Equation in the Form of Schrodinger-like
Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
xxii Contents

5.18.5 Discussion on the Application of the Proca Equation

to Calculate the Elastic Scatterings Between
Deuteron and Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
5.19 Weinberg Relativistic Dynamics Equation with Spin 1
Particles and Discussion on its Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
5.19.1 Weinberg Equation of Free Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
5.19.2 Weinberg Equation with Interaction Potential . . . . . . . . . 612
5.19.3 Discussion on the Application of the Weinberg
Equation to Calculate the Elastic Scatterings
Between Deuteron and Nucleus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
5.20 The Relativistic Nuclear Reaction Theory Considering
the Internal Structure of the Incident Deuterons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618
6 Basis of the Polarized Particle Transport Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
6.1 Introduction to the Polarized Particle Transport Theory . . . . . . . . 625
* *
1 1
6.2 Polarized Particle Transport Theory for þ A → þ B
2 2
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
6.2.1 Polarization Theory of Spin Particles Related
to Azimuthal Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
6.2.2 Polarization Nuclear Database of Spin Particles . . . . . . 635
6.2.3 Main Points of Polarized Particle Transport Theory
for Spin Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
→ →
6.3 Polarized Particle Transport Theory for 1 þ A → 1 þ B
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
6.3.1 Polarization Quantities of Spin 1 Particles Related
to Azimuthal Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
6.3.2 Polarization Nuclear Database of Spin 1 Particles . . . . . . 658
6.3.3 Main Points of Polarized Particle Transport Theory
for Spin 1 Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
→ 1
6.4 Polarized Particle Transport Theory for 1 þ A → þB
1 →
and þ A → 1 þ B Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
→ 1
6.4.1 Polarization Quantities for 1 þ A → þ B
Reactions Related to Azimuthal Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670
→ 1
6.4.2 Polarization Nuclear Database for 1 þ A → þB
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
Contents xxiii

1 →
6.4.3 Polarization Quantities for þ A → 1 þ B Reactions
Related to Azimuthal Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 680
1 →
6.4.4 Polarization Nuclear Database for þ A→ 1 þ B
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688
6.4.5 Main Points of Polarized Particle Transport Theory
* *
→ 1 1 →
for 1 þ A → þ B and þ A → 1 þ B Reactions . . . 689
2 2
6.5 Polarized Particle Transport Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
6.6 Prospect of the Polarized Particle Transport Theory . . . . . . . . . . . 705
6.6.1 To Perfect the Polarization Theory of Nuclear
Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
6.6.2 To Establish a Polarization Nuclear Database . . . . . . . . . 708
6.6.3 To Research the Polarized Particle Transport Theory . . . 710
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

Appendix: Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients, Racah Coefficients,

and 9j Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
About the Author

Qing-Biao Shen is a researcher at the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE).

He was born on September 1, 1938, in Gu’an County, Hebei Province. In July 1963,
he graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a degree
in physics under the tutelage of Mr. Hong-Yuan ZHU. In the same year, Mr. Shen
joined the CIAE, and from September 1963 to January 1965, he participated in a
group led by Min YU and Zu-Qia HUANG working on hydrogen bomb theory.
Since then, Mr. Shen’s career has focused on low- and medium-energy nuclear
reaction theory, nuclear many-body theory, and nuclear data theory, some of which
he conducted while he was a visiting scholar at the University of Kentucky from
1985 to 1987.
Mr. Shen is the recipient of 12 National or Ministerial Science and Technology
Progress Awards, including 5 inaugural prizes, and he has published over 300 aca-
demic papers as either a lead author or co-author. He is the author of Nuclear
Reaction Theory of Low and Medium Energies. In addition, Mr. Shen developed
the Skyrme force microscopic optical potential theory, a theory that to this day best
fits experimental data.

Chapter 1
Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory
of Nuclear Reactions

Abstract This chapter introduces the basic knowledge of polarization theory of

nuclear reactions, including spin operators, irreducible tensors, polarization opera-
tors, density matrices, and so on.

Keywords Density matrices · Irreducible tensors · Magnetic quantum numbers ·

Polarization operators · S matrix elements · Spin operators

1.1 Introduction

When a particle outside the nucleus moves under the action of the nuclear potential,
its coordinate position and momentum change continuously. At the same time, the
particle and the nucleus itself will also undergo self-rotation, called spin. The spin
values of particles and nuclei are quantized. For example, the spin of α particles is 0;
the spin of neutrons, protons, tritium, and 3He is ; the spin of deuteron and 6Li is 1;
and the spin of 5He, 5Li, 7Li, 7Be, 9Be is . The unit of spin is ħ, and the spin of a
particle is typically represented by S. Its projection in a certain spatial direction is
called the spin magnetic quantum number, and its value is S, S – 1, . . ., S. The spin
of the target is usually represented by I.
In the nuclear structure theory, the spin-orbital coupling potential of the nucleons
will cause the single particle level to be split. During the nuclear reaction process, the
particles with different spin magnetic quantum numbers feel different nuclear forces.
Its movement behavior will also be different, so the polarization phenomena will
occur. The spin S of the particle is a vector in the coordinate space. Its average value
hS i in the nuclear reaction system is called the particle polarization vector. If it is not
equal to 0, then the particle is said to be polarized; otherwise it is unpolarized.
Two nucleons with spin can be coupled to two states of total spin, S ¼ 0 and
2 !
1, and there is a tensor potential for the S ¼ 1 state. The deuteron spin S is a vector,
and the vector S can also constitute a rank-2 tensor. Since the tensor potential is
non-central, the total orbital angular momentum L is no longer a good quantum

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 1

Q.-B. Shen, Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions,
2 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

number, and the coupling between different L waves will occur when solving the
deuteron Schrodinger equation. Because of the tensor force existing between the
nucleon-nucleon, it is found that when studying the deuterium structure not only the
S state with L ¼ 0 exists, but the D state with L ¼ 2 exists as well. It is known that the
spin of the deuteron is equal to 1 and its magnetic quantum numbers have three
states: 1, 0, and 1. The action intensities of the spin-orbital potential on these three
states are different: the action intensities of the tensor potential are also different.
Therefore, there is not only vector polarization, but also tensor polarization for
deuteron. They are all observables. For particles whose spin is greater than 1, there
are more complex polarization observables. The polarization phenomenon greatly
enriches the data obtained from scattering and nuclear reaction experiment; provides
information on the interaction that can change spin orientation; and provides impor-
tant verification data for the study of nuclear structures or reaction mechanisms.
The theory of calculating various polarization quantities from the nuclear reaction
amplitude is called polarization theory of nuclear reactions. In the 1950s,
Wolfenstein et al. conducted theoretical studies on the polarization of nuclear
reactions [1–3]. Subsequently, many papers [4–22] on polarization phenomena
have been published, with some of them also containing information on experiments
of polarization nuclear reactions. In 1972, a paper published in Rep. Prog. Phys. by
Ohlsen is a classical article [6] on the polarization theory of nuclear reactions. In
1974, Robson published a short book titled The Theory of Polarization Phenomena
[9]. In these studies, more detailed computational expressions are given for the
polarization theory of spin particles with spinless targets, and partial computa-
tional expressions are given for the polarization theory of spin 1 particles with
spinless targets. Some specific calculations were also made and compared with
experimental data in the spinless target case. In Ohlsen’s paper, a brief introduction
of the polarization formulas of the two polarized light particles was also given. In the
relativistic optical model, the Dirac equation can be converted into a Schrodinger-
like equation; thus, the polarization quantities of elastic scattering between the
nucleon and the target with spinless can be calculated. For nuclear reactions with
the non-zero spin target and the residual nucleus, in 1965, Tamura in his paper [23]
on coupling channel calculations gave a formula for calculating the polarization rate
of the emitted nucleons using the method of averaging the Pauli matrix by the wave
functions. On this basis, effort was devoted by some people to studying the
corresponding analyzing power [24, 25]. In Robson’s book [9], only in the complex
spherical basis coordinate system, the polarization problem of the nuclear reaction
between the incident particle with arbitrary spin and the target nucleus with arbitrary
spin has been studied briefly by the formal theory, which has no yet the practical
value. However, before this book, no one ever gave a systematic polarization theory
with clear theoretical formulas that can be used to calculate the polarization observ-
ables for elastic scattering and direct reaction channels of spin and 1 particles
with targets with non-zero spins. For example, there is no clear theoretical formula to
! ! !
1 1
calculate the polarization observables for 1 þ A ! þ B and þA! 1 þB
2 2
1.1 Introduction 3

reactions with non-zero spin target or residual nucleus, where represents the
polarized particle with spin . Therefore, it is impossible to carry out fully the
calculations of various polarization quantities for targets or residual nuclei with
non-zero spins. Since the spins of most nuclei (including all odd A nuclei) are not
equal to 0, the development of polarization theory of nuclear reactions is
In order to perform a specific calculation of the polarization quantity, the nuclear
reaction theory [26, 27] must be used to study how to get the corresponding reaction
amplitude. We know that the S matrix theory with j–j coupling [26] or S-L coupling
[27] can give expressions for scattering amplitude, or reaction amplitude of the
two-body nuclear reactions, including the C-G coefficients, the spherical harmonic
functions, the Legendre functions, and the S matrix elements. But the key issue is
how to calculate the S matrix elements. In nuclear reaction theory, S matrix elements
can be calculated by the phase shift analysis method for nucleon-nucleon or nucleon-
deuteron elastic scattering, and it is also possible to extend this method to other types
of nuclear reactions. For the light nucleus resonance energy region, the R matrix
theory can be used to calculate the S matrix elements. The S matrix elements in the
case of elastic scattering of a particle with a spinless target can be calculated using a
spherical optical model. The polarization problem of elastic scattering of the spin
particles and spinless targets is introduced in Ref. [26], in which the S matrix
elements are calculated by the spherical optical model. At present, two groups of
authors have given the universal deuteron optical potentials in the energy region
below 200 MeV [28, 29]. However, neither group considered the deuteron polari-
zation data when determining the parameters of the two sets of deuteron optical
potentials. Moreover, in another set of deuteron universal optical potential suitable
for 12–90 MeV energy rangy [30], it only considered the vector polarization data. In
order to calculate the deuteron observables that can fit vector and tensor polarization
experimental data simultaneously, the tensor potentials should be included in the
deuteron optical potentials. The S matrix elements of the inelastic scattering can be
calculated by using the coupled channel optical model. The T matrix elements of the
two-body direct reactions can be obtained by using the DWBA method and can be
converted into the S matrix elements [26]. With the development of computers,
coupled reaction channel theory considering elastic scattering, inelastic scattering,
and other two-body direct reactions can simultaneously give the S matrix elements of
these reaction channels. In addition, the three-body reaction theory starting from
realistic nuclear forces can also give scattering amplitude or reaction amplitude, so it
can also be considered to perform a specific calculation of the polarization observ-
ables. Since statistical average assumptions are made in the study of equilibrium and
pre-equilibrium reaction theories, the polarization problem does not need to be
considered in these theories.
We know that the quantum theory of angular momentum is the main theoretical
tool for studying how to obtain various polarization quantities from the amplitude of
the nuclear reactions. In this respect, a very detailed and practical Ref. [31] can be
found. Given this, it is possible now to develop a more widely applicable and
4 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

practical polarization theory of nuclear reactions based on the existing polarization

theory of nuclear reactions.
This book will study the polarization theory of nuclear reactions in which spin
or 1 particle reacts directly with the unpolarized or polarized targets and residual
* *
! 1 1 !
nuclei with arbitrary spins, including 1 þ A ! þ B and þ A ! 1 þ B reac-
2 2
tions. This book will also give the polarization theory of nuclear reactions in which
the two particles in the incident channel are polarized; and make study on the
polarization theory of nuclear reactions of the spin particles and the polarization
theory of the photon beams; and give the theory of relativistic nuclear reactions and
the corresponding polarization theory. We know that in some energy regions, even if
the target, the residual nucleus, and the incident particle are all unpolarized, the
emitted particles are generally polarized. For example, for the neutron induced
reaction, the nuclear forces felt by neutrons with spin up and spin down are different,
so their motion behaviors are different. Although the polarization phenomena exist
objectively in nuclear reactions, at present people only use unpolarized nuclear
reaction data when studying the nuclear transport process, and do not consider the
polarization effect. Obviously, this approach is only an approximation in some
energy regions. Therefore, in the last chapter of this book, we will discuss how to
establish polarization nuclear database and make studying and discussion on the
development of polarized nucleus transport theory.

1.2 Spin Operators

In general, we adopt the natural unit system, that is, letting c ¼ ħ ¼ 1. In the actual
calculation, the dimensionless spin and spin projection should all be multiplied by ħ.
For coordinate space, the Cartesian coordinate system is generally used, that is,
the rectangular coordinate system, and the coordinate position vector r can be
represented as (x, y, z). Ohlsen, an authority on polarization theory, pointed out
that formally constructing another coordinate system represented by complex num-
bers, in which the coordinate position vector r can be represented as (r1, r0, r1), has
many advantages in theoretical derivation [7]. In the monograph Quantum Theory of
Angular Momentum [31], the coordinate system represented by (r, θ, φ) is called the
polar coordinate system, and the coordinate system represented by (r1, r0, r1) is
called the spherical coordinate system. In an article on polarization theory published
in Phys. Rev. C [32], the coordinate system represented by (r1, r0, r1) is also referred
to as the spherical coordinate system. In Rose’s book Elementary Theory of Angular
Momentum [33], the coordinate system represented by (r1, r0, r1) is called the
“spherical coordinate representation”, and the relations between the Cartesian
basis functions and the spherical basis functions are given. In order to avoid
confusion with the spherical coordinate system represented by (r, θ, φ), this book
will refer to the coordinate system represented by (r1, r0, r1) as the spherical basis
1.2 Spin Operators 5

coordinate system. Note that in the spin S space, there are 2S þ 1 spherical basis
coordinate axes.
If the spin of a particle is S, then its spin operator ^
S is a vector with three
components and typically represented by a set of three square (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1)
matrices. The spin operator ^S is Hermitian

^Sþ ¼ ^S ð1:1Þ

For the Cartesian coordinate components of ^S, Eq. (1.1) representing the Hermitian
property has the form

ð^Si Þ ¼ ^Si , i ¼ x,y,z ð1:2Þ

and for spherical basis coordinate components there are

þ μ
ð^Sμ Þ ¼ ^S ¼ ð1Þμ ^Sμ , μ ¼ 1,0 ð1:3Þ

Spin operator ^S satisfies the following relation

^S  ^S ¼ i^S, ð1:4Þ

and also satisfies the following commutation relation

* * * *
½ð a  ^SÞ,ðb  ^SÞ ¼ iða  b Þ  ^
S ð1:5Þ

* * * * * *
where a and b are any constant vectors. When letting a ¼ e i , b ¼ e k (i, k ¼ x, y,
* *
z), where e i and e k are the basis vectors of the Cartesian coordinate system, the
following commutation relations can be obtained from Eq. (1.5)

½^Si , ^Sk  ¼ iεikl ^Sl , ½^S , ^Si  ¼ 0,

i,k,l ¼ x,y,z ð1:6Þ

< 1, if the combinaton of ikl is obtained by an even permutation of xyz
εikl ¼ 1 if the combinaton of ikl is obtained by an odd permutation of xyz
0 if at least two indices among ikl are equal

The square of the spin operator ^S 2 may be expressed in terms of Cartesian coordinate
components ^Si ði ¼ x, y, zÞ as
6 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

^S 2 ¼ ^S 2 ¼ ^S 2 þ ^S 2 þ ^
i x y

In Ref. [26], Eq. (3.4.48) gives the definition of the spherical basis vectors, and
Eqs. (3.4.51) and (3.4.52) give the spherical basis coordinate representations of any
three-dimensional vector A as follows:

! X
A¼ ð1Þμ Aμ e μ ð1:9Þ

1   1  
A1 ¼  pffiffiffi Ax þ iAy , A0 ¼ Az , A1 ¼ pffiffiffi Ax  iAy ð1:10Þ
2 2

And we can find out

X X μ
^S2 ¼ ð1Þμ ^Sμ ^Sμ ¼ ^
S ^Sμ ð1:11Þ
μ μ

The spin function of spin S particles can be expressed as χ(σ), where σ is the
projection of the spin on the z-axis, σ ¼ S, S  1, ⋯,  S. The spin functions χ(σ) are
commonly written as column matrices of 2S þ 1 elements
0 1
χ ðSÞ
B χ ð S  1Þ C
^χ ¼ B C ð1:12Þ
@ ⋮ A
χ ðSÞ

χ þ has the form of a row matrix

The corresponding Hermitian conjugate function ^

^χ þ ¼ ðχ  ðSÞ χ  ðS  1Þ ⋯ χ  ðSÞÞ ð1:13Þ

Its normalization condition is

^χ þ ^χ ¼ j χ ðσ Þj 2 ¼ 1 ð1:14Þ

The basis spin function is a spin state wave function that has definite spin and spin
projection on the z-axis. The basis spin functions χ Sm are the common eigenfunctions
S and ^Sz , that is,
of spin operators ^
1.2 Spin Operators 7

^S2 χ Sm ¼ SðS þ 1Þχ Sm , ^Sz χ Sm ¼ mχ Sm ð1:15Þ

In the spherical basis representation, the dependence of the basis spin functions
χ Sm(σ) on the spin variable σ is given by

χ Sm ðσ Þ ¼ δmσ ð1:16Þ

The basis spin functions of the spin S particles can be written as column matrices as
0 1 0 1 0 1
1 0 0
B 0 C B 1 C B 0 C
χ SS ¼B C
B ⋮ C, χS S1 ¼B ⋮
C, ⋯, χ S S ¼ B ⋮ C
B C ð1:17Þ
@ 0 A @ 0 A @ 0 A
0 0 1

The collection of 2S þ 1 basis spin functions χ Sm (m ¼ S, S  1, ⋯, S) constitutes a

complete orthonormal set of functions, and its orthonormality condition is

Sm χ Sm0 ¼ δmm0 ð1:18Þ

Its completeness condition may be written in matrix form

χ Sm χ þ ^
Sm ¼ I, ð1:19Þ

where ^I is the unit (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1) matrix.

The spherical basis components of the spin operator ^
S may be expressed in terms
of the basis spin functions χ Sm as [31]
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiX S m0
^Sμ ¼ SðS þ 1Þ CSm 1μ χ Sm0 χ þ μ ¼ 1,0 ð1:20Þ
Sm ,

From Eq. (1.20) and Eq. (1.16), the matrix elements of the spherical basis component
of the spin matrix in the spherical basis representation can be obtained as
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Sσ0
ð^Sμ Þσ0 σ ¼ SðS þ 1Þ C Sσ 1μ , σ,σ 0 ¼ S,S1,⋯, S ð1:21Þ

The components of the spin operator ^S in the Cartesian coordinate system can be
obtained from its components in the spherical basis coordinate system given by
Eq. (1.20) by use of the following formulas:
8 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

^Sx ¼ p1ffiffiffi ^S  ^S , ^Sy ¼ piffiffiffi ^S þ ^
S1 , ^
Sz ¼ ^
S0 ð1:22Þ
1 1 1
2 2

Its inverse transformation relations are

^S1 ¼  p1ffiffiffi S^x þ i^Sy , ^S0 ¼ ^Sz , ^S1 ¼ p1ffiffiffi ^ ^
S x  i Sy ð1:23Þ
2 2

In the Cartesian coordinate system, there are the following trace (tr) formulas for
the products of spin matrices for an arbitrary spin S [31]:

    SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ
tr ^Si ¼ 0, tr ^Si ^Sk ¼ δik ,
  SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ
tr ^Si ^Sk ^Sl ¼ i εikl ,
6 (" #
n o SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ 1   ð1:24Þ
tr ^Si ^Sk ^Sl ^Sj ¼ S ð S þ 1Þ þ δik δlj þ δij δkl
15 2
h i
þ SðS þ 1Þ  2 δil δkj , i, k, l, j ¼ x, y, z

The first symbol i on the right side of the third equation of the above expressions
represents the imaginary number. In the spherical basis coordinate system, there are
the following trace formulas for the products of spin matrices [31]
n o n o SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ
tr ^Sμ ¼ 0, tr ^Sμ ^Sν ¼ ð1Þμ δμ ν ,
3 !
n o SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ 1 1 1 SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ
tr ^Sμ ^Sν ^Sλ ¼  pffiffiffi ¼ pffiffiffi ð1Þ1þλ C11μλ1ν ,
6 μ ν λ 3 2
n o SðS þ 1Þð2S þ 1Þ nh i
tr ^Sμ ^Sν ^Sλ ^Sρ ¼ SðS þ 1Þ þ ð1Þμþλ
15 2 o
δμ ν δλ ρ þ δμ ρ δν λ þ ½SðS þ 1Þ  2 ð1Þμþν δμ λ δν ρ ,
μ, ν, λ, ρ ¼ 1, 0

1 1 1
where is the 3j symbol.
μ ν λ
1.3 Irreducible Tensors 9

1.3 Irreducible Tensors

The Wigner D function DJMM 0 ðα, β, γ Þ is defined as the matrix elements of the
^ ðα, β, γ Þ with a definite angular momentum J and magnetic
rotation operator D
quantum number M

^ ðα, β, γ ÞjJ 0 M 0 i ¼ δJJ 0 DJMM 0 ðα, β, γ Þ

hJMjD ð1:26Þ

where α, β, γ are Euler angles. The wave function Ψ JM of a quantum system

with angular momentum J and projection M rotates in coordinate space in the
following way:

Ψ JM 0 ðθ 0 , φ0 Þ ¼ Ψ JM ðθ, φÞDJMM 0 ðα, β, γ Þ ð1:27Þ

where θ, φ and θ 0 , φ0 are the polar and azimuthal angles of the initial and rotated
coordinate systems. θ, φ and θ 0 , φ0 satisfy the following relations [31]:

cos θ 0 ¼ cos θ cos β þ sin θ sin β cos ðφ  αÞ,

cot θ sin β ð1:28Þ
cot ðφ 0 þ γ Þ ¼ cot ðφ  αÞ cos β 
sin ðφ  αÞ

Its inverse relations are

cos θ ¼ cos θ 0 cos β  sin θ 0 sin β cos ðφ 0 þ γ Þ,

cot θ 0 sin β ð1:29Þ
cot ðφ  αÞ ¼ cot ðφ 0 þ γ Þ cos β þ
sin ðφ 0 þ γ Þ

The spin projection on the linear momentum direction of a particle is called the
helicity, and the helicity of the spin S particle is taken as λ ¼ S, S  1, ⋯, S. Let
* *
n ¼ p =p denote the unit vector of the particle momentum direction, where θ and φ
are the polar and azimuthal angles of n . The helicity basis functions χ Sλ(θ, φ) are the
common eigenfunctions of the operators ^S and ^S  n , that is,

^S2 χ Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ SðS þ 1Þχ Sλ ðθ, φÞ, ^S  *

n χ Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ λχ Sλ ðθ, φÞ ð1:30Þ

The helicity basis functions can be obtained by rotating the general basis spin
functions, which is defined to the z-axis [31]
10 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

χ Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ DSmλ ðφ, θ, 0Þχ Sm ,
χ Sm ¼ DSλ m ð0, θ, φÞχ Sλ ðθ, φÞ,
X ð1:31Þ
Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ ð1Þλm DSm λ ðφ, θ, 0Þχ þ
Sm ,
Sm ¼ ð1Þλm DSλ m ð0, θ, φÞχ þ
Sλ ðθ, φÞ

The orthonormality condition for the helicity basis functions is

Sλ0 θ, φ χ Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ δλ0 λ ð1:32Þ

The completeness condition for the helicity basis functions has the following matrix
χ Sλ ðθ, φÞχ þ ^
Sλ ðθ, φÞ ¼ I ð1:33Þ

where ^I is a unit (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1) matrix.

Irreducible tensors mean that under rotations of coordinate systems these tensors
transform in the same manner as eigenfunctions of the angular momentum operator.
Assuming that MJ is an irreducible tensor of rank J, where J can be a non-negative
integer or semi-odd number, MJ has 2J þ 1 components MJM, M ¼ –J,
–J þ 1, ⋯, J. When the coordinate system rotates, a linear transformation of
MJM is performed as follows:

^ ðα, β, γ ÞMJM 0 ðX Þ½D
MJM 0 ðX 0 Þ ¼ D ^ ðα, β, γ Þ
XJ ð1:34Þ
¼ MJM ðX ÞDJMM 0 ðα, β, γ Þ

where X and X0 denote sets of all arguments of the tensor in the initial and final
coordinate systems, respectively. It can be seen that the linear transformation
coefficient of this rotation is the Wigner D function. In fact, the angular momentum
^ ^S are the irreducible tensors of rank 1; the spherical harmonic function
operators ^J,L,
Ylm is an irreducible tensor of rank l; and the spin S wave function is an irreducible
tensor of rank S.
The spherical basis components of the angular momentum operator ^ J and the
irreducible tensor MJM satisfy the following commutation relations:
1.3 Irreducible Tensors 11

^J 1 , MJM ¼  p1ffiffiffi eiδ J ðJ þ 1Þ  M ðM  1ÞMJ M1 ,
2 ð1:35Þ
^J 0 , MJM ¼ MMJM

The above formulas can be written in compact form as

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi J Mþμ
^J μ , MJM ¼ eiμδ J ðJ þ 1ÞC J M 1μ MJ Mþμ , μ ¼ 1,0 ð1:36Þ

From these relations it follows that

h 2 i
^J , MJM ¼ J ðJ þ 1ÞMJM ð1:37Þ

Let us adopt the phase δ ¼ 0, that is, eiδ ¼ 1. For the integer rank J, the overall
phase of the MJM components is usually defined in such manner that

ðMJM Þ ¼ ð1ÞM MJ M ð1:38Þ

This choice of phase coincides with that for spherical harmonics. You can also define
another irreducible tensor as

f JM ¼ iJ MJM
M ð1:39Þ

Then one has

f JM
M fJ
¼ ð1ÞJM M M ð1:40Þ

The irreducible tensor defined in this way can be used in the case where J is an
integer or a semi-odd number; J  M is always an integer. According to Eq. (1.3),
MJM and MM J respectively represent covariant and contravariant components of the
irreducible tensor MJ, and we have the following relations:

J ¼ ðMJM Þ ¼ ð1Þ
f ¼ M
M f JM ¼ ð1ÞJM Mf J M

The scalar product of two irreducible tensors MJ and N J of the same rank is
defined as
ðMJ  N J Þ ¼ ð1ÞM MJM N J M ¼ MJM N JM ¼ MJM N M
J ð1:42Þ
12 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

  X X X
f J  Ne J ¼
M f JM Ne J
ð1ÞJM M M ¼ f JM Ne  ¼
M f JM Ne M ð1:43Þ

The components of an irreducible tensor product LJ of two irreducible tensors MJ 1

and N J 2 of ranks J1 and J2 are defined as follows:
M1 J 2 M 2 MJ 1 M 1 N J 2 M 2 ð1:44Þ
M1 M2

The irreducible tensor product is also denoted as

LJ MJ 1 N J2 J

where MJ 1 M 1 N J 2 M 2 is the direct product of a set of (2J1 þ 1)(2J2 þ 1) components

of two irreducible tensors MJ 1 and N J 2 . According to Eq. (1.44) one can obtain

1 þJ 2

MJ 1 M 1 N J 2 M 2 ¼ C JJ 1M
M1 J 2 M 2 LJM ð1:46Þ
J¼jJ 1 J 2 j

This formula shows that the direct product MJ 1 M 1 N J 2 M 2 is reducible and can be
expanded with irreducible tensor LJM with different rank J. If one use M f J M and
1 1
Ne J 2 M 2 defined by Eq. (1.39) to get LJM , one can prove
e JM
L eJ
¼ ð1ÞJM L M ð1:47Þ

f J M , Ne J M , and L
This formula shows that M e JM all satisfy the relation (1.40).
1 1 2 2
Although MJ 1 M 1 and N J 2 M 2 satisfy relation (1.38), LJM does not except
J1 þ J2  J ¼ even. From the above discussion, it is understandable why il Yl ml is
used instead of using only Yl ml in the coupling wave function of the nuclear

1.4 Polarization Operators

The spin observables are different for particles with different spins. Table 1.1 gives
the types of the spin observables corresponding to various spin particles.
The polarization operator is used to describe the polarization state of particles.
The polarization operator T^ LM ðSÞðM ¼ L, L þ 1,⋯, L and L ¼ 0, 1, . . ., 2S;
both L and M being integers) are square (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1) matrices which act on
spin functions. When the coordinate system is rotated, this operator is linearly
transformed with the Wigner D function in the way given by Eq. (1.34), that is,
1.4 Polarization Operators 13

Table 1.1 Types of the spin observables corresponding to various

spin particles
Spin S
0 1 1 3
Spin observables 2 2 . . .. . .
Unpolarized, scalar, rank-0 tensor √ √ √ √ . . .. . .
Vector, rank-1 tensor √ √ √ . . .. . .
Rank-2 tensor √ √ . . .. . .
Rank-3 tensor √ . . .. . .
. . .. . . . . .. . .

T^ LM ðSÞ are irreducible tensors of rank L. According to Eq. (1.36), the commutation
relations between the spherical basis components of the spin operator ^ Sμ and the
polarization operators T^ LM ðSÞ can be written as
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi L Mþμ
^Sμ , T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ LðL þ 1ÞC LM 1μ T^ L Mþμ ðSÞ ð1:48Þ

Let us normalize the polarization operators by the condition

n þ
tr T^ LM ðSÞT^ L 0 M 0 ðSÞ ¼ ð2S þ 1Þ δLL 0 δMM 0 ð1:49Þ

and choose the phase factors to satisfy the relations

T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ ð1ÞM T^ L M ðSÞ ð1:50Þ

The above three conditions completely determine the polarization operator T^ LM ðSÞ.
The above definition of T^ LM ðSÞ in this book is consistent with that in the polarization
theory articles [6, 34] in S¼1 case. But the defined polarization operator T^ LM ðSÞ in
this book compared with that in the monograph
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffititled Quantum Theory of Angular
n o [31] has a more factor 2S þ 1 . Based on the trace formula

tr σ^μ σ^μ0 ¼ 2δμμ0 and Eq. (1.49), the defined T 1M 12 in this book is equal to the
Pauli matrix σ^M . The polarization operator T^ LM ðSÞ has ð2L þ 1Þ ¼ ð2S þ 1Þ2
linear independent components, and each component is a square (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1)
matrix. These (2S þ 1)2 matrices constitute a set of complete linear independent
The polarization operator T^ LM ðSÞ can be represented by a basis spin function χ Sm
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi X S m 0
T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ 2L þ 1 C Sm LM χ Sm0 χ þ
Sm ð1:51Þ
m m0

Its inverse relation is

14 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2L þ 1

χ Sm0 χ þ ¼ ð1:52Þ
2S þ 1

Using Eq. (1.16) in the spherical basis representation, the matrix element of T^ LM ðSÞ
in the spherical basis representation can be obtained as
h i pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Sσ0
T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ 2L þ 1CSσ LM , σ,σ 0 ¼ S,  S þ 1,⋯,S ð1:53Þ
σ0 σ

When L ¼ 0 from the above relation, one can obtain

T^ 00 ðSÞ ¼ ^I ð1:54Þ

where ^I is a unit (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1) matrix. Comparing Eq. (1.20) with Eq. (1.51)
in L ¼ 1 case, the following relation can be obtained:
3 ^S ,
T^ 1M ðSÞ ¼ M ¼ 1,0 ð1:55Þ
SðS þ 1Þ M

According to Eq. (1.49), it can be seen that pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi T^ LM ðSÞ constitutes a set of
ð2S þ 1Þ
complete linear independent matrices. Therefore, any square (2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1)
^ can be expanded with a series of polarization operators pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
matrix A T^ LM ðSÞ
ð2S þ 1Þ

1 X
2S X
^ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A ffi ALM T^ LM ðSÞ ð1:56Þ
2S þ 1 L¼0 M¼L

By use of Eq. (1.49) and the above formula, we can get

n o pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
tr A^ T^ þ ðSÞ ¼ 2S þ 1 ALM ð1:57Þ

If A ^ þ ¼ A,
^ is Hermitian, that is, A ^ then by using Eqs. (1.50) and (1.56) one can
A ^ þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
^¼A 1
ffi ALM ð1ÞM T^ L M ðSÞ
2S þ 1 LM
X ð1:58Þ
¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi A ð1ÞM T^ LM ðSÞ
2S þ 1 LM L M

Comparing Eq. (1.56) and Eq. (1.58), the following formulas can be obtained:
1.4 Polarization Operators 15

ALM ¼ ð1ÞM AL M , ALM ¼ ð1ÞM AL M ð1:59Þ

Products of two polarization operators T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞ and T^ L2 M 2 ðSÞ may be written as [31]
T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞT^ L2 M 2 ðSÞ ¼ L ^2 ^S
^1 L ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL W ðL1 L2 SS; LSÞC LM
L1 M 1
L2 M 2 T LM ðSÞ ð1:60Þ

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where L^ 2L þ 1, ^S 2S þ 1 , and Racah coefficient W is used. Substituting
Eq. (1.51) into the right end of Eq. (1.60), one can obtain
IR L ^2 ^S
^1 L ^ ðL1 L2 SS; LSÞC LM
ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL LW L1 M 1 L2 M 2 CSm
0 þ
LM χ Sm0 χ Sm ð1:61Þ
LM mm0

Substituting Eq. (1.51) into the left end of Eq. (1.60) and using Eq. (1.18), one can
! !
IL L ^2
^1 L 0
C SSmm11 L1 M 1 χ Sm1 0 χ þ
C SSmm22 L2 M 2 χ Sm2 0 χ þ
m1 m1 0 m2 m2 0 ð1:62Þ
¼ L ^2
^1 L S m0
CSm1 L1 M 1 C Sm L2 M 2 χ Sm0 χ þ
S m1
m1 m0 m

Using the following formula including the C–G coefficient and the Racah coefficient

bβ C eε dδ ¼ ^e^f W ðabcd; ef ÞC fbβφ cγ
dδ C aα f φ ð1:63Þ
ε fφ

one can obtain

P Sm0 P
C Sm1 Sm1
¼ ^SLW
^ ðSL2 SL1 ; SLÞCLM Sm0
L1 M 1 C Sm L2 M 2 L M 2 2 L1 M 1 C Sm LM
m1 LM
¼ ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL ^SLW
L1 M 1
L2 M 2 C Sm LM


Substituting the above formula into Eq. (1.62), it is proved that the two ends of
Eq. (1.60) are equal.
The polarization operators satisfy the following commutation relations [31]:
T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞ, T^ L2 M 2 ðSÞ ¼ L ^2 ^S
^1 L ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3 1  ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3
L3 ð1:65Þ
W ðL1 L2 SS; L3 SÞC LL31 M
3 ^
L2 M 2 T L3 M 3 ð SÞ

Based on Eq. (1.55), we know that Eq. (1.48) is only a special case of Eq. (1.65) in
the case of L1 ¼ 1. The anti-commutation relations of the polarization operators are
16 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞ, T^ L2 M 2 ðSÞ ¼ L ^2 ^S ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3 1 þ ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3
^1 L
L3 ð1:66Þ
W ðL1 L2 SS; L3 SÞCLL31 M
3 ^
L2 M 2 T L3 M 3 ð SÞ

Here note the introduced symbol S^ 2S þ 1. The following formulas can be
obtained using Eqs. (1.49), (1.50), and (1.54)
n o
tr T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ ^S δL0 δM0
n o
tr T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞT^ L2 M 2 ðSÞ ¼ ð1ÞM 1 ^S δL1 L2 δM 1
M 2 ð1:68Þ

Using Eq. (1.60) and Eq. (1.68), one can get

tr T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞT^ L2 M 2 ðSÞT^ L3 M 3 ðSÞ
¼ ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3 þM 3 L ^2 ^S C LL3 MML3 M W ðL1 L2 SS; L3 SÞ
^1 L 3
1 1 2 2

Using Eq. (1.60) and Eq. (1.69), one can also get
tr T^ L1 M 1 ðSÞT^ L2 M 2 ðSÞT^ L3 M 3 ðSÞT^ L4 M 4 ðSÞ
¼ ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL L ^1 L^2 ^SW ðL1 L2 SS; LSÞC LL MM 1 þM 2
1 1 L2 M 2
L 2S

ð1ÞLþL3 þL4 þM 4 L ^3 ^S C LL4 MMþM
3 4
L3 M 3 W ðLL3 SS; L4 SÞ
1 2

^1 L
¼ ð1ÞL1 þL2 þL3 þL4 þM 4 L ^3 ^S
^2 L 4
X L M þM L M
^ L M 1 L M2 CL4 M þM
LC 4
W ðL1 L2 SS; LSÞW ðLL3 SS; L4 SÞ
1 1 2 2 1 2 L3 M 3
L 2S

1.5 Density Matrices

The density matrix is defined as [31]

^ρ ¼ wα jψ α ihψ α j ð1:71Þ

where jψ αi is the α sub-state of the system, wα is the weight and the normalization
condition is given by
wα ¼ 1 ð1:72Þ
1.5 Density Matrices 17

Obviously the density matrix defined by Eq. (1.71) is Hermitian.

Set {jφii} as a set of orthogonal complete basis, the matrix element of the density
matrix ^ρ in the orthogonal basis is
ρik ¼ hφi j^ρjφk i ¼ hφi jψ α iwα hψ α jφk i ð1:73Þ

^ is
In general ^ρ is not a diagonal matrix. The definition of the trace of the observable O
^g ¼
trfO ^ jφi i
h φi j O ð1:74Þ

The density matrix can be traced, using Eqs. (1.71), (1.72), and (1.74) as well as the
orthonormal properties of the wave functions, as follows:
trf^ρg ¼ hφi j wα jψ α ihψ α jφi i ¼ wα hψ α jφi ihφi jψ α i ¼ wα ¼ 1
i α α i α


^ is
The average value of any physical quantity O
^ jψ α i
wα hψ α jO
^i ¼ P
hO ð1:76Þ
wα hψ α jψ α i

The complete condition of orthogonal basis |φii is

jφi ihφi j ¼ ^I ð1:77Þ

Here ^I is the unit matrix. Note that the matrix element is a value that can be
exchanged with other physical quantities, so using Eqs. (1.77) and (1.73) one can
rewrite Eq. (1.76) as

X X X 
^ jφi ihφi jψ α i
wα hψ α jφk ihφk jO ^ j φi i
hφi jψ α iwα hψ α jφk i hφk jO
αik α
^i ¼
hO X ¼ ik
X X 
wα hψ α jφi ihφi jψ α i hφi jψ α iwα hψ α jφi i
αi α
X i
ρik Oki    
tr ρ^O ^ tr O^^ρ
¼ Xik
¼ ¼
ρii trfρ^g trfρ^g
18 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

The polarization density matrix ρ^ of the spin S particles is a square

(2S þ 1)  (2S þ 1) matrix defined by the spin wave functions χ(σ) in the spin
space in the following way

ρσσ0 ¼ hχ ðσ Þχ  ðσ 0 Þiξ ð1:79Þ

or in matrix form by

ρ^ ¼ hχ^χ^ þ iξ ð1:80Þ

where h iξ denotes the statistical average. In particular, for pure states, one gets

ρ^ ¼ χ^χ^ þ ¼ jχ ihχ j ð1:81Þ

From the above definition, it can be seen that the density matrix is Hermitian, that is,

ρ^þ ¼ ρ^, ρ^σσ 0 ¼ ρ^σ 0 σ ð1:82Þ

and normalized, that is,

trfρ^g ¼ 1, ρσσ ¼ 1 ð1:83Þ

For pure states, from Eq. (1.81) and Eq. (1.14), one can prove

ρ^2 ¼ χ^χ^þ χ^χ^þ ¼ χ^χ^ þ ¼ ρ^ ð1:84Þ

We use j χ ii and j χ fi to represent the initial and final states of the spin space,
respectively. The reaction amplitude is defined by the following formula:

^ j χii
j χf i ¼ F ð1:85Þ

Using Eq. (1.81), the density matrix of the initial state and the final state can be
expressed as

ρ^in ¼ j χ i ih χ i j ð1:86Þ
^ j χ i ih χ i jF
ρ^out ¼ j χ f ih χ f j ¼ F ^þ ¼ F ^þ
^ ρ^in F ð1:87Þ

The average value of any physical quantity O ^ in the final state can be obtained by
using the complete condition of the basis spin functions j χ Smi
1.5 Density Matrices 19

^ þ j χ Sm ih χ Sm jO
h χ i jF ^ j χ Sm0 i χ Sm0 ^F  χi
^ j χ f i h χ i jF
h χ f jO ^ þO^F^ j χii mm0
^i ¼
hO ¼ ¼ X
hχ f jχ f i ^ þF
h χ i jF ^ j χii ^ þ j χ Sm ih χ Sm jF
h χ i jF ^ j χii

Since the matrix element h. . .i is a numerical value, the matrix element can exchange
positions with other physical quantities, so the above formula can be rewritten as
^ χ i ih χ i jF
h χ Sm0 jFj ^ þ jχ Sm ih χ Sm jO ^ j χ Sm0 i
m m0
^i ¼
hO X
^ j χ i ih χ i j F
h χ Sm jF ^ þ j χ Sm i
X m
^ j χ i ih χ i j F
h χ Sm0 jF ^ j χ Sm0 i
^ þO    
0 ^
tr ρ^out O ^ ρ out
tr O^
¼ X
¼ ¼
^ j χ i ih χ i jF j χ Sm i
h χ Sm jF ^þ trfρ^out g trfρ^out g

Equation (1.89) obtained in the spin space is the same as Eq. (1.78). If the polari-
zation problem is studied by using the first equation of Eq. (1.88), it is called the
expectation value method. If the polarization problem is studied by using the last
right end of Eq. (1.89), it is called the tracing method. These two methods are
If the density matrix is normalized, an expectation value of any polarization
operator T^ in a state described by the density matrix ρ^ may be evaluated by
hT^ i ¼ tr T^ ρ^ ¼ tr ρ^T^ ð1:90Þ

The normalized density matrix ρ^ of spin S particles can be expanded by a set of

1 ffi T^ ðSÞ that have been formed
complete linear independent matrices pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi LM
2S þ 1
before, and the corresponding expansion coefficient can be represented by
1 ffi t ðSÞ: Given this, we have the following formula:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi LM
2S þ 1

1 X 2S
ρ^ ¼ t L ðSÞ  T^ L ðSÞ ð1:91Þ
2S þ 1 L¼0

where T^ L is the polarization operator discussed earlier and tL is called the statistical
tensor, which is a spatial coordinate function. This book does not use the polarization
operator defined in Ref. [31], but uses the polarization operator normalized by
Eq. (1.49). It can be seen from the above formula that there are some advantages
by using our approach. When the density matrix given by Eq. (1.91) is used to find
the differential cross section, the factor , which should be multiplied when the
2S þ 1
20 1 Basic Knowledge of Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions

average of the initial states is carrying out, will appear automatically at the front of
the expression. The point multiplication in Eq. (1.91) represents the scalar product of
two irreducible tensors defined by Eq. (1.41), so Eq. (1.91) can be rewritten as

1 X 2S XL
ρ^ ¼ ð1ÞM t L M ðSÞT^ LM ðSÞ
2S þ 1 L¼0 M¼L
1 X 2S XL
¼ t LM ðSÞð1ÞM T^ L M ðSÞ
2S þ 1 L¼0 M¼L

We can obtain the following relation according to Eqs. (1.90), (1.92), and (1.68):
D E n o
T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ tr ρ^ T^ LM ðSÞ ¼ t LM ðSÞ ð1:93Þ

The above formula shows that tLM(S) is the expectation value of the polarization
operator T^ LM ðSÞ in the state described by the normalized density matrix ρ^.
In the spherical basis representation, using Eq. (1.53) we can get
  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Sσ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Sσ0
ð1ÞM T^ L M ðSÞ σσ 0 ¼ ð1ÞM 2L þ 1C Sσ 0 L M ¼ 2L þ 1CSσ LM ð1:94Þ

Substituting Eq. (1.94) into Eq. (1.92) we have

X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2L þ 1

ρσσ0 ¼ CSσ LM t LM ðSÞ ð1:95Þ
2S þ 1 Sσ

Using the formula of the C-G coefficient

0 2S þ 1 L M
Sσ LM ¼ ð1Þ Sσ
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi CSσ S σ 0 ð1:96Þ
2L þ 1

and Eq. (1.95) we may obtain

X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi XX pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
0 2S þ 1 2L0 þ 1 2S þ 1
CSσ ρ
LM σσ 0 ¼ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2L þ 1 σσ 0 L0 M 0 2S þ 1

σσ 0 2L0 þ 1
L M L0 M 0 1
CSσ S σ 0 C Sσ S σ 0 t L0 M 0 ðSÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi t LM ðSÞ
2L þ 1

which yields
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiX Sσ 0
t LM ðSÞ ¼ 2L þ 1 C Sσ LM ρσσ 0 ð1:98Þ
σσ 0
References 21

By use of Eq. (1.83) the following relation is easily obtained from Eq. (1.98):

t 00 ðSÞ ¼ 1 ð1:99Þ

It can easily be proven that the density matrix ρ^ of spin space defined by Eq. (1.91)
or Eq. (1.92) is normalized using Eqs. (1.67), (1.99), and (1.54). According to
Eq. (1.82) and Eq. (1.98), we can prove
tLM ðSÞ ¼ 2L þ 1 ð1ÞM C Sσ
Sσ 0 L M ρσ 0 σ ¼ ð1ÞM t L M ðSÞ ð1:100Þ
σσ 0


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responda por alli, sino de pura
piedad el equo echo que por
aquellas concauidades
resuena[741]. En grandes alaridos
y miseria passó la desdichada
aquel rato hasta que la mañana
aclaró, y ansi como el alua
començó a ronper, ronca de llorar,
todo su rostro y delicados
miembros despedaçados con las
vñas, tornó de nueuo a correr la
ribera y vio que a vna parte subia
vn peñasco muy alto sobre el mar,
en que con gran impetu batian las
olas, y alli sin algun temor se
subió, y mirando lexos, agora
porque viesse yr las velas
inchadas, o porque al deseo y
ansia se le antojó, començó a dar
bozes llamando a su Andronico,
hiriendo con furia las palmas; y
ansi cansada, llena de dolor, cayó
en el suelo amorteçida; y despues
que de gran pieza boluió en si
començó a dezir. Di, infiel traidor,
¿por qué huyes de mi, que ya me
tenias vençida? Pues tanto te
amaua esta desdichada, ¿en qué
podia dañar tus deleytes? Pues
lleuas contigo el alma, ¿por qué
no llenaste este cuerpo que tanta
fe te ha tenido? ¡O perfido
Andronico! ¿Este pago te mereçio
este mi coraçon que tanto se
enpleó en tí, que huyendo de mí
con tus nueuos amores me dexas
aqui hecha pasto de fieras? ¡O
amor! ¿Quién será aquella
desuenturada que sabiendo el
premio que me das de[742] mi fe,
no quiera antes que amar ser
comida de sierpes? ¿De quien me
quexaré? ¿De mí, porque tan
presto a ti, Andronico, me rendí
desobedeciendo a mi padre y
recusando a Raymundo? ¿O
quexarme he de ti, traidor
fementido, que en pago desto me
das este galardon? Juzguelo
Dios; y pues mis obras fueron por
la fe del matrimonio que no se
deue violar, pues la tuya es
verdadera trayçion arrastrado
seas en campo por mano de tus
enemigos. ¿Quien contara el
angustia, llanto, duelo, querella y
desauentura de tanta belleza y
mujer desdichada? yo me
marauillo cómo el çielo no se
abrio de piedad viendo desnudos
aquellos tan delicados miembros
gloria de naturaleza desamparada
de su amante, hecha manjar y
presa de fieras, esperando su
muerte futura. No puedo dezir
más; porque me siento tal, que de
pena y dolor reuiento. Y[743] ansi
con la gran ansia que la
atormentaua se tornó a desmayar
en el medio de vn prado teniendo
por cabezera una piedra, y
porque Dios nunca desampara a
los que con buena intinçion son
fieles, suçedio que auiendo
Raymundo conquistado el reyno
de Siçilia boluia vitorioso por el
mar, y aportando a aquella ysla,
aunque desierta se apeó por
gozar del agua fresca, y andando
con su arco y saetas por la ribera
solo, por se solazar, vio de lexos
a Drusila desnuda, tendida en el
suelo; y como la vio, avnque
luego le pareçió ser fiera, quando
reconoçió ser muger vinose para
ella, y como çerca llegó y halló
ser Drusila enmudeçió sin poder
hablar, pensando si por huyr dél
se auia desterrado aqui quando a
su padre le mató. De lastima della
començó á llorar, y ella boluiendo
en si se leuantó del suelo y muy
llena de verguença se sentó en la
piedra. Pareçia alli sentada como
solian los antiguos pintar a Diana
quando junto a la fuente está
echando agua a Antheon en el
rostro. O como pintan las tres
deesas ante Paris en el juizio de
la mançana, y quando trabaja
encogiendose cubrir el pecho y el
vientre descubresele mas el
costado. Era su blancura que a la
nieue vençia. Los ojos, pechos,
mexillas, nariz, boca, honbros,
garganta que Drusila mostraua se
podia anteponer a quantas en el
mundo ay de damas bellas[744]; y
despues desçendiendo mas abajo
por aquellos miembros secretos
que por su honestidad trabajaua
en cubrir, en el mundo no tenian
en velleza par; y como acabaua
de llorar pareçia su rostro como
suele ser de primavera alguna
vez el çielo, y como queda el sol
acabando de llouer auiendo
desconbrado todo el nublado de
sobre la tierra; y ansi Raymundo
captiuo de su velleza le dixo:
¿Vos no soys, mi señora, Drusila?
Al qual ella respondió: yo soy la
desdichada hija del rey de
Maçedonia; y luego alli le contó
por estenso todo lo que por
Andronico su esposo pasó, y
como viniendose para su tierra la
auia dexado sola alli como ve. El
se marauilló a tanta fe auer
hombre que diesse tan mal
galardon, y le dixo: pues yo,
señora, soy vuestro fiel amante
Raymundo de Traçia, y porque
me menospreçiastes me atreui a
os enojar; yo tengo el vuestro
reyno de Maçedonia guardado
para vos, juntamente con mi
coraçon, y quanto yo tengo está a
vuestro mandar; yo quiero tomar
la empresa de vuestra satisfaçion;
y diziendo esto saltó al nauio y
tomó vnas preçiosas vestiduras, y
solo sin alguna compañia se las
boluió uestir, y la truxo al nauio,
donde dandola a comer algunas
conseruas la consoló; y dados a
la vela la lleuó a la çiudad de
Constantinopla donde estaua su
padre, el qual como supo que
traya a Drusila y mucho a su
voluntad reçibio gran plazer, y
luego Raymundo se dispuso yr a
tomar la satisfaçion de Andronico
que se auia lançado en algunas
villas del reyno de Maçedonia, por
ser marido de Drusila; y como no
estaua en lugar[745] avn conoçido
no se pudo defender, que en
breue Raymundo le vençio, y
como le hubo a las manos le hizo
atar los pies a la cola de su
cauallo y heriendole fuertemente
de las espuelas le truxo por el
campo hasta que le despedaçó
todo el cuerpo, y ansi le pusieron
por la justiçia de Dios aqui al ayre
como le ves, en pena de su
ingratitud; y Raymundo en plazer
y contento de aquellos reynos se
casó con Drusila, los quales dos
se gozaron por muchos años en
su amor, y enbiaron a Sophrosina
para su madre a Lydia con mucho
plazer, y despues el rey de
Armenia, por ruegos del rey de
Traçia, boluió el reyno de Lydia a
Sophrosina y a su madre, casó su
hijo con Sophrosina y viuieron
todos en prosperidad. Ansi que
ves aqui la pena que se da a este
maluado por su ingratitud.
Miçilo.—Por çierto, gallo, el
cuento me ha sido de gran
piedad, y la pena es qual mereçe
ese traydor. Agora proçede en tu
Gallo.—Luego como subimos al
çielo empireo, que es el çielo
superior, nos alunbró vna
admirable luz que alegró todo el
spiritu con vn nueuo y particular
plazer, que no ay lengua ni avn
entendimiento que se sepa
declarar. Era este çielo firme, que
en ningun tienpo se mueue, ni
puede mouer, porque fue criado
para eternal morada y palaçio real
de Dios; y con él en el prinçipio de
su creaçion fueron alli criados vna
inumerable muchedunbre de
inteligençias, spiritus angelicos
como en lugar proprio y deputado
para su estançia y a ellos natural.
Como es lugar natural el agua
para los pescados, y el ayre para
las aues, y la tierra para los
animales fieros y de vso de
razon[746]. Este çielo es de
imensa y inestimable luz, y de vna
diuina claridad resplandeçiente
sobre humano entendimiento y
capaçidad. Por lo qual se llama
Enpireo, que quiere dezir fuego; y
no porque sea de naturaleza y
sustançia de fuego, sino por el
admirable resplandor y glorioso
alumbramiento que de sí emana y
proçede. Aquí está el lugar
destinado ante la constituçion del
mundo para silla y trono de Dios,
y para todos los que han de reinar
en su diuino acatamiento. La qual
luz quanto quiera que en si sea
clarissima y acutissima no la
pueden sufrir los ojos de nuestra
mortalidad, como los ojos de la
lechuza que no pueden sufrir la
luz y claridad del sol. Ni tanpoco
esta luz bienauenturada alumbra
fuera de aquel lugar. En
conclusion es tan admirable esta
luz y claridad que tiene a la luz
del sol y luna, çielos y planetas
ventaja sin conparaçion. Es tanta
y tan inestimable la ocupaçion en
que se arrebata el alma alli, que
de ninguna cosa que acá tenga,
ni dexa ni se acuerda allá. Ni más
se acuerda de padre, ni madre, ni
parientes, ni amigos, ni hijos, ni
muger más que si nunca los
huuiera visto. Ni piensa, ni mira,
ni considera mal ni infortunio que
les puede[747] acá venir. Sino solo
tiene cuenta y ocupaçion en aquel
gozo inestimable que no puede
Miçilo.—¡O gallo! qué
bienaventurada cosa es oyrte. No
me pareçe sino que lo veo todo
ante mi. Pues primero que llegues
a Dios y á dezirme el estado de
su magestad, te ruego me digas
la disposiçion del lugar.
Gallo.—Eran vnos canpos, vna
llanura que los ojos del alma no
los puede alcançar el fin. Eran
campos y estauan cubiertos
porque era casa real donde el
Rey tiene todos sus cortesanos
de sí; y mira bien agora, Miçilo,
que en aquel lugar auia todas
aquellas cosas que en el mundo
son de estima, y que en el mundo
pueden causar magestad,
deleyte, hermosura, alegria y
plazer; y otras muchas más sin
cuento ni fin. Pero solo esto
querria que con sola el alma
entendiesses; que todo aquello
que allá ay es de mucho más
virtud, exçelençia, fuerça,
elegançia y resplandor que en las
que en el mundo ay, sin ninguna
conparaçion[748]. Porque en fin
has de considerar que aquellas
estan en el çielo, naçieron en el
çielo, adornan el çielo, y avn son
de la çelestial condiçion para el
seruiçio y acatamiento de Dios, y
ansi has de considerar con
quanta ventaja deuen á estas
exceder. En tanta manera que
puedes creer, o presumir que
aquello es lo verdadero y lo que
tiene vibo ser, y que es sonbra lo
de acá, o fiçion. O que lo del çielo
es natural, y lo del mundo es
artifiçial y contrahecho y sin algun
valor. Como la ventaja que ay
entre[749], vn rubi, o[750] vn
diamante hecho en los hornos del
vidrio en[751] Venecia, en
Cadahalso, que no ay cosa de
menos estima; y mira avn quánta
ventaja le haze vn natural
diamante que fue naçido en las
minas de acá; que puesto en las
manos de vn prinçipe no se
puede apreçiar ni estimar. Auia
por comunes piedras por el suelo
de aquellos palaçios y praderias
esmeraldas, jaçintos, rubies,
carbuncos, topaçios, perlas,
çafires, crisotoles y diamantes, y
por entre estas corrian muy
graçiosas y perenales fuentes,
que con su meneo hazian spiritual
contento que el alma solo puede
sentir. Auia demas destas piedras
y gemas que conoçemos acá
otras infinitas de admirable
perfeçion, y avn deues creer que
por ser naçida allá qualquiera
piedra que por alli estaua çien
mundos no la podrian pagar
¡tanta y tan admirable era su
virtud! Ansi con este mesmo
presupuesto puedes entender y
considerar qué era el oro de alli y
todo lo demas. Porque no es
razon que me detenga en te
encareçer la infinidad de cosas
preçiosas y admirables que auia
allí; la multitud de árboles que a la
contina estan con sus flores y
frutas; y quanto mas sabrosas,
dulçes y suaues que nunca
humana garganta gustó. Aquella
muchedunbre de yeruas y flores;
que jazmines, oliuetas, alelies,
albahacas, rosas, azuzenas,
clabellinas, ni otras flores de por
acá dauan alli olor; porque las
pribauan otras muchas más que
auia sin numero por alli. En vn
gran espaçio que por
entendimiento humano no se
puede conprehender estaua
hecho vn admirable teatro
preçiosamente entoldado, del
medio del qual salia un trono de
diuina magestad. Auia tanto qué
ver y entender en Dios que al
juizio y entendimiento no le sobró
punto ni momento de tienpo para
poder contemplar la manera del
edifiçio y su valor. Basta que asi
como quien en sueños se le
representa vn inumerable cuento
de cosas que en confuso las ve
en particular, ansi mientra
razonauamos los miradores
açerca del diuino poder eché los
ojos y alcançé á juzgar ser aquel
trono de vna obra, de vna
entalladura, de vn musayco,
moçaraue y tareçe que la lengua
humana le haze gran baja, ultraje
y injuria presumirlo conparar,
tasar o juzgar. Que aun presumo
que a los bienauenturados spiritus
les está secreto, reseruado solo a
Dios, porque no hace a su
bienauenturança auerlo de saber.
En este trono estaua sentado
Dios; de cuyo rostro salia vn
diuino resplandor, vna deydad
que hazia aquel lugar de tanta
grandeza, magestad y admirable
poder que a todos engendraua vn
terrible espanto, reuerençia y
Miçilo.—¡Oh gallo! aqui me
espanta donde estoy en oyrtelo
representar. Pero dime ¿a qué
parte tenia el rostro Dios?
Gallo.—Mira, Miçilo, que en esto
se muestra su gran poder,
magestad y valor; que en el çielo
no tiene espaldas Dios, porque a
todas partes tiene su rostro
entero, y en ninguna parte del
çielo el bienauenturado está que
no vea rostro a rostro la cara a su
magestad; porque en este punto
está toda su bienauenturança que
se resume en solo ver a Dios; y
es este preuillegio de tan alto
primor que donde quiera que está
el bienauenturado, avnque
estuuiesse acaso en el infierno, ó
en purgatorio se le comunicaua
en su vision Dios, y en ninguna
parte estaria que entero no le
tuuiesse ante sí.
Miçilo.—Dime ¿allá en el çielo
viades y oyades todo lo que se
hazia y dezia acá en el mundo?
Gallo.—Después que los
bienauenturados estan en el
acatamiento de Dios ni ven ni
oyen lo que se dize y haze acá,
sino en el mesmo Dios, mirando a
su diuina magestad reluzen las
cosas a los santos en él.
Miçilo.—Pues dime,
¿comunicales Dios todo quanto
passa acá? ¿Ve mi padre y mi
madre lo que yo hago agora aqui
si están delante Dios?
Gallo.—Mira, Miçilo, que avnque
te he dicho que todo lo que los
bienauenturados ven es mirando
á Dios no por eso has de
entender que les comunica Dios
todas las cosas que passan acá.
Porque no les comunica sino
aquellas cosas de más alegria y
más plazer y augmento de su
gloria, y no las cosas
inpertinentes que no les
caussasse gozo su comunicaçion.
Porque no es razonable cosa que
comunique Dios á tu padre que tú
adulteras acá, o reniegas y
blasfemas de su poder y
majestad. Pero alguna vez podrá
ser que le comunique que tú
eres[752] bueno, limosnero,
deuoto y trabajador. Quiero te dar
un exemplo porque mejor me
puedas entender. Pongamos por
caso que estamos agora en vn
gran tenplo, y que en el lugar que
está el retablo en el altar mayor
estuuiesse vn poderoso y grande
espejo de vn subtil y fino azero. El
qual por su linpieza y polideza y
perfeçion mostrasse a quien
estuuiesse junto á él todo quanto
passa y entra en la iglesia, tan en
particular que aun los affectos del
alma mostrasse de quantos
entrassen alli. Entonçes sin mirar
a los que estan en el tenplo, con
mirar al espejo verias todas
quantas cosas alli passan aunque
se hiziessen en los rincones muy
ascondido. Pero con esto
pongamos que este espejo
tuuiesse tal virtud que no te
comunicasse otra cosa de todas
quantas alli passan sino las que
te conueniessen saber. Como si
dixessemos que te mostrasse los
que entran[753] alli a rezar, a llorar
sus pecados, a dar limosna y
adorar a Dios. Pero no te
mostrasse ni viesses en él el[754]
que entra a hurtar los frontales: ni
los que entran a murmurar de su
proximo: ni avn los que entran alli
a tratar canbios y contratos
yliçitos y profanos, porque los
tales no aprouechan auerlos tú de
saber. Pues desta manera deues
entender que es Dios vn diuino
espejo a los bienauenturados,
que todo lo que passa en el
mundo reluze en su magestad:
pero solo aquello ve el
bienauenturado que haze á su
mayor bien, y no lo demas. Pero
alguna vez aconteçe que es tanta
la vanidad de las petiçiones que
suben a Dios de acá que muestra
Dios reyrse en las oyr, por ver a
los mundanos tan neçios en su
oraçion. Unos que les dé vn
reyno, otros que se muera su
padre para heredarle. Otros
suplican a Dios que su muger le
dexe por heredero, otros que le
dé vengança de su hermano; y
algunas vezes permite Dios que
redunde en su daño la neçia
petiçion. Como vn dia que
notablemente vimos que se reya
Dios, y mirando hallamos qué era,
porque auia un mes que le
inportunaua vna mugerzilla
casada que le truxiesse un amigo
suyo de la guerra, y la noche que
llegó los mató el marido juntos a
ella y a él. De aqui se puede
colegir a quién se deue hazer la
oraçion, y qué se deue en ellas
pedir, porque no mueua en ella a
risa a Dios. Que pues las cosas
van por via de Dios a los santos, y
en él ven los santos lo que passa
acá, será cordura que se
haga[755] la oraçion a Dios.
Miçilo.—¿No es liçito hazer
oraçion a los Santos, y pedirles
Gallo.—Si, liçito es: porque me
hallo muy pecador con mil
fealdades que no oso pareçer
ante Dios. O como ora la iglesia,
que dize en todas sus oraçiones
ansi[756]: Dios, por los méritos de
tu santo N. nos haz dignos de tu
graçia, y despues merezcamos tu
gloria. ¿Y vosotros pensais que
os quiere más algun santo que
Dios? No por çierto; ¿ni que es
mas misericordioso, ni que ha
más conpasion de vos que Dios?
No por çierto. Pero pedislo a los
santos porque nunca estais para
hablar con Dios, y porque son
tales las cosas que pedis que
aueis verguença de pedirlas a
Dios, ni pareçer con tales
demandas ante él, y por eso
pedislas a ellos. Pues mirad que
solo deueis de pedir el fin y los
medios para él. El fin es la
bienauenturança. Esta sin tasa se
ha de pedir. Pero avn muchos se
engañan en esto, que no saben
cómo la piden: Es vn honbre
vsurero, amançebado, homiçiano,
enuidioso y otros mil viçios: y
pide: Señor dadme la gloria. Por
çierto que es mucha razon que se
ria Dios de vos, porque pedis
cosa que siendo vos tal no se os
Miçilo.—Pues ¿cómo la tengo de
Gallo.—Desta manera:
mejorando primero la vida, y
despues dezid á Dios: Señor,
suplicos yo que resplandezca en
mi vuestra gloria. Porque en el
bueno resplandeçe la gloria de
Dios; y siendolo vos darse os ha;
y pues en los bienes eternos ay
que saber cómo se han de pedir,
quánto más en los medios, que
son los bienes temporales. Que
no ansi atreguadamente los aueis
de pedir para que se rian[757] de
vos, sino con medida, si cumplen
como medios para vuestra
saluaçion. ¿Que sabeis si os
saluareis mejor con riqueza que
con pobreza? ¿O mejor con salud
que con enfermedad?
Miçilo.—Pues dime, gallo, pues
es ansi[758] como tú dices, que
ninguna cosa, ni petiçion va a los
santos sino por via de Dios, y él
se la representa a ellos, ¿porqué
dize la iglesia en la letania:
Sancte Petre, ora pro nobis?
Sancte Paule, ora pro nobis?
Porque si yo deseasse mucho
alcançar vna merçed de vn señor,
superflua cosa me pareçeria
escreuir a vn su criado vna carta
para que me fuesse buen terçero,
si supiesse yo çierto que la carta
auia de yr primero a las manos
del señor que de su pribado.
Porque me ponia a peligro, que
no teniendo gana el señor de me
la otorgar rasgasse la carta, y se
me dexasse de hazer la merçed
por solo no auer interçesor.
Gallo.—Pues mira que esta
ventaja tiene este prinçipe
çelestial a todos los de la tierra,
que por solo ver que hazeis tanto
caudal de su criado y pribado y os
estimais por indignos de hablar
con su magestad, tiene por bien
otorgar la petiçion, avn muchas
vezes reteniendo la carta en sí.
Porque a Dios bastale entender
de vos que soys deuoto y amigo
de su santo que ama él, y ansi
por veros a vos deuoto de su
santo[759] os otorga la merçed; y
poco va que comunique con el
santo que os la otorgó por amor
dél, o por sola su voluntad.
Miçilo.—Por çierto, gallo, mucho
me has satisfecho a muchas
cosas que deseaua saber hasta
aqui, y avn me queda mucho
mas. Deseo agora saber el
asiento y orden que los ángeles y
bienauenturados tienen en el
çielo, y en qué se conoce entre
ellos la ventaja de su
bienauenturança. Ruegote mucho
que no reuses ni huyas de
conplazer a mi, que tan ofreçido y
obligado me tienes a tu amistad.
Pues de oy más no señor, sino
amigo y compañero, y aun
disçipulo me puedes llamar.
Gallo.—No deseo, Miçilo, cosa
más que auerte de conplacer;
pero pues el dia es venido
quedese lo que me pides para el
canto que se seguirá[760].

Fin del trezeno[761] canto del gallo

de Luçiano.
[710] R. (Tachado), entretexido.
[711] R. (Tachado), entretexido.
[712] G., duodeçimo.
[713] Falta en el ms. R.
[714] (Tachado). Siguesse el treçeno canto del Gallo de Luçiano,
orador griego, contrahecho en el castellano por el mesmo autor.
(Antes se leía), interprete.
[715] G., confiaua.
[716] G., que.
[717] G., fatigandose.
[718] G., en la sala real, donde hallando al rey, puesta de rodillas
ante él.
[719] G., dos.
[720] G., la çiudad.
[721] G., diziendo.
[722] G., como supiesse.
[723] G., se entro en el reyno de.
[724] G., en pago el.
[725] G., vna.
[726] G., y le.
[727] G., a todos.
[728] G., reyna de Lydia.
[729] G., luego como entraron en el mar les vino una tormenta
muy furiosa, por la qual.
[730] G., en el mar Egeo.
[731] G., dias del mar.
[732] G., auiendo çenado, Drusila mando sacar.
[733] G., la.
[734] R. (Tachado), juntos.
[735] G., deleznandose por la cama se leuantó.
[736] G., a los marineros y gente.
[737] G., echando.
[738] G., vuscando.
[739] G., lo.
[740] G., rasgando.
[741] G., que habita y resuena por aquellas concauidades.
[742] G., das a.
[743] G., pues.
[744] quantas naturaleza tiene formadas hasta agora.
[745] G., y como no era avn.
[746] G., animales, hombres y fieras.
[747] G., pueda.
[748] R. (Nota al pie de la página): Gregorius super Job, cap. 14.
Et vide Johanem Echium super Euangelium secunde dominice
post Pentecosten, homilia 4.
[749] G., de.
[750] G., o de.
[751] G., de.
[752] G., ser tu.
[753] G., entrassen.
[754] G., al.
[755] G., hazer.
[756] G., haze oraçion la iglesia, diziendo.
[757] G., se ria Dios.
[758] G., pues es ansi, gallo.
[759] G., en esta deuoçion.

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