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1.I.5 on the doubling the concentration of reactants ,the rate of reaction triples.find the reaction
2.I.7 Phosphine decomposes when heated according to following reaction:
4 PH3 (g)→P4(g)+6 H2(g)
At a given instant, the rate at which phosphine decomposes is 2.4 x 10 mol/(l.s).
(a) Express the rate in three different ways, using differential notation and show the
relationship between them.
(b) What is the rate of formation of (i) P4 and (ii) H₂?

3.I.8 The following table shows how the concentration of reactant A varied with time in a
Particular experiment.
Concentration of A (mol/l) Time (min)
2.77 × 10-4 0
2.32 x 104 18
2.05 × 10-4 31
1.59 × 10-4 55
1.26 × 10-4 79
0.58 × 10-4 157
0.00 Infinity

(a) Plot a graph of concentration of A against time.

(b) Draw tangents to the curves at 10, 50, 100 and 150 minutes and calculate their slopes
(c) Plot a graph of rate of reaction against concentration of A
(i) Find if the line passes through origin. Explain.
(ii) With the help of graph, state the relationship between the rate of reaction and
Concentration of reactant both in words and mathematically.
(iii) Find the value of rate constant from graph.
(iv) What is the order of reaction?

4.I.16 A reaction 2HI(g) H2(g) +I2 (g) is studied over a range of temperature .the results
obtained are tabulated below.
Temperature, K 633 666 697 715 781
-5 -4 -4 -4
Rate constant 1.7*10 1.07*10 5.01*10 1.05*10 1.51*10-3

A. Find out the value of activation energy graphically using the given data
B. determine by what factor the rate increases when temperature rises from 300K to 310 K

5.I.19 The activation energy of a chemical reaction is 17982 cal/mol in the absence of a catalyst,
and 11980 cal/mol with a catalyst. By how many times will the rate of the reaction will grow in
the presence of a catalyst, if a reaction proceeds at 25 °C?
1.II.3 : the half life period for a certain first order reaction 2.5 X 103 s. How long will it take for
¼ of the reactant to be left behind ?

2.II.4 : show that the decomposition of N2O5 at 670C is a first order reaction. Calculate the value
of the rate constant.
Time,min 0 1 2 3 4
CN2O5 , 0.16 0.113 0.08 0.056 0.040

3.II.16: In studying the kinematics of decomposition of a reaction, the concentration of reaction

were determined analytically at different times .the following result were obtained :
Time,min 0 10 20 40 100 125
Conc,mol/L 0.10 0.0714 0.0556 0.0385 0.020 0.0167

4.II.23: The decomposition of NH3 on tungsten wire at 856 0C gave the following results.
Total pressure(torr) 228 250 273 318
Time, s 200 400 600 1000
Determine the order of reaction and calculate its rate constant
Determine the order and rate constant for the reaction.

5.II.31 Nitrous oxide decomposes according to the second order rate equation:
2 N20 2N2+02 The reaction rate constant is 977 cm³/(mol.s) at 895 °C. Calculate the fraction
decomposed at 1 s, 10 s and at 10 min in a constant volume batch reactor. The initial pressure
(all N₂O) is 1 atm.

6.II.46: The liquid phase reaction A→R+S proceeds as follows:

Time, min 0 36 65 100 160 ∞
CA,mol/l 0.1823 0.1453 0.1216 0.1025 0.0795 0.0494
With CA0=0.1823 mol/l, CR0=0 & CS0=55 mol/l, find the rate expression for this reaction .

7.II.49 : A small reaction bomb equipped with a sensitive pressure measuring device is flushed
out and then filled with pure reactant. A at one atmosphere pressure. The operation is carried
out at 25°C,at which pure reaction does not proceed to an appreciable extentThe temperature is
then rapidly increased to 100°C by plunging the bomb into boiling water and the following data
is obtained.

Tmin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20
Patm 1.14 1.04 0.982 0.940 0.905 0.870 0.850 0.832 0.815 0.800 0.754 0.728
The stoichiometry of reaction is 2A→R, and after leaving the bomb in bath over the week’s
period the contents are analysed for A and none can be found.
Find the rate expression in units of moles litres and minutes which can satisfactorially fit the
8.II.54 A small reaction bomb equipped with a sensitive pressure measuring device is Blushed
out and charged with a mixture containing 76.94 mole% reactant A and 23.06 mole %inerts at
one atm pressure and 287 K (14 °C), a temperature low enough that the reaction does not
proceed to any appreciable extent. The temperature is rapidly increased to 383 K (100 °C) and
the data of total pressure v/s time is collected. The stoichiometry of the reaction is A→ 2 R and
the reaction proceeds to completion after sufficient time. Find the rate expression which will fit
the data reasonably in units of moles, litres, and minutes.
t MIN P, atm t MIN P atm
0.5 1.5 3.5 1.99
1.0 1.65 4.0 2.025
1.5 1.75 5 2.08
2.0 1.84 6 2.12
2.5 1.90 7 2.15
3 1.95 8 2.175

9.II.58 A zero order homogeneous gas phase reaction with stoichiometry A→ rR proceeds in a
constant volume bomb, with 20 mole % inerts pressure rises from 1 to 1.3 atm in 2 min. If the
same reaction is carried in a constant pressure batch reaction, what is the fractional volume
change in 4 minutes if the feed is at 3 atm and contains 40 mole % inerts?

10.II.60 The first order homogeneous gaseous reaction A→ 2.5 R is carried out in an
isothermal batch reactor at 2 atm pressure with 20 mole % inerts present, and the
volume increases by 60% in 20 minutes. In case of constant volume reactor, determine
the time required for the pressure to reach 8 atm if the initial pressure is 5 atm, 2 atm of
which consists of inerts.

1.III.5 : In an is thermal batch reactor 70% of a reactant A is converted in 13 min. Find the
space time and space velocity needed to effect his conversion in plug flow reactor and in a
mixed flow reactor.
2.III.6 : We are planning to operate a batch reactor for converting A in to R . This is a liquid
phase with stoichiometry A → R. How long must we react each batch for concentration to drop
from 𝑪𝑨𝟎 = 1.3 mol/l to 𝑪𝑨𝒇 = 0.30 mol/l? The data for rate of reaction v/s concentration of A is
given below:

C𝐴 -rA, mol/(l.min)

0.1 0.1

0.2 0.3

0.3 0.5

0.4 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.6 0.25

0.7 0.10

0.8 0.06

1.0 0.05

1.3 0.045

2.0 0.042

3.III.8: (a) We are planning to operate a mixed reactor to convert A into R. This is a liquid
reaction with the stoichiometry A→ 𝑅 The rate of reaction is given in table below.What size of
mixed flow reactor is needed for 75% conversion of feed stream of 1000 mol A/h at C Ao =
1.2mol/l ?
(b) Repeat part (a) with the modification that the feed rate is doubled, hence 2000 mol A/h at CAo
=1.20 mol/l are treated.
(c) Repeat part (a) with the modification that CAo = 2.4mol/l; however,1000 mol A/h are still to
be treated down to CAf = 0.30 mol/l
CAf mol/l 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.3 2.0

-rAf mol/(l-min) 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.045 0.042

4.III.10: A homogeneous liquid phase reaction

A → S −𝑟𝐴 → 𝐾𝑐
Takes place with 50% conversion in mixed flow reactor.
(¡) What will be the conversion if this reactor is replaced by another fixed flow reaction having
volume 6 times the original reactor - all else remain unchanged?
(¡¡) What will be the conversion if the original reactor is replaced by plug flow reactor of same
size - all else remain unchanged?
5.III.11: Assuming a stoichiometry A → R for a first order gas phase reaction , the size (volume)
of a plug flow reactor for 99% conversion of pure A is calculated to be 32 litres. In fact,
however, the reaction stoichiometry, what is the required volume of a reactor?

6.III.16 : A homogeneous gas phase reaction A→3R satisfactorily follows second order kinetics.
for a feed rate of 4m3/h of pure A at 3500c and 5 atm, an experimental reactor (25 mm ID pipe *
2m length) gives 60% conversion of feed. A commercial plant is to handle 320 m3/h of feed
containing 50 mole % A and 50 mole% inert at 3500c and 25 atm for obtaining 80% conversion
of A.
(i) How many 2m lengths of 25mm ID pipe are required ?
(ii)Should they be installed in parallel or in series ?
(Assume plug flow in pipe and ideal gas behavior).

7.II.24: A first order homogeneous gas phase reaction, A ⟶3R, Is first studied in a constant
pressure batch reactor. At a pressure of 2 atm and starting with pure A, the volume increase by
75% in 15 min. if the same reaction is carried out in constant volume reactor and the initial
pressure is 2 atm, how long is required for the pressure to reach 3 atm?

8.III.25: A homogeneous gas reaction A→3R has required rate at 200oC

-rA =10-1CA, [MOL / (Is)]
Find the space time required for 80% conversion of a 50% A and 50% inerts feed to aplug
Flow reactor operating at b200oCand 5min atm pressure . Initial concentration of A is 0.0625
9.III.38:An aqueous feed of A and b with 400 𝑙/𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑙
,𝐶𝐴𝑎 = 100 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶𝐵𝑜 = 200 is to be converted to product in plug flow reactor. The
𝑙 𝑙
kinetics of the reaction is represented by
A+B→ R, − 𝑟𝐴 =200 𝐶𝐴 𝐶𝐵 ,mol/(l.min)
Estimate the volume of reactor for 99% of A to product.

10.III.45:A gaseous Feed of pure A with CA0=1 mol/linter a mixed flow reactor of volume 2
liter. The kinetic of a reaction is given by,
-r A=).05CA mol/l. s

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