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January 5th 2023

City of Calgary
Municipal Building, Floor 3
800 Macleod Trail S.E.
Calgary, AB T2P 2M5

Subject: RFP No. 931733 - Calgary Kunsthalle - Contract

To Whom it May Concern,

First off we at the Urban Studio Collective (USC) would like to thank the City of Calgary for
the opportunity to undertake the proposed Kunsthalle project in the downtown core of
Calgary. At the Urban Studio Collective we design community infrastructure that engages
people with the public realm. We are a team of dedicated professionals who value a holistic
approach to architectural design and project delivery and are excited to work along the City
of Calgary in realising this endeavour.

The following is our standard letter of engagement and will outline in plain language the
potential risks and proposed contingencies, outline the roles of proposed individuals, the
basis for contractual agreement, any special contractual conditions, and our standard hourly

Potential Risks and Proposed Contingencies

Market Volatility
As seen in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, prices of construction materials skyrocketed,
specifically the price of wood due to market availability. USC recognises this is a very rare
situation however not impossible. As such we recommend the client have some contingency
in place in the event of a similar situation.

Social Exposure
Given the nature of this project there is potential for the City of Calgary to be open to a
degree of social exposure regarding the social conditions surrounding the site. While the
USC has a holistic outlook on architectural design, and strives to address social conditions
pertaining to a proposed site, we do recommend in such cases that extensive public
consultations be held to aid in the rigorous design process.

Specialty Consultants
As the USC does plan for and coordinate basic consulting services [as outlined in this
contract], we can not plan for every detail on which our clients may want to involve additional
specialty consultants. It is our formal recommendation that these additional or specialty
consultants be involved in the design process as early as possible in order for our clients to
make adequate plans financially, but to also ensure additional parties are involved
holistically in the design process.
Primary Roles and Responsibilities
The USC team are leaders in the local Calgary market in sustainability-driven design
solutions and mass timber construction. We continually deliver thought-forward projects
forefronting societal and ecological health, equity, and community designed to engage and
affect the public realm made possible by our tailored team of professionals. Our team is
committed to effective coordination both internally and externally to ensure the smooth
delivery of all services.

Maru Kim
As one of the founding partners at USC, Maru will serve as the project architect. He brings
with him years of experience and the required knowledge in Passive House certification to
ensure this project meets the USC standards for sustainable design and construction.

Liam McNairn
As the other founding partner Liam will serve as the mass timber specialist and quality
assurance and quality control reviewer. His extensive experience and certification in mass
timber construction will serve as a resource in ensuring the tectonics and realities of mass
timber elements blend seamlessly with the rest of the building.

Julia Morgan
Julia has been with the USC for 9 years now and a registered architect with the AAA for 27
years. Furthermore she obtained a Master of Science in Project Management from
Northeastern and is a senior project manager at USC. Her varied experience in the industry
gives her the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of a building and the project
lifecycle and as such will be serving as the project manager.

Carlo Scarpa
Carlo is a Senior Technologist at USC. His experience spans decades and extends into the
field of construction. Carlo started his career as a tradesperson before going back to school
and becoming a registered technologist. Carlo later went on to manage several institutional
construction sites before returning to work as a technologist. Carlo’s varied experience
between the office and construction site is the basis for his superfluous knowledge in the
practical detailing of buildings. His primary role will be overseeing the construction drawing
phase, however his knowledge in construction will be relied on throughout the project.

Basis for Contractual Agreement

At the Urban Studio Collective we strive for transparency and clarity in communicating
expectations to our clients. As such, the RAIC Standard Form of Contract for Architectural
Services, Document 6 forms the basis for all of our contractual agreements for Architectural
services. In addition to this document we have crafted a series of additional conditions which
are contained in this letter and are intended to supplement the RAIC Standard Form of
Contract for Architectural Services, Document 6. You will find the applicable sections of
Document 6 along with our additional contractual conditions contained within this package.
Special Contractual Conditions
Please note, this letter alone does not make up the entirety of the contractual
agreement between Urban Studio Collective and the City of Calgary, and is intended
to supplement the attached RAIC Standard Form of Contract for Architectural
Services, Document 6.

The Urban Studio Collective invoices all clients on the last day of the month. Payment for
services is due when rendered. Invoices past due will accrue interest at a rate of 12% per
annum on the total outstanding amount. Aged accounts past 6 months will be considered in
default. At the time of default, at the discretion of the Urban Studio Collective, all ongoing
services will cease until debts are paid in full, or other arrangements are made.

The Urban Studio Collective maintains the right to limited liability to a maximum of the lesser
compensation of either $2,000,000.00 or the maximum amount covered by the architect's

Any additional work by the Urban Studio Collective outside the scope of the original
agreement culminating in fees totaling less than 10% of the value of this contract shall be
billed at standard hourly rates. Should such fees be estimated to total more than 10% of the
value of this contract, an additional fees proposal shall be provided by the Urban Studio
Collective, and agreed to by all parties prior to the commencement of said work.

The Urban Studio Collective does not condone the use or reproduction of any work provided
to the client outside of the terms and conditions of this contract. Should the client be found to
be in violation of this clause the Urban Studio Collective maintains the right to pursue legal
action in the pursuit of but not limited to any and all reparations it deems appropriate.

No agreement or contract, formal or informal, written, spoken or other shall be considered

valid outside of this agreement. Should the terms of this agreement need to be altered, a
revised contract shall be provided, agreed to and signed and dated by all parties. At such
time, this contract shall become null and void.

For this contract to be considered valid it must be represented in full and all agreeing parties
or their legal representatives must have completed all applicable sections. If for any reason
any part of this contract is incomplete or inaccurate it shall be considered null and void. This
agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement by the parties.

If for any reason there is a conflict between the special contractual conditions section of this
agreement and the RAIC Standard Form of Contract for Architectural Services, Document 6,
besides additional clarification or additional conditions, the RAIC Standard Form of Contract
for Architectural Services, Document 6 shall govern.
Standard Hourly Rates
Standard hourly rates apply to all jobs. The Urban Studio Collective reserves the right to
increase hourly rates at any time. However, hourly rate increases for existing contracts will
not come into effect until the first (1) of January following a rate increase.

Principal Architect (Maru Kim) $240.00/hr

Principal Architect (Liam McNairn) $240.00/hr

Lead Architect $190.00/hr

Senior Technologist $170.00/hr

Intern Architect $120.00/hr

Junior Staff Member $100.00/hr

We hope you find the terms of this agreement to be acceptable. However, should you have
any questions or reason for concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Upon
agreement to this contract, please return a signed and dated copy to the offices of the Urban
Studio Collective.


Maru Kim
Founding Partner
B.Arch Sci, M.Arch, Passive House Designer, AAA, AIBC

Roles of Proposed Individuals


Project Fees Breakdown

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