Company Law Pyq

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tt32 t2 [This question paper contains l2 printed pages.

$) A?ltd d rcti + ffiI t qffi n&frrt 2sB fr Your Roll No...............

nsqri 6 qrefi dfrqr Sr. No. of Question Paper tt32 F

Unique Paper Code 2412081202

Name of the Paper Company Law

Name of the Course B.Com. (H) UGCF

Semester / Type l I DSC 2.2
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 90

lFstructions fof Candidates

I Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2 Attempt all questions.

J All questions carry equal marks

4 Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

1 Et rl;r-c;r + ffEn A sc( Rs IIc frulk qmYr qr{
u-{fiqrq,frrfrq r

(5000) P.T.O.
tt32 2 tt32 1l
z. qsftsfi&,r (c) trr q<rq EFt, * n* qct dfflsr
3. qSc{i * a-+ sqr*S r

(() ..6tu" sil cRnR-d dfrq ilk fu oia fr fls{q6

4. {qtrFr-q:rqTsflr difr qrffaffi ss, rrrqr+Afrs,ABq
tnt 3ittt i6T qn FTv+.trarcr ilrw r
ilqsr6-(t* q< q-qt dfrqr

(a) "The property of a company is the property of its (e) ffi$fr A Bqaft{dq*ffi qt v+' qte frfrsr
members". Comment on the statement with the
help of the suitable case laws. (c) 'ffi +d6 d ia1lt y-ffr ffi fuc' 6 ia-dr +
Rs qt-+' A c-6fr t'qq 6frsr
(b) Write a note on Associate Company.

(v) r$a dr* o,qr qrqrDq'<ur vt vs ctc frRssl

(c) Who is a Promoter? Does he stand in nau"rlry
relation towards the company ho promotes? To
what extent is he liable fot the breach of fiduciary

duty towards the company?

(ir) R<mr *{ frffi iftrrril frf,r 2016 + irair ffi qffi
Or + dfuq- cRfiFr< d yfrqr fr qrer 6frqr

(a) Explain the concept of corporate personality and (r) offi ffifrq{ 2arg t qim ffi + qsq t ynqr*-
discuss the circumstances where the courts lift
fr qrqr dfrTr
the Corporate Veil to see what really lies behind.

tt32 10
(t) mu,n wr *i arqrsr grnm* m&c c*a,q1 ,. Td 3
(b) Write a note on producer
Company. Explain the
d&sr provisions of Companies
Act relating to formation
and registration of producer
4. (n) {. s}Er wr *? q-ir<rl + t.<tr + 6r{ft xrtta+ 6 (c) The validity of the Incorporation
qrqr qflfur Certificate
cannot be disputed on
any grounds whatsoever.
(e) €ffiet qr t? ffi qrfr + ntulRd
{€* + frs
Edeet (a) The power to alter
nqnfr 6T 3qAq 6{+ * wr am *i the articles conferred
by the
Companies Act is very
wide yet it is subject to
(T) "+,r} trr an2q, vq qr w{ large number of limitations.
wq qi&qr +qil
+ flr+.{ + rdq + wqt rnq,*. d qrqr (b) Write a short note
on Independent Director.
(c) Explain the provisions
of Companies Act 2013
regarding alteration
of the Name Clause.

(il) ffi d uafr.Efr er€{r d&q? fufr sc+ m ffi
(a) Explain the Doctrine
st fu Effi d er of Indoor Management.
sn:mc-<rq t? the exception if any
to the Doctrine of Indoor

tt32 9
(b) Define a private compsDy and s&te
the provisions $) M fr qntd6 i lrfrr RFrqqER + Fnrif
under Companies act 2013
for conversiou of a d d6 61 gfud sftcl t+ Es qrrffst
private company into a public company'
I (w) n-<< *s{ @r i? qE rrt cflIs ff{6r ffi tffi 6}
passed at
(c) Explain different kinds of resolutions
+ff qtt 6A t crt qrtr{ 6'cql *rnl
the General Meeting of shareholders'
aPProPriate examPle of each'
3Ra qt{ qcfl( tltln q{ m oH * rqq-t d
qrqr frGgt
State the condition
3 (a) What are the Bonus Shares?
that must be complied with before
a company
g) Ftu-o qrqr<qer + ftiut qqft iflAftqq eors *
makes a bonus issue '
$qqr{] cr Tqi frRsl

(b) Explain winding up of a company on just and

equitable grounds'

Act 2013 (ir) r-cu fftlro qk {ffi fft{6 * ffs 3[iR

(c) Discuss the provisions of Companies
regarding Directors ldentification
Number' dfrsl

Or (s) S ffi 6qff o;1 qqs *r ffi 6ffi 6 TEqdT cIR

Director and 6t+ + fiFra (ffi d qrlql dBqr

(a) Differentiate between Managing
Whole Time Director'
tt32 8 tt32 5

(r) ftrrr+rnune * tmr q< Qfr fr sIsR vt Esr€ {ff (b) Who is member of a company? Explain various

modes of acquiring membership of a company.

frqr m qqm *r qrqr dftqr

(c) What is Dividend? Discuss the provisions relating

2. (a) wfr qtuftfi art rec ilEfiit d crd+ fr rrk to the payment of Dividend.

cgil qFrs e fr( S qr qS vqr + ffi + ilf{

4 (a) What is E-Voting? Explain the legal provisions
regarding poll.

(q) Fffi{ fft{r6 vt vfr.ffi"a frqdh frfuqr

(b) What is a Depository? What are the benefits of

qffi using Depository system for holding securities in

(q) qrq rrs { cfr{dT * d'dtr + uDftq{ zots *
a company?
crsa+ 6 qlccr dRsr

(c) Explain the meaning of term "Allotment of shares".

Explain the legal provisions regarding allotment of
(r) e+ft l"euq + ffid fr qer dRsr F{*( v-o:l-{
* Md i ce qt$ irrsr€ A i qilst Or

(a) Explain thE forfeiture of shares. What are the

(c) s6 fi-ft ffi A qtutu dBs ilt{ vr ffi offi
requirements of a valid forfeiture of shares by a
+ qrffi+. sffi + €d+ * frq Et* flEftc{
20rs + irEir vrdlqr{ c-dlqr
tt32 6 lt32 7
(b) Distinguish between Share vs Stock.
1 (o)'frttfrtffi fr cch lrrt <e$qt* 6 cqfr l',r scgq(
(c) Define "call" and discuss the essential +s 6rTn d <erq-<r t q.qq w tqot dfrs I

requirements of a Valid Call.

F) cdRrc qffi c{ c{'qte ftfrsr

5, (a) Write d note on Dematerialisation of securities

(<) rt< dq *? qr q6 frm Effi c) sqk 6rdr *,
(b) "A faulty nature of a mebting can be fatal to B{t rh qrfrq r{q {sdr t? 6ffi + rR F6{fr
validating of a meeting." Explain. 6fu + s-ffi * fts s6 fr,( rq ir.r vir<rfr
(c) Write a note on National Company Law Tribunal.


(a) Explain the process of voluntary liquidation of a

(w) <iftc eRn-a fr ussror 6) {curs qk s-r qfrRi[
company under Insolvency and tsankruptcy Code qt qst dRs qa ilsli{il 6trc q-di vorft t qr H
20t6. + ftc fr srils + s(+ ft& qr *r

(b) Explain provisions regarding Proxy under

(e) ffir q,rft cr vm qta Rksr ffar c'rff * zroq
Companies Act 2013.
et tfft{q t ffi ffi fi&frcc + xrqqrq} fr
(c) Explain provisions of Companies Act 2013 uqrgl frfrSr
regarding removal of Directors,


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