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Prin%ng Instruc%ons: If you would like to conserve ink, please do not print all of the pages.

This page and the final credits page are not necessary for students.

Sugges%ons for use: The 2 charts are perfect for students to keep as reference sheets in
their wri<ng journals. Students can quickly choose transi<ons from
the lists. They should also be encouraged to follow the cue words
like “Begin”, “Conclude”, etc. to efficiently guide them.

(Some students have kept these sheets throughout high school, and
have even used them for assignments in college.)

Copyright©2017 Turbo Tutor

First, To begin, For example, On the other hand, As an alternative view, Despite…
Obviously, You may not realize… For one thing, Opposing views claim… It is often argued that… Even though...
For instance, Generally speaking… Generally speaking, Contrast this idea to… However, Conversely,
One key point... It is important to realize… As an illustration, On the contrary… Nevertheless, To contrast…
As a rule… An important fact… Nobody denies that… In stark contrast… An opposing view … Although
It may come as a shock, but . . . In this case... A distinct difference is… On the other side of the spectrum…


Also, Likewise, Because of… As a result ... In summary… To sum up…..
Second, Furthermore, Due to the fact that… For this reason… All in all… Lastly,
In fact, Additionally, For the simple reason that… As a consequence… In closing… To summarize…
Another key point… Equally important is … The source of this is…. One effect of… Finally, On the whole,
What is more… Not only … The cause of this is… Consequently, Hence, In conclusion..
As a matter of fact, A point often overlooked… Seeing that… Thus, In short, In the end,
For example, In addition to … Since… Hence, Therefore, To sum up,
Indeed, Equally important is... Basically, In essence,
Another significant... Another compelling fact is ... All in all, As a final point,
Similarly, In the same way, Thus it can be seen..
Take the case of,
As stated earlier...
In another case...
Recall that...
CONCEDE It can now be concluded that…
The logical conclusion is…
As seen in the above examples…
Given these points…

EXPLAIN It may be true that…

While it is true that…
To summarize these points,
The above reasons illustrate…
These reasons demonstrate…
It is recognized that… Seeing that…
In the final analysis,
It is a given that… On one hand…
The upshot of…
To illustrate, The meaning is clear that… Although some experts claim…
Due to these reasons,
To clarify, As previously mentioned, Although some evidence points to…
Of greatest significance…
To explain, There can be no doubt that... While some accept the fact that...
Of greatest importance…
Copyright©2017 Turbo Tutor
Phrase-Grouping for Persuasive Essays

1. As an illustration…--Another compelling illustration…--A concluding illustration…

2. One key point….—Another interesting point…-- A final point often overlooked…--Given these points…
3. One important…--Equally important…--Of greatest importance…
4. One reason…-- An additional reason…--These reasons demonstrate…
5. To begin…--What is more…--Besides this…--Thus it can be seen…
6. Generally speaking…--In stark contrast…--Nevertheless…---Thus it can be seen…
7. On one hand….—On the other hand…--Keeping all this in mind
8. In this case…--In another case...—This data shows...
9. Nobody denies that…-It can further be seen that...—Therefore, the evidence suggests ...
10. Here are some initial facts to consider...—Additional data indicates...—Therefore, given all this data...

Phrases to Avoid

I feel Evidence suggests…

I think The data shows…
I am convinced It is unmistakable from the evidence that…
I personally believe that These facts all point to...
I concluded that.. These examples all show…

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