Data Structures 22CSC05-1

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Code No.

: 22CSC05
B.E. III Sem (Main) Examination Dec 2023 – Jan 2024
Data Structures
(Common to CSE, CSM, CET, AI&ML, IT, AI&DS)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 60
Note: Answer ALL questions from Part-A at one place in the same order and Part–B
(Internal Choice)

Part - A
(5Q X 2M = 10 Marks)
1 Solve the recurrence T(n) =2T( n/2) +C , T(1) = 1. (2) 1 2
2 If the values of A, B, C, and D are 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively, evaluate the (2) 2 3
following postfix expressions: (i) A B * C – D + (ii) A B C + * D –
3 Recall the various applications of Linked Lists. (2) 3 1
4 Name two balanced search trees. (2) 3 1
5 What is the depth first traversal path of the following graph where, the (2) 5 3
traversal starts at vertex 0.

Part - B (50 Marks)

(5Q X 10M = 50 Marks)
6 (a) Explain MergeSort algorithm and its time complexity. (5) 4 2
(b) Show the MergeSort algorithm step by step on the following data: (5) 4 2
23, 8, 42, 68, 34, 91, 6, 57
7 (a) What do you mean by performance analysis of an Algorithm? Explain? (5) 4 2
(b) If T1 (n) = O (f(n)) and T2 (n) =O (g(n)), then show that (5) 4 2
T1(n) +T2 (n) =O (max(f(n), g(n)).

8 (a) Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression. Show the (5) 2 3
tracing of the algorithm step by step using stack: A+B*(C+D)/F+D*E
(b) Implement Stack ADT using Arrays. (5) 2 2
9 (a) Give a detailed account of Double Ended Queues. (5) 2 2
(b) Show the contents of a Queue at each stage after performing each of the (5) 2 2
following operations: enqueue(56), enqueue(22), enqueue(34),
dequeue(), dequeue(), enqueue(41), enqueue(92).

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Code No.: 22CSC05
10 (a) Write short notes on the following Linked list operations: (6) 2 2
(i) InsertEnd (ii) DeleteBegin (iii) Display
(b) Develop an algorithm to reverse a list of elements in a double linked list. (4) 2 4
11 (a) Develop a program that reads a list of integers from the keyboard, (5) 2 3
creates a sorted linked list from them, prints the list and finally displays
the minimum of the list.
(b) Explain in brief about Circular Linked Lists and their applications. (5) 2 2

12 (a) Summarize AVL Tree and rotations in Insert operation. (5) 2 2

(b) Demonstrate “Heapsort” sorting technique and trace the sorting of a (5) 2 2
given list of keys: 4, 7, 3, 6, 9, 2, 8, 5, 1, 10 using Heapsort.
13 (a) Construct BST from the postorder input sequence of the following (5) 2 3
binary tree.

(b) Explain in detail about the delete operation in binary search tree with (5) 2 2

14 (a) Applying BFS on the following graph assuming the starting vertex as A (5) 3 3
and show the trace of the queue while processing each vertex.

(b) Write an algorithm for performing breadth first traversal of a graph. (5) 3 3
15 (a) Illustrate with examples the following hash functions: (5) 3 2
i) mid square method ii) folding method
(b) Compare the various collision resolution strategies in detail. (5) 3 2

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