Reading Sample Sap Press Sourcing and Procurement With Sap S4hana

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First-hand knowledge.

Reading Sample
This sample chapter will cover key parts of operational procurement,
including self-service procurement, requirements processing in SAP
S/4HANA, purchase order processing, service purchasing and confir-
mation, as well as purchase order collaboration. The chapter closes out
with instructions for configuring these key areas, including instructions
for setting up machine learning-based procurement and integration
with SAP SuccessFactors.

“Operational Procurement”



The Authors

Justin Ashlock

Sourcing and Procurement with SAP S/4HANA

705 pages | 12/2023 | $89.95 | ISBN 978-1-4932-2484-5
Chapter 5
Operational Procurement
Operational procurement concerns the day-to-day buying activities
of a business or government entity. Much of operational procurement is 5
unplanned or partially planned, low-value, high-volume activity. Opera-
tional procurement therefore comprises the procurement activities that
keep an organization running. Also known as “indirect procurement”,
operational procurement comprises procurement activities that keep an
organization running.

Unlike in other procurement activities, which typically include a trained buyer using a
tool with some degree of familiarity and training, many organizations permit any
employee to create a requisition for an operational or indirect procurement item. This
poses a challenge for the solution used, as the baseline training for the solution and
familiarity with any process may be next to nil for the average user in operational pro-
curement. Prior to SAP S/4HANA, such as in SAP ERP 6.0, the system supported opera-
tional procurement by leveraging existing document frameworks designed for heavy-
duty buying activities between suppliers and the firm or government entity. Just navi-
gating the screen of a transaction like ME21N could quickly frustrate an untrained user
accustomed to today’s online shopping experiences. The challenge for business soft-
ware providers in this area of procurement is to provide as close to a consumer-grade
user experience as possible in operational procurement, without compromising the
procurement controls and methodologies of the organization.
This chapter will cover key parts of operational procurement, including self-service
procurement, requirements processing in SAP S/4HANA, purchase order processing,
service purchasing and confirmation, as well as purchase order collaboration. Finally,
this chapter will close out with high-level configuration pointers and steps for these
areas. The next section looks to define operational procurement.

5.1 What Is Operational Procurement?

Operational procurement supports the day-to-day processes of an organization via tac-
tical procurement of services and materials, often by a casual user purchasing for a
department’s needs or even their own role-specific ones. For example, a casual user
may need to order a new laptop or IT equipment in order to perform their job. An office

5 Operational Procurement 5.1 What Is Operational Procurement?

manager may need to order office supplies to keep an office stocked with paper, toner, There also is the question of efficiency and avoiding unnecessary stock to consider.
and other supplies. These types of purchases can be driven by various parts of the orga- What if the user is looking for an item already held and available in a company or gov-
nization in high-frequency, low-value orders. ernment entity warehouse? If the operational procurement system and/or buyer can-
From the onset, the mismatch of a complex solution designed to support complex pur- not check this prior to assigning a source of supply and issuing a PO, excess stock may
chasing for direct procurement and the casual, untrained user looking to conduct oper- be purchased instead of consuming existing stock. Excess stock causes waste, ineffi-
ational procurement was sure to cause issues. There is nothing inherently wrong with ciency, and, most alarmingly for a business, expense. If checking for existing stock 5
having large amounts of detail in a Purchase Order or Requisitioning screen in a system needs to be a manual process step in a procurement system, buyers are focusing on per-
used for heavy-duty industrial manufacturing. Often, this level of functionality is quite forming manual tasks that could be automated in an integrated system, rather than
necessary—say, for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) activities with a supplier or for strategic procurement activities that generate exponentially more savings and value for
complex items vital to the production process. But having complex, professional, the firm or government entity. These issues pose a conundrum for operational procure-
buyer- and engineer-centric screens makes purchasing for the casual user a bit more ment in SAP S/4HANA: running operational procurement directly in SAP S/4HANA can
cumbersome than optimal. Many of these screens can make it downright frustrating be quite difficult for casual users and from an IT landscape perspective, but it’s also the
for an untrained user trying to order mundane supply items like pens and paper, as ideal place for procurement in many cases because all of the dependent modules and
each field can issue a hard-to-understand warning message or hard-stop error, incor- integration topics are already covered.
rect entries quickly negate the entire document’s validity, and multiple tabs and steps The main stumbling block to operational procurement has always been usability and
have to be completed—all this for a simple order that costs perhaps $10. Using SAP UI issues, as well as transactional volumes. An ERP system supporting operational pro-
S/4HANA for this kind of procurement often is akin to having to use an airplane cockpit curement needs to be intuitive to use, minimize transaction steps while remaining
and all of its controls to steer a bicycle. A casual user accustomed to sleek, online shop- flexible and capable of handling a diverse set of transactions, support catalog content,
ping experiences will quickly tire of trying to navigate a corporate procurement system and support heavy volumes of low-dollar transactions, all while making the most of an
designed to support direct procurement. ERP system’s native integrations with associated modules. Incidentally, these are the
One approach to operational procurement is to take the process out of ERP systems. driving forces behind SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement’s embrace of opera-
Cloud solutions such as SAP Ariba Buying for SAP S/4HANA and on-premise solutions tional procurement as a core ERP process. SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement
such as SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM) are examples of this supports the operational purchaser across self-service requisitioning, requirement
approach. This allows a system to mask all of the complexity and the procurement processing, PO processing, service purchasing and entry, and PO collaboration.
options that aren’t applicable to a simple transaction, distilling for the user what is nec- Requisitions can be created directly by a user via a self-service procurement process or
essary to find items and create orders with the fewest clicks, entries, and headaches from a system/business process occurring in a module in SAP S/4HANA, such as an
possible. This approach, especially in cloud-based applications, works very well for sim- MRP run in which defined reorder points trigger the creation of a requisition—a bill of
plifying the UX and allowing even the most casual and untrained user to find what he’s materials (BOM)—that requires an additional item to be ordered as part of the materi-
looking for and order it without calls to the helpdesk or frustration. However, early in als list or a project systems requirement generated from what’s called a network in proj-
the transaction, these operational procurement systems are already dependent upon ect systems. A network in project systems tells the user what tasks need to be
ERP, even if their UIs appear independent. performed in sequence by a certain time. Automated procurement processes typically
First, calls need to be made from the procurement system back to the “mothership” used in the procurement of items needed in production, known as direct procurement,
ERP system to find out if the user is purchasing via a correct financial object in the will be discussed in Chapter 6. The focus in self-service requisitioning is on user-driven
finance and controlling system. Finance has to support a number of functions in SAP requisitioning, which is more typically found in indirect procurement.
S/4HANA, so it can’t be moved into a standalone procurement solution without bring- As illustrated in Figure 5.1, self-service procurement is part of the requisition-to-pay
ing all the other dependent modules with it or leading to an expensive, “interface spa- process flow. The requisition is the first document in the procurement chain that even-
ghetti” scenario. The users themselves need to be managed in real time; terminated tually leads to a purchase order and/or contract, as well as follow-on documents, such
employees can’t be allowed to continue to make purchases on behalf of a company or as order confirmations, advance shipping notifications (ASNs), goods/service receipts
government entity. For this, the purchasing system requires real-time updates from (GRs), and invoices.
the HR system or a user-management system that deactivates users throughout the
landscape immediately when they leave the company or government entity.

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

trained users in a way that makes self-service procurement possible and even enjoyable.
Customer/Supplier Document Exchange
This is the goal of SAP S/4HANA with self-service procurement.
Supplier Advanced Shipping Goods/Services
Purchase Order Invoice
Confirmation Notification Receipt

Supplier Quote,
5.2 Self-Service Procurement
Catalog, Contract 5
In SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement, users can create a requisition and identify
Customer Only appropriate sources of supply via a consumer-grade UX—that is, a UX like that users
Requisition Approvals Sourcing Approvals would find in their personal online shopping experiences (see Figure 5.2). Self-service
requisitioning is completely supported with a UI built on SAP Fiori, with tiles and step
simplification to enable a completely different UX from that found in traditional ERP
Figure 5.1 Operational Procurement: Requisition-to-Pay Process Flow

There are three main types of procurement conducted in operational procurement:

Purchase Purchase Service Augmented
stock, consumables, and external services. All of these types of procurement can be Operational
Order Order
Requirements Self-Service
Purchasing Decision Making
Purchasing Processing Requisitioning
used in other procurement scenarios. Stock procurement is typically used for direct Collaboration Processing and Entry (SAP BTP)

procurement activities, such as the ones discussed in the next chapter, but you can pur-
Figure 5.2 Self-Service Requisitioning in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement
chase and take into inventory items such as office supplies and equipment that qualify
as operational indirect items as well. Consumable items are directly in the wheelhouse
of operational procurement. A consumable item is typically an indirect item that is con- Requisitions are internal documents a corporation or government entity uses to lay
sumed and replenished on an ongoing basis, often by the consumers themselves. Pens, claim to a service or material—essentially, a formalized request for a supply or service.
paper, coffee for the office kitchen, and other types of consumables may be ordered by Requisitions can be created with or without a source of supply and with or without a
the office manager or directly by an employee who notices that the office needs more material master or service master number.
of a consumable good. Consumables often do not require a goods receipt or a valuated
goods receipt used primarily for inventory management processes and valuations, as
these consumable purchases are petty at an individual level. In aggregate, however,
consumable purchasing can be quite significant for an organization, and a level of
management in the system may thus be desirable, if not a necessity.
External services procurement is the procurement of services to be delivered by indi-
viduals or groups who are not employees of the organization, but only involved to
deliver that particular scope of work. These services can support the direct side of the
equation, but they can also comprise cleaning or gardening services for the grounds of
the office, for example, making these external services indirect. Although an office
manager may set up the purchasing documentation for external services relating to
the office, a project manager may need to directly set up the purchasing framework for
Figure 5.3 Shop on Behalf Requisition Functionality
consultants being hired to support a project.
The defining feature for operational procurement and for stock, consumable, and exter- There are a number of key innovations around simplification and speed for self-service
nal procurement is that these types of procurement do not necessarily require a trained, procurement in SAP S/4HANA. Most importantly, one-click ordering is the predomi-
dedicated buyer to initiate the requisition. The demand and consequent requesting in nant concept in this area, as personified in the new UI. The content search and dynamic
the system may come from the employee directly. When it does, this type of procure- filtering is built on SAP S/4HANA, allowing for vast performance improvements and
ment is squarely in the category of operational procurement, and it follows that the solu- usability over traditional ERP-based requisitioning. You can access catalog content like
tion provided in system to support this activity must support its untrained and barely a punchout catalog in the SAP Ariba Catalog area, a third-party punchout catalog, as

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

well as catalog content loaded directly into SAP S/4HANA. Loading and indexing cata- item selected and supplier being used. Presumably, in a catalog item this has already
logs in SAP S/4HANA allows for cross-catalog search directly in system. Finally, there is been validated and the items featured in the catalog are compliant.
a catalog solution package created by SAP Consulting called the lean catalog, extending
the native catalog functionality further in SAP S/4HANA and building upon the inte-
gration advantages of catalogs maintained in SAP S/4HANA directly. You also have
shop on behalf flexibility, where a user can select from a group of users when creating a 5
requisition and order something on behalf of a colleague, as shown in Figure 5.3.
In the following sections, we’ll look at some of the functionality available for self-
service procurement.

5.2.1 Creating a Requisition or Shopping Cart in SAP S/4HANA

In Figure 5.4, the screen is simplified down to the bare essentials for creating a requisi-
tion. Either a user elects to use a catalog to find the item or, if the item isn’t found in a
catalog, the user can describe it. Note that the SAP Ariba Catalog solution can be embed-
ded in this view, creating a seamless catalog experience even when the user is punch-
ing out to a catalog area.
To create a requisition for an operational procurement item or service, a user logs into
the My Purchase Requisitions—New app, which deprecates the Create Purchase Requi-
sitions app as of SAP S/4HANA 2022, and types in the item in the search bar. If the
desired item doesn’t appear in the search results, the user can search using a different
term or create a descriptive item by selecting the Create Item option (see Figure 5.4). Figure 5.5 Lean Catalog Shopping

Once the user has selected or described an item, she is ready to order the items in the
shopping cart (see Figure 5.6).

Figure 5.4 SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement: Create Requisition App

You can also order hierarchical line items. These can be activated in SAP S/4HANA 2022
and later and allow for both material and service items to be set up in a hierarchical
manner. You can also order catalog items. Going into the lean catalog, you can select
from numerous items and categories as shown in Figure 5.5. Note that once the sup-
plier is assigned, the system can check automatically for trade compliance based on the Figure 5.6 Selecting Item in Create Purchase Requisition

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

You can now order this item by clicking the Order button. After clicking Order, the user Group Customer
Company 1710 (Delivering Company) Company 1010 (Selling Company)
receives confirmation and a requisition number (see Figure 5.7).
Sales Purchase Sales Purchase
Order Order Order* Order

IC Supplier Customer Supplier
Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice

* SO2 is the leading object
Plant 1710 Transit Plant** 1010 in the following:
- Delivering plant
- Advanced ATP
GI from SIT 1710 GR to SIT 1010 GI from SIT - MRP
Outbound GI from SIT
Delivery 1010 1010 - Product compliance
Stock Transfer from 1710 to 1010
- Trade compliance
- Transportation manage-
** Transit plant is used for
Physical Stock Stock in Transit Stock in Transit finance integration in the
selling company

Figure 5.8 Advanced Intercompany Processing: Process Overview

Figure 5.7 Ordered Shopping Cart with Requisition Number

5.2.4 Confirmation and Return Delivery
After a PO has been issued to the supplier and the goods/services have been delivered
to the customer, a goods and/or services receipt often is required by the customer to
This requisition creation process went from a multistep, data-entry-intense process in process an invoice. During the goods receipt process, the customer verifies whether the
SAP ERP to a couple of steps, with one data entry step to define the item required and correct goods/services have been delivered and whether the right quantity has been
pointing to and clicking the corresponding item in the catalog in SAP S/4HANA—in delivered, and also defines the good for inventory management if flagging, such as per-
essence, achieving or exceeding parity with a consumer shopping experience online ishable/nonperishable, is required. As of SAP S/4HANA 2022, you also have OData APIs
(here, the user didn’t have to enter credit card information or define a shipping address).
available for connecting to external systems for goods receipts and confirmations.
To create a goods receipt entry that can be used for a three-way match with the PO and
5.2.2 Carbon Footprint Tracking invoice documents (see Figure 5.9), you need to reference the PO number on your
goods receipt. As of SAP S/4HANA 2022, there are two goods receipts apps in SAP
Many countries, and even states/regions, are beginning to demand carbon footprint
S/4HANA that have been deprecated/replaced:
tracking and management from the organizations operating within its borders. Pro-
쐍 Confirm Receipt of Goods (replaced by Confirm Receipt of Goods—New)
curement comprises the supply chain activities of an organization and is thus uniquely
suited to contribute in these efforts. Not only should an organization understand what 쐍 Post Goods Movement
it is producing internally, but an organization also needs to understand the overall
Your options and apps for goods receipts now include the following:
impacts of its supply chain activities. SAP has released a number of tools for tracking
1. Manage Purchase Orders app
and, presumably, minimizing an organization’s carbon footprint, including SAP Sus-
You can create a confirmation directly in the Manage Purchase Orders app as shown
tainability Footprint Management and SAP Product Carbon Footprint Analytics. These
in Figure 5.9.
solutions will be detailed further in Chapter 15.
2. Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order/Purchasing Document app
This app allows you post for goods receipts for standard POs, stock transfer orders
5.2.3 Advanced Intercompany Sales (STOs), and scheduling agreements (SAs). Additional functionality includes checking
As of SAP S/4HANA 2022, advanced intercompany sales provides a shared view of pur- to see if the goods referenced are still within their shelf life range, preventing accep-
chase and sales orders for two companies, automating the customer and supplier tance of goods that have already expired, and the ability to create GRs referencing
invoice process and supporting valuated stock in transit as in Figure 5.8. vendor consignment stock.

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

Figure 5.9 Post Goods Receipts for Purchasing Document Figure 5.10 Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order

3. Post Goods Receipt for Inbound Delivery app Once a goods receipt is posted, you can click the material document number and
You can use this app to reference inbound deliveries in goods receipts, posting to review the general information, item, process flow and any attachments as in Figure
different cost centers where required to distribute costs at time of receipt. You can 5.11.
create and edit batches out using this app, allowing for batch management during
this step in the process. For subcontracting, this app also has an area for referencing
component information, as well as whether components exist for a referenced
material. A quantity change at the header level is cascaded proportionally down to
the item level.

Multiple goods receipts can be entered against a single PO or even a single line item.
This is typically done when items are being distributed among several plants and stor-
age locations or items are being received into different classifications, such as in a quar-
antine or quality review status.
The movement type is a three-character key in SAP used to differentiate between goods
movements, including transfer orders and issues between plants and storage locations.
The most prevalent movement type is 101, which is a basic goods receipt for a purchase
order. Movement types thus play an important role in inventory management and
automatic account determination/posting. Goods receipts can be both valuated, gen-
erating accounting documents and postings, or nonvaluated, merely confirming that
an item was received but not generating accounting documents/postings.
Goods receipts can be created in the Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order—New app
by searching for the PO, selecting the goods/quantity received, defining the receipt
Figure 5.11 Goods Receipt Document
type, and then clicking Post, as shown in Figure 5.10.

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

Valuated goods receipts are particularly relevant when purchasing assets, when depre- Return delivery can also be initiated directly in the Return Delivery app. Alternatively,
ciation runs in asset management sometimes can start the minute the good is taken you can reverse the entire goods receipt directly in the GR document itself as shown in
into receipt. Using a valuated goods receipt approach allows for finance to realize the Figure 5.13.
tax savings of depreciation in a more efficient manner, rather than waiting for the
invoice posting to occur. Valuation defaults are often set at the business partner level
or for the PO type. If valuation is required—that is, if the PO is flagged for valuated 5
goods receipt—then the goods receipt will generate an accounting document in addi-
tion to the material document (see Figure 5.12). Creation of a goods receipt can initiate
the following documents and updates in SAP S/4HANA:
쐍 Update of PO and PO history
The goods receipt updates both the open quantities in the PO and the PO History tab
with a Goods Receipt Document link.
쐍 Update of inventory and value
The goods receipt updates the stock quantities in inventory management areas, as
well as any changes in valuation of said stock.
쐍 Update of stock and consumption accounts
The goods receipt triggers accounting updates.
쐍 Notification of goods receipt to the supplier
You can send an (optional) notification to the person ordering and/or the supplier
Figure 5.13 Reverse Goods Receipt
upon goods receipt via the system.
쐍 Printing of a goods receipt slip The self-service requisitioning functionality supports return deliveries for employees
In some paper-oriented receiving operations, a further hard copy of the receipt is via the My Purchase Requisitions app, in which you select Return. It will then show you
required. the return reasons.
쐍 Transfer requirement sent to warehouse management
Self-service requisitioning in SAP S/4HANA provides an integrated UX for requesting,
If warehouse management is active, a goods receipt can also trigger a transfer
reviewing, receiving, and returning. If you lose the session during the transaction, a
request to move the newly received item into the warehouse.
draft of the document you were working on when you lost connectivity is created auto-
쐍 Quality inspection matically and retrieved automatically upon return. This proactive connectivity
If the item received first needs to be inspected, prior to being placed into general extends to other parts of the process in SAP S/4HANA as well. Instead of having to click
availability stock, a goods receipt can trigger these activities in quality management. the Refresh button on a list or grouping, SAP S/4HANA updates these dynamically.

Goods Movements
Goods Receipt Material Document 5.2.5 Shopping Cart versus Requisition-to-Pay and Migrating SAP SRM Shopping
Posting – Quantity Valuated?
Goods Issue
and Movement type
Transfer Posting
Yes Shopping carts are essentially requisitions with a more user-friendly name and, hope-
Procurement –
Materials Management Finance fully, UI. The term was first used at SAP for SAP SRM, but it’s now used in SAP S/4HANA
requisitions, as outlined earlier. Any requisition processes that begin to rival a con-
Accounting Document –
Posting to Key Accounts sumer UX in their simplicity and usability will typically take the label shopping cart
(Stock +, GR/IR −, Price processes.
We reviewed the shopping cart/requisitioning process in SAP S/4HANA in Section 5.2.1,
Figure 5.12 Goods Receipt: Document Postings but there’s also a shopping cart concept in SAP SRM. Much of SAP SRM’s shopping cart

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

functionality and simplification has been replicated in SAP S/4HANA. Many SAP cus- After running the report, run follow-on report MMPUR_MIGR_EBAN in SAP S/4HANA.
tomers are evaluating their SAP SRM implementations during the move to SAP After this step, you can access a former SAP SRM shopping cart in SAP S/4HANA as a
S/4HANA and finding this to be an opportune time to migrate from SAP SRM, given the requisition in the self-service procurement process you have established in SAP
new, streamlined functionality available in the SAP S/4HANA core and in the SAP cloud S/4HANA and process this item further. Associated purchase orders in SAP S/4HANA
solutions available today, as well as in SAP Ariba Buying for SAP S/4HANA and SAP also will have a linkage to the requisition created during the conversion of the shop-
Ariba Buying and Invoicing. This section covers the conversion process at a high level ping cart. Any PO information that wasn’t transmitted to the SAP ERP being converted 5
from SAP SRM shopping carts to SAP S/4HANA. to SAP S/4HANA by the time of conversion will be unavailable in the new environment.
SAP SRM functionality has been built out substantially in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Errors in processing shopping carts, for example, which failed to create a follow-on PO
Procurement for the self-service procurement scenario. In addition, running SAP SRM in SAP ERP, won’t convert without the error being resolved first. These reports don’t
in the one-client scenario embedded within SAP S/4HANA is not an option like it was convert any of the SAP SRM workflows and customizations surrounding these shop-
with SAP ERP. In a one-client SAP SRM scenario, your options for moving to SAP ping carts, and there may be manual steps to perform once the conversion is complete
S/4HANA are to reimplement SAP SRM and connect it to SAP S/4HANA either in the to process these shopping carts in SAP S/4HANA. Currently, these migration reports
classic or extended classic scenario (see Table 5.1). You can also reimplement in a stand- and approaches only apply to shopping carts. Any documents created in SAP SRM such
alone scenario, but this isn’t typical if you already have finance running in SAP ERP. as contracts, purchase orders, or receipts that haven’t been transferred to SAP ERP at
the time of conversion won’t migrate automatically to SAP S/4HANA during the con-
SAP SRM Deployment Classic Extended Classic version. As with all conversions, the best approach is to close out as many open docu-
Option ments as possible prior to the conversion so as to convert the smallest number of open
Multiple SAP backends Migration optional (restrictions apply) Migration optional documents possible.
(restrictions apply)

Single SAP S/4HANA Migration optional Migration optional 5.2.6 Workflow

backend (restrictions apply)
SAP S/4HANA offers individual approval workflow apps for various procurement
One client Migration (or reimplementation on differ- N/A objects. These workflow apps rely on preconfigured release strategy procedures and
ent SAP SRM scenario, such as classic) business workflows. However, SAP S/4HANA also offers a generic workflow inbox that
mandatory provides a holistic view across all workflow items. This inbox can be accessed in an
application directly or via a mobile app and filtered/sorted to prioritize workflow
Table 5.1 SAP SRM Deployment Scenarios and SAP S/4HANA
items. Individual workflow items can be sorted and worked on in one screen while
viewing the queue (see Figure 5.14). The SAP S/4HANA workflow introduces the follow-
The other (recommended) option is to use this SAP S/4HANA transition to migrate
ing improvements from previous SAP ERP versions:
your SAP SRM users, processes, and open documents into SAP S/4HANA. SAP provides
informational SAP Note 225146 for this approach. 쐍 Execute all tasks in one screen

The first step is to complete your configuration and the setup of the self-service procure- 쐍 Keep work items list while processing a single work item
ment scenario in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement. Prior to shutting down your 쐍 Mobile approval possible
SAP SRM environment, you would then run report BBP_SC_MIGRATE_TO_PR in SAP 쐍 Filter and sort list of work items
SRM. You can migrate shopping carts prior to your system conversion to SAP S/4HANA, 쐍 Edit requisitions during approval (as of SAP S/4HANA 1909)
during the conversion, or before and during the conversion. However, the shopping cart
migration report can be run multiple times as needed, so long as SAP SRM is still up and As of SAP S/4HANA 1909, there is also a new app called Manage Workflow for Purchase
running. This means that for a one-client SAP SRM scenario with SAP ERP, the report has Requisitions. This app enables the user to simulate and create workflows for purchase
to run before the conversion because SAP SRM won’t be available once the conversion requisitions, as well as add deadlines and identify workflows that are past due. Figure
begins. You can define which migration scenario you’ll use during system conversion 5.15 shows a new workflow being created in this app.
from SAP ERP/SAP SRM to SAP S/4HANA by using report BBP_MIGRATE_SCEN in SAP

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5 Operational Procurement 5.2 Self-Service Procurement

from this data organically. One of the most exciting areas of innovation for SAP
S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement is driven by machine-learning capabilities in SAP
BTP. SAP BTP provides the “platform as a service” or PaaS infrastructure foundation to
keep your SAP S/4HANA digital core clean, while deploying additional functionality in
the landscape such as machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities. The next
sections will detail these machine-learning capabilities in SAP S/4HANA, with further 5
configuration steps outlined in Section 5.7. Now we’ll discuss some of the key machine-
learning functionality supported by SAP BTP for SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procure-
ment via this approach:
쐍 Image-based buying
Image-based buying identifies related images in a catalog or multiple catalogs linked
via cross-catalog search to provide recommendations to the user of similar items
based on the current selection. For example, if the user searches for a particular part,
provided there is an image of this part, another similar or identical part can be dis-
played in the recommendations. At its most evolved, this functionality could allow
Figure 5.14 Workflow Inbox in SAP S/4HANA for a scan of an image to then locate similar items in the catalog, without the user
having to enter the metadata (name, description, etc.) in the search.
쐍 Intelligent approval workflow
An intelligent approval workflow analyzes approval pattern history for requisitions
based on price, source of supply, material group, approvers, value thresholds, and
other data points, identifying requisitions en masse, meaning the approver can
approve a group of suggested requisitions without individual review, and/or via
automated approval, whereby approvals occur without human intervention.
쐍 Predictive analytics for contract consumption in procurement
A purchaser can train a predictive model using this functionality to review purchase
orders, expiring contracts, historical purchasing data, and contract consumption
based on historical contract usage to derive a more accurate picture for advanced
planning and contract negotiations.
쐍 Proposal of new catalog item or material group
During creation of a free text item in a requisition, the system can propose a catalog
item and/or a material group based on previous system usage.

For any of these machine-learning features, you’ll need to configure connections to

SAP BTP and subscribe to the procurement assistant. This functionality also requires
Figure 5.15 Manage Workflow for Purchase Requisitions: New Workflow
SAP S/4HANA batch processes to load data into SAP BTP for analysis, with the insights
then being sent back to SAP S/4HANA via the procurement assistant functionality.
SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement also has several robotic process automations
5.2.7 Machine Learning–Based Purchasing Functionality via SAP Business
(RPAs) available via SAP Intelligent RPA Store. RPAs provide prebuilt content to acceler-
Technology Platform
ate the deployment of new functionality and automation of processes, detailed at https://
Machine learning has been described as a data-driven process of discovery, where
instead of forming a hypothesis and then examining the data to find supporting pat- nesses=sourcing-and-procurement/search=S%252F4HANA. Specifically, RPAs for sourcing
terns, a machine analyzes the data first and derives patterns and, ultimately, hypotheses and procurement comprise the following:

154 155
5 Operational Procurement 5.3 Requirements Processing in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement

쐍 Create Purchase Requisitions from Excel (48M) 쐍 Release Reminder Purchase Requisition
쐍 Aging Analysis of Supplier Invoices with Pay-when-Paid Terms (70H) 쐍 Manage Purchase Requisitions—Professional
쐍 Mass Creation of Purchase Orders (6VW) 쐍 Process Purchase Requisitions (see Figure 5.18)
쐍 Mass Confirmation of Purchase Orders (48K)
With the Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions app (see Figure
쐍 Mass Maintenance of Quality Info Records (6NX) 5.17), the buyer can begin converting sourced requisitions en masse to POs. 5
쐍 Mass Maintenance of Work Packages and Work Items for Projects (4J1)
쐍 Manage Catalog Items from Excel (529)
쐍 Upload Supplier Invoices from Email Attachments (4HZ)
쐍 Create Purchase Requisitions from Excel (48M)
쐍 Manage Source Lists from Excel (4TK)
쐍 Mass Creation of Business Partner (4MZ)
쐍 Business Partner Master Data Check (4FB)
쐍 Manage Purchasing Info Records from Excel (4W3)

5.3 Requirements Processing in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and

Requirements processing (see Figure 5.16) refers to the buyer activity of sorting through
various requirements in need of adjustments and/or sources of supply. The main
thrust in most procurement organizations is to focus requirements-processing activi-
ties on the more strategic procurement items and to automate, using intuitive designs,
workflows, and catalog content, to create touchless, issue-ready purchase orders.
Figure 5.17 Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions
Purchase Purchase Service Augmented
Operational Requirements Self-Service
Order Order
Processing Requisitioning
Purchasing Decision After selecting various criteria (here, Per Company Code and Per Contract), the buyer
Collaboration Processing and Entry Making
then executes the job to create purchase orders from all the available and completed
Figure 5.16 Requirements Processing requisitions matching the chosen criteria.
Traditionally in SAP ERP, a buyer has to run a search using selection criteria, review the
Once a requisition is created, depending upon the workflow settings in the system, the list and manually check for sources, assign the supplier, and then move the order into
requisition either is sent for approval or, if under the workflow thresholds for a given a batch queue. The batch job is then run either at a set interval or manually to create an
value, can be converted directly to a PO. The requisition then goes into a buyer’s queue actual purchase order.
for sourcing if it contains a descriptive item or is converted to a PO directly by the The requirements processing area is streamlined in SAP S/4HANA to one screen, with
buyer or automatically via a batch process if it contains only catalog items. A buyer typ- prebuilt search criteria that pull in all requisitions. The options allow the buyer to
ically takes the order from here, using one of the following SAP S/4HANA apps to con- dynamically change the search criteria; generate proposed sources of supply automat-
vert the requisition to a PO: ically based on PIRs, source lists, or contracts/agreements; and then enter direct cre-
쐍 Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisition ation of the purchase order once the source of supply has been defined—all from one
쐍 Assign and Process Purchase Requisition screen, as shown in Figure 5.18.
쐍 Create Purchase Order via Purchase Requisition

156 157
5 Operational Procurement 5.4 Purchase Order Processing

Figure 5.18 Process Purchase Requisitions

Figure 5.19 Purchase Requisition Line-Item Drill Down
Requirements processing in SAP S/4HANA has the following improvements compared
to previous versions of SAP ERP:
쐍 Dynamic search and filtering and automatic proposal of search help values
5.4 Purchase Order Processing
쐍 Ability to change search parameters easily in the same screen Traditionally, purchase order creation and processing in SAP ERP (see Figure 5.20)
쐍 Automatic proposal of available info records or agreements involves entering numerous data points in the purchase order form, checking the doc-
ument, identifying errors and further required data, tracking this missing data down,
쐍 Direct creation of purchase orders
entering it and then checking again, and finally, when the document shows no further
If a buyer wishes to drill into any particular requisition, simply clicking a link takes him error messages, ordering. Another approach is to convert a requisition or use an exist-
into the header of the requisition. Rather than inundating the user with a bunch of tabs ing purchase order as a template. Here too, any errors identified have to be researched
and tangential information, the revised screen focuses on the essentials of item, quan- and corrected prior to issuing the purchase order.
tity, price, material group, plant, and delivery date.
Purchase Purchase Service Augmented
If further information is required, the user can drill further into the line-item levels (see Operational Requirements Self-Service
Order Order Purchasing Decision
Purchasing Processing Requisitioning
Figure 5.19). Here, General Information, Quantity Date, Valuation, Account Assignment, Collaboration Processing and Entry Making

Source of Supply, Status, Contact Person, Notes, and Delivery Address links move you
Figure 5.20 Purchase Order Processing in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement
down the page to the applicable information area without needing to open a new tab.
A buyer also has the option to create an additional purchase requisition in the Require- Purchase order processing in SAP S/4HANA has been updated: there’s now a central-
ments Processing app. This allows a buyer to jump from the Requirements Processing ized screen that allows for drilling down into further detail of items sequenced based
app to create a new requisition and then resume work in the Requirements Processing on data relevance, as well as automatic population of required fields based on the mate-
app seamlessly. rials, suppliers, and templates selected. Possible field entries are also restricted in SAP
Next, let’s discuss processing purchase orders directly in SAP S/4HANA. S/4HANA during the PO process. This reduces the time spent chasing down errors and
entering associated data and ultimately accelerates the timeline from initiation to
completion. As Figure 5.21 shows, the Create Purchase Order app in SAP S/4HANA
allows the user to focus on the important and mandatory fields in the purchase order

158 159
5 Operational Procurement 5.5 Service Purchasing and Service Confirmation

while providing tabs for the more detailed areas of the document. The top part of the Other feature updates to the PO processing area of SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Pro-
screen provides the PO header information, the middle shows the items, and the bot- curement include incoterms, short text change options, and attachments. Incoterms
tom shows the item details. refers to payment, delivery, and other terms that define when the obligation and risk
shift from supplier to customer during the transfer of goods/services. Incoterm speci-
fications are now available at both the header and the item level. This means that if one
item in a purchase order should require different incoterms than the rest, you can set 5
this at the item level. You can also change the short text for a PO, which was previously
not an option. Attachments to an SAP S/4HANA purchase order can be accessed from
all of the purchase order apps in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement.

5.5 Service Purchasing and Service Confirmation

Service purchasing and entry in Figure 5.23 doesn’t refer solely to SAP S/4HANA Sourcing
and Procurement functionality in this process. Although the user still has services pro-
curement capabilities similar to those used when purchasing a material in SAP S/4HANA
Sourcing and Procurement, there is also SAP Fieldglass integration. SAP Fieldglass is a
cloud-based vendor-management system (VMS) used to manage services procurement
and external workforce programs. For external service procurement and service-supplier
management, SAP Fieldglass invoices are integrated with SAP S/4HANA, and further inte-
Figure 5.21 Purchase Order Header
gration is to be offered in later releases.
Additional filter criteria are available in Procurement Overview, allowing for specifying
Purchase Purchase Service Augmented
the Purchasing Organization, Material, Material Group, Display Currency, Supplier, Pur- Operational
Order Order
Requirements Self-Service
Purchasing Decision
Purchasing Processing Requisitioning
chasing Category, and Purchasing Group as shown in Figure 5.22. Collaboration Processing and Entry Making

Figure 5.23 Service Purchasing and Entry

The service procurement capabilities within the SAP S/4HANA core include simplified
service procurement, with SAP Fiori apps for Service Entry Sheet and Service Confirma-
tion (Figure 5.24).


Purchase Order

SAP Business Network

Figure 5.22 Purchasing Overview with Filter Criteria Figure 5.24 Services Document Integration with SAP Business Network

160 161
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

5.6 Purchase Order Collaboration 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Upon creation of a PO, the PO can be issued to a supplier via SAP Business Network This section outlines the general configuration steps required to set up self-service
and/or via EDI, email, or other transmission methods supported in SAP S/4HANA. Sup- operational procurement processes in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement. As
pliers often connect to SAP Business Network and use this as an integration layer to discussed earlier, self-service procurement can be used for stock items, consumables,
receive their purchase orders directly into their systems via their EDI linkage, rather and/or external services. For stock items and services, this same baseline configuration
than setting up a point-to-point EDI integration going out to the network to process for self-service procurement can support these scenarios to a degree. Stock items also
these orders. require a material master, which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 4 and Chapter 6.
As mentioned in Chapter 1, PO collaboration is not something that can be done ade-
quately in SAP ERP or even in SAP S/4HANA alone; an interaction between the supplier 5.7.1 Self-Service Procurement Requisitioning
and buyer needs to take place, and documents need to be exchanged without compro-
As with all configuration guides, this section is to be used as a reference to support your
mising the security of the core SAP S/4HANA environment. Point-to-point solutions
particular requirements and project. Prior to beginning configuration, you should
such as supplier self-services suffer from the maintenance aspects and training/change
always ensure you have researched the latest configuration and version-level guidance
management required for the supplier base. The point-to-point model doesn’t scale
online and verified that you have met the requirements to begin configuration. Also,
well, as each additional supplier represents additional calls and emails to the help desk,
note that traditional workflow, report, interface, conversion, enhancement, and form
all of which place the onus on the buyer’s organization. For a point-to-point solution to
(WRICEF) objects are beyond the scope of this configuration section and book in gen-
be economical, it has to scale to encompass many suppliers and high document vol-
eral; these are project-specific and typically require some development to realize. For
umes. This is where a network like SAP Business Network can take over the heavy lifting
the baseline configuration of the self-service procurement scenario, the steps are as fol-
aspects of infrastructure, supplier onboarding, and support and allow the buyer to
lows in SAP S/4HANA:
focus on the value-added activities within collaboration.
1. Create employee data. For a user to access the appropriate areas of the organization
SAP Business Network is the main approach for true PO collaboration, as it allows the
structure and system functionality for self-service procurement, you must first cre-
supplier to receive and work with the purchase order, confirming items or proposing
ate an employee record and assign it in the organization structure.
changes to delivery dates and potential quantities. SAP S/4HANA provides out-of-the-
box integration with SAP Business Network. SAP Business Network handles well over In SAP Human Capital Management for SAP S/4HANA, an employee record is com-
$5 trillion in annual transactions among millions of participants. Invoicing will be cov- prised of infotypes, information units used to store specific employee master data.
ered in Chapter 11, but for now note that PO collaboration is covered with this integra- To create an employee, use Transaction PA30. For procurement activities, Infotypes
tion with SAP Business Network, as well via traditional processes of document 0001 (organizational assignment) and 0105 (system user name and communication
exchange such as email, fax, and EDI. information, such as email and address) are mandatory.
2. Create an assignment (position) for the employee in the organization structure via
Note Transaction PPOMA.

SAP S/4HANA Cloud offers best practices for integration with SAP Business Network, 3. Assign a business partner to the position. BUP003 is the employee business partner
which differs slightly from the on-premise standard integration and includes more role.
documents from the invoice/payment part of the process. There are also further best 4. Maintain attributes mandatory for procurement activities as per Table 5.2.
practice integration points with SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite, which will be
detailed further in Chapter 9. Mandatory Attributes Default Value
This best practice approach for SAP S/4HANA Cloud integrations also includes invoice Document Type: Can be configured in customizing under IMG menu path BSART
documents from SAP Fieldglass. Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Define Docu-
ment Types

Company Code BURKS

Table 5.2 Mandatory Procurement Activity Attributes

162 163
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Mandatory Attributes Default Value Sequence Name of Parameter Value of Parameter for Webservice
Number for Webservice
40 Realm APCProduction-T
Catalog: Allows the employee to access predefined catalogs CATALOG
50 Full Name S4 HANA Catalog
Purchasing Organization EKORG
50 UniqueName S4HANA
Purchasing Group RESPPGRP
Account Assignment Category: Asset, Cost Center, Sales Order, Order, and KNTTP
Network are supported 60 DefaultCurrency USD

Material Group MATKL 70 UserLocate US

Currency WAERS 80 ModifyURL FALSE

Plant WERKS 90 User.Address.UniqueN OCI_DEFAULT

Table 5.2 Mandatory Procurement Activity Attributes (Cont.) 100 Hook_URL Return URL

Table 5.3 Webservice Configuration Values (Cont.)

Catalog options in SAP S/4HANA include punchout catalogs, in which a user clicks on SAP S/4HANA requires a hook URL to be maintained with the type set as Return URL. If
the catalog link and accesses a catalog outside of the SAP S/4HANA system, selects an you wish to keep some parameters secure from catalog vendors, you can leverage the
item or items, and then returns with the items to the shopping cart. There is also an MMPUR_OCI_PARAMETERS BAdI.
internal search bar within the SAP S/4HANA requisitioning app, which allows for
You can also maintain catalog web services via the Settings for Web Services app as of
searching for available internal catalog items within SAP S/4HANA. A user can also
SAP S/4HANA 2022 (see Figure 5.25).
search across catalog data in this search bar from multiple catalogs, provided the cata-
log data has been loaded in the SAP S/4HANA system. Finally, as referenced in previous
chapters, there is a consulting solution from the SAP Consulting delivery team called
the lean catalog, which enables a more extensive internal catalog.

Punchout Catalogs
To set up a punchout catalog, you need to configure the web service to access the cata-
log. To create a catalog link (webservice), go to Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷
Environment Data 폷 Web Services: ID and Description. For typical webservice configura-
tion values, see Table 5.3.

Sequence Name of Parameter Value of Parameter for Webservice

Number for Webservice


20 PunchinId NAME/USER ID

30 PunchinPassword PASSWORD

Table 5.3 Webservice Configuration Values Figure 5.25 Settings for (Catalog) Webservices

164 165
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Internal Catalog Lean Catalog

To create and/or manage items in the internal catalog within SAP S/4HANA, go to the The lean catalog is a consulting solution from SAP Consulting that provides the following:
Manage Catalog Items app, select Create, and enter the item data as shown in Figure 쐍 A web application for product searches and selection
쐍 An editing cockpit for creating your catalog product range
쐍 Supplier material as a new business object to store supplier content
쐍 An import manager for importing catalog items from files delivered by your suppliers
쐍 A product relation tool to manage any kind of linkages between your SAP materials,
supplier materials, or a mixture of both

The lean catalog leverages Open Catalog Interface (OCI) or the cross-catalog search
capabilities in SAP S/4HANA, detailed in the next section, to allow for detailed search
and selection of catalog items. You can search for products using a keyword search, a
hierarchical search, or an advanced search as in Figure 5.28.

Figure 5.26 Manage Catalog Items

As in the new item screen in Figure 5.27, you can then enter detailed information on the
item, including organization structure and lead times, as well as reference an image.

Figure 5.28 Lean Catalog

Cross-Catalog Search
SAP S/4HANA now allows for cross-catalog search in the Search bar of the Create Requi-
sitions app without going into each individual catalog. If you plan to use this function-
ality, there are some setup steps required.
As prerequisites, verify that catalog data is available in OCI 5.0 format and that your cat-
alog suppliers can provide this as a JSON file or through an HTTP service. Catalogs and
Figure 5.27 Create Catalog Item their corresponding web service IDs, as well as content management services (CMSs;
for loading images and attachments), must be set up and configured in the system.

166 167
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

To set up cross-catalog search, complete the following steps: Define Additional Attributes for Product Catalog Categories. Enter a webservice and
1. Replicate catalog data and any required material master data to materials manage- maintain the attributes. Select the Don’t Show checkbox if you don’t wish to display
ment staging tables. the catalog. Select the OCI Extraction checkbox if you want to import data from this
catalog using the catalog data import (see Figure 5.30).
2. Index the data for cross-catalog search.
3. Define number ranges for catalog items by entering “01” as the catalog item number
range. Follow IMG menu path Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requi-
sition 폷 Self Service Procurement 폷 Define Number Ranges for Catalog Items.
4. Enter a number range for search items. Follow IMG menu path Materials Manage-
ment 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Self-Service Procurement 폷 Define Number
Ranges for Search Items. Enter “01” as the attachment key number range for
5. Maintain a common Currency to enable a price filter on items. Follow IMG menu
path Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Self Service Pro-
curement 폷 Define Settings for Cross Catalog Search as per Figure 5.29.

Figure 5.30 Maintaining Catalog Attributes for Display and OCI Extraction

8. Indexing and embedded search configuration is typically conducted by a technical

resource with Basis-level access to the system. Embedded search in SAP S/4HANA
Sourcing and Procurement leverages SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search, a search
solution providing unified and secure real-time access to enterprise data and data
from within and outside of an organization. SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search
Figure 5.29 Cross-Catalog Search Settings returns data from SAP systems and other search providers and allows direct access
to the associated applications and actions. Embedded search is the enterprise search
component for SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP and serves as the
Note search platform using the SAP HANA engine, connecting via RFC destinations, URLs,
After the data is extracted, if you change this setting to another common currency, and/or repository addresses to outside search providers and data sources. Refer to
you’ll need to reindex and run program MM_PUR_CTLG_EXT_COM_CUR_UPD. Also, if SAP Note 1164979 and for configuration guidelines. For self-service req-
you elect to hide the search bar, you will prevent users from accessing the internal SAP uisitioning, SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search includes business templates and
S/4HANA catalog in the Create Requisition App as they will not be able to search. indexes via search object connectors to enable search and access of both supplier
catalogs and material master data from materials management.
6. If you’ve enabled catalogs using OCI 4.0, you’ll have to activate the OCI_CATALOG ICF 9. For search templates, the SAP S/4HANA administrator needs to create one search
service using Transaction SICF. To do so, first select menu option Service 폷 Host, then template for each business connector, which then delivers the result data in a pre-
select Activate Service. Second, ensure that every node path is set to active in /SAP/ defined form as per the attributes in the template. These templates are not delivered
BC/REST/SAP/OCI_CATALOG. For more information, check SAP Note 2376996. by default in an SAP S/4HANA environment and require activation on the admin’s
7. Maintain additional attributes for catalogs. You can control whether a catalog is vis- part. You can mass-activate search templates using Transaction ESH_COCKPIT. To
ible and whether it is used for OCI 5.0 extraction by following IMG menu path Mate- do so, select Switch to Modeler and go to the software component MM-PUR-REQ.
rials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Self-Service Procurement 폷 Under this component you will find the templates listed in Table 5.4.

168 169
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Figure 5.31 shows the steps involved in preparing data for cross-catalog search.
Search Template Description

MM_PUR_CTLG_SRH Search results model (catalog item data)

Catalog Providers – JSON File Import Data into Index Catalog
MM_PUR_CTLG_ATTCH Images and attachments OCI Compliant HTTPS Staging Database Data
web service
MM_PUR_CTLG_CUST_FLD Customer fields
Materials Management Report Import Data into Index Catalog
MM_PUR_CTLG_PRC_CON Converted price data (prices in different exchange rates) Material Master Data Staging Database Data


Figure 5.31 Preparation for Cross-Catalog Search in SAP S/4HANA
Table 5.4 Search Templates in MM-PUR-REQ
OCI data maintained by catalog providers can be imported as a JSON file or HTTPS web-
10. Select a search template, then click the Create Connector button and the search service, while material master data can be extracted using reports. Starting with OCI
object connector will be created. 5.0, multiple customer fields are supported for import. You can maintain the customer
fields in INCLUDE structure MMPUR_CA_INCL_CAT_ITM of table MMPUR_CAT_ITM.
Cross-catalog search is enabled in SAP S/4HANA by importing and syndicating data
The CMS must be configured to extract and store images in an SAP S/4HANA catalog
from catalog items and material masters into a single repository of SAP S/4HANA
scenario. This is cross-client configuration and requires appropriate authorization. The
tables for search, indexing the data, and then leveraging embedded search APIs to drive
content management repository is MMPUR_CAT_CONTENT and the contents are maintained
the item search queries. For more information on the tables, see package VDM_MM_
in table MMPUR_CAT_CNTNT. Follow these steps to maintain a physical storage path and the
PUR_CATALOG. Table 5.5 lists the associated key tables.
HTTPS requirement for loading images:
Table Description 1. Follow IMG menu path SAP NetWeaver 폷 Knowledge Management 폷 Settings in
MMPUR_CAT_ITM Main data for catalog items Knowledge Warehouse System 폷 Content Management Service 폷 Define Content
MMPUR_CAT_PRCONV Price converted to common currency
2. In the Content Repository field, select MMPUR_CAT_CONTENT and click Edit.
MMPUR_CAT_LNGTXT Long text 3. In the Phys. Path field, enter the physical path determined for storing the files in
MMPUR_CAT_DSCTXT Description your system landscape, then select the HTTPS requirement in the fields for both the
frontend and backend.
4. The ABAP server or other servers hosting images need to be configured in the web
MMPUR_CAT_ITM_SRH Search items description dispatcher. The system administrator needs to configure the system in such a way
MMPUR_CAT_MGPTXT Material group text
that any URL containing the term imageloader should be redirected to where the
images are loaded. For importing OCI 5.0-compliant catalogs via JSON or a report/
MMPUR_CAT_ATMAIN Attachments main webservice approach, you must have the MMPUR_CAT_CONTENT_MGMT role
MMPUR_CAT_ATTCHM Attachments assigned.

MMPUR_CAT_ATTHMB Thumbnail attachment

Import JSON File
MMPUR_CAT_ATHTXT Attachment text To import a file via JSON, follow these steps:
MMPUR_CAT_ATTRB Attributes for catalog items 1. Add the catalog webservice ID or existing catalog webservice ID and select Import
Action Applicable File. In the Import File/URL field, provide the path of the file to be
Table 5.5 MMPUR_CAT Tables
imported. Select the Import Image checkbox if images are to be imported. In the

170 171
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Image Folder field, enter the path for the folder containing images. Click the Sched-
Importing Type Value of Indicator Remarks
ule Job button.
Delta load Reschedule Delta: ON Use when you want to change data or add ad-
2. Define the start time for the load to begin, then execute it.
ditional items to an already imported catalog.

Import Catalog via Webservice Table 5.6 Reschedule Delta Indicators (Cont.)
To import a catalog via a webservice, follow these steps: 5
6. Table 5.7 contains some user-exit BAdI options to support meeting requirements
1. Enter Transaction MMPUR_CAT_EXT or the Schedule Import of Catalog Data app
outside of the standard content-management capabilities in SAP S/4HANA.
and click Add a New Job as in Figure 5.32. A new job screen appears.
2. Add the catalog webservice ID or existing catalog webservice ID and select Import SAP S/4HANA BAdI (Enhancement) Description
Action Applicable HTTP/HTTPS. Provide the URL, User Name, and Password to be
imported. You can also provide a transaction ID and requested page if you want to
access to catalog item data, search terms, attributes,
resume a stalled transaction. price scales, images, and customer fields.
3. Select the Import Image checkbox if you want to import images, and provide the
MM_PUR_CTLG_BDI_SRH Influence search behavior using this BAdI. Standard
folder path to the folder containing the images. If using a proxy server, BAdI MMPUR_
search behavior searches more relevant columns first
CAT_PROXY_INFO needs to be implemented. and then organizes these in the results.
4. Click the Schedule Job button. Define the start time for the load to begin and execute it.
allows items selected in a catalog to be enriched when
transferring to the user’s requisition in SAP S/4HANA
Sourcing and Procurement.


ment spot to specify proxy server settings to access the


spot to transfer additional parameters to a webervice,
such as a product catalog or a vendor list.


ment spot to modify the approver data, such as display-
ing the approver name on the user interface of the My
Purchase Requisition app.
Figure 5.32 Catalog Importer
Table 5.7 Available BAdIs for Influencing Purchasing in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and
5. Select the Reschedule Delta indicator for activating a delta import. The indicators are Procurement
described further in Table 5.6.
5.7.2 Machine Learning–Based Procurement Functionality
Importing Type Value of Indicator Remarks
Machine learning (ML) uses customer-specific history to build/train a model and make
Full or initial load Reschedule Delta: OFF Use when you’re importing data into a catalog
predictive recommendations and decisions. In SAP S/4HANA, there are two types of
the first time. All catalog items are added to
machine learning capabilities available: embedded ML and side-by-side machine learning.
Embedded ML uses SAP Analytics Cloud and classic algorithms such as clustering, classifi-
Table 5.6 Reschedule Delta Indicators cation, and regression to drive output. Embedded ML is not run as a sidecar approach in
SAP S/4HANA as the computing requirements are lower than in side-by-side ML.

172 173
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Side-by-side ML is used for more complex scenarios and deep learning for image and Scenario Scenario Name Functionality Type ISLM Scenario
language application, which require larger amounts of computing power. Side-by-side
Quantity QTY_CON- This scenario calcu- ISLM
ML applications are run on SAP BTP. Much of this functionality used to be run in con-
contract TRACT_CNS- lates the predicted
junction with SAP Leonardo, a platform that was deprecated in June 2020. Since then,
consumption MPN consumption date for
many of the ML applications have been embedded in SAP S/4HANA or based on SAP a contract in order to
BTP, depending on their computing requirements and load. avoid stockouts and 5
Machine learning apps and functionality available in SAP S/4HANA split along whether rushed renegotia-
tions due to expired
they are embedded or sidecar, and whether they leverage SAP Predictive Analytics inte-
grator 2.0, now called Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM). ISLM provides
a unified interface for the consumption of ML. ISLM and non-ISLM procurement sce- Reduce off- ML algorithms are Side by side Non-ISLM
narios are listed in Table 5.8. contract spend used for the proposal
of options for materi-
Scenario Scenario Name Functionality Type ISLM Scenario als without purchase
contracts to reduce
Predictive MMIV_INVC_ In case of blocked in- Embedded ISLM the off-contract
scenario for QTY_BLCK voice items that are spend.
blocked invoices relevant for a cash
with quantity discount, the system Material group In this scenario using Side by side Non-ISLM
variance predicts in the pay- proposal machine learning al-
ment block section. gorithms, free text
Based on data records data of the purchase
of past goods receipts orders is trained to
from the supplier, the predict the group
system indicates code for a material. It
whether the goods re- helps the purchaser
ceipt can probably be to select from the
expected. proposed material
group while creating
Consumption MMSLO_CON- Activating this sce- ISLM purchase requisitions
data for slow- or SUMPTION_02 nario allows the sys- or purchase.
nonmoving tem to use historical
materials data to calculate a Catalog item In this scenario using Side by side Non-ISLM
predicted future con- proposal machine learning for
sumption value over proposing the cre-
the next three ation of catalog
months for slow- items, SAP S/4HANA
moving stock. will help procure-
ment organizations in
Stock level data MMSLO_ Activating this sce- ISLM a significant way to
for slow- or STOCK_LEVEL_ nario allows the sys- reduce their free text
nonmoving 02 tem using historical orders and therefore
materials data to calculate a their process costs.
predicted future stock
value over the next Table 5.8 ISLM and Non-ISLM Machine Learning Procurement Scenarios (Cont.)
three months for
slow-moving stock.

Table 5.8 ISLM and Non-ISLM Machine Learning Procurement Scenarios

174 175
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Scenario Scenario Name Functionality Type ISLM Scenario

The first step in setting up machine-learning functionalities is establishing a connec-
tion to SAP BTP.
Intelligent An ML scenario is Side by side Non-ISLM
approval of used to analyze the
purchase approval pattern his- Image-Based Buying
requisitions tory for the purchase Complete the setup steps for scope item Schedule Export of Catalog Item Images for
requisitions based on Machine Learning (3UH) and activate the SAP Intelligent Insights for Procurement Inte- 5
price, source of sup- gration communication scenario, SAP_COM_1054. Next, log into the SAP S/4HANA
ply, material group,
Configuration GUI and go to SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Self-Service
approvers, attach-
Procurement 폷 Define Machine Learning Scenarios and then follow these steps:
ments, and so on, and
provide recommen- 1. Choose New Entries, select Image-Based Buying, and ensure the Activate the Sce-
dations for a mass au- nario checkbox is checked. Save your changes.
tomated approval.
2. Next, map the RFC destination to the machine-learning scenarios by entering Trans-
Images-based In this scenario, ma- Side by side action SM30 in SAP S/4HANA. Choose table view MMPUR_MLFND_CNF and add the entry
purchasing chine learning algo- as follows:
rithms are used to learn
the required features
– Outbound Service ID: Image-based buying
and propose images of – Activate: Yes
the catalog items for – RFC Destination: Enter the RFC destination created in the previous steps
creating a new pur-
chase requisition. 3. Choose Save.

Supplier This scenario includes Embedded ISLM Next, make the search bar available in the cross-catalog search settings by following
delivery predicting the PO de- SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requsition 폷 Define Cross Catalog
prediction livery date for pur- Search and unchecking the checkbox for Hide Cross Catalog Search Bar.
chase order items.
Finally, schedule the job to upload data for machine learning.
With this informa-
tion, you get a fore- Next, schedule the jobs to upload/export data to SAP BTP, ensuring the user running
cast based on your the job has authorization SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT:
company’s empirical
data if a goods receipt 1. Log into your SAP S/4HANA web UI.
can be successfully 2. Choose the Schedule Export of Catalog Item Images for Machine Learning app tile
completed in time. under Job Scheduling for Purchasing.
Contract This scenario includes Embedded ISLM 3. Choose New. Under Job Template, choose Training Data for Image-Based Buying,
consumption a prediction of the and select the corresponding catalog containing these images. Enable fine-tuning if
contract consumption the catalog has clean data for training.
date to minimize or
eliminate production
4. Set Start Immediately in Scheduling Options according to your requirements.
delays due to stock- 5. Choose Schedule.
outs from expired 6. Monitor the application log on the Application Jobs page to check the status of the
contracts. Also pro-
training job.
vides real-time data
analysis with drill- For more on setting up and tuning this functionality, review the SAP Best Practices at
down capabilities.
Table 5.8 ISLM and Non-ISLM Machine Learning Procurement Scenarios (Cont.)

176 177
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

Intelligent Approval Workflow STRATEGY and SAP_BR_BUYER authorizations assigned. Once you have activated the pre-
In these steps, you activate the intelligent approval workflow: dictive model, you will need to schedule the SAP_MM_PUR_PAI_CTR_CONSUMP job to con-
sume the predictions in the frontend app in SAP S/4HANA 1909. In cloud versions with
1. Follow SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Flexible
this functionality, this SAP_MM_PUR_PAI_CTR_CONSUMP job runs weekly and does not
Workflow 폷 Activate Intelligent Approval of Purchase Requisitions.
require scheduling.
2. In Machine Learning Configurations, select Change View then New Entries. Choose Sce-
For more on setting up and tuning this functionality, review the SAP Best Practices at 5
nario 1 Intelligent Approval for Purchase Requisitions and enter the values as follows:
– Activate: Yes
– Number of Attempts: 3
Proposal of New Catalog Item or Material Group
– Calculation Currency: Your preferred currency or USD
SAP S/4HANA will also make recommendations for adding items to the catalog based
Next, map the RFC destination to the machine-learning scenarios by following path on ordering trends in the system. If an item is ordered repeatedly as a free text item,
SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Intelligent Insights for Procurement. Select you will see a recommendation in the Manage Catalog Item Recommendations app to
Edit to change the Maintain RFC Destination for Machine Learning Services details create a catalog item for this order. Follow path SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Pur-
screen. Add the values as follows: chasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Self-Service Procurement 폷 Define Machine Learning
Scenarios to reach the screen shown in Figure 5.33.
쐍 Outbound Service ID: Intelligent approval for purchase requisition
쐍 Activate: Yes
쐍 RFC Destination: Enter the RFC destination created in the previous steps

Next, schedule the jobs to upload/export data to SAP BTP, ensuring the user running
the job has authorization SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT:
1. Log into your SAP S/4HANA web UI.
2. Choose the Schedule Transfer of Purchase Requisitions for Intelligent Approval app
tile under Job Scheduling for Purchasing.
Figure 5.33 Define Machine Learning Scenarios
3. Choose New. Under Job Template, choose Upload Records for Purchase Requisition
Intelligent Approval.
Here you can activate either recommendations by item or by material group, or both,
4. Set Start Immediately in Scheduling Options according to your requirements. by clicking New Entries and maintaining threshold hits, training data period (in
5. Choose Schedule. days), and supplier ranking limit, and then checking the Activate checkbox, as shown
6. Monitor the application log on the Application Jobs page to check the status of the in Figure 5.34.
training job.

Create a second job for Upload Records (Failed during Inference) for PR Intelligent
Approval. If you encounter issues during configuration, you can create a ticket refer-
encing component MM-FIO-PUR-REL.
For more on setting up and tuning this functionality, review the SAP Best Practices at

Predictive Analytics for Contract Consumption in Procurement

In this machine-learning functionality, the setup steps are different from the others.
An analytics specialist conducts the predictive model training leveraging the Quantity
Contract Consumption app (F2012), with either the SAP_BR_BUYER or the SAP_MM_BC_PUR_ Figure 5.34 Image-Based Buying Details

178 179
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

After activating these scenarios in SAP S/4HANA and having Basis create and configure Finally, have your security team assign standard template PROC_CATALOGITEMPRO-
an OAuth 2.0 client, you need to schedule jobs to export the data and train the model. POSAL to the designated procurement users who will access the functionality.
To schedule the export job, use the following steps: For more on setting up and tuning this functionality, review the SAP Best Practices at
1. Log into your SAP S/4HANA system web UI.

2. Search for the Schedule Export of Purchase Orders tile as in Figure 5.35.
5.7.3 Requirements Processing
To set up requisitions for requirements processing, you will need to set up the docu-
ment type(s) and number range(s). First, you will need to define number ranges to
which to tie the document types by following SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchas-
ing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Define Number Ranges as in Figure 5.37.

Figure 5.35 Schedule Export of Purchase Documents

3. Choose Create.
4. Under Job Template, choose the Training Data for Free Text template as in Figure
5. Set Start Immediately in Scheduling Options according to your requirements. Figure 5.37 Define Number Ranges
6. You can choose Define Recurrence Pattern if you want to schedule the job frequency.
After maintaining your number range, or multiple number ranges if you intend to
7. Enter a Company Code and Plant.
have multiple types of requisitions, maintain the requisition document types by fol-
8. Choose a Schedule.
lowing SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Define Doc-
9. Monitor the background job on the Application Jobs page. ument Types as shown in Figure 5.38.

Figure 5.38 Define Requisition Document Types

In this transaction, you maintain the document type and assign it to a number range,
Figure 5.36 Training Data for Free Text as well as define whether the requisition doc type is an external one (originating from
outside the SAP S/4HANA system—in SAP Ariba, say) or an internally generated requi-
Next, schedule job SAP_MM_REDUCE_FTXT_ML_JOB_STATUS using Transaction SM36 in SAP sition, created directly in SAP S/4HANA.
GUI to update the status of the training job training the model executed in SAP S/4HANA.

180 181
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

5.7.4 Purchase Order Processing which is further described at This building block allows you to do
the following:
Similar to requisition configuration, in order to create and process purchase orders,
you must maintain the number ranges and document types by following SPRO 폷 Mate- 쐍 Electronically transmit approved purchase orders to your suppliers via SAP Business
rials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Order 폷 Define Number Ranges and SPRO 폷 Network for Procurement.
Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Requisition 폷 Define Document Types. 쐍 Allow your suppliers to confirm orders automatically.
There are several additional configuration options available, such as tolerance defini- 5
쐍 Convert digital ASNs sent by your suppliers electronically to SAP Business Network
tion for price variance. Here you can set thresholds for price variance by following into inbound deliveries in SAP S/4HANA.
SPRO 폷 Materials Management 폷 Purchasing 폷 Purchase Order 폷 Set Tolerance Limits for
쐍 Automatically transmit goods receipt to suppliers in SAP Business Network for Pro-
Price Variance, as in Figure 5.39.
쐍 Allow your suppliers to submit invoices, receive status updates, and receive pay-
ment advices electronically in SAP Business Network.
쐍 Trigger payment runs upon receipt of supplier invoices in SAP S/4HANA accounts
쐍 The Business Network Configuration Guide for Automation of Source-to-Pay with
Ariba Network (42K) provides configuration of logon credentials to SAP Business
Network and mapping of org structure elements such as company codes to SAP
Business Network IDs.

Once you’ve configured the logon credentials and mappings from SAP S/4HANA to your
SAP Business Network via Best Practice 42K (which is replacing J81) subscription, you’ll
invite and (in the event that they aren’t already transacting on the network) onboard
Figure 5.39 Setting PO Tolerance Limits for Price Variance
your suppliers in SAP Business Network to begin transacting in your SAP S/4HANA
instance. SAP provides a dedicated supplier onboarding team to support this process.
Note that the tolerance settings are typically made at the company code level and
include both a lower and an upper limit. All integrations with SAP Business Network, whether SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edi-
tion or SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition, leverage guided configuration, best prac-
tices, and SAP Activate to support the solution. For SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud, the
5.7.5 Purchase Order Collaboration solution approach uses native direct web services for integrating to and from SAP Busi-
Purchase order collaboration, whereby the supplier logs into a supplier portal, reviews ness Network. The 42K building block materials include the following:
the purchase order, confirms the order, and moves on to processing/delivering the 쐍 A process model, outlining the process between SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Busi-
requested quantities, is facilitated via SAP Business Network. For SAP S/4HANA opera- ness Network
tional procurement integration with SAP Ariba, the main applicable scenario is the
쐍 A test script, for validation for integration implementation
natively supported purchase order/invoice integration with SAP Business Network.
쐍 A configuration guide, for step-by-step instructions on implementation
There are a number of resources available to support you with the install and deploy-
ment of this integration for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public and private editions.
The integration is native within SAP S/4HANA and can be established using guided configu- 5.7.6 SAP SuccessFactors
ration within SAP Activate or via the SAP Ariba account settings. While the SAP Best Practice SAP SuccessFactors integration with both SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud has a
Explorer was deprecated, some of these best practices are available at https://content-discov- similar integration framework and approach as that for SAP Ariba, based on predefined The building block to implement for the self-service procurement integration scenarios that you evaluate, activate, and deploy in your environment.
scenario in SAP S/4HANA is the Automation of Source to Pay with the Ariba Network—42K,

182 183
5 Operational Procurement 5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement

SAP S/4HANA Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central package 1FD, Employee Integration—S/4HANA Enablement. The required efforts are
SAP S/4HANA integrates with SAP SuccessFactors by leveraging predefined configura- slightly more varied, and therefore involved, than with the SAP Business Network pack-
tion and integration scenarios (see Figure 5.40). This integration is webservice-based ages. Upon completion of the integration, an employee from SAP SuccessFactors is
and can be scheduled as a middleware job. realized as a business partner in SAP S/4HANA. Data from SAP SuccessFactors can be
used to populate the employee data in SAP S/4HANA, such as the following:
쐍 Basic employee information (person, name, employee) 5
쐍 Communication information, such as email, phone, and fax
SAP SuccessFactors
SAP S/4HANA SAP Integration Suite 쐍 Payment information with payment method and bank account
Employee Central
쐍 Employee status
Enter cost center
Assign cost center to 쐍 Employment percentage
Cost center transfer Cost center transfer employee 쐍 Working hours per week
쐍 Job title
Employee transfer Employee transfer
쐍 Job information, business unit, division, and department
Run business processes Organizational transfer Organizational transfer 쐍 Cost center assignment

As with on-premise SAP S/4HANA integrations, from a process standpoint, you first
Figure 5.40 Integrating SAP S/4HANA with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central establish or identify the cost center in SAP S/4HANA, public edition, then transfer this
cost center to SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central and assign an employee, and then
The manual process entails creating or identifying a cost center first in SAP S/4HANA. transfer the employee record back over to SAP S/4HANA (see Figure 5.41). The transfer
This is a manual step. The cost center is then transferred to SAP SuccessFactors and processes are automated process steps, whereas the cost center assignment is manual.
assigned to the employee. The employee and/or organizational data is transferred back
to SAP S/4HANA automatically via batch processing. The configuration is available at This includes overview documentation, scope
documentation, and the following accelerators:
SAP S/4HANA SAP SuccessFactors
Cloud SAP Integration Suite Employee Central
쐍 A sales supplement, an overview of the package and business value
쐍 A customer presentation, slides on the scope of integration Enter cost center
쐍 A demo script, for communicating the scope and functionality Assign cost center to
Cost center transfer Cost center transfer employee
쐍 A delivery supplement, providing important information about the delivery of the
solution Create business partner,
Employee transfer Employee transfer
vendor, user
쐍 Service and one-page slides, slides defining the solution and scope (one-pagers)
쐍 Software and delivery requirements, a list of prerequisites for the deployment of the Run processes using
employees as business
solution partner or vendor
쐍 The solution scope and scope documents
쐍 A project schedule, a schedule for the project including roles/skills required Figure 5.41 Integrating SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public Edition with SAP SuccessFactors Employee
쐍 SAP Notes, providing additional documentation for package and implementation Central

As of SAP S/4HANA 2022, the SAP Migration Cockpit app allows you to upload employee
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
and organizational data from SAP ERP and non-SAP systems into SAP S/4HANA Cloud,
SAP SuccessFactors can also integrate with SAP S/4HANA Cloud using the same
approach of best practices, building blocks, and SAP Activate contained in Best Practice

184 185
5 Operational Procurement

private edition via a file upload using a staging approach. For SAP systems, you can also
use a direct import approach.
More on SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central integration building blocks and integra-
tion information is available in Best Practice 1FD, where you’ll find the latest integra-
tion information, as well as the following:
쐍 A process diagram that outlines the integration approach
쐍 A test script for verification of implementation
쐍 Process model BPMN2

5.8 Summary
Operational procurement has been updated in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procure-
ment, both at the UI level with the SAP Fiori app–based approach for key transactions
and views, and in terms of internal catalog functionality. More recently, additional
machine learning and generative artificial intelligence functionality has been added.
Although many of the core requisitioning transactions are simplified for the casual
user, SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement retains some of the old favorites for PO
creation in the advanced options of the apps to support complex ordering processes
created by professional buyers with multiple data points and references. Many of these
processes and options are required by direct procurement for its types of purchase
orders. Now, the next chapter will dive deeper into automated and direct procurement


Foreword .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Preface ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

1 Introduction to Sourcing and Procurement 31

1.1 Sourcing and Procurement: From Basic to Strategic ............................................. 31

1.1.1 Sourcing ..................................................................................................................... 32
1.1.2 Operational Procurement .................................................................................... 33
1.2 Sourcing and Procurement from End to End ............................................................. 35
1.2.1 Ideal Procurement .................................................................................................. 36
1.2.2 Source-to-Pay and Procure-to-Pay .................................................................... 37
1.2.3 Key Process Areas ................................................................................................... 37
1.3 Procurement with SAP S/4HANA ................................................................................... 40
1.3.1 Multitenant Cloud versus Single-Tenant Environment for
ERP Systems .............................................................................................................. 41
1.3.2 Strategic Sourcing .................................................................................................. 44
1.3.3 Procurement ............................................................................................................ 45
1.3.4 Accounts Payable and Invoicing ........................................................................ 47
1.3.5 SAP Fiori Roles and Applications ....................................................................... 48
1.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 49

2 Implementation Options 51

2.1 Implementation Overview ................................................................................................ 51

2.1.1 Deployment Options ............................................................................................. 52
2.1.2 Cloud ........................................................................................................................... 53
2.1.3 On-Premise ............................................................................................................... 55
2.1.4 New Implementation versus System Conversion ....................................... 56
2.2 On-Premise SAP S/4HANA ................................................................................................. 60
2.2.1 Complete Functional Scope ................................................................................ 61
2.2.2 Installation ................................................................................................................ 62
2.2.3 Activated Appliance ............................................................................................... 63
2.2.4 Information Technology Considerations ........................................................ 64
2.2.5 Integration Options ............................................................................................... 65
2.2.6 System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA ............................................................... 65

Contents Contents

2.3 SAP S/4HANA Cloud ............................................................................................................. 69 4.2 Batch Management and Serialization ......................................................................... 115
2.3.1 SAP Best Practices Scope ...................................................................................... 69 4.2.1 Configuring Batch Numbers ............................................................................... 116
2.3.2 Information Technology Considerations ........................................................ 70 4.2.2 Configuring Serial Numbers ............................................................................... 117
2.3.3 Standard Integration and Customization ...................................................... 71 4.3 SAP S/4HANA Business Partner Model ........................................................................ 118
2.4 SAP Ariba Central Procurement, Private Cloud Edition ....................................... 71 4.3.1 Suppliers as Business Partners ........................................................................... 118
2.5 Quick Start Approaches and Materials for SAP S/4HANA ................................... 74 4.3.2 Loading Supplier Records in SAP S/4HANA ................................................... 121
4.3.3 Setting Up the Supplier Master ......................................................................... 122
2.5.1 Prebuilt Content and Templates ....................................................................... 74
4.3.4 Performing Customer/Vendor Integration .................................................... 123
2.5.2 SAP Best Practices ................................................................................................... 75
2.5.3 Appliance Model and Enterprise Management Layer ................................ 75 4.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 137
2.5.4 SAP Activate ............................................................................................................. 76
2.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 82
5 Operational Procurement 139

3 Organizational Structure 83 5.1 What Is Operational Procurement? ............................................................................... 139

5.2 Self-Service Procurement ................................................................................................... 143

3.1 SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management Organization Objects ......................... 83 5.2.1 Creating a Requisition or Shopping Cart in SAP S/4HANA ....................... 144
3.2 SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement–Specific Organization 5.2.2 Carbon Footprint Tracking .................................................................................. 146
5.2.3 Advanced Intercompany Sales ........................................................................... 146
Structure Objects ................................................................................................................... 86
5.2.4 Confirmation and Return Delivery ................................................................... 147
3.3 Company Code ........................................................................................................................ 87 5.2.5 Shopping Cart versus Requisition-to-Pay and Migrating
3.4 Plants .......................................................................................................................................... 90 SAP SRM Shopping Carts ...................................................................................... 151
5.2.6 Workflow ................................................................................................................... 153
3.5 Storage Locations and Warehouses .............................................................................. 92
5.2.7 Machine Learning–Based Purchasing Functionality via
3.5.1 Storage Location ..................................................................................................... 93
SAP Business Technology Platform .................................................................. 154
3.5.2 Warehouse Creation ............................................................................................. 95
5.3 Requirements Processing in SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement ...... 156
3.6 Purchasing Organizations .................................................................................................. 96
5.4 Purchase Order Processing ................................................................................................ 159
3.7 Purchasing Group Creation ............................................................................................... 100
5.5 Service Purchasing and Service Confirmation .......................................................... 161
3.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 100
5.6 Purchase Order Collaboration .......................................................................................... 162

5.7 Configuring Operational Procurement ........................................................................ 163

4 Master Data 103 5.7.1 Self-Service Procurement Requisitioning ....................................................... 163
5.7.2 Machine Learning–Based Procurement Functionality ............................... 173
4.1 Material Masters and Material Groups ....................................................................... 104 5.7.3 Requirements Processing .................................................................................... 181
4.1.1 Activating a Material Master Field ................................................................... 105 5.7.4 Purchase Order Processing .................................................................................. 182
4.1.2 Creating a Material Master ................................................................................. 107 5.7.5 Purchase Order Collaboration ............................................................................ 182
4.1.3 Creating a Material Group .................................................................................. 109 5.7.6 SAP SuccessFactors ................................................................................................ 183
4.1.4 Lean Services ............................................................................................................ 110 5.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 186
4.1.5 Configuring Lean Services: Product Services Type (SERV) ......................... 112
4.1.6 Select Material Master Configuration Options ............................................ 114
4.1.7 Material Master Field Character Expansion in SAP S/4HANA ................. 114

8 9
Contents Contents

6 Automated and Direct Procurement 187 7 Inventory Management 237

6.1 What Is Automated and Direct Procurement? ......................................................... 187 7.1 What Is Inventory Management? .................................................................................. 238

6.2 Materials Requirements Planning ................................................................................. 190 7.2 Stock Management in SAP S/4HANA ........................................................................... 241
6.2.1 MRP in SAP ERP versus SAP S/4HANA .............................................................. 191 7.2.1 Material Identification .......................................................................................... 241
6.2.2 Predictive MRP ......................................................................................................... 194 7.2.2 Location of the Stock ............................................................................................. 241
6.2.3 SAP Fiori Apps for MRP ......................................................................................... 195 7.2.3 Usability of the Stock ............................................................................................ 242
6.3 Forecasting and Planning .................................................................................................. 200 7.2.4 Ownership of the Stock ........................................................................................ 243
7.2.5 Batch Identification ............................................................................................... 243
6.3.1 Forecast Planning ................................................................................................... 200
7.2.6 Serial Number Identification .............................................................................. 244
6.3.2 Reorder Point Planning ......................................................................................... 203
6.3.3 Time-Phased Planning .......................................................................................... 204 7.3 Goods Movements ................................................................................................................ 244
6.3.4 Forecast Collaboration .......................................................................................... 205 7.3.1 Goods Receipts ........................................................................................................ 245
6.4 Contract and Source Determination ............................................................................. 207 7.3.2 Goods Issues ............................................................................................................. 259
7.3.3 Stock Transfers ........................................................................................................ 262
6.4.1 Purchasing Information Record ......................................................................... 208
7.3.4 Transfer Postings .................................................................................................... 273
6.4.2 Source List ................................................................................................................. 209
6.4.3 Quota Arrangement .............................................................................................. 210 7.4 Physical Inventory ................................................................................................................. 275
6.4.4 Scheduling Agreement ......................................................................................... 211 7.4.1 Create Physical Inventory Documents ............................................................ 277
6.4.5 Scheduling Agreement Release Collaboration ............................................. 213 7.4.2 Schedule Physical Inventory Document Creation ....................................... 277
6.4.6 Blanket Purchase Order ........................................................................................ 214 7.4.3 Manage Physical Inventory Count .................................................................... 278
6.4.7 Purchase Orders and Multitier Purchase Orders ......................................... 215 7.4.4 Manage Physical Inventory Documents ......................................................... 279
6.4.8 Subcontracting ........................................................................................................ 216 7.4.5 Cycle Counting—Classification ......................................................................... 280
6.4.9 Consignment Stock ................................................................................................ 220 7.4.6 SAP GUI for HTML Apps ........................................................................................ 281
6.4.10 Consignment Orders ............................................................................................. 221 7.5 Reporting in Inventory Management .......................................................................... 283
6.4.11 Quality Management Collaboration in SAP Business Network
7.5.1 Inventory Overview Pages ................................................................................... 283
Supply Chain Collaboration ................................................................................ 222
7.5.2 Goods Movement Reporting Apps ................................................................... 286
6.4.12 SAP Supply Base Optimization ........................................................................... 223
7.5.3 Stock Balances Reporting Apps .......................................................................... 287
6.5 Configuring Automated and Direct Procurement .................................................. 225 7.5.4 Monitoring Financial Inventory Values Apps ................................................ 293
6.5.1 Master Data .............................................................................................................. 225 7.5.5 Inventory Management Object Pages ............................................................. 295
6.5.2 Document Types ..................................................................................................... 225 7.5.6 Inventory Management Analytics .................................................................... 302
6.5.3 Forecast Planning ................................................................................................... 230 7.6 Configuring Inventory Management ........................................................................... 307
6.5.4 Purchase Info Records ........................................................................................... 230
7.6.1 General Configuration Elements ...................................................................... 309
6.5.5 Source Lists ............................................................................................................... 230
7.6.2 Goods Receipts and Goods Issues ..................................................................... 310
6.5.6 Quota Arrangements ............................................................................................ 231
7.6.3 Movement Types .................................................................................................... 313
6.6 Industry-Focused Solutions for Direct Procurement ............................................. 231 7.6.4 Stock Transport Orders ......................................................................................... 319
6.6.1 CATENA-X .................................................................................................................. 231 7.6.5 Physical Inventory .................................................................................................. 322
6.6.2 SAP Enterprise Product Development ............................................................. 232 7.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 326
6.6.3 SAP S/4HANA for Field Equipment and Material Logistics Planning
and Execution .......................................................................................................... 233
6.7 Integration with SAP Ariba and SAP Business Network ...................................... 234

6.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 235

10 11
Contents Contents

8 Contract and Scheduling Agreement 9.2.3 Categories for Legal Content .............................................................................. 369
9.2.4 Manage Legal Documents ................................................................................... 369
Management 327
9.2.5 Manage Legal Tasks ............................................................................................... 370
9.2.6 Request Legal Contract ......................................................................................... 370
8.1 What Is Contract and Scheduling Agreement Management? .......................... 328 9.2.7 Manage Legal Transactions ................................................................................ 372
8.1.1 Types of Purchase Contracts ............................................................................... 328 9.2.8 Manage Workflow Templates ............................................................................ 373
8.1.2 Manage Purchase Contracts ............................................................................... 329
9.3 Customizing Enterprise Contract Management ...................................................... 374
8.1.3 Mass Changes to Purchase Contract ............................................................... 333
9.3.1 Number Ranges ...................................................................................................... 374
8.2 Contract Consumption ........................................................................................................ 335 9.3.2 Reminder Types ....................................................................................................... 375
8.2.1 Value Contract Consumption ............................................................................. 335 9.3.3 Date Types ................................................................................................................ 375
8.2.2 Quantity Contract Consumption ...................................................................... 336 9.3.4 Internal Contacts .................................................................................................... 376
8.3 Contract Reporting and Analytics .................................................................................. 338 9.3.5 Entity Types .............................................................................................................. 377
8.3.1 Unused Contracts ................................................................................................... 338 9.3.6 External Contacts ................................................................................................... 378
8.3.2 Off-Contract Spend ................................................................................................ 339 9.3.7 Technical Types for Linked Object Types ........................................................ 378
8.3.3 Contract Leakage .................................................................................................... 340 9.3.8 Linked Object Types ............................................................................................... 379
8.3.4 Purchase Contract Items by Account Assignment ...................................... 340 9.3.9 Content Types .......................................................................................................... 380
8.3.5 Monitor Purchase Contract Items ..................................................................... 341 9.3.10 Document Stamps ................................................................................................. 380
8.3.6 Contract Expiry ........................................................................................................ 342 9.3.11 Profiles ....................................................................................................................... 381
9.3.12 Document Types ..................................................................................................... 384
8.4 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 343
9.3.13 Background Job Definitions ................................................................................ 389
8.4.1 Configuring Contracts .......................................................................................... 343
8.4.2 Manage Workflows for Purchase Contracts ................................................. 347 9.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 389

8.5 Scheduling Agreement ........................................................................................................ 349

8.5.1 Scheduling Agreement Types ............................................................................. 349
8.5.2 Managing and Creating Purchase Scheduling Agreements .................... 350 10 External Sourcing 391
8.5.3 Monitor Purchase Scheduling Agreement Items ......................................... 354
8.6 Customizing Scheduling Agreements .......................................................................... 355 10.1 Sourcing Strategies ............................................................................................................... 391
8.6.1 Define Document Types ....................................................................................... 355 10.2 Request for Quotation ........................................................................................................ 393
8.6.2 Define Number Ranges for Purchase Scheduling Agreements .............. 356 10.2.1 Sourcing with SAP Ariba Sourcing and SAP Business Network ............... 393
8.6.3 Allowed Item Categories ...................................................................................... 356 10.2.2 Sourcing with Standalone SAP S/4HANA ....................................................... 394
8.6.4 Maintain Release Creation Profile .................................................................... 357 10.2.3 Quote Automation for Procurement ............................................................... 394
8.7 Integrating with SAP Ariba Contracts .......................................................................... 359 10.2.4 Request for Price ..................................................................................................... 394

8.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 360 10.3 SAP Fiori Apps for External Sourcing ............................................................................ 395
10.3.1 Manage Requests for Quotation ....................................................................... 396
10.3.2 Create Request for Quotation via the Process Purchase
Requisitions App ..................................................................................................... 396
9 Enterprise Contract Management and Assembly 361
10.3.3 Monitor Request for Quotation Items ............................................................. 398
10.3.4 Compare Supplier Quotations ........................................................................... 399
9.1 What Is Enterprise Contract Management and Assembly? ................................ 361 10.3.5 Manage Supplier Quotations ............................................................................. 400
9.2 SAP Fiori Apps for Enterprise Contract Management Overview ...................... 363 10.3.6 Manage Workflows for RFQs .............................................................................. 401
9.2.1 Home Page and Enterprise Contract Management Overview ................ 364 10.3.7 Manage Workflows for Supplier Quotation .................................................. 401
9.2.2 Manage Contexts ................................................................................................... 367 10.3.8 My Inbox .................................................................................................................... 403
10.3.9 Request for Quotation Types .............................................................................. 403

12 13
Contents Contents

10.4 Configuring Request for Quotation .............................................................................. 404 11.9 Configuration Product Sourcing ..................................................................................... 445
10.4.1 Number Ranges ...................................................................................................... 404 11.10 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 450
10.4.2 Document Types for RFQ ..................................................................................... 405
10.4.3 Document Types for Supplier Quotation ....................................................... 406
10.4.4 External Processing for Supplier Quotation Process .................................. 407
10.4.5 Activate cXML Message Types ........................................................................... 408
12 Invoice and Payables Management 451

10.4.6 Credentials and Endpoints .................................................................................. 408

10.4.7 Assign Network ID to Company Code ............................................................. 409 12.1 What Are Invoice and Payables Management? ....................................................... 451
10.4.8 Schedule Job ............................................................................................................. 409 12.2 Invoice Processing ................................................................................................................. 452
10.4.9 Output Parameter Determination and Use ................................................... 410 12.2.1 Supplier Invoice Documents ............................................................................... 453
10.5 Configuring Flexible Workflow ....................................................................................... 411 12.2.2 Results of Invoice Processing .............................................................................. 454
10.5.1 Scenario Activation ................................................................................................ 411 12.2.3 Types of Supplier Invoice Verification ............................................................. 455
10.5.2 Register Event for Subsequent Workflow ...................................................... 412 12.2.4 Entry of Invoice Documents ................................................................................ 456
10.5.3 Maintain Task Names and Decision Options ................................................ 413 12.2.5 Invoice Processing .................................................................................................. 460
10.5.4 Visualization of SAP Business Workflow ........................................................ 414 12.2.6 Reporting in Invoice Processing ......................................................................... 470
10.5.5 Scenario Definition ................................................................................................ 415 12.2.7 Object Pages ............................................................................................................. 473
10.5.6 Maintain Attribute for Workflow Task ............................................................ 416 12.3 Accounts Payable ................................................................................................................... 477
10.6 Integration with SAP Ariba ............................................................................................... 418 12.3.1 Supplier Payment Processing ............................................................................. 477
12.3.2 Supplier Account Management ......................................................................... 488
10.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 418
12.4 Invoice and Payables Management Analytics and Reporting ........................... 491
12.4.1 Accounts Payable Overview ................................................................................ 492
12.4.2 Aging Analysis ......................................................................................................... 494
11 Product Sourcing 419
12.4.3 Overdue Payables ................................................................................................... 495
12.4.4 Future Payables ....................................................................................................... 496
11.1 What Is Product Sourcing? ................................................................................................ 420
12.4.5 Cash Discount Forecast ........................................................................................ 497
11.2 Product Sourcing .................................................................................................................... 423 12.4.6 Cash Discount Utilization .................................................................................... 498
11.2.1 Sourcing Project ...................................................................................................... 424 12.4.7 Days Payable Outstanding .................................................................................. 500
11.2.2 Quotation Evaluation ............................................................................................ 429 12.4.8 Days Payable Outstanding—Indirect Method .............................................. 501
11.2.3 Award Decisions ..................................................................................................... 432 12.4.9 Invoice Processing Analysis ................................................................................. 502
11.3 Procurement Planning ........................................................................................................ 433 12.4.10 Supplier Payment Analysis (Manual and Automatic Payments) ............ 503
12.4.11 Supplier Payment Analysis (Open Payments) ............................................... 503
11.3.1 Parts Import and Assignment to Projects ...................................................... 434
11.3.2 Milestones and Task Scheduling ....................................................................... 435 12.5 Configuring Invoice and Payables Management .................................................... 504
11.3.3 Parts Bundling per Sourcing Needs .................................................................. 436 12.5.1 Configuration Elements for Managing Incoming Invoices ...................... 505
11.4 Product Sourcing with Enterprise Contract Management .................................. 437 12.5.2 Configuration Elements for Managing Invoice Blocks ............................... 513

11.5 Product Sourcing and Commodity Pricing Engine .................................................. 439 12.6 Integrating SAP S/4HANA with SAP Invoice Management by OpenText .... 520

11.6 Quotation Management and Supplier Quotations ................................................ 440 12.7 SAP Ariba Central Invoice Management for SAP S/4HANA Cloud .................. 521
12.7.1 Upload Supplier Invoices ..................................................................................... 521
11.7 Mass Price Update ................................................................................................................. 441
12.7.2 Manage Supplier Invoices Centrally ................................................................. 522
11.8 External Collaboration with Suppliers ......................................................................... 442
12.8 Taulia: Working Capital Management ........................................................................ 522
11.8.1 SAP Business Network and Product Sourcing ............................................... 444
11.8.2 Supplier Portal (Private Network) ..................................................................... 444
12.9 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 524

14 15
Contents Contents

13 Supplier Management 525 14.8.4 Configuring SAP Ariba Central Procurement, Private Cloud
Edition Scenarios .................................................................................................... 578
14.8.5 Integrating SAP Ariba Buying for SAP S/4HANA with Central
13.1 What Is Supplier Management? ..................................................................................... 525
Procurement ............................................................................................................ 591
13.1.1 Supplier Discovery, Qualification, and Onboarding .................................... 526
13.1.2 Classification and Segmentation ...................................................................... 529 14.9 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 592
13.1.3 Evaluation ................................................................................................................. 530
13.2 Classification and Segmentation ................................................................................... 530
13.2.1 Create a Purchasing Category ............................................................................ 531 15 Sourcing and Procurement Analytics 593
13.2.2 Managing a Purchasing Category ..................................................................... 534
13.2.3 Translating a Purchasing Category .................................................................. 534 15.1 Spend Visibility ....................................................................................................................... 593
13.3 Supplier Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 534 15.2 Contract Expiration ............................................................................................................... 596
13.3.1 Supplier Evaluation Scorecard ........................................................................... 537 15.3 Sourcing ..................................................................................................................................... 597
13.3.2 Individual Supplier Evaluation ........................................................................... 537
13.3.3 Supplier Evaluation by Time and Quality ....................................................... 538
15.4 Supplier Performance .......................................................................................................... 599

13.3.4 Supplier Evaluation by Price ............................................................................... 539 15.4.1 Purchasing Document Reports and Embedded Analytics ........................ 600
13.3.5 Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire ............................................................. 540 15.4.2 Predictive Analytics ................................................................................................ 601
13.3.6 Combined Scorecard ............................................................................................. 540 15.5 Reporting ................................................................................................................................... 602
13.3.7 Operational Supplier Evaluation ....................................................................... 541
15.6 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence ............................................................ 604
13.4 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 542
15.7 SAP Ariba Category Management ................................................................................. 606
13.4.1 Supplier and Category Management Configuration .................................. 542
13.4.2 Classification and Segmentation ...................................................................... 544 15.8 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 607
13.4.3 Supplier Evaluation Configuration ................................................................... 544 15.8.1 Creating a Key Performance Indicator ............................................................ 608
15.8.2 Configuring Real-Time Reporting/Queries .................................................... 608
13.5 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 546
15.8.3 Exploring the Virtual Data Model and Core Data Services in
SAP S/4HANA ........................................................................................................... 609
15.8.4 Integration of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Analytics Tools ............................. 611
14 Centralized Procurement 547 15.8.5 Integration with Cloud Applications ................................................................ 613
15.9 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 614
14.1 What Is Centralized Procurement? ................................................................................ 547

14.2 Central Requisitioning ........................................................................................................ 552

14.3 Central Purchasing ................................................................................................................ 554 16 Integrating SAP S/4HANA with SAP Signavio,
14.4 Central Sourcing ..................................................................................................................... 558 SAP Ariba, SAP Business Network, and
14.5 Central Purchase Contracts ............................................................................................... 559 SAP Fieldglass 617

14.6 Central Analytics .................................................................................................................... 561

16.1 SAP Ariba and SAP Business Network Integration Projects and
14.7 Integration with SAP Ariba and SAP Business Network ...................................... 566 Connectivity Options ........................................................................................................... 618
14.8 Configuring SAP Ariba Central Procurement, Private Cloud Edition .............. 568 16.2 SAP Integration Suite, Managed Gateway for Spend Management and
14.8.1 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 569 SAP Business Network ......................................................................................................... 620
14.8.2 Establishing Connectivity to ERP Systems ..................................................... 571 16.2.1 Configuring SAP Integration Suite, Managed Gateway for
14.8.3 Validating Data and Identifying Gaps ............................................................. 576 Spend Management and SAP Business Network ........................................ 622

16 17
Contents Contents

16.2.2 SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite Integration ............................................ 623 18 Conclusion 685
16.2.3 SAP Business Network Commerce Automation ........................................... 633
16.3 SAP Business Network Supply Chain Collaboration .............................................. 640 18.1 Future State of Procurement Solutions ....................................................................... 688
16.3.1 Product Functionality ............................................................................................ 640
18.2 Future State of the Procurement Supply Chain ....................................................... 689
16.3.2 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 646
16.4 SAP Business Network for Logistics .............................................................................. 647

16.5 SAP Business Network for Asset Management ....................................................... 650 The Author ............................................................................................................................................... 691
16.6 SAP Fieldglass .......................................................................................................................... 651 Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 693
16.6.1 Key Technologies .................................................................................................... 652
16.6.2 Integrating SAP Fieldglass Contingent Workforce Management .......... 653
16.7 SAP SuccessFactors ............................................................................................................... 656
16.7.1 SAP S/4HANA Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee
Central ........................................................................................................................ 656
16.7.2 SAP Cloud Integration with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central ...... 657
16.8 SAP Signavio ............................................................................................................................ 658

16.9 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 660

17 Customizing the User Interface 661

17.1 User Interface Options in SAP S/4HANA ..................................................................... 661

17.1.1 SAP Fiori ..................................................................................................................... 662
17.1.2 SAP GUI ...................................................................................................................... 671
17.2 Configuring SAP Fiori ........................................................................................................... 673
17.2.1 Installing SAP Fiori .................................................................................................. 673
17.2.2 Embedded and Central Hub Deployment for SAP Fiori ............................. 674
17.2.3 SAP Fiori Apps Reference Library ....................................................................... 674
17.3 Customizing SAP Fiori .......................................................................................................... 679
17.3.1 SAP Fiori Edit Mode ................................................................................................ 679
17.3.2 SAP Fiori User Settings .......................................................................................... 680
17.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 683

18 19

ABAP .......................................................................... 667 Background job definitions ............................. 389
ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting app ........... 282 BAdI ............................................................................ 590
Accounting data .................................................... 122 BD_MMPUR_REQ_APPR_PRV ................... 173
Accounts payable .................................................. 477 MM_PUR_CTLG_BDI_SRH .......................... 173
analytics .............................................................. 491 MMPUR_CAT_CLL_ENRICH ........................ 173
reporting .................................................... 491, 602 MMPUR_CAT_PROXY_INFO ....................... 173
Accounts payable accountant ..... 296, 298, 479, MMPUR_CATALOG_ENRICH_DATA ....... 173
481–485, 488–491 Bank information ................................................. 122
procurement ..... 461–463, 465–467, 469–472 Basis .................................................................... 62, 169
Accounts payable and invoicing ....................... 47 Batch Information Cockpit app ...................... 291
Accounts payable manager ........... 486, 494–504 Batch management .................................... 115, 243
Accounts payable overview .............................. 492 Batch number ........................................................ 116
Accounts receivable accountant .................... 298 assignment ......................................................... 116
Activated appliance ................................................ 63 Best practices ............................................................ 69
Activate flexible workflow ................................ 511 Bids ............................................................................. 630
Activate item amount check ............................ 516 Big data ..................................................................... 688
Activate stochastic block ................................... 518 Bill of materials (BOM) ....................................... 141
Activity types ............................................................. 86 Blanket agreement .............................................. 327
Advanced intercompany sales ........................ 146 Blanket purchase orders .................................... 214
Advance shipping notifications ...................... 141 Blocked stock type ............................................... 242
Agile methodology .................................................. 74 Business area ............................................................. 85
Aging analysis ........................................................ 494 Business partner .......................................... 101, 118
Aging Analysis app ..................................... 492, 494 creation ............................................................... 119
Allocation quota arrangements ...................... 210 SAP S/4HANA .................................................... 120
Allow negative stock balances ......................... 312 Business Rule Framework Plus (BRFplus) ...... 83
Analytical cards ..................................................... 594 Buyer ......................................................................... 298
Analytics ............................................................ 82, 593
Analytics and Report Gallery app ................... 611 C
Announcements ................................................... 650
Appliance .................................................................... 63 Carbon footprint tracking ................................ 146
Application Link Enabling (ALE) ..................... 106 Cash Discount Forecast app ............................. 497
Approve bank payments ................................... 486 Cash Discount Utilization app ........................ 498
Approve Bank Payments app ........................... 486 Catalog via web service ...................................... 172
Assign and Process Purchase Requisition Categories for Legal Content app ................... 369
app ......................................................................... 156 CATENA-X ................................................................ 231
Attribute value mapping ................................... 128 Central analytics ................................................... 561
Authorization check ............................................ 346 Central hub deployment ................................... 674
Automated and direct procurement ............ 187 Centralized platform ........................................... 551
configure ............................................................. 225 Central procurement ................................... 71, 547
Automated procurement .................................. 189 architecture ........................................................ 576
Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from configure ............................................................. 568
Requisition app ................................................. 156 extraction ........................................................... 577
Award decisions .................................................... 432 Central Purchase Contract Consumption
Awarding .................................................................. 630 app ......................................................................... 563
Central purchase contracts ..................... 559, 588

Index Index

Central purchasing ............................................... 554 Contingent labor management ....................... 551 Customer/vendor integration for purchase order ........................................... 228
configure ............................................................. 581 Contract and source determination .............. 207 BAdIs ..................................................................... 133 for requisition ................................................... 226
Central requisitioning ........................................ 552 Contract consumption ........................................ 335 conversion steps ............................................... 126 for scheduling agreement ............................ 229
configure ............................................................. 579 Contract creation .................................................. 328 mapping checks ................................................ 135 LP ............................................................................ 211
Change Inbound Delivery app ......................... 257 Contract dashboard reporting ......................... 338 preparation phase ........................................... 126 LPA ......................................................................... 211
Change management lead ................................... 82 Contract expiration .............................................. 596 Customer attributes ............................................ 129 Dun & Bradstreet ................................................. 543
Change Physical Inventory Count app ........ 281 Contract Expiry app ................................... 342, 596 Customer master specialist .............................. 298 Duplicate invoices ............................................... 510
Change Physical Inventory Document Contract Leakage app .......................................... 340 Customer object page ......................................... 298
app ......................................................................... 281 Contract management ................................ 37, 361 Customer returns stock type ........................... 243 E
Change pointers .................................................... 575 configuration ..................................................... 343 cXML .......................................................................... 644
Chart of accounts ..................................................... 85 Contracts cXML message types ........................................... 408 Electronic data interchange (EDI) .................. 140
Check report contract release order ..................................... 329 Cycle counting ....................................................... 326 Embedded deployment ..................................... 674
1623677 ................................................................. 129 quantity contract ............................................. 329 Cycle Counting—Classification app .............. 280 Embedded search ................................................. 169
2216176 .................................................................. 129 text types ............................................................. 345 Cycle counting configuration .......................... 326 End users .................................................................... 82
2399368 ................................................................ 129 value contract .................................................... 329 Enhancement spot
Contract workflow ................................................ 347
974504 .................................................................. 129 D ENRICH_ITEM_DATA ..................................... 173
CVI_FS_CHECK_CUSTOMIZING ................. 129 Controlling area ....................................................... 85 ES_MMPUR_REQ_APPR_PRV .................... 173
PRECHECK_UPGRADATION_REPORT ..... 129 Conversion phase .................................................. 136 Database lead ............................................................. 81 MM_PUR_CAT_PROXY_INFO .................... 173
Classification and Segmentation app ........... 529 Core data services (CDS) ..................................... 609 Data hierarchy ........................................................... 84 MMPUR_CAT_CLL_ENRICH ........................ 173
Clear GR/IR Clearing Account app ................. 466 Cost breakdown ..................................................... 426 Date types ................................................................ 375 MMPUR_CATALOG_TRANSFER ................. 173
Clear Outgoing Payments (Manual Clearing) Cost center ................................................................. 86 Days payable outstanding (DSO) .......... 500–501 Enter and Post PI Count w/o Document
app ......................................................................... 479 Cost element ............................................................. 86 Days Payable Outstanding app ............. 500–501 app ......................................................................... 281
Client ............................................................................. 85 Country-specific chart of accounts .................. 86 Dead Stock Analysis app .......................... 303, 305 Enter Inventory Count app .............................. 281
Cloud computing ..................................................... 53 Create Balance Confirmations app ................ 490 Delete Correspondence Requests app .......... 490 Enter PI Count w/o Document app ............... 281
Cloud procurement ................................................ 43 Create Consignment and Pipeline Delta design ............................................................... 80 Enterprise Contract Management Overview
Collaborative sourcing ...................... 37, 393–394 Settlement app .................................................. 468 Deployment ............................................................... 52 app ......................................................................... 363
Collaborative sourcing and contract Create Correspondence app .............................. 490 Determine payment blocks .............................. 513 Enterprise management layer (EML) .............. 75
management ..................................................... 327 Create Dunning Notices app ............................. 490 Development lead ................................................... 82 Entity types ............................................................. 377
Combined Scorecard app ................................... 540 Create Evaluated Receipt Settlement app ... 469 Digital core ................................................................. 41 Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) ............... 220
Commerce automation ...................................... 633 Create Inbound Delivery app ........................... 256 Direct material ....................................................... 644 Evaluation ............................................................... 530
Commodity pricing engine .............................. 439 Create Material app .............................................. 107 Direct procurement ...................................... 39, 141 Evaluation Questionnaire, New app ............. 540
Company ..................................................................... 85 Create Periodic Account Statements app .... 490 Discounting capability ....................................... 618 Expiration date checks ....................................... 310
Company code .......................................................... 87 Create Physical Inventory Documents—Regular Display/Cancel Account Maintenance app 467 Expiry notification setting ............................... 338
create ....................................................................... 88 Stock app .................................................... 277, 282 Display Inbound Delivery app ......................... 258 External collaboration ....................................... 442
Compare Supplier Quotations app ...... 399, 429 Create Purchase Order app ................................ 159 Display Material Document List app ............ 286 External contacts .................................................. 378
Component consumption Create Purchase Order via Purchase Display MRP Key Figures app .......................... 197 External price request ........................................ 394
backflush ............................................................. 645 Requisition app ................................................. 156 Display MRP Material Issues app ................... 197 External services ................................................... 111
real-time .............................................................. 645 Create Purchasing Category app ..................... 530
Display Physical Inventory Progress app .... 283 External sourcing ................................................. 391
Component inventory message ..................... 645 Create Purchasing Info Record app ................ 208
Display PI Document Line Items for External sourcing request ................................ 393
Component receipt .............................................. 645 Create Single Payment app ............................... 484
Materials app ..................................................... 283
Component ship notice ..................................... 645 Create Single PI Document app ....................... 281
Create Standard Letters app .............................. 490
Display Stock in Transit app ................... 271–272 F
Confirmation and return delivery ................. 147 Display Stock Overview app ............................. 291
Create Supplier Invoice—Advanced app .... 217,
Connected systems .............................................. 548 Display Supplier Balances app ......................... 489 Fact sheet apps ...................................................... 664
Consignment orders ............................................ 221 Display Supplier Invoice—Advanced app .... 472 Federal Supply Class (FSC) ................................. 110
Create Supplier Invoice app .............................. 460
Consignment stock .............................................. 220 Display Warehouse Stock app ......................... 292 Final reports ........................................................... 133
Credit control ............................................................ 85
Constant model ..................................................... 201 Document holding ............................................... 457 Fiscal year ................................................................... 86
Credit management ............................................. 125
Consumable item ................................................. 142 Document life ........................................................ 512 Flexible workflow ................................................. 411
Credit memo ........................................................... 454
Consumer-level UX .............................................. 688 Document parking ............................................... 458 configuring ......................................................... 411
Cross-catalog search ......................... 167, 170, 577
Consumption-based planning ........................ 189 Document stamps ................................................ 380 Forecast .................................................................... 642
preparing data ................................................... 171
Contact categories ................................................ 449 Document types .................................................... 384 Forecast-based planning ................................... 189
Currencies .................................................................. 86
Contact person ....................................................... 128 configuration ..................................................... 225 Forecast collaboration ........................................ 205
Custom CDS Views app ....................................... 610
Content type ........................................................... 380 definition ............................................................. 343 Forecast commit ................................................... 206
Custom code ............................................................. 68

694 695
Index Index

Forecast delivery schedule ................................ 350 Initial stock entry for unrestricted use K Manage Purchase Order Items Centrally
Forecasting .............................................................. 200 stock ....................................................................... 246 app ......................................................................... 562
Forecast planning ....................................... 200, 230 Integrated object model ..................................... 120 Key performance indicator (KPI) .................... 608 Manage Purchase Orders app ................. 147, 217
Freeze balances ...................................................... 325 Integration ................................................................. 65 Manage Purchase Orders Centrally app ...... 557
Freeze book ............................................................. 325 Integration add-on ............................................... 570 L Manage Purchase Requisitions app .............. 197
Full conversion ......................................................... 59 Integration platform as a service (IPaaS) ....... 53 Manage Purchase Requisitions—
Functional expert .................................................... 81 Integration projects .............................................. 618 Landscape transformation ................................... 52 Professional app .............................................. 157
Future Payables app ............................................. 496 Intelligent approval workflow ......................... 155 Lean catalog .................................................. 164, 167 Manage Purchase Scheduling
Intelligent scenario lifecycle Lean procurement ................................................ 656 Agreements app ............................................... 350
G management ...................................................... 604 Lean services ................................................. 111–112 Manage Purchasing Categories app .... 530–531,
Internal catalog ...................................................... 166 Legacy System Migration Workbench 544
General ledger ........................................................... 84 Internal contacts ................................................... 376 (LSMW) ................................................................. 121 Manage Purchasing Info Records app .... 198, 208
Goods/service receipts ....................................... 141 internal sourcing request .................................. 394 Legal content .......................................................... 361 Manage Questionnaires app ............................ 535
Goods issue ................................................... 238, 259 Internet of Things (IoT) ....................................... 689 Legal transactions ................................................. 438 Manage Questions app ...................................... 535
shipping integration ....................................... 260 Inventory .................................................................. 642 Linked object types .................................... 378–379 Manage Quota Arrangements app ................ 210
Goods movement ................................................. 244 Inventory Analysis Overview app .................. 286 Live update .............................................................. 367 Manage Request for Quotation app .............. 396
reports .................................................................. 286 Inventory analyst ........................................ 286, 307 Local procurement ............................................... 569 Manage Scheduling Agreement app ............ 211
Goods Movement Analysis app ...................... 303 Inventory analytics .............................................. 283 Logical systems ...................................................... 573 Manage Scorecards app ..................................... 537
Goods Movement Reporting app ................... 286 Inventory KPI Analysis app ..................... 303, 306 Manage Source Lists app ................................... 198
Goods receipt ............................ 150, 238, 245–246 Inventory management .................... 92, 237–238 Manage Sources of Supply app .............. 197, 597
analytics ............................................................... 302
creation ................................................................ 150 Manage Sourcing Projects app ........................ 428
Goods receipt-based invoice verification .... 455, configure .............................................................. 307 Machine learning ........................................ 154, 177 Manage Stock app ....................................... 197, 249
509 data model .......................................................... 239 Maintain MRP Controllers app ........................ 197 Manage Supplier Down Payment
Greenfield implementation ............................. 685 object pages ........................................................ 295 Maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) ... 43 Requests app ............................................ 482–483
Group chart of accounts ....................................... 86 reporting .............................................................. 283 Maintenance planner ............................................. 66 Manage Supplier Invoices Centrally app .... 522
Inventory manager ......................... 248, 251–253, Manage Activities app .............................. 530, 544 Manage Supplier Line Items app .................... 488
264, 266, 272, 277–278, 280–281, 283, 286, 288, Manage Supplier Quotation app .................... 198
H 290–292, 294–296, 300, 304–306
Manage Automatic Payments app ................ 481
Manage Batches app ............................................ 290 Manage Supplier Quotations app .................. 400
Hook URL ................................................................. 165 Inventory overview pages ................................. 283 Manage Bundles app ........................................... 436 Manage Templates app ............................. 373, 535
HTML ......................................................................... 667 Inventory Turnover Analysis app ......... 198, 304 Manage Central Purchase Contracts app .... 560 Manage Workflow for Purchase
Hybrid cloud .............................................................. 54 Invoice and payables management ....... 37, 451 Contracts app .................................................... 347
Manage Change Requests app ......................... 197
Invoice documents ............................................... 456 Manage Workflows app ..................................... 411
Manage Context for Legal Content
number range interval ................................... 505 Manage Workflows for RFQs app ................... 401
I Invoice entry
app ............................................................... 367, 370
Manage Contexts app ......................................... 363 Manage Workflows for Scheduling
using EDI .............................................................. 458 Agreements app ............................................... 211
Ideal procurement ................................................... 36 Manage External Requirements app ............ 197
via SAP Business Network ............................. 458 Manage Workflows for Supplier Quotation
IDocs .......................................................................... 124 Manage Internal Requirements app ............. 197
Invoice management ........................................... 451 app ......................................................................... 401
Image-based buying ............................................ 155 Manage Legal Documents app .............. 363, 369
Invoice processing ............................ 451–452, 460 MARC ......................................................................... 239
Imageloader ............................................................ 171 Manage Legal Tasks app ........................... 363, 370
reporting .............................................................. 470 MARD ........................................................................ 239
Implementation ....................................................... 51 Manage Legal Transactions app ............ 363, 372
results .................................................................... 454 Mass Changes to Scheduling Agreements
Import supplier invoices ................................... 462 Manage Material Coverage app ....................... 197
Invoice Processing Analysis app ..................... 502 app ......................................................................... 211
Inbound Deliveries for Purchase Orders Manage Outbound Deliveries app ................. 261
Invoice reduction .................................................. 459
app ......................................................................... 255 Manage Payment Blocks app ........................... 480 Mass Change to Purchase Contract app ...... 333
Invoices ........................................................... 141, 638
Inbound Delivery object page ............... 299–300 Manage Payment Media app ........................... 485 Mass Change to Purchasing Info Records
Item amount check .................................... 516–517
Incoterms ................................................................. 161 Manage Physical Inventory Count app ........ 278 app ......................................................................... 208
Item categories ................................... 112, 344, 356
Indirect procurement ......................................... 188 Manage Physical Inventory Documents Mass price update ................................................ 441
Individual supplier evaluation ........................ 537 app ......................................................................... 279 Master data ............................................................. 103
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) ................ 689 J Manage PIRs app ................................................... 197 definition ............................................................ 225
Infotypes .................................................................. 163 Manage POs app .......................................... 197, 557 MATDOC .................................................................. 240
Job repository ......................................................... 389
Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) ........................ 53 Manage Production Orders or Process Material document ..................................... 245, 295
Job scheduling ........................................................ 580
Initial stock entry for blocked stock .............. 246 Orders app .......................................................... 197 overview ..................................................... 264, 266
Journal Entry object page ................................... 475
Initial stock entry for quality inspection Manage Purchase Categories app ................... 534 Material Document object page ..................... 295
JSON ............................................................................ 167
stock ...................................................................... 246 Manage Purchase Contracts app ... 197, 329, 559 Material Documents Overview app ..... 252, 286
import ................................................................... 171

696 697
Index Index

Material group ............................................. 104, 606 641 ........................................................................... 259 Operating concern .................................................. 85 Preupgrade checks ............................................... 135
creation ................................................................ 109 643 .......................................................................... 259 Operational database system ............................. 41 Print Correspondence Requests app ............ 490
Material inventory values change ......................................................... 315, 319 Operational procurement ................... 33–34, 139 Print Physical Inventory Documents app .... 282
balance summary ............................................ 293 copy .............................................................. 315, 319 configure ............................................................. 163 Print Supplier Invoices app .............................. 465
line items ............................................................. 294 MRP Cockpit Reuse Component app ............. 197 Operational purchasing ........................................ 37 Private cloud ............................................................. 54
Material Inventory Values—Balance MRP Live ......................................................... 188, 192 Operational Supplier Evaluation Last Process Physical Inventory Count
Summary app .......................................... 198, 293 MRP Run ................................................................... 188 365 Days app ...................................................... 597 Results app ......................................................... 282
Material Inventory Values—Line Items Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Order collaboration ............................................. 648 Process purchase requisitions ............... 398–400
app ............................................................... 198, 294 (MIME) .................................................................. 543 Organizational structure ............................ 83, 573 Process Purchase Requisitions app ............... 396
Material master ........................................... 104, 190 Multitenant environment ................................... 70 Outline agreements ............................................. 327 Process Purchase Requisitions
configuration ..................................................... 114 Multitier purchase orders .................................. 215 Output Material Documents app ................... 253 Centrally app ............................................ 554, 557
creation ................................................................ 107 My Inbound Delivery Monitor app ................ 258 Output parameter determination ................. 410 Process Tasks app ........................................ 530, 544
field ........................................................................ 114 My Inbox ........................................................ 403, 560 Overall Supplier Evaluation Last 365 Procurement ............................................... 35, 40, 45
record .................................................................... 104 My Inbox—Approve POs app ........................... 197 Days app .............................................................. 597 Procurement analytics .......................................... 38
Material master record tabs ............................. 108 My Purchase Orders—Due for Delivery Overdue Materials—Stock in Transit app ... 272 Procurement Overview Page app ......... 198, 595
Material number ................................................... 241 app .......................................................................... 260 Overdue Payables app ......................................... 495 Procurement planning ...................................... 433
Material object page ............................................ 296 My Purchasing Document Items app ........... 197 Overview Inventory Management app ........ 285 Procure-to-pay .......................................................... 37
Materials requirements planning (MRP) .... 190 Overview Inventory Processing app ............. 284 Product sourcing ......................................... 419, 423
Product type ........................................................... 112
MATNR field ............................................................ 115 N Overview page ........................................................ 594
MMPUR_CATALOG_ENRICH_DATA ............. 173 Ownership ............................................................... 243 Profiles ...................................................................... 381
Model/equipment request ............................... 650 Negative stocks ...................................................... 312 Profit center ............................................................... 86
Monitor Batches and Payments app ............. 487 Negotiation process ............................................. 431 P
Monitor Central Purchase Contract New catalog item ................................................... 166 LSMW .................................................................... 124
Items app ............................................................. 563 New implementation .............................. 52, 56, 58 Parts bundling ........................................................ 436 MM_PUR_CTLG_EXT_COM_
Monitor External Requirements app ........... 196 Number assignments .......................................... 309 Parts import ............................................................ 434 CUR_\nUPD .................................................. 168
Monitor Internal Requirements app ............ 197 Number ranges ...................................................... 404 Payables management ............................. 451–452 Project management ............................................. 81
Monitor Material Coverage app ............ 196, 199 Payment blocks ..................................................... 513 Proposals and questionnaires ......................... 628
Monitor Production Orders app ..................... 195 Public cloud ............................................................... 54
O Physical count ........................................................ 276
Punchout catalog ................................................. 164
Monitor Production Orders or Process Physical inventory ............................ 267, 274, 322
Orders app .......................................................... 197 Object link descriptions ...................................... 387 settings ................................................................. 323 setup ..................................................................... 164
Monitor Purchase Contract Items app ......... 341 Object pages ............................................................ 473 Picking Components for Process Orders Purchase contract ....................................... 328–329
Monitor Purchase Order Items app ............... 605 OData connection ................................................. 574 app ......................................................................... 195 Purchase Contract app ....................................... 198
Monitor Purchase Scheduling Agreement OData service Planned order ......................................................... 190 Purchase Contract Item app ............................ 198
Items app ............................................................. 354 catalog data extraction services ................ 574 Planning ................................................................... 200 Purchase Contract Items by Account
Monitor Request for Quotation Items Plant .................................................................... 90, 241 Assignment app ............................................... 340
hub service for delivery address and
app ......................................................................... 398 Platform as a service (PaaS) ................................. 53 Purchase info record ........................................... 230
general ledger account .............................. 574
Monitor Responses app ..................................... 535 Post Goods Movement app .............................. 253 Purchase order ............................................. 140, 215
material value help service ........................... 574
Monitor Tasks app ...................................... 530, 544 automatic ........................................................... 580
odata service for purchase requisition Post goods movements ................... 247, 273–274
Movement types ...................... 148, 245–246, 313 history .................................................................. 635
check ................................................................. 574 Post Goods Receipt for Inbound Delivery
101 ........................................................................... 246 import .................................................................. 583
purchase requisition history ........................ 574 app ......................................................................... 254
201 .......................................................................... 259 processing ........................................................... 141
search help .......................................................... 574 Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing
Purchase Order app ............................................. 198
261 .......................................................................... 259 service for return delivery ............................. 574 Document app .................................................. 247
Purchase order–based invoice
301 .......................................................................... 262 SSP requisition goods receipt hub backend Post Goods Receipt without Reference
verification ......................................................... 455
303 .......................................................................... 262 services ............................................................. 574 app ......................................................................... 248
Purchase order collaboration ....... 141, 162, 182
305 .......................................................................... 262 sync business procentral procurement admin Post Outgoing Payments app .......................... 478
Purchase Order Item Changes app ................ 595
311 ........................................................................... 262 monitor backend status for SSP ............ 575 Postprocessing orders ........................................ 130
Purchase order number ranges ...................... 227
313 ........................................................................... 262 sync business processes completed and request .................................................................. 130
Purchase order processing ...................... 159, 182
333 .......................................................................... 259 deleted PR from connected system ....... 574 Postprocessing phase .......................................... 136
Purchaser ..................................... 296, 396, 398–400
551 ........................................................................... 259 Off-Contract Spend app ...................................... 339 Post Subsequent Adjustment app ................. 251
Purchase Requisition app ........................ 144, 198
561 ........................................................................... 246 One-step stock transfers ..................................... 262 Prechecks .................................................................... 66
Purchasing category ................................... 531–532
563 .......................................................................... 246 Online invoice entry ............................................ 457 Predictive analytics ........................... 155, 178, 601
Purchasing data .................................................... 122
601 .......................................................................... 259 Operating chart of accounts ............................... 85 Preferred supplier list ......................................... 426
Purchasing groups creation ............................. 100

698 699
Index Index

Purchasing Info Record app ................... 198, 208 R_S4_PRE_TRANSITION_CHECKS ............... 67 SAP Ariba Buying .................................... 44, 64, 567 configuration .................................................... 646
Purchasing information record (PIR) ........... 208 RMMDVM10 ....................................................... 194 SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing ..................... 620 setup ..................................................................... 643
Purchasing manager ........................................... 461 RMMDVM20 ....................................................... 194 integration .......................................................... 633 SAP BusinessObjects .................................. 612–613
Purchasing organization .............................. 96–97 Reporting and monitoring ................................ 593 SAP Ariba Buying for SAP S/4HANA .. 553, 618, SAP BusinessObjects Explorer ........................ 613
distributed .............................................................. 96 Request for price .................................................... 394 620 SAP Business Suite .................................................. 42
Purchasing Spend Dashboard app ................. 602 Request for quotation ............ 391, 393, 396, 424 integration .......................................................... 591 SAP Business Suite powered by SAP
configuration ..................................................... 404 SAP Ariba Catalog ........... 41, 43, 45–46, 567, 620 HANA .................................................................... 239
Q create ..................................................................... 396 SAP Ariba Category Management ........ 531, 606 SAP Business Technology Platform
document ............................................................. 393 SAP Ariba Central Invoice (SAP BTP) .......................................... 155, 177, 521
Quality ....................................................................... 642 document types ................................................. 405 Management .............................................. 47, 521 SAP Business Workflow ..................................... 414
Quality gates .............................................................. 81 workflow .............................................................. 401 SAP Ariba Central Invoice Management for SAP Cloud for Customer ....................................... 65
Quality inspection stock .................................... 242 Request for Quotation Types app ................... 403 SAP S/4HANA Cloud ....................................... 687 SAP Cloud Integration ............................... 618, 657
Quality management .......................................... 242 Request Legal Content app ................................ 363 SAP Ariba Central Procurement, private cloud SAP Concur ...................................................... 65, 551
Quality management collaboration ............. 222 Request Physical Inventory Recount app .... 282 edition .............. 52, 72, 445, 547, 566, 568, 687 SAP Conversational AI ........................................ 682
Quality technician ................................................ 291 Requirements processing ........................ 141, 156 configure ............................................................. 578 SAP Core Human Capital Management
Quantity contract consumption .................... 178 Requisition creation ............................................. 144 SAP Ariba Contracts ...................................... 72, 359 for SAP S/4HANA ............................. 65, 119, 163
Quantity Contract Consumption Requisitioning .............................................. 140, 225 SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for SAP Crystal Reports ............................................. 613
app ............................................................... 336, 596 Requisition number range ................................ 225 Automotive and Industrial Manufacturing SAP Delivery ........................................................... 164
Quota arrangements ................................. 210, 231 Requisitions ............................................................. 143 in SAP SAP Enterprise Contract Assembly ............... 362
Quotation evaluation .......................................... 429 Reschedule delta indicators .............................. 172 S/4HANA ....................... 419, 421, 433, 560, 686 SAP Enterprise Product Development ......... 232
Quotation management .................................... 440 Return delivery ...................................................... 151 configuration ..................................................... 445 SAP ERP ................................... 33, 42, 139–140, 551
Quote automation for procurement ............ 394 Revise Payment Proposals app ........................ 482 SAP Ariba Invoicing ................................................ 44 materials requirements planning ............. 191
RFQ monitor ............................................................ 398 SAP Ariba Procurement Planning .................. 433 SAP Extended Warehouse Management ....... 86
R Roles ............................................................................. 48 SAP Ariba Sourcing .................................... 393, 566 SAP Fieldglass ......................... 40, 43, 65, 161, 551,
accounts payable accountant— requests ................................................................ 624 613, 620, 651
Real-time reporting ............................................. 608 R0005-12 ........................................................... 48 search .................................................................... 626 contingent workforce management ........ 653
Receiving specialist ................ 255–256, 258, 273, employee procurement—R0056-12 ............. 48 tasks ...................................................................... 626 integration ......................................................... 653
288, 290, 300, 305–306 manager procurement—R0091 ................... 48 SAP Ariba Spend Analysis .................................. 607 SAP Fiori ......................................... 68, 194, 600, 662
Record reason ......................................................... 313 operational purchaser—R0128 ..................... 48 SAP Ariba Spend Management ....................... 614 apps reference library ........................... 674, 678
Record reasons for goods movements ........ 313 strategic buyer—R0153 .................................... 48 SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite ........ 33, 235, architecture ........................................................ 667
Register event for subsequent workflow .... 412 599, 618–620 configuration .................................................... 673
Release Blocked Invoices app ................. 462–463 S integration .......................................................... 623 customize ............................................................ 679
Release creation profile ...................................... 357 SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and edit mode ............................................................ 679
Release Reminder Purchase Requisition SAP Activate ................................................ 51, 74, 76 Performance ......................... 118, 526–529, 566 frontend server ................................................. 667
app ......................................................................... 157 deploy phase ......................................................... 77 SAP Ariba Supplier Risk Management ......... 566 installation ......................................................... 673
Reminder emails ................................................... 375 discover phase ..................................................... 76 SAP Best Practices ............................................ 63, 75 roles .......................................................................... 48
Reoccurrence pattern .......................................... 583 explore phase ....................................................... 76 SAP Business Client .............................................. 669 user settings ....................................................... 680
Reorder point planning ............................ 189, 203 prepare phase ...................................................... 76 SAP Business Network .................... 33, 41, 45, 64, SAP Fiori launchpad ................................... 664, 679
Replenishment ...................................................... 642 realize phase ......................................................... 76 183, 234, 444, 472, 527, 551, 566, 618–620, 633 SAP Gateway .................................................. 670, 673
Report roles .......................................................................... 81 assign ID to company code .......................... 409 SAP Gateway Foundation ................................. 575
BBP_MIGRATE_SCEN ..................................... 152 run phase ............................................................... 77 connectivity options ....................................... 618 SAP GUI ........................................................... 393, 671
BBP_SC_MIGRATE_TO_PR ........................... 152 SAP S/4HANA Cloud .......................................... 78 define credentials and end points ............. 408 SAP GUI for HTML ................................................ 666
CVI_PRECHECK_UPGRADE .......................... 135 workflows .............................................................. 78 supplier invoice entry ..................................... 458 SAP GUI for HTML apps ..................................... 281
FSBP_IND_SECTOR_MAPPING_CHECK .... 133 SAP AI Core .............................................................. 606 SAP Business Network Discovery ................... 526 SAP Integration Suite .......................................... 418
MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT .................................... 135 SAP Alert Notification Service for SAP SAP Business Network for Asset SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for
MMPUR_MIGR_EBAN .................................... 153 BTP .......................................................................... 669 Management ..................................................... 650 spend management and SAP Business
NOTE_2324208_DDIC ..................................... 124 SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office ......... 612–613 SAP Business Network for Logistics .............. 647 Network ..................................... 43, 620–621, 624
NOTE_2331298 ................................................... 124 SAP Analytics Cloud ............................ 72, 558, 567 SAP Business Network Global Track and configure ............................................................. 622
PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS ......................... 194 SAP Ariba .................. 33, 39–41, 65, 389, 551, 614 Trace ............................................................ 648–649 SAP Intelligent Robotic Process
PPH_SETUP_MRPRECORDS_SIMU ........... 194 connectivity options ........................................ 618 SAP Business Network Supply Chain Automation ....................................................... 522
PRECHECK_UPGRADATION_ integration .......................................................... 234 Collaboration .......................... 46, 205, 219, 567, SAP Invoice Management by OpenText ..... 520
REPORT .................................................. 134–135 supplier bidding ................................................ 628 619–620, 640, 686 SAP Lumira ............................................................. 612

700 701
Index Index

SAP Lumira, designer edition ................ 610, 612 SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management ........ 40, Service entry sheet ..................................... 161, 636 Stock transport order without delivery
SAP Marketing .......................................................... 65 51, 60–61, 83, 86 Service purchasing ............................................... 161 process ................................................................. 267
SAP Master Data Governance .......................... 527 SAP S/4HANA for enterprise contract Service purchasing and entry .......................... 141 Stock transport scheduling agreement ....... 350
SAP MaxDB .............................................................. 673 management ...................................................... 437 SERV record ............................................................. 112 Stock type
SAP Migration Cockpit app ............................... 185 SAP S/4HANA for field equipment and material Set check for duplicate invoices ...................... 510 blocked ................................................................. 242
SAP Mobile Platform ........................................... 667 logistics planning and execution .............. 233 Set item amount check ....................................... 517 quality inspection ............................................ 242
SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity ............................. 65 SAP S/4HANA for supplier quotation Set stochastic block .............................................. 519 unrestricted use ................................................ 242
SAP NetWeaver Application Server ............... 169 management ...................................................... 440 Settings for physical inventory ....................... 323 Stock usability ....................................................... 274
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP ................................... 667 SAP Signavio Business Process Set tolerance limits .............................................. 514 Storage locations ............................. 90, 92–93, 241
SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search ................. 169 Transformation Suite ..................................... 658 Shared secret .......................................................... 646 assign to a warehouse ...................................... 93
SAP Note SAP Signavio Process Navigator ...................... 445 Shipping ................................................................... 238 Strategic sourcing .................................. 32, 44, 391
1164979 ................................................................. 169 SAP Smart Business analytical apps .............. 664 Shipping specialist ................. 261, 273, 288, 290, Subcontracting ............................................. 216–217
1454441 .................................................................. 129 SAP SuccessFactors ..................................... 183, 656 302, 305–306 in SAP S/4HANA ............................................... 218
1623677 ................................................................. 133 SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central .......... 65, Shop on behalf ....................................................... 144 order collaboration ......................................... 219
1623809 ................................................................ 129 184, 656 Shopping cart creation ....................................... 144 Subcontracting MRP ........................................... 219
2214409 ................................................................... 68 SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management ............ 526, Shopping cart processes .................................... 151 Subcontracting purchase order ...................... 645
2224251 .................................................................. 112 528, 535 Simulation of supplier invoice postings ..... 459 Subsequent credit ................................................ 454
2224371 .................................................................. 112 SAP Supplier Relationship Management Slow or Non-Moving Materials app ..... 303, 305 Subsequent debit ................................................. 454
2240359 ................................................................... 68 (SAP SRM) ........................ 96, 140, 151, 548, 551 Software as a service (SaaS) .................................. 53 Supplier Accounting Document object
225146 .................................................................... 152 deployment ......................................................... 152 Solution validation ................................................. 80 page ....................................................................... 475
2287723 ................................................................. 121 procurement ....................................................... 549 Source list ....................................................... 209, 230 Supplier account management ...................... 488
2309153 ................................................................. 129 SAP Supply Base Optimization ........................ 223 Source-to-pay ............................................................ 37 Supplier and category management
2312529 .................................................................. 124 SAP Supply Network Collaboration ............... 642 Sourcing .......................................................... 393, 597 configuration .................................................... 542
2324208 ................................................................ 124 SAP Sustainability Footprint Sourcing project .......................................... 393, 424 Supplier app ........................................................... 198
2331298 ................................................................. 124 Management ...................................................... 146 Sourcing with standalone SAP S/4HANA .... 394 Supplier collaboration ........................................... 32
2333236 .................................................................... 67 SAPUI5 ............................................................. 666–667 Special stock indicators ...................................... 243 Supplier discovery ............................................... 526
2340095 ............................................................... 125 Scenario activation ............................................... 411 Spend analysis ....................................................... 594 Supplier evaluation ............................................. 534
2346269 ................................................................ 124 Scenario definition ............................................... 415 Spend visibility ...................................................... 593 configuration .................................................... 544
2376996 ................................................................ 168 Schedule background jobs ................................. 409 Splitting arrangements ...................................... 210 Supplier Evaluation/Operational Supplier
2383051 ................................................................. 126 Schedule MRP Runs app ..................................... 197 Stochastic block ..................................................... 518 Evaluation app .................................................. 541
2405714 ................................................................. 124 Schedule Order Conversion Runs app .......... 198 check ...................................................................... 518 Supplier Evaluation app .................................... 535
2502552 .................................................................... 67 Schedule Physical Inventory Document Stock Supplier Evaluation by Price app ................... 539
974504 .................................................................. 135 Creation app ....................................................... 277 multiple materials ........................................... 289 Supplier Evaluation by Price Last
SAP Pay .................................................... 47, 566, 618 Schedule Purchasing Jobs app ......................... 197 single material ........................................ 264, 287 365 Days app ..................................................... 597
SAP Process Integration (SAP PI) .................... 618 Scheduling agreement .................... 211, 349, 351 Stock balances reporting ................................... 287 Supplier Evaluation by Quantity app ........... 537
SAP Process Orchestration (SAP PO) ... 418, 618 customizing ........................................................ 355 Stock identity ......................................................... 273 Supplier Evaluation by Quantity Last
SAP Product Carbon Footprint Analytics .... 146 document types ................................................. 355 Stock in Transit on Key Date app ................... 272 365 Days app ..................................................... 597
SAP Product Lifecycle Management ............. 235 without release document ............................ 350 Stock management .............................................. 241 Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire
SAP S/4HANA ............... 52, 54–55, 161, 239, 535, with release document ................................... 349 location ................................................................ 241 app ......................................................................... 540
551–552, 558, 618–619 Scheduling agreement number ranges ........ 229 material ............................................................... 241 Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire
installation ............................................................ 62 Scheduling agreement release usability ............................................................... 242 Last 365 Days app ............................................ 597
materials requirements planning ............. 191
collaboration ............................................ 213, 645 Stock—Multiple Materials app .............. 198, 289 Supplier Evaluation by Time app ................... 538
quick start approaches ..................................... 74
Search templates ................................................... 170 Stock ownership .................................................... 274 Supplier Evaluation by Time Last
workflows ............................................................ 153
Seasonal model ...................................................... 201 Stock quantity ........................................................ 150 365 Days app ..................................................... 597
SAP S/4HANA Cloud ...................... 41, 65, 69, 162,
Seasonal trend model .......................................... 201 Stock—Single Material app ..................... 198, 287 Supplier evaluation scorecard ........................ 537
576, 591, 597, 667
Self-service procurement ........................... 64, 143 Stock transfers ............................................. 238, 262 Supplier Evaluation Score History app ........ 601
integration ............................................................. 71
Self-service procurement requisitioning .... 163 Stock transport order configuration ............. 319 Supplier invoice .................................................... 454
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition ...... 52, 54
Self-service requisitioning ....................... 141, 143 Stock transport orders ........................................ 267 documents .......................................................... 453
SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition ........ 52, 54
Serialization ......................................... 115, 117, 244 Stock transport order with delivery and entry using EDI ................................................. 458
SAP S/4HANA Cloud for enterprise contract
Serial number ......................................................... 117 billing document process ............................. 269 entry using SAP Fiori apps ........................... 457
management ..................................................... 361
Serial number management ............................. 244 Stock transport order with delivery via items by account assignment ..................... 471
Customizing ....................................................... 374
Service confirmation ........................................... 161 shipping process .............................................. 268 list .......................................................................... 470
home page .......................................................... 364

702 703
Index Index

Supplier Invoice object page ............................ 473 F.61 .......................................................................... 490 MK12 ...................................................................... 120 Transfer stock
Supplier Invoices List app ....................... 470–471 F.62 ......................................................................... 490 MK18 ...................................................................... 120 in plant ............................................. 266, 273–274
Supplier invoice verification ............................ 455 F.63 ......................................................................... 490 MK19 ...................................................................... 120 Transfer Stock—Cross-Plant app ................... 264
Supplier management ................................. 38, 525 F.66 ......................................................................... 490 MM01 .......................................................... 104, 107 Transfer Stock—In Plant app ........................... 263
configuration ..................................................... 542 F110 ......................................................................... 503 MM02 ......................................................... 104, 107 Translate Purchasing Categories app ........... 530,
Supplier master ........................................... 121–122 F150 ........................................................................ 490 MM03 .......................................................... 104, 107 534, 544
Supplier onboarding ........................................... 526 F18P ........................................................................ 490 MMBE .................................................................... 291 Translate Questions app .................................... 535
Supplier Payment Analysis (Manual and FD01 ....................................................................... 120 MMPUR_CAT_EXT ........................................... 172 Trend model ........................................................... 201
Automatic Payments) app ........................... 503 FD02 ....................................................................... 120 MP30 ..................................................................... 200 Turnover .................................................................. 304
Supplier Payment Analysis (Open FD03 ....................................................................... 120 MR11 ....................................................................... 467 Two-step stock transfers ................................... 262
Payments) app .................................................. 503 FD05 ....................................................................... 120 MR11SHOW ......................................................... 467
Supplier payment processing .......................... 477 FD06 ...................................................................... 120 MR90 ..................................................................... 466 U
Supplier performance ......................................... 599 FK01 ........................................................................ 120 MRBR ..................................................................... 465
Supplier qualification ......................................... 526 FK02 ....................................................................... 120 MRKO .................................................................... 469 Umbrella agreements ......................................... 327
Supplier Quotation app ...................................... 411 FK03 ....................................................................... 120 MRRL ..................................................................... 470 United Nations Standard Product and
Supplier quotations ................ 399–401, 429, 448 FK05 ....................................................................... 120 OBY6 ......................................................................... 89 Service Codes (UNSPSC) ................................ 110
Supplier record ...................................................... 643 FK06 ....................................................................... 120 OIS2 ........................................................................ 117 Unplanned delivery costs ................................. 457
Synchronization .................................................... 134 FLETS ...................................................................... 115 OMCZ .................................................................... 116 configuration .................................................... 508
System administration .......................................... 64 MAP1 ...................................................................... 120 OMS9 ..................................................................... 106 Unrestricted use stock ....................................... 242
System conversion ............................ 52, 56, 58, 65 MAP3 ..................................................................... 120 OMSF ..................................................................... 109 Unused Contracts app ........................................ 338
preparation ........................................................... 65 MASS ...................................................................... 124 OX01 ......................................................................... 98 Upload Supplier Invoices app ......................... 521
realization .............................................................. 65 MB51 ....................................................................... 286 OX02 ........................................................................ 88 User Defaults app ................................................. 555
MB52 ...................................................................... 292 OX08 ........................................................................ 98 User interface ......................................................... 661
T MB5T ...................................................................... 272 OX09 ........................................................................ 93
MB80 ..................................................................... 202 OX10 ......................................................................... 91 V
Table MB90 ..................................................................... 253 OX15 .......................................................................... 88
MATDOC .............................................................. 240 MD01 ..................................................................... 192 OX17 .......................................................................... 99 Valuated goods receipts .................................... 150
MCHB .................................................................... 240 MD01N ........................................................ 193, 200 OX18 .......................................................................... 91 Value Contract Consumption app ................. 335
MKOL .................................................................... 240 MDAB .................................................................... 194 PA30 ...................................................................... 163 Virtual data model ............................................... 609
Task scheduling ..................................................... 435 MDRE ..................................................................... 194 PPOMA ................................................................. 163
Taulia .................................................................. 47, 523 ME11 ............................................................. 208–209 SE38/SA38 ............................................................... 67 W
Tax codes .................................................................. 507 ME12 ....................................................................... 209 SFW5 ...................................................................... 129
Technical architect .................................................. 81 ME13 ....................................................................... 209 SICF ........................................................................ 168 Warehouse ................................................................. 93
Test phase ................................................................ 136 ME21N .................................................................... 672 SM30 ..................................................................... 580 creation .................................................................. 95
Three-way match .................................................. 638 ME31K .................................................................... 333 SPRO ............................................................ 578–579 Warehouse clerk ..................... 248–249, 252–253,
Time-phased planning .............................. 189, 204 ME31L ..................................................................... 354 VL06I ..................................................................... 258 255, 264, 266, 273, 277–278, 280–282, 285, 290–
Tolerance limit ....................................................... 513 ME32L .................................................................... 354 VL10B .................................................................... 261 291, 296, 300, 398–400
Tolerances ................................................................ 515 ME33L .................................................................... 354 VL31N .................................................................... 256 Warehouse management .................................. 238
supplier-specific ................................................ 515 ME35L .................................................................... 354 VL32N .................................................................... 258 Warehouse manager ........................................... 296
Transaction ME37 ....................................................................... 354 VL33N .................................................................... 258 WebClient UIF ........................................................ 667
ANZE ...................................................................... 209 ME38 ...................................................................... 354 VL34 ....................................................................... 256 Web Dynpro ........................................................... 667
BD50 ...................................................................... 586 ME39 ...................................................................... 354 XD99 ...................................................................... 124 Workflow inbox .................................................... 156
BD52 ....................................................................... 586 ME84 ...................................................................... 354 XK99 ...................................................................... 124 Work order .............................................................. 642
BD61 ....................................................................... 575 ME9L ...................................................................... 354 Transactional apps ............................................... 664 WRICEF objects ...................................................... 163
BMBC ..................................................................... 291 MEQ6 ..................................................................... 210 Transfer postings ........................................ 238, 273
BNK_MONI ......................................................... 488 MIR4 ....................................................................... 472
BP ............................................................................ 124 MIRO ...................................................................... 462
CVI_FS_CHECK_CUST .................................... 133 MK01 ...................................................................... 120
CVI_PRECHECK_UPGRADE .......................... 134 MK02 ..................................................................... 120
ESH_COCKPIT .................................................... 169 MK03 ..................................................................... 120
F.18 ......................................................................... 490 MK05 ..................................................................... 120
F.27 ......................................................................... 490 MK06 ..................................................................... 120

704 705
First-hand knowledge.

Justin Ashlock has worked for SAP America for approaching two de-
cades, initially serving as the lead consultant for hundreds of global
SAP customer projects and engagements supporting over $100 billion
in procurement and logistics activities worldwide. Over the last decade,
Justin has managed several procurement consulting delivery groups for
SAP. He currently serves as a vice president of procurement services de-
livery within SAP’s Adoption Services organization. Justin has written
several books for Rheinwerk Publishing, including Sourcing and Pro-
curement in SAP S/4HANA (1st and 2nd Editions), SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass: Functional-
ity and Implementation, and Introducing Central Procurement with SAP S/4HANA. He also
contributed to the procurement chapters for Discover SAP, 3rd Edition, and SAP S/4HANA
Cloud: An Introduction. Justin holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California,
Berkeley, and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Notre

Justin Ashlock

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