MSP Partnerships Lookbook - March 2024 Update - 508 Compliant

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C-Corp, one of MSP's partners in the Solomon

Islands, participates at a food exposition in

Sydney, Australia.


Feed the Future

Market Systems and
Partnerships (MSP)

1 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

For more information on the partnerships within, please contact:

Nathan Hulley, Chief of Party (

Kristin O’Planick, Contracting Officer’s Representative (
Katie Hauser, Alternate Contracting Officer’s Representative (

This program is made possible with support by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under
the terms of Contract No. 7200AA20C00054 and managed by DAI. The opinions expressed herein are those of DAI and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the United States government.

Graphic and visual design of the Lookbook by Keilah Niyomutabazi with design support from Sarah Smith, both of MSP.

2 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

MSP's Approach to Partnerships 04

Gender Lens Investing 05

Global Partnerships Snapshot 06

Anticipated Results 07

Current Partnership Facilities 08

Private Sector Partners by Country 09

Bangladesh 10

Cambodia 11

Democratic Republic of Congo 14

Eswatini 16

Kenya 17

Lesotho 16

Malawi 16

Mozambique 19

Pakistan 22

Solomon Islands 23

South Africa 16

Tanzania 26

Zambia 28

Private Sector Partners by Technical Theme 30

Photo Credits 31

3 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

The USAID-funded Feed the Future Market Systems and Partnerships (MSP) Activity is advancing learning and good practice on market systems
development (MSD) and private sector engagement (PSE) within USAID, USAID’s implementers, and market actors.

As one component of the Activity, MSP facilitates private sector partnerships through a global Partnership Facility that creates shared value from the
alignment of core business objectives and development goals. MSP’s Partnership Facility selects concepts based on the strength of five core factors:
business concept, development impact, sustainability, scale, and funding justification (additionality). MSP's approach focuses on:
• Prioritizing upfront strategic outreach so that MSP can attract the most impactful partner or coalition of partners and focus efforts on the
most strategic activities that can drive systemic impact;

• Deciding to engage only when MSP’s additionality is projected, where MSP’s involvement is critical to unlocking market-based solutions;

• Drawing on relationship management practices to steward partnerships, foster relationship health, as well as prompt ongoing, partner-led
learning that informs decision-making;

• Creating connections between the partner firm and other USAID projects and resources in-country to broker fair and productive
relationships between market actors that will bring sustained benefit to target populations;

• Using partnerships as live case studies to shine a light on barriers in the broader environment that are constraining private
sector involvement and investment in a sector, so USAID, and its ecosystem of actors, can foster the conditions necessary for the focus
investment or business practice—and others of its kind—to endure (and even scale) beyond the life of the MSP partnership;
• Integrating gender in partnership design and implementation to empower women as suppliers, business leaders, customers, and employees.

Partner exchange workshop with

private sector partners in Cambodia
(left) and site visit with EASI in
Malawi (right).

4 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

MSP’s approach to gender lens investing focuses on working with partner firms to strengthen their positive impact on women as
suppliers, customers, and employees.

• For each partnership, MSP integrates a gender lens investment approach to inform co-development, while identifying
the firm’s status on enhancing women’s empowerment through MSP’s initial partner survey.

• MSP co-develops tailored strategies with partners aligned with the core partnership activity to support firms to
incrementally move along a continuum from ‘no awareness’ of women’s empowerment to ‘transformational impact,’ with the
aim of enhancing firm performance and women’s empowerment impacts.

• For more, see MSP's Gender Lens Investing Brief.

5 | MSP Private
5 | MSP Sector
Private Partnerships
Sector Lookbook
Partnerships Lookbook
Snapshot of MSP’s 27 private sector partners across 13 countries in Africa and Asia as of March 2024.

Pakistan HelloTask: Increasing access to
doctHERS: Equitable access care services and care jobs Cambodia
to geriatric care through innovations in Amru Rice: Decentralized cold storage and logistics
DRC: technology for vegetable cooperative networks
Chambers Federation: Incentivizing high-quality cocoa BRM Agro Co. Ltd: Industrial rice drying and
production and processing smallholder access to premium markets
La Différence: Strengthening the domestic market for Khmer Cold Chain: Major temperature-controlled
locally produced rice, haricot beans, and soybeans logistics hub at port, with SME client segments
Welldone Logistics: Organizing maize farmers and Kenya
Kentaste: Upcycling waste water from coconuts Khmer Organic Cooperative:
increasing domestic value-addition Cool-storage-capable organic packing and inclusive
and product development
Best Tropical Fruits: Upcycling fruit and on-farm sourcing
Zambia Leang Leng: Chili and tomato sauce production with
260 Brands: Smallholder-sourced, waste to support black soldier fly production
inclusive sourcing
organic soy milk for South Africa market Tanzania
Nature’s Nectar (closed): Processing Chanzi: Scaling waste separation and collection to support
and export of smallholder-sourced, black soldier fly production
sustainably produced honey GBRI: Reducing avocado waste through innovative
NCCL: Regenerative agriculture in processing and upcycling
coffee and generating employment
South Africa AfriFruta (closed): Smallholder-sourced fresh fruit exports,
introducing improved varieties Solomon Islands
EASI: Last-mile extension, Commodity Corporation, KTC, and KPSI: Diverse
smallholder seed production, and Condor Anacardium: Environmentally friendly cashew
processing and inclusive supply cocoa activities, including production, quality-focused
distribution of micro-packaged seeds smallholder farming, local manufacturing, and on-farm
Appload: Digital freight logistics connecting shippers, transporters
Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi processing for SI cocoa products
EASI: (See South Africa) Korosho: Rainforest Alliance-certified cashews via direct sourcing Bulk Shop: Sourcing, processing, and export of
Mozambique Good Trade: Enhancing local food products and Malaitan kava
expanding markets

Partnership Facilities

USAID/Southern Africa Regional: Southern Africa Partnerships

USAID/Cambodia: Cambodia Partnerships
USAID/Philippines: Solomon Islands Partnerships
* Condor Anacardium changed its name to PermaCashews in USAID/Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security: Food Loss and Waste Partnerships
March. MSP is in the process of modifying its agreement with the USAID/Bureau for Asia: Asia Care Economy Partnerships
partner to reflect this.
USAID/Mozambique: Mozambique Partnerships
6 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook USAID/DRC: DRC Access Partnerships

27 private sector partners
practices, and million USD
business models leveraged from
co-invested in the private sector

to drive towards
partnership goals
innovation across
13 countries

148,890 1.2:1
smallholder farmers average ratio of private sector:
benefitting directly and indirectly from USAID funding

increased access to:

$18.8 million USD in sales by

firms and smallholders,
markets information goods and services advancing trade and
inclusive growth

Many partners set sales value targets based on market research and business model refinement early in partnership implementation. Thus,
the numbers above reflect anticipated sales results only for those that have set targets thus far.

7 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Southern Africa Cambodia Partnerships Solomon Islands Food Loss and Waste
Partnerships USAID/Cambodia Partnerships Partnerships
USAID/Southern Africa Regional USAID/Philippines USAID/REFS/Center for Nutrition

Technical Focus Technical Focus

Increase Cold chain,
agricultural trade, logistics, transport,
investment, and Technical Focus Technical Focus
and expanding Increase product quality,
exports agribusiness trade Increase uptake and scale of food
improved value addition of loss and waste solutions; build food
Details agricultural products and nutrition security
Current Fund: $5.1 million; Current Fund: $3.5 million;
Awarded to Date: $4.1 million Details Details
Awarded to Date: $3.5 million Current Fund: Up to $2 million; Current Fund: $8 million; Awarded
Status Awarded to Date: $1.7 million to Date: $1.36 million
4 partnerships in implementation, 5 partnerships in implementation
2 partnerships closed, 3 firms in Status Status
co-development 4 partnerships in 4 partnerships in implementation,
implementation 11 firms in co-development

Asia Care Economy DRC Social Safety Net

Partnerships Mozambique Partnerships DRC Access Partnerships
Transfers Partnerships
USAID/Bureau for Asia USAID/Mozambique USAID/DRC

Technical Focus Technical Focus Technical Focus

Increase the uptake and Support agricultural- Support agriculture-
scale of innovations to led economic growth led economic growth,
improve the resiliency within the agricultural, specifically in the
Technical Focus of the Mozambican financial, or renewable poultry, rice, and
Support the care economy agriculture sector energy sectors soy sectors, with emphasis on
through technologies or services enhancing food security
that reduce the burden of care Details Details
Current Fund: $2.4 million; Current Fund: $4.2 million; Details
Details Awarded to Date: $906,000 Awarded to Date: $1.4 million Current Fund: $1.1 million
Current Fund: $408,000;
Awarded to Date: $408,000 Status Status
3 partnerships in implementation, 3 partnerships in implementation, Status
Status 3 firms in co-development 6 firms in co-development 2 firms in co-development
2 partnerships in implementation

8 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook


9 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook


About the firm: HelloTask Platform Ltd. is a multichannel job platform for blue-collar workers that connects urban
clients to over 6,000 care service providers via a smartphone application. Revenue is generated via pay-per-
use and monthly subscriptions, but the service is currently limited to only smartphone users. In order to scale,
HelloTask needs to recruit more care service providers, the bulk of which are featurephone users.

P​ artnership objective: HelloTask is increasing its reach by developing specialized software to interface with
featurephone users and register an anticipated 20,000 more care service providers over the life of the award.
These workers are being integrated into the formal economy and serve approximately 200,000 clients. ​

Long-term impact: This partnership will lead to the increased availability of care services for urban households,
working women, and couples, reducing the burden of care on women and promoting education and income-
generating opportunities. It will create formal care work opportunities for domestic workers offering three times
higher pay compared to informal work. Innovative tools, such as artificial intelligence (AI), will be used and new
services, such as childcare, will be introduced.

Projected Number Projected Number

Partnership Projected of Care Service
of New Care
Timeline Partner Leverage Providers Registered
Service Clients
SEP 2023 – SEP 2025 $209,389 200,000 20,000
10 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Amru Rice
About the firm: Amru Rice Cambodia Co., Ltd is a rice miller and exporter that is now expanding into horticulture, building
on its track record in building smallholder capacity, improving farming practices, and strengthening organization in the rice

Partnership objective: Cambodian farmers currently lack consistent access to cold storage and transportation, resulting in
product loss and diminished product quality. Consequently, locally grown horticulture products are of unreliable quality
and cannot meet the requirements of export markets, with domestic consumers also relying on imported vegetables
for everyday needs. The partnership with Amru Rice is establishing on-site cold storage rooms for vegetables near its
headquarters and at its agricultural cooperatives’ sites, creating a decentralized cold storage and logistics network for its
smallholder suppliers.

Long-term impact: Disaggregated cold storage of vegetables and linkage to a guaranteed buyer will incentivize farmers
to use best farming practices and allow them to aggregate yields for improved prices instead of selling to the first and
most accessible buyer. This will ultimately improve crop yield, quality, and safety as well as farmer incomes. Cold storage
aggregation will also allow for a buyer like Amru Rice to source sufficient supplies of quality vegetables to sell consistent
volumes to higher value domestic and export markets.

Projected Projected Technology

Partnership Projected Projected Increase in
Smallholder in R&D and
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Cold Storage
Farmers Benefitting Uptake
FEB 2022 – AUG 2024 $772,000 $427,380 1,200 283 m3 1
Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.
11 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook
BRM Agro Co. Ltd
About the firm: BRM Agro is an integrated rice farm and rice milling company that grows, dries, and mills premium,
fragrant rice varieties for export and domestic sale.

Partnership objective: Though Cambodia produces both a high quantity and quality of rice, systemic issues in the
country’s rice sector such as a lack of post-harvest infrastructure, have led to economic, food, and climate security
challenges for Cambodian rice farmers. Through the MSP partnership, BRM Agro is increasing its rice processing
capacity to meet increased demand by expanding the drying capacity of its existing rice mill, hiring new staff, and
recruiting and contracting new smallholder suppliers who will gain consistent access to premium markets.

Long-term impact: Improved rice processing infrastructure in Cambodia will allow rice farmers to reap the benefits
associated with the high level of international demand for Cambodian-grown fragrant rice, including increased farmer
incomes, improved farming practices, and a reduction in Cambodia’s reliance on imported rice.
Projected Projected
Partnership Projected Projected
Smallholder Increase in
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage
Farmers Benefitting Drying Capacity
FEB 2023 – JAN 2025 15,150 MT $892,320 580 52,000 MT

Khmer Cold Chain

About the firm: Khmer Cold Chain (KCC) is a cold chain logistics company that offers temperature-controlled logistics (TCL).

Partnership objective: Currently, Cambodia suffers from a lack of centralized TCL facilities including, pre-cooling, packing,
laboratory testing, and sanitary and phytosanitary inspection services to ensure products have not suffered from spoilage or
other damage affecting food safety. The partnership with KCC is expediting the operationalization of Cambodia’s first cross-
docking facility—a system where products are delivered to a cold chain warehouse where they are sorted and prepped for
immediate shipment—and the launch of a cold storage facility and distribution center.

Long-term impact: The partnership ultimately will 1) scale Cambodia’s cold chain and logistics infrastructure, 2) enable farmers
to get better prices for their goods and enter export markets, 3) ensure consumers have access to high-quality goods, 4)
allow KCC to partner with SMEs and cooperatives rather than focusing exclusively on larger anchor customers, and 5)
demonstrate the business case for the centralized TCL model to crowd-in additional investment.
Partnership Projected Projected Cold Storage
in R&D and
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Operationalized
FEB 2022 – MAR 2026 $210,000 $1,017,605 6,046 m3 1
12 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook *
Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.
Khmer Organic Cooperative
About the firm: Khmer Organic Cooperative (KOC) is a social agribusiness that produces and sells organic and good
agricultural practice-certified horticultural and poultry products.

Partnership objective: Despite a rich agricultural capacity, Cambodia relies on imported produce due to several factors,
including poor farm management and post-harvest practices; lack of access to logistics, especially temperature
controlled; and inconsistent market access that leads farmers to sell at low prices. The partnership with KOC is
catalyzing the operationalization of a new, cold storage-enabled, energy efficient packing house for organic produce and
the training and contracting of 21 new agricultural cooperatives and producer groups to meet increasing demand for
organic produce.

Long-term impact: The partnership will improve market access for Cambodian smallholder farmers, promote food safety
and quality standards, and grow both Cambodia’s ability to reliably yield organic produce for domestic and export
markets and the domestic appetite for responsibly-sourced organic produce.
Projected Projected
Partnership Projected Projected
Smallholder Increase in
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage
Farmers Benefitting Cold Storage
FEB 2023 – JAN 2025 735 MT $584,044 600 255 m3

Leang Leng
About the firm: Leang Leng is a family-owned sauce manufacturer that produces a variety of sauces, including chili and
tomato sauces, and targets sales to restaurants, supermarkets, and households.

Partnership objective: Cambodia lacks domestically produced value-added products as well as consistent application of
food safety standards, branding and marketing, and sourcing practices. Consequently, consumers have limited options,
and farmers lack consistent markets for their products. The partnership with Leang Leng is expanding sales of its sauces
to five additional Cambodian provinces by modernizing its chili and tomato sauce production line and by sourcing
increased volumes of chili and tomatoes from smallholder suppliers, piloting a contract farming approach.

Long-term impact: The partnership will further incentivize increased production of Cambodian-owned, value-added
products in a way that provides consistent linkages to markets for Cambodian agricultural producers while also
promoting adherence to food quality and safety standards among Cambodian food processors.
Projected Projected
Partnership Projected Projected
Smallholder Increase in
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage
Farmers Benefitting Bottling Capacity
FEB 2023 – JAN 2025 1,526,400 $819,224 215 19.7 million bottles/yr
13 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook *
Projected sales are representative of sales to only the five new provinces.

Chambers Federation
About the firm: Chambers Federation, an American impact investment and advisory firm, has been active in the
DRC since 2013. Specializing in women-led initiatives in the cocoa sector, it collaborates with local partners to
source, process, and export local cocoa.

Partnership objective: This collaboration is establishing a new cocoa processing facility and sourcing cocoa from
smallholder farmers around Beni. The initiative is enhancing connections between processing companies and
cocoa farmers in North Kivu, strengthening economic competitiveness, and promoting social inclusiveness
within the DRC’s cocoa sector.

Long-term impact: The partnership is anticipated to make a lasting impact by creating a new cocoa processing
facility and fostering stronger ties between processing companies and smallholder farmers. This intervention
is expected to contribute to the economic competitiveness and social inclusiveness of the cocoa sector in the
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
NOV 2023 – NOV 2025 7 MT $772,129 1,300

14 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

La Différence
About the firm: La Différence, a business accelerator in the eastern DRC, operates in North and South Kivu with
offices in Bukavu and Goma. It specializes in training, business acceleration, and market access support.

Partnership objective: The collaboration with La Différence is boosting local production of organic table
rice, haricot beans, and soybeans for the domestic market. Targeting improved quality and consistency,
the partnership is addressing disorganization in value chains, increasing consumer confidence, and reducing
dependence on imported products.

Long-term impact: The partnership is expected to influence consumer perception, fostering increased trust in
locally produced rice, haricot beans, and soybeans. This shift is anticipated to reduce reliance on imported goods
and strengthen local value chains.
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
NOV 2023 – NOV 2025 2,400 MT $255,313 850

Welldone Logistics
About the firm: Welldone Logistics is a processing and logistics company which sources and processes maize flour in Uganda
and exports it as a finished product to the DRC where the flour is currently sold from its retail distribution hub in Goma.

Partnership objective: Welldone Logistics is sourcing locally grown maize from smallholder farmers and aggregators and
expanding its production by opening a plant in the USAID-funded Virunga Industrial Park in Munigi. The new facility is
vertically integrating processing and supporting Welldone’s efforts to introduce less expensive maize flour and new maize
bran products into the local market. Increased local sourcing and production capacity is reducing the cost of maize flour
products and by-products, improving access for use for household consumption and animal feed.

Long-term impact: The partnership with Welldone Logistics will increase and improve linkages between processing
companies and maize farmers in North Kivu, contributing to strengthened economic competitiveness and social
inclusiveness within the maize sector, especially for smallholder farmers and small-scale distributors and vendors in
the DRC.

Partnership Projected Projected Projected Smallholder

Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting

JAN 2024 – JAN 2026 2,000 MT $736,252 1,000

15 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

European African Seed Initiative

About the firm: European African Seed Initiative (EASI) is an input supply firm that sources seeds from European
and African seed industries for distribution in southern and eastern Africa. EASI has an innovative last-mile
business model in which it liaises with agropreneurs to serve as decentralized extension officers to provide
ongoing coaching, oversight, and field support to producers who supply open pollinated seed varieties to EASI
in target production zones.

Partnership objective: Under this partnership, EASI is addressing the early generation seed market shortfall by
producing smallholder farmer-generated seed for distribution across southern Africa, particularly by contracting
smallholder farmers for production of open pollinated groundnut and sugar bean. MSP's partnership is
supporting EASI to expand and refine its agropreneur model to reach rural seed producers in Eswatini, Malawi,
and Lesotho, and to introduce small packaged, improved seed varieties into rural markets.

Long-term impact: This partnership with EASI will result in a more inclusive and beneficial supply chain for
smallholder farmers in the target areas and improve access to and competitiveness of high-quality seed products
in the agro-input sector in southern Africa.
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
SEP 2021 – JUNE 2024 $310,118 $964,019 121,000
16 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Best Tropical Fruits

About the firm: Best Tropical Fruits is an agribusiness based in Machakos County, Kenya, that processes high-quality mango,
avocado, banana, pawpaw, citrus, tomatoes, and other highly nutritious fruits that it sources directly from smallholder
farmers. To mitigate food loss and waste (FLW), Best Tropical Fruits launched a black soldier fly (BSF) rearing pilot at its
factory and with a group of seven outgrower farmers in 2023.

Partnership objective: Most Kenyan fruit processors dispose of more than 50% of the fruit they purchase by volume as
waste, demonstrating that fruit processing is only a partial solution to preventing FLW in Kenya. Through this partnership,
Best Tropical Fruits is bringing the BSF pilot to scale through an upgraded central BSF farming operation. By the end of
the partnership, Best Tropical Fruits will upcycle at least 4,140 MT of food waste into animal feed and organic fertilizer
by growing the outgrower scheme from seven to 200 farmers. In addition, Best Tropical Fruits is driving awareness of BSF
farming best practices among other farmers and fruit processors in the region.

Long-term impact: This partnership will improve FLW management in the fruit processing sector and on-farm in Kenya,
demonstrating that FLW can yield additional revenue streams and build household-level resilience.
Projected Projected Annual
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder Projected FLW Waste Processing
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting Upcycled Capacity
MAR 2024 - MAR 2026 $208,158 $311,856 200 4,140 MT 6 MT

17 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook *

Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.
About the firm: Kentaste is an agricultural sourcing and manufacturing business operating on Kenya’s coast that
sources and processes about four million coconuts per year to produce five categories of products that it sells to
local and international retailers.​

Partnership objective: The Kenyan coconut industry only realizes about 53% of potential earnings because there
is a lack of processing infrastructure and knowledge in-country that prevents the use of the whole coconut
and leads to food loss and waste (FLW). Kentaste is establishing a mature coconut water product and market
in Kenya, upcycling up to 2,500 liters of coconut water per day by the end of the partnership, and building the
economic and climate resilience of the company’s supply chain. ​

Long-term impact: This partnership will enhance the Kenyan coconut sector's revenue, demonstrating the
potential of FLW mitigation innovations as business solutions and fostering long-term economic and climate
resilience in the industry.​

Projected Projected Projected

Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder Coconut Water Production
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting Upcycled Capacity

AUG 2023 – AUG 2025 32,500 liters $359,570 1,500 32,500 liters 864,000 liters/

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18 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

AfriFruta (closed)
About the firm: Based in Inhambane, Mozambique, AfriFruta specializes in exports of dried mango and coconut
to Europe and coconut oil and fresh coconuts to the southern Africa region.

Partnership achievements: A main challenge the Mozambican mango sector faces is that the primary mango
variety (Reiner) predominantly accessible to smallholder farmers has a limiting, six-week-long harvest window.
The partnership expanded the availability of other, more productive mango varieties (Brooks, Tommy Atkins,
Kent, and Keitt). These varieties double the harvest window to 12 weeks, benefitting both farmers' and
processors’ ability to maximize trade opportunities. AfriFruta achieved the partnership goals by contracting
farmers, establishing a 9-hectare nucleus gene orchard near its facility, and distributing new varieties of mango
seedlings to over 2,573 smallholder farmers, primarily women. The firm also successfully piloted exporting 40
MT of fresh fruit to South Africa, seeking to capture more of the market through these longer-season varieties.

Ongoing long-term impact: AfriFruta is continuing to expand its presence in Mozambique and aims to export
over 200 MT of mangoes by 2026. Additionally, while AfriFruta achieved $14,576 in sales during the
partnership, the firm anticipates reaching $376,000 in tree crop sales by 2026. It takes three years for the new
seedlings to fully mature and begin producing at their maximum. While the partnership has closed, it reflects
a long-term investment by USAID into the competitiveness and resilience of Mozambique’s mango industry,
expanding the population of productive mango trees and solidifying diverse income generation streams of
participating communities for years to come.
Partnership Total Tree Partner Farmers that
Timeline Crop Sales Leverage Benefitted
SEP 2021 – SEP 2023 $14,576 $356,000 2,573​

19 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

About the firm: Appload is an innovative technology company that, since 2020, has facilitated the efficient short, medium,
an long-haul transport of Mozambican commodities by connecting shippers with transporters through a streamlined digital
interface. Appload's platform allows shippers and transporters to locate each other at the right time and for the right price,
including promoting the use of backload or reverse logistics to prevent trucks from returning empty from markets.

Partnership objective: Appload is improving accessibility to logistics services for small agricultural aggregators and small
transporters in Nampula and Zambezi provinces and the Beira Corridor via Appload's digital marketplace. Through the
partnership, Appload will reach 1,588 shippers and 740 small transporters, facilitating the movement of over $675,000
in cargo through 860 unique trips on the platform. Additionally, in partnership with Hollard Insurance, the company is
subsidizing goods in transit insurance for all shippers using the app.

Long-term impact: This partnership will lead to better access to markets for small agricultural shippers by allowing them to get
a larger share of their harvests to market and to reach beyond local markets. It will also increase opportunities for small and
medium logistics service providers, which are often limited as subcontractors to larger firms.
Projected Number Projected Number of New
Partnership Projected Projected Shippers/Transporters
of Shippers and
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Using the App
Transporters Trained
OCT 2023 – OCT 2025 $67,500 $251,582 1,588 and 740 645

About the firm: Korosho is Export Trading Group’s (ETG) cashew subsidiary, which operates in Benin, Mozambique, Tanzania,
and Vietnam. In Mozambique, Korosho manages two processing factories in Nampula and Cabo Delgado and 24 permanent
buying centers in Nampula. The company indirectly sources cashews from approximately 8,000 farmers.

Partnership objective: Korosho is reinvigorating the cashew sector and introducing Rainforest Alliance-certified sustainable
cashews to Mozambique by shifting to a direct sourcing model with 5,000 farmers, establishing eight cashew nurseries,
distributing more than 150,000 fast-seedlings, as well as conducting carbon emission measurements of its cashew supply
chain and processing operations and developing sequestration options.

Long-term impact: By introducing new cashew seedlings and sustainable nurseries, developing a premium cashew product,
and processing that premium product in Mozambique, Korosho will help to reverse the decline of the Mozambican cashew
sector while ensuring that cashew farmers’ livelihoods improve.
Projected Projected Number Projected Volume
Partnership Projected Projected of Raw Cashew Nut
Smallholder of Seedlings
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Sourced
Farmers Benefitting Distributed
OCT 2023 – OCT 2025 1,000 MT $481,564 5,000 150,000 3,300 MT

20 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook *

Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.
Mozambique Good Trade
About the firm: Mozambique Good Trade (MGT) is a Mozambican organic-certified consumer goods company that
works exclusively with domestically produced agriculture products. Directly and indirectly, MGT provides market
access for 10,000 smallholder farmers through a portfolio of 165 different product varieties that share a unique selling
proposition of being Mozambican, natural, and healthy quality products.

Partnership objective: Through this partnership, MGT is increasing the volumes of high-quality and healthy Mozambican
food products that reach shelves in Mozambique and elsewhere, facilitating access to high-value markets for a growing
number of Mozambican farmers. MGT is upgrading its plant so that it can improve 35 existing products, introduce 25
new products, increase the volume of products it sources by approximately 40%, and expand into at least one export

Long-term impact: The partnership will not only provide crucial market access for thousands of Mozambican farmers, but
it will also increase the volumes and varieties of safe and healthy food available to Mozambican consumers and create a
growing brand for Mozambican-grown and processed foods in domestic and export markets.
Partnership Projected Projected Projected Mozambican Projected
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Suppliers Benefitting Exports
OCT 2023 – OCT 2025 $1.14 million $265,504 57 $177,000

Condor Anacardium
About the firm: Condor Anacardium is a food processor of raw cashew nuts based in Macia, Mozambique. It sources
cashew nuts from over 40,000 farmers—98% of whom are smallholder farmers—and processes the nuts for export.
Condor Anacardium changed its name to PermaCashews in March and MSP is in the process of modifying its agreement with the
partner to reflect this.

Partnership objective: The partnership with Condor Anacardium is improving its environmental standards by modernizing
its cashew nut handling and processing while reducing supply chain risk by strengthening its relationships with supplier
smallholder farmers. By the end of the partnership, Condor Anacardium anticipates producing 620 MT of cashew nut
shell liquid oil, in alignment with local environmental regulations.

Long-term impact: This partnership is a long-term investment by USAID into the environmental and economic health of
the cashew nut industry in Mozambique, expanding the production of cashews, improving the environmental management
of Condor Anacardium, and diversifying the company by adding a new product line of cashew nut shell oil.
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
JAN 2023 – JAN 2025 117.5 MT $629,140 5,000
21 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook *
Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.

About the firm: doctHERs connects women healthcare providers (HCPs) with clients throughout Pakistan using
its digital health platform. It seeks to fill two critical gaps in the healthcare market—access to affordable, quality
healthcare for underserved communities and integration of women HCPs into the workforce.

Partnership objective: Approximately 70% of Pakistan’s population is dependent on private sector care, which
is largely inaccessible, especially for seniors, due to associated costs and the lack of HCPs. Because of cultural
norms, most elderly care falls on female household members. The partnership with doctHERs is supporting
expansion into providing geriatric care under its current business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) model, as
well as piloting a business-to-consumer (B2C) senior-focused service offering, which will include home visits and
virtual consultations.

Long-term impact: Increased senior healthcare services through doctHERs’ B2B2C and B2C care models will
improve and expand geriatric healthcare provision and reduce the burden of care for female family members.
doctHERs’ new services will provide opportunities for women HCPs to (re)enter the workforce and for female
family members to pursue educational and income-generating activities when relieved from care duties.
Partnership Projected Projected Projected Number
Timeline HCPs Integrated Partner Leverage of Senior Beneficiaries
MAR 2024 – FEB 2026 200 $210,511 1,500
22 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Commodity Corporation
About the firm: Commodity Corporation (C-Corp) is a cocoa exporter and chocolate manufacturer which sources
high-quality cocoa beans from Solomon Islands. Selling its products under the brand name Solomons Gold, C-Corp
manufactures organic chocolate products, including chocolate bars, cocoa nibs, and chocolate pieces for individual
and wholesale customers.

Partnership objective: C-Corp is piloting the processing and marketing of single origin (Malaita) organic chocolate
callets sourced exclusively from smallholder farmers in Solomon Islands. MSP is co-investing with C-Corp to expand
its operations into Malaita province, establish a cocoa nursery, introduce organic certification to farmer supplier
areas, and test and expand a new product (single-origin organic chocolate callets) into key international markets.

Long-term impact: The partnership will expand production of cacao in the Solomon Islands, improve the country's
cocoa processing operations, enhance product quality through seedling production, and increase trade of cocoa
products from Solomon Islands to New Zealand, Australia, and the United States.

Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
NOV 2022 – NOV 2024 $96,000 $458,786 100

23 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Kaprikonia Trading Company
About the firm: Kaprikonia Trading Company (KTC) is an Auki-based cocoa buyer in the Solomon Islands. KTC is
venturing into organic cocoa butter and powder processing in the Malaita province and aims to export premium
organic cocoa products to global markets.

Partnership objective: Under this partnership, KTC is launching organic cocoa butter and powder processing in
Malaita, exporting premium organic cocoa beans and powder internationally. The partnership includes collaborating
with a Fiji-based chocolate company to launch cocoa processing—a first for Malaita. KTC, with MSP's support, is
engaging local cocoa aggregators and farmers and providing training in production, organic certification, and post-
harvest handling. It is also upgrading its processing operations to produce better bean quality.

Long-term impact: Long-term objectives include enhancing the competitiveness and inclusivity of Malaita's cocoa
sector by engaging both male and female farmers, providing training and resources for premium cocoa bean
production, and utilizing new technology and cocoa stock to advance cocoa cultivation and processing in the
Solomon Islands.

Projected Projected Number

Partnership Projected
Smallholder of New Smokeless
Timeline Partner Leverage
Farmers Benefitting "Rocket-stove" Dryers
AUG 2023 – AUG 2025 $132,442 100 5

Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands

About the firm: Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands (KPSI) is a coconut oil and cocoa production company in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

Partnership objective: Through this partnership, KPSI is expanding its sourcing of organic-certified cocoa beans through a
decentralized smallholder farmers and village processing network. Members of the village-level processing units for cocoa are
receiving training and material support to achieve quality standards and increased production volumes. KPSI then collects all
products and performs quality testing, packaging, and further processing at its facility in Lungga, Honiara, for distribution in
domestic and international markets.

Long-term impact: This partnership will lead to an organic certification model and market diversification, which will enhance the
local cocoa industry, facilitating distribution in both domestic and international markets and fostering lasting positive change.

Projected Projected
Partnership Projected Projected
Smallholder Number of Jobs
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage
Farmers Benefitting Created
AUG 2023 – AUG 2025 $220,000 $113,151 100 100
24 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook
Bulk Shop
About the firm: Bulk Shop is a Solomon Islander-owned grocery chain and importer operating out of Honiara.
With six locations throughout the Honiara city center and surrounding areas, Bulk Shop is the largest chain
retailer and a trusted supplier of everyday goods to residents of the capital.

Partnership objective: Through the partnership, Bulk Shop is piloting the processing and production of Malaitan
kava for export to the United States and New Zealand. Leveraging the cultivation of 990,000 kava seedlings in
Malaita, the partnership is introducing a Bulk Shop blend of kava, engaging around 400 farmers to establish a
reliable supply chain.

Long-term impact: This partnership signifies Bulk Shop's strategic expansion into sourcing, processing, and
exporting kava from Malaita. The goal is to position Bulk Shop as a significant player in the international kava
Projected Kava Projected
Partnership Purchased from Projected Smallholder
Timeline Malaitan Farmers Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
DEC 2023 – NOV 2025 35 MT $281,679 400

25 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

25 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

About the firm: Chanzi, an eco-agricultural company in Tanzania, utilizes black soldier flies to transform organic
waste into high-protein animal feed and organic fertilizer. Its current challenge is accessing adequate quantities
of organic food waste while operating in a region where almost no waste is separated—only 7% of waste
that goes to landfills can be upcycled.

Partnership objective: Chanzi, in partnership with Okota Waste Management, will expand waste separation
and collection services from three to 15 wards in Arusha and will separate and collect waste from 97,500
households. The partnership is supporting Okota to manage up to 36 MT of organic waste daily, diverting
60% of Arusha's household waste from landfills.

Long-term impact: This partnership will lead to an enhanced approach to waste management and sustainability,
focusing on waste separation, collection, upcycling, and recycling. These efforts could reduce landfill waste in
Tanzania by up to 80%, and a replicable playbook will extend this model across southern and eastern Africa.

Projected Projected Daily Organic Projected Organic

Partnership Projected Projected
Households Waste Processing Waste Upcycled
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage
Benefitting Installed Capacity Per Day
AUG 2023 – AUG 2025 $2 million $335,848 97,500 36 MT 36 MT
Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.
26 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook
GBRI Business Solutions
About the firm: GBRI is an agribusiness located in Iringa, Tanzania, that specializes in the sourcing and packing of fresh
vegetables and fruits for domestic and international sale. GBRI focuses on fresh avocado, which it sources from a
network of over 2,000 smallholder farmers and exports to India, Netherlands, and Spain.

Partnership objective: Only about 60% of avocados grown in Tanzania will meet the rigorous quality standards for
export, while the other 40% will mostly go to waste. Through this partnership, GBRI is operationalizing an avocado
oil processing line with an installed capacity to process 6,000 MT of avocados and produce 6 MT of oil daily, ultimately
mitigating 482 MT of food loss and waste (FLW) through the production of an equivalent volume of avocado oil.
Furthermore, GBRI is recruiting and contracting 2,000 additional farmers. It is also assessing and piloting additional
FLW upcycling approaches.

Long-term impact: This partnership will strengthen the Tanzanian avocado sector through the introduction of additional
processing capacity and connecting thousands of additional farmers to premium export markets for avocados that
normally would have ended up in landfills or rotting in the field.
Projected Projected Avocado
Partnership Projected Projected Projected Avocado Oil Production
Timeline Sales* Partner Leverage Upcycled Capacity
Farmers Benefitting
DEC 2023 – DEC 2025 $2.55 million $491,210 2,000 482 MT 6 MT/daily

Projected sales are still being confirmed, and this figure is subject to change.

27 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

27 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

260 Brands
About the firm: 260 Brands is a Zambian food and beverage company that markets and sells products throughout
Zambia and the southern Africa region, currently sourcing soy inputs from smallholder farmers.

Partnership objective: To expand its regional trade opportunities, 260 Brands is partnering with MSP to produce
premium fresh soy milk destined for exports to South Africa and the region. The partnership is introducing two
innovations: piloting and testing a new organic certified sourcing model with contract smallholder farmers (40% of
which will be women) and expanding the firm’s processing capability to include aseptic, shelf stable milk, which allows
them to compete in the South Africa market. 260 Brands’ investment is three-and-a-half times MSP’s funding.

Long-term impact: The partnership will lead to increased incomes and sustained sales relationships for smallholder
farmers who receive organic certification and training from 260 Brands. In the region, customers in varying income
segments will have increased access to plant-based nutritious milk products that are affordable and could improve
nutrition outcomes for customers.
Partnership Projected Projected Smallholder
Timeline Sales Partner Leverage Farmers Benefitting
OCT 2021 – JUNE 2024 $96,800 $3,593,343 2,000

28 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Nature’s Nectar (closed)
About the firm: Nature’s Nectar is a honey processor and exporter that sources raw honey from smallholder farmers in
rural Zambia using non-destructive beekeeping practices.

Partnership achievements: Over this two-year collaboration, Nature's Nectar achieved significant milestones, including
the integration of 1,200 smallholder beekeepers into a non-destructive honey supply chain by distributing 12,000 top-
bar beehives, expanding honey exports to South Africa, and introducing advanced honey processing technology. The
partnership also enhanced inclusive, regional trade opportunities between Zambia and South Africa. Notably, Nature's
Nectar played a crucial role in the industry's shift towards environmentally friendly technologies and practices, such as
the replacement of tree bark beehives with more sustainable, top-bar or Langstroth hives, ultimately contributing to
preventing deforestation.

Ongoing long-term impact: The partnership with Nature’s Nectar improved the overall efficiency and reduced product
loss for the company through its modern processing facility. Further, its expanded supplier network provided new and
diversified economic livelihoods for rural beekeepers who have few possible income generating activities available.
Partnership Total Honey Partner Smallholder Farmers that
Timeline Sales Leverage Benefitted
SEP 2021 – DEC 2023 $121,993 $286,166 1,234

Northern Coffee Corporation Limited

About the firm: Northern Coffee Corporation Limited (NCCL), a subsidiary of olam food ingredients, is Zambia's largest
coffee farmer and exporter of green coffee to the U.S. NCCL is an established Zambian business with 10 years of
experience and 2,400 hectares of coffee production on the Kateshi estate in Northern Province.

Partnership objective: Through this partnership, NCCL is expanding its coffee production area and piloting
environmentally sustainable agricultural practices, like the creation and application of biochar. It is increasing exports to
the U.S. and generating employment opportunities in Zambia.

Long-term impact: This partnership will lead to an increase in coffee production areas while mitigating potential for
deforestation, generating approximately 1,362 new jobs, and introducing environmentally sustainable farming practices
to reduce the carbon footprint and water consumption in coffee production.
Projected Increase in
Partnership Projected Projected
Land Under Cultivation
Timeline Jobs Created Partner Leverage
for Coffee Production
JUN 2023 – MAY 2025 154 $1,176,001 170 hectares

29 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Care Economy Post-harvest Processing and Storage Trade
• HelloTask • 260 Brands​ • 260 Brands
• doctHERS • AfriFruta​ • AfriFruta
• Amru Rice​ • Amru Rice
Cold Chain • BRM Agro Co. Ltd​ • Appload
• Chambers Federation • Bulk Shop
• Amru Rice • Commodity Corporation​ • BRM Agro Co. Ltd
• Khmer Cold Chain • Condor Anacardium​ • Chambers Federation
• Khmer Organic Cooperative • European African Seed Initiative​ • Commodity Corporation
• Kaprikonia Trading Company • Condor Anacardium
Food Loss and Waste • Kentaste​ • European African Seed Initiative
• Khmer Cold Chain​ • Kaprikonia Trading Company
• Chanzi • Khmer Organic Cooperative​ • Khmer Cold Chain
• GBRI Business Solutions • Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands • Khmer Organic Cooperative
• Kentaste • La Différence • Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands
• Best Tropical Fruits • Leang Leng​ • Leang Leng
• Mozambique Good Trade • Nature's Nectar
Last-Mile Distribution and Sourcing • Nature's Nectar
Models • Welldone Logistics

• Appload Supply Chain Strengthening

• European African Seed Initiative
• Nature's Nectar • 260 Brands
• Welldone Logistics • AfriFruta
• Amru Rice
New Technology • BRM Agro Co. Ltd
• Chanzi
• 260 Brands • Commodity Corporation
• AfriFruta • Condor Anacardium
• Amru Rice • European African Seed Initiative
• Appload • Kentaste
• Chanzi • Khmer Cold Chain
• Commodity Corporation • Khmer Organic Cooperative
• Condor Anacardium • Korosho/ETG
• European African Seed Initiative • Leang Leng
• Nature's Nectar • Nature's Nectar
• Northern Coffee Corporation Ltd.
• Kaprikonia Trading Company
• Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands

30 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

Cover Page Page 15 Page 24
Commodity Corporation (Left) La Différence; (Right) Welldone (Left) KTC; (Bottom) KPSI
Page 3 Page 25
Jenny Stankowski, DAI/MSP Page 16 (Left) Bulk Shop; (Bottom) Adobe
(Top and Right) European African Stock
Page 4 Seed Initiative
(Left) Mark Pigott, DAI/MSP; (Right) Page 26
Mutumbi Lungu for MSP Page 17 (Top) DAI Global; (Right) Chanzi
(Top) Amani Nation on Unsplash;
Page 5 (Right)) Best Tropical Fruits Page 27
Fintrac Inc. (Left) GBRI Business Solutions;
Page 18 (Bottom) Adobe Stock
Page 10 (Left) Kentaste;
(Top) travelview, Adobe Stock; (Right) (Bottom) Adobe Stock Page 28
HelloTask (Top) Adobe Stock (Right) Laura
Page 19 Conn, DAI/MSP
Page 11 (Top) DAI Global; (Right); AfriFruta
(Top) Documentation Center of Page 29
Cambodia (DC-Cam)/Makara Ouch; Page 20 (Left) Mutumbi Lungu for MSP; (Right)
(Right) Fintrac Inc. (Left) Appload; (Right) Adobe Stock Adobe Stock

Page 12 Page 21
(Left) BRM Agro Co. Ltd; (Right) (Left) Mozambique Good Trade;
Khmer Cold Chain (Right) Condor Anacardium

Page 13 Page 22
(Left) Khmer Organic Cooperative; (Top) Adobe Stock; (Right) UK
(Right) Mark Pigott, DAI/MSP Department for International
Page 14
(Top) Adobe Stock; (Right) Chambers Page 23
Federation (Top) ead72, Adobe Stock; (Right)
Commodity Corporation

31 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook This lookbook is periodically updated, access the most up to date version here.

32 | MSP Private Sector Partnerships Lookbook

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