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2000 – 2021

Compiled by

Lubna Nadeem
M. Phil (Biotechnology)
Pakistan International School (English Section)
Riyadh, KSA
[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

2 Table 2.1 shows the total carbohydrate, starch and fibre content of some vegetables.
Table 2.1

(a) Name the chemical elements present in a carbohydrate.

(b) State which vegetable in Table 2.1 contains
(i) the highest proportion of total carbohydrate;
(ii) the highest proportion of fibre.
(c) Total carbohydrate is calculated as the sum of starch and sugars in the vegetable.
(i) Name the vegetable that contains the highest proportion of sugar per 100 g vegetable.
(ii) Calculate the amount of sugar present in 500 g of the vegetable named in (i).
Show your working.

Amount of sugar ...................................................................................................[2]

(d) Potatoes can be cooked in oil (fat) or water.
(i) Suggest and explain how the energy content of the potato would change if cooked in oil.
[Biology With Lubna Nadeem] 1
[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(ii) Suggest why potatoes cooked in water may be considered to be a healthier food than potatoes cooked in
(e) 100 g of frozen peas provide 17.0 mg of vitamin C, which represents 25% of the recommended daily
allowance (RDA).
(i) Calculate the mass of peas a person would need to eat to achieve the RDA.
Show your working.

(ii) Name one other good food source of vitamin C.
(iii) State the symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin C.
[Total : 14]

2 Fig. 2.1 shows pie charts of the diets of two twelve year old girls, one from Europe and one from Africa.

Fig. 2.1
(a) Using information from Fig. 2.1, complete the table to compare the African diet with that of the European
In each box, write more or less or the same.


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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(b) The daily energy intake is provided mainly by carbohydrates and fats.
Select one of the food groups from Fig. 2.1 that would provide a good source of:
(i) carbohydrates; ..............................................................................................................................................
(ii) fats. ..........................................................................................................................................................[2]
(c) With reference to the pie charts:
(i) suggest why the African girl may not grow as fast as the European girl;
(ii) suggest why the European girl is more likely to suffer from scurvy than the African girl;
(iii) suggest why the European girl is more likely to suffer from constipation and colon cancer than the African
[Total: 9]

7 (a) Fibre in the human diet contains a lot of cellulose that humans cannot digest.
(i) State two advantages to humans of including fibre in the diet.
1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................................[2]
(ii) Suggest which level in a food chain has organisms that have a means of digesting cellulose.
(iii) Name the form of energy that is present in cellulose.
(iv) What is cellulose used for in plants?
(b) Micronutrients are components of the diet that are only needed in very small quantities.
Name two micronutrients that are essential for the healthy development of bones and teeth.
1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................................................................................................[2]
[Total: 7]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

3 (a) Table 3.1 lists some of the food materials that need to be digested, the enzymes that carry out the
digestion and the end products.
Complete Table 3.1. [5]
Table 3.1

(b) Amino acids and glucose are carried in the blood from the intestine to the liver.
Describe the processes that occur in the liver when there is an excess of these materials arriving in the blood.
amino acids........................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 9]
5 (b) Suggest why athletes eat foods high in
(i) proteins, during training; ...............................................................................................................................
(ii) carbohydrates, for three days before a marathon race. ...............................................................................

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

2 Fig. 2.1 shows the apparatus used to find the energy in a groundnut.
Results of the experiment are shown in Table 2.1.

Fig. 2.1
Table 2.1

(a) Describe how the apparatus could be used to obtain the data shown in Table 2.1.
(b) The energy released by a groundnut was calculated using the equation shown below.

energy = volume of water × increase in temperature × 4.2

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

Calculate the energy released by a groundnut of mass 0.4 g.

Show your working.

energy = ………….J [2]

(c) Fig. 2.2 shows a graph of the relationship between mass of groundnut and the energy it contains. The
graph is incomplete.

Fig. 2.2
(i) Complete the graph, by adding the missing energy value, calculated in (b), drawing a line through the
points and labelling the axes. [3]
(ii) Describe the trend shown by the graph.
(d) (i) The experimental results show that a groundnut of mass 0.5 g contains 3045 J energy.
Calculate the energy released from 100 g of these groundnuts.

energy in 100 g = ………… J [1]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(ii) Official figures state that 100 g of groundnuts contain 2 428 000 J energy.
With reference to the apparatus in Fig. 2.1, suggest two reasons why the experimental energy value for 100g
of groundnuts is much lower than the official energy value.
1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................................
(e) Groundnuts plants are legumes.
Describe how a groundnut plant obtains the nitrogen-containing compounds that it needs to make proteins.
4 (a) Enzyme activity is vital in human digestion.
Complete Table 4.1 by choosing appropriate words from the list.
amino acids amylase cellulose fatty acids
hydrochloric acid lipase protein starch water
Table 4.1


6 (a) List four chemical elements that are found in proteins.

1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................................
3. .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................................................................................................[4]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

2 (a) (i) State what is meant by the term balanced diet.

(ii) Balanced diets should include fat, fibre, mineral salts and vitamins.
Name two other types of nutrients that should be present in a balanced diet.
(b) Suggest and explain the effects on a person of a diet with:
(i) too little fibre, ................................................................................................................................................
(ii) too much animal fat. ....................................................................................................................................

2 (a) Table 2.1 gives the daily energy requirements of some different people.
Table 2.1

(i) Suggest two reasons for the difference in energy needed by the average female and the average male in
Table 2.1.
(ii) Suggest an explanation for the difference in energy needed by the average female and the breastfeeding
female in Table 2.1.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(b) Table 2.2 gives the daily protein requirements of some different people.
Table 2.2

(i) Suggest explanations for the difference in the protein needs shown in Table 2.2, of the average female
compared with the pregnant female and the breastfeeding female.
(ii) Suggest two reasons for the difference in protein needed by a male aged 11 – 15 years compared with a
female of the same age in Table 2.2.

2 (c) Proteins and DNA are important nitrogen-containing compounds in cells.

Describe the roles of proteins and DNA in cells.
Proteins: ............................................................................................................................................................
DNA: .................................................................................................................................................................

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

1 The human diet provides nutrients for the synthesis of biological molecules that make up cells, cell products
and tissues.
(b) (i) Complete Table 1.2 to show the nutrients that are absorbed from food to synthesise the large molecules
Table 1.2

(ii) Mineral ions are required in the human diet in small quantities.
State the mineral ion required for each process:
making bone: ....................................................................................................................................................
making haemoglobin: ................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) State another type of nutrient required in the human diet in small quantities.

9 Table 9.1 shows the percentage of the main types of foods in the diet of two teenage girls.
One girl lives in Great Britain and the other girl in sub-Saharan Africa.
Table 9.1

(a) Compare the percentage of foods rich in fats in the two diets.
(b) Suggest how the lack of sweets and sugar in the diet of the African girl might benefit her health.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(c) The diet of the African girl contains much less protein than that of the British girl.
Suggest and explain one way in which a diet containing little protein might affect her physical development.
[Total: 5]

3 (b) Glucose in the blood is absorbed by liver cells and muscle cells. These cells convert glucose to glycogen
for storage. Explain why glucose needs to be converted to glycogen for storage rather than remaining
dissolved in the blood.

9 (b) Describe how you could test for the presence of reducing sugars.
State what you would observe if the result was positive.
5 Malnutrition is caused by some imbalance in the diet or lifestyle.
(a) This is a list of some effects of malnutrition.
constipation coronary heart disease obesity
starvation tooth decay
Use the list to complete Table 5.1.
Table 5.1

2 (a) (i) Explain the term balanced diet.
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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(ii) State three factors that influence a person’s nutritional needs.

1. .......................................................................................................................................................................
2. .......................................................................................................................................................................
3 ....................................................................................................................................................................[3]

2 Bovine somatotropin (BST) is a protein hormone that stimulates growth in cows.

(a) (i) Name the small molecules that are joined together to make proteins.
(ii) Define the term growth.

5 (a) Fig. 5.1 shows the proportion of different food groups in a diet.

Fig. 5.1
(i) State the two food groups, shown in Fig. 5.1, that supply the most energy per kilogram.
................................................................................. and ..............................................................................[2]
This diet has a low proportion of iron and vitamin D.
(ii) Describe one effect of a shortage of iron in the human diet.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(iii) Describe one effect of a shortage of vitamin D in the human diet.

...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Fig. 5.2 shows how much energy is required, each day, by different people.

Fig. 5.2
(i) Use Fig. 5.2. to suggest two factors which affect the energy requirements of a person.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ....................................................................................................................................................................[2]
(ii) Explain why a female office worker with a daily intake of 15 000 kJ is likely to become overweight.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(c) In many parts of the world, rice forms an important part of the diet.
Rice contains a high proportion of starch.
Egg, chicken or fish may be added to the rice.
(i) State why undigested starch cannot be used by the body.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) If food containing a lot of starch is chewed for a long time, it may leave a sweet taste in the mouth.
Explain why this happens.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Suggest the benefit of adding egg, chicken or fish to the rice.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iv) Rice is not the only food that contains a lot of starch.
Name two other foods that contain a lot of starch.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ....................................................................................................................................................................[2]
(v) Rice is usually boiled, but it can also be cooked in fat.
There may be harmful effects to the body of eating too much fatty food.
Describe two ways in which too much fat in the diet may be harmful to the body.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................................................
[Total: 16]
5 (c) Milk is sometimes described as the ‘complete food’.
Milk is made up of 84% water and 16% milk solids.
Fig. 5.1 shows the percentage composition of milk solids.

Fig. 5.1

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

Use the data in Fig. 5.1 to calculate the percentage of protein present in the milk solids.
Show your working.

% protein in the milk solids ...........................................................[2]

(d) Enzymes are used to break down the protein in milk before it can be absorbed by the body.
(i) Complete the passage by writing the correct words from the list in the spaces.
You may use each word once, more than once or not at all.
amino acids amylase fatty acids glucose

glycerol lipase protease

During digestion, protein in milk can be broken down by ............................................... .

This enzyme turns the protein into ............................................... . [2]
(ii) Explain why the protein molecules must be broken down before they can be absorbed by the body.
[Total: 12]

2 (c) Table 2.1 shows the composition of 100 g of cow’s milk compared with the same quantities of
commercial formula milk and human milk.
Table 2.1

Some women do not breast-feed their babies but bottle-feed them using formula milk. Health authorities
advise against the use of cow’s milk until babies are about 9 months old.
Use the information in Table 2.1 to explain the advantages of using formula milk rather than cow’s milk.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(e) Eating too much fat can be harmful.

State one way in which too much fat can be harmful to human health.
..................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

8 (c) Table 8.1 lists the names of three enzymes found in the alimentary canal.
Complete Table 8.1 by writing in the names of the substrate and one end-product for each enzyme.
Choose your answers from the list.
amino acids cellulose fat fatty acids
glucose glycerol maltose protein starch vitamins
Table 8.1

5 Bacteria can be grown on nutrient agar in Petri dishes. The main nutrients in the agar are glucose and
amino acids. The bacteria reproduce asexually to form colonies. Each colony is formed from one bacterium.
(a) (i) Explain why glucose and amino acids are included in the agar medium.
glucose .............................................................................................................................................................
amino acids .......................................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

6 In the past, anatomy was a way to classify species. DNA is now used to aid the classification of organisms.
(b) (i) Draw and annotate a diagram to show the structure of DNA.


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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

9 (a) (i) Table 9.1 contains examples of components of a balanced diet and foods that contain a high
proportion of the component. Complete Table 9.1 by filling in the blank spaces.
Table 9.1


4 (a) State what is meant by the term balanced diet.

(b) Fig. 4.1 shows a pie chart of a person’s diet.

Fig. 4.1
(i) Bread, rice, potatoes and pasta form 36% of this diet.
Explain why these foods are important to the body.
(ii) State the foods shown in Fig. 4.1 that are rich in protein and state why proteins are important to the body.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(iii) Only 5.5% of this diet is made up of food and drinks that are high in fat and sugar.
Describe one harmful effect of eating too much fat.
(iv) The diet in Fig. 4.1 would not be suitable for everyone’s needs.
State and explain two factors that could affect a person’s dietary needs.
[Total: 11]

1 Milk is sometimes referred to as a ‘complete food’ because it contains all the nutrients that a young mammal
(a) Table 1.1 shows three nutrients that are contained in milk.
Complete the table by stating one role of each nutrient in the body of a young mammal.
Table 1.1


2 Fig. 2.1 is a diagram showing a small region of DNA.

Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.2 shows part of the DNA enlarged to show the sequence of bases.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

Fig. 2.2
(a) Complete Fig. 2.2 by adding the letters for the bases that are missing. [2]

5 (a) (i) Describe the structure of a DNA molecule.

(ii) State the function of a gene.

6 (d) Lack of protein in the diet can result in protein-energy malnutrition.

State the name of one disease caused by protein-energy malnutrition.
(e) People that eat a diet that is high in fats are often advised to reduce their intake of fats.
Suggest the health benefits of this change in diet.

2 (b) Chemical digestion is the breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules.
Digestive enzymes such as lipase are used in this process.
(i) Define the term enzyme.
(ii) The enzyme lipase breaks down fats. State the end products of fat digestion.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ....................................................................................................................................................................[2]
(iii) List the three chemical elements that are found in fats.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(iv) Fat is an important component of a balanced diet.
Draw circles around two foods that are a good source of fat.
beans butter pasta

oranges rice olive oil

(v) State the names of three components of a balanced diet, other than fat.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................................................
3 ....................................................................................................................................................................[3]
(vi) State one use in the body of fat.

1 Fat is a necessary component of the human diet.

(a) State three ways in which the human body uses fat.
1 ........................................................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................................................
3 ....................................................................................................................................................................[3]

4 A balanced diet is required to ensure healthy weight gain as children grow.

(a) Explain the term balanced diet.
(b) A doctor diagnosed a young child with marasmus. Describe the symptoms of marasmus.
(c) The child with marasmus was put on a special diet.
He was given fortified milk, which is milk that has extra nutrients added to it.
The child was encouraged to drink as much fortified milk as he wanted over a period of seven months.
Table 4.1 shows the composition of the fortified milk given to the child and the composition of cow’s milk for

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Table 4.1

The body mass of the child who had marasmus and the mean body mass of healthy children of the same
age were recorded. The data is shown in Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1
Using the information in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.1, describe and explain the importance of diet when treating
children affected by marasmus.

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]


3 This question is about biological molecules.

Choose words or phrases from the list to complete the sentences.
Each word or phrase may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
calcium carbon carbon dioxide carbohydrate
cellulose chloroplasts fat glycerol
glycogen iron methane nitrogen
oxygen protein starch

Fats are composed of the elements .............................................. , hydrogen and

.............................................. only. All proteins contain these three elements and the element

.............................................. .

Glucose is a type of ............................................... .

Animals store excess glucose as .............................................. in the liver.

Plants store excess glucose as .............................................. . Plants also convert glucose to

.............................................. which is used to make cell walls. [7]

[Total: 7]
1 (b) Lipase is involved in the breakdown of fats.
State the two products of fat digestion.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................ [2]
(c) Enzymes are proteins.
State the chemical elements that enzymes are made from.
..................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

1 Fig. 1.1 is a diagram of a molecule of fat.

Fig. 1.1
(a) (i) List the chemical elements present in fat.
.................................................................................................................................................................. [1]
(ii) State the smaller units that fats are made from.
.................................................................................................................................................................. [2]
(b) Fats are an important part of a balanced diet.
State the name of three other components of a balanced diet.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................ [3]
(c) Marmots and lynx are mammals that can live in a variety of environments.
The percentage of fat in the bodies of these two species was measured.
Measurements were taken from marmots and lynx living in Alaska and in Virginia. Alaska is a cold
environment and Virginia is a warm environment.
The results are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1

(i) Complete Table 1.1 by calculating the difference in the percentage of fat in the body for the lynx.
Write your answer in Table 1.1. [1]
(ii) Describe the results shown in Table 1.1.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

(iii) Explain the difference in the percentage of fat in the body between the mammals living in Alaska and
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 11]

2 (d) Some neurones are wrapped in a layer of fat and protein.

List four chemical elements that are found in all proteins.
1 ................................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................................ [2]
(e) Proteins are large molecules.
The boxes on the left show the names of some large molecules.
The boxes on the right show the smaller molecules they are made from.
Draw four lines to match the large molecule with the smaller molecule it is made from.


2 Phloem is used to transport sucrose and amino acids in plants. Sucrose is a carbohydrate.
(a) Describe the uses of carbohydrates and amino acids in plants.

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...................................................................................................................................................................... [4]

3 (a) Dialysis tubing is an artificial membrane, which is similar to the lining of the intestine.
A student investigated the diffusion of glucose through dialysis tubing by using the apparatus shown in Fig.

Fig. 3.1
The student took samples of the water outside the dialysis tubing at 5 minute intervals and tested the samples
with Benedict’s solution.
The results are shown in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1

(i) Describe and explain the results shown in Table 3.1.


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...................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) The student repeated the investigation with a higher concentration of glucose in the dialysis tubing.
Predict the results that the student would observe.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

6 (d) Protein can be broken down into amino acids.

(i) List four chemical elements that are always found in protein.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
3 ........................................................................................................................................
4 ........................................................................................................................................ [2]

6 Fig. 6.1 is a diagram of DNA.

Fig. 6.1
(a) (i) State the letter of the base that pairs with A.
..................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the letters of the other bases in DNA.
..................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Outline the roles of DNA in a cell.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

2 (a) (i) List the chemical elements in a carbohydrate.

...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the name of one chemical element that is found in a protein but is not found in a carbohydrate.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) Starch is a large molecule.
The boxes on the left show the names of some other large molecules.
The boxes on the right show some sentence endings.
Draw five lines to make five correct sentences.


9 (b) (i) Describe the dietary importance of fats, carbohydrates and proteins in the human diet.
fats ....................................................................................................................................................................
carbohydrates ...................................................................................................................................................
proteins .............................................................................................................................................................
(ii) State the name of the element which is present in a protein but which is not found in fats or carbohydrates.
...................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

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[Chapter: 4 Biological Molecules]

1 (a) (i) The main component of milk is a liquid that is an important solvent in the body.
State the name of this solvent.
..................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Table 1.1 shows some of the nutrients found in human milk, the elements that make up the nutrients, the
enzymes that digest them and the products of digestion.
Complete Table 1.1.
Table 1.1


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