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Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology
- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education1) -
SATO Tatsuya
(College of Letters, Ritumeikan University)

This article aims to describe how Japanese psychologists collaborated with the eugenic
movement, the military, and nationalistic education policies before and during the Second
World War. In their relationship with the eugenics movement, psychologists prepared
scientific methods for measuring human abilities(Mental tests).For the military(both
navy and army including air forces),many psychologists devised a variety of aptitude
tests and engaged in the selection of applicants. In the field of education, a few
psychologists abandoned their scientific ethos and pandered to the education policy of ultra-
nationalism. Although psychologists during the pre-war and war periods didn’t have
important roles in national policy, they did play a role in the conduct of the war, and there
needs to be a reconsideration of the role of psychology during this era.

Key words : history of psychology, eugenics, military psychology, education, Japanese psychology

0. Introduction Japanese government entered a period of

militarization and the subsequent years were
In 1914, Japan entered the First World War, marked by aggressive military actions, as the
though this fighting was generally confined to government in Japan saw the conquest of
battles far from the main theater of the other Asian countries as essential to its
conflict. This situation enabled the country to national line of defense. The economy fell into
receive a third party profit, which resulted in a severe depression in 1930 when the
it subsequently becoming a world power. government lifted a ban on gold. In 1931, the
Domestically, however, Japan was experiencing Manchurian Incident (also known as the
a period of social unrest, as evidenced by the Mukuden Incident), an explosion on a
1918 rice riot and an economic depression Japanese railway in Manchuria, provided the
that started around 1920. Around the Japanese military a reason for a full-scale
beginning of the Showa period in 1926, the invasion of Manchuria (this area was
subsequently called‘Manchuko’in Japan).
After this, Japan began to withdraw
1)This paper was originally published in Ritsumeikan
Journal of Human Sciences, No. 4, 33-47 (2002). internationally, and dropped out of the League

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

of Nations in 1933 over disputes regarding the

foundation of Manchukuo. In 1939, the Second
1. Early Development of Eugenics and
World War erupted in Europe, and in 1941,
Japan commenced hostilities in the Pacific.
Throughout this era of significant change, Eugenics is a concept that was first
what part did psychologists play? advanced at the end of 19th century, mainly
In answer to this question we can see that in Britain, and then became common
there are various noticeable patterns. worldwide during the beginning of the 20th
Sometimes, psychologists cooperated in century. The content of its claims are largely
projects, which today may be seen as diverse, but a common thread in eugenics
objectionable, responding to requests at separates humans into 2 types, those who are
certain points regarding certain positions. In fit to propagate and those who are not, based
t h i s p a p e r , I ’m g o i n g t o e x a m i n e t h e on the criterion of judgments as to whether
psychologists’relationship with eugenics, or not it is preferable that certain qualities be
military tasks, and education. It should be transmitted to future generations (Matsubara,
noted that the intent of this paper is not to 2 0 0 0 ) . I ’d l i k e t o b r i e f l y e x a m i n e t h e
simply to accuse those involved in these relationship of psychology and the
activities. However, the actions taken by the propagation of eugenics as a field of study.
psychologists do need to be discussed. If such
discussion is avoided, these activities may 1-1. Introduction of the study of a superior
come to be regarded as be non-existent, and breed in“ psychological work”
this will impair any future study of the role of Eugenics became influential in Japan during
psychology in events such as these. History the Taisho Era (1912-1926). This movement
should not have explicit blanks. This paper was basically centered in the fields of
includes an overview of psychology related to biological and medical sciences, but there
aviation in a practical study of the military, were also many psychologists who were
because studies regarding aviation, in many interested in the field. The woman who
cases, have been handled as a matter of translated Francis Galton’s“Hereditary
military flight rather than commercial air Genius”(1869), which advocated eugenics in
transport. In the introductory article of Britain, was Tsuruko Haraguchi (Arai), who
“Psychology of National Defense”published obtained a degree while studying under
in 1941 as Volume 7 of the lecture series, Thorndike in the United States. In Japan this
“Contemporary Psychology,”Obonai drew work was known as“IDEN TO TENSAI(遺
attention to the fact that“aviation psychology 伝 と 天 才 ); Genius and Inheritance.”The
is playing an important role as a part of following is a brief look at the development of
military psychology”(Obonai, 1941). eugenics from articles published in“SHINRI
KENKYU(心理研究); Study of the Mind”

At this time shortly after the rediscovery of

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

s law (1900), knowledge of heredity of genetic science, entitled“Growth of the
was still in its formative stages. Therefore, Body Build in Japanese with a Viewpoint in
eugenics, which was described as an Genetics”was published as a miscellaneous
application of genetic sciences, developed article part in issue 162 (1925) of“SHINRI
rapidly and became influential in scientific KENKYU.”In the last issue of“SHINRI
study around the globe, including Japan. KENKYU”
, issue 164 (1925), Naritoshi Asano
In the first issue of“SHINRI KENKYU” introduced a genetic family history
(1912), Matataro Matsumoto published“The investigation conducted by Goddard under the
Rise and Fall of the Elite Race,”an article title,“Study of the heritability of
discussing eugenics that was a shorthand feeblemindedness in the Kallikak family.”
record of his lecture at the 16th Popular Please note that Goddard’
s study has been
Psychology Lecture Meeting. The content of severely criticized for its misrepresentative
the article features general thoughts about character (Gould, 1989).
eugenics and these ideas are best summarized It is clear through reading“SHINRI
in the concluding words,“Eugenics is the KENKYU”and its various articles by
voice of scientific hostility against the decay different writers regarding eugenics, that
of civilized races.”In the 4th issue, Galton was there was a high level of interest in the
introduced in an article entitled“Francis subject. The aspect that led to the
Galton, the First Advocate of Eugenics”by involvement of psychologists in eugenics
Genji Arima. In the 6th issue, Ayao Abe could be the fact that the idea of inheritance
briefly described Mendel’
s law in“Marriage was at the time novel, and the concept of
and Inheritance”and stated that racial hygiene racial hygiene represented a current trend in
means applying the knowledge of genetic various scientific circles. Additionally,
science to oneself, with the first step being the eugenics offered an appealing place for new
improvement of marriage. techniques to measure psychological aspects
In issues 26 and 27 (1914), Hiroshi Hayami (mental testing). In discussions during this
wrote a series entitled“Improvement of era concerned with saving superior humans
Society and Inheritance,”and in issue 69 for later generations, there was a growing
(1917), Biologist Asajiro Oka argued for tendency to advocate intelligence tests to
inheritance of acquired characteristics while define just what should constitute
criticizing Weismann for his“center of ‘superiority.’Around the same time as
inheritance issue.”In issue 106 (1920), Biologist “SHINRI KENKYU”was being published,
Shigeo Yamauchi published“Inheritance of another magazine, “HENTAI SHINRI(変態
Human Nature,”a transcript of a lecture given 心 理 ); Abnormal Psychology”was also in
at a eugenics conference. circulation. This magazine published and
Furthermore, a report outlining a lecture by introduced many treatises regarding genetic
(First Name) Goldschimdt, who at the time science and eugenic activities. When looking
was recognized as an authority in the world at these articles from the magazine, it is

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

apparent there were more discussions about society's influence declined.

“birth control”techniques, which are During this time there was remarkable
indispensable to the conducting of eugenics, progress in genetic science throughout the
than there were about developing“heredity world. Therefore in Japan there was a sense
of talents.”This point of view was the focus of urgency surrounding discussions to
of“HENTAI SHINRI”(Mizoguchi, 2001). establish a system to respond as rapidly as
possible to such opportunities, and in 1920, the
1-2. Formation of academic societies and Japanese Society of Breeding dissolved and
magazines the Genetics Society of Japan was founded.
Initially, the journal“JINSEI (人性); Human Sex and marriage are another related area
Nature”was launched by a medical doctor, of heredity. The magazine“SEI ( 性 ); Sex”

Yu Fujikawa, in 1905. This journal published was published by Junjiro Sawada in 1920, and
Japanese original articles as well as the included articles like“Chastity from the
translations of overseas articles concerning perspective of Eugenics”(1920) by Goro
biology, psychology, medicine and anthropology. Takahashi and“Racial Hygiene and Heredity”
Papers regarding eugenics were also published (1921) by Buntaro Sasaki.
on the journal. In 1924, Ryukichi Goto, who was not a
As for academic societies, the Japanese scientist but was an active follower of events
Society of Breeding was established in 1915. surrounding eugenics, published“YUZENIKUSU
Seven people were involved in its organization ( ユ ー ゼ ニ ッ ク ス); Eugenics”(the title was
and establishment: five managers including originally in phonetic description of English
Hirotaro Ando, an engineer at an experimental but it was changed into a Japanese
station of the Agriculture and Commerce expression, i.e., YUSEIGAKU( 優 生 学 ); the
Ministry, and Kametaro Toyama, an associate following year). In 1926, Shigenori Ikeda
professor at the Agriculture Department of established the Japan Eugenics Activity
Tokyo Imperial University, as well as 2 full- Association and began publishing the
time managers, including Ayao Abe, a magazine, YUSEI UNDOW( 優 生 運 動 );
professor at Chiba Prefectural Gardening “Eugenics Activity.”
School. Another founder, Yoshimaro Tanaka In 1930, the Japanese Society for Racial
recounted that“Mr. Abe took the initiative at Hygiene (Currently the Japanese Society of
the beginning and he chose these 7 members” Health and Human Ecology) was inaugurated.
(Tanaka, 1967), so it seems that Ayao Abe, It was considered the first academic society
who graduated from department of psychology for the study and promotion of eugenics.
in Tokyo Imperial University (1905), played Hisomu Nagai was named Chairman of the
an important role in the creation of this Board, and the standing directors were
society. However, after Toyama died at 1918, Yoshio Furuya, Sigesaburo Saito, Chiyomatsu
and Abe took a job in Taiwan as a professor Ishikawa, Genzo Ichikawa, Shigenori Ikeda,
of agriculture and forestry and left Japan, the Akira Toki, Eiichi Makino, Sadanori Mita,

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

Shunichi Miyake, and Naoki Sugita. Local “SHINRI KENKYU ”.Results of this paper
board directors were Yoshimaro Tanaka, stated that“(the Ainu are) a meek, simple
Tanemoto Furuhata, Ryukichi Goto, and Ayao and honest race, but they don’t have the
Abe, who also strongly pushed for its spirit of diligence and effort”and“(their)
establishment. Abe’
s participation the 8th intellectual activities are simple and
International Federation of Eugenic psychologically awestruck.”At the end, this
Organizations (IFEO) in 1929 probably led paper concluded that“instructing Ainu to
him to believe there should be a science improve their lives and let them enjoy the
council in Japan that would be able to benefits of modern civilization”is the
participate in the IFEO (Fujino, 1998; “Japanese people’s obligation”.
Matsubara, 2000). Abe didn’
t consider the Furthermore, one of the leading figures in
activities of Ryukichi Goto and eugenics the field of educational measurement studies,
activist Shigenori Ikeda to be academic, and it Kwanichi Tanaka, conducted a large-scale
seemed that Abe was going to draw the line investigation with funding from the Japan
at Goto and Ikeda’
s participation to academic Society for the Promotion of Science. Tanaka
activity such as IFEO. Abe was eager to used a non-verbal intelligence test (B type)
establish an academic society on eugenics. At using numbers and diagrams rather than a
the foundation of the Japan Society for Racial verbal intelligence test (A type) to conduct
Hygiene, there were about 1,000 participants, intelligence tests on local children in Korea,
from both academic and non-academic fields Manchuria, Taiwan and China, as well as
(Suzuki, 1983). Abe eagerly worked to Japanese children living in each of these
promote the eugenics movement in Japan by locations. His results, in all locations, when
sending a prospectus to the Foreign Ministry, comparing the local children with the
stating that a Japanese organization should Japanese children, showed the Japanese
participate in IFEO (Sato and Mizoguchi, children as being superior (Tanaka, 1936,
2002). 1937a,b, 1939). Subsequently, Tanaka
conducted intelligence tests on children of
1-3. B
 acking up eugenics with intelligence various races, including Japanese children
testing living in North American cities (Honolulu, San
Intelligence tests affected the eugenics Francisco, Los Angeles) that again documented
movement by providing techniques for racial the mental superiority of the Japanese
comparisons. The fact that it became possible children (Tanaka, 1941). Table 1 shows an
to compare different groups with the same extract from the comprehensive list of his test
examination meant the judgment of relative results (Table 161 from Tanaka (1941)
merits in the end, and that this could become Deviation IQ Scores from students at public
the basis of eugenics policies. One such elementary schools and junior high schools in
example is the study“Mental testing on the 3 cities in the U.S.). According to these
Ainu”, which was published in issue 158 of numbers, Japanese children scored higher on

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

these tests than other students. But as children had lower scores. The meaning of
Hoshino (1997) notes, it is necessary to this is unclear, as deviation IQ scores are
remember two things when looking at these originally adjusted to make 50 the average. If
results. First of all, it was not clearly stated the average is lower than 50, then the
what kind of schools these children were intelligence test is not suitable for the group.
attending, and at least one of the schools the Specifically, intelligence tests were designed
Japanese children were attending was said to to examine an individual’
s development and
be a highly ranked institution, and information confirm his/her development level. Therefore
on whether the American children were Tanaka (1941)’
s usage for group comparisons
attending schools of the same stature is not was in principle, mistaken. His results
given. Secondly, the problem is the nature of represented a deviation of the test’s original
the B type test itself, which is supposed to be purpose. Similar tests were conducted not
a non-verbal system, but when conducting only in Japan, but also in other countries such
questioning, there is always some level of as the U.S., but we should bear in mind that
language involvement and the results of the in intelligence tests, comparisons of groups
tests may differ greatly depending on what with different parental populations is, in
language was used to give instructions. principle, impossible.
Moreover, there is a larger problematic issue As the influence of eugenics grew, many
included in Tanaka’s works that I’
d like to countries in Europe and North America used
point out below. intelligence tests to suppress immigrants and
races that were considered inferior. Compared
Table 1 Results of intelligence tests on to the activities that took place in these
different nationalities in 3 cities countries, although the various factors
in North America conducted by
Tanaka (1941) involved need to be considered, I don’t
Group Deviation IQ Number of believe the dominance/inferiority2) measures
Score Students in Japan led to appalling results. Generally
Japanese 49.8 644
speaking, in Japan, the aspects of negative
British 45.1 524
eugenics functions did not become as
German 43.7 118
Italian 37.1 217 influential as these ideas did in other
American 44.2 668 countries. At the time, Japan’s policy was to
Note: Extracted group of 100 or more subjects from expand its Asian territory, which included
European and American elementary schools from
efforts to culturally dominate its colonies.
Tanaka’ s Table 161 (1941).
What the Japanese government was trying to
When we look at Table 1, the deviation IQ
score for Japanese elementary school students
2)Eugenics encourages the reproduction of people who
is certainly high. However, the only have desirable traits and suppresses reproduction of
information contained here is that showing those who don't have ones. Looking at its function,
some call the former positive eugenics and the latter
the Japanese scored 49.8 and the other negative eugenics.

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

do in these cases was different from advocating (1923), Fukiko Sakuma submitted his article,
eugenics. (Oguma, 1995). Additionally, “Eugenics Limits.”By 1910, Unno had already
Yonemoto (1989) compared eugenics in Japan become involved in eugenics, which was
and Germany, and noted that the differences rather early in the development of the field,
in disease conformance by these countries but in the above mentioned paper, he showed
made Japan’s policy toward eugenics less disgust towards the“racial recessive”
severe than that taken by Germany. For movement in eugenics, stating this could not
example in Germany during this period, help depending on the simple argument of
chronic ailments were a major concern, but in “ d i s p o s a l . ” S a k u m a ’s p a p e r w a s a n
Japan, nutritional deficiency and infections introduction of Grossman’s lecture held at the
represented large problems, so each country 2nd International Eugenics Conference in
then concentrated on different areas. Japan 1921. Here, too, disgust is shown toward the
needed to decrease the rates of various concept of raising“elite races”and eliminating
diseases by putting emphasis on public “inferior races,”and the Grossman’
s article
hygiene rather than inheritance and other suggested that care needed to be taken as
eugenic principles. eugenics was still a young science.
Of course, I must emphasize that this view Early education was an important school of
of eugenics in Japan does not imply that it thought that took the opposite tack of the
was harmless, and the government’s policy of heredity doctrine and was introduced to
dominating the colonies was certainly not Japan by Kyuichi Kimura. Kimura (1916)
benign. Japanese intelligence tests carried out reported on cases of early education in
the same function as those conducted in other overseas countries in“Subject of Special
countries: to prove the inferiority of other Education for Gifted Children”and also
races and cultures. Japan staged it’s“own published“Early Education and Geniuses”
nation’s superiority with objective intelligent (1917). In this period an urban middle class
measurement.” started to form and this population was
enthusiastic about supplying their children
1-4. E u g e n i c s a r g u m e n t s a n d s p e c i a l with high-quality education, so Kimura’s
education proposals for gifted children writing on early education theory garnered
It has been well documented that large interest. Women’s magazines and family
intelligence tests were used provide a basis magazines published many articles on early
for eugenics, but in the study of psychology, education. However, criticism of the trend
there were concepts that argued against increased, as it became the basis for
eugenic thought. For example, in“SHINRI examination-based education (refer to
KENKYU; Psychology Research,”there were Kimura, 1918). However, it should be noted
not only articles advocating eugenics, but in that Kimura was not just talking about basic
issue 85 (1919), Kohtoku Unno wrote“About early education doctrine, but also indicated
the Limits of Eugenics”and in Number 134 that eye, nose and teeth diseases could

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

prevent children from fully using their Sato, 2001). During studying psychology at
abilities. We could see the onset of a viewpoint Johns Hopkins University, Motora studied
that doesn’t only consider illness to be a under G.S. Hall and was also influenced by
physically damaging condition, but also one the teachings of the zoologist W. K. Brooks.
that examines damage to the child’s inner As I mentioned above, although there was
environment. momentum building against the theories of
Genetics and/or eugenics are highly eugenics in certain areas of psychology, the
sensitive issues for psychologists. From the whole of academia, including psychology, was
perspective of biology, heredity might play a leaning toward the acceptance of eugenics
role in these issues, but from the perspective during this period.
of education, emphasizing the genetic factors
leads to the abandonment of basic educational
principles. It was during the Meiji Era 2. Practical Military Research
(1868-1912) when Yujiro Motora, who was
the founder of Japanese psychology, In this section, I’ll discuss the relationship
developed the theory of Platon, which states between psychologists and the military as
that“The human spirit has experience in a well as the associated field of aviation
previous life before it enters a child’
s body, psychology. When the academic community
but once in a new body, it is oppressed and cooperates with the military there always
loses its freedom to act. Educators of children exists the potential for ethical conflicts. But at
should devote themselves to taking the role of the time in question, corporation with the
a midwife to revive the experiences of the military was generally considered to be a
child’s previous life.”He felt this concept positive social contribution.
agreed with heredity theory, and the study of
children and heredity theory are 2-1. E x c h a n g e s b e t w e e n t h e n a v y a n d
complimentary. That is why he recommended research psychologists
training using“attention practice devices” “At first, naval officers asked me to
for mentally retarded children (Motora, 1908). cooperate”(Matsumoto, 1923). As Matsumoto
Even if heredity is accepted as a biological noted, the navy was proceeding with
system, when the meaning of education and psychological research coordinated by
training after birth is not accepted, the value Yasujiro Ando, an instructor at the torpedo
of education is lost. Motora was also writing school starting in 1915. Kwanichi Tanaka was
about heredity in his first book“Psychology” temporarily hired to do experimental
(Motora, 1890) after returning from the U.S. psychology research at the torpedo school in
He noted that the children of intelligent 1916 (Tanaka, 1932). Because naval
parents are not always intelligent themselves, authorities recognized Ando’
s efforts, a
and he tried to connect this to the regression “Navy Experimental Psychology Application
phenomenon (See Section II, Chapter 5 of Investigation Committee”was established

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

with Matataro Matsumoto being commissioned naval officers were dispatched to the imperial
as an advisor from the navy in 1918. universities to conduct research. However, in
Conection between the navy and Matsumoto 1931, the number of such military officers was
was strong, so when Matsumoto went on a reduced to only one, due to the influence of
one-year overseas project trip in April 1918, arms reduction. The second period began
the navy commissioned him as a“military with the establishment of the experimental
experimental psychology application psychology room at the physical research
investigator.”The Navy Experimental department of the navy technical research
Psychology Application Investigation center and the hiring of a full-time
Committee ended its activities in October of psychologist as a civil servant. The first full-
1921 and following that, a temporary aptitude time psychologist working for the navy was
test research department was established at Hiroshi Kaneko. In 1941, an individual
the navy education headquarters, and its research building for experimental psychology
office was placed at Yokosuka, home to a was completed and approximately 20
large naval seaport in Kanagawa prefecture. psychologists were hired to work in this
Koreshige Masuda, one of Matsumoto’
s center. In the third period, influenced by
students, was also carrying out intelligence research including the“Report regarding
tests for the selection of naval sailors in his military and psychology in overseas
position as a temporary employee for the countries”by Tsuruta (1941), this system
navy technical research center in 1922. was altered and manpower was further
Eventually, a temporary experimental increased. In 1942, the Naval Aviation
psychology research department was Aptitude Research Center was established at
established at the navy technical research Tsuchiura in Ibaraki Prefecture. Section 1 in
center and subsequently its“temporary” this facility concentrated on psychology,
status was eliminated and it became a Section 2 focused on medical science and
permanent research center in 1931. Section 3 oversaw issues concerned with
According to Tsuruta (1980), who physical fitness. Psychology was at the center
participated in psychological naval research, of these studies, and graduates with
the navy’s psychological research can be psychology majors were hired as civil servant
separated into 3 periods (Table 2). operators and backup officers. One reason
In the first period the navy did not employ why such expansion was made in the third
full-time psychologists for research, although period was the aptitude test developed by
Kwanichi Takagi during his work at the
aviation research center, which received
Table 2 Periods of naval psychological
research (Tsuruta, 1980) positive appraisal from the navy high
1st Period 1916(Taisho 5)~1931(Showa 6) command. Takagi was later transferred to a
2nd Period 1932(Showa 7)~1941(Showa 16) temporary position in the army’
s general
3rd Period 1942(Showa 17)~1945(Showa 20) department, then to the Naval Aviation

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

Aptitude Research center during this third operators for the navy. For four years,
period. Another reason for the expansion was starting in 1927, he was ordered to audit
that Takagi and his team developed several pedagogy and psychology lectures at the
innovative methods to select and train Faculty of Literature at Tokyo Imperial
artillerymen and pilots (Tsuruta, 1963). University, and during this time he studied
Part of the research conducted during this psychological examinations and other subjects
period was published as reports from the under Matataro Matsumoto. According to a
research center (for details, refer to Tables 3 recorded talk by Tachibana(1931) which
and 4 in Sato, 1995). Much of this research focused on details of this period, there were
was destroyed during the war, but the seven to eight officers from the army or navy
acquired techniques were later used by Japan who were auditing psychology major classes
National Railway (currently JR, or Japan at the Faculty of Literature between 1920 and
Railways) for traffic psychology research. 1930 (Tachibana, 1931).
In the miscellanea column of issue 2-2 of
2-2. E
 xchanges between the army and “TEST KENKYU(テスト研究)
;Test Research”
research psychologists (1924), there is an article stating that a
After the WWI, there was also an awareness “military checkup”was conducted on 6,000
of the necessity to introduce pedagogy and soldiers by Tokyo Imperial University,
psychology into the curriculum at the military involving the Psychology Research
academy. Pedagogy classes started in October Laboratory, the Aviation Psychology
1920 and psychology courses began in April Laboratory, and Pedagogy Laboratory.
1921 (Endo, 1981). The person in charge of Subsequent“checkups”were conducted at
this curriculum was Raio Nishizawa, who the Tokyo City Juvenile Vocational Bureau
graduated with a psychology major from the and the Palace Guard Division. During the
Philosophy Department at Tokyo Imperial course of these assessments comparisons of
University in 1916, and took the position of assignments, classes, educational degrees, and
army professor in 1920. Nishizawa later hometowns were conducted.
wrote“Psychology Course.” The army did not use psychology as
During this period, there were primarily two seriously as psychologists in the academic
types of people involved in the relationship field did, instead using it in a comprehensive
between the military and psychologists. Some manner rather than dealing with detailed
studied psychology after joining the military techniques and matters of visual perception.
and others studied psychology first and then Furusawa (1998) examined this and
were later employed by the military. Army concluded it was because the army
captain Yujiro Uchiyama is good example of assignments didn’t require as much
the former. Uchiyama learned the intelligence specialized and segmented techniques as
testing method developed by Yoichi Ueno in naval ones did. The same can be seen in the
1918 and conducted intelligence tests on radio relationship between aviation and psychology.

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

Both the navy and army used aircraft, but the soldiers.”Toward that purpose, the group
establishment of the army’s aviation members collected data directly from the
technique research center in 1935, lagged far battlefield. Paper and pencil type,
behind that of the navy’s. It is necessary to questionnaires, containing up to 40 topics
have proficient technique in the operation of were used to examine conditions that affect
aviation instruments when navigating over soldiers’
morale and/or trigger actions that
the ocean, but over land, it is possible to fly led to success, failure or error.
using visual markers, so the required flight
operation technique is different. Therefore, 2-3. D evelopment of psychology at Tokyo
army pilots probably didn’t need as much Imperial University’s Aviation Research
aptitude for the job as navy pilots did. Center
Thus in the army, it was not as necessary to The Aeronautical Research Institute was
improve detailed techniques and select established in 1918, at the same time an
personnel suited to particular tasks. The role Aviation Division was created in the Faculty
of psychology then was to roughly assign the of Engineering and an Aerophysics Division
men to duties and then to provide education was created in the Faculty of School of
that would enable them to carry these duties Science, respectively. This Aeronautical
out. This role of psychology in assigning Research Institute was an affiliated
duties was not limited to the Japanese army, organization of Tokyo Imperial University,
and the U.S. military also developed a process but it was planned as a center that would be
for mass intelligence testing, known as the in contact with various organizations related
Army Test. to aviation. This was taking place around the
Later, in 1938, a Battlefield Psychology time when events in World War I had lead to
Group was established at the Education increasing attention being placed on military
Superintendent Department, which controlled aircraft. At the research center, institute
education at each army branch. The group members were appointed as professors and
conducted paper questionnaires to improve associate professors employed as full-time
the education of the soldiers. The supervisor research staff members, which made it an
was Yoshizo Kuwata, then a professor at innovative research center in terms of
Tokyo Imperial University, with much of the personnel systems in Japan at that time. In
work being done by Kwanichi Takagi and the Physical Department, a noted physicist
Hachizo Umezu, who conducted research as and essayist, Torahiko Terada was listed as a
members of the Battlefield Psychology Group professor.
(Furusawa, 1998). According to Umezu Kenjiro Yamakawa, the chief of the research
(1963), the purpose of the Battlefield center, suggested establishing the Aviation
Psychology Group was to examine if it was Psychology Department. After consulting
possible to propose“some kind of with Matataro Matsumoto, research was
psychological indicators in the education of commissioned to Matsumoto, Kwanichi

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

Tanaka and Izuo Terasawa in 1920 professor at the Faculty of Literature of

(Matsumoto, 1937). In the“Official Gazette” Tokyo Imperial University in September 1922,
dated May 30, 1923, there was an article he joined the Aviation Psychology
regarding aviation psychology research, a Department as a temporary employee.
report about 5 research areas which included Starting in 1928, Enjiro Awaji was employed
aviator selection methods, motion perception as a full-time associate professor at the
during aircraft operation, psychological and Aeronautical Research Institute. These moves
physiological processes at high altitudes, seemed to have ensured that research by the
perception of aircraft inclination during Aviation Psychology Department would
operation, and degrees of physical stability. receive a certain amount of recognition.
The third topic in this list, psychological and The Aviation Psychology Department
physiological processes at high altitudes, was building was completed in 1922. It was
the subject of experimental research done by designed by Masuda and was connected by a
Kwanichi Tanaka at Oxford University. The hallway to the psychology laboratory of the
research had initially been conducted under Faculty of Literature.
the hypothesis that air pressure variation Subjects under research at the Aviation
would be the main factor affecting the Psychology Department listed in the“Annual
subjects, but the results concluded the main Report of the Aeronautical Research Institute
factor was oxygen deprivation. (1925)”are shown in Table 3.
When Koreshige Masuda became Associate

Table 3 Research subjects at the Aviation Psychology Department of the Aeronautical Research
Institute of Tokyo Imperial University (1925)
Personnel selection of aircraft operators
Effects of various aviation conditions upon the efficacy of mind and body
Analytical research of aviation tasks
General psychological matters related to aviation
Training methods of aircraft operators

Table 4 Research conducted at the Aviation Psychology Department of the Aeronautical

Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University by 1925
1. Pilot selection methods
2. Psychological and physiological experiments under the condition of low barometric pressures and oxygen
deprivation at Mt. Fuji
3. Experimental research regarding kinesthetic sense
4. Experiments regarding physical stability
5. Experimental Study on the Effects of Low Barometric Pressures and Oxygen Deprivation upon the
Efficiency of Mental and Physical Work.
6. Research regarding physical position sensations
Note: Other than project 5, these were collaborative researches by Matataro Matsumoto, Kwanichi Tanaka and
Izuo Terasawa. Project 5 was a solo research conducted by Kwanichi Tanaka in UK.

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

Furthermore, in the detailed research rank of professor at Tokyo imperial University

contents, there were reports on six finished in 1913 and retired in 1926.
projects and seven ongoing projects in the
“Annual Report of the Aeronautical Research 2-4. Research concerning wounded soldiers
Institute (1925)”(Table 4). at the Health and Welfare Ministry and
As described by the note in Table 4, the disaster prevention research at the
same three people conducted six of these Interior Ministry
projects. This group was led by Professor Among organizations other than the military
Matataro Matsumoto of Tokyo Imperial that were part of the war bureaucracy, the
University with Kwanichi Tanaka and Izuo ones where psychologists were active were
Terasawa providing support. Tanaka and the Health and Welfare Ministry and the
Terasawa were both professors at Tokyo Interior Ministry (Takasuna, 1997). The
Higher Normal School and pupils of works of psychologists in these fields
Matsumoto at Kyoto Imperial University. constituted, in a broad sense, logistic support.
The research related to oxygen deprivation The Health and Welfare Ministry was
conducted at Oxford University used a low separated from the Interior Ministry in 1938
pressure chamber to examine how low (currently, it is known as Ministry of Health,
pressure at high altitudes weaken the abilities Labor and Welfare), and this new ministry
of one’s mind and body. Table 5 shows oversaw the Vocational Department and the
ongoing research at the time. Wounded Soldier Division as subordinate
It is apparent that the researchers put a divisions. The Vocational Department handled
great deal of effort into practical studies matters related to the vocational aptitude of
regarding the relationship between flight and the general public as well as vocational issues
visual perception, and the creation of related to returning wounded soldiers.
evaluations to select pilots using these According to the report column in volume 13
findings. Research was conducted by of“SHINRIGAKU KENKYU(心理学研究);
Matataro Matsumoto, Kwanichi Tanaka and Japanese Journal of Psychology,”Yasusada
Izuo Terasawa with the participation of Takase, a graduate of Kyoto Imperial
Koreshige Masuda. Matsumoto attained the University, was working as a scientific officer

Table 5 Ongoing research at the Aviation Psychology Department of the Aeronautical Research
Institute, Tokyo Imperial University in 1925
1. A collection of reports regarding pilots’psychological and physiological experiences
2. Experimental research on nystagmus
3. Experiment about visual-spatial perception
4. Standards settings for physical and mental functions
5. Experimental research regarding air reconnaissance
6. Research regarding a method to test the flight ability of pilots
7. Research on standard of troop performance

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

at the Wounded Soldier Division of Health corporation of the nation’s psychology

and Welfare Ministry. In the Vocational community.
Department, Shin Suzuki and Hiroyuki Karino The involvement of psychologists led to a
were working as scientific officers and movement to create a group within the
Kazunari Misumi was hired as a staff member “SHINRI GAKKAI (心理学会); Psychological
on a short-term contract (Activities of Association of the great Japan”for the
Psychologists at the Health and Welfare protection of wounded soldiers. It also led to
Ministry). In 1941, Shiro Morinaga became a the publication of a chapter in an issue of
scientific officer for the Wounded Soldier “ K O K U B O S H I N R I G A K U (国防心理学) ;
Division, conducting research on the Psychology of National Defense”entitled
psychology of soldiers with brain damage and “Psychology of Wounded Soldiers and
rehabilitation at Shimofusa sanitarium in Vocational Protection.”According to Tsujimura
Chiba prefecture. Likewise, Shozo Tsuji (1942), this chapter gained the reputation as
conducted intelligence tests and research of being a superior report among those that
valetudinarian patients as an assistant at the preceded postwar rehabilitation psychology
psychology research laboratory in the Public because it deals not only with the psychology
Health Division of the Health and Welfare of the war wounded, but also their lives and
Ministry (Takasuna, 1997). human rights (Mamiya, 1998).
Originally in prewar Japan, as the basic At the Interior Ministry, Zensho Yokose,
state policy was that of a military nation, the who was conducting camouflage research at
welfare of wounded soldiers was a very the aerial research center of Tokyo Imperial
important subject in the conduct of war. University, was appointed a science officer at
Especially, after the second Sino-Japanese the Aerial Defense Research Center. As the
War in 1937, new measures to address this war continued, the bombing of mainland
issue were urged (Kim, 2000) 3) , as the Japan became a constant threat, so in addition
number of wounded soldiers drastically to camouflage, he conducted research on
increased. This need led to the request for the aerial defense observers (Yokose, 1941).

3)According to Kim (2000), the expansion of the

second Sino-Japanese War caused quantitative
and qualitative changes in the measures for 3. Prewar Education and Psychology
wounded soldiers and in 1938, the“Wounded
Soldiers’Protection Measure Council”was established.
Based on their report, the Wounded Soldier One of the foundations of Japanese
Protection Division was established by the
former Ministry of Health and Welfare. It was psychology was its recognition of educational
reorganized as“GUNJI HOGOIN(軍事保護院);
value. This was especially true in the teachers
Administration for Military Convalescent Hospital"
in 1939. At the time, it directly operated a large college system (Sato, 2001). Furusawa (1998)
national facility and conducted comprehensive
rehabilitation, including medical protection, job noted that there were two ways that
training, employment procurement and job psychologists were involved in education at
protection. Under these conditions, the knowledge
and techniques of psychologists were required. this time.

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

Tokyo Higher Normal School, which later into the field of child psychology. This
became TOKYO BUNRIKA DAIGAKU educational science research group expanded,
(Literature and Science University;東京文理 incorporating a childcare issues research
科大学),conducted research and published group and a child psychology research group,
literary works that was in line with the but their adoption of scientism was equated
interests of the government at the time. An with Marxism. This accusation forced them to
example of this research was the dissolve the group in 1941 (Furusawa, 1998),
aforementioned Tanaka’s comparative study and Kido and Yoda were even arrested.
of the intellectual facilities of various races During this time, the National Mobilization
(Tanaka, 1936, etc.). An example of the Law (1938) and Taisei Yokusankai
literary work is “Japan, Educational (association of all political parties) (1940)
Psychology”by Asataro Narasaki (1933) were established. The educational science
which will be covered in more depth later in research group joined TAISEI YOKUSANKAI
this paper. Narasaki studied under Matataro (大政翼賛会)
,but even that could not stop
Matsumoto at Kyoto Imperial University. He the dissolution of the organization (regarding
became a professor at Higher Normal School this issue, refer to Sato, 1997).
and later at Tokyo Bunrika University. Since Many psychologists were involved in the
Narasaki was an ultra-nationalist before the publication of the series“KYOIKU KAGAKU
second world war, he presented unique KOZA( 教 育 科 学 講 座); Educational Science
viewpoints apart from empirical psychology Lectureship,”which contained articles based
at academic contexts. on the ideas and research done by Kido’s
On the other hand, a group of students group, and a total of 20 volumes of were
interested in child psychology formed at published from 1931 to 1933. Not only did
Tokyo Imperial University. These were members of the educational science research
generally members of the graduating classes group participate, but the series also made an
of 1928 and 1929, and included Kanji Hatano, effort to incorporate various philosophical
Toshiro Yamashita and Arata Yoda. The theories from many different fields. This
leader of this group was Mantaro Kido, who represented a large-scale effort involving
had graduated from the same university ten psychologists that focused on the issue of
years earlier. His leadership was probably education. Also, the appendix of this
main impetus behind the formation of this lectureship series,“KYOIKU
(教育); Education”
academic circle. The members chose to was turned into a separate magazine and
operate at educational and childcare sites due published its first issue in 1933. This new
to their interests and liberalistic beliefs, and publication also included many articles
formed an educational science research group regarding psychology.
in 1937. Members included Toshiro The aforementioned Narasaki wrote
Yamashita, who quit his service at the “Psychology and Education of Individual
Aviation Psychology Department and went Development”in the first issue of the

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

“KYOIKU”(1926). The article details the viewed as mainstream eugenics(positive

educational measurement movement during eugenics), but in actuality, the matter is more
the Taisho Era (1912-1926). Immediately complicated and it is easy to slip into policies
prior to the outbreak of the Pacific War, he that sterilize people or races who are
wrote an article entitled, “Philosophy of considered to be inferior or carry genetically-
Education as a New Order of the Great transmitted illnesses (I repeat that here, I use
Eastern Asia” for the same magazine, but it the concept of inferiority against dominance.
must be noted that this article was playing to Refer to Note 1). Compared to other countries
the current political climate . In 1933, he
that executed policies aimed at those deemed
published“Japan, Educational Psychology,” inferior, there seemed to be fewer occasions
which was seen be the apex of the educational when Japanese psychologists were involved
psychology writing that promulgated the in such movements. This could be seen as a
ideology of a nation governed by an emperor byproduct of the expansionism of the Empire
(Yamashita, 1982). However, hardly any of Japan with its policy of“HAKKO ICHIU
psychologists took the initiative to critically (八絋一宇)”which can be translated as“all
analyze whether or not the attitudes eight corners of the world under one roof.”It
expressed in the paper were related to is difficult to provide definitive evidence that
psychology and what theoretical problems this policy led to less negative use of eugenics,
were contained in this work (Sato, 2002) . 5)
but it did provide at least superficial benefits
for the psychological community.
The relationship in Japan during this period
between the military and psychology can be
4. Conclusion: Psychology in Wartime,
seen as, for better or worse, having been
it s light and shadow
preoccupied with technical matters. It was
When eugenics becomes entwined with difficult for psychology/psychologists to
real-world politics, or involved in other directly contribute to strategic concepts in
matters of society or the state, eugenists the war, not only in diplomatic negotiations,
argue for increasing the numbers of superior but also on the battlefield. It can though be
people and eradicating those deemed inferior. said that there were many psychologists who
Normally, the call for increased superiority is offered indirect technical support that had
strategic/tactical value. In his interview work
4)From his background as a one of Matsumoto's on five psychologists who work for the
students at Kyoto Imperial University, Narasaki's
academic affairs were, although gradually, certainly military during the war, including some who
changing. However, the direct turning point seems
were not actual member of the military.
to be his research activity in Germany for two
years, starting in 1928. Narasaki participated in Yamashita (1987) noted that it was common
Heidegger's lectures and practices and struck up a
personal friendship with him. Thus Heidegger can for psychologists involved in military matters
be seen as an important influence on Narasaki. to have an“awareness of neutrality”
5)However, one of the few exceptions was Amano's
(1936) criticism to Narasaki. Psychological developments at the navy,

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

army, and aviation research center covered in serious issues involved and the psychological
this paper have been examined in chronological community should take a stance.
order and one psychologist who was active in Taking advantage of a time when the
all of these organizations was Kwanichi government pushed for a full mobilization of
Takagi. He started his career at the aviation national spirit in 1937, Matataro Matsumoto,
research center, then later worked for the Toru Watanabe, Kwanichi Tanaka and Torao
army and then the navy. It is difficult to Obonai sent out questionnaires asking what
discern the trajectory of his career, as in he psychologists should do regarding this
put these organizations in inverse order in his initiative. Based on the answers they received,
writing (Takagi, 1963), but he was successful Watanabe announced a“Preface of psychologists’
in increasing trust in the science of response to full mobilization of national spirit”
psychology at all three organizations, at the 12th meeting of the Japan Association
particularly with the navy. By the end of the of Applied Psychology. According to this,
war, 118 psychologists with 1,100 assistants many psychologists responded that they
were working on research (Tsuruta, 1963). should“continue usual research”and
Psychologists like Takagi could analyze conduct“research on national character,”as
subjects’behavior through aptitude and well as research related to military matters.
create aptitude tests based on experimental Nevertheless, psychologists’activities related
psychology. They then proved adept at to way died down when the war situation was
selecting manpower with these tests, so the deteriorated.
numbers of dropouts during training would In July 1941, with the future of military
lessen and the amount training hours could activities in mainland China still unclear and
be decreased. Japan on the brink of war with the United
Such achievements by psychologists were States, four associations related to psychology
used to nurture soldiers for the battlefield, united to form a new society. Thus, the
and by extension, for to create military Japanese Psychological Association(日本心理学
strategies for use against other armies. 会 ), the Japan Association of Applied
Therefore, while it is necessary to have Psychology(日本応用心理学会)
,the Kwansai
certain reservations in evaluating this work, Association of Applied Psychology(関西応用
those engaged in these activities should not 心理学会)and the Psychotechnics Association
be criticized. Not so many psychologists who (心理技術協会)c o m b i n e d t o c r e a t e t h e
were involved in state policy were purged in Psychological Association(心理学会). Six
the post war era . This indicates there are
departments were established in this
integrated society. The first department dealt
with general psychology and the remaining
6)A technical relationship didn't mean a guarantee
of“neutrality,”but for those were involved,
neutrality was accepted without any doubt. 7)Regarding this matter, it can be said psychological
Therefore, we need to examine the flow of such techniques were useful to occupation forces, too
thoughts coming from psychologists. (Furusawa, 1998).

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

departments were concerned with September 1944, the journal was actually
psychological aspects of education, industry, suspended without announcement.
law, protections for sick and wounded soldiers, The effects of the wartime conditions were
and military matters. In emergency conditions not limited to researchers, indeed, the
such as wartime, psychologists could help influence was far greater on students.
society prepare in the 5 applied fields above, 2 University students were obliged to
of them involved with military. participate in the military due to wartime
With the raid on Pearl Harbor, Japan regulations, which included a military draft of
entered into war with the United States. students. Universities, including Tokyo
Following this The Amalgamated Imperial University and private universities
Psychological Association held 2 biennial as well as other schools, found themselves in
meetings, the final one being at Tokyo the middle of this draft. Recalling the situation
Bunrika University in 1943. facing psychology students of that day,
A great deal of perception research Tanaka (1963) wrote,“many students
published in“SHINRIGAKU KENKYU( 心 finished great reports and left school saying
理 学 研 究 );Japanese Journal of Psychology they were joining the military the next day.”
Research,”an academic journal established in According to research detailing war casualties
1926. However as the political situation from all departments at Tokyo Imperial
became more authoritarian during wartime, University from 1926 to 1945, entitled
new editorial rules (
“t e m p o r a r y r u l e s “Recruited Students Who Went to the War,”
regarding editing and writing”) were 8 out of 399 students of department of
established in issue 19 (1944). These new psychology were killed in the war.
rules, were intended to be a“response to Japanese psychology (like all other areas
reduce papers policy due to current affairs academic discipline) was a victim of
and to set up a priority system for publishing circumstances, in this case, the war, which
articles.”Under this new system the first initially greatly affected its research activities.
priority were “papers directly useful for And as the war continued, research activities
improving military service,”the second was themselves were obliged to be halted. During
“other papers”followed by“introductory this time, a total of 12 issues of“Contemporary
reviews,”“reports from academic societies” Psychology(現代心理学)”were planned by
and a“lists of documents.”This outline the publisher, Kawade Shobo, starting with
effectively gives us a view of the priorities of the issue of“Psychology of National Defense”
the time. Actually, the most effective elements in 1941. However, due to writing delays and
of these new guidelines were the sections that inspection procedures at that time, only 9
limited articles to seven pages. After issue issues, up to“Industrial Psychology I”in
19-1 of “Japanese Journal of Psychology 1944 were published (Ohizumi, 1998). These
Research”(the volume in which the above examples probably reflect the conditions in
editing rules were published) was issued in the academic field of psychology at that time

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

of the war. Restoration (1868). However, systems of

This paper is originally a part of Sato (2001) research were being implemented and the
and its scale is limited to events taking place importance of this field was beginning to be
before 1945, so I cannot deal with postwar recognized at high schools and normal schools.
psychology. However, if one continues to In society, psychology began to fulfill certain
research the history of Japanese psychology roles, but the in direction society itself was
in the postwar era, I feel the content of all 12 heading, political aggressiveness and isolation,
of these issues of “Contemporary it was apparent that there was a limit to the
Psychology” would connect prewar and “useful role”this science could play in a state
postwar research content. This is because that had to run on the rail of the military.
while the issues “Psychology of National However, that limit was difficult for
Defense”and“Folk Psychology,”were psychologists to define (and for a majority of
affected by the political situation surrounding citizens, as well).
the war, two issues were planned for Psychologists could of course lend their
“Educational Psychology,”and there even abilities to the newly developing fields of
were issues planned for subjects that were children’s development and the rehabilitation
not very popular at the time, such as“Social of wounded soldiers. It is important to note
Psychology”and “Cultural Psychology.” that those who challenged the legitimacy of
Therefore, for the purpose of future research such new fields were not academics from
on the postwar history of Japanese other subject areas but were themselves
psychology, I’d like to list the names of all 12 psychologists. Their background in
issues of“Contemporary Psychology”in psychology allowed them to challenge these
Table 6. new fields. It is necessary to keep in mind
one can place too much confidence in
There was no real mention of modern technical neutrality. However, it is quite
psychology in Japan before the Meiji conceivable that the development of new

Table 6 Titles of all 12 issues of “Contemporary Psychology”(Kawade Shobo)

1. Review of Contemporary Psychology (not published)
2. Social Psychology (published in 1942)
3. Cultural Psychology (not published)
4. Personality Psychology (published in 1942)
5. Folk Psychology (published in 1943)
6. Law/Politics Psychology (published in 1943)
7. National Defense Psychology (published in 1941)
8. Industrial Psychology I (published in 1942)
9. Industrial Psychology II (published in 1943)
10. Educational Psychology I (published in 1943)
11. Educational Psychology (published in 1942)
12. Physical Exercise/Hygiene Psychology (not published)

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

fields and viewpoints based on these prewar times, but in doing this we only ask
techniques found in these studies contributed questions and make judgments from our own
to the development of postwar psychology. historical perspective. Problems that existed
As we saw in the third part of Sato (2001), in the prewar era were not pointed out until
two of the basic duties of psychology after the war ended.
discipline are experiments and practical I think it is required to take current
training. This concept was (as seen in the conditions into consideration in a relative
second part of Sato (2001)) introduced to manner, and in doing this we should take note
Japan by Yujiro Motora in 1888 and is an of psychological history.
essence of modern psychology. Finally, the author’
s Ph. D. thesis,“Reception
and Development of Psychology in Japan
(Sato, 2001)”was published as a book with
5. Additional Note the same title in 2002(佐藤達哉 2002 『日本
における心理学の受容と展開』 北大路書房)

This writing is a slightly altered section of
Part IV, Chapter 6 of“Reception and
Development of Psychology in Japan (Sato, Reference
2001),”which was the writer’s academic
Amano, T.(1936) Criticism of educational
thesis submitted to Tohoku University (In psychology theory by Mr. Asataro Narasaki.
detail, major alterations were made due to a Kyoiku. 4, 116-125. (in Japanese)
newly written 3rd clause). Part IV deals with Endo, Y.(1981) The Japanese Army and
Psychological Research. Academic Thesis
the relationship between psychology and
for the Hokkaido University of Education. 41,
society in various phases and in this paper, I 1-24. (in Japanese)
talked about cooperative work done by Fujino, Y.(1998) Japanese Fascism and Eugenics
psychologists that today is considered in a Concepts. Kamogawa Shuppan. (in Japanese)
Furusawa, S. (1998) Psychology (Psychologists)
negative light. That this work would not be
and society in prewar and war time.
condoned today is a given, but this doesn’
t of Japanese Psychology History.”Kyoto Hosei
imply that the people of that time deserve Shuppan. Chapter 3, 44-71. (in Japanese)
condemnation. I think there is a lot to learn Gould, S. (1989) The Mismeasure of Man. Zenji
S. and Yasuko M. (Tran.) Kawade Shobo
from the experience of these psychologists.
Shinsha. (original book published in 1981)(in
In the 21st century, people encourage Japanese)
cooperation between academic and the Hoshino, M. (1997) Influences of psychology on
society, and say that scholarship needs to be education/society.“Comprehensive History:
Japanese Psychology.”
(written and edited
conducted in a way that connects to societal
by Sato/Mizoguchi) Kitaoji Shobo. Part 3,
needs. However, is this any different from Chapter 2, 258-274. (in Japanese)
what was occurring in the prewar era? We Kimura, K. (1916) A story about early education.
may say that these current activities are now Psychology Research. 10, 225-248. (in Japanese)
Kimura, K. (1917) Early Education and Geniuses.
harmless compared to those undertaken in

Prewar and Wartime Japanese Psychology- Involvement with Eugenics, Military Affairs, and Education -(SATO)

Psychology Research Group. (in Japanese) Yushindo. (in Japanese)

Kimura, K. (1918) Responding to the Criticism Sato, H. (1997) Total War Structure and
of Early Education. Psychology Research. 14, Educational Science. Otsuki Shobo. (in
83-100. (in Japanese) Japanese)
Kim, R. (2000) Thoughts about Prewar Employment Sato, T. (2001) Acceptance and Development of
Policies for Wounded Soldiers. General Social Psychology in Japan. Doctoral thesis for Tohoku
Welfare Research. 17, 145-159. (in Japanese) University. (in Japanese)
Matsubara, Y. (2000) Eugenics Issue: Population Sato, T. (2002) Educational Psychology in the
Policy Chapter: Collection of Human 21st Century: Being in the Wake of‘An
Rights Data of Gender and Reproduction. Argument of the Uselessness of Educational
(Comment/Table of Contents/Index). Fuji Psychology’. Annual report of Educational
Shuppan. 17-28. (in Japanese) the Psychology in Japan. 41, 139-156. (in
Matsumoto, M. (1923) Psychology Lecture. Kaizosha. Japanese)
(in Japanese) Sato, T. and Mizoguchi, H. (2002) Ayao Abe’s
Matsumoto, M. (1937) The History of Psychology. Enthusiasm toward Eugenics. Based on the
Kaizosha. (in Japanese) Data Held By the Diplomatic Record Office
Mamiya, M. (1998) The Development of Japanese of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.”
Clinical Psychology. Psychological Science Collection of Outlines of Presentations at
Research Group, History Research Group the 49th Meeting of The History of Science
Issue.“Research of Japanese Psychology.” Society of Japan. 85. (in Japanese)
Kyoto/Hosei Shuppan. 117-138. (in Japanese) Suzuki, Z. (1983) Japanese Eugenics - Tracing Its
Mizoguchi, H. (2001) Life Science in the Taisho Era Ideas and Movement. Sankyo Shuppan. (in
as Seen in“Abnormal Psychology”
. Published Japanese)
and edited by Oda, Kurihara, Sato, Sone, Tachibana, K. (1931) In Memoriam of Artillery
Nakamura.“ ’
Abnormal Psychology’and Major Uchiyama, Record of Recollection.
Kokyo Nakamura.”Fuji Shuppan. 92-119. (in Japanese Journal of Psychology. 4, 150. (in
Japanese) Japanese)
Motora, Y. (1890) Psychology. Kinko-do. (in Takagi, K. (1963) Editor and Writer. Life of A
Japanese) Psychologist. Publishing Group of“Life of A
Motora, Y. (1908) Introduction for Ryokichi Psychologist.”(in Japanese)
Wakita’s“Psychology of Attention and Takasuna, M. (1997) in“War and Psychology.”
Education for Retarded Children”. Seishindo. “Comprehensive History: Japanese Psychology.”
(in Japanese) Kitaoji Shobo. Part 3, Chapter 3, 291-304. (in
Narazaki, A. (1933) Japan: Educational Psychology. Japanese)
Fujii Shoten. (in Japanese) Tanaka, K. (1932) In Memorial of Lieutenant
Obonai, T. (1941) Current Conditions of National Colonel Ando. Japanese Journal of Psychology.
Defense Psychology. Psychology of National 7, 142. (in Japanese)
Defense. Kawade Shobo. 1-69. (in Japanese) Tanaka, K. (1936) Comparative Research of
Oguma, E. (1995) Birth of the Single Race Myth. Intelligence of Oriental Races (First Report).
Shinyo-sha. (in Japanese) Bulletin of Literature Department, Tokyo
Oizumi, H. (1998) [Number 11] Psychology Bunrika University. Issue 12 (One report per
Lecture During Wartime (1).“Selection of issue. Same for numbers 35-38), (in Japanese)
Documents. Psychology of Education and Tanaka, K. (1937a) Comparative Research of
Protection. Showa, Prewar and War Time. Intelligence of Oriental Races (Second
Additional Volume Changed Title.”206-228. Report). Bulletin of Literature Department,
(in Japanese) Tokyo Bunrika University. Number 14. (in
Sato, K. (1995) Ryugen Higo (Wild Rumor). Japanese)

Collected Papers from Human Services Research, March, 2010

Tanaka, K. (1937b) Comparative Research (while working for the army). Life of A
of Intelligence of Oriental Races (Third Psychologist. Publishing Group of“Life of A
Report). Bulletin of Literature Department, Psychologist.”(in Japanese)
Tokyo Bunrika University. Number 15. (in Yamashita, T. (1982) Educational Psychology
Japanese) as An Ideology. J a panese Educational
Tanaka, K. (1939) Comparative Research of Psychology. Meiji Tosho. 96-130. (in Japanese)
Intelligence of Oriental Races (Fourth Report). Yamashita, T. (1987) Summary of“War and
Bulletin of Literature Department, Tokyo Psychologists.”In“Social History of
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