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used liners made upof short sections, each tele-

scoping into the section above and supported
by the concrete shell (Fig. 1).In Germany, an
accessible airspace was required between the
liner and shell, but elsewhere,no airspaces or
airspaces as little as100 mm wide were
common. By the early 1960s, multi-flue chim-
neys were introduced to reduce the rangeof Shell,
operating conditions and reduce theeffect of Lining,
liner failure on the total plant. These chimneys
had a number of sectional liners, each dedicated
to a separate boiler or furnace (Fig.2).
Designers in theUSA generally used full height
single liners, supported by the foundation alone
(Fig. 3).
5. By the late 1960s, steel liners started to
replace brickwork (whose rather variable
properties do not lend themselves to rational
design). Initially, these liners were top hung, to
reduce the risk of buckling the thin sections Fluegasopening
involved. After a numberof expensive structur-
al failures, however, the American Society of F
Civil Engineers set up a task force to develop
better design principles for steel liners2 Since
these principles were adopted, there havebeen Fig. 1. Concrete
few structural failures of steel liners, mostof Narrow airspace chimneys with
Accessible airspace
which are now bottom-supported (Fig.4). liner Supported bycorbels sectional single liners
6. In the 1980s, governments began to
respond to environmental concerns and intro-
duced legislation requiring the removal (rather
than the dispersal)of pollutants from the flue
gases. The major pollutants (sulphur oxides) 21 520 dia. +249.500 Roof
were usually removed by scrubbing the flue
gases with alkaline solutions (Flue Gas Guide floor
Desulphurization-FGD). This, however, intro-
duced major problems of corrosion which are
discussed later in this paper. m
7. One effect of the new legislation was that
the heights of chimneys wereno longer neces-
- 5

Guide floor
sarily dictated by pollution dispersion require- B
ments. In consequence, very tall chimneys were $1
no longer required and steel chimneys started
to become the economic choice (especiallya s 1
5 +148.560
tall cranes andeconomic solutions to cross- +149'760 Four 6600i.d.flues
N Monitor
wind oscillation allowed steel chimneys to (D

compete with concrete up to heightsof 100 m or +141.936

so). One exception was in the Eastern Block,
where dispersion continued tobe favoured over
pollutant removal. As a result, chimney heights
continued to climb in theUSSR, where chim- +95.568 +96.768
neys up to 420 m tall were being b u i k 3 0
0 Monitor Section through chimney
8. In the 199Os, air pollution requirements I
0 0 10 20
have become ever more stringent, and flue
0 l 1 I

gases from new power stations in Germany are

2 Scale of m
now considered innocuous enough to be rel-
eased to the atmosphereby way of the water
cooling towers, rather than by wayof chim-

ney~.~ 0

9. Nowadays, fewer and fewer new chim- 91

neys are being constructed and more attention +7200
is being paid to extending the lives of those

37000 dia. 0
already in place. The most expensivecom-
ponent of anunplannedchimneyrepairis Fig. 2. Concrete chimney with multi-flue sectional Yrickwork liners

usually the costof lost production from the unit

served. Therefore, it pays to carry out regular
beyond normal
inspections, so that unplanned shut-downs for
repair can be avoided. Inspections are often
visual, involving access by a steeplejack to the
external and internal surfacesof the chimney.
This is quite expensive and internal accessis
not always available. The following alternative
inspection methods have thereforebeen
(a) on-line internal inspectionby remotely con-
trolled ' hot' camera6
( b ) vibration techniques to identify cracks,
etc., in the concreteshell'
( c ) high definition video cameras, to record
and monitor cracks, spalls, honeycombing, Shell '
etc., on external surface.8
10. Looking to the future, it is probable that
air pollution requirementswill reduce further
the pollutants released by chimneys. If we con-
tinue to rely mainlyon fossil fuels, however, it
is difficult to seehow the demand to reduce the
release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere can
be satisfied. As a resultof environmental pres-
sure, there isno doubt that chimneys are not
popular with the public. In Japan, for instance,
the environmental lobby hasbeen so effective
that some recent chimneys have been disguised
to look like apartment blocks (Fig.5). Others
have been decorated to make them more accept-
able (Fig. 6).

Hazards faced by chimneys

11. In addition to the normal hazards faced
by tall structures, such as foundation settle- ..
Flue gas
ment and the effectsof high winds and earth- opening
quakes, chimneys are subject additionallyto
chemical effects and dynamic and thermal
loads, anyof which can be critical to their I- Fig. 3. Concrete
12. During the 1970s, failures caused by I
I /J
chimney with
l /
these problems precipitated some very expen- Foundation brickwork liner
sive lawsuits in theUSA and the UK-indeed,
one of these cases eventuallyled to a changein
English law.9 This was the Latent DamageAct faces, dueto the condensation of sulphuric acid
of 1986, which shifted the startof the period from the flue gas.Most fossil fuels contain
during which a plaintiff can sue to the point a t sulphur to some degree and, as the fuel is
which damage is observed. burned, this sulphur isoxidized to sulphur
13. In order to avoid these situations, it is dioxide (SO,). SO, can combine with water and
essential that the chimney designeris made condense a t low temperatures to form weak sul-
fully aware of all operating conditions required phurous acid. During combustion, someof the
of the chimney and, to this end, the CICIND has SO, oxidizes further to sulphur trioxide (SO,),
published a Customer's guide to specifying depending in a complex and little understood
chimneys. manner on the following: flame temperature
and residence time; the presenceof catalysts
Chemical effects and the amountof excess combustion air. Sul-
14. Flue gases contain many chemicals phuric acid isformed by the combinationof
whose type depends on the materials burned. SO, and water, and condenses outof the flue
Some of these chemicals may attack structural gas when the flue gas temperature fallsbelow
elements with which they come into contact. the 'acid dewpoint' (ADP) or when it comes into
15. The most common chemical hazard to a contact with relativelycool surfaces. The ADP
chimney is acid corrosion of vulnerable sur- of sulphuric acid ranges from about90°C for

chimney is subject to differential temperatures

over this length. Restraintof the distortion
resulting from differential expansion was a
major cause of the structural failureof a
number of steel liners in the late 1960s.’ In
general, current practice is tominimize the
restraint by minimizing the numberof lateral
supports, consistent with maintaining structur-
al stability.

Difficult operating conditions

25. A chimney can have extremely variable
operating conditions, which make its design
very difficult. Such conditions arisein a
chimney serving several furnaces and/or
boilers, or serving a single unit incorporating
an energy conservation or pollution scrubbing
device, capableof being bypassed. In such con-
ditions, a design which suits one situation may
be unsuitable for other situations. Such a
problem is best solved using a multi-flue ?m,
pD2 -ND‘IU
chimney but, where thisis not possible (e.g. in
retrofit situations), compromise is necessary. 1.43- 300
26. Another difficulty arises when a 3.25 300
3.25 312
chimney is required to run for many years x~o3
(sometimes itswhole lifetime) without being
shut down. Obviously a high degree of reli-
ability must be built into its design, together
with means of on-line inspection and repair.26

Cross-wind oscillation “0 2 4 6 8 10
Reduced velocity WND
27. When wind blows past a cylinder, vor-
0 0.6 106 1.2 106 1.8 106 2.4 106 3.0 106
tices (known as ‘Von Karman vortices ’) are
shed at regular intervals, alternately from one Reynolds number R
side and the other. As these vortices are shed,
they create a pulseof differential pressure,
causing an alternatingforce in a direction cient mass and structural damping to ensure Fig. 8. Cross-wind
normal to the wind direction. The frequency at their cross-wind response is minimal, but the response of rough
which these vortices are shed varies with the associated stresses canbe important in the very surface chimney
wind velocity, the widthof the cylinder and a tall, large diameter chimneys with base- (LID = l 1.5)’’
constant number (known as the ‘Strouhal supported steel liners associated with large
number’) whose valueis a function of the cylin- power stations.
der’s shape and the distance to any nearby 30. These phenomena have been extensively
cylinders. researched over the past 60 years or so, usually
28. Next to acid corrosion, the most at small scale,in wind tunnels.28Until the late
common cause of failure in steel chimneys is 1980s, steel chimney design codesdid not give
excessive response to cross-wind excitation by simple and realistic guidanceto designers
Von Karman vortices. While all tall structures regarding these p h e n ~ m e n a . ’ ~It’ is
~ ~only
are subject to this phenomenon, steel chimneys recently, following the publication of the
tend to be particularly vulnerable, owing to CICIND, ASMEiANSI and the 1991 DIN 4133
their low structural damping. Their response steel chimney codes, that simple and realistic
can be ‘ broad band ’, or random, increasing means of predicting excessive response have
with increasing wind velocity, but canbe become available, so that designers can take
potentially more violent if caused by resonance rational decisions on whether to incorporate
with the frequency at which vortices are shed corrective measures (e.g. helical strakes or
(at the ‘critical windspeed’) (Fig. S).’’ Even dampers).
greater response is often experienced by a
chimney affected by vortices shed by a nearby Dangers associated with falling components
chimney or tower, i.e. upwind. At worst, exces- 31. In 1982, two men were killed when a 6 m
sive response to these phenomena has caused diameter rainshield became detached from the
chimney collapse. At best, itis alarming to top of a 150 m tall chimney in high winds and

29. Most concrete chimneys possess
fell to the ground. Designers should always pay
special attention to the integrityof components

existing chimneys. As chimneys are generally minimize the thermal gradient through the
situated in either industrial or marine areas, brickwork-it is excessive thermal gradients
carbonation and/or chloride penetrationof the that initiate cracks in the brickwork.While
outer surface hasbecome a problem. T o counter these cracks initially form onlyin the outer
this and protect the reinforcement, coatings are (cool) part of the brickwork, subsequent
increasingly being applied to such chim- thermal cycling tends to propagate them
n e y ~ .As ~ access
~ * ~ is~ the most costly part
of through the brick thickness and thento widen
the process, new chimneys are increasingly them until stability concerns require repairof
being provided with these coatings during con- the liner. While insulation helps to minimize
struction. the long-term thermal gradients,it does little to
help alleviate the short-term gradients that
Brickwork liners develop during rapid start-up and shut-down
37. For most situations, a liner is required (sometimes known as ‘thermal shock’). It has
to protect the concrete shell from the thermal been shown34 that thermal shock causes
and chemical effectsof the hot flue gases. surface damage only, but repeated shocks can
During the period 1960-70, liners of diatoma- eventually disrupt the bricks to considerable
ceous clay insulating brickwork,laid in contact depth. Being relatively soft, German-type
with the concrete shell,were popular, but suf- bricks tend to accept quite high levels of
fered a number of problems. Experience thermal shock without damage. British bricks,
showed33 that linersof externally insulated however, are brittle and susceptibleto this sort
acid-resistant brickwork, with a ventilated air- of damage.
space between liner and concrete shell, gave a 41. Scandinavian builders have successfully
better performance. Most liners continue to be included stainless steel reinforcementin the
built of acid-resisting brickwork, especially in mortar beds of their chimney liners for many
situations involvingFGD in which the flue gas years, but this practice has seen little favour
is cool, wet and highly corrosive. elsewhere. Recently, however, a German builder
38. ‘ Acid-resistant brickwork ’ implies dif- has introduced reinforcementin profiled brick-
ferent brick materials in Germany, compared work joints35 with some success, as has a
with the UK and the USA. German acid- British builder. In Germany, the useof external
resistant bricks are relatively lightweight and prestressing straps has alsobeen used SUC-
pervious, deriving their acid resistance from . ~ ~of reinforcement or prestress is
c e s s f ~ l l yUse
the chemistry of their constituents. British and necessary if liners are builtof non-circular pro-
US bricks, on the other hand, are heavy and files (such as ellipses), owing to bending
dense, and derive theiracid resistance from stresses introduced by the differences in flue
their impermeability. German bricks are pro- gas and ventilation air pressure.
vided with ‘ tongue and groove’ joints, which 42. While DIN 1056 and the earlier versions
improve their joint strength. British andUS of ACI 307 gave some guidanceon the design of
bricks have traditionally been plain, but pro- brickwork liners, it was not until the CICIND
filed joints have recently been introduced with developed a model code37in 1988 that com-
some success. The mortar used is usually based prehensive design rules became available (see
on potassium silicate, but forlow temperature Appendix 1).
applications and situations where alkalis are 43. CEN TC 297 Work Group 4 is currently
present, organic furane mortars are often used. developing a Eurocode to cover chimney liners
Early chimneys used sodium silicate based of brickwork, and manyof the concepts intro-
mortars, but these tendto be disrupted after duced by the CICIND code will be included in
prolonged exposure to acid and areno longer this document.
39. While in the USA most brickwork liners Steel liners
have been full height, at least200 mm thick and 44. While the report published in 1970 by
supported independently of the shell, in Euro- the ASCE’ provides some guidance to designers
pean and Asian chimneys they have been in of steel liners (especially regarding the effects
short sections, each supported by the shell, of differential temperatures in the flue gases),
using corbels or other support arrangements. no national or international code hasbeen
Designers using plain-faced British type bricks available for designers. Recently, however, the
have been reluctant to call for single brick liner CICIND has approved publicationof a Model
sections (100 mm thick) greater than 10 m tall. Code covering this
Appendix 1).
Using German dovetailed bricks, however,
section heights of 25 m are common and have Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) liners
been successful up to75 m tall. A popular 45. Since the advent of FGD, flue gas tem-
design in German chimneys involves a sand- peratures have typicallybeen in the region of

wich of quite thin (75 mm) bricks, with a filling 70 -80°C when they enter the chimney. They
of foam-glass insulation. are also highly corrosive. Therefore, consider-
40. Insulationisrequiredinmostcasesto able interest hasbeen shown in GRP liners

during the pastfew years. Some formulations strakes (or spoilers) that provided anefficient
of the polymers used have excellent acid resist- means of preventing motion induced by vor-
ance andso, at first sight, appear very well tices generated by the chimney itself.27 As the
suited to the purpose. A potential difficulty spoilers merely delay formation of the vortices,
lies, however, in their poor performance a t high they were of little use in controlling response to
temperatures. Nearly all FGD systems are vortices generated by another chimney or
equipped with a by-pass arrangement,so that, tower, upstream.41If the chimneys were close
in the event of a failure of the FGD equipment, enough together, a solution was to tiethem
the plant can continue to operate (even if only with a wire ropein the form of a ‘figure-of-
for the shorttime needed to allow an orderly eight ’ (Fig. 10). Otherwise, either guying or the
shut-down). Thus the risk always exists that use of a heavy refractory lining wasoften the
the liner will be exposed to high temperature, only available solution.
untreated flue gas, with the possibility that it 52. While the helical spoiler is itself inex-
may buckle. One solution is to divert the hot pensive, the additional wind drag it generates
flue gas to a standby stack, capable of suddenly has an expensiveeffect on the supporting
handling hot gas3’ Another is to provide a chimney and foundation-so much so that its
large opening in the sideof the liner, normally use limits the competitivenessof steel chimneys
closed by louvres. When high temperature flue to heights below about 80 m. Another result of
gas is detectedin the duct upstreamof the the increased wind dragis that it is not usually
chimney, the louvreswould be opened auto- possible to retrofit spoilers-as a result, many
matically to allow cooling air into the liner. designers included them during initial con-
46. No national codes currently exist for the struction, whether theywere necessary or not.
design of GRP chimneys and liners, but the 53. In order to provide a solution for all
CICIND is developing amodel code which it forms of wind excitation and also tominimize
plans to publish in about1997. the additional wind drag, various types of
damper have been developed during the past 15
Developments in steel chimneys years. These range from tuned mass dampers4’
47. Three major considerations have to the impact dampingprovided by hanging
occupied the thoughts of those concerned with and multi-flue chimneys.44 In addition.
the design of steel chimneys during the past 30 ‘ active ’ dampers, which detect movement and
years. These relate to the problemsof acid cor- provide a suitable stabilizing reaction, are
rosion and cross-wind response, andto the under de~elopment.~’ As the additional wind
design of bolted connections. drag is negligible, these dampers canbe
retrofitted and their use allows steel chimneys
Acid corrosion to be competitive with concrete chimneys at
48. Provided that the flue gases entering the heights up to about100 m.
chimney are above theirADP temperature, effi- 54. Since the advent in 1988 of relatively
cient external insulation will normally ensure simple methods of predicting with some con-
that both the steel and the gases remain above fidence the response of a chimney, some very
ADP. Providing there are no air leaks through slender chimneys havebeen built which have
the chimney shell, this should prevent acid cor- suffered problems owing to resonance with the
rosion. External insulationcould be of mineral chimney’s secondary mode. As tunedmass Fig. 10. ‘Figure-of-eight’
wool or could simply be an air gap underneath dampers can be designed to
both roped
connection of
aluminum cladding. If, however, internal fire is primary and secondary modes of response45s46 twosteelstacks
a consideration, provision of an internal
medium density refractory liner could provide a
better solution. Turnbuckle
49. If, owing to the provision of FGD or an
energy saving device (e.g. an air preheater), the
flue gases entering the chimney are below ADP
temperature, the steel will require protection.
This could take the form of a liner (of GRP, for
instance) or a coating.40
50. If the chimney serves a number of units,
it is common nowadays to provide multi-flue
chimneys. This limits the impacton the total
plant, if a problem occurs in one unit or its
liner. It also limits the variation that can
expected in flue gas conditions, so that each
liner can be optimally designed.
Cross-wind response
51. In the 1950s, the National Physical
Laboratory patented the ubiquitous helical Section A-A

and are simply retrofitted, the problems were Appendix 1. Review of majorfeatures
fairly easily solved. of the various codes currently avail-
Bolted connections Concrete chimneys
55. The most common form of structural 1. CICIND: Model code f o r concrete chimneys-Part
failure of steel chimneys takes the formof A , The shell (October 1984):
cracked flanges or broken bolts at the bolted ultimate state design, with safety factors
connections usually provided. This problem is related to failure probability, using sophisti-
cated statistical methods; the safety factors
particularly prevalent in theUK, where BS 4076
alsotakeaccount of theeffects Of IOW Cycle, Fig, 11. Fatigue-free
permits the useof relatively flimsy, rolled high stressf a t i g ~ e ~ ’ . ~ ’
section flanges (European practice is to use bolted c o n n e ~ t i o n ~ . ~ ~
recognizes that under long-term dead loads,
heavier flanges, sometimes machined). A concrete behaves in a different manner than
common reason for this is overstress introduced when it is subject to wind loads lastingno
during construction, owing to lack-of-fit of the more than a few seconds
flange^.^' Another reason is fatigue,as the wind load expression related to wind velocity
chimney flexes during cross-wind response.48 and takes accountof the chimney’s dynamic
Fig. 11 outlines a prestressed bolted flangethat response to wind gusts
eliminates fatigue. dynamic analysis used to determine the
response to earthquakes
reinforcement required in both faces; recog-
Design codes nizes that thermal stresses are relievedby
56. British Standard 4076-‘ Steel cracks and provides simple rules to limit the
chimneys’ hasbeen in use for many yearsin crack widths
the UK and has given reasonably satisfactory approximations provided for‘ second order ’
effects, owing to the deflectionof the chimney
service. It is, however, based on permissible
under ultimate wind loads (usually about
stress design principles and does not satisfacto- 10-20% of the wind moment)
rily address a numberof issues (see Appendix ‘ chemical load ’ is defined by hours/year expo
1). sure to various chemicals
57. The CICIND Model Code, German and cross-wind response considered simply, in
US codes for steel chimney^'^*^^*^^ address all terms of the Scruton numberof the chimney.
of these issues (see Appendix1).As a result,
chimneys designed according to these codes A revision is currently being developed. This will
tend to be heavier than those designed accord- reconsider
ing to BS 4076. -(velocity)2 relationship (rather than a Gumbel
58. Currently, an appendix to Eurocode 3 distribution) to define the ultimate wind velocity53
(Steelwork structures) isin preparation, cover- -effect of ductility on a concrete chimney’s response
ing ‘masts, towers and chimneys’. Its provi- to earthquake^^^
sions will contain many of the principles -limits on the use of beam versus shell theory in
included in the CICIND Model and DIN 4133 determining stresses.55
codes, but few of those contained in BS 4076.
While the first two changes will have the effect
reducing the costof the chimney shell, the last
change could increase the amountof reinforcement in
Conclusions thin chimney shells.
59. The intense studies of the performance
and structural designof chimneys and their
liners, carried out over the past25 years, have
2. ACI 307, 1995 (replaces 1988 edition):
shown that, far from being simple structures, ( a ) ultimate state design, with safety factors from
they are very complex systems indeed. While building code (ACI 318) and modified by
sufficient work has been done to transform judgement
chimney design from the‘ Black Art ’ perceived ( b ) covers precast concrete chimneys in addition
in the late 1960s, to the science-based pro- to cast-in-situ chimneys
cedures of today, it is apparent from the never- (c) wind load expression related to wind velocity
ending stream of technical papers offered for and takes accountof the chimney’s dynamic
presentation at theCICIND’s twice yearly meet- response to wind gusts
ings that more is waiting to be learned and new ( d ) cross-wind response (including second mode)
calculated using complex formulae
techniques await invention.
(e) cross-wind and downwind response combined,
the along-wind component being calculated at
a reduced windspeed
Acknowledgements ( f )earthquake response calculated using modal
60. The author is indebted to Mr D. T. analysis

Smith, of Recchi Energy SPA, for permission to (g) no rules for chemical effects
reproduce Fig. 6, and toMr H. Kondo, of Mitsu- (h) second order moments accounted for by
bishi Heavy Industries Ltd, for Figs 5 and 9. reducing ultimate strength.

3. DIN 1056, October 1984 (replaces 1969 edition): (c) considers movement of liner in response to
( a ) covers precast blockwork chimneysa s well a s earthquakes and wind actionon outer shell
reinforced cast-in-situ concrete ( d ) considers geometric discontinuities, ovalling
( b ) ultimate state design, with safety factors oscillations, designof stiffeners andof lateral
derived by judgement restraints
(c) second order moments considered (e) provides guidance on layout and support of
( d ) coefficients and limiting stresses defined for liner, welding and erection
calculation of thermal stresses; reinforcement ( f ) includes design examples.
required in each face
(e) chemical load considered, in terms of hours/ 2. CICIND: Model code f o r concrete chimneys-Part
year of exposure C, Steel liners (1995):
(f)wind pressures defined for various locations in ( a ) uses ultimate limit state for structural design
Germany; responseof the chimney to gusts is (including stability checks); safety factors
considered derived by judgement; buckling formula in
(g) consideration of cross-wind effects only line with Eurocode requirements
required in exceptional cases; no guidance ( b ) considers gravity, pressure, seismic, wind and
given for calculating this response thermal loads and also effectsof shell deflec-
(h) considers foundation design. tion; stresses due to differential temperature
effects obtained using method given in ASCE
Brickwork liners report
1. CICIND: Model code f o r concrete chimneys-Part ( c ) provides temperature limits for structural and
B. Brickwork lininas alloy steels, together with propertiesof struc-
- .(December 1991):
provides classificationsof brickwork, bricks tural steels at elevated temperatures
and mortar and defines required properties; ( d ) relates internal corrosion allowance to chemi-
also provides rules for selecting brickwork cal load, expressed in termsof hours/year
types for various duties exposure
chemical load considered, in termsof hours/ (e) provides guidance on design and positioning
year exposure of liner supports, bolted and welded connec-
uses stability checks and both ultimate limit tions, openings in liner, rainshield; also, guid-
and service limit state design principles for ance on provisionof refractory and acid
structural design; safety factors derived by resistant linings.
judgement (emphasizes that calculations
3. DIN 1056 (1984)
provide only a rough guide, a s brickwork
( a ) requires that steel liners be designed per DIN
rather variable); provides table of recommend-
4133 (Steel stacks)
ed height versus diameter/thickness for
various brickwork types
Steel chimneys
thermal stresses considered, both constant and
varying; also gravity, wind and seismic loads 1. CICIND: Model code for steel chimneys (1988):
and effects of shell deflection ( a ) permits use of normal structural steel up to
400°C; provides propertiesof structural steels
defines methods of measuring design proper-
at elevated temperatures
ties of brickwork, rather than providing
( 6 ) design based on ultimate limit state, with
design properties
safety factors derived by economic prin-
provides recommended start-up procedures
c i p l e ~buckling
;~~ formula in line with Euro-
considers brickwork reinforcement.
code requirements
(c) wind load expression related to wind velocity
2. DIN 1056 (October 1984):
and takes accountof the chimney’s dynamic
(a) considers only bricks and masonry blocks
response to wind gusts
satisfying DIN standards
( b ) chemical load considered, in terms of hours/
( d ) susceptibility to cross-wind effects based
simply on Scruton numberS,; prevention mea-
year exposure; relates brick and mortar types
sures required for high susceptibilityS,< 5;
to chemical load and temperature
considers fatigue when susceptibility is mod-
(c) design is for service limit state only, including
erate (5 < S, < 15)
gravity and thermal loads and effectof shell
(e) considers ‘prying’ effect in design of bolted
deflection; provides allowable stresses and
typical propertiesof brickwork connections; also, considers ‘fatigue-free’ pre-
stressed connections5’
( d ) for liner section heights up to20 m, provides
table relating required thickness to diameter;
(f) relates internal corrosion allowance to chemi-
for taller sections, stability must be checked cal load, expressed in termsof hours/year
(e) inspection required every two years.
(g) appendices consider welding, guyed chimneys,
linings, insulation and access provisions.
Steel liners
1. Design and construction of steel chimney liners. It is intended that work will begin shortly on updat-
Report by ASCE Task Committee (1975): ing the model code-taking into account, for
( a ) identifies stresses resulting from restraint of instance, the useof shell theory,55 where appropriate.
deformation due to non-uniform temperatures Also, second mode response will be covered.
in gas stream
( b ) provides design rules, including buckling 2. ASMEiANSI STS-1-1986 (published May 1988)
formula; design basedon ultimate strength, (a) design based on ultimate limit state, with
safety factors derived by judgement safety factors based on modified building code

requirements; buckling formula same as that thermal power stations in the United Kingdom.
in ASCE report on Steel Chimney Liners (1975) 3rd Int. Chimney Design Symp.,Munich, Oct.
wind load expression related to wind velocity 1978. CICIND.
and takes accountof the chimney’s dynamic 2. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVILENGINEERS Design and
response to wind gusts construction ofsteel chimney liners. ASCE, New
susceptibility to cross-wind effects based York, 1975.
simply on ‘ mass-damping ’ (similar to Scruton 3. FRUMKIN V. K. (USSR). Unconventional methods
number); similar rules apply to those in the for concrete chimney repair. CICIND Report, 1992,
CICIND Model Code; also, similar guidance on 8, No. 2.
fatigue 4. BUSCHD. (Germany) Special featuresof using
comprehensive discussionof chemical effects; cooling towers a s chimneys. 6th Int. Chimney
relates internal coating/lining requirements to Conf., Brighton, May 1988,CICIND.
chemical load, expressed in termsof hours/ 5. C O M INTERNATIONAL
year exposure INDUSTRIELLES. Manual for the maintenance and
earthquake loads considered, using dynamic inspection of brickwork and concrete chimneys.
methods CICIND, Feb. 1993.
guidance provided on draft and heat transfer 6. MILLER J. (USA). Hot camera inspections.CICIND
calculations Report, 1987, 3, No. 1, Spring.
foundation design considered.
7. SAGEAU J. F. (France). The dynamic monitoring of
industrial chimneys CICIND Report, 1987,3, No.
3. BS 4076: Steel chimneys (1989-replaces 1978 1, Spring.
edition): 8. SACEAU J. F. (France). Monitoring power station
( a ) uses permissible stresses at service limit state chimneys. CICIND Report, 1994, 10,No. 2,
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( h ) considers linings and insulation design 1979, Mar. (Atlanta).
( i ) recommendsinspectionprocedures. 13. COMIT~? INTERNATIONAL DES CHEMINEES
4. DIN 4133: Steel stacks (November 1991-replaces INDUSTRIELLES. Model code for concrete chimneys,
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requirements; shell theory required for thin- the top of chimneys. CICIND Report, 1993, 9, No.
walled chimneys with small height/diameter 1, Spring.
ratio; buckling formula in line with DIN 18800 17. SCHULTZ J. F. (USA) Basic information for
requirements designers of incinerator chimneys. 6th Int.
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tudes and stresses due to cross-wind response, CICIND Report, 1992, 8 , No. 1, Spring.
but provides no limits other than on stresses; 20. SNWKK. (USA). US experience with chimneys
fatigue checks also necessary serving wet flue gas desulfurization systems. 5th
relates internal corrosion allowance to chemi- Int. Chimney Congress, Essen,Oct. 1984, CICIND.
cal load, expressed in termsof hours/year 21. BEAUMONT M. (UK); ULIANAF. AND POLIM. (Italy)
exposure Corrosion protection of steel liners in chimneys
considers guyed chimneys servingplants with FGD on stream. CICIND
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22. STELLA F. (Italy). Quality control systems f o r the
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1. GRUBB K. (UK). Thedevelopment,designand
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23. Lining up steel support.New Civil Engineer. Drax 39. VAN DORNICK K. (Germany). Particular stresses
Supplement. Thomas Telford, London, 1993,Nov. for chimneys in by-pass operation. 6th Int.
24. VANDERSWT R. J. (Netherlands). Protection of Chimney Conf., Brighton, UK, May 1988, CICIND.
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years of operation. CICIND Report, 1990,6,No. 2, INDUSTRIELLES. Manual on protective coatings and
Autumn. coating systems for concrete and steel chimney
25. COLLIER S. (UK)..Protection of steel and concrete surfaces and their appurtenances. CICIND
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The Hague, May1981. Institute TNO, Delft, The (reported in Engng Structs, 1984, 6,No. 4, Oct.).
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oscillations of structures’. Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, vibrations by meansof a new type of auxiliary
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28. Across-flow response due to vortex shedding. Germany, Oct. 1984.
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29. MILFORD R. V. (S. Africa). Appraisal of methods design procedure. 6th Int. Chimney Conf.,
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30. PRITCHARD B. N. (UK). Steel chimney oscillations: chimneys. CICIND Report, 1994,10, No. 1,Spring.
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