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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name Muhammad Kamran Aziz ur Rehman

NEBOSH learner 00831901
Learning Partner name Shields

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Answer sheet IG1-0038-ENG-OBE-V1 May24 © NEBOSH 2024 page 1 of 10

Task 1: Auditing approach

Question 1 (a)
In Northern Mill, Major accident was occurred six months ago, Owner decided to
conduct a Health and Safety Audit

1. Audit vs. Inspection

Inspection is a simpler process of checking uncontrolled Hazards at the
workplace and addressing any that are found, While Audit focuses on
Management System by Examining Documents (Safety Policy, Arrangements,
Risk Assessments, Safe System of work etc.) Looking closely at Records and
verifies the standards of Health and Safety existing in that workplace by direct
Observation and interview.
2. Occurrence of Serious Accident.
Accident concerns about effectiveness of Existing health and Safety Measures
The severity of accident may have raised questions about whether there are
systematic Problems that need to be addressed beyond that a routine inspection
might uncover.
3. Factory Owner’s Concern
Factory owner made it clear to workers to achieve goal of Zero LOST TIME
Accidents. This proactive stand suggests that owner recognizes importance of
deep assessments to identify and Rectify Potential Hazards before any Injuries or
Loss of Production accurse as a result.
4. Hiring an External Consultant
An Audit conducted by External Consultant brings an objective perspective to
ensure the rigorous evaluation that may not be possible by Internal Inspections
5. Improvements needed
Audits identify the specific areas of improvement such as revising policies,
updating risk assessments and implementing any maintenance program. An Audit
provides a structural framework for evaluating impact of proposed changes ion
overall safety performance.
6. Worker Knowledge Gap
There was a gap of Health and Safety Information that may not be covered by
simple internal inspection so Audit will help in identify the gap in Training and
7. 7. Textile Operation Complexity
8. Northern Mill's operation, complex with multiple stages and machinery, requires
an audit for evaluating processes comprehensively. Unlike inspections, audits
consider interactions between stages, identifying hazards and inefficiencies.
9. 8. Proactive Approach
10. An audit, alongside the owner's proactive stance, provides a structured framework
for improvement. It targets current practices, aiming for continuous enhancement
and risk mitigation, rather than reactive measures.
11. 9.Systematic Review
12. Audits enable a systematic review of health and safety practices, policies, and
procedures. This thorough examination identifies systemic issues often
overlooked in one-time inspections.
11. Legal Compliance
Health and Safety Audits are also important to ensure compliance with legal
regulations and standards governing workplace safety That is critical for
mitigating risks and legal responsibilities.

Question 1 (b)

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 Northern Mill benefits from an external auditor's impartial assessment,
ensuring objectivity without internal biases. This unbiased perspective
helps in obtaining a fair evaluation of the health and safety practices.
 They bring expertise and experience in health and safety management,
offering insights beyond the organization's internal capabilities. This
specialized knowledge aids in conducting thorough assessments and
identifying improvement areas effectively.
 They follow standardized protocols, ensuring a comprehensive
evaluation of Northern Mill's health and safety processes. This thorough
examination helps in pinpointing potential risks and areas for enhancement
across the organization.
 They provide insights into industry trends and benchmarks, allowing
Northern Mill to compare its health and safety performance with peers.
This benchmarking aids in gauging effectiveness and identifying areas for
improvement relative to industry standards.
 They enhance Northern Mill's credibility by demonstrating a commitment to
maintaining high standards of safety and compliance. The audit
process provides assurance to stakeholders, including employees and
regulatory agencies, thereby building trust in the organization's

Task 2: Management of risks

Question 2
1. 1. The Northern Mill’s response to a serious accident six months ago shows that
Factory Owner is committed to Health and Safety of his Workers. By hiring an
external health and safety consultant and implementing recommended
improvements, Northern Mill shows a commitment to addressing risks promptly
and effectively.
3. 2. Clear Statement of Safety Goals
4. The owner's clear message of the goal to achieve zero lost time accidents
shows a strong commitment to safety throughout the organization. This clarity in
safety objectives bring up a culture of risk awareness and responsibility among
5. 3. Complete Risk Assessments
6. Updating risk assessments for tasks completed in the factory shows a detailed
understanding of potential hazards and their justification strategies. By regularly
revising and updating risk assessments, Northern Mill confirms that safety
measures remain relevant and effective.
7. 4. Planned Preventative Maintenance Program
8. Implementing a planned preventative maintenance program for all machines
reflects a active approach to preventing equipment-related risks. By conducting
regular maintenance, Northern Mill minimizes the chances of machinery
malfunctions or breakdowns that could lead to accidents.
9. 5. Investment in Employee Training
Calling for all factory workers to complete annual refresher health and safety
training determines a commitment to equipping employees with the knowledge
and skills needed to identify and manage risks effectively. This investment in
training improves employee competency in risk management practices.
6. Committed Health and Safety Adviser

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Hiring a full-time health and safety adviser indicates the organization's recognition
of the importance of specialized capability in managing risks. The adviser can
provide guidance and support in identifying and addressing potential safety
hazards proactively.
7. Induction Process
Redesigning the induction process to include basic health and safety training
ensures that new factory workers are introduced to safety protocols from the
outset. This integration of safety training into the onboarding process helps
establish a strong grounds for risk awareness among new employees.
8. Focus on Worker Knowledge Enhancement
By enhancing worker awareness and understanding of safety protocols, Northern
Mill reinforces its overall risk management framework.
9. Immediate Response to Near Miss Accident
The quick response to the near miss accident, including stopping the machine
and providing immediate assistance to the distressed worker, demonstrates a
commitment to prioritizing safety in real-time situations.
10. Combined Approach to Risk Investigation
Supervisor S's collaboration with the owner to carry out and record a near miss
investigation emphasizes the organization's commitment to learning from
incidents. By conducting a thorough investigation, Northern Mill can identify root
causes and implement corrective actions to prevent similar incidents in the future.
10.Positive Health and Safety Culture
The organization's overall approach to risk management reflects a culture of
continuous improvement. By regularly reviewing and updating safety policies,
conducting training, and responding proactively to incidents, Northern Mill strives
to enhance its risk management practices and ensure the safety of its employees.

Task 3: Individual factors

Question 3
1. 1. Inexperienced worker
a new factory worker has a limited experience with the machinery and processes
involved in textile manufacturing. This lack of knowledge could lead to uncertainty
and mistakes during the task.
2. 2. Limited Training
Regardless of receiving basic health and safety training during induction, the new
factory worker may not have been fully trained on the specific safety protocols for
operating the machinery in the dyeing area. This limited training could have led to
errors or miscalculations during the task.
3. 3. Pressure to Meet Deadline
Supervisor R instructed the new factory worker to speed up the task due to an
error with the delivery date of the order. Feeling pressured to complete the task
quickly, the individual may have hurried through the process, overlooking safety
precautions in their haste to meet the deadline.
4. 4. Fear of Moments
5. Supervisor R threatened to report the new factory worker to the owner if they did
not comply with instructions. This influenced the new factory workers to prioritize
completing the task quickly over safety concerns, even though their hesitation
about working alone on unfamiliar machinery.
6. 5. Lack of Confidence

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7. When Supervisor R left the new factory worker alone to complete the task, they
expressed concern about working on the machine they had not used before.
However, they ultimately obeyed with Supervisor R's instructions out of fear of
consequences, indicating a lack of confidence in encouraging for their safety.
8. 6. Stress and Distraction
9. Supervisor R's sudden departure to attend a personal event may have caused
stress and distraction for the new factory worker
7. Poor Supervision
The absence of direct supervision from a experienced supervisor while the new
factory worker was operating the machinery in the dyeing area may have left
them without guidance in navigating potential risks and hazards.
8. Physical Fatigue
It is mentioned that Supervisor R was due to finish their shift in 15 minutes and
may have been in a hurry to leave early. Similarly, the new factory worker may
have been fatigued from the physical demands of their work, affecting their
awareness and decision-making abilities.
9. Overestimation of Abilities
Feeling pressured to complete the task quickly and fearing costs for not
complying with instructions, the new factory worker may have overestimated their
ability to handle the task safely, leading to errors or misjudgments.
10. Poor Risk Perception
Due to their limited experience and training, the new factory worker may have had
difficulty accurately measuring the risks associated with operating the machinery
in the dyeing area, resulting in a near miss incident.

Task 4: Management of near miss

Question 4
1. 1. Immediate Intervention
As Supervisor S see new factory worker reaching into vessel he rushed over to
stop them shows his proactive approach to safety.
2. 2. Pressing Emergency Stop Button
Supervisor S pressed the emergency stop button on the machine and manages to
free new factory worker before they are injured.
3. 3. Effective Communication
4. Supervisor S communicated clearly by instructing another factory worker to shut
down the machine to prevent further risk. This decisive action helped mitigate
potential harm to the worker and others.
5. 4.Responsiveness and Provision
6. Supervisor S showed empathy towards the distressed new factory worker by
taking them to an empty meeting room to calm down. This action helped relieve
the worker's emotional distress and provided a supportive environment for
7. 5. Adherence to First Aid
8. As the first-aider on shift, Supervisor S checked the worker's wrist for any injury
and assessed their physical condition. This adherence to first aid procedures
ensured that appropriate care was provided on time.
9. 6. Cooperative Approach
Supervisor S collaborated with the owner by using a two-way radio to request
supervision of the factory floor while attending to the distressed worker. This
collaborative approach ensured that necessary actions were taken on time and

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7. Documentation of Near Miss Investigation: Supervisor S returned to the
factory floor to carry out and record a near miss investigation with the help of the
owner. This commitment to documenting the incident ensures to learn a lesson
and avoid future accidents.

Task 5: Procedural controls

Question 5
1. 1. Machine Labeling
2. Each machine, including the dyeing machine, was clearly labeled with its name,
load capacity limit of 500kg, and basic working instructions. This labeling
guarantees that operators are aware of the machine's specifications and
operating procedures, reducing the likelihood of misuse or accidents.
3. 2. Supervisory Oversight
4. There were Supervisors to MONITOR the operations and if machines are working
as per Procedures
5. 3.Emergency Stop Button
6. The dyeing machine was equipped with an emergency stop button, as evidenced
by Supervisor S's use of this feature to stop the machine's operation when the
near miss occurred. This control allows to stop machine and minimizing the risk of
7. 4.Training Requirements
8. The scenario does not clearly mention training on specific machinery, But new
Factory workers are eventually trained on safe systems of work for using all
factory machinery including dyeing machine.

5. Implementing a Planned Preventative Maintenance Program

Implementation of a planned preventative maintenance program for all machines,
including the dyeing machine, helps ensure that equipment is regularly inspected,
serviced, and maintained to prevent further risks.
9. 6. Risk Assessments
Updating risk assessments for tasks completed in the factory, including those
involving the dyeing machine, helps detect potential hazards and implement
proper controls to reduce risks.
7. Supervisory Instructions
While Supervisor R didn’t give proper instruction to the new factory workers,
supervisors typically provide guidance and instructions to workers, including
safety protocols for operating machinery.
8. Induction Process
The redesigned induction process for new factory workers, which includes basic
health and safety training and an overview of all areas of the factory floor, likely
covers safety procedures for operating machinery like the dyeing machine.

Task 6: Policy implementation

Question 6
1. 1.Prevention of Accidents and Near Misses
The organization has taken proactive steps to prevent accidents and near misses
by hiring a full-time health and safety adviser, revising the health and safety

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policy, and implementing a planned preventative maintenance program for all
2. 2. Investigation of Accidents and Near Misses
The quick response to the near miss incident involving the new factory worker
shows a commitment to investigating accidents and near misses to identify root
causes and implement corrective actions.
3. 3. Safe Working Conditions
Efforts to update risk assessments, provide health and safety training, and involve
workers in safety initiatives indicate a focus on providing safe and healthy working
4. 4. Safe Plant and Equipment
5. Implementation of a planned preventative maintenance program ensures that
plant and equipment, including machinery like the dyeing machine, are
maintained in safe working condition to reduce risk of accidents.
6. 5. Setting and Reviewing Health and Safety Objectives
7. The owner's commitment to achieving zero lost time accidents and the provision
of annual refresher health and safety training for factory workers reflect struggles
to set and review health and safety goals regularly.
8. 6. Identification of Hazards and Risks
9. Updating risk assessments for tasks completed in the factory shows a regular
approach to identifying health and safety hazards and risks in the workplace.
7. Adequate Training Provision
All factory workers are required to complete annual refresher health and safety
training ensures that adequate training is provided to equip employees with the
knowledge and skills.
8. Provision of Health and Safety Information
Re-designed induction process includes basic health and safety training and to
help give them understanding of revised health and safety policy ensures that
workers are informed about safety protocols.
9. Involvement of Workers
The owner's spent time with factory workers to determine their level of health and
safety knowledge indicates a commitment to involving workers in health and
safety initiatives.
10. Resource Provision
Hiring a full-time health and safety adviser, implementing training programs, and
updating risk assessments demonstrate a commitment to providing the resources
required to make the health and safety policy and arrangements effective.
11. Documentation and Record-Keeping
The documentation of near miss investigations and the implementation of
corrective actions demonstrate a commitment to documenting and monitoring
compliance with the health and safety policy.

Task 7: Workers’ duties in the workplace

Question 7
1. R164 says that workers should:
 Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of other people who
might be affected by the things that they do and the things that they fail to
 Comply with safety instructions and procedures.
 Use all safety equipment properly and not tamper with it.

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 Report any situation which they believe could be a hazard and which they
cannot themselves correct.
 Report any work-related accident or ill health.
2. NORTHERN MILL workers have not co-operated with their employer in these
3. 1. Supervisor R's considering changes in HSM a waste of time and money,
indicates a lack of cooperation with the employer's efforts to enhance safety
4. 2. Neglecting Safety Responsibilities
5. Supervisor R neglected the safety protocols during the induction of new factory
workers, where they simply handed out printed copies of the health and safety
policy without providing proper guidance or training, shows failure to fulfill their
duties in indorsing a safe work environment.
6. 3. Ignoring Worker Safety Concerns
7. Supervisor R's response to the new factory worker's concern about working alone
on unfamiliar machinery was dismissive, instructing them to proceed despite their
8. 4. Pressuring Workers to Prioritize Production
Supervisor R's instruction to the new factory worker to speed up the task, ignoring
safety concerns due to a delivery deadline error, shows a prioritization of
production over safety.
6. Non-compliance with Safety Procedures
in case workers deliberately bypassed or ignored safety procedures, such as
operating machinery without proper training or protective equipment, would
indicate a lack of cooperation with the employer's safety initiatives.

Task 8: Benefits of worker involvement

Question 8
1. 1.Enhanced Safety Culture
2. Involving factory workers in health and safety initiatives produces a culture where
safety becomes overall responsibility for employees, leading to increased
awareness and vigilance regarding potential hazards.
3. 2. Increased Risk Identification
4. Workers who are actively involved in health and safety processes are more likely
to identify potential risks and hazards in their work environment.
5. 3. When workers are engaged in health and safety practices, they are more likely
to follow safety protocols and procedures, leading to improved overall compliance
with regulations and standards.
6. 4.Better Communication
7. Worker involvement promotes open communication channels between
management and employees, facilitating the exchange of safety-related
information, concerns, and suggestions.
8. 5. Higher Morale
9. If workers input is valued and their safety is prioritized, it can lead to increased job
satisfaction and morale, contributing to a positive work environment.
6. Reduced Incidents and Near Misses

Answer sheet IG1-0038-ENG-OBE-V1 May24 © NEBOSH 2024 page 8 of 10

Involving workers in health and safety initiatives results in identification of hazards
before they lead to accidents or near misses.
7. Cost Savings
By involving workers in health and safety initiatives, Northern Mill can potentially
reduce costs associated with accidents, injuries, and downtime, ultimately leading
to improved productivity and profitability.

Task 9: Learning lessons from adverse events

Question 9

 Prevention of Recurrence
Addressing accidents and near misses helps Northern Mill identify causes
and prevent future accidents.
 Continuous Improvement
Analyzing events identifies areas for process, procedure, and safety
protocol enhancement.
 Enhanced Safety Culture
Learning from incidents showcases Northern Mill's safety commitment,
encouragement of vigilant employee observance.
 Worker Confidence
Incident management encourages worker trust in safety measures,
boosting morale.
 Legal Compliance
Learning ensures adherence to health and safety regulations, reducing
legal risks.
 Protection of Reputation
Proactive measures safeguard Northern Mill's image as a safe employer.
 Cost Reduction
Improving safety measures post-incidents reduces accident-related costs.
 Worker Engagement
Involving workers fosters safety ownership and engagement.
 Continuous Learning
Events prompt the implementation of improved training and safety

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End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Certificate Digital
Assessment - Technical Learner Guide, English. All guidance documents can be found on
the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1-0038-ENG-OBE-V1 May24 © NEBOSH 2024 page 10 of 10

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