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Management of Dysregulated Immune

Response in the Critically Ill 1st Edition

Zsolt Molnar
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Lessons from the ICU
Under the Auspices of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Series Editors: Maurizio Cecconi · Daniel De Backer

Zsolt Molnar
Marlies Ostermann
Manu Shankar-Hari Editors

of Dysregulated
Immune Response
in the Critically Ill
Lessons from the ICU
Under the Auspices of the European Society
of Intensive Care Medicine

Series Editors
Maurizio Cecconi, Head Dept Anesthesia and ICU
Humanitas Research Hospital Head Dept Anesthesia
and ICU, Rozzano, Milano, Milano, Italy

Daniel De Backer, Dept Intensive Care, Université Libre de

Bruxelles Dept Intensive Care Erasme University
Bruxelles, Brussels Hoofdst.ge., Belgium
Series Editors: M. Cecconi, D. De Backer
Lessons from the ICU is a Book Series published by Springer under the auspices of the European Society
of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM). The aim of the Series is to provide focused and state-of-the-art
reviews of central topics in Intensive Care. Ultimately, its mission is to transfer the latest knowledge to the
bedside in order to improve patient outcomes. Accordingly, the ESICM has also developed Lessons from
the ICU with the vision or providing the best resources for everyone working in Intensive Care.
Each volume presents a comprehensive review of topical issues in Intensive Care. The volumes are
intended to cover the majority of aspects that intensive care professionals are likely to encounter in the
course of their career. Books offer an excellent guide for residents who are new to the ICU, and for allied
professionals, senior consultants as well as nurses and allied healthcare professionals.
The chapters are organized in a way that allows the reader to quickly familiarize or reacquaint them-
selves with the pathophysiological background before moving on to diagnosis and treatment. Each chap-
ter includes a list of Take Home Messages, as well as practical examples that apply theoretical knowledge
in real clinical scenarios. Each volume in the Series is edited by international Key Opinion Leaders in
Intensive Care, and each chapter is written by experts in the field.
In summary, this Series represents a valuable contribution to fill the gap in the current Intensive Care
literature by providing top-quality literature reviews that can be easily digested and used at the bedside to
improve patient outcomes.
Corresponding Series Editors and responsible for new book proposals :
Maurizio Cecconi @ maurizio.cecconi@hunimed.eu, Daniel De Backer @ ddebacke@ulb.ac.be
Zsolt Molnar • Marlies Ostermann • Manu Shankar-Hari

Management of
Immune Response
in the Critically Ill
Zsolt Molnar Marlies Ostermann
Department of Anaesthesiology Department of Critical Care
and Intensive Therapy King’s College London, Guy’s & St Thomas’
Semmelweis University NHS Foundation Trust
Budapest, Hungary London, UK

Manu Shankar-Hari
The Queen’s Medical Research Institute
Edinburgh BioQuarter, Centre for
Inflammation Research
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, UK

ISSN 2522-5928     ISSN 2522-5936 (electronic)

Lessons from the ICU
ISBN 978-3-031-17571-8    ISBN 978-3-031-17572-5 (eBook)

© European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 2023

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Ferdinand Waldo Demara, whose story is told in the book “The Great Impostor,”
was a man of enormous ingenuity and guile. After running away from home at the
age of 16, he created a series of forged identities, variously becoming a Trappist
monk, a prison warden, a psychologist, and the dean of a college. But his most dar-
ing role was as a military surgeon who, using a combination of penicillin and a text-
book of general surgery, successfully treated 19 badly wounded Korean soldiers on a
military hospital ship [1]. Two forces seem to have driven the success of his remark-
able story—the need to adapt quickly to survive and the willingness of those he
duped to accept, even if only briefly, his fantastic claims of legitimacy.
These same forces are a metaphor for sepsis. The innate immune system that drives
sepsis is the product of many hundreds of millions of years of responses to complex
forces on the planet that threaten survival. Of necessity, those multicellular creatures
who now populate the earth have succeeded because the capacity to evolve has
enabled them to pass their genetic material on to the next generation. The array of
hostile factors that drove this process is broad and the evolutionary response com-
plex, chaotic, and driven not by some grand design, but by the blunt reality that only
survivors reproduce. Viewed from the evolutionary perspective that birthed it, sepsis
is the legacy of half a billion years of having the genetic good fortune of surviving to
reproduce. Its function was to survive the immediate threat—to limit bleeding by
causing blood to coagulate, to kill and eliminate invading microorganisms, to direct
blood flow to vital organs when homeostasis was threatened, and to provide the met-
abolic support needed to ensure cellular survival while supporting the response to
threat. Viewed in retrospect, the result of that evolutionary process is a complex and
elegant network of cellular and molecular effectors that provide a rapid and effective
initial response, based on the recognition of patterns that signify danger, and a
nuanced and highly specific response to the particular threat through the activation
of an adaptive immune response. We understand it only in the most general of terms,
and there is still much to unravel.
All of this complexity evolved in the absence of even the most rudimentary means
of external support. Evolution could not anticipate antibiotics, surgical source con-
trol, or restoration of intravascular volume through the administration of exogenous
fluids. It was blind to the effects of blood transfusion or mechanical ventilatory sup-
port—interventions that sustained life but brought new injury. Innate immunity suc-
ceeded in limiting damage in the absence of support. The corollary is that for those
whose condition was sufficiently severe that support was needed to sustain life, the
immune response itself became a part of the problem. Sepsis, as we manage it in the
twenty-first century, is a condition that develops only in those who in previous eras
would have died quietly of natural causes. It is a disease without biologic precedent.
This brings us to the second insight of the great impostor. The human mind is
trusting, and its perceptions are shaped not only by our immediate observations, but
also by the expectations we have, based on external authority, of what we think must
be. Demara was able to convince the crew of a naval destroyer that he was a skilled
surgeon because they accepted the premise that he was a surgeon, based on forged
papers and diplomas. He acquired a rudimentary knowledge of medicine through
VI Foreword

reading and had an innate confidence that the principles could not be that complex.
The fact that he struggled to tie a knot or to hold a scalpel was attributed to the rock-
ing of the boat, not his lack of experience. And he did manage to save all 19 patients,
including one with the fragment of a shell in the pericardial sac. As a trauma sur-
geon, I am in equal parts impressed by his skill and chastened by the realization of
how basic the principles are.
The same presumption of authority confounds the study of sepsis. Four decades
ago, we defined sepsis as the host response to infection; the implication was that any
putative therapy for sepsis would only be effective in patients in whom infection was
present. As we have learned more about the biology of innate immunity, we have
learned that it can be activated by a host of noninfectious molecules, collectively
known as danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Yet, such is the influence
of a consensus definition that we have been unable to divest ourselves of the notion
that the clinical syndrome we recognize as sepsis may be present in many patients
who are not infected. We rely on clinical diagnostic criteria—fever, tachycardia,
tachypnea, and leukocytosis—because they were given the professional imprimatur
of sepsis syndrome [2] or systemic inflammatory response syndrome [3], not because
they have been shown to be manifestations of a common biologic process. Even
though a majority of patients with sepsis have significant respiratory insufficiency
and infection is the most common risk factor for the acute respiratory distress syn-
drome, we think of these as separate entities, because we have given them separate
names. Conversely, we think of sepsis as a single entity because it is described by a
single word.
Demara’s exploits provide a fascinating insight into human credulity. As will be
apparent in the pages of this book, sepsis evokes strongly held views and convictions.
At the same time, it challenges us to think more critically about how these convic-
tions may be misleading us. Are concepts integral to thinking about sepsis—immune
suppression, cytokine storm, and hyperinflammation—credible biologic constructs
or impostors rooted in tradition and the veneer of authority? We do not know, which
makes the story all the more fascinating.
It has been more than 100 years since Sir William Osler observed that his patients
admitted with infection seemed to die not because of the infection per se but due to
the body’s response to infection. A few decades later, Hans (Janos) Selye discovered
a similar phenomenon by exposing animals to different injuries that resulted in a
typical syndrome—which he named “stress”—that was independent of the nature of
the injury but represented a response to it.
In the era of modern intensive care medicine, sepsis has become on the one hand
the biggest challenge at the bedside but on the other hand the greatest driving force
in research activity. It was soon acknowledged that sepsis cannot be solved by admin-
istering the right antibiotics; that is, simply controlling the pathogen is not enough.
The importance of the host response to infection was already taken into account by
Roger Bone and co-workers on the legendary Consensus Conference in 1991, when
they invented a new terminology and separated systematic inflammatory response
(SIRS) from sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock and also identified multiple system
organ failure.
However, it took another more than two decades to realise that SIRS is a necessity
for our immune system to tackle pathogen invasion; in fact, it should be regarded as
a normal, i.e., healthy, response to an injury, let it be infectious or non-­infectious. The

latter occurred when we realised that clinical and biochemical features of septic
shock can occur in a number of non-infection-related aetiologies, such as trauma,
major surgery and acute pancreatitis, and the driving force behind the pathological
consequences irrespective of the aetiology is inflammation.
Since Sepsis-3 was published in 2016, the concept that sepsis is a “life-threatening
organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response” has become more and more
accepted worldwide. Although the term “dysregulated immune/host response”
appears frequently in manuscripts and scientific presentations, the editors and the
authors of this volume felt that a comprehensive summary on this extremely diverse
and colourful topic could be of high interest and a nice learning tool for all inter-
We separated the book into four chapters starting with the host immune response
(Part I). Part II addresses a few aspects of the assessment of dysregulated host
response at the bedside. Part III elucidates that basically all vital organ dysfunctions
are the result of and/or driven by inflammatory processes. Finally, Part IV discusses
some alternative measures of immunomodulation. There is one common feature in
all parts: every chapter was written by well-known, internationally highly acclaimed
experts of the field.
By ending this preface, the editors of this book would like to thank all authors
who contributed their high-quality work to this volume; the senior editors of this
series, initiated by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM); and
last but not least, the publisher, Springer, for the great support throughout the devel-
opment and the publishing phases to enable the completion of this important mis-
sion to come true.
1. Crichton R. The great impostor. New York: Random House; 1959.
2. Bone RC, Fisher CJ, Clemmer TP, et al. Sepsis syndrome: a valid clinical entity.
Crit Care Med 1989; 17: 389–93.
3. Bone RC, Balk RA, Cerra FB, et al. Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and
guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis. Chest 1992; 101: 1644–55.

John C. Marshall
Department of Surgery, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


It has been more than 100 years since Sir William Osler observed that his patients
admitted with infection seemed to die not because of the infection per se but due to
the body’s response to infection. A few decades later, Hans (Janos) Selye discovered
a similar phenomenon by exposing animals to different injuries that resulted in a
typical syndrome—which he named “stress”—that was independent of the nature of
the injury but represented a response to it.
In the era of modern intensive care medicine, sepsis has become on the one hand
the biggest challenge at the bedside but on the other hand the greatest driving force
in research activity. It was soon acknowledged that sepsis cannot be solved by admin-
istering the right antibiotics; that is, simply controlling the pathogen is not enough.
The importance of the host response to infection was already taken into account by
Roger Bone and co-workers on the legendary Consensus Conference in 1991, when
they invented a new terminology and separated systematic inflammatory response
(SIRS) from sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock and also identified multiple system
organ failure.
However, it took another more than two decades to realise that SIRS is a necessity
for our immune system to tackle pathogen invasion; in fact, it should be regarded as
a normal, i.e., healthy, response to an injury, let it be infectious or non-infectious. The
latter occurred when we realised that clinical and biochemical features of septic
shock can occur in a number of non-infection-related aetiologies, such as trauma,
major surgery and acute pancreatitis, and the driving force behind the pathological
consequences irrespective of the aetiology is inflammation.
Since Sepsis-3 was published in 2016, the concept that sepsis is a “life-threatening
organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response” has become more and more
accepted worldwide. Although the term “dysregulated immune/host response”
appears frequently in manuscripts and scientific presentations, the editors and the
authors of this volume felt that a comprehensive summary on this extremely diverse
and colourful topic could be of high interest and a nice learning tool for all inter-
We separated the book into four chapters starting with the host immune response
(Part I). Part II addresses a few aspects of the assessment of dysregulated host
response at the bedside. Part III elucidates that basically all vital organ dysfunctions
are the result of and/or driven by inflammatory processes. Finally, Part IV discusses
some alternative measures of immunomodulation. There is one common feature in
all parts: every chapter was written by well-known, internationally highly acclaimed
experts of the field.
By ending this preface, the editors of this book would like to thank all authors
who contributed their high-quality work to this volume; the senior editors of this
X Preface

series, initiated by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM); and
last but not least, the publisher, Springer, for the great support the development and
the publishing phases to enable the completion of this important mission to come

Zsolt Molnar
Budapest, Hungary

Marlies Ostermann
London, UK

Manu Shankar-Hari
Edinburgh, UK 


I The Host Immune Response

1 Phenotypes........................................................................................................................................ 3
Nanon F. L. Heijnen, Carolyn S. Calfee, and Lieuwe D. J. Bos
1.1 Introduction: The Critically Ill, a Heterogeneous Population................................................ 4
1.2 Subphenotypes Identified in Critically Ill Patients................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Sepsis................................................................................................................................................................5
1.2.2 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome..................................................................................................6
1.2.3 Acute Kidney Injury.....................................................................................................................................9
1.2.4 Implications of Identified Subphenotypes.........................................................................................10
1.3 The Immune Response in Subphenotypes.................................................................................. 10
1.3.1 Innate Immune Response.........................................................................................................................10
1.3.2 Adaptive Immune Response....................................................................................................................11
1.3.3 Implications of the Immune Response in Subphenotypes...........................................................12
1.3.4 Unique or Generalizable?..........................................................................................................................12
1.4 Future Challenges................................................................................................................................ 14

2 The Dysregulated Host Response....................................................................................... 19

D. Payen, M. Carles, and B. Seitz-Polski
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 20
2.2 The Inflammatory Response in Severe Infection....................................................................... 21
2.3 The Immune Depression in Sepsis (Early and Late Phase)..................................................... 22
2.3.1 The Immune Phases....................................................................................................................................23
2.3.2 The “Downregulation” of Monocyte/Macrophages.........................................................................23
2.3.3 The Immunodepression and Adaptive Immunity............................................................................23
2.3.4 The Proteomic Consequences.................................................................................................................24
2.4 The Role of Cellular Metabolism..................................................................................................... 25
2.4.1 The Aerobic Glycolysis or “Warburg Effect” ........................................................................................26
2.4.2 The Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF).......................................................................................................28
2.4.3 The Regulation of the Immune Response by mTOR........................................................................29
2.4.4 The Combination of Mediated mTOR and HIF-1α Aerobic Glycolysis:
A Basis for Trained Immunity...................................................................................................................29
2.4.5 The Liaison Between Metabolic Shift Modifications and Functions
of Immune Cells............................................................................................................................................30

3 What Is Cytokine Storm?........................................................................................................... 35

Dominik Jarczak and Axel Nierhaus
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 38
3.2 Pathophysiology of CS....................................................................................................................... 42
3.3 Inflammation Due to Sepsis............................................................................................................. 42
3.4 Hypercytokinemia in Sepsis............................................................................................................. 45
3.5 Hypercytokinemia in Post-cardiac Arrest Syndrome............................................................... 46
XII Contents

3.6 Endotoxin-Induced CS........................................................................................................................ 46

3.7 CS After Splenectomy......................................................................................................................... 47
3.8 Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD)......................................................................................... 48
3.9 COVID-19.................................................................................................................................................  49
3.10 Iatrogenic CS.......................................................................................................................................... 50
3.11 After the Storm..................................................................................................................................... 50
3.12 Summary................................................................................................................................................. 52

4 Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis........................................................................... 57

Gunnar Lachmann and Frank Brunkhorst
4.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 58
4.2 Types......................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.3 Epidemiology........................................................................................................................................ 60
4.4 Triggers and Underlying Conditions............................................................................................. 61
4.5 Pathobiology......................................................................................................................................... 63
4.6 Clinical Presentation........................................................................................................................... 65
4.7 Diagnosis................................................................................................................................................. 67
4.8 Treatment................................................................................................................................................ 71
4.9 Macrophage activation syndrome (MAS-HLH).......................................................................... 76
4.10 HLH and Sepsis...................................................................................................................................... 77
4.11 Prognosis................................................................................................................................................. 78
4.12 Summary................................................................................................................................................. 78

5 Extracorporeal Circulation-­Related Immune Response....................................... 87

Katrina K. Ki, Silver Heinsar, Daman Langguth, and John F. Fraser
5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 89
5.2 Extracorporeal Circulations in ICU Practice................................................................................. 90
5.2.1 Renal Replacement Therapy....................................................................................................................90
5.2.2 ECMO................................................................................................................................................................92
5.3 Extracorporeal Circulation-Related Immune Response
and the Clinical Implications............................................................................................................ 93
5.3.1 Contact and Complement System.........................................................................................................95
5.3.2 Inflammatory Cytokine and Chemokine Response.........................................................................96
5.3.3 Leukocytes......................................................................................................................................................97
5.4 Causes of Extracorporeal Circulation-Related Immune Response...................................... 100
5.4.1 RRT and ECMO Technology (ECC Circuit Designs and Materials)................................................100
5.4.2 Non-physiological Conditions.................................................................................................................102
5.5 Priorities for Future Research: Potential Therapeutic Interventions
in ECC-Associated Immune Response........................................................................................... 103
5.5.1 Knowing the Technological Disparities................................................................................................103
5.5.2 Understanding Factors Contributing to RRT- and ECMO-­Related
Immune Modulation...................................................................................................................................104
5.5.3 Potential Interventions and Targets for RRT- and ECMO-­Related
Immune Modulation...................................................................................................................................104

6 Septic Shock...................................................................................................................................... 115

Jan Bakker
6.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 116
6.2 Of Infection, Mediators, and Vasodilation................................................................................... 116
6.3 Parameters of Tissue Perfusion in Early Resuscitation............................................................ 117
6.3.1 Blood Pressure...............................................................................................................................................117
6.3.2 Lactate Levels................................................................................................................................................118
6.3.3 Central Venous Oxygen Saturation (ScvO2)........................................................................................118
6.3.4 Central Venous to Arterial PCO2 Difference (dPCO2)........................................................................119
6.3.5 Peripheral Perfusion....................................................................................................................................119
6.3.6 Holistic Approach.........................................................................................................................................119
6.4 On the Use of Fluids............................................................................................................................. 120
6.4.1 The Physiology..............................................................................................................................................120
6.4.2 On the Volume of Fluids............................................................................................................................122
6.5 On the Use of Vasoactive Medication............................................................................................ 123
6.5.1 Vasopressors..................................................................................................................................................123
6.5.2 Inodilators.......................................................................................................................................................125
6.5.3 Mitigating the Adrenergic Response....................................................................................................126

II Assessing Dysregulated Immune Response

at the Bedside
7 Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Biomarkers........................................................................ 139
Jean-Louis Vincent
7.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 140
7.2 Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Biomarkers...................................................................................... 140
7.3 Separating Pro- and Anti-inflammatory Biomarkers?............................................................. 141
7.4 Combining Cytokine Levels?............................................................................................................ 141
7.5 Clinical Applications of Biomarkers............................................................................................... 142

8 How to Interpret Procalcitonin?........................................................................................... 147

Philipp Schuetz
8.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 148
8.2 Evidence Regarding PCT-Guided Antibiotic Stewardship...................................................... 148
8.3 Practical Considerations for Use of PCT........................................................................................ 149
8.4 Limitations of Procalcitonin.............................................................................................................. 150

9 Assessment of the Macro- and Microcirculation....................................................... 153

Antonio Messina, Daniel De Backer, and Maurizio Cecconi
9.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 154
9.2 Coupling Macro- and Microcirculation: Monitoring Peripheral Perfusion
in Critically Ill Patients........................................................................................................................ 158
9.2.1 Role of Blood Lactate..................................................................................................................................158
XIV Contents

9.3 Clinical Assessment of Peripheral Perfusion............................................................................... 160

9.3.1 Role of the Capillary Refill Time...............................................................................................................161
9.4 Peripheral Perfusion Assessed by Skin Functional and Clinical Assessment................... 162
9.4.1 Skin Temperature and Mottling..............................................................................................................162
9.5 Optical Monitoring.............................................................................................................................. 163
9.5.1 Peripheral Perfusion Index........................................................................................................................164
9.5.2 Near-infrared Spectroscopy.....................................................................................................................164
9.5.3 Assessment of Microvascular Perfusion...............................................................................................166

III Dysregulated Immune Response and Organ

10 Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill:
Heart and Circulation.................................................................................................................. 173
Benjamin Deniau, Charles de Roquetaillade, Alexandre Mebazaa,
and Benjamin Chousterman
10.1 Inflammation in Cardiovascular Diseases.................................................................................... 175
10.1.1 The Central Role of Cytokines in Inflammation During Cardiovascular Diseases.................175
10.1.2 The Pivotal and Critical Role of NLRP3 Inflammasome in Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI).............................................................................................................................................176
10.2 Inflammation in Septic Cardiomyopathy..................................................................................... 177
10.3 Inflammation and Cardiac Arrhythmias....................................................................................... 178
10.4 Inflammation in Acute Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock............................................... 179
10.5 Inflammation and Vascular System................................................................................................ 180
10.5.1 Endothelial Dysfunction............................................................................................................................180
10.5.2 Glycocalyx Breakdown...............................................................................................................................180
10.5.3 Junction Protein Dysregulation..............................................................................................................181
10.6 Long-Term Impact of Critical Care on Cardiovascular Health: Immune Scar................... 181
10.7 Therapeutic Approach of Inflammation During CVD.............................................................. 182
10.7.1 Anakinra..........................................................................................................................................................182
10.7.2 Colchicine.......................................................................................................................................................182
10.7.3 Steroids............................................................................................................................................................184

11 Brain........................................................................................................................................................ 191
Annemieke M. Peters van Ton, Fabio Silvio Taccone, and Peter Pickkers
11.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 192
11.2 Epidemiology........................................................................................................................................ 192
11.3 Pathophysiology................................................................................................................................... 194
11.4 Biomarkers to Measure Neuroinflammation.............................................................................. 196
11.5 Neuroinflammation in Systemic Inflammatory Conditions................................................... 197
11.6 Future Perspectives............................................................................................................................. 199

12 Dysregulated Immune Response and Kidney Dysfunction............................... 205

Nuttha Lumlertgul and Marlies Ostermann
12.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 206
12.2 Normal Physiology............................................................................................................................... 206
12.3 Acute Kidney Injury............................................................................................................................. 207
12.3.1 Endothelial Dysfunction............................................................................................................................207
12.3.2 Microcirculatory Dysfunction..................................................................................................................207
12.3.3 Tubular Cell Injury........................................................................................................................................208
12.3.4 Intrarenal Inflammation.............................................................................................................................208
12.4 Additional Factors Contributing to Inflammation in AKI........................................................ 209
12.4.1 Haemodynamic Instability........................................................................................................................209
12.4.2 Renal Venous Congestion.........................................................................................................................209
12.4.3 Tubular Obstruction....................................................................................................................................209
12.4.4 Hypersensitivity Immune Reactions.....................................................................................................209
12.5 AKI Sub-types........................................................................................................................................ 210
12.6 Organ Crosstalk.................................................................................................................................... 211
12.7 Renal Repair/Progression.................................................................................................................. 211
12.8 Management......................................................................................................................................... 211

13 Dysregulated Immune Response and Organ Dysfunction: Liver................... 215

Adrian T. Press and Michael Bauer
13.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 216
13.2 Immune Competent Cells of the Liver and Their Function.................................................... 216
13.2.1 Hepatic Lymphocytes.................................................................................................................................218
13.2.2 Myeloid Cells in the Liver...........................................................................................................................220
13.2.3 Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells...........................................................................................................221
13.2.4 Hepatic Stellate Cells...................................................................................................................................221
13.2.5 Hepatocytes...................................................................................................................................................222
13.3 Liver Impairment in Patients with Critical Illness...................................................................... 222
13.4 The Liver in Systemic Inflammation and Sepsis......................................................................... 224
13.5 Management of Liver Failure in Critical Illness.......................................................................... 226
13.6 Targeting Immune Dysregulation in Liver Disease................................................................... 227

14 Hemostasis......................................................................................................................................... 235
Romein W. G. Dujardin, Derek J. B. Kleinveld, and Nicole P. Juffermans
14.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 237
14.2 The Pathophysiology of Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy.......................................... 237
14.2.1 Normal Hemostasis.....................................................................................................................................237
14.2.2 Inflammation-Induced Alterations in the Coagulation System...................................................239
14.3 Specific Forms of Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy........................................................ 240
14.3.1 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.............................................................................................240
14.3.2 Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy (SIC)......................................................................................................241
14.3.3 Malignancy-Associated DIC......................................................................................................................241
XVI Contents

14.3.4 Obstetric Associated DIC...........................................................................................................................241

14.3.5 COVID-Associated Coagulopathy: An Exception to this Chapter...............................................242
14.3.6 Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy (TIC)...................................................................................................242
14.4 Diagnosis of Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy................................................................. 242
14.4.1 Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.............................................................................................242
14.5 Viscoelastic Tests in the Diagnosis of Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy.................. 244
14.6 Clinical Consequences of Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy........................................ 244
14.6.1 Risk of Bleeding: Incidence and Risk Factors......................................................................................244
14.6.2 Risk of Thromboembolic Events: Incidence and Risk Factors.......................................................244
14.6.3 Organ Failure.................................................................................................................................................244
14.6.4 Mortality..........................................................................................................................................................245
14.7 Prevention of Bleeding in Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathic Patients..................... 245
14.7.1 Prophylactic Platelet Transfusion...........................................................................................................245
14.7.2 Prophylactic Plasma Transfusion............................................................................................................245
14.7.3 Tranexamic Acid...........................................................................................................................................246
14.7.4 Prevention of Bleeding in Coagulopathic Patients Undergoing
an Invasive Procedure.................................................................................................................................246
14.7.5 Treatment of Bleeding in Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathic Patients.............................246
14.8 Clinical Management of Risk of Thrombosis............................................................................... 247
14.8.1 Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis................................................................................................247
14.8.2 Type of Pharmacological Thromboprophylaxis................................................................................247
14.9 Management of Patients with DIC................................................................................................. 248
14.9.1 Anticoagulant Treatment of (Micro)thrombotic Events.................................................................248
14.9.2 Substitution of Anticoagulant Proteins................................................................................................248
14.10 Treatment of Thrombosis in Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy................................... 249

15 Dysregulated Immune Response and Organ Dysfunction:

The Muscles........................................................................................................................................ 257
Luke Flower, Charlotte Summers, and Zudin Puthucheary
15.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 258
15.2 Critical Illness-Associated Muscle Wasting.................................................................................. 258
15.3 Muscle Metabolism and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Critical Illness............................. 258
15.4 Immune Dysfunction in Critical Illness......................................................................................... 260
15.4.1 Persistent Inflammation, Immunosuppression, and Catabolism Syndrome..........................260
15.4.2 Intramuscular Inflammation, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Myocyte Necrosis..............261
15.4.3 So Which Mechanism Predominates?...................................................................................................263

IV Modulating the Immune Response

16 The Role of Steroids..................................................................................................................... 267
Nicholas Heming and Djillali Annane
16.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 268
16.2 Pathophysiology of Sepsis Relevant to Corticosteroids......................................................... 268
16.3 Should Glucocorticoids Be Used in Sepsis?................................................................................. 270

16.4 When and How to Administer Glucocorticoids in Septic Shock........................................... 272

16.4.1 When Should Steroids Be Administrated in Septic Shock?...........................................................272
16.4.2 What Dose of Steroids Should Be Administered?.............................................................................272
16.4.3 Should Fludrocortisone Be Associated with Hydrocortisone?....................................................272
16.4.4 What Is the Optimal Duration of Glucocorticoid Administration?.............................................273
16.4.5 Should Glucocorticoids Be Tapered Off?.............................................................................................273
16.4.6 What Are the Main Side Effects of Steroids?.......................................................................................273
16.4.7 Should Other Conditions Be Treated by Glucocorticoids in the ICU?.......................................274
16.4.8 Can Glucocorticoid Treatment Be Personalized in Sepsis?...........................................................274

17 Anti-cytokine Therapy in Critical Illness: Is There a Role?.................................. 279

John C. Marshall
17.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 281
17.2 Cytokines in the Regulation of a Systemic Response to Danger:
A Historical Perspective..................................................................................................................... 281
17.2.1 Cytokines and Hormones: How Do They Differ?...............................................................................281
17.2.2 Cytokines: An Evolving Understanding...............................................................................................282
17.2.3 How Do Cytokines Alter Cellular Functioning?.................................................................................284
17.3 Cytokine-Targeted Therapy in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases........................................... 285
17.3.1 Rheumatoid Arthritis..................................................................................................................................286
17.3.2 Other Autoimmune Disorders.................................................................................................................286
17.3.3 Inflammatory Bowel Disease...................................................................................................................286
17.3.4 Oncology.........................................................................................................................................................287
17.3.5 Other Diseases..............................................................................................................................................287
17.4 Targeting Cytokines in Acute Inflammatory Diseases............................................................. 287
17.4.1 Preclinical Insights.......................................................................................................................................287
17.4.2 Insights from Clinical Trials in COVID-19.............................................................................................. 288
17.5 Cytokine-Targeted Therapy in Sepsis............................................................................................ 290
17.5.1 The Story So Far............................................................................................................................................290
17.6 Why Have Clinical Trials of Anti-cytokine Therapy for Sepsis Been
So Disappointing?................................................................................................................................ 291
17.6.1 Sepsis Is Intrinsically Heterogeneous....................................................................................................291
17.6.2 The Innate Immune Response Is Vital to Effective Anti-infectious Host Defense.................292
17.6.3 The Host Innate Immune Response Is Biologically Redundant...................................................293
17.6.4 Preliminary Evaluation of Potential Strategies Is Often Inadequate..........................................293
17.6.5 Mortality Endpoints Are Insensitive to Potential Benefits.............................................................293
17.6.6 Timing, Dose, and Duration of Treatment Are Poorly Understood............................................294
17.6.7 The Study Model Is Ill-Adapted to Understand the Reasons for Failure...................................294
17.6.8 Sepsis Lacks Effective Systems for Staging and Stratification......................................................295

18 Extracorporeal Cytokine Removal...................................................................................... 301

Christopher Rugg and Zsolt Molnar
18.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 302
18.2 High-Flux and High-Cutoff Hemofilters........................................................................................ 304
18.3 Adsorptive Hemofilters...................................................................................................................... 305
XVIII Contents

18.4 Dedicated Hemoadsorption Columns.......................................................................................... 306

18.5 Combined Plasma Filtration and Adsorption or Therapeutic Plasma Exchange............ 307
18.6 Summary................................................................................................................................................. 308


Djillali Annane Department of Intensive Care, Raymond Poincaré Hospital, APHP Univer-
sité Paris Saclay, Paris, France
Laboratory of Infection and Inflammation—U1173, School of Medicine Simone Veil, Uni-
versity Paris Saclay Campus UVSQ, Paris, France
FHU SEPSIS, RHU RECORDS, APHP, Université Paris Saclay Campus UVSQ, INSERM,
Paris, France

Jan Bakker NYU School of Medicine, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Department of Pulmonology and Critical Care, Columbia University College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Department of Intensive Care Adults, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
Facultad de Medicina, Department of Intensive Care, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile

Michael Bauer Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena University
Hospital, Jena, Germany
Medical Faculty, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Lieuwe D. J. Bos Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Amsterdam University Medical

Centers, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Frank Brunkhorst Center for Clinical Studies, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive
Care Medicine, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Jena, Germany

Carolyn S. Calfee Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine, Depart-
ment of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA

M. Carles CHU de Nice, France and INSERM U1065, C3M, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice,
XX Contributors

Maurizio Cecconi Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, IRCCS Humani-
tas Research Hospital—IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy

Benjamin Chousterman Université de Paris, INSERM, Paris, France

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, AP-HP Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris,

Daniel De Backer Department of Intensive Care, CHIREC Hospitals, Université Libre de

Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Benjamin Deniau Université de Paris, INSERM, ParisFrance

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, AP-HP Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris,

Charles de Roquetaillade Université de Paris, INSERM, Paris, France

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, AP-HP, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris,

Romein W. G. Dujardin Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anesthesiology,

Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Intensive Care, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Luke Flower William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, Lon-
don, UK

John F. Fraser Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, QLD,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Nanon F. L. Heijnen Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Maastricht University Medical

Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Silver Heinsar Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, QLD,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Nicholas Heming Department of Intensive Care, Raymond Poincaré Hospital, APHP Uni-
versité Paris Saclay, Paris, France
Laboratory of Infection and Inflammation—U1173, School of Medicine Simone Veil, Uni-
versity Paris Saclay Campus UVSQ, Paris, France
FHU SEPSIS, RHU RECORDS, APHP, Université Paris Saclay Campus UVSQ, INSERM,
Paris, France

Dominik Jarczak Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Ham-
burg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Nicole P. Juffermans Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anesthesiology,

Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Intensive Care, OLVG Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Katrina K. Ki Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, QLD,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Derek J. B. Kleinveld Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anesthesiology,

Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Intensive Care, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Nether-

Gunnar Lachmann Department of Anesthesiology and Operative Intensive Care Medicine

(CCM, CVK), Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany

Daman Lngguth Clinical Immunology and Allergy, and Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology, Wes-
ley Hospital, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Nuttha Lumlertgul Department of Critical Care, King’s College London, Guy’s & St
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine and Excellence, Center in Critical
Care Nephrology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
XXII Contributors

John C. Marshall St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada


Alexandre Mebazaa Université de Paris, INSERM, Paris, France

Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, AP-HP, Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris,

Antonio Messina Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, IRCCS Humani-
tas Research Hospital—IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy

Zsolt Molnar Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Semmelweis Univer-

sity, Budapest, Hungary
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Poznan University of Medical Sci-
ences, Poznan, Poland

Axel Nierhaus Department of Intensive Care Medicine, University Medical Center Ham-
burg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany

Marlies Ostermann Department of Critical Care, King’s College London, Guy’s & St
Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

D. Payen Université Paris 7, Denis Diderot, UFR de Médecine, Sorbonne Cité, Paris, France

Annemieke M. Peters van Ton Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Radboud University
Medical Center, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Peter Pickkers Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Radboud University Medical Cen-
ter, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Adrian T. Press Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Jena University
Hospital, Jena, Germany
Medical Faculty, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

Zudin Puthucheary William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London,
London, UK
Adult Critical Care Unit, The Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK

Christopher Rugg Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Medical

University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Philipp Schuetz Department of Internal Medicine, Kantonsspital Aarau, Aarau, Switzer-

University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

B. Seitz-Polski Université de Nice, Laboratoire d’Immunologieet Service de Néphrologie-

Dialyse-Transplantation CHU de Nice, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France

Charlotte Summers Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK


Fabio Silvio Taccone Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Université libre de Bruxelles
(ULB), Erasme Hospital, Brussels, Belgium

Jean-Louis Vincent Department of Intensive Care, Erasme Hospital, Université libre de

Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
1 I

The Host Immune


Chapter 1 Phenotypes – 3
Nanon F. L. Heijnen, Carolyn S. Calfee,
and Lieuwe D. J. Bos

Chapter 2 The Dysregulated Host Response – 19

D. Payen, M. Carles, and B. Seitz-Polski

Chapter 3 What Is Cytokine Storm? – 35

Dominik Jarczak and Axel Nierhaus

Chapter 4 Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis – 57

Gunnar Lachmann and Frank Brunkhorst

Chapter 5 Extracorporeal Circulation-Related Immune

Response – 87
Katrina K. Ki, Silver Heinsar, Daman Langguth,
and John F. Fraser

Chapter 6 Septic Shock – 115

Jan Bakker
3 1

Nanon F. L. Heijnen, Carolyn S. Calfee, and Lieuwe D. J. Bos


1.1 I ntroduction: The Critically Ill, a Heterogeneous

Population – 4

1.2  ubphenotypes Identified in Critically

Ill Patients – 5
1.2.1 S epsis – 5
1.2.2 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – 6
1.2.3 Acute Kidney Injury – 9
1.2.4 Implications of Identified Subphenotypes – 10

1.3 The Immune Response in Subphenotypes – 10

1.3.1 I nnate Immune Response – 10
1.3.2 Adaptive Immune Response – 11
1.3.3 Implications of the Immune Response in
Subphenotypes – 12
1.3.4 Unique or Generalizable? – 12

1.4 Future Challenges – 14

References – 15

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

Z. Molnar et al. (eds.), Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill,
Lessons from the ICU, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17572-5_1
4 N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

nnLearning Objectives
1 In this chapter, we elaborate on the heterogeneity of the critically ill and how subgroups
are defined within syndromes, introduce the concept of precision medicine, discuss
previously identified data-driven subphenotypes within the critically ill phenotypes,
provide insight into the role of the immune response in subphenotypes, and enumerate
future challenges. After reading this chapter, you will understand more about the pur-
pose and application of phenotyping patient populations, specifically the critically ill,
and the overarching role of the immune response in that phenotyping process.

1.1 Introduction: The Critically Ill, a Heterogeneous Population

Critically ill patients require intensive care unit admission for organ support. Key
features of the critically ill patient are severe respiratory, cardiovascular, and/or neu-
rological derangement, often in combination, reflected in abnormal physiological
observations. These symptoms are aggregated into clinical syndromes like acute kid-
ney injury (AKI), sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and delirium
and are used to classify the ICU population. So far, targeted pharmacologic inter-
vention for these syndromes has proven largely unsuccessful [1–3].
A complex of recognizable symptoms characterizing a condition for which the
pathophysiology is not completely understood and/or uniform constitutes the defini-
tion of a syndrome. As a result, patients with a variety of underlying pathophysiolog-
ical mechanisms may fall under the umbrella of the same syndrome. This
heterogeneity in biology may contribute to the failure to discover beneficial treat-
ment effects in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [1–3]. The identification of sub-
groups within syndromic diagnoses, grouping for example more biologically alike
patients, may lead to new insight in pathophysiological mechanisms and treatments.
Definitions have been proposed to standardize the terminology used for sub-
groups in the critically ill and associated broadly defined syndromes, like sepsis.
Although terminology is still somewhat in flux in the field, the proposed definitions
to be utilized in this chapter are as follows: (1) Phenotype: “A set of clinical features
in a group of patients who share a common syndrome or condition.” (2) Subphenotype:
“A set of features in a group of patients who share a phenotype, such as shared risk fac-
tor, trait, diagnostic feature, expression marker, mortality risk, or outcome in response
to treatment, which distinguishes the group from other groups of patients with the same
phenotype.” (3) Endotype: “A distinct biological mechanism of disease, often associ-
ated with an anticipated response to treatment, that is shared by a subgroup of patients
and might be indicated by shared mortality risk, clinical course, or treatment respon-
siveness.” (4) Treatable trait: “A subgroup characteristic that can be successfully tar-
geted by an intervention” [4].
In the critically ill, various subphenotypes have been identified in a range of syn-
dromes. Secondary analyses of RCTs and prospective observational cohort studies in
the critically ill have identified associations between specific subphenotypes and
worse outcome [5–11], and some subphenotypes have been associated with difference
in treatment response [12–16]. This constellation of findings implies that subpheno-
type identification may enable both prognostic enrichment (e.g., selecting for patients
at higher risk for poor outcomes [17]) and predictive enrichment (e.g., selecting for
patients more likely to respond to a given therapy [17]).
5 1
It is important to realize that the identification of a subphenotype does not neces-
sarily imply identification of an endotype. A mechanistic difference between the sub-
phenotypes needs to be discovered in order to speak of an endotype. The same goes
for a treatable trait: not every endotype harbors a treatable trait. Only when a mech-
anistic difference can be successfully targeted can a treatable trait be identified [4].
Based on the successful identification of subphenotypes with prognostic and predic-
tive value, it has been suggested that phenotyping the critically ill may reveal subsets
of patients with a possible targetable treatable trait. This concept forms the founda-
tion of precision medicine: “treatments targeted to the need of individual patients on
the basis of genetic, biomarker, phenotypic, or psychosocial characteristics that distin-
guish a given patient from other patients with similar clinical presentations” [18].
Precision medicine has already successfully led to novel therapeutic strategies in
other medical fields like asthma and cancer. For example, the diagnosis of asthma, a
heterogeneous disease, evolved over time into an umbrella term, encompassing mul-
tiple endotypes with different treatment strategies [19]. Eosinophilic and allergic
asthma are examples of identified endotypes. The discovery of the important role of
eosinophils in the pathogenesis in severe asthma led to the identification of interleu-
kin-­5 (IL-5, an important regulator of growth, differentiation, recruitment, activa-
tion, and survival of eosinophils) as a possible treatable trait, which turned out to be
successfully targetable with mepolizumab and reslizumab (biologicals, antibodies
against IL-5), benralizumab (against IL-5R), and dupilumab (against IL-4R) in
patients with the eosinophilic phenotype [20, 21]. Similarly, immunoglobulin E (IgE)
was found to be a treatable trait targetable with omalizumab (recombinant DNA-­
derived humanized IgG1k monoclonal antibody) in allergic asthma [22, 23].
Unfortunately, true treatable traits have not been identified yet in the critically ill.
However, increasing evidence points to underlying biological heterogeneity within
critical illness syndromes, and deeper phenotyping may reveal mechanistic differ-
ences paving the way for precision medicine in the critically ill.

1.2 Subphenotypes Identified in Critically Ill Patients

Subphenotypes can be identified based on a variety of statistical methods and a wide

range of variables, covering the aspects of etiology, clinical presentation, physiology,
and biology. In this subsection, we focus on data-driven subphenotypes that include
variables reflecting the immune response in the clustering model or describe differ-
ences in immune response between the identified subphenotypes. Importantly, we are
not including in this review phenotyping strategies based solely on clinical data,
including physiologic data, given the stated focus on the immune response.

1.2.1 Sepsis

The foundation for biologic phenotyping of critically ill patients was laid in critically
ill children presenting with sepsis or septic shock. Using genome-wide expression
profiling, Wong and colleagues identified three subphenotypes of distinct expression
profiles related to the innate and adaptive immune response, with different clinical
6 N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

characteristics identified [24–26]. One of the genes repeatedly found to distinguish

1 the subphenotypes was matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP8). Interestingly, increased
survival was seen in a murine model of sepsis when MMP8 was suppressed, which
implies that MMP8 could be a targetable treatable trait to be investigated in future
studies [27]. Perhaps inspired by this approach in pediatric sepsis and septic shock,
peripheral blood leukocyte gene expression profiles were subsequently used in adult
critically ill septic patients to directly focus on identifying subphenotypes. Analyzing
5000 genes using unsupervised consensus clustering and machine learning resulted in
the discovery of four molecular subphenotypes, MARS1–4 (. Table 1.1). The
MARS1 subphenotype was associated with the highest risk of mortality (hazard
ratio [HR] versus all other subphenotypes: MARS1 1.86 (95% CI 1.21–2.86,
p = 0.0045) versus MARS2 0.64 (95% CI 0.40–1.04, p = 0.061) versus MARS3 0.71
(95% CI 0.41–1.22, p = 0.19) versus MARS4 1.13 (95% CI 0.63–2.04, p = 0.69)). This
high-risk MARS1 subphenotype was associated with downregulated expression of
genes involved in innate and adaptive immune functions [28].
Along the same lines, unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of septic
patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evidence of organ dys-
function revealed two distinct subphenotypes, namely sepsis response signature
groups 1 and 2 (SRS1 and SRS2) (. Table 1.1). Of the 3080 differently expressed
genes between SRS1 and SRS2, 2260 (73.4%) were downregulated in SRS1. SRS1
was characterized as relatively immunosuppressed with features of endotoxin toler-
ance, T-cell exhaustion, and metabolic derangement and was associated with a higher
early (14-day) mortality risk (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.3–4.5, p = 0.005) [9]. Similar sub-
groups based on transcriptomics have been identified in patients with sepsis due to
fecal peritonitis. The source of infection was only responsible for a small number of
differently expressed genes (263 out of 27,159 genes). The association of SRS1 mem-
bership with worse clinical outcome remained consistent in these patients (HR 4.78,
95% CI 1.29–17.65, p = 0.0096) [8]. A secondary analysis of the Vasopressin versus
Norepinephrine as Initial Therapy in Septic Shock (VANISH) trial showed no differ-
ence in vasopressor treatment effect between the SRS1 and SRS2 subphenotypes.
However, SRS subphenotype was associated with a different response to corticoste-
roids (interaction between treatment and SRS subphenotype p = 0.03). Patients clas-
sified as SRS2 had significantly higher mortality when receiving corticosteroids
compared with placebo (odds ratio [OR] 8.3, 95% CI 1.4–47.8) [15]. Notably, when
receiving a placebo, patients classified as SRS2 had also a significantly lower mortal-
ity risk compared to the SRS1 subphenotype (OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.02–0.74, p = 0.02).

1.2.2 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

In ARDS, as defined by the Berlin definition [29], two subphenotypes have been con-
sistently identified, the “hyperinflammatory” and “hypoinflammatory” subpheno-
types (. Table 1.1) [12–14, 30]. Using a latent class analysis (LCA) model based on
clinical and biological data, patients classified as “hyperinflammatory” had higher
plasma levels of inflammatory biomarkers (IL-6, IL-8, sTNFR1), lower plasma pro-
tein C levels, higher prevalence of vasopressor use, lower bicarbonate concentrations,
and higher prevalence of sepsis. The “hyperinflammatory” subphenotype seemed to
represent a population with more severe inflammation, shock, and metabolic acido-
.       Table 1.1 Overview of prevalence and prognostic and predictive enrichment per subphenotype

Syndrome Author Subphenotypes Prevalence Biological biomarkers Prognostic enrichment Predictive enrichment

Sepsis Scicluna MARS1 90 (29.4%) 5000 blood leukocyte genes MARS1: higher 28-day –
et al. (2017) mortality (39% vs. 22%,
[28] 23%, 33%, p = 0.0045)
MARS2 105 (34.3%)
MARS3 71 (23.3%)
MARS4 40 (13.1%)
Davenport SRS1 108 (41%) 26,185 blood leukocyte genes SRS1: higher 28-day Steroids: SRS2: increased
et al. (2016) mortality (17% vs. 27%, mortality with hydrocortisone
[9] p = 0.037) (interaction p = 0.02)
SRS2 157 (59%)
ARDS Bos et al. Uninflamed 218 (48%) IL-13, TNFa, GMCSF, IL-1b, ANG2/1, Reactive: higher 30-day –
(2017) [34] IFNy, IL-10, fractalkine, IL-8, IL-9, mortality (21.6% vs.
MMP8, e-selectin, p-selectin, D-dimer, 37.7%, p < 0.001)
TIMP1, antithrombin, PAI-1, tPA, ICAM
Reactive 236 (52%)
Calfee et al. Hypoinflamma- 318 (67%) SPD, vWF, ICAM-1, IL-6, IL-8, sTNFR- Hyperinflammatory: Fluid: Hyperinflammatory:
(2014) [13] tory 1, PAI-1, protein C higher 90-day mortality increased survival with liberal
(23% vs. 44%, p = 0.006) fluid strategy (interaction
p = 0.0039)
Hyperinflam- 155 (33%) PEEP: Hyperinflammatory:
matory increased survival with higher

PEEP strategy (interaction

p = 0.049)

..      Table 1.1 (continued)

Syndrome Author Subphenotypes Prevalence Biological biomarkers Prognostic enrichment Predictive enrichment

Simvastatin: Hyperinflamma-
tory: increased survival with
N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

simvastatin (interaction
p = 0.14)
Kitsios et al. Hypoinflamma- 65 (62%) IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, sTNFR-1, ANG-2, not significant –
(2019) [42] tory pentraxin-3, fractalkine, ST-2, procalcito-
nin, RAGE
Hyperinflam- 39 (38%)
AKI Wiersema Subphenotype 1 133 (44%) Syndecan-1, ANG-2, IL-6, VAP-1, HBP, Subphenotype 2: higher –
et al. (2020) CD73, FGF13, OLFM4, MMP8, PRTN3, 90-day mortality (29.3%
[35] ELA vs. 40.5%, p = 0.045)
Subphenotype 2 168 (56%)
Bhatraju AKI-SP1 462 (58.2%) ANG2/1, sTNFR-1, sFAS, VCAM, IL-6, AKI-SP2: higher 28-day Vasopressin: AKI-SP1:
et al. (2019) IL-8, GCSF, ANG-1, ANG-2 mortality (6% vs. 25%, increased survival with
[16] p < 0.001) vasopressin (p = 0.05)
AKI-SP2 332 (41.8%)

ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, AKI Acute kidney injury, SRS sepsis response signature, AKI-SP acute kidney injury-subphenotype. Biomarker
abbreviations: IL interleukin, TNFa tumor necrosis factor-alpha, GMCSF granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, ANG angiopoietin, IFNy inter-
feron gamma, MMP8 matrix metalloproteinase-8, TIMP1 metallopeptidase inhibitor 1, PAI-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, tPA tissue plasminogen activa-
tor, ICAM intercellular adhesion molecule, SPD surfactant protein D, vWF von Willebrand factor, sTNFR-1 soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1, ST-2
suppression of tumorigenicity 2, RAGE receptor of advanced glycation end products, VAP-1 vascular adhesion protein 1, HBP heparin-­binding protein, FGF13
fibroblast growth factor 13, OLFM4 olfactomedin 4, PRTN3 proteinase 3, ELA neutrophil elastase 2, VCAM vascular cell adhesion molecule, GCSF granulocyte
colony-­stimulating factor
9 1
sis, which was also reflected by its higher 90-day mortality rate (44% versus 23%,
p = 0.006), fewer ventilator-free days (7.7 versus 17.8, p < 0.001), and less organ
failure-free days (8.0 versus 14.5, p < 0.001) compared to the “hypoinflammatory”
In addition to the prognostic value of these subphenotypes, they also have repeat-
edly been validated in secondary analyses of RCTs in ARDS patients, some of which
revealed subphenotype-dependent treatment effects. The multicenter trials (1)
Assessment of Low Vt and Elevated End-Expiratory Pressure to Obviate Lung
Injury (ALVEOLI) [13, 31], (2) Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT) [12,
32], and (3) Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibition with simvastatin in
Acute lung injury to Reduce Pulmonary dysfunction (HARP-2) [30, 33] identified no
mortality benefit with the tested therapies in ARDS patients, although conservative
fluid management decreased ventilator-free days compared to liberal fluid manage-
ment. However, when stratified by the identified subphenotypes, “hyperinflamma-
tory” patients responded differently to positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) [13]
and to fluid strategy [12] and had a significant survival benefit with simvastatin com-
pared to placebo [14], whereas the “hypoinflammatory” subphenotype showed either
inverse effects or no effect of the tested interventions.
In addition to using combined clinical and biological data, subphenotypes have
also been identified based solely on biological data. A cluster analysis of 20 plasma
biomarkers reflecting inflammation, coagulation, and endothelial activation revealed
two subphenotypes in a cohort of ARDS patients: “reactive” and “uninflamed”
(. Table 1.1). Patients classified as “reactive” had higher levels of inflammation,
coagulation, and endothelial activation and had worse clinical outcomes (higher
ICU and 30-day mortality and less ventilator-free days) [34]. Importantly, although
inflammatory biomarkers were used to identify these subphenotypes, it is unclear
whether the inflammatory or immune response is the fundamental mechanistic dif-
ference between either the “reactive” and “uninflamed” subphenotype or between the
“hyper-” and “hypoinflammatory” subphenotype. Indeed, further biological charac-
terization of these subphenotypes will be needed in order to identify the key path-
ways driving outcomes in each group.

1.2.3 Acute Kidney Injury

In a cohort of critically ill patients with AKI based on the Kidney Disease: Improving
Global Outcomes (KDIGO) score, two subphenotypes named “AKI subphenotype
1” (AKI-SP1) and “AKI subphenotype 2” (AKI-SP2) were identified using latent
class analysis (LCA) (. Table 1.1). The model consisted of 29 variables including
clinical parameters and plasma biomarkers, reflecting endothelial activation/dys-
function and inflammation/apoptosis [16]. AKI-SP2 was characterized by worse
renal function, higher sepsis rates, more vasopressor use, and a higher proportion of
patients also diagnosed with ARDS. In addition, patients had higher values of angio-
poietin 2/1 ratio (ANG 2/1), soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (sTNFR1),
soluble Fas (sFAS), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule (sVCAM), interleukin-6
(IL-6), and IL-8. Patients classified as AKI-SP2 had almost double the risk of (1) no
renal recovery at 7 days (RR: 1.6; 95% CI 1.1–2.2; p = 0.006) and (2) 28-day mortality
(RR: 2.2; 95% CI 1.3–3.5; p = 0.002). A secondary analysis of the Vasopressin and
10 N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

Septic Shock Trial (VASST), comparing the use of vasopressin versus norepineph-
1 rine infusion in patients with septic shock, revealed that septic patients classified as
AKI-SP1 might benefit from vasopressin therapy with reduced risk at 90-day mortal-
ity (RR: 0.54, 95% CI 0.32–0.92; p = 0.02; interaction between AKI subphenotypes
and treatment p = 0.05), contrary to AKI-SP2 which showed no significant risk
reduction [16].
A similar approach was applied to a more specific cohort including only patients
with sepsis and AKI. An LCA model including 30 variables (clinical and plasma
biomarkers reflecting endothelial injury and inflammation) revealed two subpheno-
types, namely “subphenotype 1” and “subphenotype 2” (. Table 1.1) [35]. Compared
to “subphenotype 1,” “subphenotype 2” was characterized by higher vasopressor
use, higher levels of inflammatory and endothelial injury markers (heparin-binding
protein (HBP), neutrophil elastase 2 (ELA), proteinase 3 (PRTN3), olfactomedin 4
(OLFM4), matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP8)), lower percentage of patients with
renal recovery at day 5 (46.4% versus 63.9%, p = 0.003), and a higher percentage of
in-hospital mortality (18.8% versus 35.7%, p = 0.001) and 90-day mortality (29.3%
and 40.5%, p = 0.045). Despite the difference in included study population and
plasma biomarkers, “subphenotype 2” and AKI-SP2 both seem to represent a more
severe form of AKI.

1.2.4 Implications of Identified Subphenotypes

The aforementioned examples indicate that the heterogeneous critically ill popula-
tion, as clinically classified by syndromes, likely encompasses discrete underlying
subtypes with differences in risk profiles and treatment effects. If the subphenotypes
and endotypes are properly identified, this approach could ultimately lead to the
discovery of treatable traits, which in turn could revolutionize treatment strategies
for the critically ill. A possible treatable trait could be found in the subphenotype-­
dependent difference in immune response.

1.3 The Immune Response in Subphenotypes

Additional in-depth analyses have provided a richer understanding of the immune

response in several of the aforementioned subphenotypes. To provide some structure,
we divided this subsection into topics covering (1) the innate immune response and
(2) the adaptive immune response. We acknowledge that such classification is reduc-
tive and does not fully capture the complexity of the immune response.

1.3.1 Innate Immune Response

Plasma protein and transcriptomic biomarkers indicative of pro-inflammatory innate

host response (e.g., IL-1beta, IL-6, and interferon gamma) are part of the set of
variables used to distinguish subphenotypes in patients with ARDS and
AKI. Examining these subphenotypes in more detail, the most important class-
11 1
defining variables (among the highest standardized mean differences) and differences
in transcriptional signatures are related to the innate immune response.
In ARDS, whole-blood leukocyte gene expression profiles have been analyzed to
improve the understanding of the biological heterogeneity in the biological subphe-
notypes of ARDS [36]. Gene expression profiling provides a global picture of cellu-
lar function by mapping patterns in genes expressed at the transcript level (e.g., RNA
microarrays) [37]. Comparing the “reactive” and “uninflamed” subphenotypes in
ARDS, approximately a third of the transcripts (3.332/11.443 (29%) genes) were dif-
ferently expressed in whole blood. The top differently expressed upregulated genes in
the reactive subphenotype (which had worse clinical outcomes) included matrix
metallopeptidase 8 (MMP8), olfactomedin 4 (OLFM4), lipocalin-2 (LCN2), hapto-
globin (HP), bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), resistin (RETN),
and transcobalamin 1 (TCN1). These genes have also been found to be positively
associated with ARDS before and are related to neutrophil activation, the first line
of the innate immune defense.
In AKI, the most class-defining variables also included biomarkers such as pro-
teinase 3 (PRTN3), neutrophil elastase 2 (ELA), heparin-binding protein (HBP),
MMP8, and OLFM4 [38]. MMP8, PRTN3, and ELA are all neutrophil-derived pro-
teases with proteolytic and/or catalytic properties targeting specific proteins of the
extracellular matrix, including collagens, elastin, gelatin, matrix glycoprotein, and
proteoglycans. HBP is a neutrophil-derived mediator with antimicrobial and potent
chemoattractant properties. HBP can also induce vascular leakage and edema.
OLFM4 marks a neutrophil subset which is related to a greater risk at organ failure
and mortality when highly expressed in septic shock patients [39]. All these biomark-
ers had higher levels in “subphenotype 2” (the subphenotype associated with worse
These data suggest that the ARDS and AKI subphenotypes that provide
­prognostic and predictive enrichment may be characterized by differences in the
innate immune response. In-depth analysis with leukocyte gene expression profiles
has suggested that the high-risk subphenotypes may have more pronounced neutro-
phil activation, although the exact role and relation to the subphenotypes still have
to be discovered.

1.3.2 Adaptive Immune Response

The variation and dynamic nature of the host response have been recognized in sep-
sis for a long time, which led to the use of transcriptional signatures of leukocyte
genes as an input for classification models because these provide more insights into
adaptive immune responses than readily available protein biomarker concentration
in plasma [40]. In a study of consecutive patients with sepsis, four subphenotypes
referred to as MARS1–4 were identified and subsequently validated in other cohorts
of critically ill patients with sepsis. Although all MARS1–4 subphenotypes had dis-
tinct molecular signatures, the high-risk MARS1 subphenotype showed an inverse
gene expression profile compared to MARS2–4 subphenotypes, to an extent. The
MARS1 subphenotype was characterized predominantly by underexpression of
genes related to (1) pattern recognition receptor and cytokine signaling (e.g., inter-
feron signaling, TREM1 signaling, NF-KB signaling); (2) cell growth, proliferation,
12 N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

and mobility (e.g., integrin signaling, fMLP signaling in neutrophils, Cd42 signal-
1 ing); (3) lymphocyte pathways (CD28 signaling in T-helper cells, IL-4 signaling, nat-
ural killer cell signaling, T-cell receptor signaling, B-cell receptor signaling); and (4)
cell death (e.g., retinoic acid-mediated apoptosis signaling, death receptor signaling).
In other words, the MARS1 expression signature was largely characterized by a
decrease in expressed genes related to the innate and adaptive immune response. This
pattern contrasted with the patterns observed in MARS2–4 subphenotypes; for
example, MARS3 expression signature was primarily characterized by increased
expression of genes related to lymphocyte pathways (e.g., CD28 signaling in T-helper
cells, antigen presentation pathway, natural killer cell signaling, and IL-4 signaling).
Similarly, SRS1 and SRS2 subphenotypes have also been identified to have dis-
tinct expression signatures with differences in genes related to the immune response
[41]. The SRS1 subphenotype was characterized by downregulated PTPRC, PTPN22,
CBL, and PAG1 (negative regulators of TCR signal initiation) and increased expres-
sion of IRAK3 and TOLLIP, key mediators of endotoxin tolerance and negative
regulators of TLR signaling. Endotoxin tolerance is a transient hyporesponsive state
occurring after initial endotoxin exposure. Dysregulation of this mechanism adds to
the immunosuppressive state. In addition, CD274, a main signal transduction ele-
ment in the T-cell antigen receptor complex, IL7R, and CD247 genes were down-
regulated, indicative of T-cell exhaustion. Furthermore, human leukocyte antigen
(HLA) class II regulator genes, CIITA and RFX5, were downregulated. Taken
together, the SRS1 subphenotype appears to be a relative immunosuppressed sub-
phenotype with endotoxin tolerance and T-cell exhaustion.

1.3.3 Implications of the Immune Response in Subphenotypes

Current data suggests that in the ARDS and AKI subphenotypes, respectively, the
differences in immune response between their individual subphenotypes seem to be
driven by differences in neutrophil activation. In sepsis, the subphenotypes com-
prised upregulated and downregulated transcriptional signatures covering a broader
area of the immune response, sketching a more immunosuppressed or immunocom-
petent profile. To some extent, these differences may reflect the differences in biologic
assays used to characterize the subphenotypes: ARDS and AKI subphenotypes have
largely been identified using protein biomarker analyses, in contrast to sepsis subphe-
notypes which have been driven by whole-blood gene expression profiling. Future
studies comparing subphenotypes across syndromes are needed in order to deter-
mine how these groups overlap with each other. Likewise, in-depth analyses focusing
on immunology pathways (e.g., RNA sequencing and CyTOF) need to be performed
to elucidate the exact role of the immune response and the link to the subphenotypes
identified in the critically ill.

1.3.4 Unique or Generalizable?

All the discussed subphenotypes have been identified in critical illness syndromes
that often overlap and encompass patient heterogeneity. The potential links to patho-
physiological mechanisms still need to be unraveled. The variables reflecting the
13 1
immune response appear to be important contributors to the phenotyping models,
although this response is not yet targetable with therapeutics. Furthermore, the cap-
tured underlying inflammatory reaction might reflect a more generic mechanism,
possibly generalizable to other critically ill patients.
Some indication that these subtypes may be generalizable across syndromic diag-
noses has been observed using the ARDS subphenotypes, which were initially proven
to be robust in highly selected ARDS patient populations. Similar subphenotypes to
the “reactive”/“uninflamed” and “hyperinflammatory”/“hypoinflammatory” sub-
phenotypes with similar characteristics and clinical outcomes have since been identi-
fied and validated in (1) observational cohorts with ARDS patients included (less
highly selected), (2) patients at risk for ARDS, and (3) mechanically ventilated
patients without ARDS [7, 42, 43]. In a population of mechanically ventilated con-
secutive adult ICU patients, the top differentially expressed blood leukocyte genes of
individual subphenotypes (including reactive/uninflamed and hyperinflammatory/
hypoinflammatory) were similar, irrespective of ARDS status [7]. This finding sup-
ports the hypothesis that subphenotypes identified in ARDS may be generalizable to
other critically ill patients.
Another indication that these approaches to subphenotyping may be agnos-
tic to syndromic diagnosis is the overlap of characteristics in different subphe-
notypes. For example, MMP8 and OLFM4 (both associated with neutrophil
activation) were part of the top differently expressed genes and were upregu-
lated in both the ARDS “reactive” subphenotype and AKI “subphenotype 2”
[36, 38, 44]. It could be postulated that these genes play a significant role in both
subphenotypes, as they are not related to an organ-specific mechanism. It is
important to realize that fulfilling the criteria of, for example, AKI does not rule
out the possibility of also fulfilling the criteria of ARDS, or sepsis, or vice versa.
These syndromes often occur simultaneously in the same patients, as is also
reflected by for example the upregulated lipocalin-2 (LCN2, also known as
NGAL, a biomarker for acute kidney injury) in the “reactive” ARDS subpheno-
type [36]. Overlap between subphenotypes should always be taken into account,
given the “generic” biological and clinical data often used as input variables in
the phenotyping models.
This overlap does not necessarily prevent the search for new treatment strategies
based on phenotype characteristics, as we have learned from other fields in medicine.
For example, the antibody IgE plays an essential role in the development of IgE-­
mediated allergic diseases, like allergic asthma. The discovery of omalizumab (anti-­
IgE) as a treatment for allergic asthma led to the identification of its beneficial effects
in allergic dermatitis (another IgE-mediated allergic disease) later on [22, 23, 45].
Similarly, targeting IL-5 in eosinophilic asthma with mepolizumab (antibody against
IL-5) revealed beneficial effects, and mepolizumab is now also registered as a treat-
ment for eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) [46, 47]. As some
biological signatures in asthma translate well to other diseases, it is certainly plausi-
ble that biological signatures of ARDS and AKI can be translated to other critically
ill populations.
14 N. F. L. Heijnen et al.

1.4 Future Challenges

Data-driven subphenotypes with the potential for prognostic and predictive enrich-
ment, and evidence for differences in immune response, have been identified in the
critically ill. As of yet, however, the ultimate goal of identifying treatable traits as
part of precision medicine has not yet been reached. Before this can be accomplished,
some key challenges need to be addressed including (1) elucidating the pathophysio-
logical mechanisms reflected by subphenotypes and (2) clinical application of the
First, it will be pivotal to increase our knowledge about the pathophysiological
mechanisms reflected by the subphenotypes. The current models are mainly based on
“generic” plasma biomarker and clinical data, omitting, for example, the pulmonary
biology in ARDS and renal biology in AKI. Put more directly, although differences
in inflammation and potentially the immune response appear to be important in
characterizing the biologic differences between ARDS and AKI phenotypes, they
may be entirely irrelevant to the differences in clinical outcomes and/or treatment
responses in these patients. The observed differences may be a classic example of
“looking only under the light” (i.e., we only observe differences in pathways we have
studied) and reflect our current superficial understanding of differences in subpheno-
type pathogenesis. Deeper phenotyping—specifically, a comprehensive assessment of
distinct phenotype-related manifestations, components, and mechanisms—could
allow us to elucidate the link between subphenotype-related biological differences
and pathophysiological mechanisms. Firstly, deeper phenotyping could aid in dif-
ferentiating organ-specific pathways from more generic pathways. This distinction is
important for the development of new therapeutics, which rely on the identification
of possible treatable traits. Secondly, deeper phenotyping could help clarify the
meaning and potential use of overlapping underlying mechanisms between subphe-
notypes. Ultimately, it could aid in determining whether a marker also behaves as a
mediator. Basic characteristics of the subphenotypes, like the evolution over time
and relation to the course of the underlying disease, should not be disregarded.
Deeper phenotyping could improve our research strategies from preclinical models
to clinical trials in search for treatable traits and new treatments.
A second challenge will be clinical implementation of phenotyping, as the models
for subphenotype identification used currently are not yet suitable for bedside imple-
mentation. A predictive model of six genes (CD163, ZDHHC19, MME, FAM89A,
ZBP1, B3GNT2) was able to properly classify patients into SRS1 and SRS2 subphe-
notypes (4.1% misclassification) [8]. However, the analyses required to perform this
in a clinical setting are error-prone and time consuming, making this unsuitable as a
bedside test. Fortunately, the majority of the subphenotypes found less complex pre-
dictive models to classify patients. In ARDS, these models are consistent of only 3–4
plasma biomarkers [12, 13, 28, 32, 46], which is likely more practical in a clinical set-
ting. Point-of-care tests are currently under evaluation in a clinical setting for ARDS
subphenotypes (7 ClinicalTrials.­gov Identifier: NCT04009330). While awaiting
these results, a predictive model using readily available clinical data has been devel-
oped, classifying ARDS subphenotypes with high accuracy (AUC: 0.95; 95% CI
0.94–0.96) [48]. These findings are promising and open the door for phenotyping at
the bedside in prospective studies.
15 1

In the heterogeneous critically ill population, subphenotypes have been identified with
prognostic and potentially predictive enrichment. These subphenotypes have also
shown differences in immune response. In-depth analysis showed that the subpheno-
types identified in AKI and ARDS mainly differed in neutrophil activation. The sub-
phenotypes identified in sepsis showed different transcriptional signatures with evidence
for T-cell exhaustion and endotoxin tolerance, which suggests a more immunosup-
pressed and immunocompetent profile, respectively. Although phenotyping seems
promising in the critically ill, real treatable traits have not yet been identified, and it is
still unclear whether the observed differences in inflammatory markers and pathways
related to the immune response represent targetable nodes in subphenotype pathogen-
esis. Increasing our understanding about the identified subphenotypes by deeper phe-
notyping will hopefully pave the way for precision medicine in the critically ill.

Take-Home Messages
55 Data-driven subphenotypes in the critically ill based on models which included
inflammatory biomarkers provide prognostic and predictive enrichment.
55 Transcriptomic analyses indicate that neutrophil activation might distinguish sub-
phenotypes in ARDS.
55 Leukocyte gene expression signatures (MARS1–4 and SRS1–2) in sepsis distin-
guish subphenotypes resembling an immunosuppressed and immunocompetent
55 Deeper phenotyping can reveal the link between differences found in subpheno-
types and pathophysiological mechanisms, a pivotal step in identifying treatable
55 Predictive models that can be used at the bedside need to be developed.

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19 2

The Dysregulated Host

D. Payen, M. Carles, and B. Seitz-Polski


2.1 Introduction – 20

2.2 The Inflammatory Response in Severe Infection – 21

2.3  he Immune Depression in Sepsis

(Early and Late Phase) – 22
2.3.1 T he Immune Phases – 23
2.3.2 The “Downregulation” of Monocyte/Macrophages – 23
2.3.3 The Immunodepression and Adaptive Immunity – 23
2.3.4 The Proteomic Consequences – 24

2.4 The Role of Cellular Metabolism – 25

2.4.1 T he Aerobic Glycolysis or “Warburg
Effect” – 26
2.4.2 The Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) – 28
2.4.3 The Regulation of the Immune Response by mTOR – 29
2.4.4 The Combination of Mediated mTOR and HIF-1α
Aerobic Glycolysis: A Basis for Trained Immunity – 29
2.4.5 The Liaison Between Metabolic Shift Modifications
and Functions of Immune Cells – 30

References – 31

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

Z. Molnar et al. (eds.), Management of Dysregulated Immune Response in the Critically Ill,
Lessons from the ICU, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17572-5_2
20 D. Payen et al.

nnLearning Objectives
The learning objectives are to (1) give an integrated picture of systemic immune host
response during severe infection, with consequences on tissue fitness and potential
2 organ failure; (2) describe the main metabolic pathway supplying energy for resting
and stimulated immune cells; (3) describe the shift in metabolic pathways after stimu-
lation related to infection, particularly the activation of “aerobic metabolism”; and
(4) describe the relation within metabolic shift and changes in immune cell functions
towards immunodepressed phenotype.

2.1 Introduction

As recently stated in Frontiers in Medicine about the scenario of COVID-19

breakthrough, “the field of Translational Medicine is of vital importance for the
research breakthroughs stemming from the bench into clinical practices with the
ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes. Cross-disciplinary interactions
between basic life science researchers, and clinical practitioners have never been
more important” [1]. The wording to characterize the systemic inflammatory
response (host response) induced by an infection called “sepsis” is important to
consider. The term “dysregulated” host response implies a condition in which the
host response is not controlled in the way that it normally should be, according to
the Cambridge Dictionary. This way may then alter the homeostasis, a process by
which biological systems maintain equilibrium adjusting cellular functions to
inflammation, which promotes survival. The rupture of this equilibrium leads to
the following questions: (1) Is the dysregulation describing a real abnormal sys-
temic response, or an adapted response but tolerable or not by the tissue cells,
previously altered by chronic diseases and/or treatments? (2) Are the factors of the
dysregulation reversible or not?
The host response domain gained credence in the medical practice because of the
revolution for treating solid tumors [2] and the COVID-19 outbreak [3]. The care of
COVID-19 illustrates well the concept of host response that is a major factor for
sickness in the absence of a demonstrated efficient antiviral drug. The clinical pat-
terns facing a similar SARS-CoV-2 virus vary from no symptoms to the most severe
as ARDS in parallel with the intensity of host response [4]. More than the initial
measurement, it is the longitudinal analysis of the host response that demonstrates
the time evolution of the inflammatory response. An early (several days) and a late
phase (several weeks) were observed in sepsis, which correspond to changes in gene
expression, protein synthesis, metabolic shift, and finally cellular functions [5]. The
early phase results from an activation of inflammation, particularly the immune cells
releasing a large amount of cytokines (cytokine storm) [6]. The next phase is charac-
terized by an “immunosuppressed” profile, which has been shown to facilitate the
occurrence of secondary infections [7, 8]. This immunodepressed phenotype seems
also to be associated with a higher rate of cancer occurrence [9]. After listing the
major metabolic factors implicated in immune energy supply, the chapter will focus
on the metabolic shift of the immune cells and its potential consequences on the
functional changes in immune cells.
The Dysregulated Host Response
21 2
2.2 The Inflammatory Response in Severe Infection

For many years, a disproportionate inflammatory response to invasive infection was

considered the main mechanism for sepsis pathophysiology. Now it is clear that the
host response is disturbed in a much more complex way, with concomitant sustained
inflammation and immune depression, with some patients having a non-repairing
ability to maintain homeostasis. The recent years’ publications suggest a “reprogram-
ming” of immune cell processes in relation to metabolic shifts [10].
The cellular homeostasis is disturbed during sepsis (. Fig. 2.1). During infec-
tion, the invading pathogen encounters the host innate immune system reacting via
the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognizing the pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs). When a local host response is overwhelmed, the pro-
cess is extended to the circulation compartment, with potential harmful effects on
organ functions not directly concerned by the initial infection. In this severe clinical

Pathogen Factors
- PAMPs Load




Epithelial Cells necrosis Tissue
Leucocytes +
Endothelial Cells
Mono/PMNs Proteases dysfuncon

NFactors NLRs Tissue Barrier

Gene Transcription TIME

NLRP3 Cytokines (anti)
RESPONSE Inhibition of pro-
Ly: exhaustion inflammatory gene
-Genetics Shift apoptosis Transcription
-Comorbidities AGen Pres Treg Risk 2ndary Infection

Host factors

..      Fig. 2.1 Schematic representation of the host response to pathogen factors and/or tissue lesion.
Bacterial, viral or parasite are activating the innate immunity through the pattern recognition receptors
(PRRs), classified in two major types: the pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and the
damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). The recognition leads to a cascade of activation/
phosphorylation that induces the stereotypic inflammatory response. Four types of receptors have been
identified: Toll-like receptors (TLRs), the Nod-like receptors (NLRs), the RIG-like receptors (RLRs),
and C-type lectin receptors (CLRs). Among these, TLRs (10 types in human being) have received the
most attention, mainly the TLR4 the receptor for lipopolysaccharide. The TLRs induce a cascade of
activation that via in nuclear transcription factors as NFκB leads to generate inflammatory cytokines.
NLRs are soluble cytosolic PRRs that shares common nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain
(NOD), with particular attention for NOD1 and NOD2 binding bacterial peptidoglycan. The activa-
tion of the inflammasome, especially NLRP3, the IL-1, a member of IL-1 family, promotes the ampli-
fication cascade and induces the synthesis of several inflammatory cytokine genes as IL-6. Ly
lymphocyte, ROS reactive oxygen species, Agene antigen, Treg T regulatory cell, DCells dendritic cells,
Immunodep immunodepression
22 D. Payen et al.

situation, recent investigations have shown a combination of excessive inflammation

with immune suppression [11]. Although relatively few clinical studies on sepsis have
reported longitudinal measurements after intensive care admission, these studies
2 have shown a persistent inflammation despite appropriate treatment of the primary
infection [12] with lasting organ dysfunction. This phasic change fits well with the
model proposed by P Matzinger [13], suggesting a maintenance of inflammation in
relation with tissue damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), stimulating
also the immune cells via the PRRs [6].
The most important features of the host response in sepsis are well described in
other chapters and will only be summarized here to illustrate the “dysregulation” of
host response.
The time evolution of acute inflammation was shown to be a fast-track process
for cells to move from quiescent to activated status observed in many diseases. After
activation, the immune response oscillates between pro- and anti-inflammation pro-
file corresponding to different immune phenotypes. The hyper-inflammation in sep-
sis (early phase) secondary to PAMP and DAMP stimulation of innate immune
system is associated clinically with approximately 50% of the overall mortality
observed in severe sepsis and septic shock. In addition to shock state, a multiple-
organ failure syndrome occurs, which is mainly driven by excessive inflammatory
response [14]. Such a response interconnects the activation of the complement sys-
tem, the coagulation system, and the endothelial cells [15]. The strong activation of
the coagulation system is characterized by an intravascular disseminated coagula-
tion with clinical evidence of microvascular thrombosis and local hemorrhage. The
rapid consequence is a large decrease in the plasma level of coagulation factors and
platelet number, mainly driven by the tissue factor (TF). The inhibition of this TF
prevents the multiple-­organ failure and reduces mortality in baboon model of lethal
sepsis [15]. The predominance of thrombosis in sepsis is amplified by the altered
activity of anticoagulant pathways: anti-thrombin, tissue factor pathway inhibitor,
and protein C system [15]. Although reversible, such coagulation activation partici-
pates in organ failure and endothelium dysfunction. Vascular inflammation and
coagulation are amplified by the release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) by
neutrophils [16]. Nets are supposed to entrap pathogens that facilitates pathogen
elimination. The increase in NET level in blood in septic patients is associated with
organ dysfunction [16].
The alteration of endothelial barrier is also a hallmark of severe sepsis, which
creates a leakage of intravascular proteins and plasma to the extravascular compart-
ment with a reduced microvascular perfusion.

2.3 The Immune Depression in Sepsis (Early and Late Phase)

The well-admitted phases of inflammation along time seem to drive mortality by dif-
ferent mechanisms. The early death rate (before day 7) (close to 50% of the total
death) occurs in a context of hyper-inflammation. The later death (after day 7) occur
in a context of immnodepressive phase [12]. The demonstrated immune depression in
sepsis associates both innate and adaptive immunity elements and sounds to be most
often reversible in clinic [17–20].
The Dysregulated Host Response
23 2
2.3.1 The Immune Phases

This concept of wave in inflammatory process has been confirmed in GWAs in septic
shock [12] and in transcriptomic studies on blood monocytes [21, 22], on proteomic
reports [23–25], and finally on cell functions [26]. Differential gene SNPs were found
to be related to early versus late phases in human septic shock [12, 21, 25]. Recently,
a GWA analysis on 832 multicentric septic shock patients has identified 139 SNPs
associated with mortality. Among these, the leading one was the cytokine regulation
gene CISH gene [12]. CISH is the first gene member of the suppressor of cytokine
signaling (SOCS) family. When its level of expression is low, this enhances activation
of lymphocyte Treg, an important factor of immune depression [27]. Conversely,
LPS and INFγ induce a high expression of CISH in human monocytes in transcrip-
tomic study [28] and high level of cytokines. When the global mortality was sepa-
rated in early (<7 days) and late phases (between days 8 and 28), SNPs associated
with early death (12 SNPs) differed from those associated with late mortality (16
SNPs), supporting the difference in molecular mechanisms along time. After comple-
tion of protein mapping corresponding to the gene SNPs related to mortality, 79
biological pathways have been identified including the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
system and immune systems, which can be then disrupted by genetic differences [12].

2.3.2 The “Downregulation” of Monocyte/Macrophages

The blood monocytes in septic patients are major players in the “dysregulated host
response” [21, 29]. The longitudinal transcriptome analysis of human blood mono-
cytes at the initial phase (early phase) followed by the recovery phase (late phase) has
been compared with cells from healthy donors [21]. The hierarchical clustering of the
monocyte transcriptomes showed clearly two different populations corresponding to
acute-phase monocytes and to “recovery monocytes” having different gene expres-
sions. In the acute phase, the statistically categorized top ten showed an overexpres-
sion of genes dealing with immune response (cytokines, chemokines, surface
molecules), with a hyper-expression of IL-10. The downregulated expressed genes
mainly related to the metabolic processes [21]. In the late phase, a decreased expres-
sion of key costimulatory factors and MHC class II molecules was shown ex vivo,
which explains the observed alteration of monocyte surface HLA-DR [7, 30]. The
downregulation of HLA-DR expression was profound in “classic” monocytes
(CD14+ CD16−), but relatively modest in “nonclassical” recovery monocyte (CD14+
CD16+) [31]. Such differences in blood monocytes have recently been observed in
severe ARDS COVID-19, confirming the relative independence of the original stim-
ulus of inflammation [32, 33].

2.3.3 The Immunodepression and Adaptive Immunity

Adaptive immunity is also implicated in immunodepression status. First, a low abso-

lute number of lymphocytes is frequently observed in severe sepsis, septic shock, and
severe COVID-19 patients [17, 33, 34]. More importantly, the repertoire of T cells is
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Title: The witchcraft delusion of 1692

Author: Thomas Hutchinson

Contributor: William Frederick Poole

Release date: January 5, 2024 [eBook #72626]

Language: English

Original publication: Boston: David Clapp & Son, 1870

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From an Unpublished Manuscript (an early Draft of his

History of Massachusetts) in the Massachusetts Archives


[Reprinted from the New-England Historical and Genealogical Register for October, 1870.]

David Clapp & Son, Printers, Boston.



In May last I had occasion to consult the original manuscript of

Gov. Hutchinson’s second volume of the History of Massachusetts,
which, it is well known, is among the Hutchinson papers in the State
archives in Boston. I had never before seen the manuscript, and did
not readily find the passage of which I was in search. The first
portion of the manuscript seemed to be missing, and its place was
supplied by matter which belonged to the Appendix. My first
impression was that the missing sheets were those which Gov.
Hutchinson did not recover after the stamp-act riot of 1765. Finding
the matter of the Appendix out of place, suggested that the volume
might have been carelessly arranged for binding. On collating the
manuscript the early portion was found in another part of the volume.
This was the copy used by the printers.
In my search I came to sheets which contained the subject matter
of the printed text, but expressed in different language. I saw, on a
closer examination, that this was an earlier draft, and the identical
manuscript which had passed the ordeal of the riot of 1765; for
portions of it were much defaced, and bore the marks of being
trampled in the mud. The copy from which the volume was printed
was evidently prepared at a later date. For the convenience of those
who may hereafter consult this manuscript, I made in folio 7
(following the matter of the Appendix), the following memoranda:—
“There has been an error in binding this manuscript. The matter
which precedes this is Appendix No. 1 (printed pp. 449-481, edition
1767, and pp. 404-423, edition 1795). The first portion of the history
proper, ending with manuscript page 28 (to printed p. 40, edition
1767, and p. 43, edition 1795), has been placed in folios 92-100.
Page 29 is opposite. This is the manuscript from which the second
volume was printed.
“In folio 55 is the beginning of another manuscript, an earlier draft,
from which the author prepared the narrative which appears in the
printed volume. The earlier draft, ending in folio 91, carries the
substance of the narrative to the word “Boston,” on p. 313, edition of
1767, and p. 284, edition of 1795.
“These memoranda were made May 17, 1870 (with the approval
of Mr. Secretary Warner), at which time the earlier draft was first
Both manuscripts are wholly in the autograph of Gov. Hutchinson,
and they seem to be prepared with equal care. In form of expression
and phraseology they are quite unlike. Incidents and opinions
contained in the earlier draft are changed, abridged and sometimes
omitted in the later draft. In matters of fact the earlier draft is often
more precise and accurate than the printed text, for the author
doubtless prepared it with the original authorities before him.
The researches of Gov. Hutchinson into the early annals of
Massachusetts are of the highest historical value. He had
opportunities of access to original papers such as no person now
possesses. He had the tastes, the capacity for close application and
research, the judicial understanding and the freedom from prejudice
and partizanship which characterize the genuine historian. His style,
if not always elegant, is clear and simple, and singularly free from
that sensational and rhetorical method of statement which is the
bane of much of the historical writing of the present day.
Each of the several editions of Gov. Hutchinson’s History of
Massachusetts has become rare, and a new and revised edition will
soon be demanded. In the preparation of that work the earlier draft of
the second volume, which has now come to light, will furnish
important materials. For the purpose of exhibiting the character and
value of this manuscript, and for contributing some additional
information upon a special subject, I have extracted for publication
that portion which treats the “Witchcraft Delusion of 1692.”
So far as a presentation of facts is concerned, no account of that
dreadful tragedy has appeared which is more accurate and truthful
than Gov. Hutchinson’s narrative. His theory on the subject—that it
was wholly the result of fraud and deception on the part of the
“afflicted children”—will not be generally accepted at the present day,
and his reasoning on this point will not be deemed conclusive. That
there were fraud and deception attending it, no one will doubt; but
there is now a tendency to trace an analogy between the
phenomena then exhibited, and modern spiritual manifestations. No
man of any reputation who lived in that generation, and saw what
transpired at Salem Village and its vicinity, doubted that there was
some influence then exerted which could not be explained by the
known laws of matter or of mind. As these men left the stage, the
theory of fraud was gradually accepted by their descendants; and at
the period when Gov. Hutchinson wrote, it was well nigh the
universal belief among the educated classes.
For the information of persons interested in tracing the
resemblance between the abnormal manifestations of our time and
those of the seventeenth century, I have appended notes to the other
cases mentioned by Gov. Hutchinson, which may lead such inquirers
to a further knowledge of their psychological phenomena.
The author’s notes are indicated by stars, &c., and are signed h.
The editor’s notes are indicated by numerals, and are signed p.
w. f. p.

On [mutilated][1] May, at a general council, there was an

appointment of sheriffs, justices and other civil officers, and, among
the rest, Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer for the trial of witches.
Upon this occasion the Governor suffered the council to choose the
officers, and he gave or refused his consent to the choice—a
mistake which no other governor has made, and which was giving up
a right derived to him from the charter, the great difference between
a nomination and assent being very obvious.
The old constitution being dissolved, it was absolutely necessary
an Assembly should be called. What was the rule of law in the
meantime might be made a question; but at the first meeting of the
General Assembly (the 8th of June) an act passed that all the laws of
the Colony of Massachusetts Bay and the Colony of New-Plymouth,
not being repugnant to the laws of England, nor inconsistent with the
charter, should be in force to the 10th of November, 1692, in the
respective colonies, except where other provisions should be made
by acts of assembly; and all justices of the peace had the same
power given them in the execution of laws which magistrates used to
have. No other acts were passed except two or three relative to the
revenue; an act for erecting a naval office; another to enable the
Governor, with the advice of the council, for six months to come, to
raise and transport, or march the militia into either of the
governments of Rhode Island, Connecticut, Narragansett or New-
York; and another act for establishing a court of sessions of the
peace, and inferior court of common pleas. The assembly was
adjourned on the second of July to the second Wednesday in
The confusion occasioned by the supposed witchcraft seems to
have been the reason why nothing more was done towards a body
of laws better adapted to the new constitution; for on the 2d of June
the commissioners held their special court at Salem.
Before I relate their proceedings, I will collect, as far as I am able,
the several instances of what was called Witchcraft, from the
beginning of the country.
It is natural to suppose that the country, at the first entrance of the
Europeans into it, afforded the most suitable scene, especially as a
notion prevailed that the savages all worshipped the Devil; but I find
no mention of witchcraft for the first twelve or fifteen years. About the
year 1645,[2] several people in Springfield, upon Connecticut River,
were suspected of witchcraft, and a greater number were supposed
to be bewitched; among the rest two of the minister’s children.[3]
Great pains were taken to prove the facts upon the suspected
persons; and about the year 1650, a poor wretch, Mary Oliver,[4] no
doubt weary of her life, after long examination, was brought to
confession. It does not appear that she was executed.
Whilst this inquiry was making, Margaret Jones[5] was executed at
Charlestown.[6] Mention is made by Mr. Hale, of a woman at
Dorchester,[7] and another at Cambridge[8] about the same time, all
denying what they were charged with, at their death; and soon after
Mrs. Hibbins[9][10] the magistrate’s widow, was executed at Boston.
In 1662, at Hartford, about 30 miles below Springfield, upon the
same Connecticut River, one Ann Cole, whose father is said to have
been a godly man who lived next door to a Dutch family, was
supposed to be possessed by a Demon who sometimes spake
Dutch and sometimes English, and sometimes an unintelligible
language, the demons speaking in her things unknown to herself,
and holding a conference, &c. Several ministers who were present
took the conference in writing with the names of the persons
mentioned as actors; and, among the rest, of a woman in prison
upon suspicion, one Greensmith. Upon examination she confessed
also, and appeared to be astonished at the discovery, and owned
that she and the rest had been familiar with a demon who had carnal
knowledge of her, and though she had not made a formal covenant
with him, yet she had promised always to be ready at his call, and
was to have had a high frolick at Christmas, and then the agreement
was to be signed. The woman upon this confession was executed.
[11][12] Goffe, the Regicide, says in his diary, January 20, ’62, that
three witches were condemned at Hartford; and afterwards, Feb. 24,
that the maids were well after one of the witches was hanged. In
1669, Susanna Martin, of Salisbury, was bound over to the Superior
court upon suspicion of witchcraft, but discharged without trial.[13]
Another ventriloqua, Elizabeth Knap,[14] at Groton, in 1671, much
as Ann Cole had done at Hartford, alarmed the people there. Her
demon was not so cunning. He railed at the godly minister of the
town, and at the same time uttered many blasphemous expressions;
and then charged all her afflictions upon a good woman in the
neighborhood. The woman had better fortune than perhaps as good
an one had at Salem some years after.[15] The people would not
believe the Devil, and Elizabeth confessed that she had been
deluded, and that it was the Devil himself who tormented her in the
shape of good persons. In 1673, Eunice Cole,[16] of Hampton, was
tried, and the jury found her not legally guilty; but that there were
strong grounds to suspect her of familiarity with the Devil.
In 1679, the house of William Morse,[17] of Newbury, was troubled
with throwing bricks, stones and sticks, and playing so many pranks
that he that believes the story told by Glanvil of the devils at
Tedworth cannot avoid giving credit to this. It is worth observing that
none of the family, except one boy, were afflicted. He was tossed
about from one side of the room to the other, would have knives
stuck in his back, and once one of them seemed to come out of his
mouth. He would bark like a dog, and cluck like a hen, and once was
carried away and could not be found for some time; but at length
was discovered creeping on one side, dumb and lame, and, when
able to express himself said “that P——l[18] had carried him over the
top of the house, and hurt him against a cart wheel in the barn.”
Morse took the boy to bed with him and his wife, and had the
chamber pot with its contents thrown upon them, and they were
severely pinched and pulled out of bed, &c. These things are related
very seriously,[19] and it is a great wonder that P——l escaped; for it
does not appear that anybody suspected the knavery of the boy.
In 1683, the demons removed to Connecticut River again, where
the house of one Desborough[20] was molested, and stones, earth,
&c. thrown at him, not only through the windows, but doors, by an
invisible hand; and a fire, kindled nobody knew how, burnt up no
small part of his estate. It seems one of Desborough’s neighbors had
a quarrel with him about a chest of clothes which Desborough
detained; and, as soon as they were restored, the troubles ceased.
All was charged upon the demons, and nobody, from anything which
now appears, suspected the honest neighbor.
In 1682, the house of George Walton,[21] a Quaker, at Portsmouth,
in New-Hampshire, was attacked in much the same manner. Walton
had contention with a woman about a tract of land, and she was
supposed to have done the mischief but by witchcraft.
About the same time another house was infested at Salmon
falls[22] in New-Hampshire. And, in 1684, one Philip Smith,[23] a
justice of the court, and representative of the town of Hadley, on
Connecticut River, an hypochondriac person, supposed himself to be
under an evil-hand; and suspected a woman, one of his neighbors;
and, continuing in that state until he died, he was generally
supposed to be bewitched to death.
In 1685, a large and circumstantial account of all or most of these
instances was published,[24] and anybody who doubted the truth of
them would have been pronounced a Sadducee.
In 1688[25] begun a more alarming instance than any which
preceded it. Four of the children of John Goodwin, a grave man and
good liver at the north part of Boston, were generally believed to be
bewitched. I have often heard those who were then upon the stage
speak of the great consternation it occasioned. The children were all
remarkable for an ingenuity of temper, had been religiously
educated, and were supposed to be incapable of imposture or fraud.
The eldest was a girl about thirteen years of age, it is said, it may be
something more. She had charged a laundress with taking away
some of the family linen. The mother of the laundress was one of the
wild Irish, and gave the girl very bad language; after which she fell
into a sort of fits, which were said to have something diabolical in
them. One of her sisters and two of her brothers, whose ages were
not transmitted,[26] soon followed her example, and they are said to
have been tormented in the same parts of their bodies at the same
time, though kept at a distance so as not to know one another’s
complaints. One thing was remarkable, and ought to have been
taken more notice of, that all their complaints were in the day time,
and that they slept comfortably all night. They were sometimes deaf,
then dumb, then blind, and sometimes all these together. Their
tongues would be drawn down their throats, then pulled out upon
their chins. Their jaws, necks, shoulders, elbows, and all their joints
would appear to be dislocated, and they would make the most
piteous outcries of being cut with knives and beat; and plain marks of
wounds might afterwards be discovered. The ministers of Boston
and Charlestown kept a day of fasting and prayer at the troubled
house; and after that the youngest child made no more complaints.
But the magistrates unfortunately interposed; and the old woman
was apprehended, examined, committed and brought to trial, and
seems neither to have owned nor denied her guilt, being either really
a distracted person, or endeavoring to appear such; and, before
sentence of death was passed, the opinion of physicians was taken;
but they returned that she was compos mentis, and she was
executed, declaring at her death the children should not, or perhaps
it might be, would not be relieved by her death, and that others
besides her had a hand in their afflictions. This no doubt came to the
children’s knowledge; and their complaints immediately increased
beyond what they had ever been before. As this relation is in print,
[27] and but few persons have doubted that there was a preternatural
agency in the case of these children, and [as] Mr. Baxter, in a
preface to an edition published in London, says: “the evidence is so
convincing that he must be a very obdurate Sadducee who will not
believe,” I will spend a little more time in examining it, than otherwise
I should think convenient.
The eldest is after this the principal subject; and was taken into a
minister’s[28] family, where for some days she behaved orderly, but
after that suddenly fell into her fits. The relation chiefly consists of
their being violently beaten by specters; put into red hot ovens, and
their sweating and panting; having cold water thrown upon them, and
then shivering; being roasted upon invisible spits; having their heads
nailed to the floor, so as that they could hardly be pulled away; their
joints first stiff and then limber; pins stuck into their flesh; choaked
until they were black in the face; having the witches invisible chain
upon them; dancing with a chair, like one riding on horseback; being
able to read bad books, and blind if they looked into a good one;
being drunk without anything to intoxicate.
There is nothing in all this but what may be accounted for from
craft and fraud, which children of that age are very capable of; or
from agility of body, in which these children are exceeded by
common tumblers much younger. There are some instances
mentioned of another sort, namely: of their being tormented when
any person took up a bible to look into it whilst the children were in
the room, although their faces were another way, and they could not
see it until it was laid aside; their telling of plate at the bottom of the
well, which, it is said, they had never heard of before—and yet, in
fact, plate had been lost there; of their eyes being put out when they
were told to look to God, not only in English, but in Latin, Greek, or
Hebrew; whereas from the Indian language no such effect followed,
the Devil being said not to have understood that language[29]—all
which serve only to evidence the inattention and the strong prejudice
in favor of the children in those who were their observers. The
strangest circumstance of all is that the children, after their return to
their ordinary behavior, made profession of religion, and reckoned
their affliction among the incentives to it. One of them was, many
years after, one of my tenants, a grave, religious woman, [and] was
never known to have made any confession of fraud, probably was
never charged with it. But even all this is not miraculous.[30][31] The
account of this affair being made public obtained general credit.
At Salem was the next scene, and more tragical by far than any
which had preceded.
Whilst the tragedy was acting, there were but few people who
doubted the hand of the Devil, and fewer that dared to own their
When the Commissioners went through the town of Boston on
their journey to Salem, they stopped at the house of Col. Hutchinson,
[32] one of the council, who advised them, before they began any
trial, to see if they could not whip the Devil out of the afflicted; but
this advice was rejected.
Many of the ministers of the country, who were much consulted in
this affair, had a confirmed opinion of a very familiar intercourse
between the visible and invisible worlds. This, together with the
books which had been brought into the country not long before,
containing relations of the like things in England, rendered the minds
of the people in general susceptible of credit to every the like story
related here. The works of Perkins[33] and other non-conformist
divines were in the hands of many, and there is no doubt that
Goodwin’s children had read or heard the stories in Glanvil,[34]
having very exactly imitated them. Indeed all the examinations at
Salem have, in almost all the circumstances, the like to match them
in the account given to the world a little while before by this relator.
This conformity, instead of rendering the afflicted suspected, was
urged in confirmation of the truth of their stories, the Old-England
demons and the New-, being so near alike. Nobody thought a parcel
of young girls could have so much of the Devil in them as to combine
together in an attempt to take away the lives of such a multitude of
people as were accused by them. The authorities of Keble,[35]
Dalton,[36] and other lawyers of note, who lay down rules of
conviction as absurd as any ever adopted in New-England, gave a
color to the courts and juries in their proceedings, though no
authority had so great weight as that of Sir Matthew Hale,[37]
reverenced in the country for his gravity and piety, and his favorable
opinion of the old Puritanism, as much as for his knowledge in the
law. The trials of the witches in Suffolk had been published not long
before.[38] The evidence here was of the same sort with what had
been judged sufficient to hang people there. Reproach then for
hanging witches, although it has been often cast upon the people of
New-England by those of Old-, yet it must have been done with an ill
grace. We had their best authority to justify us; besides the
prejudices of education [and] disposition from thence to give a
serious, solemn construction to even common events in Providence,
might be urged as an excuse here in some measure; but in England
this was an age of as great gaiety as any age whatever, and of as
great infidelity in general as any which preceded it.
Sir William Phips, the Governor just arrived,[39] seems to have
given in to the prevailing opinion. He was much under the direction
of the spiritual fathers of the country. Mr. Stoughton, the Lieut.
Governor, and at the head of the Court[40] for trial of the witches, and
who had great influence upon the rest of the judges, had taken up
this notion that, although the Devil might appear in the shape of a
guilty person, yet he would never be permitted to assume the shape
of an innocent person.[41] This opinion, at first, was generally
received and would not bear to be contradicted. Some of the most
religious women who were accused, when they saw the appearance
of distress and torture in the girls, and heard their solemn
declarations that they saw the shapes or specters of the accused
afflicting them, persuaded themselves they were witches, and that
the Devil, somehow or other, though they could not remember when,
had taken possession of their evil hearts, and obtained some sort of
assent to his afflicting in their shapes; and thereupon they confessed
themselves to be guilty.
Even to this day, the country seems rather to be divided in opinion
whether it was the accused or the afflicted who were under some
preternatural or diabolical possession, than whether the afflicted
were under bodily distempers, or altogether guilty of fraud and
The trial of Richard Hatheway,[42] before Lord Chief Justice Holt,
opened the eyes of all except the lowest part of the people in
England; and an act of Parliament in his late Majesty’s reign[43] will
prevent the prejudice which remains in them from the mischiefs it
used to produce on juries in judicial proceedings. It is a great pity the
like examples of conviction and punishment had not been made
here. I hope an impartial narrative of the supposed witchcrafts at
Salem will convince the New-England reader that there was no thing
preternatural in the whole affair; but all proceeded from the most
amazing wickedness of the accusers.
In February, 1691 [-2], a daughter and a niece of Mr. Parris,[44] the
minister of Salem village, girls of ten or eleven years of age, and one
or two more girls in the neighborhood, made the same sort of
complaints as Goodwin’s children had done two or three [four] years
before. The physicians, having no other way of accounting for the
disorder, pronounced them bewitched. An Indian woman who lived
with the minister, with her husband,[45] tried an experiment to find out
the witch. This coming to the children’s knowledge, they cried out
upon the Indian woman as appearing to them, pinching, pricking and
tormenting them, and fell into fits, became convulsed, distorted, &c.
Tituba, the name of the woman, who was a Spanish Indian, as
some accounts tell us, owned that her mistress had taught her in her
own country how to find out a witch; but she denied her being one
herself. Several private fasts were kept at the minister’s house, and
several more by the whole village, and by neighboring parishes, and
a public fast through the colony to seek to God to rebuke Satan, &c.
Soon after the number of the complainants increased, and among
them girls, two or three women, and some old enough to be admitted
witnesses. These had their fits too, and cried out, not only upon
Tituba, but upon an old melancholy distracted woman, Sarah
Osburn, and a bed-rid old woman, Sarah Good. Tituba, urged to it by
her master as she afterwards declared,[46] confessed herself a witch,
and that the two old women were confederates with her, and
thereupon they were all committed to prison; and Tituba being
searched was said to have the marks of the Devil’s wounding her
upon her body,[47] but more probably of Spanish cruelty. This was
the first of March. About three weeks after two other women who
were church-members and of good character, [Martha] Corey and
[Rebecca] Nurse, were complained of, examined and would confess
nothing, but were committed. Not only the three children, while the
women were under examination, fell into their fits and had all their
complaints, but the mother of one of the children and wife of Thomas
Putnam complained of Nurse as tormenting her, and made most
terrible shrieking to the amazement of all in the neighborhood. Such
was the infatuation that a child[48] of Sarah Good, not above four or
five years old, was committed also, being charged with biting the
afflicted who showed the print of small teeth upon their arms.
Soon after, April 3, Sarah Cloyse, sister to Nurse, being at
meeting, and Mr. Parris taking for his text John vi. 70, “Have not I
chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil?” she was offended
and went out of meeting, and she was soon after complained of,
examined and committed; and about the same time Elizabeth
Proctor was charged; and, her husband accompanying her to her
examination, he was complained of also, and both committed. The
great imprudence, to say the best of it, in those who were in authority
[Hathorne and Corwin, local magistrates], in encouraging and putting
words into the mouths of the accusers, or suffering others to do it,
will appear by the examination of these persons remaining upon the
files of the court. The accusers and accused were brought before the
court. Mr. Parris, who had been over-officious from the beginning,
was employed to examine these,[49] and most of the rest of the
At a court[50] held at Salem, 11th April, 1692, by the honoured
Thomas Danforth, deputy governor. Q. John (i. e. the Indian), who
hurt you? A. Goody Proctor first, and then Goody Cloyse. Q. What
did she do to you? A. She brought the book to me. Q. John, tell the
truth, who hurts you? Have you been hurt? A. The first was a
gentlewoman I saw. Q. Who next? A. Goody Cloyse. Q. But who hurt
you next? A. Goody Proctor. Q. What did she do to you? A. She
choked me, and brought the book. Q. How oft did she come to
torment you? A. A good many times, she and Goody Cloyse. Q. Do
they come to you in the night as well as the day? A. They come most
in the day. Q. Who? A. Goody Cloyse and Goody Proctor. Q. Where
did she take hold of you? A. Upon my throat, to stop my breath. Q.
Do you know Goody Cloyse and Goody Proctor? A. Yes, here is
Goody Cloyse. (Cloyse) When did I hurt thee? A. A great many
times. (Cloyse) Oh, you are a grievous liar. Q. What did this Goody
Cloyse do to you? A. She pinched and bit me till the blood came. Q.
How long since this woman came and hurt you? A. Yesterday at
meeting. Q. At any time before? A. Yes, a great many times.
Mary Walcot, who hurts you? A. Goody Cloyse. Q. What did she
do to you? A. She hurt me. Q. Did she bring the book? A. Yes. Q.
What were you to do with it? A. To touch it, and I should be well.—
Then she fell into a fit. Q. Doth she come alone? A. Sometimes
alone, and sometimes in company with Goody Nurse and Goody
Corey, and a great many I do not know.—Then she fell into a fit
Abigail Williams, did you see a company at Mr. Parris’s house eat
and drink? A. Yes Sir, that was their sacrament. Q. How many were
there? A. About forty, and Goody Cloyse and Goody Good were their
deacons. Q. What was it? A. They said it was our blood, and they
had it twice that day. Q. Mary Walcot, have you seen a white man?
A. Yes Sir, a great many times. Q. What sort of a man was he? A. A
fine grave man, and when he came, he made all the witches to
tremble. Abigail Williams confirmed the same, and that they had
such a sight at Deacon Ingersoll’s. Q. Who was at Deacon Ingersoll’s
then? A. Goody Cloyse, Goody Nurse, Goody Corey, and Goody
Then Sarah Cloyse asked for water, and sat down as one seized
with a dying fainting fit; and several of the afflicted fell into fits, and
some of them cried out, Oh! her spirit is gone to prison to her sister
Elizabeth Proctor, you understand whereof you are charged, viz. to
be guilty of sundry acts of witchcraft; what say you to it? Speak the
truth. And so you that are afflicted, you must speak the truth, as you
will answer it before God another day.
Mary Walcot, doth this woman hurt you? A. I never saw her so as
to be hurt by her. Q. Mary Lewis, does she hurt you?—Her mouth
was stopped. Q. Ann Putnam, does she hurt you?—She could not
speak. Q. Abigail Williams, does she hurt you?—Her hand was
thrust in her own mouth. Q. John (Indian), does this woman hurt
you? A. This is the woman that came in her shift and choked me. Q.
Did she ever bring the book? A. Yes Sir. Q. What to do? A. To write.
Q. What, this woman? A. Yes Sir. Q. Are you sure of it? A. Yes Sir.
Again, Abigail Williams and Ann Putnam were spoke to by the
court, but neither of them could make any answer, by reason of
dumbness or other fits.
What do you say, Goody Proctor, to these things? A. I take God in
heaven to be my witness, that I know nothing of it, no more than the
child unborn. Q. Ann Putnam, doth this woman hurt you? A. Yes Sir,
a great many times.
Then the accused looked upon them and they fell into fits. Q. She
does not bring the book to you, does she? A. Yes Sir, often, and
saith she hath made her maid to set her hand to it. Q. Abigail
Williams, does this woman hurt you? A. Yes Sir, often. Q. Does she

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