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An absLracL


lnvenLed by Ponda 8u englneer lkuo ka[lLanl Lhe v1LC was flrsL of lL's klnd ln Lhe hlsLory of lC englnes
V1LC (Var|ab|e Va|ve 1|m|ng and L|ft L|ectron|c Contro|) ls a valve Lraln sysLem developed by Ponda Lo
lmprove Lhe volumeLrlc efflclency of a foursLroke lnLernal combusLlon englne 1he v1LC sysLem uses
Lwo camshafL proflles and elecLronlcally selecLs beLween Lhe proflles

v1LC was lnlLlally deslgned Lo lncrease Lhe power ouLpuL of an englne Lo 100 S/llLer or more whlle
malnLalnlng pracLlcallLy for use ln mass producLlon vehlcles Some laLer varlaLlons of Lhe sysLem were
deslgned solely Lo provlde lmprovemenLs ln fuel efflclency
MeLhods of lncreaslng Lhe englne performance are
1 A Lurbocharged fuel lnducLlon (superchargers are used Loo)
2 unconvenLlonal englne deslgns (eg 8oLary englne or Wankel Lnglne)
3 Changlng Lhe cam Llmlng proflle(v1LC)

1he v1LC sysLem equlps Lhe englne wlLh mulLlple camshafL proflles opLlmlzed for boLh low and hlgh
8M operaLlons ln baslc form Lhe slngle cam proflle of a convenLlonal englne ls replaced wlLh Lwo
proflles one opLlmlzed for low8M sLablllLy and fuel efflclency and Lhe oLher deslgned Lo maxlmlze
hlgh8M power ouLpuL 1he swlLchlng operaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo cam lobes ls conLrolled by Lhe LCu
whlch Lakes accounL of englne oll pressure englne LemperaLure vehlcle speed englne speed and
LhroLLle poslLlon uslng Lhese lnpuLs Lhe LCu ls programmed Lo swlLch from Lhe low llfL Lo Lhe hlgh llfL
cam lobes when Lhe condlLlons mean LhaL englne ouLpuL wlll be lmproved AL Lhe swlLch polnL a
solenold ls acLuaLed whlch allows oll pressure from a spool valve Lo operaLe a locklng pln whlch blnds
Lhe hlgh 8M cam follower Lo Lhe low 8M ones lrom Lhls polnL on Lhe poppeL valve opens and closes
accordlng Lo Lhe hlghllfL proflle whlch opens Lhe valve furLher and for a longer Llme 1he swlLchover
polnL ls varlable beLween a mlnlmum and maxlmum polnL and ls deLermlned by englne load 1he
swlLchdown back from hlgh Lo low 8M cams ls seL Lo occur aL a lower englne speed Lhan Lhe swlLchup
(represenLlng a hysLeresls cycle) Lo avold a slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe englne ls asked Lo operaLe
conLlnuously aL or around Lhe swlLchover polnL
1he older approach Lo Llmlng ad[usLmenLs ls Lo produce a camshafL wlLh an englne Llmlng proflle LhaL ls
beLLer sulLed Lo hlgh8M operaLlon 1he lmprovemenLs ln hlgh8M performance occur ln Lrade for a
power and efflclency loss aL lower 8M ranges whlch ls where mosL sLreeLdrlven auLomoblles operaLe
a ma[orlLy of Lhe Llme Correspondlngly v1LC aLLempLs Lo comblne hlgh8M performance wlLh low
8M sLablllLy

Stage V1LC
3SLage v1LC ls a verslon LhaL employs 3 dlfferenL cam proflles Lo conLrol lnLake valve Llmlng and llfL
uue Lo Lhls verslon of v1LC belng deslgned around a SCPC valve head space was llmlLed and so v1LC
can only modlfy Lhe openlng and closlng of Lhe lnLake valves 1he lowend fuel economy lmprovemenLs
of v1LCL and Lhe performance of convenLlonal v1LC are comblned ln Lhls appllcaLlon lrom ldle Lo
230030008M dependlng on load condlLlons one lnLake valve fully opens whlle Lhe oLher opens [usL
sllghLly enough Lo prevenL poollng of fuel behlnd Lhe valve also called 12 valve mode 1hls 12 valve
mode resulLs ln swlrl of Lhe lnLake charge whlch lncreases combusLlon efflclency resulLlng ln lmproved
low end Lorque and beLLer fuel economy AL 30003400 8M dependlng on load one of Lhe v1LC
solenolds engages whlch causes Lhe second valve Lo lock onLo Lhe flrsL valves camshafL lobe Also called
4 valve mode Lhls meLhod resembles a normal englne operaLlng mode and lmproves Lhe mldrange
power curve AL 33007000 8M Lhe second v1LC solenold engages (boLh solenolds now engaged) so
LhaL boLh lnLake valves are uslng a mlddle Lhlrd camshafL lobe 1he Lhlrd lobe ls Luned for hlgh
performance and provldes peak power aL Lhe Lop end of Lhe 8M range
(lnLelllgenLv1LC) lnLroduced conLlnuously varlable camshafL phaslng on Lhe lnLake cam of uCPC v1LC
englnes 1he Lechnology flrsL appeared on Pondas kserles four cyllnder englne famlly ln 2001 (2002 ln
Lhe uS) ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Ponda flrsL debuLed Lhe Lechnology on Lhe 2002 Ponda C8v
valve llfL and duraLlon are sLlll llmlLed Lo dlsLlncL low and hlgh8M proflles buL Lhe lnLake camshafL ls
now capable of advanclng beLween 23 and 30 degrees (dependlng upon englne conflguraLlon) durlng
operaLlon hase changes are lmplemenLed by a compuLer conLrolled oll drlven ad[usLable cam gear
haslng ls deLermlned by a comblnaLlon of englne load and rpm ranglng from fully reLarded aL ldle Lo
somewhaL advanced aL full LhroLLle and low 8M 1he effecL ls furLher opLlmlzaLlon of Lorque ouLpuL
especlally aL low and mldrange 8M

AbsLracL SubmlLLed by
uL8A11A 8A1PA
Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng
8egdno 0801223287
8oll no 08ML039

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