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Methods of exclusion - hooks:

1) False generalisation - no one social status that all women share; many different
2) Ignoring the existence of black women - priority of white women’s experience over
women of different races
3) Writing about them using common sexist and racist stereotype - stereotype of
white women as delicate or pure; not extending to women of other races
4) Drawing analogies between women and black people - when white women describe
theri experience as it analogous to black people, it treats black women as non-
5) Failing to distinguish between diffrent degrees of discrimination or opression -
white feminists wouldn’t endores the understanding that sexism doesn’t affect all
women equally (ie. those which can use their: class, race or educational privelage to
reduce their sexist opression)
6) Defining liberation using the terms of white capitalist patriarchy - equalling
liberation with gaining economic status and money power. Like all good capitalists
proclaimed work as the key to liberation (link to week 2). Narrow view of liberation
buys into the system currently in place - not thinking more broadly enough
7) Unwillingness to confront or address racisim - they dont want the issue of racism
to be raised; could lead to a change of perception from white women as good non-
racist victim and the white man as the bad racist opressor

What do we do?:
-hooks critiques some black feminsit activists (among others the combahee river collective) -
racism is tha barrier that prevents positive communication. Need to be in groups with white
women because otherwise she argues they could be ignored by white women.

Black feminist proffessional philosophy:

-talks about issues of exclusion of black women: cis, trans gender non-conforming and girls
in professional philosophy
-the rock of ignorance: lack of knowledge about black feminist thought, failure to recognise
different black feminisit perspectives, particular ideas are taken to represent the whole of
black feminism.
-dotson point out the concept in academic philosophy that different branches: ie metaphysics
is more fundamental than other branches

-anti black misogyny - noting both a historical anti-black misognyny and inter-racial gender
dynamic that had wider implications in popular culture. Misogynoir can come from black
menm white ment and women (including other black women)
-the term captures:
-particular form of anti-black gender opression faced by black women
-the way radicalised gendered stereotypes are deployed in: popular media, pop.
consciousness. As well as in the domains of: the professional world medicine, academia,
politics, treatments by the state.
-the term has been resisted - people began to push back oon the term because it had mixed
root word origins. Argue this isn’t a valid critique, other such words are accepted
-Why might this term be useful: bring attention to problems, giving it a definition brings it into
prominence, consciousness rasing, can provide a framework of analysis for examining
similar or different experiences

-a critique od the ‘single axis framework’ in driscrimination law (and as a lens for feminist
-signle axis framework - if you are discriminated against, this is done with one framework at
a time. Assumes that someone who discriminates treats everyone from that group the same
way. Treats white cis straight men as the norm; argues that you can’t deviate from the norm
more than once at a time.
-uses three cases to demonstrate three kinds of things that happen under a legal system
reliant on this framework
-INtersecttional ex

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