Class Code: 128-01 Student Name: Au Wai Laam Student ID Number: 10384267

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Class code: 128-01

Student Name: Au Wai Laam

Student ID Number: 10384267

E-mail address:

Number of word:

Part-I : 510

Part-II: 98

Date: 26th October, 2007

Part I

Sugihara was born in Japan. However, his nationality is Korea as his father

is a Korean, a race that is discriminated by Japanese. Therefore, Sugihara was

always provoked by his Japanese schoolmates.

Sugihara’s first time to face the identity crisis was his change of

nationality. Since his father had to take a trip to Hawaii, they changed their

nationality of North Korea to South Korea. One day, Sugihara went to a pub in

Japan and met Sakurai. Sugihara did not tell Sakurai that he is a Korean until

his best friend, Jong-Il, died. Then Sugihara faced his second identity crisis in

Jong-Il’s funeral. Sugihara’s identity was queried. A friend of Sugihara said

that Sugihara‘s soul was sold to Japanese, meaning that Sugihara has

forgotten how did the Japanese bully them before, and betraying the Korean.

This encouraged Sugihara to tell Sakurai about his nationality. Sugihara faced

his third identity crisis when he considered telling the truth or not. In the

hotel, Sugihara finally pick up his courage to tell Sakurai the truth.

Unfortunately, Sakurai couldn’t accept what he was told. Her father told her

that the blood of Chinese and Koreans is dirty. She keeps this mind like other

Japanese and they broke up.

After that, Sugihara met a policeman at the street and they chat about

themselves. They also have identity problem, the policeman didn’t like to be
a policeman. It is because he thinks he is weak, he faint at the sight of blood

and he hate people ask him for direction. While Sugihara hate to be a

“Korean staying in Japan”, he hates people look at him with a strange sight

and he hates Japanese until he met Sakurai. Sugihara said that he really

loved her, he don’t mind being discriminated before. This is the first time he

met a Japanese girl who he really loved. So he went to meet Sakurai when

she dated him at the park and he tried to identify himself.

When Sugihara arrived the park, he said ‘call me a lion, but lions don’t

think they are “lions”. I am me, but I will give up being me. I am a question

mark. A big unknown.’ Although he change his name, his nationality, even

species of animals what he is, he would not be changed, he also himself. Just

like William Shakespeare said: Which we call a rose by any name would smell

as sweet. So he gave up giving any name of himself. He thinks if he is an

unknown, then no one would notice him, discriminated him and scared him.

He could live just like other Japanese. And Sakurai and he could become a

lover without the problem of different races. He identify himself as an

unknown at the end, he think a name just like feces. Name can’t change what

person he is, even the soul of Sugihara. Although Sugihara is not called

Sugihara, he also loves Sakurai. Luckily, Sakurai straighten out her thinking,

she said’ I don’t care what you are.’ They got back together at the end.
Part II

I believe Japanese is happy to see tourists before I went to Japan. But

after I watch this film, I know Japan actually have racial discrimination. It is

very disappointed to know the truth because Japan is the most favorite

country of many people. Many people like shopping and playing in the theme

park in Japan within me.

I like this story because it is a romantic story with a happy ending. It is

very touching about Sugihara and Sakurai can overcome the barrier of racial

discrimination. I hope that racial discrimination can disappear in the world


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