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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, 11, 973-984 973

Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Cytokines: A Mechanism for


William A. Banks*

GRECC, Veterans Affairs Medical Center-St. Louis and Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Division of
Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine

Abstract: Cytokines circulating in the blood affect CNS function through a variety of pathways. One of these pathways is
by being transported directly across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Transport of blood-borne cytokines across the BBB is
now known to be an operational pathway by which cytokines can directly affect CNS functions. Cytokine transport across
the BBB, however, is a complex event. Not all cytokines are transported and, for those which are, transport rates differ
among cytokines, among brain regions, with physiological circumstances, and with disease. Here we address some of the
major principles and concepts relating to cytokine transport and BBB function which have emerged as important to
neuroimmunology and neuropathology.

INTRODUCTION negative feedback loops. Instead, cytokines display feed

back loops wherein they may either inhibit or stimulate their
As the other articles in this issue vividly illustrate,
own release or that of other cytokines, depending upon the
cytokines are causally related to a host of diseases of the
particular tissue or situation. This complexity bodes well in
central nervous system. These articles show that cytokines the long term for the ability of cytokine mechanisms to
induce neuropathology through a host of mechanisms which explain the complexities of immunology and neuroimmuno-
we do understand (or are beginning to understand) and a host
logy. But in the short term, it complicates investigations as
which we do not. Most of the authors of this issue also now
we are unable to assume many of the simplifying principles
likely suspect that neuropathology is only the tip of the
established in other fields which investigate the effects of
iceberg regarding the effects of CNS cytokines. As cytokines
substances on the CNS.
have effects on normal behavior and events in the CNS and
as sickness behavior and many reactions to stress can be One area of investigation relates to the sources of
considered adaptive (at least in their earlier stages), CNS cytokines. The cytokines which act within the CNS can have
cytokines are probably even more important in explaining a number of sources of origin: neurons, astrocytes, brain
how animals stay healthy than in explaining how they get endothelial cells, microglia, and immune cells which have
sick [73, 82, 83, 119, 127]. entered the CNS from the periphery are some examples. The
stimulation for those sources to release their cytokines,
The roles that cytokines play in neuropathology are however, may not have originated from within the CNS. The
enormously varied. Our understanding of these roles is stimulation may have originally occurred at afferent nerves,
increasing dramatically as can be seen from the growth of blood-borne cytokines acting at circumventricular organs, or
the literature in the cytokine field (Fig. 1). A search of the circulating immune cells. This review will concentrate on
National Library of Medicine shows about 4, 200 articles another pathway: that of the ability of blood-borne cytokines
that combine “cytokines” with “brain” or with “central to cross the BBB and act directly upon brain tissue. Previous
nervous system”. This literature has grown from only 91 reviews have catalogued those cytokines so far investigated
publications in the five years of 1986-1990 to over 2, 200 in for their abilities to cross the BBB [6, 9, 114]. This review
1998-2002. But this is a small percentage of the total will emphasis the principles and concepts so far established
cytokine literature of over 75, 000 articles. This larger area for the transport of cytokines across the BBB.
has also increased dramatically, from about 3, 200 articles in
1986-1990 to over 37, 000 in 1998-2002. During this time, SELECTED, RELEVANT PRINCIPLES OF THE BBB
the CNS has begun to receive relatively more attention. In
the 1986-1990 period, only 1 in 36 articles on cytokines was To review the principles and concepts established for the
related to the CNS; in the 1998-2002 period, the ratio was transport of cytokines across the BBB, we must first review
1:17. those aspects of BBB function which are relevant to the
topic. The areas of the BBB and its functions are very
Cytokines can be either neuroprotective or destructive, complex and are growing increasingly so. Therefore, this
depending on state and concentration [99, 119]. Indeed, section cannot be exhaustive, but is meant to aid the reader
nothing is particularly simple about cytokines. They do not to those areas which are important for cytokine transport and
necessarily display classic mechanisms of control such as neuroimmunology.

The BBB is More Than a Barrier

*Address correspondence to this author at the WAB, 915 N. Grand Blvd, St.
Louis, MO 63106, USA; Tel: (314) 289-7084; Fax: (314) 289 6374; Originally, is was assumed that cytokines could not cross
E-mail: the BBB. This assumption was made before there was any

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974 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 William A. Banks

Fig. (1). The Growth of the Neuroimmune Literature. National Library of Medicine data base was used to determine the number of
publications relating to the terms “Cytokine” “Cytokine” combined with “CNS or Brain”, and “Cytokine” combined with “Blood-Brain
Barrier”. Over half of the neuroimmune articles have been published in the last 5 years.

real investigation of the area. In fact, when experimental is also one of the most metabolically active tissues in the
evidence was first presented raising the possibility that body and that practically every substance required by the
cytokines could cross the BBB, it was often dismissed. Why, CNS must cross the BBB.
in the absence of direct studies, was it reasoned that By first restricting entry and then selectively facilitating
cytokines could not cross the BBB? entry, the BBB can act as a regulatory interface between the
The reasoning was based on the knowledge that CNS and the peripheral circulation. As such, the BBB is key
circulating proteins, as exemplified by albumin, are virtually to establishing and maintaining the homeostasis of the CNS,
excluded from the CNS [44]. The CSF/plasma ratio for of supplying the nutritional needs of the CNS, and of
albumin is 1:200, one of the highest gradients in biology. controlling the influx and efflux of informational molecules.
Likewise, cytokines were thought to be too large and
hydrophilic to cross the BBB by the non-saturable mech- There are Multiple, Parallel BBBs
anism of transmembrane diffusion. Although all of this
reasoning was logical, it failed to consider a third possibility: This review uses the term BBB conceptually in discuss-
that saturable carrier-mediated systems could exist for the ing its neuroimmune functions. This is appropriate as the
transport of regulatory proteins across the BBB. The BBB term was first used to explain why dyes could not stain CNS
tissues and why bile acids would induce seizures when
was known to possess many transporters [43], but most of
these were for substances with molecular weights well below injected into the brain but not when injected into the blood
those of cytokines. Transferrin, a substance much larger than [30]. But the anatomical basis for this barrier function was
any cytokine, was known to be taken up by the BBB, but it elusive until the electron microscope showed the existence of
tight junctions between the cells which comprised both the
was unclear whether transferrin was actually transported
across the BBB or simply sequestered by brain endothelial choroid plexus and the capillary bed of the brain [129, 130,
cells and subsequently re-released back into the blood. 138].
The reasoning was no doubt reinforced by the same peril No area shows the intricacies of the BBB more than
of “constricted nomenclatures” which many peptides have comparing and contrasting the choroid plexus and the
suffered. The concept of pluripotent peptides was hampered vascular barrier of the brain. One the one hand, the vascular
by the custom of naming a peptide for the function which led barrier is so intimately associated with brain cells that no cell
to its discovery [71]. For example, alpha melanocyte is more than 30-40 microns from a capillary. Some have
stimulating hormone was named for its actions on melatonin, argued that for drug delivery or widespread distribution
which causes the skin of lower vertebrates to darken. The within the CNS, the role of the choroid plexus is minimal.
assumption that one peptide would have one function made One the other hand, the choroid plexus produces 70% of the
it difficult to accept that alpha melanocyte stimulating cerebrospinal fluid [45]. In the adult mammal, there is no
hormone could have profound effects on cognition [72]. anatomical barrier between the cerebrospinal fluid and brain
Likewise, the term “blood-brain barrier” so emphasizes interstitial fluid and, to at least some degree, one fluid is
barrier function, that it is difficult to remember that the BBB reflected in the other. Many studies evaluate CNS function
Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Cytokines Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 975

by sampling cerebrospinal fluid; indeed, almost every study CNS and blood [86, 147]. Immune cells are relatively
of the BBB in humans has used cerebrospinal fluid. One restricted from entering the CNS, but are able to cross the
might argue that at least for practical purposes, the choroid intact BBB during development, in health, and in disease.
plexus is at least as relevant as the vascular barrier. One When the functions of the BBB go awry, as in multiple
caveat is that almost every study in humans has obtained its sclerosis, disease results.
cerebrospinal fluid from the lumbar area, not from within the Many of the BBBs (vascular, choroid plexus, CVO
cranium. This is unfortunate, as lumbar cerebrospinal fluid interfaces) are secretory or allow non-cytokine (e.g., prosta-
largely reflects events of the lumbar spine, not the brain [33, glandins) secretions to pass. The barriers can secrete prosta-
62, 65]. Another caveat is that substances in the cerebro- glandins, nitric oxide, and neurotoxins as well as cytokines
spinal fluid do not penetrate very deeply into brain tissue
[54, 59, 78, 132]. Whether a virus is neurovirulent depends
[88, 90]. Brownian motion is the major force driving
in part on whether it has the ability to cross the BBB [36,
molecules from the CSF into brain tissue. As a result, subs-
139]. To do so, the virus must possess key glycoproteins, or
tances originating in cerebrospinal fluid penetrate only a few
be able to infect immune cells which express key
hundred microns into brain tissue. A caveat to this, however,
glycoproteins, which interact with BBB receptors in such a
is that neurons project into the ventricular lining and some way as to route the virus (or infected immune cell) across the
neuronal bodies are located here as well which send their BBB monolayer. Alternatively, an endotropic virus can first
projections deep into the brain. This means that informa- infect the endothelial or epithelial cells which comprise the
tional molecules entering the CSF are able to influence
BBB and subsequently be shed into the CNS.
neuronal functions in brain regions far from their diffusion
limits. Although it is very convenient to think of the vascular
BBB as a monolayer of endothelial cells, it is equally valid
There are also barriers between the circumventricular to think of the BBB as also containing other cells, such as
organs (CVOs) and the ventricles and between the CVOs
astrocytes and pericytes and being surrounded by a
and the adjacent brain tissue [80, 81, 121, 131]. The CVOs
glycocalyx. This view is especially useful for neuroimmuno-
are small areas of the brain in which at least a portion of their
logy. Pericytes, microglia, and astrocytes have active
vascular beds do not form a BBB [60, 61]. This allows
immune roles and are involved in cross talk with brain
circulating substances to leak into these areas much like they
endothelial cells [54, 140, 142]. Pericytes and astrocytes do
do in peripheral tissues. The CVOs are adjacent to a ventricle
not physically form another layer of barrier to most
and also with surfaces adjoining brain regions which do have substances, but the glycocalyx can form a barrier to viral-
vascular barrier function. However, barrier functions limit sized structures [102].
the ability of the CVO contents to diffuse into the adjacent
CSF and brain tissue. The ependymal cells lining the ventri-
The CVOs and Neuroimmunology
cles form tight junctions between the CVO and ventricular
compartment, thus limiting CVO to CSF exchange [80, 121]. The lack of a vascular BBB within CVOs allows
Likewise, an anatomical barrier between the CVOs and circulating materials to enter these regions of the CNS and
adjacent brain tissue is well established [81, 121, 131]. This act directly on their cellular elements. The CVO both sends
barrier, consisting largely of tanycytes [121], develops after and receives neuronal projections to and from various areas
birth in rodents. Autoradiographic studies have shown that a of the brain [56, 68]. This means that the influence of the
barrier prevents interleukin-1 from diffusing out of the CVOs is exerted in areas far from their borders. Recently, it
CVOs into adjacent brain tissue [89, 90, 122]. However, has been proposed that one CVO (the area postrema) forms
some other studies have provided evidence that there is some with the dorsal vagal complex an especially important
residual leakage out of the CVO [79, 133, 135]. This may junction for neuroimmune signaling to the brain [91]. This
occur at either a cerebrospinal fluid or a brain tissue area brings together a CVO and the vagal afferents, two
contacting area. Any leakage from CVO to brain, however, important pathways in neuroimmune communication. It has
would be limited not only by the anatomical barrier, but also been pointed out that this location also contains brain areas
by a diffusion barrier. Diffusion within brain tissue is largely with normal BBB function and a region in contact with the
driven by Brownian movement and so substances in brain CSF [7]. As a result, all the major pathways proposed for
interstitial fluid seldom move more than a few hundred neuroimmune communication converge in this one location
microns from their sites of origin [38, 46, 47]. Given these (Fig. 2).
caveats, the CVOs play several critical roles in neuroimmune Diffusion of interleukin-1 out of CVOs into the adjacent
function as reviewed below. brain tissue does not occur to any great extent [89, 122].
Some studies indicate that there is a leakage of serum
The BBB is Multifunctional
proteins at the border between the CVO and adjacent brain
BBB transport of cytokines aside, the BBB plays many neuropile [79, 133, 135], whereas other studies dispute this
key roles in neuroimmunology and neuropathology. On the [80, 81, 121, 131]. Autoradiographic studies have shown that
one hand, to the extent that the CNS is an immunoprivileged the two outer-most cell layers comprising the CVO act as a
area, it is because of the BBB’s restrictive functions. On the barrier [89]. This is consistent with a delimiting membrane
other hand, to the extent that the concept of the CNS as an surrounding the CVOs [80, 81, 131] which recently has been
immunoprivileged area needs revision, it is because of the shown to be comprised of tanycytes [121]. This tanycytic
BBB’s selective permeability. For example, the dual roles of barrier develops after birth in rodents, at least for the median
the BBB in restriction and selective permeability are eminence. This may mean that blood-to-brain communica-
important in regulating immune cell trafficking between the tion may be different in neonates and adults.
976 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 William A. Banks

Fig. (2). Neuroimmune Communication Pathways. The Vagus and three compartments [Circumventricular Organs (CVO);
Ventricular/Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF); Brain] are illustrated. Key to Structures: Brown represents blood vessels (leaky in CVO and CSF
compartments; not leaky (forming blood-brain barrier) in Brain compartment). Pink: ependymal lining forming the choroid plexus. Yellow:
tanycytic and ependymal cell linings forming barriers between CVO/CSF and CVO/Brain compartments, but leaky between CSF/Brain
compartments. Blue-green: neurons and other cells of the CNS. Tan with blue centers represents immune cells in or derived from the
circulation. Blue: vagus nerve. Large red arrows represent immune cells derived from the circulation entering the CVO or Brain
compartments. Small red arrows represent neuroimmune substances derived from circulation or from immune cells. Green lines represent
secretions from barrier cells (tanycytic, ependymal, and endothelial). Black lines represent projections from vagus nerve. Box with broken
lines represents the neurovascular unit. Key to Pathways: Neuroimmune substances in or derived from the circulation or from immune cells
derived from the circulation (5) can interact with cells in adjacent tissue (1), including barrier cells (2), or cross the blood-brain and tanycyte
barriers (3). Barrier cells can also be a source of neuroimmune substances (4). The vagus projects (6) to barrier cells, blood vessels, and
neurons and into the CVOs. The CVOs project neural elements into the Brain compartment (7) and receive neural input from the brain (8)
and from the vagus (6). For simplicity, CSF/choroid plexus pathways are not illustrated. Reproduced with permission from [7].

The evidence strongly suggests that CVOs do release a PERMEABILITY OF THE BBB TO CYTOKINES
number of substances into their immediate vicinity, such as
prostaglandins [78]. Whether these substances include Many Cytokines Cross the BBB
cytokines, perhaps released from or transported across the Several cytokines have been studied for their ability to
tanycytic barrier, is unclear. Substances released in this cross the BBB (Table 1). In choosing a cytokine for study,
manner would be limited in how far they could diffuse. But one would concentrate on cytokines whose actions might be
these substances could affect distant brain regions by explained based on their ability to cross the BBB. Therefore,
interacting with neurons projecting to or from other brain given that some cytokines can cross the BBB, it is not
regions [56, 68]. A substance originating from a CVOs could surprising that the majority of cytokines so far studied have
also stimulate adjacent cells to release substances which, in been found to be transported across the BBB by saturable
turn, would induce other adjacent cells to release substances transport systems (Table 1).
thus propagating the signal through brain tissue.
Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Cytokines Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 977

Table 1. Cytokine Interactions With the Blood-Brain Barrier. Cytokines are Categorized with Regard to their Predominant
Interaction with the BBB: Blood-to-Brain Saturable Transport; Brain-to-Blood Saturable Transport, Blood-to-Brain
Non-Saturable Passage; Luminal Association. In rare Instances Where Two Interactions Occur, a Cytokine is Listed
More Than Once. Unless Otherwise Specified, Cytokines are Tested in Mouse

Blood-to-Brain Saturable Transport Reference

human or murine IL-1 alpha [18, 26]

murine IL-1 beta [26]
rat IL-1 alpha in rat [123]
human IL-1 Receptor Antagonist [64]
murine TNF [63]
rat TNF in rat [103]
human IL-6 in mouse or rat [20, 85]
murine IL-6 [20]
human NGF in mouse or rat [107, 124]
human NT3 in mouse or rat [107, 124]
human BDNF in mouse and rat [104, 124]
Fibroblast Growth Factors in rat and gerbil [40, 41, 144]
human Epidermal Growth Factor [110]
human Leukemia Inhibitory Factor [115]
Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor [116, 124]
murine Interferon gamma [106]
murine Granulocyte Macrophage-colony Stimulating Factor [93]

Brain-to-Blood Saturable Transport

murine IL-2 [25]

Blood-to-Brain Non-Saturable Passage

rat Cytokine-induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant-1 [111]

Luminal Association

Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins (1 alpha and 1 beta) [16]

human Transforming Growth Factor [118]
human Leukemia Inhibitory Factor [115]

Little or No Blood-to-Brain Passage

human IL-1 alpha in rat [123]

human IL-1 beta [8]
human TNF [19]
human TNF in rat [103]
human or murine IL-2 [25, 145]
Macrophage Inflammatory Proteins (1 alpha and 1 beta) [16]
human Transforming Growth Factor [118]
murine Interferon alpha [106]
IL-10 [70]
GDNF [69]
Abbreviations: IL: interleukin; TNF: tumor necrosis factor alpha, NGF: nerve growth factor; NT3: neurotrophin-3; BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic factor; GDNF: glial cell line-
derived neurotrophic factor.

The first cytokines to be studied were the interleukin-1's Two other proinflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis
[18, 26]. Interleukin-1 alpha is particularly easy to study factor-alpha (TNF) and interleukin-6, were the next two
because it is easily labeled with radioactive iodine and cytokines to be studied [20, 63]. Their saturable transport has
retains its biological activity after being labeled [50]. been confirmed [85, 103]. Since then, over a dozen cytokines
Interleukin-1 beta is more difficult to label and only retains have been assessed for their blood-to brain transport (Table
80% of its biological activity. Both of these interleukins 1). Several of these are transported across the BBB.
share with interleukin-1 receptor antagonist a transporter or Cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 crosses the
family of transporters [18, 64]. As such, most conclusions BBB to a measurable degree by a non-saturable mechanism
about transport of interleukin-1 alpha can be extrapolated, at [77]. Other cytokines cannot be shown to cross the BBB to
least tentatively, to interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-1 any degree whatsoever (Table 1).
receptor antagonist.
978 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 William A. Banks

One of the cytokines which is not transported from Transport Systems are Specific
blood-to-brain is interleukin-2 (IL-2). Interestingly, several
mechanisms work together to prevent IL-2 from crossing the The cytokine transport systems are specific for closely
BBB. Not only is there not a blood-to-brain transporter for related cytokines. For example, cross inhibition studies have
IL-2 [25], but IL-2 is transported by a saturable mechanism shown that a transporter or family of transporters is respon-
sible for the blood-to-brain influx of the IL-1s [26, 64].
out of the CNS, possibly by the P-glycoprotein transporter
[51]. IL-2 is also rapidly degraded either in brain or at the However, the IL-1 system does not transport TNF or IL-6
[20, 63]. Each of these cytokines has its own distinct system.
BBB. Blood-to-brain passage of IL-2 is further retarded by a
These systems are specific in another sense as well. The IL-1
circulating substance, possibly a soluble receptor for IL-2
transporter, as studied in the mouse, will transport both
[25]. As a rule, therefore, acutely administered radioactive
IL-2 cannot be demonstrated to cross the BBB. murine and human IL-1 alpha [26]. It will also transport
murine IL-1 beta, but not human IL-1 beta [8]. However, the
However, early studies showed that when given in murine transporter favors murine over human IL-1 alpha and
therapeutic doses in disease states, some IL-2 entered the favors murine IL-1 alpha over murine IL-1 beta [26]. In the
CSF [136]. It may be that this IL-2 entered the CNS by way rat, the IL-1 transporter will transport rat, but not human, IL-
of the residual leakiness of the BBB in the way that albumin 1 alpha [123]. Similarly, human TNF is not transported in all
does, that the BBB was compromised in these patients, that mouse strains or in the rat [19, 103].
the human BBB handles IL-2 in a way different from that of
The rate of transport also varies among the transporters
rodents, or that multiple injections of IL-2 induces a
transporter at the BBB for it. and cytokines. Most of the saturable systems transport a
cytokine at a rate of about 10-4 ml/g-min with about 0.1% of
the iv injected dose taken up per g of brain (%Inj/g).
Brain-to-Blood Transport of Cytokines However, IL-1 receptor antagonist is taken up at a rate of
Glucose and amino acids are transported across the BBB closer to 10-3 ml/g-min, with about 0.3-0.6 %Inj/g [64]. The
by the saturable, non-energy requiring mechanism of nerve growth factor (NGF) family of cytokines also
facilitated diffusion. Because these substances have levels demonstrates a range of uptakes. [84, 107, 124]
which are higher in serum than in brain interstitial fluid, they
The most impressive uptake of a cytokine, however, is
are transported in the blood-to-brain direction. But facilitated that of BDNF [104]. Its transport across the BBB has been
diffusion is a bidirectional process, with net movement being
demonstrated independently by two laboratories [104, 124].
from the side with the higher to the side with the lower
Its rate of entry into brain is about 0.2 ml/g-min when
concentration. This bidirectional transport is easy to demons-
assessed with the brain perfusion method. This rate is similar
trate with the use of radioactively labeled ligands or by
to that for some amino acids.
altering the brain or blood concentrations of the ligand [42,
125]. Cytokines, as a rule, do not have a saturable bidirec-
Other Cytokine-BBB Interactions
tional transport system. For example, saturable transport for
the interleukin-1s, TNF, and IL-6 are only in the blood-to- Cytokines can disrupt the BBB [48, 94, 128, 134]. This
brain direction [20, 26, 63]. was one of the first observations of a cytokine-BBB
interaction. As a result, it is often assumed that any elevation
Only one cytokine to date has been found to have a
in cytokines is accompanied by a deterioration of the BBB or
saturable component in its brain-to-blood efflux [25].
even that disruption is the main mechanism by which
Neither of these cytokines are transported by a saturable
cytokines affect BBB function. However, it is actually quite
mechanism into the brain. As discussed above, the unidirec-
difficult to disrupt the BBB with cytokines, at least with
tional efflux system for IL-2 is one of the reasons IL-2 does
acute administration [13, 26]. For example, high, repeated
not readily cross the BBB. Although most cytokines are not
doses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are needed to disrupt the
transported out of the CNS by a saturable mechanism, they
nonetheless do move in the brain-to-blood direction by the BBB [98, 148]. In contrast, LPS can affect other aspects of
mechanism of bulk flow [20, 26, 34, 35, 63]. Bulk flow is BBB permeability in the absence of BBB disruption. The
activity of the saturable transporter for insulin is greatly
the term used to describe the absorption of CSF into the
upregulated by LPS under paradigms that do not necessarily
blood. Any substance found in the CSF will be absorbed into
blood by this mechanism. Because cytokines are not rapidly affect BBB integrity [148]. Absorptive endocytosis of
cleared from blood, bulk flow can result in high levels of gp120, the viral coat of HIV-1, is also enhanced by LPS
[98]. Disruption of the BBB to serum proteins is most likely
cytokine in blood [34, 35]. For example, a cytokine injected
a pathological event, including when disrupted by cytokines,
into the lateral ventricle of the brain can eventually attain
higher blood levels than if the cytokine were injected and is more likely akin to a terminal event than a normal
intravenously. This suggests that the CNS can be a source of physiological reaction.
cytokines in blood. The BBB and cytokines interact in several important
CSF is cleared from the CNS by two pathways: direct ways other than just transport. Some cytokines associate
absorption into blood at the arachnoid villi; clearance by the with the BBB without being transported across the BBB. For
example, blood-borne macrophage inflammatory proteins
brain’s primitive lymphatics [28, 31, 53, 74, 146]. This latter
route means that CSF cytokines can travel directly from the stick to a high degree to the luminal surface of the vascular
CNS to the cervical lymphatics. This route has been shown BBB [16]. This is consistent with a binding site for the MIPs
to be able to regulate immune responses [39, 76]. on brain endothelial cells [3]. Transforming growth factor
Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Cytokines Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 979

also binds to brain endothelial cells without being transpor- polypeptide (0.11 %inj/g) [22], leptin (0.17 %inj/g) [21],
ted across the BBB [118]. acetaminophen (0.11 %inj/g) [37], synthetic opiate peptides
such as biphalin (0.051 %inj/g) [66], and domoic acid (0.002
The BBB itself can release cytokines [54, 59, 132]. HIV-
%inj/g) [126]. Steady state is the most difficult to compare to
1 and its viral coat protein, gp120, induce the release of
other substances, but a brain/serum ratio of 0.12 of
endothelin-1, a cytokine, from monolayer cell co-cultures of
brain endothelial cells and astrocytes [49]. Studies have also chronically infused interleukin-1 [17] compares favorably to
shown that brain endothelial cells can take up cytokines from the cerebrospinal fluid /serum ratios of 0.01-0.05 for many
their abluminal (brain side) surface and translocate them to peptides and regulatory proteins and the brain/serum ratio of
the luminal surface. Here, they could interact with 0.052 for endogenous insulin [10]. These arguments, in
general, show that the amounts of cytokine entering the brain
circulating immune cells [95].
are comparable to amounts entering the brain of substances
In contrast to the cytokines, the soluble receptors for known to have direct effects on the CNS.
cytokines do not cross the BBB [27]. In fact, binding to a
circulating soluble receptor inhibits a cytokine from crossing The third level of argument is based on direct
the BBB. Retardation of cytokine transport across the BBB experimental results. It has been shown that the impairment
in memory in mice induced by intravenously injected human
is, therefore, another possible mechanism by which circulat-
interleukin-1 can be prevented by injecting a blocking
ing soluble receptors can influence neuroimmune actions. A
antibody specific for human interleukin-1 into the posterior
circulating substance, postulated to be a soluble receptor,
binds IL-2 to retard its passage across the BBB [25]. division of the septum [8]. These results could only be
Radioactively labeled BDNF also circulates in a large achieved if the cytokine mediating cognitive impairment was
molecular weight form, indicating it is likely associated with acting within the posterior division of the septum and was
a soluble receptor, binding protein, or circulates in aggrega- derived from blood-borne interleukin-1. Similarly, blood-
borne fibroblast growth factor is transported across the BBB
ted from [104]. Of these possibilities, it is more likely that
to regulate neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb [144]. The
BDNF is associated with a soluble receptor or binding
transport of fibroblast growth factor into brain also likely
protein in the blood. Such an association could explain the
underlies a neuroprotective role after ischemia [40].
1000 fold increase in transport across the BBB when asse-
ssed with the brain perfusion method [104], a method which The above studies carefully showed that the cytokine
negates the influence of circulating proteins [141, 143]. appearing in the brain was derived from cytokine which was
originally in the blood. A cytokine in the circulation,
Enough Cytokine Crosses the BBB to Affect CNS however, can also elevate its levels in the CNS by inducing
Function release from brain endothelial cells, glia, neurons, or other
cells within the CNS, including immune cells. Usually it is
A critical question is whether enough cytokine crosses
difficult to determine the degree to which cytokines in brain
the BBB to have effects on the CNS. Three levels of
originated from a central or peripheral source.
argument have been advanced to support that BBB transport
rates of cytokines are sufficient to produce CNS effects.
Cytokine Transporters do Not have to be Induced
The first argument is teleological: given that a transporter
for a cytokine exits, it must be doing something. Production Some cytokines, such as the IL-1's, are not normally
circulating in blood, whereas others are. The cytokine
and maintenance of transporters is metabolically expensive
transporters, including that for the IL-1's, are constitutively
and it would be unlikely that the BBB would have specific
expressed in the mouse and rat. That is, they are available for
transporters for which there was no function.
cytokine when it occurs in the circulation.
The second level of argument is that the amounts of
Why a transporter should be readily available for a
cytokine transported into brain are substantial. The amounts
substance that is not constantly circulating is unclear. It may
of cytokine transported can be comparatively assessed in
three ways: the rate of passage; the amount of an be that the time required to induce cytokine transporter
intravenously injected dose that enters the brain; the steady production would delay brain signaling too long for the
transporter to be effective. In this sense, having transporters
state brain/blood ratio. For cytokines entering the brain by
saturable transporters, a typical rate of entry is in the 10-3 to readily available is similar to having an adequate number of
receptors readily available to react to cytokine appearance;
10-4 ml/g-min. This rate is about 40-100 times faster than
that of albumin, a substance largely restricted from the CNS, that is, transporters and receptors are part of the infra-
structure which needs to be maintained for the organism to
and about 100-1000 times slower than the entry of glucose
and amino acids into the brain. Leptin, a 16 kDa substance rapidly respond to infection. It may also be that the
which is secreted by fat and is transported across the BBB to transporters are in constant use. It need not be that IL-1
exert its effects within the CNS at a cytokine-like receptor, levels are present but below assay detection limits. It may be
that immune cells adhering to brain endothelia release their
has a transport rate of about of about 4(10-4) ml/g-min.
contents into a microenvironment as appears to occur in the
Morphine and domoic acid also crosses the BBB at about
this rate [1, 15, 126]. The percent of intravenously injected case of defensins [137].
cytokine which enters the brain ranges from about 0.05- Interestingly, the BBB also constitutively expresses the
0.3%. This compares favorably to the values for other subs- P-glycoprotein transporter, a brain-to-blood efflux system.
tances known to exert effects on the CNS, such as morphine The P-glycoprotein transporter is present in immune cells as
(0.018 %inj/g) [15], pituitary adenylate cylcase activating well, but usually only present when induced. One of the
980 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 William A. Banks

ligands for P-glycoprotein in immune cells is IL-2 [51]. of IL-1 alpha on memory [8]. Other brain regions do not take
Whether P-glycoprotein is also the transporter for IL-2 at the up IL-1 alpha at all [97]. For the remaining brain regions, IL-
BBB remains to be tested. 1 alpha uptake varies little (Fig. 3, upper panel). In
comparison, TNF is taken up by all brain regions, but uptake
Regional Variation of Cytokine Transport varies among regions by 10 fold [23]. Nerve growth factors
also show a great deal of regional variation in uptake [124].
Cytokine transporters are not uniformly active As recently reviewed, differences between brain and spinal
throughout the CNS. Nor does a given region of the brain cord (Fig. 3, lowerpanel) can be negligible for some
equally transport all cytokines (Fig. 3). The most outstanding cytokines but dramatic for others [114].
example to date is the highly selective uptake of IL-1 alpha
by the posterior division of the septum [87]. Transport of This diversity of transport may underlie a mechanism of
blood-borne IL-1 alpha across the BBB of the posterior regulation. Regional variation in cytokine transport means
division of the septum is important in mediating the effects that not all regions of the brain will receive the same

Fig. (3). Transport Rates Across the BBB Varies Among Cytokines and Brain Regions. Upper Panel: IL-1 alpha and TNF transport shows
differences from each other and among regions. Data from [23, 97]. Lower Panel: Some cytokines have different rates of transport into brain
and spinal cord. Data from [93, 106, 115, 120].
Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Cytokines Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2005, Vol. 11, No. 8 981

peripheral input. Variation among cytokines for a given in SAMP8 mice than in CD-1 mice [97], but there are no
brain region means that the influence of some cytokines will strain differences for TNF [23]. The SAMP8 mouse has a
be greater than others. natural mutation so that as it ages, it overexpresses amyloid
precursor peptide, has increased brain levels of amyloid beta
Cytokine Transporters vs Cytokine Receptors protein and decreased levels of acetycholine, and develops
deficits in learning and memory [24, 55, 57, 58, 100, 101].
To date, no transporter for a cytokine has been isolated. As such, it is used as a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.
The untested assumption in some articles has been that a
Therefore, strain differences suggest that overexpression of
short form of the cytokine receptor is commandeered by the
amyloid precursor peptide may alter some BBB transporters.
endothelial cell for use as a transporter. This assumption has
Interleukin-1 beta transport has also been noted to be reduced
been tested for IL-1, TNF, and epidermal growth factor [5, with aging, possibly explaining age-related decreases in
26, 110, 113]. In vitro and in vivo studies show that the fever [92].
binding site for IL-1 is different between the IL-1 transporter
and the IL-1 type 1 receptor. Likewise, studies with knock- SUMMARY
out mice show that the receptor and transporter for epidermal
growth factor are different gene products. For TNF, how- Many cytokines are transported across the BBB by
ever, both the p55 or p75 receptors can act as transporters. saturable systems. This transport has been shown to be one
mechanism by which blood-borne cytokines can exert their
Cytokine Transporters are Regulated and Affected by effects on brain. These transporters are highly selective for
Neuropathology their ligands. The transporters are not homogeneously distri-
buted throughout the CNS nor are all cytokines transported
Brain region and cytokine (e.g., IL-1 vs TNF) are not the
similarly for a given brain region. Transporters are also
only variants for rate of transport. BBB transporters for
affected by numerous physiological and pathological condi-
peptides and regulatory proteins are not static, but affected
tions. Together, these complexities of BBB-cytokine inter-
by physiology and disease. The first such example for a
actions suggest that this mechanism likely underlies many
cytokine was the finding that aluminum inhibited IL-1 neuropathological events.
transport across the BBB [18]. Aluminum is a neurotoxin in
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