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Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

The Office of the Admissions and Registrar


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Important notice
The training and professional experience comparison chart is an important document in your admission by equivalence file.
Your answers in the chart should be based on what you learned and on your own professional experiences.
You must not use answers provided by someone else.
Plagiarism will affect the analysis of your file.

This Comparative Grid was enabled with the financial participation of the Government of Québec

Updated on 2023-11-14
EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

Instructions for completing the Comparison Grid: Training and Professional Experience
The Comparison Grid is a useful tool both for you, as you prepare to become a member of the nursing profession in Quebec, and for the OIIQ, which must analyze the equivalence of your training
and experience.
The Table includes 36 of the professional activities performed by nurses. You must describe how your nursing training and practice helped you learn or perform these activities and provide
examples from your practice with patients where possible.
Here is a fictitious example for the following nursing activity. Looking at her transcript from the university where she studied, Marisa recalls the courses where she learned about blood tests,
among other things. She recalls the subjects covered in the 2nd year of her undergraduate program and writes the following text in the Table. As for her clinical practice, Marisa also gives

Assess the patient’s situation and health status

1.1 Collect data that is relevant to the patient's1 clinical condition, including clinical monitoring.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice
The patients I work with often have blood tests, but I'm not the
I analyze the results of laboratory tests, diagnostic tests Most of my training on laboratory tests took place in my nursing
one who gets the results. The physician uses them to
or consultations done by another professional to provide course 204 (N 204). We studied blood sample analysis and what a
prescribe medication.
follow-up for a patient. urinalysis can mean.
As a nurse, I got X results for X test conducted on X patient.
For example, we learned that if results are abnormal for a given
lab test, certain actions must be taken. Since the results confirmed X problem, I took the following
nursing actions.

It is not necessary to provide an explanation for each activity, but the more explanations you give, the easier it will be to analyze your file.
You might find the documents provided by your educational institutions helpful as well as the introductory activity "Nursing in Québec: values and realities" available in "My Account".
Sometimes, you learned something during your training but did not have the opportunity to apply what you learned in your clinical practice. You may explain what you learned, then indicate: “I did
not put this activity into practice”.
On the other hand, there may be an activity you did not learn how to perform during your training, but thanks to your clinical experience, you can practice the profession of nursing. You may
indicate: “I did not study this activity”, then provide an example encountered in your professional practice.
Try to provide a concrete example from your practice with patients.
If you don't understand an activity, write to for help.

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

Caring for people using a clinical reasoning

Assess the patient’s situation and health status

1.1 Collect data that is relevant to the patient's2 clinical condition, including clinical monitoring.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice
I choose the clinical data to be collected from the
patient, taking into account the reasons for their visit.
Clinical data
Clinical data can provide information about:
• important past history, including the person’s physical and
mental health, medical, family, prenatal, sexual history and
growth and development history;
• allergies, laboratory results, prescription or over-the-counter
medications used by the patient;
• signs and symptoms as well as data from the assessment
(e.g., vital signs, neurological signs);
• the patient's family or friends and their living conditions.
The word "visit" refers to the patient’s presence during an
outpatient consultation, their hospitalization or any other
situation that leads the patient to consult the nurse.

I recognize my patient’s risk profile or risk behaviours. I

Risk behaviours
Examples of risk behaviours the nurse must recognize are: the use of
alcohol, illicit drugs or controlled substances, suicide or self-injury,
being a victim of abuse or neglect, falls, infections, unsafe sexual

2 The term "patient" also includes the patient’s friends and family.
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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

I perform a physical examination that is appropriate to From a clinical hypothesis, give an example of a physical
the patient's situation. I know what to look for during the examination you performed on a patient.
examination because I have determined a clinical
hypothesis based on the clinical data collected.
Physical examination
A physical examination consists of collecting observable and objective data
on the patient's condition. It may include taking the vital signs or other
measurements and examining other parts of the body by inspection,
auscultation, palpation and percussion.
Clinical hypotheses
Clinical hypotheses are a list of relevant and possible suppositions to explain
a particular clinical situation. From this list and following appropriate
investigations, the nurse can then confirm the assessment finding(s) that
explain the patient's situation and prepare her interventions accordingly.

I perform a mental examination that is appropriate to From a clinical hypothesis, give an example and of how you
the patient's situation. I know what to look for during the performed a mental examination on a patient.
examination because I have determined a clinical
hypothesis based on the clinical data collected.
Mental examination
A mental examination includes observation of the patient's
appearance and behaviour. It also includes an assessment of
their cognitive abilities and emotional stability.

I perform screening and investigative tests as per the What screening and investigative tests did you learn to perform? In your practice, what screening and investigative tests do
prescription. you perform?
Screening and investigative tests
A screening test is indicated when the patient does not have any
In Quebec, through a national protocol, the nurse can screen for a
sexually transmitted infection if the patient has had unsafe sexual
they do not
relations, haveif any symptoms.
An investigative test is indicated in the case of a symptomatic patient.

I analyze the results of laboratory tests, diagnostic tests or In which courses did you learn about laboratory or diagnostic Give examples of laboratory test results that you have
consultations done by another professional in order to provide tests? analyzed and the clinical follow-up provided.
follow-up for a patient.
Provide follow-up
This activity requires a nursing judgement on the favourable or
unfavourable evolution of the state of health of a patient who is
receiving treatment orThe nurse provides follow-up by
taking medication.
informing theconcerned or by adjusting the treatments that fall
within her

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

I determine the parameters that require clinical monitoring

by the health care team and myself based on my
all the patient
analysis of information.

1.2 Determine the most likely assessment finding based on scientific evidence and known data.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I determine the assessment finding. Provide examples of patient assessment findings

that you make to determine the assessment finding.
Assessment finding
The assessment finding is sometimes referred to as a "nursing
diagnosis" in some parts of the world.

I explain the assessment finding to the patient.

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Intervene according to the patient's condition and clinical situation

1.3 Plan care and treatment, including setting priorities, in partnership with the patient.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I decide which interventions to implement, taking Provide examples of nursing interventions that you conduct with
your patients.
into account my patient's needs, expectations and

I determine the care priorities (the order in which care

is to be given to patients).

1.4 Promote health and prevent illness, accidents, social problems and suicide based on the assessment finding or clinical finding.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I explain to my patient the ways to stay healthy so that

they can make informed choices about their health.

I use alternatives to restraints that are appropriate

to the patient's situation.

I decide to use restraint or isolation measures to The example must show the assessment and monitoring
protect the patient. with respect to the restraint and isolation measures.

Restraint or isolation measures

Restraint measures prevent or limit a person's freedom of movement
by using human strength or mechanical means, or by depriving a
person of a means used to alleviate a disability.

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

Isolation measures consist of confining a person to a place, for a

specified time, which they cannot leave freely. Here we are referring
to isolation in a psychiatric sense, not as it relates to infection
prevention and control.

1.5 Implement a care and treatment plan by accompanying the patient in their health experiences while taking into account their beliefs and values.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I explain to my patient the changes in their state of

health as well as the care and treatment they are

I accompany my patient in their actions to improve their health I adjust patients’ medication as per the prescription or protocol, In your professional practice, how do you accompany patients to
and I do not do things in their place. taking their response into account. support and help them while promoting their autonomy?

I assess the pain my patient is experiencing. How did you learn to relieve pain? Give examples if In your practice, how do you assess the pain
possible. experienced by patients?

I relieve the pain my patient is experiencing. What measures do you take to relieve patients’ pain?

I adjust patients’ treatment planning or medication as .

per the prescription or protocol, taking their response
into account.

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

I assess the outcome of the interventions and .

make adjustments if necessary.

I explain my patient's drug therapy to them.

Ensure continuity of care

1.6 Communicate relevant information about the patient, in particular when a consultation is necessary.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I work closely with other professionals (e.g., physician, Explain the role you play in deciding to implement
occupational therapist, pharmacist, social workers) to decide interventions by other professionals
what interventions to implement for the patient.

I note the relevant aspects of my nursing approach During your training, what relevant aspects did you learn to note Give an example of something you noted down in a specific
(assessment, assessment finding, interventions implemented, in the patient record? patient record that demonstrates nursing expertise (clinical
patient’s response) in the required documentation. process)
In Québec, there are different types of documentation, some
by regulation, such as the TNP, others specific to the nursing
profession, such as nursing notes, and others specific to
health care institutions.

I notify the physician when warranted by the patient's situation In your practice, give examples of situations where you must
and after completing my nursing assessment and determining contact the physician. What information do you have to
an assessment finding. provide?

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

I prepare for my patient to be taken under the care of another During your training, what did you learn about the health care Give an example where you prepared the follow-up of a
unit in my institution, another institution or a community system and services that take patients under their care after patient who was taken under the care of another institution
organization. discharge? or organization.

1.7 Coordinate care and treatment activities according to the clinical situation.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I use strategies so that I can provide follow-up to my patient What strategies have you learned or used to facilitate outpatient Give an example of a situation where you improved patient
with complex health problems. follow-up? follow-up using a strategy.
Adapting the “care plan” for patients with complex health
problems, taking personal characteristics into account

I coordinate the health care team's interventions. Describe the nurse's role in coordinating the interventions
conducted with the patient.

I oversee the care provided by others. Describe your supervisor’s role towards the other care
For example, in Quebec, the nurse supervises the care
provided by the licensed practical nurse and the orderly.

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

Provide clinical and professional

2.1 Advocate for the person throughout the continuum of care.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I take my patient's culture and values into account when I treat Give an example of care adapted to the patient’s culture or
them. values.
The introductory activity "Nursing in Quebec: values and
realities" made you aware of the importance of considering
patient values and the difference between their values and

Contribute to improving quality of care

3.1 Implement a measure to promote quality of care.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I report and analyze incidents and accidents that I caused or During your training, when were you made aware of the During your professional practice, have you had to disclose
witnessed. importance of recognizing and disclosing your errors? any errors that you made or witnessed?
It is the nurse’s duty and part of the culture of the nursing
profession to disclose any errors, omissions or incidents
caused by their actions or witnessed by them.

Act with professionalism

4.1 Comply with standards, regulations and other frameworks for nursing practice.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I comply with the regulations that govern the nursing Give examples of courses where you learned about the laws and Name a regulation or regulations that you must comply with
profession. regulations in your country of origin. as a nurse.
The nursing profession is regulated.

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

4.2 Ensure your professional development in nursing and contribute to training new members of the profession.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I continue to learn in order to provide quality care. Give examples of training you have achieved since you
started working as a nurse?

I take a critical and reflexive look at my practice.

I share my expertise and recognize that of my colleagues.

I act as a model for my colleagues.

4.3 Accompany the person and other professionals involved in a complex decision-making process.

Nursing activities Learned during training Example encountered in your professional practice

I recognize moral and ethical dilemmas and take appropriate In which courses or on which occasions during your nursing Give an example of a moral or ethical dilemma that you
action when necessary. training did you learn about ethics? have had to resolve during your professional practice.

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✔ I affirm that all the information I have provided is accurate and true.

✔ I affirm that my answers are personal and based on my own training and professional experience.

✔ I understand that any attempt to copy or borrow someone else’s answers will affect the analysis of my file.

Signature ________________________________ Date ___________

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EQUIVALENCE | DHC Comparative Grid: Training and Professional Experience

Assess the client's clinical health situation [ back ]
Particularity of nursing practice in Quebec:
The nurse assesses a person's physical and mental health condition in order to formulate an assessment finding and determine the care and treatment plan based on the situation.
Assessing the physical and mental condition of a symptomatic person is 1 of the 17 activities reserved to the nursing profession in Quebec. It is the foundation of nursing practice. This assessment
allows the nurse to distinguish abnormality from normality and thus to determine the interventions to be carried out with the person being cared for. Based on her clinical judgement and the data
obtained during her assessment, the nurse may decide to perform complex procedures, initiate diagnostic measures or adjust medications, depending on the framework in place. In addition, the
assessment allows the nurse to detect complications, identify health problems and determine the urgency of a health situation.
In Quebec, the nurse assesses and the licensed practical nurse collaborates in the assessment. The distinction is important because it allows us to fully understand the complementarity of the
nurse’s practice and the licensed practical nurse’s work and to distinguish between them.
Performing an assessment is a complex and dynamic intellectual process because it mobilizes the nurse's skills in analyzing a set of data in order to establish a picture of a person's clinical situation
and make a clinical judgement. This activity goes beyond the collection of objective and subjective data because it includes the formulation of findings to establish priorities for care and follow-
up. In addition, the quality of the assessment is a function of the availability and reliability of the information as well as the rigour and accuracy of the interpretation. These elements are important
because they distinguish the nurse’s responsibilities from those of the licensed practical nurse in assessing the person's physical and mental condition. “Assessing” the person’s physical and mental
condition and “contributing to the assessment" are two distinct activities that do not have the same meaning or scope.
For example, in a general medicine unit, a licensed practical nurse takes a client's vital signs. Since the patient's blood pressure is 100/40 mmHg, she immediately notifies the nurse. The nurse
compares the blood pressure values measured by her licensed practical nurse colleague with those measured at different times during the previous days. By analyzing the client's medication profile,
the nurse notes that the client is taking two medications with a hypotensive effect whose peak actions occur at the same time. She consults the physician and the pharmacist, and the administration
schedule for one of the two medications is changed to correct the situation.
In this context, the licensed practical nurse observed the client's reactions, measured the vital parameters and notified the nurse. The nurse consulted the necessary information, made a judgement
about the client's condition and intervened to have the medication administration changed.
For more information on assessing the physical and mental condition of a symptomatic person in the context of nursing in Quebec, see the document Le champ d’exercice et les activités réservées
des infirmières [The scope of practice of and activities reserved to nurses; in French only], page 29 and following.

Clinical monitoring [ back ]

The nurse is responsible for determining what elements need to be monitored and how often they need to be monitored in a client. This is another of the 17 activities reserved to the nurse. Clinical
monitoring by the nurse involves identifying clinical alerts related to the client's physical and mental condition and anticipating the client's reactions, taking into account the individuality of the
client and distinguishing reactions related to the presence of risk factors specific to the client from reactions inherent in the interventions the client has undergone.
One of the documentation tools used in Quebec by the health care team to provide clinical follow-up to the client is the therapeutic nursing plan (TNP). It contains the nursing directives required to
provide clinical monitoring, care, treatment and other interventions required for the client. For example, the nurse may instruct the licensed practical nurse to measure the patient’s capillary blood
glucose, oxygen saturation or vital signs. The nurse’s analysis and interpretation of the data measured by the licensed practical nurse is part of the clinical monitoring of the patient's state of
For more information on the clinical monitoring of the condition of people whose state of health presents risks in the context of nursing in Quebec, see the document Le champ d’exercice et les
activités réservées des infirmières [The scope of practice of and activities reserved to nurses; in French only], page 34 and following.

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