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Cooking traveling: the healthiest school lunches

Health and extensive lunches for schoolchildren – these two things

together are the parent’s headache and their dream. It’s important for
young growing body to get useful and tasty food.
But frequently children prefer to eat the snacks which contain
sandwiches, pretzels, crisps and fuzzy water. All over the world
famous restaurant chain «Sweetgreen» has been worried about this
fact for a long time and now an unique experiment has been started.
They decided to carry out the series of international healthy ant
delicious school lunches.
Moreover, every menu was created taking in account geographical
position and cultural traditions.

Do you want to know the results?

Fish with arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, Caprese (salad:
tomatoes, olive oil, mozzarella, basil), baguette and grapes.

Such kind of lunch should be offered to Italian schoolchildren.

Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, green peas, fruits and cookies.

Were American schoolchildren allowed to eat ketchup?

Pork with vegetables, black beans and boiled rice, salad, bread and

Brazil school lunch looks very bright!

Baked chicken, stuffed grape leaves, vegetable salad, fresh oranges,
yogurt with pomegranate.
Why there is no Greece salad?
Mashed potatoes with sausages, borsch, cabbage, pancakes.

Ukrainian schoolchildren should enjoy such lunch!

Shrimps with boiled rice and vegetables, gazpacho (Spanish cold
tomato soup with sweet pepper, garlic and onion), raw pepper, bread
and an orange.
It’s a very delicious school lunch for Spanish schoolchildren.
Steak (fat peace of roasted beef meat), carrot, cow green peas,
cheese and fresh fruits.

It’s a pity that French schoolchildren won’t have any hot dish.

South Korea
Fish soup, tofu with rice (bean curd), Kim chi (spicy Chinese cabbage
with red pepper, green onion, garlic and ginger) and fresh row
It’s a real stomach feast for South Korea pupils.

Pea soup, beet salad, carrot salad, bread and pancake with fresh

Tasty dishes for Finland children!

Where would you like to appear now and what lunch do you prefer?
Pretzel – сухарик
crisps – чипсы
restaurant chain – сеть ресторанов
arugula - руккола
sauce – соус
caprese – салат Капрезе
extensive - насыщенный
roast chicken –жареная курица
stuffed leaves – фарщированные листья
shrimps - креветки
delicious – аппетитный
steak – стейк
beef – говядина
cow green peas – зеленая спаржевая фасоль
bean curd – соевый творог
spicy Chinese cabbage – квашенная пекинская капуста
ginger – имбирь
feast - праздник

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