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Patient Demographics: Ordering Doctor and Clinic:

Last Name: Mavarez Castillo Jacobs, T A.

First Name: Yecsabell Sentro Medico de Savaan
Birth Date: 24DEC1992 De Savaan 108
Gender: F Tel:
Address: De Savaan 10 Accession #: 2405200068
Patient ID: 1992122416 Age: 31 Collected: 20/05/2024 9:16
-------------------------------- Sample Rcvd: 20/05/2024 9:16
Report Status: FINAL Collect at: NOVO

Samples: W Blood,Serum,Plasma,Urine

Whole blood

WBC 5.2 4.5-11.0 109/L

RBC 3.99 3.8-4.8 1012/L
Hgb 12.5 12-15 g/dL
Hct 36 L 38-47 %
MCV 90 81-94 fL
MCH 31 26-33 %
MCHC 35 30-35 g/dL
RDW 12.8 11.5-15.0 %
Platelets 310 140-400 109/L
MPV 7.8 7.4-10.4 fL
Neutrophils % 55 40-75 %
Lymphocytes % 37 20-45 %
Monocytes % 6 2.0-18 %
Eosinophils % 1 0-6 %
Basophils % 1 0-2 %

Diabetes Diagnostics
Fluoride Plasma

Glucose Fasting 81 74-109 mg/dL

Prognosis of CKD

eGFRcr (CKD-EPI) > 90 H 60-90

Normal or High
Units reported: ml/min/1.73m2

Clinical Chemistry

AST 18 <39 U/L

ALT 8 <52 U/L
Creatinine 0.74 0.55-1.02 mg/dL

Lipid Panel

Cholesterol 187 40-200 mg/dL


Released: 20MAY2024 13:55 ISO 15189 Accredited

Printed: 20MAY2024 14:15 Page 1 of 2 For scope see
Patient Demographics: Ordering Doctor and Clinic:
Last Name: Mavarez Castillo Jacobs, T A.
First Name: Yecsabell Sentro Medico de Savaan
Birth Date: 24DEC1992 De Savaan 108
Gender: F Tel:
Address: De Savaan 10 Accession #: 2405200068
Patient ID: 1992122416 Age: 31 Collected: 20/05/2024 9:16
-------------------------------- Sample Rcvd: 20/05/2024 9:16
Report Status: FINAL Collect at: NOVO

Triglycerides 68 39-176 mg/dL

HDL-Cholesterol 54 23-92 mg/dL

HDL/Cholesterol% 29 H 20-26 %
LDL 119 H <100 mg/dL
Near or Above Optimal


Color Dark-Yellow
Clarity of Urine Clear Clear
Specific gravity 1.025 1.010-1.030
pH 5.0 4.7-8.0
Protein Trace Neg
Glucose Neg Neg
Ketones Neg Neg
Blood Trace Neg
Urobilinogen 2.0 Normal mg/dL
Bilirubin Neg Neg
Leuco-esterase Negative Neg
Nitrite Neg Neg
Ascorbic Acid Neg

Urine Microscopy

WBC 3-5 0-2 /HPF

RBC 0-2 0-2 /HPF
Mucus Packed None
Squamous epith. Many /HPF

Approved by: Auto

Released: 20MAY2024 13:55 ISO 15189 Accredited

Printed: 20MAY2024 14:15 Page 2 of 2 For scope see
End of Report

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