Eft Script For Courage and Clarity

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Meridian Tapping Script for Courage & Clarity Product

After two minutes of applying Courage & Clarity body-mind lotion remedy, enhance the results of negative energy release with the
following Meridian Tapping:

Step 1. Tap on the side of hand (karate chop side) while saying the following out loud:

“Even though I feel worried, obsessed, confused, afraid and can‘t stop thinking about ______, I deeply and completely love and
accept myself.” Repeat 3 times.

Step 2. On the starred energy points, tap 5 times each while saying out loud:

“I feel worried, obsessed, confused, afraid.” 5 x on each point.

Do this whether you are presently feeling these emotions or not. This is releasing stored
negative emotional energy from the past, not necessarily aware to the conscious mind.


If you still do not feel lighter and/or more relaxed, then you may be “reversed.” Fear is an
emotion which gives us the illusion of protection. Sometimes after feeling hurt or rejected, we
unconsciously cling to the fear. Fear never gives us what is desired.

Say the following:

Tap on the side of hand (karate chop side) while saying the following out loud:

“Even though I do not want to stop feeling worried, obsessed, afraid, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.” Repeat 3

On the starred energy points, tap 5 times each:

“I don’t want to stop feeling and being worried, obsessed, and afraid because it protects me.” 5 x on each point.
Then, go back and repeat Step 1 for the release.


If a sudden discomfort or pain appears in the body, this may be an emotion manifesting physically. Tap on the karate chop point and

“Even though I feel this pain in my left lower leg (example only but be specific), I ask my body to stop sending pain signals.”

“Even though I feel this pain in my left lower leg (example only but be specific), I ask my body to release the emotional energy stored

“Even though I feel this pain in my left lower leg (example only but be specific), I ask my body to stop sending pain signals to my left
lower leg.”

On the starred energy points, tap 5 x each and say:

Stop sending pain signals

Sending healing energy
Balance my energy
I ask my body to heal
I ask my body to stop creating pain in my ________
I ask my body to release the emotional energy stored in my _________

A way to energetically release and lighten up. This is difficult for many people. Often they are reversed and unconsciously do not
want to forgive although they may consciously feel they have forgiven others. It is always worth doing the reversal procedure first.

Tap on the side of hand (karate chop side) while saying the following out loud:

“Even though I DO NOT want to forgive ____________(example: my Mom for putting up with my Dad’s alcoholism) , I deeply and
completely love and accept myself.” Repeat 3 times.

On the starred energy points, tap 5 times each:

“I don’t want to forgive ______ (example: my Mom) 5 x on each starred energy point.

Then the forgiveness release:

Tap on the side of hand (karate chop side) while saying the following out loud:

“Even though (example: my Mom put up with my Dad’s alcoholism and it made my childhood difficult,) I forgive my Mother.
Repeat 3 times

Tap on each starred energy point 5 times and say out loud.

“I forgive my mother.”


Tap on the karate chop point and starred energy points 5 times each and say out loud.

“I am free from the past.” “My future is up to me.” “My connection to God is strong.” “God and my angels are protecting me.”

NOTE: The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This script is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

Copyright BioSource Naturals, LLC All rights reserved

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