English 101 Rieviewer

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Reviewer for English 101 Silent Reading

I. intensive
Language- is the ability to produce and comprehend a. Linguistic
spoken and written words. b. Context

Macro Skills- refers to the primary, key, main, and ii. extensive
largest skill set relative to particular context. It is a. Skimming
commonly referred to in English language. b. Scanning
C. Global
- entails control of language variables since it is an
1. Listening extremely complex cognitive activity.
- A perquisite to understanding. - Writing is also a process in which person can share his
- A skill of grasping and decoding during the exchange thoughts and feelings through symbols.
of messages.
- Listening is the beginning of understanding and Steps for writing
valuable key to effective communication. Decide the topic
- research and collect information - outline and plan -
10 tips to effective listening: start writing by a simple draft - (back to) decide a topic
Step 1- look at the speaker in the face an eye.
Step 2- focus and give attention but relax. Viewing Skills
Step 3- be open minded - allow students to pause and reflect and think about the
Step 4 - listen and pictures what the speaker is saying images they are seeing and analyze or evaluate further
Step 5- don't speak while the person is talking. these visuals for better use.
Step 6- when the speaker pauses, you can may ask
clarifying questions. Types of Viewing
Step 7- ask relevant questions Visual Literary
Step 8- put yourself in the speaker's place - skill to decipher the meaning for visuals.
Step 9- give feedback - Ability to create visuals to convey effectively the ideas
Step 10- focus as well to nonverbal cues. in mind.

2. Speaking Critical Viewing

- the ability to makes us superior to other species. - skill to understand and evaluate information from
- It is a complex cognitive and linguistic skill that visuals.
involves words and sounds.
- Ability to analyze the composition of the pictures.
Functions of speaking
 Interaction First Language vs. Second Language
 Transaction
 Performance First Language
- the first language is the mother tongue or native
3. Reading language.
- a multifaceted process involving word recognition, -the first language is like an instinct which is triggered
comprehension, fluency and motivation. by birth and developed with the experience of being
- The process of analyzing symbols for you to exposed to it.
understand the message conveyed by the sender. -normal and does not need to exert an effort to learn the
- Reading is meaning from print - identify the word in first language.
print - a process called world recognitions. -natural form of learning- learning acquisition-primary
2 Category of Reading
Oral Reading Second Language
- reading a loud - second language is a language that a person learns in
- A technique to improve readers word identification in order to communicate with the native speaker of that
context language.
-a second language is a personal choice of a person.
-there's a step-by-step process in learning the second Discourse Analysis- the study of how stretches of the
language languages used in communication assume meaning,
purpose and unity for their users.
Learning- 2nd language
Acquisition- knowledge/conscious Computational Linguistics- the application of
linguistics theories and computational techniques to
Macro and Micro Linguistic Studies problems of natural language processing.

Micro Linguistics Applied Linguistics- the field that looks at how can
 looks at linguistics with a narrower view linguistics help understand real life problems in areas
 The focus is more on the structures of the such as psychology, sociology, and education.
language system in itself and for itself.

Phonetics- a branch of linguistics that focuses on the

sounds. In particular, it looks into how the sounds be PLURALITY OF ENGLISH WORLD ENGLISH
articulated, transmitted and received. VS. WORLD ENGLISHES

Phonology- the study of the functions of speech sounds WORLD ENGLISH- the language used in business,
in a language. Focused is on the ways of speech sounds unite and diplomacy and other international activities.
are organized.
WORLD ENGLISHES- refers to the varieties of
Morphology- the study of construction and formation of English from the different regions of the world.
the words.
Globalization considered as an important factor in the
Syntax- the study of relationship between linguistic spread of English (schneider, 2011) Additionally, quirk
forms, and how they are arranged in sequences and (1998, cited in Kachru 1990) states that because of
which sequences are well-formed. demographical. Economic, cultural, and imperial factors
- language spreads.
Semantics- the study of the relationships between
linguistic forms and entities in the world, it focuses on Nativization Continuum of World Englishes (NCWs)
the meaning of a sentences.
- The study of conceptual meaning of words and Diffusion- English spread as a result of colonization,
sentences. globalization o by any other means.
Induction- English is officially accepted as a language
Pragmatics- the study of relationships between used for education, trade, communication, so on.
linguistics forms and the users of those forms. Customization- LI and other local language start to
- The study of meaning in a context - beyond what its reshape English slowly by giving it a local touch.
literally means. Indigenous words form and structure get incorporated
into English.
Macro Linguistics Native Recognition- People start to use English
unconsciously without associating with its parents’
Psycholinguistics- the study of language and mind; the varieties.
mental structures and processes, which are involved in
the acquisition, comprehension and production of Kachru's Concentric Circle- (1985) Kachru proposes
language. this concentric circle to illustrate the spread of English
all over the world.
Sociolinguistics- studies the relations between
language and society: how social factors influence the 1. Inner Circle (ENL) countries of English colonizer the
use of language. parent
2. Outer Circle (ESL) territories colonized by the
Neurolinguistics - the study of language processing and parents’ countries of English
language representation in the brain. Typically studies 3. Expanding Circle (EFL) - foreign language
the disturbances of language comprehension and encompasses countries where English has no historical
production caused by the damage of certain areas of the or government roles.
The power of English Tagish- a hybrid that combines Tagalog and English
1986- Kachru established the authority of the English involving code-switching between the two languages
language by looking into its "depth" and "range" within the same sentence.

Range- refers to the totality of functions which it has Biglish/Bigalog- a variation spoken in areas where
acquired as it spread around the globe. Bisaya is widely spoken, incorporating Bisaya
Depths- refers to the amount of societal penetration it vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation elements into
has achieved. English speech.

6 types of power of English Filipinisms- linguistics features unique to Philippine

Demographical & numerical- unprecedented spread English including loanwords, calques, & grammatical
across cultures and languages; on practically even constructions borrowed from Filipino languages.
Functional- provides access to the most important
scientific, technological and cross-cultural domains of Multilingualism- a word we use when someone can
knowledge and interaction. speak several languages or when several languages are
spoken in one community.
Attitudinal- symbolizes certainly to a large group across - If a person can communicate effectively, be it writing,
cultures one or more of the following; neutrality, speaking or even singing, he/she is considered
liberalism, status and progressivism. multilingual or polyglot.
- Mastered the languages
Accessibility- provide international accessibility in the - A multilingual can also listen or read passively and
outer circle and international mobility across regions. understand the messages in different language

Pluricentricity- resulted in the nativization and Bilingual- can communicate proficiently in 2 languages.
acculturation of the language. Multilingual- can communicate effectively in using two
Material- a tool for mobility, economic gains, & societal or more languages.
status. Polyglots- a person with high proficiency in using
different languages.
Philippine English- Philippine culture is a complex 2 types of Multilingual
colorful mosaic combining indigenous. Asian features Maximal Multilingual- speakers who are equally
with varied western influences. proficient in two or more languages.
American Colonial Period- Arrival of American
educators and missionaries, English began to gain Minimal Multilingual- Speakers who can successfully
prominence alongside. Spanish English was initially cut across their message even if they are not fluent in the
used primarily by the American ruling class but second or third language.
gradually spread to other sectors of society.
- English was promoted as the language of governance Causes of Multilingualism
education and business. Globalization- cultural exchanges are the usual causes
of multilingualism specially that technology has helped
Late 20th Century to Present- the late 20th century shape and aid in the access of information and the flow
saw increased globalization and technological of ideas.
advancement which further influenced the evolution of
Philippine English. Colonialism- colonizers live with their territories, the
native in their colony have to accommodate and lear the
colonizer language.

Philippine English Variations Migration of People- Due to the advancement of

technology and support system, it has become asy for
Standard Philippine English- this follows standard people to move and live to one place to another.
English grammar vocabulary & convention but may
incorporate some Filipino linguistic Features and 12 Intermarriages- when a couple live together, they are
expressions. forced to teach each other with their languages causing
one to learn and be proficient.
Benefits of being Multilingual

More Job Opportunities- the ability to communicate

with people in more than one language could help in
acquiring gainful employment.

Improved Intellect- exposing yourself to foreign

languages the way you look at the world and create
comprehensive avenues.

Increased understanding of language- learning other

language can help you gain better understanding.

International travel benefits- learning languages can

make all aspects of travel easier, from getting through
customs to finding your way around foreign locales.

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