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Project Title:

Empowering Baligubadle Hospital: Sustainable Energy Solutions for Reliable

2. Project Summary:

This project aims to equip Baligubadle Hospital with a reliable generator and solar power system to
address the challenges posed by the town's unstable electricity supply. By ensuring a consistent power
source, the project seeks to safeguard the hospital's ability to provide uninterrupted healthcare services
to the border communities of Somaliland and Ethiopia.

3. Organizational Background:

Baligubadle Hospital is a vital healthcare facility situated on the border between Somaliland and
Ethiopia. Dedicated to serving the medical needs of the local population, the hospital has been
instrumental in providing critical services, including life-saving C-sections. Despite its invaluable
contributions, the hospital faces significant obstacles due to frequent power outages, which
compromise patient care and safety.

4. Project Rationale:

The precarious situation surrounding the unstable electricity supply in Baligubadle not only presents a
pressing challenge to the effective delivery of essential healthcare services but also exacerbates the
already dire emergency needs of the community. Baligubadle Hospital stands as a beacon of hope for
the border communities nestled between Somaliland and Ethiopia, serving as their primary source of
medical care. However, the erratic nature of the town's electricity grid threatens the very foundation
upon which this lifeline rests, thereby intensifying the urgency of addressing the emergency needs
within the region.

In times of medical crises, such as accidents, injuries, or sudden illnesses, the swift and seamless
provision of emergency medical care is paramount to preserving lives and minimizing adverse outcomes.
Yet, the frequent power outages experienced in Baligubadle undermine the hospital's ability to respond
effectively to such emergencies. The interruption of critical medical procedures, including surgeries and
resuscitations, due to power fluctuations places patients at heightened risk and compromises the
efficacy of medical interventions. Moreover, the lack of reliable electricity disrupts the functioning of
essential medical equipment, such as ventilators, defibrillators, and diagnostic tools, further impeding
the hospital's capacity to provide timely and comprehensive emergency care.

Furthermore, the vulnerability of Baligubadle Hospital to power disruptions during emergencies is

compounded by the region's geographical remoteness and limited access to alternative healthcare
facilities. Situated on the border between two nations, the hospital often serves as the sole recourse for
individuals in need of urgent medical attention, particularly those residing in rural and underserved
areas. In the absence of a dependable backup power source, the hospital's ability to fulfill its critical role
as a frontline responder to emergencies is severely compromised, leaving vulnerable populations
without access to life-saving medical care when they need it most.
The adverse impact of the unstable electricity supply extends beyond the confines of the hospital walls,
permeating into the broader community and exacerbating existing socio-economic disparities. With
unreliable power infrastructure hindering the delivery of healthcare services, individuals in Baligubadle
face heightened risks and vulnerabilities, particularly in times of emergencies. The inability to access
timely and effective medical care due to power-related constraints further marginalizes already
marginalized populations, perpetuating cycles of poverty, inequality, and poor health outcomes.

Addressing the emergency needs in Baligubadle necessitates a multifaceted approach that goes beyond
simply providing short-term solutions to the electricity supply issue. While the implementation of
sustainable energy solutions, such as backup generators and solar power systems, is crucial for ensuring
the uninterrupted operation of Baligubadle Hospital during emergencies, it must be complemented by
broader efforts to strengthen the region's overall emergency preparedness and response capabilities.
This includes investing in emergency medical training for healthcare professionals, establishing robust
communication networks for coordinating emergency responses, and enhancing community resilience
through education and awareness programs.

In conclusion, the emergency needs existing in Baligubadle are intricately intertwined with the town's
unstable electricity supply, posing significant challenges to the delivery of timely and effective
healthcare services, particularly during emergencies. Addressing these needs requires a comprehensive
and coordinated approach that prioritizes the resilience of healthcare infrastructure, strengthens
emergency response capacities, and empowers communities to withstand and overcome the challenges
posed by power-related disruptions. Only through concerted efforts and sustained investment can
Baligubadle and its surrounding communities hope to build a future where access to quality healthcare
is not contingent upon the reliability of the electrical grid.

5. Project Narrative or Project Description:

In Baligubadle, a town situated on the border between Somaliland and Ethiopia, the provision of
consistent and reliable healthcare services is essential to the well-being of its inhabitants. However, the
region grapples with a myriad of challenges, chief among them being the unstable electricity supply. This
instability not only poses a significant hindrance to the everyday lives of the residents but also presents
dire consequences for Baligubadle Hospital, the primary healthcare provider in the area.

Emergency needs in Baligubadle are exacerbated by the unpredictable nature of the electricity supply.
Power outages are a frequent occurrence, often lasting for hours or even days at a time. In a healthcare
setting, where every second counts, these interruptions can have devastating effects on patient care and
outcomes. Imagine a scenario where a patient requires urgent surgery, only for the operation to be
abruptly halted due to a sudden power cut. Such situations not only jeopardize the patient's life but also
place immense pressure on the hospital staff, who are tasked with navigating through the chaos to
ensure the best possible outcome.

Moreover, Baligubadle Hospital serves as a crucial lifeline for the border communities, particularly
during emergencies and medical crises. The hospital's ability to provide timely and effective care is
paramount in saving lives and alleviating suffering. However, the current state of the electricity supply
undermines this critical role, leaving the hospital vulnerable and ill-equipped to handle emergencies.
In response to these pressing needs, the proposed project aims to install a comprehensive energy
solution at Baligubadle Hospital. This solution encompasses the installation of both a generator and a
solar power system, each playing a vital role in ensuring uninterrupted access to electricity for medical

The generator will serve as a reliable backup during power outages, providing continuous electricity to
critical medical equipment such as ventilators, incubators, and surgical tools. This backup power source
is indispensable in maintaining the hospital's ability to deliver life-saving interventions, particularly
during emergencies when time is of the essence.

Additionally, the incorporation of a solar power system will further bolster the hospital's energy
resilience. By harnessing the abundant sunlight in the region, the solar panels will supplement the
hospital's energy needs, reducing its reliance on the unreliable grid infrastructure. This not only
enhances the hospital's energy security but also promotes environmental sustainability, aligning with
global efforts to mitigate climate change.

Furthermore, the project will include capacity-building initiatives to ensure the effective operation and
maintenance of the new energy infrastructure. Hospital staff will receive training on how to utilize the
generator and solar power system efficiently, thereby maximizing their benefits and prolonging their

the installation of a generator and solar power system at Baligubadle Hospital represents a critical step
towards addressing the emergency needs of the community. By providing a reliable and sustainable
source of electricity, the project aims to enhance the hospital's capacity to respond to medical
emergencies, saving lives and improving health outcomes for the residents of Baligubadle and its
surrounding areas.

6. Goals and Objectives:

•Goal: To enhance the resilience of Baligubadle Hospital's electrical infrastructure and ensure
uninterrupted healthcare services.


1.Install a generator capable of providing backup power during electricity disruptions.

2.Implement a solar power system to supplement the hospital's energy requirements.

3.Improve the reliability and stability of the hospital's electrical supply.

7. Project Activities (both generator and Solar system):

•Conduct an assessment of the hospital's energy needs and infrastructure.

•Procure and install a suitable generator to serve as a backup power source.

•Install solar panels on the hospital's rooftop or surrounding area.

•Integrate the solar power system with the existing electrical infrastructure.

•Provide training to hospital staff on the operation and maintenance of the generator and solar system.
8. Project Outcome:

The successful implementation of the project will result in:

1. Enhanced reliability and stability of the hospital's electrical supply.

2. Reduced downtime and damage to medical equipment due to power outages.
3. Increased capacity to deliver uninterrupted healthcare services to the border communities.

9. Personnel:

1. Project Coordinator: Responsible for overseeing project implementation and coordination with
2. Electricians and Engineers: Involved in the installation and maintenance of the generator and
solar power system.
3. Hospital Staff: Trained in the operation and maintenance of the new energy infrastructure.

10. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the performance and impact of the
generator and solar power system. Key indicators such as electricity uptime, equipment functionality,
and patient outcomes will be monitored to ensure project effectiveness.

11. Sustainability:

The sustainability aspect of the project extends far beyond just the immediate provision of reliable
energy to Baligubadle Hospital. It encompasses a comprehensive approach that addresses not only the
hospital's energy needs but also its long-term resilience and capacity to withstand future challenges,
particularly in emergency situations.

One crucial aspect of sustainability is the utilization of renewable energy sources, such as solar power.
By harnessing the abundant sunlight available in the region, the hospital can reduce its dependence on
conventional energy sources and minimize its carbon footprint. Solar panels installed on the hospital's
rooftop or surrounding area will generate clean, renewable energy, thereby contributing to
environmental conservation and mitigating the impact of climate change. This transition to renewable
energy aligns with global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainable development.

Furthermore, the project emphasizes efficient energy management practices to optimize resource
utilization and minimize wastage. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices within
the hospital premises, such as LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and smart energy monitoring
systems, the project aims to maximize energy efficiency and reduce operational costs. This not only
conserves resources but also enhances the hospital's financial sustainability in the long run.

In addition to environmental and financial sustainability, the project prioritizes the resilience of
Baligubadle Hospital, particularly in emergency situations. Given the hospital's critical role as a
healthcare provider for the border communities, it is essential to ensure that it remains operational and
functional during emergencies, such as natural disasters or prolonged power outages.

Emergency preparedness and response are integral components of the project's sustainability
framework. The installation of a backup generator serves as a crucial lifeline during power outages,
enabling the hospital to maintain essential services and respond effectively to emergencies. In regions
prone to natural disasters or political instability, where power disruptions are common, having a reliable
backup power source is indispensable for ensuring continuity of care and safeguarding public health.

Moreover, the training provided to hospital staff on the operation and maintenance of the energy
infrastructure enhances the long-term sustainability of the project. Equipping staff with the necessary
knowledge and skills empowers them to effectively manage and troubleshoot energy-related issues,
ensuring the reliable operation of the hospital's energy systems. This capacity-building initiative not only
fosters local ownership and expertise but also contributes to the sustainability of the project beyond its
implementation phase.

the sustainability of the project extends beyond merely providing energy solutions to Baligubadle
Hospital. It encompasses a holistic approach that integrates renewable energy, efficient energy
management practices, and emergency preparedness to enhance the hospital's resilience and capacity
to serve the border communities, even in the face of adversity. By promoting sustainability at multiple
levels, the project lays the foundation for a brighter and more resilient future for Baligubadle Hospital
and its surrounding community.

The budget of the project

1 Equipment Procurement: Budget

1:1 Generator:
1:2 Solar Panels and Accessories $20,000

1:3 Battery Storage System $5,000

1:4 Electrical Wiring and Installation $8,000

2 Training and Capacity Building

2:1 Staff Training Workshops $3,000

2:2 Technical Support and Consultancy Fees $4,000

3 Contingency and Miscellaneous Costs

3:1 Contingency Fund $5,000

3:2 Miscellaneous Expenses $2,000

Total Budget Estimate


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