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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

Online courses website

Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

Section 1. Project Overview................................................................................1

1.1 Project Description.............................................................................1

1.2 Project Scope.....................................................................................1
1.3 Assumptions......................................................................................1
1.4 Constraints......................................................................................... 2

Section 2. Project Start-Up.................................................................................3

2.1 Project Life Cycle...............................................................................3

2.2 Methods, Tools, and Techniques.......................................................3
2.3 Estimation Methods and Estimates....................................................3
2.5 Schedule Allocation...........................................................................3
2.6 Resource Allocation...........................................................................4
2.7 Budget Allocation...............................................................................4

Section 3. Risk Management..............................................................................5

Section 14. Appendices.......................................................................................6

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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

Section 1. Project Overview

1.1 Project Description
The project aims to develop an online courses website that provides a
platform for learners to access a wide range of educational resources. The
website will offer courses from various fields, allowing users to learn at
their own pace and convenience.

Business problems that the project will solve

1. Employees problems
a. the client has to employ large number of employees to introduce and
market the courses and this causes a financial burden.

b. Any employee will leave the job will cause a gap in the company and it's
hard and takes time for another employee to take over the employee who

c. the client wants to save money that is spent on staff equipment such as
offices, computers, and so on.

2. Statistical and marketing problems

a. the client wants a digital statistical calculations system to calculate the
profit from the investment and the loss and to show its graphs.

b. the client wants a digital marketing system to ensure that the courses
reaches the targeted group.

3. Other features the client needs

a. the client needs his website as fast as possible to work even with low
internet speeds.

b. fast support and question answering system for website.

c. online forum for making a community between website visitors.

d. the client needs a portfolio page for each instructor.

e. The client wants the site to provide courses at various levels (beginner,
intermediate, advanced).

e. the different levels of courses is accessed gradually (for example a

learner can’t access an intermediate course without completing beginner

f. online tickets selling system for conferences and events.

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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

g. the client needs to implement a security system for his website to be

secured from various cyber-attacks such as (DDOS, SPAM).

Ways and solutions to solve customer problems

1. Employees problems solutions

a. the website will reduce the number of employees to just one employee (or
even the customer itself) that will work as a system administrator and will
just mange the website.

b. even if the employee left the job it's very easy to employ another one and
take over the job of the left one

d. no space or offices needed for managing the company and the website
and this will save a lot of money .

2. statistics and marketing solutions

a. a digital online statistical system will be implemented on the website

and Artificial intelligence algorithms will be run on the data provided from
the website and it will export a daily report to the client and graphs he

b. a digital marketing system that can support up to 100 marketing E mails

will be implemented on the website to ensure that the marketing of the
courses is targeting the correct people.

c. The website will support search engine optimization (SEO) , that will
improve the website reaches from search engine like (GOOGLE).

3. Others

a. The website will be made using wordpress technology that will make it
very reliable and fast as we will use technologies like LiteSpeed that
increases website speed using cache and SSL , CLOUDFARE technologies
that will increase the security of the website from various cyber-attacks.

b. the website will include an online forum to make a social network

between website visitors and it will include a lot of features such as
discussion boards and commenting , courses and events reviews.

c. The website will contain a blog that will enable visitors to post their
articles and reviews.

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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

d. an online payment system (PayPal and stripe) will be implemented on

the system and this will make the clients able to pay courses fees and by
tickets online without being confused about how to pay for services.

e. A tracking system will be implemented to keep track of users levels and

how they are performing in the courses and it will also keep track of users
levels at the website to enable courses gradually access.

f. An automatic portfolio page will be generated for each instructor after

they sign up on the website.

Summary :
The website will solve a lot of problems for the client as it will provide him
a complete system for managing his company, it will make him the best
utilization of resources he have and this will increase his business
outcome , the system will manage everything like organization and sorting
of the products and also a digital marketing and SEO tools that will
increase the reach of the content of the website and ensure that the
marketing system is targeting the suitable people. The system will also
provide a full statistical analysis to the administrator that will enable him
to track his business.

1.2 Project Scope

Deliverables of the project

Project Includes

Online Website made with wordpress technology

Mobile application for the website for IOS / Android platforms

Statistical analysis using Artificial intelligence tool

Digital marketing and SEO tools

A support platform for the client and website visitors

A package of solutions to client problems and features that is explained in section 1

Project Excludes

Content of the courses

Instructors of the courses

The employee that will mange the website

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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

1.3 Assumptions
Describe any project assumptions related to business, technology, resources, scope,
expectations, or schedules.


There is everything the trainee needs in one site (articles, conferences, training bags, research, books and

The site will be easy to use by teachers and students

The site will be very fast

The site will have few software errors because it will be fully tested and all problems that will face us will
be solved

The ui/ux will be suitable for the category for which the site is submitted and will be at the highest level to
satisfy the requirements of the client and visitors

1.4 Constraints
Describe the limiting factors, or constraints, that restrict the project team’s options regarding
scope, staffing, scheduling, and management of the project.


Problems caused by electronic payment when the Internet is weak.

The grandfather's trainers did not follow the recorded videos to explain how to upload the courses on the
site. in the appropriate way

Problems caused by the wrong use of the admin controlling the main panel.

Problems arising from not paying the hosting and domain fees on time.

Improper handling of the bookstore.

The site's storage space has expired, which is 200 GB.

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Benha faculty of computers and artificial intelligence

Section 2. Project Start-Up

2.1 Project Life Cycle
Specify and describe life cycle model(s) that will be used for the project. If formal standards have
been established at the organization or agency level, refer to the agency and/or organizational
practices. In the description, include tailoring of any practices to accommodate specific project
needs if applicable.

2.2 Methods, Tools, and Techniques

1. The website will be made using WordPress technology that will make it very reliable and fast.

2. technologies like LiteSpeed will be used to increase website speed.

3. technologies like CLOUDFARE will be used to increase the security of the website from

various cyber-attacks.

4. Improved SEO system to ensure that websites appear in search engines.

5. digital marketing Techniques will be used to ensure that the courses reach the targeted people.

6. The system will contain digital statistical calculations system to calculate the profit from

the investment and the loss and show its graphs.

7. Python KIVY will be used to make a cross-platform application for the website.

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8. Online payment system (MasterCard - visa - western union) will be used for global payment
and (Mezza - Vodafone cash) will be used for local payment to ensure that everyone inside and
outside Egypt can pay easily.

9. Using online support platform (Odoo) to provide support 24/7 to website visitors.

10. Using python Num-py, scipy, tensorflow for deep learning for financial analysis system.

11. SecureMisr company will be responsible for vulnerability scanning.

2.3 Estimation Methods and Estimates

Describe the methods used to estimate the project level of effort, schedule, and budget. Include
tools and techniques used to obtain the estimates in the description. Provide estimates for the
project dimensions (effort, schedule, and budget), and identify the source or basis of the
estimates and the level of uncertainty and risk associated with the estimates.

Estimation Methods and Estimates

Description [ Best / Most Likely / Worst ]

Effort in person-months or person-hours

Schedule in calendar months

Budget in dollars

Level of Uncertainty

2.4 Schedule Allocation

To highlight major accomplishments as initially planned in the project schedule, identify major
project milestones and planned completion dates for delivery. This list should reflect products
and/or services delivered to the end user as well as the delivery of key project management or
other project-related work products.

Major Milestone/Deliverable Planned Completion Date

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2.5 Resource Allocation

Identify the total number of resources (e.g., personnel, equipment, facilities) that will be
needed for the project. For personnel, include each of the defined project organizational roles in
the resources and describe skill set requirements when appropriate. Identify the estimated
timeframe (start to finish) for project commitment.

Resource Total Skill Set Requirements Timeframe

2.6 Budget Allocation

Identify the budget amount allocated by key budget category (e.g., project milestone or standard
cost categories such as personnel, travel), including the time period that may constrain use of the

Key Budget Category Budget Amount Time Period

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Section 3. Risk Management

Based on project-specific methods, describe how risks will be analyzed to establish the project
exposure for each risk and to determine which risks are the most important ones to address.

Risk Description Probability Impact Strategy

Low High Included in project plan, subject to

Cost Estimates Unrealistic amendment as new details regarding project
scope are revealed

Time Estimates Unrealistic

Team Size

Defined in project plan, reviewed by Project

Project Scope Creep Manager and Steering Committee to prevent
scope creep

Team Members Unknowledgeable of


Available documentation

Narrow Knowledge Level of Users

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Section 4. Appendices
Attach the required deliverables and any other relevant information.

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