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The Acts of the Apostles was basically dedicated to Theophilus.
 A brief talk was given on the last words of Christ to his apostles. After this, the
Ascension of Christ took place, but before the Ascension, Christ already told them
about the Holy spirit which is to come and therefore making them witnesses of his
words and actions. After Christ’s death, there came a necessity for replacing Judas’
position, by casting lots and praying, Mathias was chosen.
 The day of Pentecost had come and they were filled with the holy spirit and began to
speak in other language, some believed while some thought they were under the
influence of wine. After the descent of the holy spirit, Peter addressed the men of
Judea and those refugees of Jerusalem using the words of the Prophet Joel and the
books of psalm. At that instance, about three thousand were baptized and added to the
 Peter, after the descent of the holy spirit filled with spirit likewise, he healed a crippler
beggar at the beautiful gate and at the amazement of the people, he addressed them to
see everything as gods action and not his own and gave them admonishment
 Peter and John working closely together, were arrested in the temple for proclaiming
the resurrection of Christ. At the council peter filled the spirit, rebuked the ruler, elder,
scribes and the high priest. With this boldness, the new believers prayed for the spirit
of boldness, therefore living in unity as a fold, they began sharing things amongst
 With the new believers now living in harmony, God’s wrath fell on Annanias and
Sapphira who lied to the church and did not bring the complete proceeds from the
sales of their land. Signs and wonders were worked by the Apostles, with all these the
high priest and his men took action against the Apostles, arresting them and with the
power of the holy spirit they were released at the amazement of the people. They were
later given corrective measures, and charged not to do so again, they went home
rejoicing haven suffered for Christ’s sake.
 During these days there was need for those that will be in charge of food distribution,
so seven was chosen and the Apostles laid hands on them. Out of them was Stephen,
who was filled with spirit and grace got conspired against in one of his teachings and
was arrested.
 Stephen filled with the spirit spoke to the council, giving account of some passages in
the Old Testament. When they heard those things, they become enraged and stoned
him to death.
 The persecution of the early believers began to emanate, Saul was ravaging the
Christians and committing them to prison. At this time Philip preached the Goodnews
in Samaria, he got people converted and by the holy spirit he also converted an
Ethiopian Eunuch.
 Saul later met and encountered Christ on his way to Damascus for persecution. After
his encounter with Christ, he became a believer, preached in Damascus and later
joined the Apostles. Peter who was in Joppa healed and also resurrected Dorcas from
the dead.
 Peter was invited over by a faithful centurion who was directed by an angel to
Caesera. There, Peter preached to the gentiles and got them baptized.
 Peter came to give the report to the church in Jerusalem. The church in Jerusalem was
growing and that of Antioch. Saul and Barnabas, stayed together at Antioch and it was
there they were first called Christians.
 King Herod laid violent hands-on James and killed him, in that way imprisoning peter
to be killed aft the Passover. Peter was released by angel of God night before his
death. After this event, news came regarding the king and seeking for peace and
continuity from him with a neighbouring country, he felt he had won it all, and took
the honour upon himself and did not give god the glory, it was at that instance that he
was struck dead and eaten by worms.
 Paul and Barnabas were sent off to preach after the apostles laid hands on them. They
preached in Cyprus and Antioch of Pisidia, converting and baptizing many.
 Paul and Barnabas continued in the spirit of God to preach am ionium, Lystra, Debre,
thereby converting people. After thy had proclaimed the Goodnews, they returned to
Antioch in Syria.
 The apostles had a council in Jerusalem to discuss “unless you are circumcised,
according to the law of Moses, you cannot be saved”, this was later resolved to make
everyone equal. The council letter was sent to the gentile believers. After this Paul and
Barnabas separated after deciding to go visit those places they have preached.

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