Plan de Negocios Via2grow Ingles

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Our company formation and formalization service is designed to establish your company on
solid foundations, ensuring that all legal and structural aspects are in order from start to

1. Articles of Association: We will draft your company's articles of association, ensuring that
they reflect
clearly the nature of your business, ownership structure, and internal operating rules. This
fundamental document is essential for defining the governance and direction of your

2. OSBR (Operating Agreement or Internal Bylaws): We will develop an agreement

detailed operating procedures (for LLCs) or internal bylaws (for corporations), which will
detail operating procedures, allocation of responsibilities among partners, and internal
policies. This is crucial to prevent conflicts and ensure smooth management.

3. Registration Act: We will be in charge of preparing and submitting the registration certificate
of the
before the competent authorities. This step legalizes the business,
allowing you to operate legitimately and access business benefits.

4. EIN (Employer Identification Number): Obtaining an EIN is a crucial step

to formalize a business and comply with legal and tax obligations in the United States. This
number not only facilitates compliance with federal and state regulations, but also contributes
to the credibility and professionalism of the company in the eyes of the different agents
involved. Below, we'll point out some of the benefits.

a. Professionalism: Having an EIN shows that your business is formally registered and
recognized by the IRS, which can increase the confidence of suppliers and customers that
you are operating in a professional and serious manner.

b. B2B Transactions: In business-to-business (B2B) transactions, some suppliers or

customers may require your company's EIN to process invoices, set credit terms, or to
include you in their accounting and payment systems. In this context, the EIN serves as a tax ID that
facilitates and streamlines business transactions.

c. Business Bank Accounts: The EIN is required to open an account

bank in the name of your business, which is crucial to handle the company's finances professionally
and separately from personal finances.

d. Tax compliance: The EIN is used to identify the company for

tax filing and federal tax payment purposes. This
It includes business income tax, employment tax, and certain taxes on goods and services.

and. Hiring employees: If you plan to hire employees, the EIN is

Required to report payroll taxes and other documents
to the IRS and state agencies.

f. Establecer crédito a nombre de la empresa: El EIN puede ser utilizado para solicitar créditos
comerciales, como tarjetas de crédito o préstamos a nombre de la empresa, lo cual es importante para
separar las finanzas personales de las del negocio.

Our main goal is to find solutions capable of driving a company to achieve its goals.
To do this, we will offer answers tailored to the needs of the company, such as:
1. Description of Services/Products:

We will craft detailed and engaging descriptions of your services and products, designed to inform and
capture the attention of your target audience. This content will include:

to. Clarity and precision: Clear and precise texts describing the characteristics,
Unique benefits and advantages of your services and products.

b. SEO Approach: Integrating Relevant Keywords to Improve

SEO positioning of your website, increasing its visibility in search engines

c. Calls to Action: Including Effective Calls to Action That Motivate

visitors to take an action, whether it's contacting you, making a purchase, or
Request more information.

2. Mission & Vision:

We will create an "About Us" section that communicates your company's mission and vision in an
inspiring way, establishing an emotional connection with your customers. This section will include:

to. Mission: Writing a powerful mission statement that reflects your company's purpose and core
values, and how they benefit your customers.

b. Vision: Articulating a clear vision that shows where your vision is headed.
company and how it aspires to positively impact your industry or community.

3. Calculation of the cost of production of a product or service

1. Production costs: We will help you calculate the real cost of your product or service, so that you
can know how much to charge and the profit margin you may have.

1. Accounting Service.
We will take care of:
1. Monthly Accounting Record
2. Annual Tax Return
3. Payroll (Up to 5 employees)

4. Registration and control of petty cash.

We will help you to keep a proper record and control of your daily income, as well as
the proper management of a petty cash.

5. Advice on how to qualify and apply for a business loan

We will analyze the financial part of your company, to evaluate the different options and
requirements that we can find, in the different banks or financial institutions.

1. How to apply for a credit card.

We know that the most important thing for you is to be sure that you have a credit
card, with the goal of having enough funds to cover some unexpected expenses

2. How to get a good credit score.

We will advise you on how to use your credit card or other service with your bank
in order to raise your credit score.

3. How to get a loan for your business.

We will explain all the requirements of the different banks to obtain a business
loan, as well as the amounts, rate, and term of the loan.

Creation and Operation of the Website

The website we are going to create for your business will be a fundamental tool to establish your
online presence and connect with your potential customers effectively. Here's how it will work:

1. Domain and hosting: First of all, we will ensure an exclusive domain and a high-quality hosting
service for your website. This ensures that your site is online and accessible to your customers for a
full year.

2. Professional Email: We will provide you with emails

Personalized professionals, like, to make a strong and reliable impression
on your customers.

3. Graphic design of web content: Our graphic design proposal focuses on creating a cohesive and
attractive visual identity for your website, ensuring that each graphic element reflects the essence and
values of your brand. This will include:

to. Visual Identity: Development of a palette of colors, typographies and graphic elements
that harmonize with your brand identity, ensuring a cohesive and professional user

b. Custom graphic elements: Creation of icons, banners, and others

custom graphic elements that will enrich the aesthetics of your site,
improving navigation and user interaction.

c. Adaptability: Optimized designs for seamless viewing on various devices, from desktop to
mobile, ensuring an exceptional user experience.

4. Contact Form: We will design an intuitive and easy-to-use contact form.

use, ensuring that your potential customers can communicate with you simply and directly. This
form will include:

1. Custom Fields: Form fields tailored to the information you need to collect, such as name,
email, message, and any other relevant data.

2.Friendly Design: A design that invites interaction, with clear instructions and a prominent
send button to facilitate the contact process.

3. SPAM Protection: Implementing security measures for

Protect your form from spam and abuse by ensuring that you only receive
legitimate queries.

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