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Table of Contents

KEYNOTE ................................................................................................................................................................. 6

FINANCE, INVESTMENT AND MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 7

SMART ENERGY, T&D AND BEYOND .......................................................................................................................... 9

RENEWABLE ENERGY AND STORAGE...................................................................................................................... 12

GENERATION, T&D KNOWLEDGE HUB .................................................................................................................... 14

WATER PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................................................. 16

MUNICIPAL FORUM ............................................................................................................................................... 18

WOMEN IN ENERGY BREAKFAST ............................................................................................................................ 21

ENLIT AFRICA - PITCH DAY PROGRAMME ................................................................................................................ 22

Day 1 – 21 May 2024
Plenary part 1
Catalysing a sustainable transition
09:30-09:40 Overview of the next three days
David Ashdown, Managing Director, VUKA Group
09:40-09:50 Welcome address – City of Cape Town
Kadri Nassiep, Executive Director: Energy, City of Cape Town
09:50-10:15 Keynote address
Hon. Gwede Mantashe, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy*
Plenary part 2
10:20-10:35 Address by GE Vernova
Senior representative, GE Vernova
10:35-11:15 Fireside chat:
Join James Mackay, CEO, Energy Council as we explore Eskom under new leadership, the JETP and the road to 2030.
• Dan Marokane, GCE, Eskom
• Calib Cassim, CFO, Eskom
• Bheki Nxumalo, Group Executive, Generation, Eskom

Day 2 – 22 May 2024

The factors determining success in decarbonisation
09:30-09:40 Welcome
David Ashdown, Managing Director, VUKA Group
09:40-09:55 Keynote address
Sabine Dall'Omo, Managing Director, Siemens
09:55-10:10 Africa Green Business and Financing – an overview
Understanding the landscape of green businesses in Africa and how they access finance and mobilising private sector
exploration of opportunities on the African continent.
Matthias Naab, Director, UNDP Regional Service Center for Africa
10:10-10:25 The factors determining success in transitioning to a low-carbon future
This presentation will provide insight and allow countries to evaluate how easy/difficult it may be to make the transition to a
low-carbon future. This simple framework will be used to compare and evaluate the prospects for several African economies
relative to those in other parts of the world.
Kay Walsh, Managing Director, Nova Economics
10:25-11:00 Panel discussion:
• Sabine Dall'Omo, CEO, Siemens Sub-Saharan Africa
• David Boadi Asamoah, Deputy CEO, ECG Ghana
• Abel Tella, Secretary General, APUA

Day 3 – 23 May 2024

Closing session
Renewable Energy and Storage stage
14:30-15:00 Closing keynote: A crisis of confidence: rebuilding trust
Domonic Wilhelm, Founder, Global Trust Project
15:00-15:30 Exhibition awards
Day 1 – 21 May 2024
Policy enablers for private sector participation in the power sector
12:00-12:05 Scene setter
This session will explore policy enablers critical for private investment in the power sector. We'll discuss sectoral reforms,
regulatory and legal frameworks, and delve into private sector opportunities in bitcoin mining and transmission projects.
Session moderator:
Robert Mubiru, Consultant, Uganda
12:05-13:30 Panel discussion: How do policy makers encourage private sector participation in generation and transmission?
Unlock the power of private investment in this pivotal session. We unpack the complexities of sectoral reforms and regulatory
landscapes to highlight opportunities across private sector generation and transmission. This session serves as a roadmap to
successful partnerships and investments in the power sector.
• Mathapelo Malao, Head Energy Environment and ICT, Development Bank of Southern Africa, South Africa
• Bonani Seteni, Climate and Energy Specialist: WWF South Africa
• Roy Nyamutale Baguma, Director, Transaction Execution, Uganda
• Senior representative, GE Vernova
• Senior representative, ALSF, Uganda
• Wang Wenan, Chief representative, China State Grid, PRC
13:30-14:30 Lunch
Bankability: The conundrum of Africa’s power projects
14:30-14:35 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of why bankability continues to be a thorn in the power sector’s side.
Session moderator:
Wikus Kruger, Director of the Power Futures Lab, University of Cape Town, South Africa
14:35-14:55 Presentation to be announced

14:55-15:45 Panel Discussion: Identifying the key elements of bankability

Discussion points during this panel include:
• Where is the disconnect between funders and project developers?
• Are perceptions getting in the way?
• Do financiers need to change their expectations? Or is it for developers to do so?
• What are the barriers to ‘bankability’?
• Frank Spencer, Regional Head, Cainmani
• Deerosh Maharaj, Head: Power and Sustainable solutions, Standard Bank, South Africa
• Rick Angioni, Director for Africa, Office of Global Business Development, EXIM Bank, United States
• Kenneth Nyange, EEP Africa Portfolio Manager, Kenya
15:45-16:15 Refreshment break
Commercial and industrial self-generation – ensuring energy security
In collaboration with SAPVIA
16:15-16:20 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of how commercial and industrial entities are taking control of energy security.
Session moderator:
De Villiers Botha, SAPVIA Governing Committee member and Chairperson, SAPVIA distributed generation WG
16:20-17:30 Panel discussion: Taking control of your energy security
Navigate the transformative realm of self-generation. We set the scene to debate new business models and wheeling
frameworks, integrating skills requirements seamlessly. This conversation is an essential guide to understanding commercial
and industrial generation's dynamic implications and burgeoning opportunities.
• Oliver Johnston, CEO: Solink and the deputy Chairperson, SAPVIA
• Happy Khambule, Director: Environment and Energy, Business Unity South Africa
• Rashveer Manilal, Head: Renewable Energy, Absa
• Senior representative, ENEL Green Power*
Day 2 – 22 May 2024
Skills for a Just Energy Transition
12:00-13:30 Skills for a Just Energy Transition: Best cases to leverage the potential and joint efforts
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights.
Session moderator:
To be announced
• How can we define skills for a just energy transition? What makes these skills different from the conventional
requirements of the energy sector?
• What are the best practices that energy corporations have in development of human potential and right skillset for the
just energy transition?
• What can be derived from BRICS 2023 to G20 2025 chairship on the topic of skills for energy transition?
• Ryan Collyer, CEO, Rosatom

13:30-14:30 Project Pitch Sessions/Lunch

Grid modernisation and failure mitigation strategies
14:30-14:35 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of grid resilience and recovery.
Session moderator:
Barry MacColl, Senior Regional Manager, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) International
14:35-14:50 Mitigating strategies for grid collapse
Ekeminiabasi Eyita-Okon, Lecturer, Wits School of Governance, Nigeria
14:50-15:05 Presentation name to be announced
James Mackay, CEO, Energy Council of South Africa
15:05-15:20 Unpacking how SDN and AI support can build out a smart grid network
Chris Proost, Business development manager, Belden, Belgium
15:20-15:35 Focusing more on modernisation than grid failure
Emi Bertoli, Energy Analyst, IEA, France
15:35-15:55 Grid Modernisation – Smart Metering in Africa
Rajesh Bansal, Private consultant and previously, CEO, BSES, India
15:55-16:15 Refreshment break
Addressing energy poverty
In association with the SAAEE
16:15-16:20 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of the rising levels of energy poverty in Africa.
Session moderator:
Kay Walsh, President of the South African Associated for Energy Economics (SAAEE) and Managing Director of Nova
16:20-17:30 Panel discussion: Tackle the complex issue of energy poverty head-on
Discussions will revolve around tariffs, just access, and incentivizing bill payments, unravelling strategies to address non-
payment culture and its link to energy poverty. The discussion will uncover various African initiatives making headway against
energy scarcity and increasing energy poverty.
• Jarredine Morris, Associate Director, Carbon Trust, South Africa
• Shaun Portmann, Senior Data Scientist, Yellow Africa
• Roula Inglesi-Lotz, Professor, Department of Economics in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the
University of Pretoria (UP)
• Priscillia Ekpe, Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority

Day 3 – 23 May 2024

Chairperson: Warwick Hayes, Technical Lead, Energy Advisory, Engage Energy and Engineering
Are carbon markets mature enough to support Africa’s development needs?
09:30-09:35 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of the carbon market in Africa.
Session moderator:
Andrew Gilder, Director, Climate Legal, South Africa
Panel discussion: Assessing carbon markets in Africa
09:35-10:45 Join us as we assess the maturity of carbon markets relative to the developmental needs of Africa’s power sector.
• Nyasha Muvirimi, Managing Director, Finenergi Advisory Services, South Africa
• Mandy Rambharos, VP: Global Climate Cooperation Markets, Environment Defence Fund (EDF), USA
• Lawrence Cole-Morgan, Global Markets: Lead, Carbon Credit Trading, Standard Bank [Digital]
10:45-11:30 Refreshments
Energy Efficiency
11:30-11:35 Scene setter
Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical insights, forming
the basis for today's in-depth exploration of energy efficient grid operations and how these intersect with issues of demand
Session moderator:
Titus Mathe, CEO, SANEDI
11:35-12:45 Panel discussion: Energy efficiency and demand response – two sides of the same coin?
• Faith Mkhacwa, General Manager: Energy Efficiency, SANEDI, South Africa
• Trevor Govender, Head: Project Development and Management, Sustainable Energy Markets, City of Cape Town, South
• Marco Rahner, Sales Director, Smart Infrastructure, South Africa
• Emi Bertoli, IEA, France
• Mchenge Nyoka, National Project Co-ordinator, UNIDO
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Closing keynote and Enlit Africa awards


Day 1 – 21 May 2024
The generation/transmission disconnect
12:00-12:05 Scene setter
Join us as we deep dive into whether transmission infrastructure exists to support new generation projects, examining case
studies from around the continent and asking which one comes first? The generation or the transmission?
Session moderator:
Marco Rahner, Sales Director, Smart Infrastructure, South Africa
12:10-13:30 Can’t deliver, can’t receive: The generation/transmission mismatch
• Mandy Rambharos, VP: Global Climate Cooperation Markets, Environment Defence Fund (EDF), USA
• Chrispin Liwoyo Kahongo, Projects Specialist, Southern African Power Pool (SAPP), South Africa
• Isabel Fick, General Manager: System Operator, Eskom
• Emmanuel Adjetey Adjei, Assistant Manager, Mechanical, Bui Power Authority, Ghana
• Pamelah Cheuka, Energy Specialist, Power Africa
• Senior representative, GE Vernova
13:30-14:30 Lunch
Fireside chat: Unpacking the scope of South Africa’s new IRP Framework
14:30 – 14:35 Scene setter
Join us as we unpack the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) 2023, which reveals South Africa's plan for a stable, cost-effective,
and eco-friendly electricity future. This plan analyses future energy needs and proposes various options to meet them,
including renewables, nuclear, and cleaner fossil fuels.
Session moderator:
Kiren Maharaj, Chairperson, SANEA, South Africa
14:35 – 15:15 One-on-one: Unpacking the scope of South Africa’s new IRP Framework
A representative from the IRP unit within the DMRE will be focusing on providing an overview of the framework, its objectives,
and key elements of the IRP 2023.
Ntokozo Ngcwabe, DDG - Mineral Policy & Promotions, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy*
15:15-15:45 Interview: Exploring South Africa's gas-powered generation plans
• Khanyiso Zihlangu, IPP Office, South Africa
• Crescent Mushwana, Head of Technical, IPP Office, South Africa
15:45 – 16:15 Refreshment break
Fossil fuels and future generation
16:15-16:20 Scene setter
Join a critical panel exploring large-scale generation options in Africa, weighing nuclear, gas, coal, renewables, and storage
against the backdrop of a just energy transition.
Session moderator:
Tshegofatso Neeuwfan, Manager: Utility Innovation, Energy Alliance
16:20-16:35 Presentation name to be announced
Ryan Collyer, CEO, Rosatom
16:20-17:30 Panel discussion: Fossil fuels and future generation: Navigating the energy transition
During this discussion we will evaluate nuclear energy's future role, strategize 'Gas to Power' implementations, debate coal's
relevance during the transition, and unlock possibilities in renewable energy paired with innovative storage solutions - all
critical conversations shaping Africa's sustainable energy landscape.
• Princess Mthombeni, Founder, Africa4Nuclear
• Prathaban Moodley, SANEDI, South Africa
• Katse Maphoto, Chief Director: Nuclear Technology, DMRE, South Africa
• Thabang Audat, Chief Director: Planning, DMRE, South Africa
• Billy Onyango, County Operations & Maintenance Engineer, Kwale County, Kenya Power, Kenya
• Craig Morkel, Chairperson, Gas Economy Leadership Team, South African Oil & Gas Alliance, South Africa

Day 2 – 22 May 2024

The future grid – resilient, smart and connected
12:00-12:15 Scene setter: The current and future grid
Senior representative, GE Vernova
12:15-12:35 Shaping the future of Distribution Network Planning in TNB with i-NET – an advanced analytical tool facilitating
capabilities of Smart Utility Framework
Kumutha Arumugam, Principal Engineer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia
12:35 –12:55 Grids of the future – fast tracking the energy transition and navigating the rise of the prosumer ecosystem
Taru Madangombe, Vice President, Power and Grid Middle East and Africa, Schneider Electric, South Africa
12:55-13:15 Case studies and best practices: enhanced grid resilience, lessons learned and best practices.
Barry MacColl, Senior Regional Manager, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) International
13:15-13:35 Transforming asset reliability and maintenance: a case study of APM implementation in the largest utility in Middle East
Loganatan Yagambaram, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young LLC, United Arab Emirates
13:35-14:30 Lunch
Decentralising energy systems – the opportunity for hybrid
In collaboration with SAPVIA
14:30 - 14:35 Scene setter:
In this session, we will explore the concept of decentralising energy systems and the role that hybrid systems can play in this
transition. We will discuss the benefits of decentralisation, such as increased energy security, improved energy efficiency, and
reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Session moderator:
Norman Moyo, CEO, Distributed Power Africa*
14:35 -14:50 The role of utilities in promoting the update of distributed energy resources (DERs)
• Kay Walsh, Managing Director, Nova Economics, South Africa
• Jessica Kiln, Economic Analyst, Nova Economics, South Africa
14:50-15:05 Eskom microgrids
Nick Singh, Head of the Smart Grid Centre of Excellence, Eskom, South Africa
15:05-15:25 Case study:
Kenneth Nyange, EEP Africa Portfolio Manager, Kenya
15:25-15:45 Heatcube Steam Generation System (SGS) based on Molten Salt Storage Technology
Thomas Will, Chief Engineer, Steinmueller Engineering GmbH, Germany
15:45-16:15 Refreshment break
Gas: Africa’s bridge to the future, or a detour?
16:45–16:50 Scene setter:
Session moderator:
Ian Nathan, Director, Oil & Gas, Energy Intelligence, United States
16:50-17:30 Panel discussion points: Examining Africa’s Transitional Fuel Game Changer – Natural Gas:
The role of natural gas as a transition fuel for Africa, bearing in mind the impacts of climate change and economic
development pressures.
• What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of using gas as a fuel source?
• How can we ensure that gas development aligns with Africa's climate goals and sustainable development objectives?
• What are the opportunities and challenges for regional cooperation on gas development and utilisation
• Paul Eardley-Taylor, Oil & Gas, Southern Africa, Standard Bank, South Africa
• Sandisiwe Ncemane, GM: Gas Commercialisation & Aggregation (acting), CEF, South Africa
• Wayne Glossop, Development Director, GLOSSOP
• Thabang Audat, Chief Director: Planning, DMRE, South Africa
• Hendrik Malan, Africa CEO & Partner, Frost & Sullivan, South Africa
• Olakunle Olalekan Williams, Chief Executive Director, Tetracore Energy Group Limited, Nigeria

Day 3 – 23 May 2024

World Café: Understanding and negotiating PPAs
09:30-09:35 Scene setter:
Interactive World Cafe format focusing on the nuances of the power purchase agreements. Participants will rotate through
different tables, discussing and negotiating terms, concluding with insights from the audience.
• Sovereign guarantees – are they a deal breaker?
• New technologies and PPAs – what do you need to know
Session moderator:
Jonathan Skeen, Managing Director Commercial, SOLA Group, South Africa
09:35-10:05 Round 1
• Mohammed Loraoui, Attorney-Advisor: Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), Office of the General Counsel, U.S.
Department of Commerce
• Senior representative, Sasol*
• Jon Frick, Business Development Director, Globeleq Africa Limited
• Senior representative, Energy Trader
• Michael Jordan, Senior Advisor to the Coordinator, Power Africa
10:05-10:35 Round 2
• Mohammed Loraoui, Attorney-Advisor: Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP), Office of the General Counsel, U.S.
Department of Commerce
• Senior representative, Sasol*
• Jon Frick, Business Development Director, Globeleq Africa Limited
• Michael Jordan, Senior Advisor to the Coordinator, Power Africa
10:35-11:00 Feedback and discussion
11:00-11:45 Refreshments
Loss management – a complex technical and social discussion
11:45-11:50 Scene setter
Join us as we take a comprehensive look beyond technological fixes into the multifaceted approaches required to manage
losses. Discussions will encompass technology, processes, people, monitoring, and engagement.
Session moderator:
Bryan Maytham, Project Lead, Energy Advisory, Engage Energy and Engineering
11:50-12:50 Panel discussion: Plugging the leaks and tackling Africa's energy losses
This interactive session will delve into the complex ecosystem of energy losses in Africa, which will explore both technical and
non-technical challenges.
• Desigan Govender, Product Manager, Conlog, South Africa
• Portia Papu, Senior manager: Energy losses, Eskom, South Africa
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Closing keynote and Enlit Africa awards
Day 1 – 21 May 2024
Beyond Fossil Fuels, beyond Borders: Solar's Global Ascent
In association with SAPVIA
12:00-12:10 Scene setter:
Join us in these introductory five minutes and get ready to discuss the collaborative revolution that is reshaping the energy
landscape, one sunbeam at a time.
Session moderator:
Rethabile Melamu, Chief Executive Officer, SAPVIA and Board member, Global Solar Council, South Africa
12:10-12:30 Navigating the Energy Transition: Empowering Power Grids for Rapid Renewable Energy Growth
Ralf Blumenthal, Head of Siemens Grid Software Middle East & Africa, Siemens, Germany
12:30-13:30 Panel Discussion: The role of solar as part of the energy mix – what does it mean for the sector and its various players?
Solar's on the rise, shaking up grids, businesses, and the whole energy ballgame. Producers diversify, grids adapt, and everyone -
from utilities to investors - taps into green gold. Governments ignite with smart policies, paving the way for a sustainable future,
sun-powered and shared. Join panellists as they discuss how to reshape the energy landscape together with solar
• Mbiko Banda, Engineer Research Lead: Strategic Partnerships, Africa Green Co.
• Joseph Nkrumah, Project Development: Assistant Manager, Bui Power Authority
• Wido Schnabel, Head of Strategic Alliances & Business Development for the Middle East and Africa, Canadian Solar
• Yunus Hoosen, Acting Head: Investment Promotion, Department of Trade & Industry
• Senior representative, ENEL Green Power
13:30-14:30 Lunch
From Disruptions to Distribution: Storage and equitable grid access
14:30-14:35 Scene setter:
Join us in these introductory five minutes as we emphasize the importance of storage in overcoming solar power's limitations
and promoting equitable access in Africa.
Session moderator:
Tshwanelo Rakaibe, Senior Researcher: Energy Centre, CSIR
14:35-14:50 The Game-changing potential of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
Understand how BESS can support an organization’s carbon emission reduction strategy, and how BESS can support regional
Power Trade.
Catherine Nyambala, East Africa Technical Lead, RTI Power Africa Contractor
14:50-15:45 Panel Discussion: What measures are being taken to ensure equitable access to the grid?
Efforts for equitable grid access involve varied strategies by governments, organizations, and energy providers. These strategies
include expanding grid infrastructure to underserved rural areas, leveraging renewable energy sources, microgrids, and off-grid
solutions for remote communities. What does equitable access look like?
• What rules govern access?
• Can technology support equitable access?
• Alistair McMaster, Director: Sustainable Energy at Dept of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism
• Benneth Oyinna, Planning Engineer, Nigerian Electricity Supply Corporation, Nigeria
• Vladimir Milovanovic, Vice President, Power Systems, Schneider Electric, South Africa
• Zayd Vawda, Chair, SAPVIA grid access WG, SAPVIA, South Africa
• Senior representative, GE Vernova
• Lawrence Padachi, Senior manager: Power Systems, Eskom
15:45-16:15 Refreshment break
Hydrogen: The Energy Alchemist
16:15- 16:20 Scene setter:
Join us in these introductory five minutes as we unpack how hydrogen spearheads the renewable energy revolution, promising a
more sustainable future for global energy systems.
Session moderator:
Maloba G Tshehla, Head of Advisory, ED Platform*
16:20-16:40 The economics of hydrogen trade: Matching production costs and willingness to pay
Senior representative, TUV Sud, Germany
16:40-17:30 Panel Discussion: The role of hydrogen in the global energy transition
• Potential to decarbonize sectors traditionally reliant on fossil fuels
• How does hydrogen complement other renewable energy sources
• How hydrogen-based energy storage systems contribute to grid stability and resilience, especially in the context of
intermittent renewable energy sources.
• Thomas Roos, Senior research manager, CSIR, South Africa*
• Hendrick Louw, Acting CEO, NCEDA
• Davin Chown, Founder, Genesis Eco Energy, South Africa*
• Paul Wambugu, Investment Manager, Kengen, Kenya
• Senior representative, TUV Sud, Germany

Day 2 – 22 May 2024

Climate action
12:00- 12:05 Scene setter:
Join this short introduction as we examine the role of renewable energy in addressing climate change and catalysing
Session moderator:
Wendy Poulton, Secretary General, SANEA*
12:05-12:30 SAPVIA localisation report
Rethabile Melamu, Chief Executive Officer, SAPVIA, South Africa
12:30-13:30 Panel: Unveiling the power of renewable energy: A climate action dynamo and catalyst for sustainable development
• Greenhouse gas emissions reduction
• Energy security and independence
• Job creation and economic development
• Using distributed hydropower to support solar and wind integration
• Sustainable hydropower that protects freshwater fisheries and livelihoods
• Michael Pienaar, Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Atlantis Special Economic Zone, South Africa
• Rethabile Melamu, Chief Executive Officer, SAPVIA, South Africa
• Michael Spolum, CEO, My-Hydro, United States
• Annelize van der Merwe, Director: Green Economy Industries , South African Department of Trade & Industry
• Mamusa Mabodi, Project Manager: New Markets and Technology, SA, Central Energy Fund
13:30-14:30 Project Pitch sessions/Lunch
Project overview : C&I Applications for renewable energy
In Association with SAPVIA
14:30-14:45 Hydrogen project
Senior representative, GE Vernova
14:45-14:55 SOLA Tronnox Minerals
Highlighting how collaboration between government, policy makers, developers and off takers ensured project success for all.
Senior representative, SOLA, South Africa
14:55-15:05 Challenges and Successes of Own Build Renewable Energy Plants: A Case Study in the City Of Cape Town on Atlantis 10MW
Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic plant
Marlyn Hendricks, SPO - Municipal Generation Contracts, City of Cape Town
15:05-15:20 Presentation to be announced
Senior representative, ENEL Green Power
15:35-16:15 Project Pitch sessions/Refreshments
Project overview
16:15-16:20 Scene setter:
Join this short introduction as it sets the stage to emphasize advancements in RE technology, their pivotal role in reducing
carbon emissions, and their potential to revolutionize various sectors.
Session chairman:
To be announced
16:20-16:45 Presentation to be announced
Hafeni Motsi, Senior Energy Investment Analyst, Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) [Digital]
16:45-17:05 Presentation to be announced
Barnia Flowernsyd, Lead project coordinator (Least-cost electricity access Development) Ministry of Energy, Water and
Hydrocarbons, Madagascar [Pre-recorded]
17:05-17:30 Presentation to be announced
Brian Mainza, Principal Energy Officer-Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy, Zambia
Day 3 – 23 May 2024
Wind Energy Propels Africa's Sustainable Development

09:30- 09:35 Scene setter:

As the continent increasingly adopts renewable energy policies and investment in infrastructure, wind energy is poised to play a
crucial role in meeting the rising energy demands of Africa's growing population while reducing carbon emissions and fostering
energy independence.
Session moderator:
To be announced
09:35-09:55 Temperance of Lightning Strikes on Wind Turbines
Ahmed El-Rasheed, Industry Director, Megger, Canada
09:55- 10:45 Panel Discussion: Harnessing the African breeze: exploring wind energy's evolution, prospects, and challenges in Africa’s
sustainable future
This discussion illuminates the growth trajectory and potential of wind energy, emphasizing its pivotal role in Africa's sustainable
development. By navigating these dynamics, this discourse aims to pave the way for overcoming obstacles and maximizing wind
energy's contribution to Africa's sustainable energy landscape.
• Senior representative, Carbon Trust, South Africa
• Mamoso May, CEO, Dorper Wind Farm
10:45-11:30 Refreshments
11:30-11:35 Join this session which sets the stage to highlight a diverse array of renewable energy and storage projects from the sun-soaked
deserts to the lush landscapes, symbolizing Africa's unwavering dedication towards clean, green energy, with insights gained,
future plans, and success stories, supplemented by engaging visual aids for a comprehensive showcase.
Session moderator:
To be announced
11:35-12:50 EEP project of the year
Senior representative, Millenium Engineering, Tanzania
12:50-12:10 Eswatini renewable energy project
Nosipho Dlamini, Research & Renewables Engineer, Eswatini Electricity Company
12:10-12:30 Kenya’s Green Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap
Paul Wambugu, Investment Manager, Kengen
12:30-12:50 Presentation name to be announced
Senior representative, Enertech
12:50-13:10 Presentation name to be announced
Senior representative, CSIR
12:45- 14:00 Lunch
14:30- 15:00 Closing ceremony and Enlit Africa awards


Day 1 – 21 May 2024
Modernisation and digitalisation strategies for Africa
12:00-12:20 Unpacking the details of Africa’s meter specification and its key role in driving Africa’s electrification ambitions
Desigan Govender, Product portfolio manager, Conlog, South Africa
12:20-12:40 Smart metering as a benchmark for Africa
Shawn Papi, Senior Advisor for Demand Side Management, Eskom, South Africa
12:40-13:00 The need for increased and advanced cyber security in the energy sector
Sithembile Songo, Head: Information Security (CISO), Eskom, South Africa
13:00-13:20 Cyber Vulnerability Management in Power Utility Automation Networks
Hennie Pretorius, Senior Sales and Support Engineer, Alectrix, South Africa
13:20-13:40 The role of commercial banks in future proofing businesses
Maudene van Rooyen, Specialist: Power and Sustainable Solutions, Standard Bank
13:40-14:00 Condition based monitoring
Ali Almasri, Senior manager, GE Vernova
14:00-14:20 AMI 3.0 concept : Lesson learned and the benefits
Senior representative, Iskraemeco, Egypt
14:20-14:40 Case study on the development and implementation of a digitalised energy spot market tool.
Firdous Alexander, Engineering Supervisor, eta Pro, South Africa
14:40-15:00 Smart metering as an important tool to help with demand response
Dave Tarr, Product Manager, Landis+Gyr, South Africa
15:00-15:20 The successful roll-out of G3-PLC smart meters in Egypt
Hany Karwaia, VP of Technology, Globaltronic, Egypt
15:20-15:40 Presentation name to be announced
Ali Mulla, Board member, PRIME Alliance
16:00-16:15 Presentation to be announced
16:15-16:35 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system tailored for effective energy management in developing
Ibrahim Oloma, Chief Technology Officer, Hardweb Solutions Nigeria, Nigeria
16:35-17:05 Navigating the Complexities of Cable Fault Location and Time Domain Reflectometry in MV and HV Power Cables
Robert Probst, Product Manager, Megger, Germany
17:05-17:25 Presentation to be announced

Day 2 – 22 May 2024

Optimising operations and maintenance
12:00-12:20 Virtual power plants and dispatch management and control systems
Shingai Samudsi, CEO, Ashoba, United States
12:20-12:40 Harnessing recoverable energy to generate the cleanest and cheapest dispatchable power
Hanno Reuter, Head of Consulting and Research & Development, Industrial Water Cooling
12:40-13:00 Real time water balance for a pilot site using the real-time, thermal performance monitoring system
Rendani Khobo, Senior engineer, eta Pro, South Africa
13:00-13:20 Real-time monitoring of key gas condition parameters
Desi Naidoo, Regional Manager, WIKA Instruments, South Africa
13:20-13:40 Development of operational efficiency: A TNB DNA case study
Kasturi Kalaiselvam, Manager (Capability Initiatives Development), TNB, Malaysia
13:40-14:00 Flue Gas Conditioning - when, why and how
Hanif Suchwani, Vice President International Operations, Fuel Tech, USA
14:00-14:20 Efficiency through innovation and partnership: biogas, responsible waste stream management and efficient water
Andrew Taylor, Managing Director, Cape Advanced Engineering
14:20-14:40 Breakthrough development in digital twin relay testing opens the door for every-day use by relay engineers
Niclas Wetterstrand, Global Industry Director, Protection, Megger
Thabang Pitso, Engineering manager, Siemens
14:40-15:00 Presentation name to be announced
Jooste Potgieter, Dromex
15:00-15:20 Building blocks for smart grid/smart city
Jacqui Mills, Schneider Electric
15:20-15:40 Verifying line differential protection with time synchronised, primary end-to-end testing using a standard secondary
injection test equipment
Mauro Borrielli, Senior Applications Engineer, Megger
15:40-16:00 The role of distributed energy systems on the path to 100% electrification in Africa and for cost effectiveness and resiliency
Olugbenga Ajala, MD/CEO, Ashipa Electric, United States
16:00-16:20 Empowering Energy Management: Smart Electricity Meters Driving Efficiency through Data Insights, Auditing, Demand
Management, and Future Planning
Radia Moollagee, Business Unit Manager, Ontec
16:20-16:40 Optimising substation operations employing IEC 61850 test equipment.
Andrea Bonetti, Senior Power System Protection specialist, Megger, Sweden
16:40-17:00 Presentation to be announced
17:00-17:20 Presentation to be announced

Day 3 – 23 May 2024

09:30-09:55 Experiences in VLF testing on MV cables
Hein Putter, Product manager, Cable testing and diagnosis, Megger, Germany
10:00-10:20 Electrification software
Senior representative, GE Vernova
10:30-12:30 Mini masterclass – Detecting and predicting abnormalities in networks
If a Utility has a data analytics based SMART Report and SMART APPS system, HOW can smart metering help Utilities in various
operations. How using domain knowledge and new IT tools like AI/ ML based applications can help to detect & predict
“abnormalities” in networks and can further identify the cause and can recommend remedial action.

Rajesh Bansal, Consultant and previously, CEO, BSES, India

12:30-12:50 Presentation to be announced
12:50-13:10 Presentation to be announced

Day 1 – 21 May 2024
Navigating the Water Maze: Access Challenges and Regional Disparities
12:05-12:10 Scene setter:
Delegates joining this scene-setting session on water access in Africa can expect a stark and compelling introduction to the
complexities of the issues through quantified realities, multifaceted perspectives and regional nuances.
Session moderator:
Hilton Baartman, Executive Head of: Rural &and Mining Water, HallCore Water, South Africa
12:10-13:30 Panel discussion: Bridging the Divide: A Dialogue on Access and Opportunity
Get ready to dive into a dynamic panel discussion exploring the uneven terrain of access to resources and opportunities across
the continent. This session promises to be a thought-provoking exchange, delving into the barriers such as non-revenue water,
billing and metering, and asset management that hold governments and communities back, particularly in underserved regions.
• Benoit le Roy, Co-Founder, South African Water Chamber, South Africa
• Ntombizanele Bila-Mupariwa, Provincial Head: Western Cape, Department of Water and Sanitation, South Africa
• Theuns Tait, Product Manager, Conlog, South Africa
• Ntuthuko Ngcamu, Head of Water Demand Management, uMngeni -uThukela Water
• Senior representative, Global Water Partnership of Southern Africa
13:30-14:30 Lunch
The Potential of Bankable Water Projects and Capacity Building
14:30- 14:35 Scene setter: This scene setter will prepare you to grasp the dual challenges of developing bankable projects and building
robust capacities that stand as formidable barriers to progress, while presenting a captivating and informative introduction to
the exciting possibilities that arise from combining bankable water projects and capacity-building initiatives in Africa.
Session moderator:
Julia Mamakoko, Director, Commercial and CX, Royal Haskoning DHV, South Africa
14:35–14:55 Cultivating Expertise for Sustainable Water Management with PPP Training
Highlighting the importance of developing skilled professionals to address water management challenges through Public-Private
Partnerships (PPPs).
Andre Kruger, CEO, PPP Training Online
14:55-15:45 Panel discussion: Financing the future: overcoming the non-bankability hurdle in Africa's water sector
• Andre Kruger, CEO, PPP Training Online
• Mojabeng Mathata, Head: Cities, Waterboards and Economic Zones, DBSA
• Senior Representative, ERWAT
• Zaid Railhoun, Specialist: Natural Resources -Power and Sustainable Solutions, Standard Bank Group
• Mike Smith, Director, Talbot
15:45-16:15 Refreshment break
Tackling the Turbulence of Water Governance Challenges and Policy Puzzles
16:15-16:20 Scene setter: Prepare to deep dive into the swirling currents of water governance challenges and policy puzzles, navigating
rapids of inequity, scarcity, and political complexities.
Session moderator:
Benoit le Roy, Co-Founder, South African Water Chamber, South Africa
16:20-17:25 Panel Discussion: We're tackling water's turbulent tides - inequality, clashing interests, and outdated systems. Here’s your
chance to be part of a discussion that unpacks solutions like tech and collaboration, navigating rapids to calm waters of
resilience and equitable access.
To be announced
Day 2 – 22 May 2024
Exploring Recent Innovations and Advances
12:00-12:05 Scene setter: Don't miss these crucial five minutes! Build your water sector understanding with foundational strategies and
critical insights - the stepping stones to exploring recent breakthroughs.
Session moderator:
Benoit le Roy, Co-Founder, South African Water Chamber, South Africa
12:05-13:15 Panel: Recent advancements in water infrastructure and technology in Africa
Exploring the role of technology, infrastructure development and the role of wastewater in the future.
• Hilton Baartman, Executive Head of Rural & Mining Water, Hall Core Water, South Africa
• Audrey Mashao, Director: Community Services, Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, South Africa
• Senior representative, Schneider Electric
13:15-14:30 Lunch
Revolutionizing Water Management
14:30–14:35 Scene setter:
Water needs a digital upgrade! Get ready for sensors, networks, and smart meters changing the game. We'll delve into how next-
gen tech promises cleaner water, smarter use, and a resilient future. Join us!
Session moderator:
Siyabulela Bashe, Director of commercial services: Water, City of Cape Town
14:35–14:50 Transforming water management: The power of smart water management in enhancing consumer centricity
Smart water meters empower you to manage your usage, conserve resources, and build a sustainable future. Real-time data,
leak detection, and inspiring case studies showcase the transformative power of this technology. We'll also address concerns
about trust, affordability, and equitable access.
Ithriam Leukes, Business Unit Manager, ONTEC
14:50–15:45 Panel discussion: Digital solutions for monitoring and managing water quality
Join this session to discover how advanced sensors and IoT devices are becoming eyes and ears for water quality, providing real-
time data and early warnings.
• Senior representative, Water Research Commission, South Africa
• Helen Hulett, Water scientist, Talbot, South Africa
• Thobekile Gambu, Environmental Scientist, uMngeni-uThukela Water
• Ithriam Leukes, Business Unit Manager, ONTEC
15:45-16:15 Refreshment break
Robust Supply Systems
16:15-16:20 Scene setter: Join us in these introductory five minutes that promises to equip you with foundational strategies and critical
insights on robust supply systems for extreme events.
Session moderator:
Ryneth Mbhele, Research Group Leader, CSIR Water Centre
16:20-16:40 Advocating for Circular Economy in Wastewater Treatment for Societal benefits
Jeffrey Baloyi, Senior Researcher: Chemical Engineer, CSIR Water Centre
16:40-17:00 Topic to be announced
Michael Spolum, CEO, My-Hydro
17:00-17:20 C&I water security case study
Julia Mamakoko, Director, Commercial and CX, Royal Haskoning DHV, South Africa

Day 3 – 23 May 2024

Adapting Resources, Navigating Impact
09:30–09:35 Scene setter: Join these introductory five minutes to understand our start point in this discussion on climate change, resilience,
adaptation and the water energy nexus.
Session moderator:
To be announced
09:30–10:45 Panel Discussion: Adapting to Climate change: The water/energy nexus - Building the ecosystem for a resilient future
Recognising that climate change is impacting the water-energy nexus, we ask the question – what adaptation strategies need to
be put in place to ensure resilience in water and energy for Africa?
• How do we ensure development opportunities are not negatively impacted?
• How can water utilities ensure stable energy supply and conversely, how can energy utilities secure water, independently of
one another?
• How does the water stressed nature of sub-Saharan Africa inform hydrogen production strategy and policy?
• Ashton Mpofu, Senior Consultant, Isle utilities
• Kerusha Lutchmiah, Water manager, Royal HaskoningDHV, Netherlands
• Mchenge Nyoka, National Project Manager, UNIDO, South Africa
• Zaid Railhoun, Specialist: Natural Resources -Power and Sustainable Solutions, Standard Bank Group
• Mlungisi Shabalala, Hydrologist, uMngeni- uThukela Water
10:45 -11:30 Refreshments
Changemakers: Junior pitch challenges
11:30-11:35 Join our juniors as they present their projects from the Lego League, Eskom Young Scientists, and winners from last year’s Enlit
Africa junior pitch challenge, the Galactic Einstein’s.
11:35-12:45 Programme to be announced

12:45 14:00 Lunch

14:00 Closing Ceremony and Enlit Africa awards

21 May 2024
Municipal Performance
Session Chair: Brian Day, Chairman, South African Independent Power Producers Association (SAIPPA)
12:00-12:05 Scene Setter:
Brian Day, Chairman, South African Independent Power Producers Association (SAIPPA), South Africa
12:05-12:20 Macro-economic issues impacting municipalities in South Africa
Municipalities can play a key role in South Africa’s economic development and energy landscape - Here’s how!

Tshegofatso Neeuwfan, Manager: Utility Innovation, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, South Africa
12:20-12:45 KEYNOTE: Top Recommendations about the State of Local Government in South Africa
Over the years, the AG has provided great insights into the state of local government in South Africa and the picture is complex
and multifaceted, marked by persistent financial challenges and several issues impacting effectiveness.
What are the top recommendations to improve SA’s municipal landscape?

Gadija Brown, Member of Executive Council (MEC): Finance, Free State Provincial Government, South Africa
Energy Landscape and Policy Framework
12:45-13:15 Interventions: National Energy Crisis Committee, Operation Vulindlela and removing roadblocks to prosperity
NECOM was formed to deal with the energy crisis by fixing Eskom and addressing policy hurdles that are creating bottlenecks
in addressing the energy crisis. The committee is also looking at adding new sources of power in order to reduce and eventually
end load shedding, ensuring energy security for South Africa. An update on progress and plans.

Lester Bouah, Chief Director, Head of the Energy: One Stop Shop (EOSS), Investment and Spatial Industrial Development (ISID):
Green Economy, Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, South Africa
13:15-13:40 Fixing the problem statement – Assessing barriers to ending loadshedding and the financial impact
Globally, the utility death spiral refers to a significant challenge faced by traditional utility companies as the energy landscape
evolves. In South Africa, municipalities fulfil traditional utility T&D functions. Is South Africa facing a municipal death spiral and
what can be done to address traditional municipal roles with the evolving energy landscape.

• What are the solutions to the current policy, regulatory and legal barriers preventing municipalities from taking advantage
of the large-scale implementation of renewable technologies in South Africa?
• With influential off-takers utilising renewables and opting to buy power from IPPs, how can municipalities make up for the
lost revenue?

Grové Steyn, Lead Economist: Energy, Infrastructure and regulatory, Meridian Economics, South Africa
13:40 Lunch and Networking
Session Chair: Brian Day, Chairman, South African Independent Power Producers Association (SAIPPA)
14:30 Unpacking the reasons for restricting use of Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) and the alternative range
The environmental concern around SF6 gas is in its global warming potential (GWP) which is approximately 23,500 times of
carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. As a result, even minor releases of SF6 into the atmosphere can significantly contribute
to global warming and climate change. Recognising this, countries and regions worldwide are taking concerted actions to limit
the usage of SF6 and minimize its associated emissions.

Senior representative, Lucy Electric, United Kingdom

Procurement of Electricity from IPPs
15:00-15:05 Energy Procurement: Unpacking the realities of energy procurement for local government
South Africa local government has long been aware of both the energy security challenges facing the country. To this end,
substantial work should be invested in understanding the procurement and supply chain processes involved when a
municipality goes to tender specifically for the procurement of power.
This session discusses:
• Solutions to the challenge of writing tender specifications for energy and other technical projects
• How to navigate procurement and supply chain regulatory frameworks governing energy procurement in South Africa
• Understanding public sector supply chain risk management in energy procurement
• Basic introduction into navigating market fluctuations and contractual risks
15:05-15:25 Solutions to the challenge of writing tender specifications for energy and other technical projects
Sandile Ntando Buthelezi, Supply Chain Executive and Member of the eThekwini Municipality Energy Committee, South Africa
15:30-16:15 Refreshments
16:15-16:35 How to navigate procurement and supply chain regulatory frameworks governing energy procurement in South Africa
Bernhard Teuteberg, Designation: Deputy Director, Western Cape Government
16:35-17:00 CASE STUDY: Unpacking the top practical considerations for successful IPP engagement
Hendrik Raedani, Divisional Head: Alternative & Renewable Energy Department, City of Ekurhuleni, South Africa
17:00-17:30 CASE STUDY: Basic introduction into navigating market fluctuations and contractual risks
Mollen Josephine Atieno, Procurement Executive: Technical Cost Savings, Kengen
17:30 End of Day One

22 May 2024
Grid Commercialisation and Future Energy Markets
Session Chair: Nomathamsanqa Mote, Energy Advisor: Embedded Generation, Power Africa
12:00-12:05 Understanding the municipal grid commercialisation business model
Load shedding, rising costs and the demand for renewable energy in South Africa is accelerating the transformation of energy
generation and distribution system, to shift towards decentralised and localised smart grid systems. This disruptive evolution
demands a new business model that can be used to commercialise the new power distribution system and thus create
financial opportunity and value for municipalities. This session looks at how municipalities can redesign their business models
and start commercialising their energy distribution systems and offer new services IPPs for their future survival in the new
trends of the energy market. This session is your introduction to mini-grid business.

• Unpacking the architectural steps needed to commercialise a grid resource as the technical focus shifts towards
business requirements.
• Adjusting the grid to meet the demands of a multi-player and stakeholder landscape including market designs and
customised contract design.
• Proposing a conceptual framework for grid resource commercialisation
12:05-12:15 SCENE SETTING: Is the current municipal service delivery and business model contributing to increased standards of living,
reduced poverty and greater equality?

Vally Padayachee, Strategic Advisor: Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities

12:15-13:00 PANEL DISCUSSION: Interventions municipalities can take to improve energy efficiency programmes – Lessons Learned
Moderator: Kelebogile Mokomane, Senior Technical Advisor: Power Sector Reform, Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

• Trevor Govender, Head: Project Development and Management - Sustainable Energy Markets, City of Cape Town
• Vally Padayachee, Strategic Advisor: Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities
• Roark Prinsloo, Snr. Technologist: Projects Planning and Renewable Energy, Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan
Municipality, South Africa
• Malcolm van Harte, Senior manager, Smart grid and telecom, Eskom
• Bradley Brown, Chief Financial Officer, Drakenstein Municipality
Tariff Restructuring
13:00-13:30 How to design tariffs that factor in fixed costs through variable charges
Designing tariffs that factor in fixed costs through variable charges involves a strategic approach balancing affordability for
consumers while ensuring the recovery of essential fixed costs.

• How can tariff structures be designed to ensure adequate cost recovery for fixed infrastructure and operational costs
while reflecting variable consumption by consumers?
• What measures can be taken to ensure that variable charges in tariffs remain equitable and affordable for different
consumer groups, considering their varying socioeconomic backgrounds?
• How do variable charges influence consumer behaviour concerning energy conservation, and what mechanisms can be
employed to encourage responsible usage without burdening consumers?
• How can technological advancements, such as smart metering and demand-side management tools, be integrated into
tariff designs to accurately capture variable consumption and optimize cost recovery?
• How does the integration of renewable energy sources impact the cost structure of electricity supply, considering initial
investment versus long-term operational savings?

Onicah Rantwane, Chief Advisor Electricity Pricing, Eskom Holdings SOC

13:30-14:30 Lunch and Networking
Wheeling strategies for energy distribution in South Africa
Wheeling has become increasingly important in optimising energy distribution, enhancing grid resilience and fostering
renewable energy integration. This session is an exploration of wheeling concepts that work, considering the latest data
available from metros that have implemented wheeling in South Africa's energy distribution landscape.
• Explore how wheeling is facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources and affecting energy trading and market
• Understand how wheeling will affect municipal business models
14:30-15:30 Facilitator: Ansuya Rungasamy, Head of Component: Power Sector Reform, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(GIZ) GmbH

• Kadri Nassiep, Executive Director: Energy Directorate, City of Cape Town, South Africa
• Mutenda Tshipala, Senior Manager: Strategy Development - Electricity Pricing and Parles Forecasting, Distribution
Division, Eskom Holdings, South Africa
• Petrus Swanepoel, Infrastructure Sustainability Manager, MEDICLINIC South Africa
15:30-16:15 Refreshments
The Energy Crisis – Municipal Response 2.0
16:15-16:25 Scene setter
Will Pearson, USAID Southern Africa
16:15-17:30 Panel Discussion: Dealing with the energy crisis - how to develop a municipal energy strategy
A discussion dedicated to exploring effective strategies for developing a Municipal Energy Strategy that not only addresses
immediate energy challenges but also paves the way for a resilient and sustainable future.
• What should be the municipal’s top considerations and indicators when drawing up a long-term energy strategy?
• Guidelines and methodologies for developing municipal energy strategy

Moderator: Senior representative, Sustainable Energy Africa

• Rebecca Cameron, Lead: Strategy, Sustainable Energy Markets, City of Cape Town, South Africa
• Paul Vermeulen, Chief Engineer Renewable Energy, City Power, South Africa
• Roy Wienand, Former Deputy Head: MV/LV Operations, eThekwini Metro Municipality
• Cheryl Phillips, Senior Manager: Local Economic Development and Tourism, Drakenstein Municipality, Western Cape
17:30 End of Day One

23 May 2024
Revenue Enhancement
Session Chair: Thobekile Gambu, Environmental Scientist, UMngeni-uThukela Water, South Africa
09:00–09:10 CASE STUDY SERIES: Unlocking Municipal Revenue Potential - Strategies for Revenue Enhancement in South Africa
Municipalities in South Africa face a critical challenge in sustaining revenue streams while striving to meet the growing
demands for services and infrastructure development. This case study-driven session explores innovative approaches to
enhance municipal revenue generation and financial sustainability. Through a series of case studies and expert insights, you
will explore successful initiatives, address challenges, and identify opportunities to optimize revenue in the South African
municipal context.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the key challenges faced by South African municipalities in revenue generation
• Explore successful case studies and initiatives that have enhanced municipal revenue streams.
• Identify opportunities and strategies for revenue diversification, debt management, and community engagement.
• Discuss the role of policy reforms and partnerships in achieving sustainable revenue enhancement and economic
09:10-09:30 CASE STUDY 1: Alternative ways of reducing high energy cost for operations – municipalities and water boards
Thokozani Mncube, uMngeni-uThukela Water
09:30-09:50 CASE STUDY 2: Identifying opportunities and strategies for revenue diversification, debt management, and community
Senzo S H. Makhoba, Treasury Services Manager Finance Department, Mandeni Local Municipality
09:50-10:10 CASE STUDY 3: Understand the key challenges faced by South African municipalities in revenue generation
Refilwe (Mogale) Mokgosi, Area Chief Engineer, City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, South Africa
10:10-10:30 TOP RECOMENDATIONS: Unlocking Municipal Revenue Potential - Strategies for Revenue Enhancement in South Africa.
Phumo Maduna, Manager: Smart Infrastructure Grid Software Solutions, Siemens

10:30-11:15 Refreshment break

11:15-11:45 Municipal Economic Review and Outlook (MERO): Unpacking the municipal building blocks for growth
The MERO provides an in-depth look into each of the five district municipalities, one metropolitan municipality, and every one
of Western Cape local municipalities and provides the evidence needed to fully realise the economic growth opportunities
across the Western Cape and presents learning curves for the other municipalities in South Africa.
Nadia Rinquest, Senior Manager: Local Government Budget Office, Western Cape Provincial Treasury
11:45-12:30 It’s a matter of Trust: Initiating dialogue centred on building trust and generating public value.
This session offers a comprehensive framework to understand trust's multifaceted nature, demystifying its concepts and
empowering leaders to operationalise trust effectively. It aims to turn the abstract notion of trust into tangible, actionable
strategies, thereby fostering environments where integrity, benevolence, and capabilities are at the forefront of utility
Domonic Wilhelm, Founder, The Trust Project, South Africa
12:30-14:00 Lunch and networking


Supporting women in renewable energy – a grass roots approach

We are committed to shedding light on the tangible strides being made to empower women within the Renewable Energy domain. This isn't just
another theoretical narrative; we are focusing on the real, ground-level actions that are changing lives and shaping futures.
Expect a session brimming with insights, engaging discussions, and inspirational takeaways that not only highlight successful interventions but
also pave the way for potential future actions. We are prepared to delve into what works, learn from the success stories, and understand how we
can replicate and scale up these efforts to foster an inclusive and diverse renewable energy landscape. This engagement is more than just an
event; it is a call to action, a testament to the power of practical support, and a beacon for ongoing commitment to gender equality in Renewable
08:50-09:50 Panel discussion: Tangible efforts... … the lead to tangible benefits
Moderator: Phemelo Mitchell, Head of Renewable Energy Business Development, Sasol

The session will delve into the exploration of active programs specifically designed to support women in the energy sector,
examining initiatives that have made measurable differences. We'll investigate the structures, objectives, strategies, and most
importantly, the outcomes achieved by these programs thus far.
This segment will feature firsthand narratives from women who have directly benefited from these programs. These pioneers serve
as living proof of the impact of support systems in the energy sector. We'll hear their stories, challenges, triumphs, and how the
support they received acted as a catalyst for their employment and business careers in the energy sector.

- Elizabeth Marabwa, DMRE, South Africa

- Elsie Pule, Group Executive, HR, Eskom, South Africa
- Phoebe Sullivan, Energy Officer, Power Africa, United States
- Fezeka Stuurman-Chief Legacy Builder, Cultiver Group
10:00-10:20 Q&A
10:20 -10:25 Introduction to table discussions-
Nazlee Fredericks, Women IN series portfolio director, VUKA Group
10:25 – 11:10 Table Discussions:
11:10-11:20 Lucky Draw
11:20-11:30 Feedback on 15% initiatives
Phemelo Mitchell, Head of Renewable Energy Business Development, Sasol
11:30-11:45 Comfort Break & exploration of activation area
11:45-11:50 Introduction To Next Session: Wellness beyond work: empowering women for success - a holistic approach to women's
health in the workplace
Nazlee Fredericks, Women IN series portfolio director, VUKA Group
Wellness Beyond Work: Empowering Women for Success - A Holistic Approach to Women's Health in the Workplace
Join us for an enlightening discussion on "Wellness Beyond Work: Empowering Women for Success." In today's fast-paced world,
women often juggle multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for self-care. This session will explore a holistic approach to
women's health in the workplace, delving into mental, gut, skin, and heart health.
Let’s explore actionable strategies to empower women for success, fostering a culture of well-being that transcends the confines
of the workplace.
11:50-12:00 Mental health is paramount, yet often neglected in the workplace. We'll uncover strategies to manage stress, cultivate
resilience, and foster a supportive work environment.
12:00-12:05 Introduction to Fire Side Chat
Moderator: Nasi Hako, Multi-Media Journalist, ESI Africa
12:05-12:20 Nourishing your gut isn't just about internal health; it's the foundation of overall well-being.
By prioritizing gut health, you can enhance immunity, elevate mood, and boost energy levels, empowering you to thrive in every
aspect of your life, both personally and professionally. Moreover, caring for your skin goes beyond surface-level aesthetics; it's a
mirror of your inner vitality. Explore the holistic approach to skincare, focusing on nutrition, skincare routines, and lifestyle habits
to achieve a radiant complexion that reflects your inner health and wellness.

Speaker 1: Tarren Benson, Co-Founder, Hello Health

Speaker 2: Lucinda Bosch, Senior Educator, Dermalogica
12:20-12:25 Introduction to Heart Health
12:25-12:35 Heart health is non-negotiable for longevity and vitality.
We'll discuss practical steps to promote heart health, from exercise and nutrition to stress management and regular check-ups.
Speaker: Professor Pamela Naidoo- CEO Heart & Stroke Foundation


Wednesday 22 May

Renewable energy and storage hub
Ticket Size: +$100M
10:00 – 10:10 Atlanthia Green Hydrogen & Ammonia, South Africa ($300M+) Pending
Atlanthia Green Hydrogen (AGH) presents a financially viable project for green hydrogen and ammonia
production in South Africa. Located in the Port of Saldanha's Freeport, it utilizes solar and wind energy, with
potential battery storage, for a 40MW electrolysis process. Phase 1 aims for a 35,950tpa green ammonia
facility, with a phase 4 vision for 25 times the capacity

10:10 – 10:20 Quispiam Renewable Energy (+$300M) Private / Equity

The project aims to create a sustainable waste management system in Ekurhuleni by implementing a
waste-to-energy (WTE) solution. In this approach, waste is converted into energy, reducing landfill volume
and producing stable residues. Given the variable nature of municipal solid waste (MSW), WTE offers a
flexible and proven solution. By generating energy from waste, the project not only addresses waste
disposal challenges but also promotes renewable resource utilization. Through this initiative, Ekurhuleni
seeks to enhance environmental sustainability, drive economic growth, and improve residents' quality of
10:20 – 10:30 Dreamworks Haven Investments - Green Hydrogen (+$100M) Private
The project is separated into two phases:
Phase 1: which is expected to commence operation in 2026 and will assess specifically hydrogen
production and compression specifically for Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs); and
Phase 2: which is expected to commence operation close to 2030 and will assess hydrogen for use in
furnaces, as ammonia for direct or as an energy carrier, and the use of the ammonia for fertilizer
10:30 – 10:40 KiliEnergy, South Africa ($5 000 000 first phase - $300M second phase) Private
The project intends to democratise clean energy by bringing along marginalised communities by using LPG
as an alternative cooking energy to elevate grid strain. It will further rollout off grid solar or micro grids for
the indigent households to move off grid through the use of IoT enabled cylinders abs solar panels to collect
carbon savings data points at a household level. The carbon credits to be traded at the JSE Carbon Ventures
Market with some of the funds invested in community trust for community development.
Ticket Size: $10 - $50M
10:40 – 10:50 ESC, Mauritius ($26M) Private
We have a PPA for installing 2500 Mw of Gravity Induced Hydro (GIH) GIH is a renewable closed loop system
that works 24/7/365 Cassette based turbines that does not use a dam or a river and has zero emissions or
waste. It is 300% more cost efficient than solar or wind As a baseload it does not utilizes storage and
balances the grid
10:50 – 11:00 PAYGO Solar Energy ($26M) Private
PAYGO Solar offers a prepaid energy solution tailored for residential estates and complexes. Our approach
involves transitioning the entire complex off-grid, allowing residents to directly purchase solar energy on a
prepaid basis. This eliminates load shedding for them while empowering the body corporate to generate
additional revenue from selling off-grid energy to their residents.
Ticket size: $0 - $5M
13:20 – 13:30 Syncon Energies, South Africa Private
Syncon Energies proposes a 50 MWp solar farm in George, harnessing optimal solar energy for the local
network. By 2025, it aims to connect to the existing George Municipality grid, ensuring costs remain below
Eskom's Megaflex tariffs. Seeking support, endorsement, and technical collaboration, Syncon's initial
funding commitment transitions ownership to the municipality gradually.
13:30 – 13:40 SeaH4, South Africa Private
SeaH4 will farm seaweed along desert shores in land based ponds, to create biomass, which it turns into
biogas via anaerobic digestion. The subsequent biogas is cleaned and then split into CH4 (methane ) and
CO2. The waste of the biogas is circled back into the ponds as fertiliser. The methane is liquefied into
bioLNG as fuel for ships and the CO2 will serve as clean carbon molecule in the synthetisation with green
hydrogen into e-methanol.
13:40 – 13:50 Evolve, South Africa Private
Evolve will be launching its Pilot Project for a Virtual Power Plant operating in the city of Cape Town
municipal grid network. This VPP will aggregate hundreds of distributed energy resources in the form of
batteries, rooftop solar and other and have intelligent algorithms controlling their dispatch to serve as
generation sources, or control their demand to mitigate load on the grid. Through this VPP setup services
such as critical backup or load mitigation can be provided to commercial customers aswell as later on
ancillary services for the municipal grid.
13:50 – 14:00 S Mile Solutions, South Africa Private
The start-up, based in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa, provides smart, small-scale and off-grid
infrastructure solutions that are mounted on pick-up trucks, thereby enabling companies and institutions to
access rural and remote communities with their services and products.
The aim of Smart Last Mile Solutions, (“S Mile”, for short), is to enable infrastructure-based services along
the last mile and, to improve the living conditions and prospects of remote communities in sub-Saharan
14:00 – 14:10 Keetmanshoop MSB Public
Keetmanshoop, a vibrant town in Namibia, envisions a future powered by sustainable energy. However, the
realization of this vision faces a significant obstacle: limited financial resources. In response, the
Keetmanshoop Municipal Service Board (MSB) is pioneering a groundbreaking initiative – the Modified
Single Buyer (MSB) model.

The Keetmanshoop MSB project aims to leverage solar energy to meet the town's power needs while
navigating budgetary constraints. Unlike traditional models reliant on large-scale investment, the MSB
model adopts a more flexible and community-centered approach. By aggregating demand and
collaborating with local stakeholders, the MSB negotiates favorable terms with solar energy providers,
maximizing cost-efficiency.
14:10 – 14:20 Millenium Engineers, Kenya Private

14:20 – 14:30

Ticket size: $5 - $10M

16:00 - 16:10 E-waste Africa, South Africa Private
End-of-life (EOL) solar panels are quickly becoming a major issue, as they have little intrinsic value and
therefore cost money to recycle. At the same time, many EOL solar panels can have their life extended
through simple repairs. These can then be sold for reuse. EWaste Africa has developed processes for the
repair of solar panels, as well as to recycle them once they can no longer be repaired. The solar panel triage
facility will be developed to enable the testing of the panels, and thereafter the repair and resale or the
recycling to all happen under one roof.
16:10 – 16:20 Reheat Africa, South Africa Private
Reheat Africa offers Photovoltaic heating controllers and systems that connects PV directly to heating
elements for water and space heating and cooking, substituting fossil fuels and generating cost savings for
16:20 – 16:30 EWI2 (Pty) Ltd ($7 000 000) Private
Extraction of Green Hydrogen from waste Plastic with Patent Pending H2U Processing Machine,
16:30 – 16:40 Poseidon Hydroelectric System ($5 000 000) Private
Poseidon Hydroelectric combines 3 proven technologies in a new way to produce hydro power 24/7 without
a dam, sun, wind, tides, currents, or batteries. It may be constructed and operated on land or on the water
without harm to the environment or marine life for low cost renewable energy. Each 100 MW of Poseidon
power eliminates 50 tons of carbon emissions with a production cost of less than 2 cents (USD) per kilowatt
hour it addresses all of the concerns about renewable energy in a safe manner.

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