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Real estate

Tenant's guide
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Real estate Popular Retreats 3

Welcome to your new home

In this guide, you will find information that will be useful to you on a daily
basis as well as when moving in or moving out.

In case of questions, your management team (depending on your place of

residence) is at your disposal. Here are the main contacts we refer to in
this guide :

Contact Phone E-mail

Lausanne 021 348 22 22

Nyon 021 348 20 22

Yverdon 021 348 28 21

Accounting 021 348 22 21

Find the opening hours of our head office and our agencies under:

Official numbers:

Font: 117 Firefighters: 118 Ambulance: 144

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Real estate Popular Retreats 4

1. Where to find the legal bases of the lease contract? .................................................. 5

2. What steps should be taken before handing over the keys ?............................5

3. What steps should you take when you arrive ? ............................................... .......6

4. What to do in an emergency? .................................................. ............................................7

5. Payment of the rent.............................................. .................................................. .......................7

6. How is life in the building?........................................... ........................8

7. Who maintains your home ? .............................................. ...........................................11

8. How to limit your energy consumption?.................................................. .........12

9. How do I terminate my lease? ...................................... .................................................. ..13

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Real estate Popular Retreats 5

1. Where to find the legal bases of the lease contract?

The contractual relationship between lessor and lessee is described in detail in:

• the Code of Obligations (CO), eighth title, at the federal level + OBLF • the
Rental Rules and Usages of the Canton of Vaud (RULV), binding force
since 1 December 2001, at cantonal level.

2. What steps should be taken before handing over the keys?

In order to be able to give you the keys during the entry inventory, it is necessary
to have:
• paid the first rent (take the payment receipt if it was
done shortly before),
• set up a rental guarantee. This corresponds to three months of net rent for the
accommodation and can be established with the bank of your choice or with
an approved surety company.

• taken out household civil liability (RC) insurance with a

provider of your choice
• taken out insurance against fire and natural elements with the Etablissement
cantonal d'assurance (ECA) in the canton of Vaud or with the insurer of your
choice in the canton of Fribourg.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 6

3. What steps should you take when you arrive?

> State of play

We will carry out with you the inventory of fixtures of entry in your new apartment. This
is a statement of the condition of the accommodation on your arrival, recorded in a
written document which will then be signed by you and our representative.

> Inhabitant control

Announce your arrival at the inhabitants' control of the municipality and announce
your departure to the municipality you are leaving.
> Electricity

Announce your arrival to your electricity supplier so that the meter of the apartment is
activated in your name and to benefit from its services. Terminate your contract with
your former supplier.

> Telephone
Report your move to your operator, who will inform you if the telephone number can be
> Television

If the building is connected to the cable TV and you do not wish to use it, remember to
have your socket sealed by your supplier or an approved installer in order to avoid
receiving useless invoices since this service is in principle yours. charge.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 7

4. What to do in an emergency?
Contact your concierge. If this is not available, call one of the official numbers
listed on page 3, depending on the emergency.

5. Payment of the rent

The rent is paid monthly in advance. The 1st reminder is generally sent on the
15th day of the month. There are several ways to pay the rent:
• Create a standing order online in your e-banking or directly with your bank,
• Enter a manual payment order each month on the e-banking of your
bank, keeping the same references, or
• Subscribe to e-bill on your e-banking, or • Make
payment via post office counters, by making a copy of your unique QR-Invoice.

If you would like more information on payment methods, contact our Accounting
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Real estate Popular Retreats 8

6. How is life in the building?

> Animals
The keeping of pets is tolerated as long as they do not disturb the other
tenants (noise pollution among others) and do not cause any damage or
soiling to the building and its surroundings.
> Outdoor antenna
According to Article 21 of the Rental Rules and Practices of the Canton of
Vaud, satellite dishes must be authorized by the lessor.
Send your written request to your management team.
In addition, the antennas must not be seen from the outside and it is forbidden to
anchor them to the building.

> Mailbox
Each building has a specific letterbox brochure format.
For aesthetic reasons, please only use the plate that will be provided to you
by our engraver partner.
> Laundry room

The laundry schedule is generally drawn up by the caretaker, depending

as far as possible on the wishes expressed by the tenants.
It is your responsibility to: •
leave the laundry room clean • clean
the filters and tumblers after use • respect the
scheduled laundry days and times.
> Heating In
the event of a heating problem in your accommodation, contact your
For the heating bill, see the section Load/heating bill.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 9

> Keys

Loss of keys: first contact the lost and found office in your municipality. If your search is
fruitless, contact your management team, we will send you a specialist.

> Concierge
The concierge is your contact for requests relating to: • the cleanliness of
the building • the heating • the
laundry schedule

> Utilities/heating statement Your heating

statement is drawn up in the fall. It covers the period from July 1 of the previous year to
June 30 of the current year.
Your rent generally includes the down payment of charges. If necessary, the deposit can
be adapted on simple request from you.

> Grill(ades)
Grills are allowed if they do not disturb the other inhabitants (of the building and neighboring
buildings) and do not cause damage to the building.

> Washing / drying machine

Our prior authorization is mandatory if you wish to install a machine in your accommodation.
Its installation must be carried out by an approved company. Contact your management

> Garbage

Most buildings are equipped with containers. For non-equipped buildings, you can refer to
the collection schedule of the com
Please sort your waste and close the bags tightly.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 10

> Landings, stairwells, cellars, garrets, basement Out of

respect for the inhabitants of the building and for safety reasons, take care
not to store anything on the landings and common areas (shoes, furniture,
bicycles ).
> Underground car parks
These car parks are reserved for parking vehicles. No material should be
stored or stocked there.
> Subletting

Our prior authorization is necessary for you to sublet your accommodation.

A written request must be sent to your management team specifying the

duration, the conditions of subletting, your temporary contact details as well
as those of the sub-tenant(s).
> Blinds
If your blind is blocked, pull the metal curtain slightly with your hands. If you
can't, contact your management team.
> Tent canvases
The canvases of the tent must imperatively be raised in the event of wind,
rain, snow.
> Neighborhood
• Avoid excessive noise between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. and on Sundays •
Adjust the sound volume of your devices so that the sound does not cross
the walls of your apartment 'a


• Do not leave rubbish on the balcony, landing or elsewhere.

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Real estate Popular Retreats 11

7. Who maintains your home?

If you notice any damage or defects in your accommodation, contact your management
team who will inform you of the procedure to follow. It can be small works or defects.

If you are responsible for the damage caused, also contact your civil liability insurance.

> Small jobs

Minor maintenance work such as replacing fuses, broken or damaged panes, damaged
sockets, worn blind straps, jet aerators, hoses, tap seals, extractor hood ventilation filter,
etc are your responsibility For repair work, send a written request to your management

> Faults

If you notice a defect that may worsen over time (in water filtration, mould, defective
bathtub seals, etc.), contact your management team as soon as possible.

> Clogged sink

Unclog the siphon 1. Let

your druggist advise you 2. Contact your management
team who will call in a specialist 3. Please note: unclogging up to the main column
is your responsibility and the costs are your responsibility.

> Electrical failure 1.

Check the fuses / circuit breakers 2. Check
if the failure affects other apartments 3. Contact your management
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Real estate Popular Retreats 12

8. How to limit energy consumption?

> Temperature A
temperature of 20°C in living rooms and 18°C in bedrooms is sufficient.

> Ventilation

Open the windows wide for a few minutes, several times a day, to ensure good ventilation
and avoid excessive humidity and the appearance of mould.

> Hot water

Do not let the water run unnecessarily. Don't forget that a shower requires 20 to 50 liters
of water, three times less than a bath.

> Washing machine / dishwasher

Fill your machines completely (without overloading them) and choose an economical
program if possible.

> Sorting

Sort your waste and send it to the places provided for this purpose.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 13

9. How to terminate your lease?

To be valid, your letter must reach us by registered mail, signed by all the lessees of
the lease (and by the spouse even if it does not appear on the lease), paying attention
to the notice of termination provided for in your contract as well as on the expiry dates
of your lease.

We thank you for having consulted this guide and do not hesitate to call on our services
for all questions relating to your rental lease.
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Real estate Popular Retreats 14

Alphabetical index
Aeration................................................. .................................................. ................................................12

Animals ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 8

External antenna ................................................ .................................................. ............................8
Mailbox ............................................................ .................................................. ..................................8
Laundry ............ .................................................. .................................................. ..................................8

Heating............... .................................................. .................................................. .......... 8

Keys...................................... .................................................. ............................................ 9

Concierge................................................. .................................................. ........................... 9

Contacts...................... .................................................. .................................................. ...........................3
Control of residents .................................................. .................................................. ..................6 Load

count / heating............................... .................................................. ..................9

Faults.............................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................11 Hot

water .................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............12

Electricity.................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............6

State of play .................................. .................................................. .................................................. .....6

Clogged sink ............................... .................................................. ..............................................11

Grill(ades) .................................................. .................................................. ............................................... 9

wash/ dishwasher ...................................................... .................................................. ..12 Washing / drying

machine.................................... .................................................. ......................9

Garbage......................... .................................................. .................................................. ........................9

Payment of rent.................... .................................................. .................................................. ......9 Landings,

stairwells, cellars, garrets, basements .............................. .........................10 Power

failure ............................... .................................................. .................................................. ......11

Underground car parks .......................................... .................................................. ..............................10

Small jobs.................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................11

Terminate your lease .................................................. .................................................. .................................13

Subletting............... .................................................. .................................................. .......................10

Blinds.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....10

Phone................................................. .................................................. ...............................................6

Television. .................................................. .................................................. ...............................................6

Temperature................................................. .................................................. ..................................12 Tent

canvases ............... .................................................. .................................................. ...........................10
Sorting....................................................... .................................................. .................................................. ............12

Emergency ................................................ .................................................. .................................................. 7

Neighborhood................................................ .................................................. ...............................................10

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Lausanne (headquarters) Nyon Yverdon les Bains

Rue Caroline Rue Neuve 4 Plain 51
9 PO Box 288 -01.2022

1001 Lausanne 1260 Nyon 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

Tel. 021 348 21 11 Tel. 021 348 20 22 Tel. 021 348 28 21

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