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Listening Comprehension: Complete each sentence or question with

the present perfect continuous tense. Some are negative.

1. She has been living there for two years.

2. How have you been doing ?
3. It has been raining all day.
4. They haven’t been paying attention. (negative)
5. What has he been reading ?
6. We have been eating a lot of healthy food lately.
7. What kind of music have you been listening to lately?
8. This car hasn’t been running properly. (negative)
9. Have you been exercising?
10. Flights have been arriving late all day.

Present Perfect Continuous — since and for

Put in for or since.

Emily has been working in our Company for over five years.

Your mother has been looking for you since morning.

My family had been living in this house since 2004.

It has been raining for two days.

We have been learning English since January.

They have been waiting for you since lunch time.

Students have been sitting here for a long time.

Matthew has been teaching maths for years.

I have been trying to reach you since Wednesday.

They have been shopping for ages.

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