Task B1

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Research and document the latest changes to relevant workplace health and safety legal


 Provision of employee authorized

 Superannuation is now a National Employment Standard (NES) entitlement for most
 Discrimination protections for employees experiencing family and domestic violence
 Provide and maintain safe machinery and structures
 Monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace
 To improve the prevention, investigation and prosecution of workplace deaths, and
support for families following a workplace death
 Provide greater transparency about investigations into serious workplace incidents.
 Implementation of the National Principles, as well as considering how national WHS
policy is informed by the lived experience of families who have lost loved ones following
a workplace fatality and workers who have suffered from a serious workplace injury.

Consider the implications of these changes to the drafted plan when negotiating, planning,
and performing the related tasks. What will need to be updated to meet the legal

The new L&D plan is designed by keeping most of the things in mind. Only few adjustments
need to be introduced in the L&D plan. More frequent review of machines needs to be
implemented to protect the health of employees all the time. It is necessary to fostering a
secured and positive environment to make the employees feel comfortable and satisfied. So
employees can share if they are going through any kind of violence. Implementation of training
as per the employees needs to protect their well-being because sometimes training is so
stressful that it can disturb their mental health. Continue feedback of employees is required to
taken during training to avoid any kind of issue. If any person goes through serious injury, it is
required to allocation of budget to incident managing department to support employee’s

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