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Youth Confession

I am an associate of the God-kind with the indestructible life of God in me. I live in Christ
environment, where divinity reigns; the divine life is operational in every part of my being; in
my spirit, soul and body.

It surges through my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty and everything
that is inconsistent with the provisions of the gospel of Christ. I’m invincible, indestructible and
impregnable. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. What cannot survive in the
body of Christ cannot survive or thrive in my body.

I think, talk and operate like Christ; He is seen in and through me. I am the expression of God’s
glory. In the name of Jesus, I am sensitive to the leading of the holy spirit. I yield my entire
being to the wisdom of God by His spirit. I work and operate under the influence of the Holy
Ghost every day of my life.

He enriches my mind with creative ideas I have everything I need by the Holy Ghost. I am
connected to the right relationship, exposed to unusual grace to succeed. I meet the right
helper for my destiny according to the will of God. I am one with the Lord; there is no limitation
in me and my finances. The Holy Spirit strengthens my spirit to live a life of victory.

In the name of Jesus, I am shining for my light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon
me. I know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich yet for my sake, He
became poor that I through his poverty might be rich. I am enriched in all things. All things are
mine, I lack nothing, He gives me all things richly to enjoy. The Lord supplies my needs
according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


I affirm that God is at work in me! The power of the Holy Spirit resides and is fully operational
in me. When I show up, burdens are lifted, and yokes are destroyed. I am a God-carrying vessel
and a dispenser of eternal verities. I’ve received abundance of grace and of the gift of
righteousness; therefore, I am reigning in life, over and above the corrupting influences of this
world: sickness, lack, and everything that limits. The grace of God is multiplied in my life
through the knowledge of the Word. I am more than a man. I live out the supernatural life
naturally, demonstrating the glory, wisdom, and excellence of divinity.

I am joined to the Lord, and have become inseparable with Him, bearing fruits of His
righteousness that is inherent in my spirit. I am loaded, my life is like a well-watered garden. I
am fruitful and productive; making progress in every area of my life. I am complete in Christ,
and every facet of my life is perfected for excellence. The Spirit guides and inspires me to take
actions that guarantee evident, and unstoppable progress, increase, and blessings for me. Glory
to God. Hallelujah
i am blessed, i am prosperous, i am successful, i am redeemed, i am forgiven, i am talented. i
am creative, i am confident, i am secure, i am disciplined, i am focused, i am prepared, i am
qualified, i am motivated, i am valuable, i free, i am determined, i am equipped, i am
empowered,i am annoited, accepted and approved. not average, not mediocre i am a child of
the Most High, i will become all i was created to be in Jesus name. Amen.

You can stop here!!!!

I have eternal life; I hail from

God and His divine Kingdom. I’m a child of God,

separated from sin, defeat, lack, sickness, oppression,

and the world Hallelujah! I don’t belong in the

land of failure. I have a right to divine protection,

prosperity, victory, success, liberty, divine health and all

the blessings of salvation.

I'll Keep
affirming the triumphant life in Christ. I Celebrate the

life of liberty, victory, health and success that I have

in Christ Jesus, whose body was broken for me, and

His blood shed to bring me into sonship with God.


I am made in Gods image.

My destiny is not determined by any circumstance or condition I come from, for what God
delivers me from, He gives me power to subdue.

I will walk by faith in Gods power and His purpose for my life, not by the evidence of my
intellect, feelings or observation.

I will have a commanding presence in my field.

I declare I have in me the spirit of excellence and orderliness.

I will transform my community, my ministry, my home, my future, my family, my country and

my world.

I will not fall to temptation, adversity or insecurity, but I will restrain my flesh and conquer all

I will grow at a continuous pace, and I will share the credit with those who contribute to my
success, keeping God first in all that I do.

I will live and walk in His presence and glorify His name

I will be fruitful

I will multiply

I will have faith in Gods power and His purpose for my life. I will rely on the guidance and
directions of the holy spirit.

I will replenish and subdue the earth and I will have dominion as God commanded for it is
written in Jesus name. Amen

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