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Alphabet Inc., Google's parental firm, uses various metrics for tactical assessment

objectives. The corporation has a traditional corporate layout, with groups like Google as

affiliates (Smithson, 2018). It is important to look at internal (things like multiculturalism and

ethos) and external (items like legislative shifts) environments. Alphabet has a commanding

market share and several viable income sources (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). The suggested actions

encompass investing in cutting-edge technology, spreading operations worldwide, prioritizing

diversity, prioritizing regulatory compliance, and prioritizing sustainability.

Assessment of Strategic Effectiveness Measures

Alphabet Inc., Google's parent firm, uses several metrics to ensure its strategic efficacy.

Revenue growth, profit margin, and return on investment are just a few financial performance

measurements (Silvi et al., 2015). Additionally, Alphabet tracks its market share, user

engagement data, innovative product launches, and R&D expenditures. In addition, Alphabet

consistently evaluates the comments and happiness of its clientele. Alphabet gains excellent

information about its strategic performance from combining these many metrics.

Alphabet's approach to measuring strategic success is multifaceted; therefore, considering

it is crucial for determining whether or not they are employing the right metrics (Thompson,

1996). They integrate financial and non-financial indicators to capture a broader range of

elements that might affect strategic performance. They monitor the company's finances to ensure

it can continue operating and support its expansion plans (Silvi et al., 2015). Metrics like market

share and user engagement show how Alphabet is doing regarding competitiveness and user

loyalty, which are crucial to the company's long-term success.


In addition, they place a premium on innovation, as seen by regular product releases and

substantial investments in R&D, both of which are essential in today's technology-driven

economy (Silvi et al., 2015). On the other side, metrics like customer retention and loyalty

provide insight into whether or not the business is successfully addressing the needs of its target

audience and preserving its reputation.

Alphabet’s Organizational Structure

Alphabet follows a holding corporation model in its internal structures. It operates through

several divisions, the most well-known of which is undoubtedly Google (Kraja & Osmani,

2015). Within this setup, separate departments may function autonomously enough to zero in on

their respective markets and technologies (Smithson, 2018). This setup aligns more with a

traditional corporate structure, with distinct responsibilities and reporting relationships.

The Importance of Studying the Internal and External Environments

Internal Environment

The company's internal atmosphere comprises Alphabet's staff, corporate ethos, and

diversity initiatives. To that end, Alphabet has made internal efforts to promote DEIB (diversity,

equality, inclusion, and belonging) (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). They have created several

initiatives and regulations to encourage a more diverse workforce, management, and line of

products (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). Putting so much emphasis on DEIB is good for morale and

productivity in the office. These are fundamental to a business's long-term success.

External Environment

Alphabet has a constantly shifting external setting due to innovation, regulation, and

rivalry (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). To maintain an edge over competitors and meet the ever-

evolving demands of the customers, the firm must remain abreast of outside forces and

movements (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). To maintain its relevance, competitiveness, and

compliance with regulations worldwide, Alphabet must constantly monitor shifting marketplace

norms, customer tastes, and international regulatory changes.

Alphabet’s Competitive Position

Due to Google's commanding dominance of both the search engine business and the

internet advertisement and cloud computing sectors, Alphabet is in a highly formidable

competitive position (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). To adapt to changes in both internal and external

settings, Alphabet has expanded its cloud computing solutions, diversified its income streams

besides commercials, and invested in upcoming innovations like machine learning and self-

driving cars (Smithson, 2018). This puts the firm in a stronger position to maintain its

competitive advantage and increase its market share.

Recommended Strategies in Operational Changes

To stay ahead of the competition and encourage inventiveness, Alphabet should invest

money in cutting-edge fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum science.

A compelling recommendation is that the corporation establish profitable industries outside of

advertising, such as cloud-based computing, equipment, and other moonshot ventures. Various

industry and market leaders are placing a premium on international growth (Smithson, 2018).

Leaders should prioritize growing Alphabet's worldwide footprint, particularly in developing

regions where the business may access untapped user populations and income streams.

Alphabet can do more to improve DEIB by continuing and increasing its initiatives to

promote diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace and the company's goods and

services. To succeed, a business must adhere to all applicable regulations. To keep business

interruptions to a minimum, Alphabet needs to resolve regulatory difficulties aggressively and


ensure conformity to growing worldwide rules (Kraja & Osmani, 2015). Last but not least,

sustainability is a significant concern for many businesses. To meet rising customer and

government demands for corporate accountability and secure the company's long-term viability,

it must adopt ethical procedures and lessen its environmental imprint.


Alphabet uses various methods to figure out how well its strategies are working. It follows

a standard organizational structure, knows how important it is to look at internal and external

factors, and is in a good position in the market. To maintain its development trajectory and

uphold its competitive edge, Alphabet ought to persist in fostering innovation, diversification,

and prioritizing DEIB initiatives and regulatory compliance. Concurrently, the company should

increase its worldwide footprint and intensify its endeavors towards sustainability.


Kraja, Y. B., & Osmani, E. (2015). Importance of external and internal environment in creation

of competitive advantage to SMEs (Case of SMEs, in the Northern Region of Albania).

European Scientific Journal, 11(13).

Silvi, R., Bartolini, M., Raffoni, A., & Visani, F. (2015). The practice of strategic performance

measurement systems: Models, drivers and information effectiveness. International Journal

of Productivity and Performance Management, 64(2), 194-227.

Smithson, N. (2018). Google’s (Alphabet’s) Organizational Structure Design - An Analysis -

Panmore Institute, Panmore Institute.


Thompson, J.L. (1996). Strategic effectiveness and success: the learning challenge. Management

Decision, Vol. 34 No. 7, pp. 14-22.

Wang, H., Bai, H., Liu, J., & Xu, H. (2012). Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach

for assessing Strategic Environmental Assessment effectiveness. Ecological Indicators, 23,


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