Communication and Media

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Communication Cues

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Communication Cues

People can tell how others in a certain region communicate by analyzing the snippets of

data they offer them. Everything a person encounters in an office, from the furniture to the wall

hangings to the layout of the rooms, conveys important information about the nature of the

workplace. Creating a comfortable and professional work environment helps workers and

executives speak the same language as the firm. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to

examine a case study of non-verbal communication in a business environment.

The Room Description

The entrance of the office remains locked when people arrive. One should always be polite

while entering a room because of this. As a result, the gate is closed, and visitors must knock to

get access. The desk faces the entryway in the opposite orientation. This is to ensure smooth

operation and to help the client locate the waiting area quickly. The desk is well organized, with

documents in their proper places and images prominently displayed, with the largest wall

segment occupied by the desk itself (Burgoon et al., 2010). The space is tidy and properly

maintained. There are not a lot of knickknacks lying around to give the impression that the office

is untidy. Therefore, the neatness of the space encourages the numerous leaders to work tirelessly

and attract clients. Still, the room's color scheme is professional and ideal for an office setting.

Brown varnish covers the interior walls of the room (Knapp et al., 2013). The workplace has

sufficient lighting, which is useful for working. Considering no one in the facilities is at risk of

contracting cancer-related illnesses, everyone is able to do a better job. In addition to being

spacious and neatly presented, the workplace is also comfy. As a result, the workplace setting

has to be visually appealing to attract clients.


In addition to a pleasant working atmosphere, executives and department administrators

should have clear guidelines to follow. Therefore, every department and business must have

avenues of communication accessible to all employees and managers. The way people talk in the

workplace says a lot about the values of the company (Burgoon et al., 2010). It is important to

note that communication in the workplace involves verbal and nonverbal cues. Office nonverbal

interaction works in tandem with verbal exchanges. When contrasted with spoken interactions,

the connections formed through nonverbal workplace interactions are stronger.

Drawn Conclusions

According to the case investigation, the office manager was also assessed based on the

nonverbal indicators that are important to the firm. To get a precise understanding of nonverbal

signals, researchers had the office administrator elaborate on the subject (Knapp et al., 2013).

The workplace administrator, like the rest of the employees, was attired formally, and the lower-

level workers wore uniforms featuring the company's logo. The way the CEO was dressed was

indicative of the company's high standards of professionalism (Burgoon et al., 2010). The office

manager spoke with considerable confidence and frequently incorporated gestures into the

discourse. The manager makes a statement while identifying where the object of discussion is

located. Using this form of nonverbal expression is a great way to welcome new customers into

your business. Even when confronted directly, the manager kept a comfortable distance from the

crowd. The manager keeps a respectful distance so the talk may continue in peace and privacy.

The manager also watched his interactions with the crowd. The administrator helped them go

because that was the point (Burgoon et al., 2010). The office manager must maintain excellent

eye contact with the audience. This ensures that they can trust the administrator's words without

further investigation. Conversely, the establishment of a connection through eye contact


promotes calm discussion. As a result, workers have more faith in their leaders and respect for

their bosses (Knapp et al., 2013). The ability to effectively convey information within the

company is crucial. The organization reaps several benefits from the communication department.

One of the greatest benefits of communication is that it helps the whole firm go in the same

direction and use the same language.

However, nonverbal cues are a vital component of every discourse. Employees and

consumers who make eye contact with one another are more likely to be in sync with one

another and to work together toward the same goal (Burgoon et al., 2010). The way an

organization's personnel dress conveys a lot about its culture and values. The employees all dress

in a similarly professional manner, eliminating any potential for confusion about who is who

among them. Employees become more professional as a result of the incorporation of nonverbal

indicators, especially the manner in which they dress within the organizational structure. The

interaction between a company's consumers and its staff strikes the ideal balance of proximity

and separation. This is because the clients will get a firsthand look at your skill and

professionalism in bargaining (Burgoon et al., 2010).



Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2010). Nonverbal communication. Boston, MA:

Allyn & Bacon.

Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. A., & Horgan, T. G. (2013). Nonverbal Communication in Human

Interaction (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.


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