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Evaluation Goals and Making Adjustments

Student ID

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Faculty & Course Name

Unit Code and Name

Submission Date

The Assessment Tool

Survey Questions

 How would you rate the comprehensibility of the instructional materials provided in this


a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Fair

d) Poor

e) Very Poor

Please provide specific feedback on any parts of the course materials that you found unclear

or confusing.

 Were the course materials consistent in their presentation of information and concepts?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Not sure

 Do you feel that the course materials were logically organized and easy to follow?

a) Strongly Agree

b) Agree

c) Neutral

d) Disagree

e) Strongly Disagree

What suggestions do you have for improving the organization and logical structure of the

course materials?

The Necessary Evaluation for the Instructional Project


To develop a proficient assessment tool, it is imperative to comprehend the precise

context of the instructional module within the course project. Evaluation in online courses

serves several objectives, encompassing the assessment of instructional content, activities,

and the entire learning experience to determine their efficacy. When ascertaining the requisite

evaluation for the instructional project, it is imperative to consider the learning objectives,

target audience, nature of the content, level of interactivity, and points of assessment.

Evaluation Instrument

The process of designing an assessment instrument entails the development of a

systematic framework to collect data and solicit feedback from individuals engaged in the

learning process. The selection of the assessment methodology should be congruent with the

specific context and goals of the instructional module. Various evaluation devices in online

courses encompass surveys, quizzes and assessments, peer reviews, discussion forums, self-

reflection journals, and learning analytics (Cornell University, 2023). The evaluation tools

utilized in this instructional module will consist of surveys and quizzes. Surveys enable

teachers to collect qualitative feedback regarding the comprehensive learning experience,

while quizzes aid in assessing the retention and comprehension of the module's content.

Details About the Evaluation Method

Rationale for Selecting the Evaluation Method

Through surveys, students can give full evaluations of their education. The teaching

materials' comprehensibility could also be assessed and users can evaluate these materials’

clarity and consistency. Finally, students can assess the general structure of the course by

analyzing its organizational and logical consistency to arrive at a comprehensive evaluation.

Using qualitative data will help understand the learned knowledge and the individual feelings

of the students about the learning process (Cornell University, 2023). However, using quizzes

is one reliable way of ascertaining whether or not students can grasp the concepts covered in

the module. Different levels of comprehension can be assessed using various types of

questions, for instance, – choice, true or false, and short-answered ones. It is also important to

include quantitative data to establish that pupils effectively learn the required objectives.

A blend between qualitative and quantitative data is possible if I use a mixture of

survey and quiz questions. This helps me get a holistic understanding of the course's strengths

and weaknesses. Besides, it acknowledges the different learning styles of our learners. This

aligns with the idea of continuous improvement and the use of various forms of assessment.

Surveys provide quick feedback, which can be used to take reasonable steps in the course,

and quiz results offer long-lasting learning patterns for further modification in the program.

Utilizing Evaluation Data for Course Adjustment

The information collected through these evaluation devices will have a great influence

on the course’s progress as well as modification. The survey answers will showcase fast

comprehension of the problem or problems within the students (Cornell University, 2023).

When several pupils appear confused about one issue, it is time to make the necessary

changes. For example, one can add explanations or supplementary content (Cornell

University, 2023). It shows that many students have problems with a given subject. It means

that instruction has improved (Cornell University, 2023). More elaborate descriptions of the

course contents could aid in understanding better and assist student education.

Suppose surveys reveal that people do not adequately participate in certain projects. In

that case, the course can be amended to add more communicative elements or conversations

to get more people involved and to ease learning (Cornell University, 2023). Surveys can

offer useful information on support and resource availability that could be used in making

decisions on the distribution of available resources. For instance, where there is not enough

access to specific resources or support, the administrator’s course administrator measures


should address such problems adequately. The data collected through quizzes could be

aggregated over time and then used to identify larger student performance trends.


Cornell University. (2023). Measuring student learning. Cornell University - Center for

Teaching Innovation.


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