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Journal Critiques

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Article 1: The Advantages of Using Technology in Training and Development

Author Information

Cyril is a Product Manager at Hopstack, a fast-growing startup specializing in logistical

automation and operation, where he oversees worldwide product creation and installations.

He has extensive experience in event planning, research and development, photographing,

visual arts, plans, operations, solving disputes, and hospitality because of his numerous

supplementary and job duties as a business scholar.

Article Review

The article explains how staff training has changed upon integrating technology in the

workplace. The second article suggests that HRDs should embrace new technology to

enhance employee learning quality and efficiency. Due to their inability to scale, traditional

approaches are becoming increasingly unviable, and there is a move towards technology-

based training methods such as gamification, MOOCs, and VR/AR. Gamification is

embedding game mechanics in education to increase learner engagement and retention.

Reynolds (2020) shows data proving that gamifying this particular training can be beneficial

by increasing interest and involvement. AR/VR systems offer safe and cost-effective

simulated training environments, widely spread across industries, including medical and

aviation. Thanks to MOOCs, full-length courses are offered to the global public at relatively

low prices. There are numerous examples, including Coursera, edX, and Udacity, some of the

providers of mass open online courses whose user base is large and offers myriad courses.

Reflection and Critique

I agree with the author about the significance of integrating technology into employee

training and development. Human resources departments must align with these evolutions to

remain competitive and maintain high skill levels among its workforce. Reynolds (2020)

notes that gamification is appealing because it aligns itself with our competitive and

achieving nature. Reynolds (2020) indicates that evidence from studies demonstrating the

benefits of gamified training indicates a new training framework that would be interesting

and productive for learners. AR/VR analysis is also quite enlightening. These technologies

provide a completely different level of immersion and engagement that surpasses what other

traditional ways could offer. These exams are highly effective for fields requiring hands-on

experience, such as healthcare and aviation. Yet another innovation consists of Massive Open

Online Courses (MOOCs), which provide an economical and scalable means of reaching a

sizable audience. These include the large number of users and courses offered by MOOC

providers, which are vital in a training environment. Reynolds's (2020) journal explained why

HR departments should use digital training approaches. Such an all-embracing,

technologically advanced training method has contributed greatly to human resource


Article 2: Role of HR Technology and Training

Author Information

Associate Professor K. M. Anwarul Islam lectures in the business school division of

Bangladesh's Millennium University. He graduated from the University of Dhaka and is now

a doctoral candidate there. Whether delivered or published, he has over a hundred scientific

articles in journals with high-impact factors (including ABDC, ERA, ABS, Scopus, and

WoS-ESCI/SCIE/SSCI-ISI). As a leading authority in Islamic financial transactions, his

reputation precedes him around the globe. Sajid Hussain has six publications on

ResearchGate, demonstrating his expertise in banking and finance.

Article Review

This article delves into the crucial areas of employee development, training, and HR

technology to show how these elements have brought about an unprecedented transformation

in the performance of organizations. Hussain et al. (2021) conducted a study on 305


individuals using an online questionnaire survey. This study employing PLS software for

analysis emphasizes the significance of training in fostering employees’ development and

positively influencing viewers towards technology and training within organizations. The

essay underscores the necessity of corporations investing in their employee’s professional

development due to the high rivalry currently experienced in the modern-day corporate

world. It provides a convincing argument on how necessary it is to invest in the growth of

your employees to grow your business.

It examines various types of training essential in developing employees' skills and

adaptability. Indeed, it recognizes that innovation plays an important role in creating an

engaging and adaptive environment for learning. This is one of the problems firms face when

trying to motivate their staff to work efficiently. The essay recognizes a positive link between

training and HR technology that can be used by Hussain et al. (2021). It illuminates how they

cooperate to impact a company’s workforce’s knowledge, skills, and emotional intelligence.

Successful training initiatives enhance staff productivity and morale and reduce employee


Reflection and Article Critique

I fully agree with the writer that employee development is key to organizational

success, especially within today’s highly competitive business environment. Hussain et al.

(2021) opine that employees form the basis of any successful organization. Consequently, it

is imperative to develop and improve their skills and experience. This thesis is very appealing

as it advocates for using training and HR technology to achieve this goal, whicwhich I also

agree with. One should not downplay the importance of the data about the functional utility

of human resource development (Hussain et al., 2021). The responses from a sample of 305

participants support a close relationship between training initiatives and better employee

performance. This fact is important for HR professionals because it substantiates that


investing resources into training programs allows measurable benefits related to employees’

development and the organization’s efficiency (Hussain et al., 2021). The article also offers a

thought-provoking discussion on HR practices, emotional intelligence, and its impact on

employees’ performance. The authors make these assertions while acknowledging that a

comprehensive approach to employee development should have a technically skilled,

emotionally intelligent, and highly motivated employee. This feature is considered very

relevant and enlightening.

Article 3: The Changing Learning Technological Landscape

Author Information

Dr. Claretha Hughes is a professor of Human Resource Development within the State

of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The research interests of the researcher comprise valuing

individuals and technology in professional surroundings, progress in technology,

multicultural knowledge, instructional technologies, and consideration of ethical and legal

problems. As such, the person in question has published many articles in renowned journals

and books to impact the academic world. She also has credible skills, as demonstrated by

authoring or co-authoring 16 published books.

Article Review

The article examines the challenges and prospects for training specialists after the

pandemic. It highlights three major problems: Failure to invest in technology, conflicting

interests between essential and non-essential workers, and the necessity for rapid training at

home for new technology use (Hughes, 2021). Hughes (2021) advised trainers to adopt the

forced expansion of learning technologies to improve worker development during this

pandemic. In this case, expansion improves their technological skill and makes them

workforce technology adoption ambassadors. Trainers, workplace leaders, workplace-


affected workers, essential workers, displaced and furloughed workers, and those affected by

losing their jobs are among the stakeholders who could benefit from the article's insights.

This article sets the recommendations for digitalization and automation in the Fourth

Industrial Revolution era. Hughes (2021) acknowledges the need for learning technologists to

adjust to technological advancements and recognizes that the usefulness of learning

technology depends on the competence of the trainers. In this regard, the article serves the

ultimate purpose of offering solutions to the problems highlighted above to aid employees in

managing the emerging work environment at present and in the post-pandemic period.

Reflection and Article Critique

I think the author is right when saying that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the

pace of technology adoption in HR departments’ training and development. Crisis, therefore,

emphasized the need for flexibility and the capability to invent solutions to unpredictable

situations. The pandemic created chaos but also allowed trainers to learn new skills to

incorporate technology into their training programs. It aligns with the thinking that

innovation and adaptation matter during crises.

The article emphasizes the emerging role of training and development as one of the

pillars of human resource development. For workforce development, it’s very important that

trainers are adaptive and can provide just-in-time training in an environment where

technology changes rapidly (Hughes, 2021). This is an important lesson for HRD

professionals that the pandemic has brought into focus the significance of technology and its

rapid implementation.


Hughes, C. (2021). The changing learning technological landscape for trainers in the wake of

COVID-19. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 23(1), 66-74.

Hussain, S., Batool, N., Baqir, M., Islam, K. A., & Hanif, M. (2021). Role of HR Technology

and Training for the Development of Employees. International Journal of Business and

Management Future, 5(1), 1-13.

Reynolds, C. (2020). The Advantages of Using Technology in Human Resource Training and

Development. The Eighth Annual Research Journal of SCMS Pune, 1-18.

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