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Racial Trauma on Black Men

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Study Site/Location: Port Morris, Bronx

Port Morris is situated in the South Bronx area of NYC. It was chosen as the research site

for exploring racial trauma experiences among Black males (Williams, 2018). To provide a

comprehensive understanding of the geographical context to conduct an in-depth analysis of

experiences and perspectives of Black males within this particular community.

Port Morris Demographics and Historical Context

Port Morris is a historically crucial Black neighborhood. It’s always been relatively mixed,

but there is a distinct recent surge in Black people. This demographic split is essential to our

study since it creates a real-world context to measure the impacts of racial trauma in a

predominately Black area. Over time, these factors — the socioeconomic stratification and

implications of race and the lack of resources for health and education — have defined Port

Morris (DeAngelis, 2021). Due to these historical factors, racial trauma has been endured by

many Black men in the community.

Study Objective: Understanding Racial Trauma in Port Morris, Bronx

The principal goal of this research is to examine further the impact of racial trauma on the

emotional and psychological well-being of Port Morris’ Black males (Vil & Vil, 2019). This

study seeks to explore the lived experience of racial trauma among this population, an issue

increasingly explored (Kogan et al., 2022). Racial trauma can develop if someone is subjected to

racist, discriminatory, or prejudiceful treatment. According to studies, black men have a

disproportionately high risk of experiencing racial trauma. (DeAngelis, 2021). This research

proposal aims to understand better the impact of racism on the lives of Black boys.

Importance of the Condition Under Investigation: Racial Trauma


Racial trauma is the emotional distress brought on by exposure to or direct experience of

racism. Black men in Port Morris, as in many other American neighborhoods, are all too familiar

with the effects of racial trauma. For several reasons, this circumstance is crucial. The first step

in recuperating from racial trauma is determining its roots. Black people in the United States

have long been the target of institutionalized racism, including enslavement, segregation, and

discrimination. The Black community, especially Port Morris, has been profoundly impacted by

past injustices (Kogan et al., 2022). Treating racial trauma is a step in righting these wrongs

because it directly results from centuries of oppression. The effects of racial trauma on mental

health are far-reaching.

Anxiety, despair, and PTSD are all symptoms that may be experienced by black men in Port

Morris who have endured racial trauma. It is crucial to understand that racial trauma is more than

just an emotional wound; it can cause long-term damage to a person's mental health and well-

being (Vil & Vil, 2019). Taking care of racial trauma is an issue of fairness and justice. The goal

is to establish a society where no one should worry about being treated unfairly because of race.

The findings of this study help advance efforts for racial and economic equality in Port Morris

and abroad (DeAngelis, 2021). Communities like Port Morris can strengthen their resilience by

learning about and working through their history of racial trauma. When people's emotional

needs are satisfied, they can make meaningful contributions to their communities, strengthening

resilience and unity.

Importance of the Research Question

Our project is predicated on the question, "How does racial trauma affect the mental health

and well-being of Black men in Port Morris, Bronx?" Our investigation is directed by this

question, which allows us to delve into the complexities of racial trauma in this setting.

Answering the research question thoroughly will also improve the research report. Findings from

this study could contribute to evidence-based practice in several ways. Those who have

experienced racial trauma may benefit from using the findings to enhance the quality of care they

get. The results can be used by groups and communities to benefit people who have experienced

racial trauma and to raise awareness about the issue (Williams, 2018). The results can be used at

the policy and administrative levels to form programs that address the unique challenges faced

by Black males who have experienced racism.

Defining Racial Trauma

To comprehensively explore this inquiry, it is imperative to establish a comprehensive

definition of racial trauma. Racial trauma refers to the psychological suffering and harm that

arise from encounters with racial discrimination, prejudice, and maltreatment (Vil & Vil, 2019).

The development of racial trauma is not confined to a singular traumatic incident but rather can

arise from prolonged exposure to racial stressors (DeAngelis, 2021). The experience of racial

trauma among Black men in Port Morris can be attributed to a range of factors, such as instances

of racism encountered within the realms of education, employment, healthcare, and interactions

with police enforcement.

Variables in the Study

This study will examine numerous crucial variables. The initial element to be examined

pertains to racial trauma. The variable under consideration pertains to the experiences and

perceptions of racial trauma among the demographic of Black males residing in the Port Morris

area. This incorporates the inherent characteristics of these events and their influence on

individuals' mental well-being. The study will furthermore take into account individuals'

socioeconomic position. The influence of socioeconomic level on individuals' susceptibility to


racial trauma is a significant factor. Individuals from lower socio-economic strata frequently

have heightened susceptibility to discrimination and prejudice.

Including mental health care as a crucial factor necessitates its consideration as the third

variable. The scope of this inquiry spans several criteria, including the accessibility, cost, and

cultural proficiency of mental health care providers in the Port Morris area. Furthermore, the

study will investigate discriminating as an additional independent variable. Discrimination has

the potential to manifest in several contexts, encompassing both professional environments and

healthcare settings. A comprehensive evaluation of the total impact of racial trauma necessitates

a thorough comprehension of the characteristics and prevalence of discrimination. The next

aspect to be considered pertains to the coping mechanisms employed by Black men. Coping

techniques refer to the processes employed by Black males to effectively manage and navigate

the psychological and emotional impact of racial trauma. Identifying successful coping

mechanisms can provide valuable insights for developing interventions designed to support

mental health.


DeAngelis, R. T. (2021). Systemic racism in police killings: New evidence from the mapping

police violence database, 2013–2021. Race and Justice, 21533687211047943.

Kogan, C. S., Noorishad, P. G., Ndengeyingoma, A., Guerrier, M., & Cénat, J. M. (2022).

Prevalence and correlates of anxiety symptoms among Black people in Canada: A

significant role for everyday racial discrimination and racial micro aggressions. Journal of

Affective Disorders, 308, 545-553.

St. Vil, C., & St. Vil, N. M. (2019). Black Trauma in the US and the Pursuit of Human Rights: A

Brief History. Trauma and Human Rights: Integrating Approaches to Address Human

Suffering, 99-124.

Williams, D. R. (2018). Stress and the mental health of populations of color: Advancing our

understanding of race-related stressors. Journal of health and social behavior, 59(4), 466–


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