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Strategic Management

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The primary objective of this strategic plan is to present a complete strategy for Almanax

Tuition, an affiliate of Almanax Education, to augment its edge over rivals, broaden its

demographic focus, and integrate cost-efficient technological innovations. This proposal aims to

analyse the firm's current state, provide realistic strategic recommendations, employ pertinent

strategy theories, and assess the offered strategy using the SAF (Suitability, Acceptability, and

Feasibility) paradigm. Almanax Tuition competes within an intense marketplace, providing

specialised preparation for students aiming to gain admission to boarding institutions. The

organisation also offers continuous academic assistance, with a particular emphasis on delivering

tutoring services of exceptional quality. The firm primarily caters to families that speak Russian

and come from diverse national backgrounds, offering classes delivered through online platforms

and in-person sessions held in London.

Part 1. Proposed Future Strategy for the Organisation

Proposed Strategic Advice

To bolster Almanax Tuition's competitiveness and effectively pursue its growth objectives,

adopting a strategic approach that involves diversifying the target demographic and broadening

the range of services to encompass individuals from linguistic backgrounds other than Russian-

speaking. Promoting cultural awareness is a prominent advantage of linguistic diversity in

educational organizations (Tollefson & Tsui, 2014, p. 190). The presence of a varied group of

translators who have expertise in many languages will facilitate a more comprehensive

comprehension of distinct cultures. The interconnection between culture and language is the

reason comprehending a language may provide individuals with valuable insights into the culture

of a certain geographical area (Lo Bianco, 2010). The comprehension of this concept has

significant importance in the contemporary globalized society, wherein intercultural

engagements are more prevalent, even inside the United Kingdom. Achieving this objective can

be facilitated by implementing strategies such as service diversification, efficient promotional

and awareness efforts, and the cultivation of cultural competency.

Almanax Tuition has the potential to expand its range of services to accommodate learners

who have varying linguistic and academic needs. The offerings include a widening of the content

and tutoring services in tongues other than Russian (Lo Bianco, 2010). It is recommended that

the corporation adopt a marketing approach aimed at engaging with families that do not speak

Russian. One potential strategy for expanding outreach efforts includes the development of

advertisements in many languages and utilising various social networking sites to effectively

communicate with a broader range of individuals (Tollefson & Tsui, 2014, p. 189). To enhance

its ability to cater to a broader range of clients, Almanax Tuition would benefit from allocating

resources towards cultural competency training for its teachers, equipping them with the

necessary skills to establish meaningful connections with students from different ethnic groups.

Application of Strategy Theory

The empirical evidence supports this strategic recommendation. Differentiation and

diversification, as defined in Michael Porter's generic approaches, concerns offering unique

products or services to a niche market (Kim et al., 2017, p.1). Concentric diversification

describes this recommendation well. Since it stems from replicating fundamental expertise from

the current merchandise or services, technologically based concentric diversification is a low-risk

yet lucrative suggestion (Khan, 2012, p2). According to resource-based theory, Almanax's

current expertise will have a substantial, beneficial influence on the success of the plan.

According to the modern portfolio theory, different assets with low correlation mitigate portfolio

risks (Gundersen, 2021).

Unpredictability, data absence, and the intricacy of immediate feedback are just a few of

the obstacles that must be overcome while modelling and analysing technology capacities for

concentric diversification. Expert-based methods, like brainstorming, can be relied on heavily by

firm staff (Kim et al., 2017, p.1). While these specialists are well-versed in the technologies now

in use inside the company, they might understand very little concerning the capabilities required

to support the possible new line of business. This problem may be solved by bringing in outside

help (such as consultants). High-quality, well-organised data is necessary to support these expert-

centric methods (Khan, 2012, p. Almanax Tuition can acquire an edge over rivals by

differentiating itself through service diversification and market expansion (Kim et al., 2017, p.1).

The recommended strategy is implemented at the organisational level and centres on the detailed

steps and projects that must be taken to achieve the firm's aims of diversity and growth.

Part 2. Evaluation and Justification of Proposed Future Strategy via SAF Framework


Analysis of the exterior and internal settings clarifies the strategy's viability. One of the

most important aspects of planning is gaining familiarity with the organisation's context to

identify potential risks and opportunities (Bright and Cortes, 2018, p.1). The broader corporate

setting is analysed in an external environment assessment. The company's strengths,

shortcomings, and other internal features are the focus of an internal review. Leaders may fully

understand the company's present status and the next stages in the diversification setup by

comparing and contrasting the results of internal and external evaluations (Bright and Cortes,

2018, p.1). Almanax Tuition is in the business of providing instruction services, a


cutthroat industry. The firm may develop or dominate the market and gain a competitive edge by

expanding into new customer niches and offering a wider range of products and services.

The firm may reach more customers if it broadens its focus beyond Russian-speaking

households. Offering services in more than one language and on more than one topic is a way the

company will differentiate itself from rivals and augment its appeal to the target market (Bright

and Cortes, 2018, p.1). More assets, like language-trained instructors and multilingual

promotional items, will be required to implement this plan (Bright and Cortes, 2018, p.1). The

study indicates the availability of resources and the essential competencies of the organisation.

The company's existing pool of qualified instructors is an asset that may be utilised to expand

offerings. Almanax Tuition's primary strength is matching each student with the best possible



The organisation has to solve its issues and meet their demands to gain buy-in from

important groups. This includes the potential for loss or gain and the opinions of any relevant

parties. Existing customers and instructors uneasy with those modifications pose a danger

(Culek, 2018, p2). These dangers are outweighed by the potential rewards of a larger market

share and higher profits (Primeast, 2020). The corporation should inform its customers,

instructors, and workers about the advantages of plurality. Getting approval requires ensuring the

change goes off without a hitch and giving people the resources they need to adapt. A

stakeholder involvement method, in which all stakeholders are on the same page about the

reform and know where the organisation is headed, can help ease the transition to the new

system (Culek, 2018). People resist change because they do not believe the organisation can

implement the necessary changes.


Similar opposition is expected when individuals are not involved before implementing a

new policy. Stakeholders and change agents should collaborate on the design of the

modifications. Staff members will be involved in the transition and help to identify problems and

their solutions through teamwork (Primeast, 2020). Changes that individuals have a stake in

making are far more likely to be accepted. Positive outcomes, such as preparedness and openness

to adjustments, competence, perception of influence, and increased trust, result from increased

participation and lessening reluctance to change (Culek, 2018, p.2). As more people become

involved, less pressure will be on them to make a change. Socialisation is a different approach to

participation, prioritising individuals above procedures and ensuring that consensus overrules

opposition to change.


Almanax Tuition must solve resource accessibility and execution difficulties for the plan to

be viable. Resource supply, project difficulty, and the possibility of tardiness should all be

considered (Culek, 2018, p.2). External considerations, such as the business environment or legal

constraints, should also be factored into the projection (Cai et al., 2014, p365). The corporation

may need to fund promotional items and recruit fluent teachers of different tongues. These items

are commercially accessible, and their price is reasonable considering the anticipated benefits

(Ding and Huang, 2019, p755). The corporation must have a detailed rollout strategy that

accounts for things like tutor language instruction and globalized advertising. With the correct

plans in place, these difficulties may be overcome (Asana, 2022). A well-defined strategy for

carrying out a project increases transparency, accountability, and efficiency by facilitating open

lines of discourse between staff members and important partners. These benefits will help the

company achieve an improved project timetable and everyday tasks (Woodruff, 2019). The

approach is to inform participants on what they can do personally to help the team reach its

strategic objectives.


The recommended strategic counsel to widen services and broaden the client base aligns

with the differentiation approach, which aims to offer distinctive and customized solutions to a

wider range of customers. The study conducted using the SAF framework assesses the

appropriateness of this strategy, considering the external environmental opportunities and the

internal resource capabilities. Furthermore, this approach underscores the plan's viability by

examining possible hazards, stakeholder responses, and the practicality of resource procurement

and implementation obstacles. By using this strategic approach, Almanax Tuition will be able to

effectively access untapped markets, enhance its competitive standing, and accomplish its

objectives for expansion. Providing an extensive choice of tuition solutions for students from

varied cultural and linguistic origins would bolster the brand's reputation and foster its sustained

prosperity within the esteemed realm of high-end education.


List of References

Bright, D.S. and Cortes, A.H. (2018) 4.1 The Organization’s External Environment - Principles

of Management | OpenStax, OpenStax. Available at:

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Cai, L., Hughes, M. and Yin, M., (2014) The relationship between resource acquisition methods

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Culek, C. (2018) Managing Stakeholder Resistance to Change — Bâton Global, Baton Global.

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Ding, M. and Huang, X., (2019) Research on the effect of external resource acquisition on

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