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Michael Barron

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Case Overview

Michael Barron’s case is complex and characterized by behavioral and emotional

difficulties (Abuse & Administration, 2016). Mike was recommended to the Children's

Counseling Center by his school counselor after his apprehension, alongside a companion, by

law enforcement authorities for truancy. The was a critical event within a sequence of

challenges that Mandy, her mother, encountered throughout the preceding year (Abuse &

Administration, 2016). These challenges entailed engaging in risky activities and persistent

falsehoods. The preliminary interview with Mandy and Mike provides insight into several

underlying factors and strengths, contributing to a better understanding of the determinants of

Mike's behavior.

Underlying Issues

One of the fundamental factors influencing Mike's conduct is his difficulties in the

academic realm. He has a sentiment of dissatisfaction and eroded self-worth concerning his

academic performance, resulting in a perception of incapability. His challenges in

establishing social relationships with his classmates are evident from his affiliation with an

older companion engaging in high-risk activities. This situation exacerbates his existing

difficulties. The lack of a moral role model is an additional noteworthy concern. Mike's

biological father exhibited problematic behaviors related to alcohol consumption and anger

and disappeared during his childhood. Mike’s relationship with Jerry, his stepfather, is tense,

and he perceives that Jerry prefers his half-sister, Elisa. The absence of a reliable masculine

figure and a perceived lack of familial connection may contribute to Mike's sense loneliness

and demotivation. Moreover, his diagnosis of ADHD and the utilization of Ritalin to mitigate

his symptoms indicate a persistent challenge in maintaining concentration and regulating

impulsive tendencies. These factors may potentially impact his behavioral patterns and

interpersonal connections.

Mike's Strengths

Mike demonstrates remarkable artistic creativity with a huge enthusiasm for sketching,

painting, and sculpture, with notable acclaim and accolades. These creative skills give him

pride and feelings of personal achievement and a crucial means for him to express himself

and find emotional liberation. Additionally, this strength is an opportunity for enhancing his

self-esteem and fostering a sense of accomplishment. Nevertheless, the current decrease in

his desire to contribute to household tasks and participate in recreational activities results in

apprehensions over the influence of his behavioral problems on his interests.

Mandy’s Underlying Fears

Mandy has latent anxieties towards her kid. She perceives a diminishing sense of

agency over Mike and experiences increasing concern over his engagement in unsuitable

activities and habitual dishonesty. Mandy's fears stem from Mike's delinquency; a behavior

she relates to Mike’s association with Bobby. She also expresses concern about the potential

escalation of her son's conduct, which may result in more severe consequences, such as

confrontation by the legal system. Mandy additionally articulates apprehension regarding her

capacity to allocate attention and nurture toward Mike after the newborn's arrival,

emphasizing her anxieties about heightened disregard and detachment inside their

interpersonal connection and relationship.

To enhance the depth of comprehension of Mike's case, getting consent for engaging in

conversations with non-familial persons possessing insights into his behavioral patterns and

past experiences is recommended. This may include his educators, the school counselor, and

Bobby's parents, who can offer valuable perspectives on his social relationships.

Differential Diagnosis

When diagnosing a differential, it is crucial to consider the provided information and

the pertinent criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,

5th Edition (DSM-5). Mike’s behavior can be attributed to Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder (ADHD), potentially coupled with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

(Koutsoklenis & Honkasilta, 2023). The diagnosis of ADHD is consistent with his initial

academic challenges, impulsive behavior, impaired impulse control, and favorable reaction to

Ritalin medication. ODD might account for his delinquency and his propensity for engaging

in dangerous activities (Abuse & Administration, 2016). The establishment of collaborative

endeavors, including the counseling center, educational institution, and familial unit, will

play a pivotal role in facilitating Mike's ability to effectively traverse his current difficulties

and cultivate a more optimistic perspective toward his prospects.

Narrative Summary

This case study focuses on Michael Barron, a boy with many difficulties. Academic and

interpersonal relationships challenges are his main problems. Michael's academic

performance has resulted in a pervasive sense of incapability and lowered self-worth, which

he struggles to overcome. His hanging out with a high-risk older peer indicates the trouble in

his peer connections. This friendship deepens the complexities of his current situation.

The lack of a solid male figure in Michael's life is concerning. During Michael's

formative years, his biological father, who had a troubled past with alcohol and aggression,

disappeared. Michael's opinion that his stepfather, Jerry, prefers his half-sister, Elisa,

contributes to the strained nature of his relationship with Jerry. Michael's loneliness and

demotivation stem partly from his perceived lack of familial connection and the absence of a

stable masculine role.

In addition, diagnosing Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Ritalin

medication further complicate Michael's condition. He may have trouble focusing and

controlling his impulses, which might affect his actions and relationships with others who

share his condition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Mike's qualities,

however, shine like beacons of light in this complex terrain. His exceptional ability to express

himself creatively via drawing, painting, and sculpture has won him widespread praise.

Michael's ability to express himself and find emotional release via his creative pursuits has

given him renewed pride in his accomplishments. Despite these advantages, he seems less

interested in helping out around the house or in leisure pursuits, making one wonder if his

behavioral difficulties are to blame.

Mandy, Michael's mother, forms a vital cog in this narrative. Her latent anxieties

concern her child as she grapples with the perception of dwindling control over Michael's

choices and a growing sense of unease regarding his involvement in unsuitable activities and

habitual dishonesty. Her fears stem from her son's delinquency, which she associates with his

association with Bobby, and concerns about the potential escalation of her son's conduct,

which might draw the attention of the legal system. Mandy also harbors concerns regarding

her ability to provide awareness and care to Michael after the birth of her new child. Her

anxieties manifest as heightened fears of neglect and detachment within their interpersonal


In diagnosis, a differential analysis is necessary, guided by the criteria in the Diagnostic

and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5). Mike's behavior suggests

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), potentially intertwined with Oppositional

Defiant Disorder (ODD). The diagnosis of ADHD aligns with his initial academic struggles,

impulsive behavior, impaired impulse control, and a favorable response to Ritalin medication.

ODD may account for his delinquent tendencies and propensity to engage in dangerous


Establishing collaborative endeavors becomes imperative when navigating the

labyrinthine challenges that Michael Barron confronts. The counseling center, educational

institution, and familial unit must work in unison to bolster Michael's ability to surmount his

present difficulties and cultivate a more optimistic outlook on his future. This approach

serves as a potent prescription to address his multifaceted challenges, emphasizing the

importance of a holistic support system that extends from the educational arena to the family



Abuse, S., & Administration, M. H. S. (2016). DSM-5 Changes: Implications for Child

Serious Emotional Disturbance [Internet].

Koutsoklenis, A., & Honkasilta, J. (2023). ADHD in the DSM-5-TR: what has changed and

what has not. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1064141.

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