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In-Class Activity – MGMT 50199 – Leadership Development

Part 1 – Introduction to Leadership

The Definition of Leadership

1. Of the elements in the leadership definition, above, which is the easiest for you? Explain
Influence: I believe that influence is an important element of leadership, which is why I have
picked it as the easiest for me. Influence is important for leadership because it goes beyond power
and control, it involves guiding individuals, and motivating, and inspiring people to achieve a
common goal.
Influence helps to promote teamwork and collaboration which in turn fosters a culture of
cooperation and mutual support between individuals and teams. Influence also fosters an
environment to inspire and motivate people without coercion.

2. Which is hardest? Explain.

Change: For me, change would be the hardest element as this is constant in every organization, as
well as businesses as the markets are constantly changing. It can be difficult to adapt to, and in
most cases, it comes with some form of resistance from individuals or team members. Leaders
must have good communication skills to be able to be able to reassure their team members that
change is necessary for the growth of every organization.
Effective Leadership
Think of a specific situation in which you were working with someone who was in a leadership position
and that person was doing something that was right for you.

There is one situation I can think of which was when I was working on a particular project which was
crucial for the success of my unit with a deputy manager whose name was Joy and we worked in a bank
in Nigeria. Back then, she was my boss and I had just joined the banking sector. We were given a project
to give credit facilities to some customers and we had a strict deadline to meet. Joy truly portrayed the
traits of an exceptional leader.

This situation stands out for me because I had just joined the bank newly and was still having difficulties
understanding the intricacies of banking. I was having some difficulties understanding some of the
procedures on how to avail the credit facility and this was also causing a delay on my part and in the
project at large and Joy demanded the highest level of professional conduct from me and my team
members. She recognized the potential impact this delay would have on the project and the overall timing
of the project, so she took the time to help me in the following ways.

-Supportive and communicative: She constantly called to check on me to be sure that I understood what
was needed from me. I was able to inform her about the technical difficulties I was facing, and she gave
me guides and directed me on ways to go about resolving the difficulties I had. She gave me all the moral
support needed, continued to check in regularly on my progress and well-being, and gave me all the
resources needed to fast-track the process.

-Adjusted the deadline: She was able to move the deadline seeing that the delay would be a major
setback. She had to speak with our superiors to be able to make this possible and emphasized the need to
do thorough work and make sure that there were no errors throughout the process.

Due to these actions, I was able to overcome the challenges and do an excellent job on the project after it
was completed. This singular action taken by Joy fostered cooperation and collaboration amongst the
team members and led to the successful execution of the project.
Write a few words to describe what the leader was doing that was right for you and made them an
effective leader:

As a result of her actions, that experience taught me what it meant to work with an empathetic and
proactive leader. She consistently provided clear and supportive guidance and she created an atmosphere
for effective communication which helped foster a collaborative environment within the team. Her
commitment to my personal growth inspired and motivated me to excel in the task assigned to me.

Ineffective Leadership
Think of a specific situation in which you were working with someone who was in a leadership position
and that person was doing something wrong for you.

I also worked with another boss in the bank. He was an assistant manager. For each time we were
assigned to any projects, he was never involved, and he only showed up after the project was done and he
always took credit for the work that was done. He never gave credit for the work to either me or any of
the team members.

Write a few words to describe what the leader was doing, that was wrong for you and made them an
ineffective leader:

Some traits that were portrayed that were wrong to me were that he created an unfriendly work
environment and a lack of interest or guidance in any project that was assigned to us. This behavior
reduced the overall team's effectiveness

Part 2 – Overall Experience

3. What is the most important thing you learned today?

The most important thing I learned in class today is about how to be an effective leader and the
difference between a leader and a manager. I learned that leadership is not about overcontrolling
or micromanaging your team members or the people you work with but inspiring them and
motivating them and creating an environment that is conducive to work in and fosters

4. What if anything was unclear?

If anything was unclear, I would ask questions and also refer to the required textbook that was
stated but the class was very enlightening, and I understood all that was taught in class today.

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