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Tales of

Silver Medal
Adventures in the Free City Electronic Book

Wolfgang Baur Bill Collins

Tim & Eileen Connors Ed Greenwood
Jim Groves & Mike McArtor Ben McFarland
Joshua Stevens Dan Voyce



Wolfgang Baur, Bill Collins
Tim & Eileen Connors, Ed Greenwood
Jim Groves & Mike McArtor, Ben McFarland
Joshua Stevens, Dan Voyce
Design: Wolfgang Baur, Bill Collins, Tim & Eileen Connors, Ed Greenwood,
Jim Groves, Mike McArtor, Ben McFarland, Joshua Stevens, Dan Voyce
Editing: Mike McArtor
Typsetting & Layout: Stephen Wark
Cover Art: McLean Kendree
Interior Art: Michael Jaecks, James Keegan, Pat Loboyko, Jaye Sonia, and
Derrick Thomas
Cartographers: Sean Macdonald and Ryan Wolfe
Calligraphy: Shelly Baur

Tales of Zobeck is © 2008 Open Design LLC. All rights reserved.

Open Design, Free City of Zobeck and all proper names and their associated logos are trademarks
of Open Design LLC.
Cover and Interior Calligraphy © 2008 Shelly Baur. Used with permission.

The following content is Open: stat blocks for creatures and the elements labelled New Monster,
New Template, or New Item. All other text not designated as Open under the Open Game License,
especially Zobeck, place names and character names, is designated as Product Identity.

II Tales of Zobeck
Thank you to everyone who has contributed above and beyond to the Free City of Zobeck, especially
Bill Collins, Ben McFarland, Joshua Stevens, and Stephen Wark.
In addition, many heartfelt thanks to the patrons of this project in particular. After several detours
to the shadows, the depths of the earth, and the sands of Araby, I wasn’t sure exactly when this
project might be commissioned, and I’ve very grateful to everyone who supported it:
Aaron Acevedo, David Ackermann, Jason Alexander, Andrew Baggott, Michael
Baker, Keaton Bauman, Mark Bibler, Robert Biskup, Jason Bostwick, Alain
Bourgeois, Lori Brown, Daniel Brumme, Benjamin Bryant, Jesse Butler, Thomas
Carpenter, Christopher Carrig, Scott Carter, Jeremy Chee, Simon Chidgey, Jim
Clunie, Jesse Cole-Goldberg, Bill Collins, Tim Connors, Jim Cox, Brian Cross,
Christopher Cumming, Patrick Curtin, Matthew Cutter, Adam Daigle, James
Davenport, Mark Daymude, Joseph Deleskiewicz, David DeRocha, Dave Dierks,
Robert Doran, Randy Dorman, Matthias Drexler, David Eitelbach, Jarrod
Farquhar-Nicol, Shawn Feakins, Clay Fleischer, Eric France, Gary Francisco,
Stephanie Franklin, Mike Furlanetto, Steven Furlanetto, Mark Gedak, Georg-
Simon Gerleigner, Thilo Sigurd Graf, Richard Green, James Groves, Brian
Gute, Patrick Halverson, Guenther Hamprecht, Geoffrey Hart, Lyle Hayhurst,
Ian Hewitt, John Hofmann, Lutz Hofmann, John Hogland, Ronald Hopkins,
Eric Hortop, Jason Innes, Mark Jaeger, Laurent Jeanmeure, Charles Johnson,
Christian Johnson, Lucas Johnson, Anthony Jones, Jay Joyner, Alex Kanous,
Soren Keis-Thustrup, Robert Keller, Robert Keller, David Keyser, Jason Kramer,
Sascha Kriewel, Troy Larson, DeWitt Latimer, Kevin Lawrence, Adam Leckie,
Christopher Lee, Troy Luginbill, Jason Lund, Sean MacDonald, Duncan
MacPhail, Ken Marable, Matthew Maranda, James Martin, Jose Soler Martinez,
Gary McBride, Jaime McCoy, Silas McDermott, Ben McFarland, Bradley
McTeer, Jon Michaels, Francois Michel, Olivier Miralles, Dean Mitchell, Norm
Moffett, Paul Mollard, Sean Molley, Matthew Monteiro, Robert Moore, Andrew
Morris, Christopher Mortika, Paul Munson, Michael Murphy, Charles Myers,
David Nix, Zachary O’Connor, Matthew Olivia, Nick Olivo, Mats Ondin, John
Overath, John Overath, Jeff Oyler, Marcus Palmer-Johnson, Stephen Parlin,
James Patterson, Daniel Perez, Chris Perrin, Otto Pfefferkorn, Patrick Plouffe,
Charles Powell, Callum Prior, Stefan Radermacher, Craig Rasmussen, Trent
Revis, Kevin Reynolds, Grayson Richardson, Jan Cornelius Rodewald, Douglas
J. Russell, Steve Russell, Eddy Schmidt, Steven Schutt, Benjamin Sennitt, Craig
Shackleton, Erfan Shahedi, John Sharp, Andrew Shiel, William Shuster, Filipe
Silva, Justin Sluder, Hugo Solis, Jason Sonia, Christian Spies, Trevor Stamper,
Colin Staron, Stéphane Stassen, Joshua Stevens, Erik Stiene, Stefen Styrsky, Paul
Sudlow, Brian Suskind, John Tanzini, Laura Teddiman, Constantin Terton,
Richard Tew, Keith Unger, Jani Vaara, Eltjo Veentjer, Giorgio Vergani, William
Vernon, Greg Volz, Oliver von Spreckelsen, Daniel Voyce, Michael Waite,
Michael Waite, Stephen David Wark, Michael Welham, Steve Weston, Daniel
White, David Wickham, Matt Widmann, Adam Windsor, Randell Wolff, Sid
Wood, Todd Worrell.

Tales of Zobeck III

Designer’s Note
Somehow, almost all Open Design projects have become laughably overwritten.
Tales of Zobeck, along with its companion, the Zobeck Gazetteer, is a new record-
holder in this category, weighing in at 159 pages and 109,063 words, which is (for
those keeping track) 6 pages and 5,524 words longer than Empire of the Ghouls,
previously the largest Open Design project.
This has been both a delight and a nightmare. On the one hand, it means the
patrons and freelancers who contributed enjoyed the setting and their pitches were
strong enough to support a more detailed adventure. There’s more adventure to
On the other hand, it means all the budgets went out the window. Some
adventures came in with multiple maps instead of the one or two maps requested.
So the map budget was wrong, both in terms of funds to pay the cartographer and
(worse from my perspective) in terms of the time it would take to complete the
mapping work. Likewise, with lots of extra pages, there *should* be lots of extra art,
but again, the budget wasn’t set up to support that.
In the end, I chose maps over art, so you might find there are fewer images here
than in something like, say, Six Arabian Nights. Them’s the breaks in the small
Don’t get me wrong, though: the financial side has not exactly trumped the
creative side. I’m very pleased with what we have here. The mix of professional
and amateur writers, and the real contrasts in terms of linear versus sandbox and
mechanics-driven versus flavor-driven scenarios means there’s something for
everyone, from sheer action to tinderbox setups to story-driven explorations and
mysteries. Having it all pulled together by the steady hand of Mike McArtor means
there’s more of a unified approach, but each designer’s voice shines through.
In the end, it seems very appropriate that this project should deliver more than
it promised. I hope you enjoy the Tales of Zobeck, and I look forward to hearing of
your experiences running them.

Wolfgang Baur
November 24, 2008

IV Tales of Zobeck
by Joshua Stevens by Bill Collins
Adventure Background 1 Adventure Synopsis 32
Adventure Summary 1 Adventure Structure 32
Part One: Fever Dreams 2 The Knaves of Parts 32
Faces in the Dark (EL varies) 2 Knave the First 32
Part Two: Over the Rending Wall 3 Knave the Second 34
Part Three: The Koppa Estate 6 Knave the Third 34
Part Four: Blood on the Rails 7 Part One: Investigation 35
Clockwork Boys’ Hideout 7 Clues and Rumors 35
Showdown! (EL Variable) 9 Further Information 35
To the Rails! (EL Variable) 10 Part Two: The Bushwhackers 36
Part Five: The Darker Well 12 Part Three: The Gray Middens 37
Concluding the Adventure 14 Sewer Gas 37
New Gear 14 Flammable Sewer Gas 37
Clockwork Pendant 14 Wind-Up Stirges 37
Fanged Mask 14 The Lord of the Heap 37
Lifeblood Gear, Small 14 Part Four: On the Rooftops 40
New Monster: Shroud 15 The Rooftops 40
The Children of the 13 41
2. THE DEVIL YOU KNOW 16 The Eldest Son 42
by Jim Groves & Mike McArtor Part Five: The Knave’s Hideout 43
Adventure Background 16 Concluding the Adventure 44
Adventure Summary 16 New Items 44
Part One: Little Girl Lost 17 Spring-Heeled Boots 44
Part Two: Road to Nowhere 18 Tick Stop Watch 44
Part Three:
Mayhem in the Marketplace 20 4. THE GULLET WAR 45
Part Four: Private Eyes 21 by Ed Greenwood
Specific Cases 21 The Neighborhood 45
General Clues 22 Rival Cabals 45
Rogi Varens 23 The Burn 46
The Wheatsheaf 23 The War Unfolds 46
Part Five: PC Involvement 47
Sons of Mammon Strike Back 24 The Black Lock 48
Public Levelers Information 24 Black Lock Clockworks 49
Private Levelers Information 24 Black Lock Traps 49
An Arresting Development 25 The Vigilant 49
Part Six: Raiding the Levelers 26 Vigilant Monsters 50
Getting In 26 The Gullet Map Key 51
Inside the Levelers Headquarters 27
Concluding the Adventure 31
New Monster: Firegeist 31

Tales of Zobeck V
by Wolfgang Baur by Dan Voyce
Adventure Summary 54 Adventure Background 78
Locations 54 Adventure Synopsis 78
Scene 1: Help, the Guards are Part One: A Shadow At The Window 79
Running Amok! 55 A Haunting Love 79
Scene 2: Firebombs! 55 Part Two: Waterfront Weirdness 80
Scene 3: The Barge on the River 57 Finding Jezlo Latenkep 81
Scene 4: The Zombie Engineers 58 Phantasmal Friends and Foes 81
Scene 5: The Boiler Whistles and Part Three: Chimera in the Collegium 85
Rivets Pop 58 Part Four: The Hieron Playhouse 86
Conclusion: Concluding the Adventure 88
Foiling the Gnome’s Plot 59 New Items 88
Kobold Pregen PCs 60 Durgotzar Bands 88
Magic Lantern 88
6. TALE OF THE MOUSE KING 63 Phantasmal Glass 89
by Tim & Eileen Connors New Template: Phantasmal Creature 89
Adventure Background 63
Adventure Summary 63 8. REDCLOAK RUCKUS 90
Part One: Rats 64 by Ben McFarland
A Gruesome Discovery 64 Adventure Background 90
Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide 64 Adventure Summary 90
Message in the Mud 65 Part One: Just Bad Luck? 91
Part Two: The Kobold Ghetto 66 Kobold Wreckers 91
Alley Fight 66 Part Two: Nicktail’s Interrogation 93
Justice 67 Part Three: Riot in the Ghetto! 93
Leaving the Ghetto 68 Running the Riot 94
Part Three: The Mouse Warrens 68 Part Four: Gnomesnatcher’s Hideout 98
The Great Stross Clock 68 Negotiations 98
Inside the Clock 69 Combat 99
Mouse Warren Features 71 Part Five: Lord Greymark’s Fixer 100
Promise to Justice 75 Hunted 100
Reprisal Reprised 75 A Conversation with Tyron 100
Hiding from the Part Six: Drake’s Mausoleum 101
Mouse Kingdom’s Wrath 75 Concluding the Adventure 103
Dead Man Talking 75 New Monster: Clockwork Myrmidon 104
Concluding the Adventure 76
New Monster: Spider-Thief 77 OPEN GAME LICENSE 105

VI Tales of Zobeck
A Plague of
“Plague” is the whispered terror on everyone’s lips for the past fortnight.
The entire Ashmill district was placed under strict quarantine by the
city watch and the Order of the Griffon Knights, lest the mysterious
Creeping Dark plague spread further. Clerics and apothecaries alike BY
are mystified by the Creep, as it kills aggressively, its spread is highly
erratic, and no cure is in sight. JOSHUA STEVENS
t he Creep is no ordinary disease. It’s not a sickness at all, and so it continues to
baffle and haunt the city’s clerics and healers unable to “cure” it. A swarm of
shrouds, lesser forms of malevolent shadows, were unleashed in the Free City and
are feeding on its citizens. The loss of strength and dark pallor attributed to the Creep are a
result of the shrouds’ feedings.
The shrouds were summoned by the dreams of Nashya Koppa. A successful merchant
family that deals in silk goods, the Koppas were recently approached by their unscrupulous FOR1ST-LEVEL
rivals of the Zilas family about selling Koppa silkhives and looms. The Koppas refused. The
Zilas then hired the Clockwork Boys cutthroat gang to kidnap young Nashya and coerce CHARACTERS.
her family into selling its business.
Nashya is an adept sorceress, and the Clockwork Boys keep her drugged, as her anxiety-
fueled powers nearly slew them when they first abducted her. Under the influence of the
Akori Blossom (a powerful opiate with unpredictable hallucinogenic properties, grown in
secret by the Zilas family), Nashya’s unchained mind reached out to the darker corners of
her dreams, to the Plane of Shadow. This opened a rift to the Plane of Shadow, releasing the
Creeping Dark’s vile shrouds to feed on the city’s unsuspecting populace.
Subconsciously realizing her role in the city’s torment, Nashya’s mind reaches out to the
PCs in a desperate plea for help.


a s the death toll mounts from the plague, each PC is visited with the same
disturbing dream of a young girl in distress and of a mounting darkness poised to
consume Zobeck. In her drug-addled state, Nashya has seen visions of a great evil
approaching Zobeck, and she has passed these dream visions onto the PCs, along with brief
glimpses of their roles in defending the city. Unfortunately, the shrouds are connected to
Nashya’s mind too, and they come hunting the PCs.
The PCs must join together as a group and discover the secret of the imprisoned girl
in their mutual nightmares. Investigation reveals that Nashya Koppa is missing, but
unfortunately for the PCs, the Koppa estate is located at the heart of the Ashmill District—
the quarantined plague sector. Once contacted, the Koppas beg the PCs to rescue their
daughter and offer to pay handsomely for her safe return.
The PCs soon discover that the Clockwork Boys have taken Nashya to their secret
hideout in the fabled Cartways. Before the PCs can confront the Clockwork Boys, they
must escape the Ashmill District, which was placed under martial law and sealed off with

Tales of Zobeck 1
spiked “Rending Walls.” If the PCs make it out of the Ashmill District
alive, they must save Nashya from the Clockwork Boys. A breakneck chase
through treacherous shafts in the Cartways ensues during her rescue, where
a single wrong turn on winding tracks means a watery death in the cisterns
beneath the city.
If they rescue Nashya, the secrets of the plague are revealed. The PCs must
then return to the Ashmill District and enter “the Darker Well,” where the
rift to the Plane of Shadow lies open like a gaping wound. Inside, the PCs
are betrayed by their own shadows. If they survive, they just might be able to
close the rift and save the entire city.


Why Us?
Why Nashya chose the PCs is
up to you and your players. Her
t he adventure begins with each PC receiving the same unnerving
vision on the same night. Nashya’s desperate mind reaches out
to the PCs with fragmented images of her plight and ill portents
of the future. For those who sleep, these visions come in especially vivid
dreams. Characters who do not sleep that night, such as elves or PCs with
selection could be random, or
it might be based on location. night watch responsibilities, experience these visions as flashes of inspiration
Perhaps all the PCs are near or while their minds drift. In any case, all PCs are touched by Nashya’s mind.
one another on the night of the
visions, or else they are the
In the first of these visions, the PCs see a young girl of about eight or
closest to Nashya (but don’t nine years old with freckled pale skin and dark red hair, wearing a filthy
realize that). Maybe they are blue dress. She lies on a roughly hewn bench in an earthen cell. Her eyes are
chosen based on some other closed and she repeats the same words, but try as they might, the PCs cannot
easily defined variable. Whatever
the case, the characters should
recognize what she says. Several dark shapes coalesce and seize the girl, then
all have the chance to meet one consume her. These dark figures, gnawing from shapeless mouths, devour
another over the next day or two everything until all is black.
if they do not already know each
other. Some time later, the second vision shows Zobeck’s cobblestone streets.
Each PC sees several people, shoulder to shoulder, with weapons drawn. A
It is likely that the PCs do not wave of cloying, onrushing darkness composed of vaguely featured horned
know one another at the start,
but several might have similar faces thunders in the distance, and speeds toward them. The wave rushes
backgrounds or elements in their toward the PC’s small group and shatters like glass around it.
histories that would logically tie
them together. Some players FACES IN THE DARK (EL VARIES)
also enjoy building linked The following night, the PCs are visited again by two visions.
characters. In these cases, it
makes sense for those PCs In the first vision, the girl from the night before lays still once again,
to recognize one another in forming the same unknown words, but when she opens her mouth she
the visions, which aids in your
campaign’s verisimilitude.
seems to make only clicking sounds and the occasional grind of gears and
wheels. Lights pass over her face at great speed, as if she were quickly moving
through a semi-lit corridor.
In the last vision, the characters see a flat grassy expanse and a well-tended
white manse. Gold and purple silk standards whip against the wind atop
masts. The black wave from the previous night’s vision erupts from below the
manse and rushes toward the group of PCs before shattering once more. As
the dark wave crumbles it reveals the girl in her earthen cell, with dark forms
coalescing above and around her. In an instant, each PC sees himself in the
place of the young girl.
As the vision ends, one shroud attacks each PC. Allow the PCs to make
Spot checks opposed by the shrouds’ Hide checks (+6 or +10 in shadowy
illumination) to avoid being surprised. Sleeping PCs take a –10 penalty on
the check. Those who succeed are not surprised. These shrouds do not attack
to kill, but merely seek to sate their hunger before they move on to other

2 Tales of Zobeck
If possible, keep the effects of the shrouds’ attacks Alternatively, if such a heavy-handed approach does not
secret from the players for as long as possible. Mention appeal to you and one of the PCs contracted Creeping
that any characters damaged by the shrouds feel puny Dark in the previous encounter, you can force them to
and a little under the weather. In addition, keep track the Ashmill district with increasingly negative NPC
of any damage the PCs deal to the shrouds that attack reactions. With each passing hour, it becomes more likely
them, as these exact same shrouds appear at the end of that a guard arrives to escort infected PCs and those in
the adventure with all the damage dealt to them still their company to the Ashmill district.
there (i.e., they do not naturally heal). If a PC manages to
destroy a shroud in this encounter, mark that as well.
Shroud (1 per PC) CR 1
hp 6; see page 15 OVER THE RENDING WALL

During Combat: Treat surprised PCs as helpless and
prone during the surprise round. Those PCs not ere looms the entrance to the Ashmill district,
surprised by the shroud attack can act normally what the citizens of Zobeck have come to
on their initiative counts and are merely flat- call the Deadgate—because none who enter
footed until their turns.
Morale: The shrouds fight until they deal 3 points
come back out alive. An iron arch, crafted to resemble
of Strength damage, they take even a single entwining laurels, marks the gateway. Rough-hewn walls
point of damage, or 3 rounds elapse (counting of wooden posts known as Rending Walls are mottled
the surprise round). As soon as any one of throughout with sharp metal spikes, ranging in size from
these criteria is met, that shroud flees into the
darkness. If PCs share a room and are thus
nails to crude swords. A roughly built barbican over the
attacked by multiple shrouds, all shrouds in a iron arch guards the entrance into Ashmill.
room flee as soon as one does.

A Plague of Shadows
The silhouettes of city watchmen stalk the rooftops
Any PC who takes Strength damage exhibits signs of nearby buildings. As the PCs approach the barbican,
of the Creeping Dark plague the next day. They feel a man dressed in white robes, with white gloves and a
weak and have darkened lymph nodes beneath their white linen cloth covering his mouth, calls out to them.
skin. Anyone who meets an affected PC can make a Several guards flank him and stand wearily behind, their
DC 12 Spot check to identify him as being “infected.” crossbows at the ready.
A character may attempt to hide his symptoms with an
The man in white is a minor bureaucrat named Videm
opposed Bluff or Hide check. Most common people have
(expert 2). One of many bureaucrats who watches the
a Spot bonus of +0.
Deadgate and keep a log of the people entering Ashmill
NPCs who notice a PC’s symptoms react more (and to count the dead that are brought out), Videm is
negatively. Shift their attitude one step toward hostile (if protected by eight city watchmen.
already hostile, the NPC immediately tries to drive away
Once the PCs ask to enter Ashmill, Videm states in a
the PC with violence. How the NPCs react depends
bored voice, “Very well then, into Ashmill with you, and
greatly on their new attitude and alignment, but even
may the gods preserve you. Once you enter, you cannot
the most positive reactions involve trying to leave or
leave. The district will remain sealed until either the
attempting to drive off the PCs. If a PC’s symptoms are
plague subsides or a cure is found. Neither seem likely in
discovered in a public place, widespread panic might
the near future. To prevent the spread, attempted escape is
erupt if steps to curtail it are not taken.
punishable by death.”
Table 1-1 The Girl and the Manse With that, Videm produces what appears to be a long,
DC Information copper cattle-brand. “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt. You
The manse described sounds like a few of the older must be plague-marked before you enter Ashmill.”
homes located in the Ashmill district, near lower Videm attempts to touch each PC with the cool metal
Zobeck. rod. If the PCs resist, he assures them all that it is cool
10 The gold and purple silks are the standard of the to the touch and goes so far as to touch the back of the
Koppa family, silk merchants who live in the branding head with his hand to demonstrate. Continued
Ashmill district. resistance forces the city watchmen to step forward
15 The girl sounds suspiciously like Nashya Koppa, menacingly. They have orders to force uncooperative
whose parents are silk merchants who reside in the people to receive the magical brand, and they may use
Ashmill district. Nashya disappeared just before the deadly force if they must, although they tend to stop
Creeping Dark plague broke out.
fighting once their opponents stop resisting.
If the PCs struggle to identify Nashya or her Videm’s magical brand places an arcane mark on a
location, she visits them with a final dream that depicts touched creature’s left cheek, regardless of where he
the Deadgate (the entrance to the Ashmill district). applies the rod. The symbol placed is a “plague-mark,”
symbolizing the touch of Marena, goddess of sickness. A

Tales of Zobeck 3
dispel magic spell can remove the mark, but the rod casts Any of the following encounters can occur inside Ashmill.
it at caster level 14. Otherwise, the mark remains plainly
visible for 2 months before fading away. Those found
Table1-2: Ashmill Encounters
with the mark outside of Ashmill are escorted back to the D4 Encounter
district (or killed, if they resist too strongly). 1 Goat’s Milk Seer
For every four city watchmen within Ashmill, one is a Kobold Stinkrunners
clockwork watchman rather than a human warrior.
3 Shrouds in the Alley
City Watchmen,
Human Warrior 1 (6) CR 1/2 4 The Charlatan and the Lynch Mob
hp 4; DMG 109
Clockwork Watchmen (2) CR 2 An elderly man standing on a street shouts warnings
hp 36; Zobeck Gazetteer
about the end of days. A DC 8 Knowledge (local) check
ASHMILL reveals him as a member of the Goat’s Milk Seers, a small
Once the PCs enter Ashmill (willingly or not), the cult that arose near the time of the plague’s outbreak.
guards quickly close the gates behind them and guards Its members believe that dousing themselves in goat’s
within the crude barbican instruct them not to linger milk and uterine goat’s blood cleanses their bodies of the
nearby. Rending walls surround Ashmill, in some places plague. He mostly spews nonsense, but while the PCs are
abutting other walls or windowless buildings. Scaling the within earshot he shouts, “And thus the dark men come
walls deals 1d8 points of piercing and slashing damage at night and devour us in our sleep! They are scavengers of
for every 5 feet climbed. A DC 15 Reflex save halves the the night, come to drag us all into death!”
damage. There is a 10% chance every round PCs attempt A successful DC 12 Diplomacy or Intimidate check
to scale the walls that 1d4+1 guards arrive on the scene. causes the wild-eyed man to blankly state “Bright light
The walls are 60 feet tall, and have hardness 8 and 60 hp is poison to the dark men” before returning to his
per 5-foot section. Hacking at a rending wall brings 2d4 nonsensical ramblings. Further attempts at Diplomacy
city watchmen within 1d6 rounds. fail, and additional Intimidation checks cause him to fly
Burnt-out houses stand throughout the district, and into a panic and run away.
many others bear red painted plague-marks on their
doors. The once-bustling district is now eerily quiet, and
A crew of kobolds, known as Stinkrunners, draws a wagon
people are sparse on the streets, locking themselves away
filled with dead plague victims up a hill. Stinkrunners
in buildings they now consider their homes. The few
transport the dead of Ashmill out of the city gates for
people seen on the streets keep to themselves and look
burning. The PCs can smell the overpowering stench long
very ill. The extremely paranoid folk wandering the street
before the wagon nears.
are initially unfriendly to anyone they don’t know.
As the Stinkrunners reach the apex of the hill, the
Martial law has been declared, and city watchmen
two kobolds closest to the wagon swat at their clothes,
regularly march the streets. These guards typically work
then yelp in pain and leap away from the wagon. The
in pairs and carry special crossbow bolts that emit bright
remaining kobolds quickly lose control of the wagon
orange flares that 2d4 other city watchmen respond to
and it careens down the hill at breakneck speed with two
within 1d6 rounds.
kobolds pinned at the front, hopelessly entangled in loose
Due to the quarantine, a lack of supply and forced ropes usually used to tie down bodies.
the price of all goods to skyrocket to at least triple their
Kobolds (4) CR 1/4
normal cost.
hp 4; MM 161
Kobolds are the only species allowed to enter and exit
The wagon has a movement of 20 feet and
Ashmill freely. Shrouds do not like the way they taste,
automatically moves at double movement in a straight
and so they are “immune” to the plague. Once this fact
line directly down the hill each round. PCs start 2d4 x
became known, kobolds quickly offered their services,
5 feet away from the wagon when it begins to roll (for
and many now make a nice profit hauling the dead from
simplicity’s sake, assume the PCs are directly opposite
Ashmill. At dawn, noon, and nightfall, 2 to 3 crews of
the direction in which the wagon rolls). Without
4-5 kobolds each enter and exit Ashmill to load wagons
intervention, the wagon reaches the bottom of the hill
with corpses for transport outside the city gates for
and smashes against a building in 4 rounds, killing the
two pinned kobolds.

4 Tales of Zobeck
A character can grab a kobold off the wagon with a
Shrouds (2) CR 2
successful DC 12 Reflex save. Failure by 4 or less means
hp 9 each; see page 15
the PC misses the kobold, while failing by 5 or more
means the PC is clipped by the wagon for 1d6 points of If the PCs help Raben and defeat the shrouds, they find
damage. the middle-aged man murmuring incoherently. He has an
obvious head wound and looks (and smells) like he has
Slowing the wagon requires a successful melee touch
lived in the alleyway for days. He frequently breaks into
attack against AC 13 to grab it and then a DC 15
spasms of body-shaking coughs, which seem to be caused
Strength check to reduce its movement for that round by
by the plague, but are in fact a result of Raben suffering
half. Two successful such attempts in the same round stop
from filth fever (DC 14 Heal check reveals as much, in
the wagon, while two successful attempts in different
addition to the plague symptoms). If the PCs tend to
rounds increases the amount of time the wagon rolls by 1
Raben’s wounds, he comes around but remains very weak
due to the shrouds’ attacks. Nonetheless, he provides the
Attacking the wagon wheels is also a possibility. They following answers.
are AC 14, with 5 hardness and 3 hit points. The wagon
careens if a wheel is destroyed, smashing into a building Table 1- 3: Raben’s Replies
along the road, and flipping several times before skidding Query Reply
to a stop 60 feet later. This scatters the bodies that were in Who are you? “My name is Raben, retainer to the
the wagon (causing one to burst open and release a swarm Koppa family.”
of spiders) and kills the two kobolds pinned to the front What were those “I don’t know. I caught the plague a
of it. things attacking couple weeks ago and have sheltered in

A Plague of Shadows
The two kobolds who successfully leapt away run after you? the alley since then. Those… things… first
began to attack me several days ago, and
the wagon to help their comrades however they can. If
they kept coming back, devouring more
the wagon collides with a building, it kills any kobolds and more of me each time.”
pinned to its front, and spills all the bodies within it. One
Why hide in the Raben stares down, ashamed, and quietly
of the heavily bloated bodies explodes with a swarm of
alley? responds, “I have shamed myself. Little
bloodthirsty spiders, which attacks the PCs and surviving Nashya was my charge, and I failed her.
kobolds. She was taken from my care a little more
Spider Swarm CR 1 than two weeks ago. I fled the Koppa’s
hp 9; MM 239 estate, and after contracting the plague I
ended up here.”
If the PCs saved at least one of the pinned kobolds,
Will you take us to “No! I cannot! I can tell you where it is,
he is very grateful to the PCs. If the PCs succeed on a the Koppa Estate? but I can never show my face there again.”
DC 15 Diplomacy check, the leader of the crew thanks
Who took her? “I have no idea who took her, or why.
the PCs and looks around in a shifty manner before
Nashya was making little paper birds in
whispering, “Maybe you pink skins would like to leave the courtyard when suddenly, everything
plague district, yes? We work high-sun shift most days, we began to move so slowly. As if time stood
get you out if you come see us.” He refuses to elaborate still. Next thing I knew, there was a sharp
beyond that and does not answer any further questions. crack against my skull and as I fell I saw…
The kobolds quietly reload their wagon and head for the a floating man, with a giant mustache,
gates. looming in the distance. Before I blacked
out the last thing I saw was three thugs
3. SHROUDS IN THE ALLEY (EL 2) drawing a sack over Nashya’s head. I
Walking past a dark alleyway, the sounds of remember nothing else.”
muffled screams are accompanied by a wet,
Raben absolutely refuses to return voluntarily to the
wracking cough. Faintly, a hoarse male voice from
Koppa’s estate, but he implores the PCs to find Nashya
the alley pleads, “Nooooo, please, not again.”
and bring her home. Before parting, Raben gratefully
A pair of shrouds are devouring a man named Raben gives the PC who interacted with him most a ruby and
(N expert 1; 6 hp; currently 3 hp and 0 Str), who serves as gold signet ring bearing a stylized “K” etched into the
a retainer for the Koppa family. The shrouds see the PCs center stone. As he does, he says, “May Rava watch over
approaching and hide flat against the walls of the alley. you all. Tell the Koppas that Raben the Coward gave it
The alley is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, with the to you, and that he has found guardians for Nashya more
rear 20 feet engulfed in pitch-black shadows. Raben worthy than he.”
slumps against the wall at the far end of the alley. The Treasure: The ring offered by Raben is a ring of
shrouds only attack if the PCs approach within 10 feet of protection +1.
Raben. Otherwise, they wait for the PCs to leave before
resuming their meal.

Tales of Zobeck 5
4. THE CHARLATAN AND THE LYNCH MOB (EL 1/2) The Koppas imported the queen and her hive from the
An angry mob gathers around a foppishly dressed Osman Sultanate, and harvest raw silk from them. The
man standing on a crudely built streetcorner queen is spooked by the shrouds and lashes out at any
stage. The man seems unsuccessful in his attempts creature she doesn’t recognize, including the PCs. She
to calm the mob. Before long, he is pelted with fights until incapacitated or killed.
various items, until a particularly large rock Silk Wasp Queen CR 2
lays him low. The mob then shouts for his death: hp 13; MM 284 (giant bee, but with the spell-like
“Bec preyed on the sick and weak!” and “He is no ability: 1/day—web)
healer! He has sold us only lies!”
The inner gate leads to a large oak door studded with
A DC 15 Spot check reveals that the man is slumped iron rivets. As the PCs approach, a narrow panel at eye
atop a box of aquamarine-colored bottles. level slides open, and a loaded crossbow is thrust threw
Without intervention, the mob hangs poor Bec in 4 the slit. A coarse voice calls out, “Halt! State your business
rounds. If the PCs decide to act, they can calm the mob or be cut down!”
with a DC 25 Diplomacy check or disperse it with a DC The PCs can gain immediate entrance if they mention
15 Intimidate check. The mob is composed of 22 1st trying to rescue Nashya. Otherwise, gaining entrance to
level commoners (2 hp each). The PCs can attack the the estate proper requires a DC 15 Diplomacy check.
mob, but doing so brings 2d4+4 city watchmen within If the PC speaking shows Raben’s ring, he gains a +2
1d6 rounds, and any PC who kills a commoner faces a circumstance bonus on the check. On other hand, if the
murder charge. Flashy spells or items (such as color spray PCs killed the silk wasp queen, they take a -2 penalty. If
or a thunderstone) disperse the mob without harming the PCs fail this Diplomacy check or refuse to explain
anyone or bringing the wrath of the city watchmen. The themselves, the guard threatens them again. They can
PCs can force their way through the mob with a DC 12 make one more Diplomacy check attempt (this time at
Escape Artist check or DC 16 Strength check, and as DC 17). Failing this second check or still refusing to
long at least two PCs reach the stage, the mob disperses explain themselves causes the guard to yell at them to
1d4 rounds later. leave. Five additional house guards (LN male and female
Bec is stable at –1 hit point, and if brought around human fighter 1) pour through the door to drive away the
he is grateful to the PCs and gives them his remaining PCs, if the party lingers.
cache of elixir. He explains that the elixir really does Once the PCs are inside, they are ushered into a hall to
help people against the plague, but only temporarily, meet with Orem Koppa (LN male human aristocrat 3),
and it can only be used once per week. His herbal Nashya’s father, who can relate the following information.
formula creates more than a dozen special potions of lesser
restoration, but only six yet remain. After consuming one THE KOPPA COURTYARD
of these potions, the imbiber cannot gain the benefits of The Koppas abandoned the courtyard after their guards
a second dose for 7 days. reported seeing strange shadowy figures flitting about the
grounds at night. With Ashmill in chaos, Orem chose to
withdraw into the manse proper.
THE KOPPA ESTATE Orem confirms that the girl in the PCs’ dreams is Nashya.

r aben or a DC 9 Knowledge (local) check He can guess that the clicking sounds and flashing lights
reveals the location of the Koppa estate. If the in the dreams indicate the Cartways. Unfortunately, none
PCs do not meet up with Raben, you can still of the Cartways travel under Ashmill, and the nearest
direct them to the mansion by having them revisit it in tunnel lies 10 streets to the east, accessible by a cellar door.
their dreams until they can identify it. NASHYA
The grounds are encircled by a brick and mortar Orem explains that Nashya is a special girl who lately
wall, but the front gate is left slightly ajar. Beyond began exhibiting strange and dangerous abilities. She
it, a brick courtyard lined with lanterns leads to sometimes spontaneously creates fire, and seems to have
the house proper, but no guards are posted and no control over when and how it manifests itself. More
the house seems eerily quiet. distressing to Orem, though, are the strange things she
sees in her dreams, some of which occasionally come true.
The courtyard is roughly rectangular. Several mounds He fears she bears what he calls “the sorcerer’s curse.”
made of mud emit low, droning, buzzing sounds. As the
PCs near the inner gate that leads directly to the main KIDNAPPERS
house (or if the PCs investigate the mounds), the buzzing Orem Koppa strongly suspects the Zilas family kidnapped
in the mud mounds builds to a roar moments before a Nashya in retaliation for the Koppas not selling their
large silk wasp queen erupts forth, sending a shower of silkhives and looms. After Nashya’s disappearance, a
mud in all directions.
6 Tales of Zobeck
pouch of gold coins wrapped in a ball of silk and bearing stripped of their gear and imprisoned. Neither outcome
a note. The note said Nashya would die if the guard was fits within the scope of this adventure and is left to the
summoned appeared the next morning inside the Koppa GM to handle.
family courtyard. In any case, a PC who opens his eyes to look around can
Orem’s suspicions are confirmed if the PCs recall only see the corpses laying next to him and the occasional
Raben’s mention of a floating man, who Orem instantly foot or shoulder of a city watch, regardless of the results of
recognizes as Penjir Zilas, eldest son and black sheep his Spot check. Any PC who instead focuses on listening
of the family. Rumors place Penjir as the leader of the can make a DC 5 Listen check to hear Videm ask rather
Clockwork Boys gang, a band of cutthroats involved in routine questions (“How many do you have?” “How many
large heists and carefully planned assassinations. Orem men?” “How many women?”) in Common, with the
explains that Penjir was cast out from the Zilas family kobolds squeaking back their answers in Draconic. After a
several years back when his criminal activities brought few minutes, Videm tells the kobolds to pass and the cart
too much unwanted attention to the family, but he is not begins to move a few seconds later.
surprised to hear of a reconciliation. Roughly 10 minutes after exiting the gate, the cart stops
Orem beseeches the PCs to rescue his daughter if they suddenly and the kobolds hurriedly extract the PCs from
do not volunteer. If the PCs didn’t kill his prize silk wasp the cart and then head off out of the city. The PCs find
queen, Orem offers them 500 gp each for Nashya’s safe themselves on a quiet street a few blocks east of Ashmill.
recovery, as well as a way out of Ashmill. If the PCs press An unsecured cellar door in the street opens onto a tunnel
him for more, he eyes them suspiciously and says, “I am lit dimly by some source far out of the PCs’ field of vision.
certain Nashya chose you for a reason, but I do not yet see A ladder provides easy descent to the smooth tunnel’s

A Plague of Shadows
it.” He offers as much as 750 gp per PC if they succeed floor 30 feet down.
on a DC 15 Diplomacy check. If the PCs did kill the silk The PCs are free to attempt to escape in other ways if
wasp queen, Orem says he will put the matter behind they wish. The difficulties of such escapes are described in
them if they rescue Nashya, and additionally offers 100 the Ashmill section of Part Two. Do not punish PCs who
gp per PC as further reward. attempt escape in other means. Allow them a fair chance
ESCAPE to do so, but if they cannot escape on their own, Orem
If the PCs agree to help him, Orem sends a servant out keeps open his offer to have them smuggled out.
into Ashmill, who returns an hour later with a group
of kobold Stinkrunners hauling a cart of fresh corpses. PART FOUR:
Orem quickly explains the situation to the Stinkrunners
and offers them a bag of coins. The kobolds chatter
excitedly and promise Orem that they can get the PCs
out of Ashmill, but they don’t guarantee a comfortable
The kobolds direct the PCs to lay down on their
wagon, among the corpses, which they kindly rearrange
o nce in the tunnel, the PCs see a translucent
image of Nashya approach and then stop at the
edge of their vision. She beckons them forward
with her hand, then turns and begins to walk. The tunnel
is lit every 100 feet with a lantern that provides just
in such a way so as to not crush the PCs under the enough light that humans can walk along the tunnel
weight. Fortunately for the PCs, the corpses are fresh without bumping into rubble or tripping over rails.
enough to not smell or otherwise exhibit rot. The ride out No matter how fast the PCs travel, Nashya remains at
of Ashmill is slow, uncomfortable, and creepy, but after the very edge of sight, leading them forward in silence, her
an hour the kobolds stop suddenly at the sound of human image occasionally flickering like a candle in a light breeze.
voices. She leads the PCs to the very entrance of the Clockwork
As long as the PCs do not move or look around, they Boys’ hideout—a hidden warren dug into the side of the
can make it through Videm’s checkpoint without issue. If Cartways, covered by a secret door. Once Nashya reaches
a PC opens his eyes and looks around, he must succeed at the door, she looks one last time at the PCs and steps
a Hide check with a +20 circumstance bonus (opposed through what appears to be a solid wall.
by a city watch’s +7 Spot check) to not be seen. If a city
watch notices a PC opening his eyes, the guard alerts his
Unless the PCs are remarkably skilled at sneaking, the
comrades, who quickly detain the kobolds and attempt
Clockwork Boys know when they enter the headquarters.
to arrest the PCs. The PCs can attempt to escape by
They rush to Nashya’s cell, grab her, and wait for the PCs
running through the gate (those who can outrun the city
to arrive (see Showdown!). Nashya remains unconscious
watchmen escape automatically, while those who cannot
throughout Part Four. The Clockwork Boys gang consists
are captured or must fight their way out) or they can
of five members: Penjir Zilas; Penjir’s “pet” Chaw; and the
allow themselves to be arrested. In the former case, they
homicidal triplets, Davos, Radu, and Sibel.
become fugitives in the city. In the latter case, they are
Tales of Zobeck 7
portcullis. A DC 17 Open
Lock check disables the lock.
Opening the portcullis makes
a loud scraping noise that all
Clockwork Boys automatically
hear. Avoiding that noise requires
a DC 14 Disable Device check.
If the PCs make any kind of
noise at area C1, the Clockwork
Boys hear them and rush here
to whisk her away (see “To the
Rails!” page 10). Otherwise, the
kidnappers come running if the
PCs open the portcullis without
somehow silencing it. If the PCs
make it to this point without
alerting the Clockwork Boys and
can open the portcullis silently,
they can grab the unconscious
girl and make their escape
without confronting the gang. In
that case, Nashya awakens and
leads the PCs to the Darker Well
(see Part Four). When the gang
discovers Nashya is missing, its
members blame one another, and
a fight breaks out between Penjir
(with Chaw) and the triplets,
which only Penjir survives
Clockwork Boys' Hidehout
(although barely).
C1: GEAR-LOCKED DOOR The Clockwork Boys took an extra precaution and
The door to the hideout looks no different than any laid a trap in the ceiling inside the cell triggered by a
other section of the wall. Normally, just finding the door pressure plate directly inside the portcullis. If triggered, a
requires a DC 30 Search check, but thanks to Nashya thunderstone drops to the floor (warning the Clockwork
the DC drops to 5. Opening the door is much trickier, Boys, who rush to the cell the next round), along with a
however, and requires the manipulation of gears behind net big enough to trap two Medium humanoids if they
a sliding panel to the side of the door. The panel slides are within 5 feet of another when the net drops.
away to reveal three small gears with notches around Net and Thunderstone Trap: CR 1; mechanical;
the outside of each gear. The gears must to be spun to touch triggered (pressure plate in floor); manual
the correct notch, like a combination lock, before the reset; Search DC 20; DC 18 Reflex save avoids net;
Disable Device DC 20. Market Price: 1,050 gp.
door can be opened. This requires a DC 20 Open Locks
check. Spinning the gears makes audible clicks inside C3: PENJIR’S ROOM
the hideout, alerting those within that someone is at the These are Penjir’s private quarters. A heavy oak door
door, unless the person spinning the gears beats the Open blocks the entrance and can be barred from the inside
Locks DC by 5 or more. (requiring a DC 25 Open Locks check to unlock without
the key). The room is adorned with rich tapestries and
Smashing the lock is another option open to the PCs,
carpets, and a large bed sits in the corner. A small chest
but doing so automatically alerts the Clockwork Boys.
sits in the southeast corner with a simple metal lock
The door has hardness 8 and 30 hp.
(Open Lock DC 20), containing 120 gp and a small ruby
If the PCs wait by the door for it to open, after an worth 50 gp.
hour one of the triplets emerges to get food for the gang,
Chaw sleeps in a bedroll at the foot of Penjir’s bed.
returning approximately 30 minutes later. Upon entering
Penjir and Chaw are here when the PCs are at the front
or exiting the door, it swings shut, resetting the lock.
door, but they move to Nashya’s room as soon as the PCs
C2: NASHYA’S CELL alert them.
If the PCs sneak in, they see Nashya is housed in a Resembling a bloated humanoid balloon, Penjir created
15-foot square earthen cell blocked by a locked, iron the Clockwork Boys under his own murderous leadership.

8 Tales of Zobeck
A year later, a rival gang leader paid Penjir’s alchemist
contact to poison one of his potions. Unfortunately, the
poison and the gaseous form potion created an odd side-
effect, rather than killing Penjir. His bones and innards
remained gaseous, but his skin reformed, thick and
leathery, closing his various orifices and sealing off the gas
inside him. Without a functioning mouth, the now-mute
Penjir lives on a slurry of liquefied meat and the juice of
fruits and vegetables injected with a needle and syringe.
The gas became putrid with time, and any puncture in his
flesh (including his feeding syringe) releases a nauseating
Chaw is a degenerate, savage halfling, acting more like
an animal than a sentient, thinking being. Penjir took in
Chaw as a pet, of sorts, and the barely cognizant halfling
remains unquestionably loyal to his master.
The triplets’ bunks are here. When the PCs arrive at the
front door, the trio are busy playing cards. Unless the PCs
are extraordinarily stealthy, the triplets move to Nashya’s

A Plague of Shadows
cell. Davos, Radu and Sibel have a long history of murder
and mayhem.
This is where the gang meets around a large table to plan
Chaw CR 1/2
heists and killings.
hp 5; MM 149 (halfling, except as noted here)
N male halfling
SHOWDOWN! (EL VARIABLE) Melee longsword +3 (1d6/19-20) or
Unless the PCs are very lucky or extremely skilled, longsword +1 (1d6/19-20) and
the Clockwork Boys know when they are at the door, fanged mask bite -3 (1d4) (see page 14)
allowing the boys to set up an ambush.
Penjir Zilas CR 3
Unique human construct rogue 1/fighter 1 STATISTICS
NE Medium construct Str 15, Dex 16, Con —, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Base Atk +1; Grp +3
Listen +5, Spot +5 Feats Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Weapon
Languages Common, Draconic; understand only, Finesse, Weapon Focus (rapier)
cannot speak Skills Appraise +5, Escape Artist +7, Hide +8,
DEFENSE Knowledge (local) +5, Listen +5, Open
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 Lock +7, Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5,
Tumble +8
(+3 Dex, +2 natural)
SQ trapfinding, mute
hp 28 (1d6+1d10+20)
Gear mwk rapier, clockwork pendant (7 charges) (see
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1
page 14), Chaw’s leash, key to chest in C3
DR 10/piercing or slashing
Mute (Ex) Penjir cannot speak or make any kind
Spd 30 ft., fly 10 ft. (poor)
of vocalization. Furthermore, when flying
Melee mwk rapier +6 (1d6+2/18–20)
Penjir is absolutely silent and makes no noise
Special Atk sneak attack +1d6
TACTICS Stench (Ex) If Penjir takes piercing or slashing
Before Combat If the PCs are heard at the front door, damage, a noxious green gas escapes from his
Penjir runs to Nashya’s cell and hides inside, body and forms a thin cloud in a 5-foot radius for
floating near the ceiling, resetting the trap in the 1d4 rounds. Breathing creatures within this cloud
process. If Penjir hears the PCs at the cell, he must succeed at a DC 11 Fort save or become
attempts a sneak attack. sickened for 1d6 rounds. Penjir is immune to his
During Combat Penjir uses his clockwork pendant to own stench. A creature who makes his Fort save
cast haste on himself, then throws the pendant is immune to Penjir’s stench for 24 hours. The
to Davos. save DC is Constitution-based.
Morale Penjir holds off the PCs until reduced to 10 hit
points. He then floats away through the hideout
door to point G in the Cartways.

Tales of Zobeck 9
Davos, Radu, and Sibel CR 1 stay in equal to the number of Medium creatures riding
Male human rogue 1 in the cart. All creatures in a cart take a -2 penalty on
CE medium humanoid Balance checks made to stay in if the cart moved 60 feet
Init +6; Senses Listen +3, Spot +3 the previous round. This penalty increases to -4 if the cart
Languages Common, Zobeck Gutter Common moved 70 feet. Ducking low in the cart provides cover
DEFENSE and offers a +2 bonus on Balance checks made to stay in,
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 but a ducking creature cannot attack or cast spells out of
(+3 armor, +2 Dex) the cart that require line of sight.
hp 8 (1d6+5)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will –1 If a creature is ejected from or jumps out of a cart, he
OFFENSE takes 1d6 points of damage if the cart was moving 60 feet
Spd 30 ft. or more (DC 14 Reflex save for half ). If all the creatures
Melee shortsword +1 (1d6+1/19-20) or exit the cart while moving (regardless of its speed) it flies
dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
out of the tracks and the last creature or creatures out (if
Ranged dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) or
light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20) (Radu only) more than one fail their save at the same time) instead
Special Atk sneak attack +1d6 take 2d6 points of damage (DC 16 Reflex save for half ).
TACTICS Placing the cart back on the track requires three successful
During Combat If the PCs were heard, Sibel DC 14 Strength checks (they need not be cumulative).
consumes his potion of invisibility and waits by
the side of Nashya’s cell, attempting a sneak CONTROLLING A CART
attack. Davos and Radu grab Nashya’s limp One creature at a time can control a cart. The controlling
body and flee with her at the beginning of creature can change the cart’s speed by 10 feet every
combat, dumping her into their cart outside the
round. A cart moves its entire speed every round as a full-
hideout (see “To the Rails!”, below).
Morale Sibel fights to the death. round action. The controlling creature can apply a hard
STATISTICS brake, which brings the cart to a screeching halt, slowing
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10
its speed by 20 feet per round until it comes to a complete
Base Atk +0; Grp +1 stop. A hard brake cannot be cancelled once applied, and
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness after the cart stops it cannot move again for 1 round. A
Skills Appraise +2, Balance +6, Bluff +4, Climb +3, cart accelerates quickly if left alone, moving 20 feet on
Disable Device +3, Escape Artist +6, Hide +6,
the first round and reaching its maximum speed on the
Intimidate +3, Jump +3, Listen +3, Move
Silently +6, Open Lock +3, Sleight of Hand +3, second, unless brakes are applied.
Spot +3
The cart chase is an unconventional encounter that
SQ trapfinding
Gear (each) shortsword, 2 daggers, studded leather requires relatively precise tracking of distances and speeds.
armor, 20 gp in belt pouch, oil of magic weapon, Because of the distances and speeds involved, and the way
potion of cure light wounds it unfolds, this encounter proves difficult to track out on
• Davos lifeblood gear, small (see page 14) battle map.
• Radu clockwork crossbow with 20 bolts
• Sibel potion of invisibility Keep track of speeds and distances from area to area.
TO THE RAILS! (EL VARIABLE) Points C and D are 350 feet apart. If either Davos or
If they hear the PCs at the door, the Clockwork Boys Radu are dumped from their cart, the other does not stop.
descend on Nashya’s cell and take her away. Davos and Nashya remains in the cart unless it derails. She has a +0
Radu run out of the hideout door with an unconscious Reflex bonus and 3 hp. Davos drives the cart for the duo,
Nashya over Radu’s shoulder while Penjir, Chaw, and and they typically go a speed of 60 feet per round, slowing
Sibel attempt to delay the PCs within the hideout. Radu to 50 feet before points B, D, and E, as they are familiar
unceremoniously dumps her into a cart and the two start with the tracks. Except where noted, two carts cannot
the cart rolling before leaping in themselves. move side by side on the same rail—only end to end.

The carts hold up to four Medium humanoids (Small LOW-SLUNG LANTERNS

creatures count as half a Medium creature), standing two In numerous places, low-slung lanterns cause hazards for
in front and two in back. The carts are controlled by a Medium creatures (not for Small creatures, as the lanterns
grip lever inside the cart that acts as a minimal steering were put in place by kobolds). A low-slung lantern hangs
mechanism (to jump onto other tracks at intersections) less a foot above the cart sides. Whenever such a lantern
and as an accelerator and brake. Several factors affect a is indicated, Medium creatures in a cart must all attempt
cart’s top speed. a DC 14 Reflex save. A character who fails this save
smashes headfirst into the lantern, sending glass shards
A cart with up to two Medium creatures has a everywhere, takes 1d4+1 points of fire and slashing
maximum speed of 70 feet, while one loaded down with damage (half of each), and is blinded for 2 rounds. If
three or more moves at 60 feet. Creatures in the cart gain multiple PCs fail the save, only the character with the
a +1 circumstance bonus on Balance checks made to lowest result strikes the lantern.

10 Tales of Zobeck
POINT A: CARTS of the round. If the PCs move close enough, Davos throws
Several carts are located here. Davos and Radu choose a dagger or strikes with his shortsword.
the one closest to the entry way door, which they must
themselves mount onto the rail. Bringing Nashya out and
This junction requires a DC 14 Balance check. The tracks
moving the cart onto the rails takes 6 rounds. Adjust the
split again, with one going outside and one inside the
length of time to provide tension in the cart chase, so that
cistern here. The PCs can choose either the outside or
Davos and Radu don’t get too far ahead or are caught
inside track around the Cistern. Davos and Radu take the
still trying to move the cart onto the tracks. The separate
inside track and, aware of the low-slung lantern, duck to
tracks are 10 feet apart here. Both carts on the middle
avoid it. If the PCs take the inside track, they encounter a
track are connected to the rails and ready to launch.
low-slung lantern.
POINT B: LOW-SLUNG LANTERN Radu stops firing his crossbow at this point. Davos
There is a low-slung lantern at this location. In addition, flings his lifeblood gear onto the broken down cart at the
a junction at the rails here forces the first check to stay in side of the rails, animating the cart as a Small animated
the cart (DC 13 Balance check). If the PCs are closing, object. The object chases the PCs along whichever
Radu attacks with his clockwork crossbow. If the PCs track they take, attempting to smash them with its arms
attack Davos and Radu, Davos uses the clockwork pendant (comprised of pieces of rail). The animated cart follows
to cast displacement on their cart. the same rules as a cart with one Medium creature in it.
POINT C: LOW AND HIGH ROAD Small Animated Object CR 1
At this point, the rails are only 5 feet apart, with the hp 15; MM 13
inside track dipping down and the outside track rising up

A Plague of Shadows
slightly (but not enough to slow a cart). Davos and Radu
take the top rail. The PCs may take either rail. Taking the The tracks race over a great Cistern at this point, giving
bottom rail shortens the distance to point D by 100 feet, way to a breathtaking view from above to the icy water
but subjects cart riders to two low-slung lanterns. below. At this point, the track takes a violent twist,
requiring a DC 15 Balance check to avoid being thrown
Davos stays low in the cart to gain cover. Radu stays into the water. (Carts dumped off the track at this point
low half the rounds (during which reloads) and gives up cannot be recovered and placed back on the track.) The
cover to shoot at the PCs with his crossbow the other half

Adventure in the cartways

Tales of Zobeck 11
water is 50 feet below the tracks (but cushions the fall of Dark Prince! He came through the well. You
anyone who falls, reducing damage to 1d6). Two large must stop him! His people feast upon us all. Their
monkfish patrol the waters here, and quickly attack hunger will never end! You must close the portal
anything that falls in with their razor-sharp teeth. that connects our world to the shadows. You
Radu’s animated cart chases the PCs through point E, must slay the Dark Prince within the next three
crumbling when it reaches point F. The Cistern slopes to day, lest the portal to his world bursts open and
30 feet deep at its center, and is 100 feet long. A gentle swallows this city! He wants only to rule over a
slope leads up from the edge of the Cistern to Point F. city of shadows and ash!”

Monkfish (2) CR 1 Nashya tells the PCs that the rift can be closed by using
hp 16; MM 279 (Medium shark)
the clockwork pendant carried by Penjir, so long as it has
at least three uses left in it, or by collapsing the room in
POINT F: DESCENT which it stands. If the PCs defeated Penjir and took his
The distance between tracks widens again to 10 feet at clockwork pendant, Nashya can identify just by looking at
this point. If needed, Davos uses a charge from Penjir’s it how many charges it has remaining. Nashya directs the
clockwork pendant to cast displacement. Radu fires at the PCs to the Darker Well inside Ashmill.
PCs again, as described under Point E. At this point,
How the PCs get back into Ashmill is up to them,
Davos speeds up the cart to 70 feet, racing toward the
but if they present Nashya as the missing daughter of
end of the line at point G.
the Koppa family (which Videm can easily verify) he
POINT G: CART TRACK END overlooks the fact that they were outside the district
The tracks come together at this point, forcing carts to and lets them back into Ashmill. He warns them against
run single file. Davos tries to bump the PCs with his escaping again, however.
cart, forcing the PCs to make a DC 15 Reflex save or be
ejected. Both Davos and Radu stand in the cart at this PART FIVE: THE DARKER WELL
point and engage the PCs with drawn blades if they are
close enough.
The tracks end suddenly. If the PCs fail to stop their
cart, it plows into the wall beyond the end of the rails,
dealing 1d6 points of damage to each occupant per 20
i n an abandoned section of Ashmill, a well was
dug to provide water to the miners excavating a
vein of silver. Runoff and slag from the foundries
seeped into the well and turned its waters black. When
the miners became sick from the water, the well was
feet of speed the cart was moving when it struck the wall.
A DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage. sealed off and forgotten. Now, the well lays hidden in the
boarded-up mine. Nashya saw the well in her dreams and
At the end of the line, a stair and doorway leads up unerringly leads the PCs to the mine’s entrance.
into Crown Square, where Davos and Radu attempt to
take Nashya. If attacked, they make a stand here and fight A dirt pathway, choked with brown weeds, leads to
to the death. If Davos and Radu make it up through the the mouth of a small mine. The entrance is covered with
door, they stash Nashya in a side alley and attempt to set several boards in a crisscross pattern. An unnatural chill
up sneak attacks. hangs in the air near the entrance of the mine.

Penjir watches the fight for Nashya from the distance. The shadows are deep within the mine (pouring
If it looks like Davos and Radu are struggling or seem directly from the Plane of Shadow), and any light source
heading for victory, he moves in to help them, and in this produces only half its normal radius of illumination.
case most assuredly fights to the death. If the PCs look to In addition, the darkness of the mine sucks away heat,
be routing the last two triplets, Penjir disappears into the making the entire mine a cold environment (DMG 302).
city and begins plotting his revenge. W1: THE STAIRS
Development: When the PCs finally recover Nashya, A flight of rickety stairs leads down to the mine floor.
the slimy blue remnants of the Akori Blossom narcotic The stairs are 30 feet high. Too much weight on the stairs
is obvious on her lips and face. A DC 12 Knowledge at once causes the entire structure to loudly collapse,
(nature) or Craft (alchemy) check identifies the material alerting every creature in the mine to the presence of
as such. After a few minutes, Nashya comes to and speaks intruders. A DC 10 Craft (woodworking) or Profession
to the PCs in a dreamy whisper. Read or paraphrase the (carpenter) check reveals this weakness. The stairs
following. collapse if more than 400 pounds are placed on them at
once. Creatures on the stairs when they collapse fall 1d2
“I saw you in my mind. I knew that you would x 10 feet, but can make DC 15 Reflex saves to grab onto
come, but now you must hurry! The sickness is my a piece of the stairs that don’t collapse (and therefore take
fault. The blue paste left me awake, but dreaming. no falling damage).
I was frightened and my mind wandered. Into
darkness. I followed voices and found him. The

12 Tales of Zobeck
There is a large central section of rock in the
center of the mine here. Along the floor and
walls the stone is marbled with veins of poor
quality silver ore, long ago deemed not worth
the effort of extracting.
These two sections of the mine show the mine’s
age and state of disrepair. The northern square
marked W3 marks an unstable section that
collapses upon the PCs. The southern section
marked W3 is a section of 5 feet by 5 feet floor
that caves in, revealing a short pit.
Falling Rock Trap: CR 1; mechanical;
location trigger; no reset; Atk +10 melee
(1d6, rock); Search DC 20; Disable Device
DC 20.
Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 1; mechanical;
location trigger; manual reset; DC 20
Reflex save avoids; 15 feet deep (1d6, fall);
Search DC 24; Disable Device DC 20.

A Plague of Shadows
As soon as the first PC reaches this location,
the entire party is attacked by shrouds. Allow
each PC to make a Spot check (opposed by
the shrouds’ +10 Hide checks) to notice that
his shadow seems to not perfectly follow his
movements. Any PC who makes this Spot
check is not surprised when the shrouds attack.
Each PC is attacked by the same shroud that The Darker Well
attacked him in Part One. Any damage dealt to
a shroud in the first encounter remains on that shroud The Dark Prince CR 3
now. Any shrouds defeated in the first encounter do not hp 19; MM 221 (shadow)
appear here. If a PC used a particular tactic against his The Dark Prince does not stray more than 5 feet from
shroud, the shroud might anticipate the tactic if used the well, fighting until destroyed. If brought to 6 hp
again. or less, the Dark Prince turns and lunges at one of the
W5: THE WELL (EL 3) unconscious townsfolk at the well’s lip. Both townsfolk
This open pit is marked by broken mortar and currently have Strength scores of 3. Due to the rift’s
stones that once served as the lip to this large well. proximity, if the Dark Prince kills a townsfolk, it becomes
Inside the mouth of the well lies a dark gash that its own spawn, effectively rebirthing itself as a fresh
stands out against even the surrounding darkness. shadow. Destroying or closing the rift prevents this. After
The gash seems to pulsate in mid-air, and bleeds slaying the first townsfolk, the shadow strays up to 20 feet
shadows like a gaping wound. from the well.
At the lip of the well lie two unconscious townsfolk Development: Destroying Penjir’s clockwork pendant
covered in blood and near death. Their ragged breathing within 20 feet of the rift causes it to close (provided it has
is the only thing that marks them as still living. The Dark 3 charges left). Doing so requires a full-round action that
Prince feeds on these two unfortunates and has nearly provokes attacks of opportunity.
killed them. Similarly, a cave-in or other attempt to seal the well
A great howling of winds suddenly escapes the also seals the rift. Each corner of the well room contains
shadowed gash in the well when the PCs are close, and a a wooden support holding up the ceiling (hardness 5, 15
solid shadowy form, so dark it seems to devour the light hp). All four corners must be destroyed before the ceiling
itself, crawls on blackened talons from the pit of the well, collapses fully. Dwarves and any creature with 5 or more
crests the top, and leaps at the PCs with a growl. The ranks in Knowledge (architecture and engineering) or
Dark Prince has arrived! Craft (stoneworking) automatically realize this possibility.

Tales of Zobeck 13

n ow that Nashya is safe and the rift is closed,
the shrouds have no place to hide and are
destroyed by the first rays of the morning sun.
The plague quickly disperses and Ashmill is reopened
several days later, its walls torn down and its streets
s everal new pieces of equipment appear in this
adventure. Of the new items presented here,
only the lifeblood gears are relatively common
throughout the city.

no longer sealed against plague. The PCs are hailed CLOCKWORK PENDANT
as heroes. In Ashmill, life quickly returns to normal. This pendant resembles an ornate, miniature clock. By
Those bearing fading plague-marks stick to each other winding the dial and consciously expending one charge,
as family, due to their shared experiences. These people you can cast haste, slow, or displacement. The spell only
are automatically helpful to the PCs if their plague- lasts for 3 rounds. Only one spell cast from a clockwork
marks can be clearly seen. Further, any goods purchased pendant can be active at a time. Casting a second spell
in Ashmill by the PCs are 30% cheaper due to the negates the existing spell effect. Destroying the pendant
community’s lingering gratitude. creates a temporal stasis effect as a 10-foot cube if at least
three charges remain. A new clockwork pendant has 10
Nashya can become a recurring contact for the PCs. charges.
The Akori Blossom exposure has only heightened her
Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item,
divinatory powers, and her recurring visions might be of displacement, haste, slow; 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.; Cost
some help to them. Additionally, the influential Koppas 12,500 gp, 950 XP.
become proud patrons of the PCs and can be used as
contacts as well. Eerily, when the PCs return Nashya to FANGED MASK
the Koppas, she pulls them aside and warns, “The shadow This primitive mask is made of wood and adorned with
men were not the darkness that will crush Zobeck. You teeth. Once donned, it melds to the wearer’s face and
have sealed one door to the shadow, but fey from the grants the wearer a bite attack that deals 1d4 points
other realm will soon find another way into Zobeck. And of damage (regardless of the creature’s size). This is a
then, the Black will come.” secondary natural attack. A creature that already has a
bite attack and dons a fanged mask gains the benefit of the
If Penjir survived, he can become a painful thorn in the Improved Natural Attack feat for its bite attack instead.
PCs’ sides, and stops at nothing to get his revenge. The
Faint transmutation; CL 2nd; Craft Wondrous Item, magic
Zilas family leaders are jailed for their role in Nashya’s fang; 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.; Cost 1,000 gp, 15 XP.
kidnapping, and they too could make for powerful
enemies down the road. LIFEBLOOD GEAR, SMALL
This small bronze gear, if attached to a statue, pile of
junk, or object, brings a semblance of life to the materials,
creating a Small animated object. The animated object
lasts for 5 hours, if asked to perform non-combat-related
tasks, or for 5 rounds of combat. Once affixed, the gear
pulsates like a beating heart. If the gear is removed,
the owner loses control of the construct, which then
attacks indiscriminately until its duration expires. Once
a lifeblood gear’s duration expires or the animated object
it created is destroyed, it becomes a normal, nonmagical
Faint conjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate
construct II; 150 gp; Weight 1 lb.; Cost 75 gp, 6 XP.

14 Tales of Zobeck

hrouds play important roles throughout this
adventure. They make excellent challenges for
1st-level parties.

This creature appears much like it must have in life,

only translucent and immaterial.
Shroud CR 1
Always NE Medium undead (incorporeal) blinds a shroud for 1 round and deals 1d2 points
of damage. A shroud is dazzled as long as it
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +2
remains in the area of any light source (magical
Language None
or nonmagical) less than natural sunlight or a
DEFENSE daylight spell. Brighter lights, such as natural
AC 13, touch 13, flat footed 11 sunlight or a daylight spell, render a shroud
(+1 deflection, +2 Dex) utterly helpless. Such bright lights deal 1d4
hp 6 (1d12) points of damage per round, for as long as it
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3 remains in the area.
Immunities undead traits Manifestation (Su) Shrouds are typically incorporeal,
but they are not yet full shadows. To use their
OFFENSE Strength-damaging touch, shrouds must partially
Spd fly 30 ft. (good) manifest themselves onto the Material Plane.
Melee incorporeal touch +0 (1d4 Strength or 1d3) In this semi-solid state, physical attacks harm

A Plague of Shadows
TACTICS a shroud, but such physical attacks deal only
Before Combat Shrouds lurk in the shadows and half damage (rounded down) unless made by
attack from ambush whenever possible. a magic weapon. Spells, spell-like abilities, and
holy water affect manifested shrouds to their full
During Combat Shrouds attack a different target each
effect. A shroud automatically manifests itself as
round, spreading out their Strength-damaging
part of its Strength-damaging touch attack (doing
ability to as many foes as possible.
so does not require an action on the shroud’s
Morale Shrouds fight until destroyed or until they deal
part) and the shroud remains semi-solid until
enough Strength damage to become shadows,
just before the beginning of its next turn, when
at which point they immediately flee and attempt
it automatically reverts to being incorporeal
to find a way to the Plane of Shadows.
(requiring no action).
STATISTICS Shadow Evolution (Ex) Shrouds become 2 HD
Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 11 creatures once they deal a total of 12 points
Base Atk +0; Grp — of Strength damage. After dealing a total of 24
Feats Dodge points of Strength damage, shrouds must return
Skills Hide +6* to the Plane of Shadow, where they merge with
SQ incorporeal traits, light weakness, manifestation, the shadowstuff and become full shadows after
shadow evolution, +1 turn resistance, undead one week of continuous envelopment in the
traits Plane of Shadow.
Environment any Strength Damage (Su) The touch of a shroud deals
Treasure none 1d3 points of Strength damage. A creature
Advancement 2 HD (Medium), 3 HD (becomes reduced to Strength 0 by a shroud falls to
shadow) the ground and is helpless, but does not die.
Level Adjustment — All further attacks made by a shroud when
a creature has Strength 0 deal 1d3 points of
SPECIAL ABILITIES negative energy damage instead.
Light Weakness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to light (such Skills *Shrouds gain a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks
as a light or flare spell centered on a shroud, in areas of shadowy illumination. In brightly lit
or a torch or lantern lit directly in front of it) areas, they take a -4 penalty on Hide checks.

Shrouds are transitionary creatures—remnants of Shrouds look like flickering shadowy outlines of the
wicked people who died but refuse to rest in peace, people they were before they died, retaining the same
but who have not yet grown strong enough to become height and body type. Shrouds cannot converse, but they
full shadows. They are aggressive enemies of all living occasionally can be heard cruelly whispering a name, term,
creatures and the light that nurtures life. Shrouds blend or phrase over and over again—something which must
naturally into darkness, but they stand out starkly in have had meaning to them in life.
bright light.

Tales of Zobeck 15
The Devil
2 You Know
Otherworldly forces work their agendas on the Free City, and not
always through champions and heroes. Sometimes, those plans and
BY counter-plots play out on the streets and the marketplaces of the
common person.

t he Twilight Duchess of the shadow fey, also called the scàthsidhe, recently
initiated an effort to establish positive relations with Zobeck through the one
medium the City understands well: trade. After a few successful forays, the fey
garnered the attention of a cult worshipping Mammon, Archduke of Hell. Hiding behind
the public façade of a consortium of merchants called the Levelers, the Sons of Mammon
surmised that the fey are up to no good. Unfortunately for the scàthsidhe, that does not
CHARACTERS. make them allies in the eyes of Mammon. It makes them competitors.
Like the Redcloaks, the Sons of Mammon represent the return to a very old faith. The
half-fiend sorcerer Bartolimous leads the group, under the watchful and generally obedient
eye of his advisor and assistant Siniliqi the erinyes. The Sons of Mammon follow a simple
and elegant modus operandi. They avoid direct confrontation, and instead harass those
merchants and common citizens who trade with the scàthsidhe. By building on rumors,
folklore, and natural suspicion, the Sons of Mammon tricked the citizens of Zobeck into
doing their dirty work for them.
The scàthsidhe do not help the city’s opinion of them with the magical means by which
they travel monthly to Zobeck. In order to bring their wares to Zobeck, the shadow fey
summon the Nifelheim Road, an extra-dimensional corridor between this world and the
Plane of Shadow, for three days a month, roughly coinciding with the full moon. While the
scàthsidhe have not shown signs of aggression since first summoning the Nifelheim Road
3 months ago, many common citizens of Zobeck find the manifestation of the road more
than a little disconcerting.


a human child ran away down the Nifelheim Road to the Plane of Shadow where,
she was told, her lost loved ones forever dwell in the company of Sarastra,
benevolent Goddess of Night and Magic. One shadow fey, charged with seeing
that relations go well between Zobeck and the fey, begs the help of the PCs to rescue the
child before she is lost and cannot return.
After rescuing the girl, the PCs come upon a near riot in the Vineyard District, where
angry citizens besiege scàthsidhe merchants. With the city watch en route, the PCs have an
opportunity to learn the nature of the complaints. Once the watch arrives, both the watch
sergeant and the fey themselves ask the PCs to investigate in a semi-official capacity.
The PCs soon discover that the citizens believe they have good cause to be angry, but the
evidence against the fey is circumstantial at best. Eventually, this leads the PCs to discover
and capture a spy named Rogi sent to take notes on anyone who does business with the
scàthsidhe. Through interrogation of Rogi and other clues, the PCs uncover that he works
for a “concerned” local trading association known as the Levelers. After investigating the

16 Tales of Zobeck
Levelers, however, the PCs are accosted by the watch, who lead them to
the same sergeant who enlisted their aid earlier. The sergeant immediately
declares them traitors and orders their execution. Fortunately, the watchmen
do not understand the sergeant’s abrupt change in disposition toward the
PCs and they hesitate. The PCs then must quickly convince the watchmen
that the sergeant is not in his right mind, and once the watchmen subdue
their sergeant the PCs are released and encouraged to conclude their work.
With the real enemy apparently aware of their interference, the PCs must
move quickly to confront the Sons of Mammon before the leaders can go to
ground to arise again later. They return to the headquarters of the Levelers
and infiltrate it. There, they confront the half-fiend wizard who orchestrated
the trouble befalling the fey, but his chief advisor escapes.


w hile the PCs search the Vineyard District in search of supplies,
they notice a minor commotion near a group of stalls set
apart from other merchants. A DC 14 Spot check reveals that
something about the merchants, their stalls, and their merchandise seems a
little bit off, somehow. Just as the commotion begins to attract the attentions
Sons of Mammon
The Sons of Mammon cater to
merchants, not criminals (unlike,
for example, the Redcloaks),
of other passersby, a small humanoid, no larger than a halfling or gnome, building gradually on a sense of

The Devil You Know

bursts out of the group of merchants and rushes toward the PCs, obviously entitlement and self-justification.
flustered. The Sons of Mammon preach
that the wealthy are wealthy
The small humanoid, his long, pointed ears flopping slightly as he runs, because they deserve it—
waves to the PCs and calls out to them. This is Candlewick, a scàthsidhe and because they work hard. They
also believe that everyone is
a reeve in the service of Sarastra, the Goddess of Night and Magic. He looks basically damned, and the gods
like a half-sized elf, but his mouth is just a little too wide and full of pointed are unfair because they expect
teeth, his ears are relatively longer and more pointed than an elf ’s, and a pair hardship in return for salvation,
of black gossamer wings flutter quickly on his back. whereas Mammon is honest—
you work for him, he works for
As he approaches you, he cries, “Good citizens of Zobeck! Please! I beg you.
of you, stop a moment and hear our plight!” He points toward the city
The Sons of Mammon believe
gates, then wrings his hands together anxiously. “There was a woman the shiftless and lazy (the poor)
here in the market who said her child ran away from home. We fear languish in Hell, both in life and
the child took the Nifelheim Road. Will you please go find her, before in eternity, while those who work
something… unfortunate… happens?” hard for Mammon are rewarded
in life and the afterlife.
Assuming the PCs stop a moment to listen, he quickly continues.
“The Goddess welcomes everyone to her realm, of course, but the
decision to visit our homeland is best made wisely. Thoughtfully! This
is nothing for a child to be playing at! And the House of Twilight
would not care to see a family torn apart.”
A DC 12 Knowledge (nature) check reveals that the creature speaking to
the PCs is a shadow fey, also known as a scàthsidhe. A DC 15 Knowledge
(nature) check reveals that scàthsidhe come from the Plane of Shadow,
where they serve Duchess Twilight, Sarastra, the benevolent Goddess of
Night and Magic. It also reveals that the scàthsidhe are nearly identical to
normal fey, distinguishable only by their darker colorations and greater
penchant toward aggressive mischief making. A DC 14 Knowledge (local)
check reminds the PC of tales from the Vineyard Distract about traveling
fey merchants who only appear three days a month. Finally, a DC 13
Knowledge (the planes) check confirms that the shadow fey here are a long
way from home, and that a shadow fey approaching strangers in broad
daylight is a testament to the apparent gravity of the situation.

Tales of Zobeck 17
Candlewick answers most questions the PCs have, but
he is antsy and tries to push the party toward more action
and less discussion. Some of the more obvious questions ROAD TO NOWHERE (CR 3)
and answers appear here.
Table 2-1: Candlewick’s Replies
Who and what are
I am Candlewick, a reeve in the
service of Duchess Twilight. I am a
t he Nifleheim Road looks like a black smear on
the world. It is nearly a quarter mile wide and
stretches into the horizon, with wisps of smoke,
dark near the road but lightening as they rise, along its
length. Trees stand like sentinels on a line dividing the
scàthsidhe, what some of your kind rich darkened grasses and the more familiar fields. Even
call a shadow fey. under the noon day sun, the entire road hangs under a
Why is Duchess Some people misunderstand our shadow.
Twilight interested in honest intention to trade, and the Walking along the Nifleheim Road is no more
a child’s welfare? duchess does not want the goodwill strenuous than walking along any other thoroughfare. It
of Zobeck’s officials undercut by an
is not without its dangers, though. The Nifelheim Road
unfortunate accident.
drains strength and vitality unless a traveler is a native to
Why don’t you get her My responsibilities demand I return the Plane of Shadow, a child, a sincere worshiper of the
yourself ? to the market with my people, to
Goddess of Night and Magic, or else seeks to become a
ensure a peaceful coexistence with
yours. worshiper of Sarastra. If a traveler meets none of these
conditions, the road imparts a sense of unease and
Why don’t you send Sadly, not all of the duchess’s subjects
other shadow fey to respect human life as much as I and
get her? my associates here. After walking on the road for 6 miles, and for every
What about a reward? Yes, yes, of course. Bring back the 3 miles thereafter, a traveler must make a DC 15 Will
girl and I shall pay each of you save or become fatigued (one who is fatigued becomes
in emeralds and gems worth 200 exhausted, as usual). The road tracks the distance a
gold coins. If you can recover her traveler goes along it every day, regardless of direction,
without killing any of my brethren resetting the total distance at midnight. At the end of the
or damaging our reputation here in 13th and final mile, a traveler must succeed at a DC 20
your city, I shall give you even more!
Will save to avoid becoming fatigued (exhausted). If a
What can you tell us First, be wary! The Nifleheim begins traveler is already exhausted before reaching this point
about the Nifleheim a few miles outside your city gates. and fails this final Will save, he immediately loses 1/4
Road or the Plane of I daresay you cannot miss it in this his remaining hit points (but never to below 1 hp) and
Shadows? accursed sunshine. Mind you now
falls unconscious for 1d4 hours. Regardless of a traveler’s
friends: east or west, north or south,
the road only goes in one direction— condition at this point, by completing the 13th mile he
straight to the Shadows. Unless you enters the Plane of Shadow.
have the mind to give yourself over to The lost girl, Cassie, suffers no ill effects from the road
the goddess, the road takes a toll for and when the PCs finally get to the road has a 3-mile head
the passage between your world and
start on the party and merrily meanders at an average
movement rate of roughly 2 miles per hour. Feel free to
Is the road dangerous? It doesn’t differentiate childhood bend the rules a little to let the PCs catch up to Cassie
wishes from adult desires, so the way
before 6-1/2 miles along the road, as doing so greatly
is easier for the girl. And whatever
you do, do not take a thirteenth mile reduces the risk of the PCs journeying to the Plane of
on the road! When you find the child, Shadow, which is beyond the scope of this adventure.
step off the road immediately and You can discomfort your players by describing how the
come back alongside it. Now please road feels just a little bit different from normal. The grass
sometimes reaches up to pull at their boots, spindly tree
Candlewick finishes his dispensation of knowledge branches always seem to slap their faces (not painfully,
by saying, “Her family is here and causing quite a just annoyingly), and PCs feel noticeably cooler when on
commotion! Bring the child back here immediately!” the road than when off it. If a PC fails a Search or Survival
A DC 16 Sense Motive check affirms that Candlewick check, he sees the tracks suddenly smooth out on the
is truthful and sincere, while a result of 20 further road. Sounds are muffled in the mists that frequently arise
indicates that he seems more worried about public and suddenly disperse, imparting a –4 penalty on Listen
perception than the safety of the girl. checks.

18 Tales of Zobeck
Firegeists (2) CR 2
hp 13; see page 31
Before Combat As soon as they are aware of the
PCs, the firegeists attempt to hide in nearby
firelight if any exists.
During Combat The firegeists turn their attentions
toward any PC using attacks that deal cold
damage. Otherwise, they employ their
combustion touch on opponents who look
physically powerful and concentrate their tendril
attacks on lightly armored or unarmored targets.
Morale As terrible cowards, the firegeists flee if
reduced to 6 hit points or fewer.

After the battle, Cassie remains wary and hides at the

base of the tree. A simple DC 5 Diplomacy check coaxes
her away from the tree. Mentioning that they are here
to take her home imparts a –4 penalty on this check.
Once the PCs win over Cassie, she introduces herself and
thanks the PCs for rescuing her.
If asked, Cassie explains she is trying to get to the
“Shadowlands” to be with her parents, who she believes
are waiting for her there now with the “Goddess of
the Shadow Faeries.” If the PCs press Cassie for more

The Devil you know

information, read or paraphrase the following.
“Mama and Papa worked for my uncle. The went
off with a caravan one day and never came home,
even after a month. So my uncle and aunt took me
in. A fortnight ago, a voice awoke me in the dark.
At first I was scared, but it was a kind voice that
told me that those who die outside at night, under
Cassie Helmsburg
the stars, go to live with the Goddess of Night and
At last, though, the PCs should catch up to Cassie, Magic. The voice said the magic road can take me
within one of the unexplainable mists. Let the PCs to them, like a real family again. All I need to do
make a DC 12 Listen check (remember the –4 penalty is ask the Goddess.”
for being in the mists) to hear a girl suddenly scream A DC 10 Knowledge (the planes) check reveals that
out in terror. Those who hear Cassie scream can easily the story told to Cassie is not true. Cassie desperately
identify the direction (she is only 100 feet away), and a believes the story she recites, but a DC 12 Sense Motive
character who makes a DC 12 Survival check can find check reveals that much of what she says sounds coached
her footprints and track her direction accordingly. or even recited from some memorized litany. Cassie
Two firegeists stumbled across the Nifleheim Road politely corrects the PCs if they seem to misunderstand or
on the Plane of Shadow and used it to cross over to the engage in conjecture about her tale.
Material Plane. They found the 9-year-old girl wandering Cassie answers all questions about her mysterious
alone along the road and quickly approached her, bearing informant with a matter-of-fact melancholy, but she
ill intent. Cassie stands with her back to a shadowy oak becomes more animated when speaking about her
tree, which moves its branches in an ineffectual attempt parents. The voice clearly identified itself as a “shadow
to protect the girl. fey from the market.” It told her how to get to the road
The firegeists hover menacingly between Cassie and and advised her of its dangers. The voice even warned
the PCs. Cassie stands 100 feet from the nearest PC, Cassie that the road would vanish for a month on the
while the firegeists are 15 feet closer. If the PCs do night following the full moon, so she must not miss
nothing, the firegeists attack the girl 2 rounds after she her chance. If the PCs succeed at a DC 12 Diplomacy
screams. check, Cassie quietly mentions that the voice told her
not to tell anyone, since it would only cause that person
Cassie Helmsburg, to worry. She left her aunt the goodbye note as a guilty
Human Commoner 1 CR 1/2 afterthought.
hp 2; DMG 109
Although no evidence proves a shadow fey is
responsible, a DC 11 Knowledge (nature) check reveals
that scàthsidhe frequently engage in such mischievous
Tales of Zobeck 19
activities as offering dubious advice in the middle of Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs convince Cassie to come with
the night, chatting amiably from the shadows, and them through diplomacy, award them XP for an EL 3
befriending children (usually in a benevolent or innocent encounter. If the PCs resort to magic or lies to bring her
manner, but sometimes with a darker intent). with them, award them XP for an EL 1 encounter. PCs
who resort to intimidation or violence gain no reward.
In truth, the Helmsburg tragedy was brought up
in conversation at a meeting of the Levelers. When
Bartolimous heard about the orphaned girl, he surmised
nothing would galvanize the common people of the city MAYHEM IN THE MARKETPLACE
more than the perception that the shadow fey are luring
away children. After the Sons of Mammon located the
family’s home, Bartolimous snuck there one night. He
deceived the grieving girl with magic and kind words she
desperately wanted to believe, playing into the fey habit
of chatting merrily while hiding in shadows.
t he PCs arrive at the marketplace to find it in
chaos. The shadow fey erected large pavilion
tents to shield themselves from the sun, and
these tents are besieged by a mob of angry citizens. The
citizens proclaim that the fey cheated their customers,
sold them bad or cursed goods, or are simply menaces to
The PCs are left with an innocent, grieving child,
the city. The fey trapped in their pavilion are at the point
on whom someone perpetrated a cruel prank. They
of panic. They are surrounded and outnumbered by a
must convince Cassie that the kind voice lied to her
mob, unsure if they can defend themselves or their goods
and that her parents are not so easily reached. A DC 10
if things get out of hand.
Knowledge (the planes) check allows a PC to explain
how the planes and the afterlife truly work, but raw When the PCs arrive with Cassie, her aunt breaks from
knowledge is perhaps not the best approach, as laying the mob and gathers up the girl in her arms, thanking the
out facts to Cassie only reduces her to tears and makes PCs. Candlewick sticks his head out of the pavilion and
her unwilling to accompany the PCs. Such a check does, asks the PCs what happened. This encounter can play
however, grant a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks made out in several ways, depending on how the PCs treated
to convince Cassie to abandon her plan and leave with Cassie and what they do at this point. Whether the PCs
the PCs. A DC 12 Diplomacy check can convince her tell Candlewick what Cassie told them in private or out
that her plan is flawed, but it too reduces her to tears and where the mob can hear them, the mob’s attitude becomes
makes her unwilling to follow the PCs. Succeeding on the hostile. Regardless of where they tell him, Candlewick
Diplomacy check by 5 or better convinces Cassie in a way flatly denies that a shadow fey is responsible. He points
that allows her to trust the PCs and follow them back to out that might hurt business and definitely goes against
Zobeck, but she cries most of the way home. Feel free to the wishes of Sarastra, neither of which the fey merchants
reward players for roleplaying in this regard, granting +2 want.
bonuses on their Diplomacy checks of they come up At this point, if the PCs do nothing to calm the crowd,
with particularly compassionate ways of revealing facts to the mob produces torches and threatens to light the fey
Cassie. pavilion on fire. Diplomacy allows the PCs to prevent
Of course, PCs might try tactics other than gentle a brawl, at least until the city watch arrives. If Cassie
speech to bring Cassie with them. Bluff can work, but if willingly (albeit reluctantly) returned with the PCs,
Cassie sees through a Bluff attempt she grows distrustful she speaks up on their behalf and grants them a +10
and runs away. Likewise, Intimidate succeeds only in circumstance bonus on their Diplomacy checks. If the
scaring the girl and making her not trust the PCs. Magic PCs used magic or brought back Cassie against her will,
can make the PCs’ job easier for them. Charm person she does not help them, but her return nonetheless gives
automatically makes Cassie believe the PCs, as long as the the PCs a +2 circumstance bonus on their Diplomacy
spell lasts. Sleep is actually more effective, as the girl’s grief checks. The PCs have an opportunity to gain the respect
overwhelms her and she sleeps naturally for 1d4 hours and admiration of all the parties present, which can help
after the spell’s duration ends (the PCs can carry her most them later in the adventure.
or all of the way home). If the PCs “knock her out” or Regardless of how well the PCs convince the crowd,
otherwise incapacitate her, remind them that attacking a a contingent of the city watch arrives to forestall a
defenseless innocent (particularly a child) for any reason full-blown riot. When the watchmen arrive, the crowd
is an evil act. immediately stands down.
Regardless of what the PCs do, as long as Cassie is Backed by Sergeant Haymar and a score of human and
awake when they convince her to turn back, the trip back clockwork watchmen, Consul Radovar Streck came to the
to the Zobeck is fraught with tears and inconsolable grief. Vineyard District in response to numerous complaints
This adventure assumes that the PCs find a way to bring from concerned citizens, priests, and guild members.
Cassie with them. Some of these complaints secretly originated from the
Levelers, which the PCs can uncover later with a DC 18

20 Tales of Zobeck
Gather Information check. Streck identifies himself and motions for the
conversation to continue. He observes the unfolding situation to get a sense
of what is going on.
Candlewick explains, loud enough so the mob and Consul Streck can
hear, that the Twilight Duchess gave permission to responsible fey she felt
confident would not undermine the cause. Despite all appearances, he
vouches for all the shadow fey who have traveled to Zobeck with him.
A woman in the crowd loudly proclaims that many people who bought
items from the fey later suffered some sort of calamity or curse. Candlewick
appeals to the crowd that, as a representative of the Twilight Duchess, he
can offer a substantial reward on her behalf if anyone can prove who is
responsible for the misfortune.
Councilman Streck pulls aside the PCs and in hushed tones admits the What the PCs Do Not Know
Free City’s Council is in a bit of a quandary: On one hand, it cannot allow Bartolimous and Siniliqi watch
the unfolding scene in the
harmful goods and predatory fey free rein, but on the other hand, the exotic
background. Siniliqi can turn
goods offered by the fey represent an opportunity to import desired and invisible at will, and invisibility is
valuable merchandise. The Council continues to assess the implications of a spell Bartolimous commonly
the Nifleheim Road and does not wish to respond to the Twilight Duchess uses. The Sons of Mammon
have worked to engineer exactly
with hostilities. If the PCs investigate and report to him no later than the
this sort of public confrontation
next night, they can count on him for his support and an unspecified favor for some time now. They seek to

The Devil You Know

in the future. If the PCs insist on cash, he agrees, but less amiably. exploit the mob’s mentality and
prey on fear and suspicion, to
Consul Streck addresses the crowd and reassures both Zobeck citizen and give themselves an edge. This
fey alike that the Council has this matter well in hand. He publicly identifies is their moment, but the PCs are
the PCs as duly appointed investigators and asks the citizens to present all the “x-factor” they cannot control.
allegations of misconduct to them for review. Then he strongly suggests the Smart villains do not try such
techniques on capable foes, such
mob disperse. The city watch is to gently enforce the Consul’s request. as the PCs, and thus Bartolimous
Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs can bring the mob’s attitude down to unfriendly, and Siniliqi watch helplessly as
their master stroke unravels.
award them XP for an EL 1 encounter. For each step closer to helpful the
PCs can bring the mob, increase the award by +1 EL.


The fey trade in rare and

unusual goods, like blacksilver
he PCs now have an opportunity and duty to interview and
weapons, fine silks, high-end
investigate some of the alleged victims of the supposed shadow fabrics (including supple shiny
fey curse. The following cases are presented as short summaries, metallic cloth), rare alchemical
allowing you and your group to spend as little or as much time with them ingredients, pelts and hides from
unusual beasts, handcrafted
as you wish. You know your group best: roll dice to learn this information
wooden items from trees native
or treat each scene as an important and lengthy roleplaying opportunity. to their plane, and medicines and
With each scene or die roll, they should slowly realize that an unknown potions. They also offer minor
third party is harassing the citizenry and framing the scàthsidhe. If the PCs magic items not terribly useful in
combat—cosmetic salves, faerie
become stuck, or the players start to lose patience, allow them to make
fine jewels, and so on.
Gather Information checks to learn or point out clues from the General
Clues table.

When some magical mischief befell the victims, many later became
convinced the shadow fey are responsible. Some of these victims are at
the marketplace, but the PCs might need to learn of others through those
citizens anxious to see the guilty punished or by visiting the victims at their
homes or businesses. Feel free to add more cases if you and your players
enjoy the investigative aspects. Unless otherwise stated, detect magic reveals
the presence of moderate necromancy magic on the victims themselves, and
not the items they purchased.

Tales of Zobeck 21
The PCs point out to the victims that only tangential In theory, the information from the specific cases and
connections exist between what they purchased and the general clues allow the PCs to realize that someone
what happened to them. In this case, the PC speaking had to watch the victims do business with the fey to
must make a DC 14 Diplomacy check. If he succeeds, specifically target them. If the PCs fail to come to this
the victim acknowledges the weak connection but has no conclusion on their own, allow them to make DC 15
other explanation. Failing this check, the victim becomes Intelligence checks for additional minor hints along those
offended and either walks off in a huff or demands the lines.
PC leave (as appropriate). Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs come to the correct conclusion
1. BAD TOUCH without any hints from you, award them XP for an EL 2
Rache Kihn bought a black dress made from fey silks. encounter.
Now she claims invisible hands constantly paw at her, Table 2-2: Gather Information
even when she does not wear the dress. Her father, DC Clue
Marcus, is beside himself with worry—both for his This is the fourth month the shadow fey set up a
daughter’s wellbeing and her sanity. 10 stall at the market.
There are no reports of victims from their first visit
Georey Tenson, a young groom from Lower Zobeck, and only three from the second.
bought a matching pair of wedding bands for himself and The curses of those afflicted during the second
his fiancée. Shortly thereafter, all his hair fell out and has visit manifested long after the fey departed. (This
13 is because the Sons of Mammon had yet to fully
not grown back. Now his fiancée has second thoughts
and refuses to get married with those particular rings.
Almost all of the victims came to the market and
3. SHADOW DOUBLE 15 purchased their items directly.
Rutgar Verson bought a masterwork blacksilver Those who purchased items advertised as being
longsword. Now his shadow capers and dances made by the fey, but who did not themselves
unnaturally. If the PCs look at his shadow, Haverson’s 17 directly purchase the items from the fey, are the
shadow studies them in pantomime before making a only exceptions to the information provided for
series of obscene gestures at them. DC 15.
None of the victims outwardly appear to be
4. SHEAR AGONY 20 adventurers, wizards, sorcerers, clerics, or sages.
A tailor from the Vineyard District named Ohan Schnetz
The targets vary greatly in their levels of wealth,
purchased shears that never need to be sharpened, but
now he can barely open his hands without intense pain,
24 but none of them have any magical ability
making work extremely difficult. Many of these curses struck between
5. THORNY SITUATION 25 manifestations of Nifleheim Road, at times when
Gretta Dutrov, from the Collegium District, bought a the shadow fey were not in Zobeck.
bundle of rose hips, whose seeds the fey promised would
yield silver roses. Instead, everything in her vegetable
Secret Spies
garden wilted and died. A DC 15 Knowledge (nature) The best source of information on someone new watching
check identifies the seeds as a rare breed of rose, but the market comes from the human merchants who ply
apparently viable. Likewise, a DC 20 Knowledge (nature) their trade there daily. Some vendors become quite
check reveals no mundane reason for why her garden practiced watching out for rogues, pickpockets, and their
withered. look outs. A DC 10 Gather Information check made in
the market reveals the merchants noticed a particular man
6. THE UN-GIFT HORSE relatively new to the area, who wanders around browsing,
The successful horse breeder, Radim Dermahn, bought but who seldom buys anything. Most notably, this man
his wife magic dishes that never let food grow cold. The only appears when the shadow fey routinely pitch their
next day, his prize-winning mare prematurely gave birth tents.
to a deformed colt that died a few hours later. Detect A DC 15 Gather Information check reveals a rough
magic reveals moderate necromancy magic on the mare, description of him. A DC 20 Gather Information check
not the dishes (nor on Radim). connects him with the Wheatsheaf tavern. With all this
GENERAL CLUES information, a DC 25 Knowledge (local) check reveals
Gather Information checks made as part of this his name as Rogi Varens, a former footpad and thug
investigation supply the following information. A check currently with unknown affiliations. Alternatively, you can
reveals all the information from the highest DC it beats have a merchant point out Rogi at the market just as he
as well as all lower DCs. disappears in the crowd, giving the PCs the opportunity
find him using Knowledge (local) and track him with
Survival checks.
22 Tales of Zobeck
ROGI VARENS point, the bartender tells one of the barmaids to fetch
Rogi Varens is a former thief who found an easier, more the watch, and as she races out the door he ducks down
lucrative, and much safer occupation. Tossed out of one behind the bar.
of the minor gangs, Rogi wandered the streets of Zobeck Wheatsheaf Regulars (5),
alone and hungry—two conditions that usually make Warrior 1 CR 1/2
rogues careless. Then, several months ago, a stranger Rogi hp 4; DMG 109
came to know as Fauts contacted Rogi and hired him to Before Combat A convincing story followed by a DC 15
gather information on people without getting caught. Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check takes the fight
He receives a generous wage of 100 gp per month for his out of these regulars and they stay out of Rogi’s
business. Otherwise, they heckle the PCs and press
services. for Rogi’s release.
The relationship is far from perfect. Rogi’s contact During Combat These hardy folk fight as individuals,
Fauts forbids him from performing any “extracurricular” changing targets every round if able. They quickly
realize they are out of their league and begin fighting
activities, out of concern that he might get caught. Rogi defensively on the third round.
resents the cut into his earning potential, despite the Morale These toughs and thugs are strong, but they are
generous compensation he receives. At first, Fauts asked not true combatants. A regular surrenders as soon
Rogi to watch over businessmen and the occasional as he takes any damage (nonlethal or lethal). Once
Consul, but in the last few months Fauts instead directed three surrender, the last two follow suit.
him to focus on whomever deals with the shadow Rogi Varens CR 4
fey—particularly those who buy from them. He must Male human rogue 4
regularly report to Fauts at the Levelers after regular N Medium humanoid
Init +3, Senses Listen +7, Spot +0
business hours. These weekly reports include names and Languages Common, Draconic

The Devil you know

addresses of those he followed.
Rogi recently began seeing a link between the people AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10; Dodge, Mobility;
he follows and those who come to suffer strange and uncanny dodge
(+3 Dex)
unfortunate fates. The guilt he feels for his unknown
hp 18 (4d6+4)
role in their misfortune finds him muttering in his cups Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1; evasion
in one of his old haunts, the Wheatsheaf. He dares not OFFENSE
betray his employers, however, as he genuinely fears Spd 30 ft.
them. He suspects they have other ways of watching Melee mwk rapier +5 (1d6+1/18-20)
people, including him, so he will not approach the city Special Atk sneak attack +2d6
watch. TACTICS
During Combat Rogi is a thief and coward, not a
THE WHEATSHEAF (EL 5 AND 4) warrior. He tries to escape or move into a
Rogi retires to the Wheatsheaf every evening at position that allows him to escape every round.
sundown, and the PCs can find him there without With Dodge and Mobility at his disposal, he
might risk an attack of opportunity if he can
trouble. He notices and recognizes the PCs the moment withdraw.
they step into the tavern, but he makes no move unless Morale Rogi starts the scene ready to flee. As soon
they seem to take interest in him. as he takes more than 2 points of damage
from a single attack, he drops his weapon and
Rogi’s first thought is to flee out one of the back surrenders, begging for mercy.
entrances leading to the alley, dragging a chair or stool STATISTICS
behind for a few feet hoping to trip up any pursuers. In Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 11
addition, other patrons kick out chairs to create further Base Atk +3; Grp +4
obstacles (not all of them like Rogi, but they like the Feats Dodge, Mobility, Stealthy
idea of newcomers chasing one of their own even less). Skills Climb +8, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +10,
Gather Information +7, Hide +12, Listen +7,
Leaping over an obstacle without slowing down is a Move Silently +12, Search +8, Sleight of
DC 5 Jump check for a PC with a speed of 30 feet and a Hand +10, Tumble +10
DC 10 Jump check for those who move 20 feet. Failing SQ Trapfinding
this check by less than 5 ends the PC’s movement at that Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
Other Gear masterwork rapier, potion of darkvision,
point, while failing by 5 or more also requires the PC to masterwork thieves tools, 20 gp, 20 rough
make a DC 15 Reflex save to avoid falling prone. rubies worth 15 gp each
If the PCs catch Rogi in the Wheatsheaf or try to Capturing Rogi is the easy part. He is no scrapper, and
drag him back through the tavern’s common room, most the first solid hit takes all the fight out of him, but the
of the clientele reach for their weapons. The bartender PCs are not the only ones interested in what Rogi might
yells “No fighting, no fighting!” but the regulars ignore say.
him and do their best to inconvenience the PCs. At this

Tales of Zobeck 23
A group of thugs in the pay of the Redcloaks listen Table 2-3: Knowledge (local)
to Rogi when he mutters in his cups, sometimes even DC Result
offering to lend a sympathetic ear or buy him another
The Levelers is a merchant association of like-minded
drink. They hope to catch him muttering useful
businessmen with common interests. Levelers
information that might get them a decent reward. With 10 members offer deals to one another and provide one
Rogi muttering about curses in the past, the thugs think another with preferential treatment.
they might be close to getting what they want out of him.
The Levelers is about two years old and is very well
With Rogi looking ready to talk to the PCs (inside the
Wheatsheaf or not), the thugs reckon they can sit him in
15 financed. The Levelers frequently lobbies the Council
for decisions in favor of its members’ interests.
front of their bosses instead.
Manfred Fauts founded the Levelers shortly after
Continue tracking combat rounds, even after the PCs arriving in the city and is its chief officer. Nearly 50
apprehend Rogi (wherever that might be). At the end of 20 different businesses and merchants from all over
the second round after the PCs capture Rogi, the thugs Zobeck belong to the Levelers.
approach and call out a challenge. The thugs approach In addition, PCs can gain the following knowledge by
the PCs from opposite directions, two humans and a making Gather Information checks within the Collegium
kobold from one direction and a human and kobold from District. Desperate PCs can also attempt to Gather
the other. Information in the Vineyard District, but the DCs there
Human Thugs, Fighter 2 (3) CR 2 are 5 higher than listed.
hp 15; DMG 117
Table 2-4: Gather Information
During Combat If the PCs do not release Rogi right
away, these three fire their crossbows before the DC Result
kobolds rush into melee. On their next turn, they drop
There is only moderate foot traffic in and out of
their crossbows and draw their rapiers, attempting to
the office during the day. In the early evening the
flank the PCs whenever possible. 10 Levelers holds meetings and sometimes private
Morale The thugs fight until reduced to fewer than 5 hit
points. If two of the human thugs surrender, or flee, or public forums and symposiums.
the third follows suit. It is common for the Levelers to host private
Kobolds (2) CR 1/4 gatherings or parties much later at night in
hp 4; MM 161 the upstairs area. During these parties, much
During Combat The kobolds wait for their human 15 laughter emanates down to the street, and
counterparts to fire a volley before they charge into women and men of questionable profession
melee. arrive throughout the night. Sometimes, Consuls
Morale The kobolds fight until they take any amount leave such gatherings in the heart of the night.
of damage (lethal or nonlethal) or any of their On occasion, someone upstairs keeps very late
companions (human or kobold) drops, surrenders,
or flees.
20 hours in one of the offices but is never seen
Once the PCs drive off the thugs, Rogi comes clean to
the PCs. He reveals all the information under the Rogi PRIVATE LEVELERS INFORMATION
Varens heading. He begs the PCs to release him, as he What only Bartolimous knows is that Fauts, the Levelers’
rightly thinks if informers see him taken into custody he chief officer, is actually Siniliqi the erinyes, who spends
will end up a dead man in short order. much of the day in the Levelers’ office. When disguised
as Fauts, the erinyes is a short, thin human man with
PART FIVE: SONS OF MAMMON a hawkish nose. Levelers members and staff with no
connection to the Sons of Mammon accept Fauts as
STRIKE BACK exactly who he appears to be, and Siniliqi enjoys the
situation immensely. Nevertheless, Fauts takes pains

t he Levelers’ headquarters is a two-story
building within the Collegium District. It is
open to members during the day and it hosts
events both public and private at night. During the
day, a staff of three clerks assists the public while two
to size up people before making contact. He avoids
meeting with those who appear to be wizards, clerics, or
adventurers if he can help it. If he cannot deflect such
individuals to one of the mundane clerks, he is polite
and straightforward in his attempt to redirect inquiring
guards watch on dispassionately from the corners. The individuals without arousing suspicion.
information the clerks provide is summarized below.
If the PCs stop by during the day, one of the clerks
PUBLIC LEVELERS INFORMATION attempts to assist them, or even takes down their names
PCs can gain all the following knowledge simply by for consideration for membership if the PCs are or pose as
asking the clerks in the Levelers’ front office. Otherwise, merchants. If the PCs ask, the clerk offers an explanation
they can learn this information by making successful of what the Levelers is, and even shows them the two
Knowledge (local) checks at the listed DCs. common areas of the downstairs floor (1A and 1C). If

24 Tales of Zobeck
the PCs ask about Fauts, the clerk serving them informs Clockwork Watchmen (4) CR 2
them that Mister Fauts is extremely busy at the moment hp 36; Zobeck Gazetteer
and is not to be disturbed (the answer always provided). Assuming the PCs allow themselves to be disarmed
The clerk offers to speak with Mister Fauts later to set up and arrested, Corporal Reese and the watchmen escort
an appointment if the PCs leave an address at which they them back to the Vineyard District, where Sergeant
can be contacted. The clerk is attempting no subterfuge Haymar waits for them. Sergeant Haymar meets the PCs
here—this is merely the process unknown people must outside and greets them with a cold glare. Corporal Reese
go through to meet with Fauts. officially presents the PCs to Sergeant Haymar, who
Siniliqi, in the guise as Fauts, sees the PCs approach responds with, “Excellent, Corporal. These people are
from her office window and realizes they are the same guilty of high treason. Execute them.”
adventurers from the marketplace furor involving the While Sergeant Haymar speaks, allow the PCs to
little girl. Allow the PCs a DC 15 Spot check to notice make DC 24 Sense Motive or Spellcraft checks. Any PC
Fauts looking out through the window. They shouldn’t who succeeds at the Sense Motive check notices some
recognize him or know his name, but making this Spot reluctance in Sergeant Haymar’s voice, as if he does not
check gives them enough of a look to recognize the man completely believe in what he is doing. Any PC who
if described to them later (see Part Six). succeeds at the Spellcraft check notices that Sergeant
Siniliqi realizes that the presence of the PCs could only Haymar is under a spell effect (in this case, charm monster
signify that they somehow made a connection between cast on him by Siniliqi under the guise of Fauts). If a PC
the Levelers and the events happening to the shadow succeeds at either skill check, he gains a surprise round in
fey, so she teleports back to the Fauts Estate. There she the ensuing combat.
warns Bartolimous that things are quickly unraveling and Although the human watchmen are loyal to their

The Devil you know

they must go into hiding. Bartolimous wisely heeds her commander, the abrupt change in his dispassion
warning and the two begin planning their disappearance. toward the PCs and the extraordinary and questionable
If the PCs stop by the Levelers after hours, they catch command he gave makes them hesitate. Even the
Fauts by surprise. He meets them at the front door, but clockwork watchmen, who are bound by the methods
tries to politely redirect them to return the next day. He of their creation to obey their commanders, also know
even feigns that he is leaving and locks up the office as the the laws of the city and recognize that Sergeant Haymar
PCs watch, then bids them a good evening and attempts does not carry the authority to order a city-sanctioned
to depart. If the PCs use magic on Fauts, Siniliqi flees at execution. All this confusion leads to the watchmen doing
once, arriving shortly thereafter at the Fauts Estate. nothing at all at first, granting the PCs a possible surprise
round (as described above). If the PCs do not gain a
AN ARRESTING DEVELOPMENT (EL 7) surprise round, both they and the watchmen merely stand
As the PCs leave the Levelers’ office, they are quickly around for the first round of combat, gawking at one
surrounded by nearly a score of city watchmen, both another in disbelief.
human and clockwork. The human watchmen seem
If the PCs all fail the initial Sense Motive and Spellcraft
confused and only half-heartedly turn their weapons
checks, allow them to make new checks each round as
onto the PCs. Their clockwork companions, however, do
standard actions. Once a PC succeeds at either check
not hesitate to ready their weapons against the PCs, but
(including before combat begins) he may attempt a
they do not immediately attack.
Diplomacy check to convince the human watchmen
One of the human watchmen, Sergeant Haymar’s that Sergeant Haymar is under the effect of a spell or
second-in-command named Corporal Reese, reluctantly is otherwise not acting as himself. The result of the
informs the PCs that they are under arrest. He Diplomacy check dictates how many watchmen believe
uncomfortably explains that he is to escort them to see that PC. A result of 10 convinces two watchmen. For
Sergeant Haymar, who will inform them why. Corporal every point above 10 in the result, one additional human
Reese apologizes and comments that there must be some watchman believes the PC, to a maximum of all 14
confusion, but he and his men take the PCs by force if at a result of 23. A Diplomacy check of 25 or higher
they must. convinces all the human watchmen and the clockwork
The watchmen only half-heartedly disarm the PCs, watchmen as well.
taking only obvious weapons but leaving wands, rods, If the PCs do not convince at least half the human
spell component pouches, holy symbols, and non- watchmen on their first attempt, they may continue
weapon magic items. They do not force the PCs to strip making Diplomacy checks each round as a standard
off armor, even heavy armor. action, but the base DC increases by 2 every round (so
City Watchmen, the PCs must get a result of at least 12 on the second
Human Warrior 1 (14) CR 1/2 round just to convince two watchmen, and the clockwork
hp 4; DMG 109 watchmen are only won over on a result of 27 or higher).

Tales of Zobeck 25
As soon as the PCs convince seven of the human watchmen, those who
believe them move to restrain Sergeant Haymar in a nonlethal manner (and
are automatically successful).
If the PCs do not convince at least seven watchmen in the surprise round,
or they do not get a surprise round, Sergeant Haymar draws his sword
and attacks the PC closest to him. As long as the PCs do not retaliate or
make any hostile action (in this case, that includes casting any spell) except
grappling, the watchmen surround the PCs but go on the full defensive and
Adding Intrigue neither aid nor hinder the PCs or Sergeant Haymar.
The original outline for this Sergeant Haymar, Human Fighter 5 CR 5
adventure contained several
hp 47; DMG 117
additional subplots and plot
twists to spice up the action and Development: This battle can go very badly for the PCs. Every round,
keep the PCs guessing. Most
their ability to convince the watchmen decreases. If they cannot bring
of these intrigues unfortunately
could not be included, for around at least half the human watchmen quickly, it is possible they must
various reasons. To give you fight their way out of the situation—with no weapons. Attacking city
some ideas of how you can keep watchmen with weapons or spells is a serious offense in Zobeck anyway,
the PCs on their toes, here are
and even if they do manage to fight their way out of the mess they find
several possible plot twists:
themselves constantly hounded by larger and more powerful groups of
Bartolimous’s Heritage: watchmen until they are captured or (more likely) killed outright. This
Bartolimous is a half-fiend, adventure assumes the PCs succeed on their Diplomacy checks and look on
but there is no mention of his
parentage. Is Siniliqi herself his
as the watchmen wrestle Sergeant Haymar to the ground.
mother or a close relative of his Once Sergeant Haymar is subdued, Corporal Reese takes command of
fiendish half? More ominously, is
she a rival to his parent here to
the unit temporarily and has the sergeant removed to the nearest temple for
use him against his own kin? treatment. The watchmen return the PCs’ equipment to them. Corporal
Reese urges the PCs to quickly conclude their investigations before more
Sergeant Haymar’s Order: bizarre events occur throughout the city.
Siniliqi disguises herself as
Consul Radovar Streck and Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs convince the watchmen that Sergeant Haymar is
orders him to apprehend the not acting normally and the watchmen wrestle him to the ground, grant the
PCs. This sets up a whole
subplot of uncovering why
PCs 110% the normal XP for defeating Sergeant Haymar.
Streck would order such a thing
and then uncovering who did
when it is revealed it was not

Shadow Fey: Perhaps the
scàthsidhe are not as innocent
t this point, if the PCs seem unsure what to do, allow a day to
in all these events as they pass before a city watch messenger shows up and delivers them a
appear? It is possible they know note from Corporal Reese. In this note, the corporal states that
of the Sons and Mammon and Sergeant Haymar finally regained his senses and mentioned that the order
attempt to turn the PCs against
their rivals. If both the Sons
he gave to his unit was given to him by a man he does not recognize, but
of Mammon and the shadow who is small and thin. If the PCs met Mister Fauts while visiting the Levelers
fey play the PCs against the headquarters, they instantly recognize the description as his. Otherwise,
another, who can the PCs trust? allow those who made their Spot checks while in the headquarters to make
DC 10 Intelligence checks to connect Fauts to the description.
If the PCs seem hesitant to return to the Levelers headquarters or they do
not put together the pieces accordingly, you can push them into action or
lead them to the final confrontation by having another messenger arrive with
a message from the Levelers’ clerks. This message declares that Mister Fauts
is leaving town and does not have time to schedule an appointment with the
PCs for the foreseeable future. No matter how they get around to it, though,
eventually the PCs must travel to the Levelers headquarters again and bring
down Bartolimous.

If the PCs return to the Levelers offices, they find a dozen stevedores outside,
loading furniture into large carts. They explain that they were hired just

26 Tales of Zobeck
an hour earlier to clear out the building of furniture. If lock (Open Lock DC 25). Regardless of when the PCs
asked, they describe the man who hired them as short. enter, a DC 15 Listen check made when they enter the
Unless the PCs employ magic or force against them, stairwell allows them to hear the creaking of the boards
however, the men do not reveal that Fauts also paid of the upper level floor as creatures move about upstairs.
them extra to ask no questions and to move as quickly Except where noted, none of the doors on the upper level
as possible. The men just arrived, and they are just are locked.
beginning to bring out the pews from the public meeting
room (A1).
Most of the parties and gatherings hosted by the Levelers
The stevedores do not stop the PCs from entering occur in this room, the largest in the building. In
the building, and only ask that the PCs stay out of their addition, the Sons of Mammon gather here once a month
way. Once inside, one of the clerks greets the PCs and to listen to Bartolimous sermonize. The podium standing
explains that Mister Fauts was unfortunately called back upon the raised dais serves as the front of the hidden
to his home country (the clerk does not know which shrine to Mammon. The front panel of the podium has
one it is) to attend to some long-term matter there. The a hidden catch that allows it to rotate on a swivel. On
clerk seems to know very little but answers questions put the opposite side of the panel is a three-circle symbol of
to him as best as possible. If asked, he says he is the last Mammon. Uncovering the catch requires a DC 25 Search
employee, there to answer questions as best he can. He check, with a DC 20 Disable Device or Knowledge
reports that Mister Fauts is already long gone and only he (architecture and engineering) check to figure out how to
and the stevedores remain in the building, but since the use it.
organization is closed down he sees no harm in letting
If the PCs arrive during the day, the stevedores are in
the PCs wander the building.
the process of moving out the solid but surprisingly light

The Devil you know

Although this clerk looks familiar to the PCs (if they pews. This is one of the rooms the clerks and other guests
ask, confirm he is one of the clerks they saw earlier), he is are allowed to enter.
in fact Siniliqi in disguise. Many of the pieces of furniture
being moved conceal pieces of a shrine to Mammon. In 1B: SIGN
order to ensure the stevedores make no errors or lose any This wooden sign depicts the painted symbol of the
pieces, Siniliqi took on the guise of the clerk, so she can Levelers: a merchants scale with one tray lower than the
watch over the move without garnering undue attention. other and a stylized hand dropping coins onto the higher
The arrival of the PCs spooks her, however, and she tray as if in an attempt to bring it level.
does what she can to encourage them to look around 1C: WAITING ROOM
the building. Once the PCs move out of sight of the The clerks spend much of their time, greeting guests
front room, Siniliqi puts on her jacket and calmly walks and performing whatever other odd jobs Mister Fauts
out the front door, bids the stevedores a good day, and requires. The senior clerk usually sits at the small desk in
disappears into the teeming masses of Zobeck. the southeast corner, notable only for the high quality of
If the PCs arrive at night instead, they find the place the ink, pen, guestbook, and stationery kept within it (all
locked up tight, with all the windows dark. The doors are of which together are worth 100 gp). All of the chairs in
locked with average locks (Open Lock DC 25), while the room are comfortably, if plainly, appointed.
the front door is protected by a poison needle trap. If The guestbook contains all the names of visitors to
the PCs arrive at night they do so the night before the the Levelers since its founding two years earlier. A PC
stevedores arrive, and all the furniture remains unmoved. perusing the book for a few minutes can make a DC 15
In this case, Siniliqi is not even in the building when the Search check to notice several interesting names: Consul
PCs arrive, and she does not learn of their raid until the Radovar Streck, Sergeant Haymar, Rogi Varens, and
next morning, at which time she dons a disguise and any other NPC you wish. Why these people visited
disappears into the crowds of Zobeck. the Levelers is up to you. You can use this small clue as
Poison Needle Trap: CR 2; mechanical; touch trigger; a springboard to further adventures, to introduce new
repair reset; lock bypass (Open Lock DC 25); contacts to the PCs, or as a red herring, as you see fit.
Atk +17 melee (1 plus poison, needle); poison (blue
whinnis; injury DC 14; initial 1 Con, secondary This is the other room the clerks and guests are allowed
unconsciousness); Search DC 22; Disable Device to enter.
DC 17.
INSIDE THE LEVELERS HEADQUARTERS When they have little else to do, the clerks retire to
Except for the front door, all doors on the lower level are this small nook to eat, drink, or rest. The pantry door
locked with poor locks (Open Lock DC 20). Only Fauts, in the southeast corner of this area is not locked, and
Bartolimous, and the senior clerk have keys (although his contains shelves stacked with dried, salted, and otherwise
keys only open the locks on the lower level). The door preserved foods. The clerks also use this nook and pantry
to the stairs on the lower level is locked with an average to store the hard cheeses, crackers, and cheap wines they
Tales of Zobeck 27
offer to important guests made to
wait in area 1C.
Mister Fauts uses this room to
admit new members of the Levelers
(whether or not they are also Sons
of Mammon) or meet briefly with
important guests before they are
led upstairs or else seen off at the
front door. Other members of the
Levelers conduct private business
here, with the full understanding
that whatever is said within the
room is strictly confidential.
Indeed, baffling on the inside of
the room (tastefully decorated, of
course, to appear as stained oak
paneling) makes listening into the
room quite difficult (conferring a
–10 penalty on Listen checks made
to hear into or out of the room).
The room contains an elaborate
urn, a comfortably cushioned
chair, a thickly padded sofa, and
a simple low wooden table. The
chair here forms the back portion
of the shrine to Mammon. Extra
upholstering cloth under the chair
is carefully folded and held taut
with a strong but narrow wooden
rod. An image of the symbol of
Mammon hides on the back side PCs (although if the party does not attempt stealth they
of this extra upholstering cloth. The cloth also conceals a
automatically hear people approaching), due to their
thin book of foul hymns, dark chants, and other prayers
concentration on the task at hand.
to Mammon. Uncovering this hidden cache requires a
DC 23 Search check, with a DC 20 Disable Device check Development: Once the PCs defeat Bartolimous,
to unlatch and reveal it. the power of the Sons of Mammon is broken, although
the group retains some level of cohesion for several
2A: PRIVATE MEETING ROOM. (EL 7 OR —) weeks before breaking apart. More immediately, the PCs
Smaller but better appointed than the public meeting uncover reams of paper, ledgers, and scrolls detailing the
room, this chamber houses the meetings of only the most works of the Sons of Mammon. All of these papers are
senior and trusted members of the Sons of Mammon. It written in code, and breaking the code requires 12 hours
also serves as the location of the private parties held here. and a DC 20 Decipher Script check.
Many secretive business transactions among the Levelers
Among these many documents are religious texts for
and Sons of Mammon elite occur here, as do raucous and
Mammon, as well as indoctrination materials used by
debauched parties.
the Sons of Mammon to lure merchants into the cult
If the PCs arrive during the day, Bartolimous is here, gradually. In addition, the ledgers implicate more than
hastily feeding the roaring fire in the fireplace with a dozen merchants and smiths of various industries all
a teetering stack of loose papers, old ledger books, across the city in knowingly working with the Sons of
and crushed parchment scrolls. Assisting him in this Mammon, but who are not themselves members. Exactly
endeavor is an imp named Ahastalin, who came as an who the papers incriminate is up to you, depending on
indentured servant to Siniliqi and who was assigned to how much intrigue you wish to add to your campaign.
help Bartolimous. Bartolimous and Ahastalin take a –2 Turning over these papers to the city watch fetches the
penalty on Listen and Spot checks made to notice the PCs a reward of 50 gp each.

28 Tales of Zobeck
Bartolimous CR 7
Male half-fiend human sorcerer 5 During Combat Bartolimous relies heavily on his
LE Medium outsider (native) enchantment spells to disrupt his opponents
Init +2, Senses darkvision 60 ft., Listen +1, Spot +1 and sow confusion in their ranks. Once he
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, affects at least two foes with his enchantments,
Undercommon he switches to necromancy spells to weaken,
DR 5/magic; Immunity poison; Resistances acid 10, fatigue, and impede his opponents. If the fight
cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 15 goes against him, Bartolimous starts casting
glitterdust every round to shut down his
DEFENSE enemies on a large scale. At 10 hp remaining,
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 he casts darkness, followed by false life, then
(+4 armor, +2 Dex, natural +1) he becomes reckless with his spells, trying to
hp 22 (5d4+10) weaken and harm his opponents. He uses his
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5 claws and bite attack only to finish off helpless
OFFENSE or severely weakened opponents.
Morale If caught on the upper floor of the Levelers’
Spd 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (average) offices (the most likely place to encounter him)
Melee claw +3 (1d4+1) or Bartolimous fights to the death. He knows
2 claws +1 (1d4+1) and many things, and he fears what the PCs might
bite –2 (1d6+1) force him to reveal should they take him alive.
Special Atk smite good 1/day (+5 damage) Thus, once reduced to 10 hit points or less, he
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; DC 16) becomes exceedingly reckless in an attempt to
3/day—darkness die fighting.
1/day—desecrate, unholy blight
Sorcerer Spells (CL 5th; touch +3, ranged touch +4) STATISTICS
2nd (6/day, 1 cast)—daze monster (DC 17), false Str 12, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 18

The Devil you know

life, glitterdust (DC 16), spectral hand, touch Base Atk +2; Grp +3
of idiocy Feats Extend Spell, Spell Focus (enchantment), Spell
1st (4/day)—cause fear (DC 16), charm person Focus (necromancy)
(DC 16), chill touch, mage armor, magic Skills Bluff +12, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +8,
missile, ray of enfeeblement, sleep (DC 16) Intimidate +8, Knowledge (arcana) +12,
0 (2/day)—daze (DC 15), disrupt undead, mage Knowledge (religion) +8, Spellcraft +12
hand, open/close, prestidigitation, touch of SQ summon familiar (has not yet summoned)
fatigue Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, pearl of
power (2nd-level spells)
TACTICS Other Gear signet ring with symbol of Mammon worth
Before Combat Bartolimous casts an extended mage 50 gp, noble’s outfit
armor and readies an action to cast glitterdust
as soon as he can catch at least two characters Ahastalin CR 2
in its area. hp 13; MM 56 (imp)


When Bartolimous works in the city, he does so from The strong wooden door (hardness 5, 20 hp, break
this spartan office. Regardless of when the PCs arrive, the DC 23) to this closet is locked with a good lock (Open
drawers of the desk are locked (only Bartolimous has a Lock DC 30). Although most of the shrine to Mammon
key) with poor locks (Open Locks DC 20). One door is is hidden within objects on the lower level, Siniliqi keeps
protected by an extended bane trap. the relics, unholy symbol, and other accoutrements of
Extended Bane Trap: CR 3; magic device; proximity Mammon worship within this lead-lined closet, as well as
trigger (detect good); automatic reset; spell effect most of the donations made to Mammon by the members
(extended bane, 3rd-level cleric, DC 13 Will save of the order. A small steel lockbox bearing a good lock
negates); Search DC 27; Disable Device DC 27. (Open Lock DC 30) contains 200 pp neatly rolled into
If the PCs arrive during the day, they find everything stacks of 20 coins apiece.
of interest in this room already removed and stacked up
More importantly, though, are the various items of
in area 1B. Several Sons of Mammon cultists are in the
Mammon worship stored within, all of which bear
room, making sure everything incriminating is in the pile
Mammon’s unholy mark. These items include a leather-
to be destroyed.
bound and gold-embossed book of hymns; a set of
Sons of Mammon Cultists; gold-embroidered white robes (worth 5 gp); a golden
Human Rogue 1 (3) CR 1 censer (worth 25 gp); a silver unholy symbol (worth 15
hp 7; DMG 123 gp); three vials filled with a thick, tacky, reddish-brown
If the PCs arrive at night, Bartolimous and Ahastalin gel (drying blood); a golden goblet (worth 20 gp); and
are here, ransacking the office to make a stack of papers, a bundle of incense. A DC 12 Search check reveals a
ledgers, and scrolls to burn. See area 2A for their cleanly severed human hand stashed in the lower corner
statistics, and for information about what the papers, of the closet. A DC 15 Heal check reveals that the level of
ledgers, and scrolls contain. At night, the cultists desiccation and rot indicates the hand has been there for
described above are instead in area 2E. at least a year.
Tales of Zobeck 29
Everything in this room exudes an aura of wealth and refinement.
Gold filigree decorates the solid mahogany desk, several masterpiece
paintings hang on the walls, the chairs and other furniture are richly
upholstered, and all of the mementos and other trinkets on the desktop
are made of polished brass or shining gold.
Unfortunately, everything in this room is cloaked in a permanent illusion
masking its true worth (a DC 19 Will save sees through the deception).
None of the items are worth the effort of removing them.
Within a locked drawer (Open Lock DC 25) of the large, workmanlike
desk, under several bank receipts and other mundane paperwork, rests a
simple, battered ledger. Finding the ledger requires a DC 10 Search check
after the drawer is opened. This battered ledger contains all the names of the
Sons of Mammon and the Levelers, including their addresses and how much
(if anything) they contributed to the Sons of Mammon. Like the ledgers
Whither Siniliqi? in area 2A, this ledger can incriminate whomever you wish, to give your
As written, the adventure campaign as much or as little intrigue as you want. The city watch rewards
assumes Siniliqi dodges the the PCs handsomely if they turn over this battered book, giving each a 700
PCs and escapes into Zobeck.
Although she is more powerful gp reward.
than the PCs, she does not When Siniliqi left, she sought to fully and fatally cut her ties with the Sons
know that, and their ability to
stymie Bartolimous and the Sons
of Mammon and the Levelers. She knew that, eventually, Bartolimous would
of Mammon makes her fearful grow curious as to what she kept in her office, and so she summoned in two
of them. She disappears into bearded devils to defend the room against any intruders.
the city, adopting a number of
guises and claiming numerous Bearded Devils (2) CR 7
treasure caches she left herself hp 45; MM 52
throughout the city and its
nearby environs. After a couple 2E: NOOK
decades of living a relatively
This nook serves much the same purpose as area 1D. A DC 12 Listen check
meager but careful life, she
grows bored again and looks for reveals the churning of the printing press in 2G. If the PCs arrive during the
some new mortal with whom she day, it is empty. At night, though, three cultists of Mammon rest here.
can plot diabolical schemes.
Sons of Mammon Cultists;
It is likely she does not bother Human Rogue 1 (3) CR 1
the PCs again, but perhaps hp 7; DMG 123
their descendants come across
her at some point. Of course, 2F: PRIVY
you can have her reappear This is a small privy, to allow those on the upper level to remain there and
throughout your campaign, each
time appearing as someone not need to exit to the outhouse behind the building.
else who somehow knows the
PCs. Going this route eventually
reveals Siniliqi and likely leads Among other activities performed by the Levelers on behalf of its members,
to her destruction, but it can the association maintains a printing press that runs 24 hours a day. While not
provide you with a great deal of a movable-type printing press, the press does allow for the mass production
satisfaction for as long as the
ruse lasts.
of woodcut pamphlets, brochures, and other materials desired by members.
The Levelers keep the presses active around the clock thanks to three
clockwork scullions who run the presses and defend the room from anyone
who isn’t Siniliqi or Bartolimous.
Clockwork Scullions (3) CR 1
hp 25; Zobeck Gazetteer

The printing press weighs nearly 3,000 pounds, but if removed from the
chamber in one piece (requiring a DC 16 Dex check by anyone trying to
move it) it is worth 2,000 gp.

30 Tales of Zobeck
The beautifully built cabinets in this chamber bear
elaborate carvings of horrific scenes showing sacrifices
and services dedicated to Mammon. The lead-lined and
airtight cabinets serve as ossuaries for those unfortunates
sacrificed to Mammon in the past two years.
Many of the dead ritualistically interred within
t his adventure presents a new monster, the
menacing firegeist.

Fiery smoke coalesces into a vaguely humanoid
these cabinets remain eternally at rest, but a few are so
outraged by their treatment that they remain restlessly Firegeist CR 2
tied to their earthly bodies. Two such outraged spirits Always NE Small outsider (extraplanar, fire)
arose as shadows only recently, and they protect their Init +6; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Listen +3, Spot +3
Language Auran
bodies with a terrible vengeance. The Sons of Mammon
have yet to figure out what to do with the shadows. The DEFENSE
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 11; Dodge
shadows attack any creatures who step into their room.
(+6 Dex, +1 size)
Shadows (2) CR 3 hp 13 (3d8 HD)
hp 19; MM 221 Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +6
Immunity fire; Weakness artificial light sensitivity,
vulnerability to cold

Speed 40 ft
fter the PCs defeat Bartolimous, they put an Melee tendril +10 melee (1d3)
end to the Sons of Mammon in Zobeck, at Special Atk combustion touch attack +10 (1d4 fire)

The Devil you know

least for a decade or so. The ledger they find TACTICS
incriminates a number of important people in the city, Before Combat Firegeists attempt to hide in nearby
from Consuls to merchants and even ranking members firelight, if it exists, in the hopes of ambushing
of the city watch (none of whom the PCs meet in this prey.
adventure). During Combat Firegeists attack any creature using
cold damage. Otherwise, they employ their
With the end of the Sons of Mammon comes the end combustion touch on opponents who look
of the supposed curses on those who bought material physically powerful and concentrate their tendril
attacks on lightly armored or unarmored targets.
from the fey. This greatly improves the relationship Morale As terrible cowards, firegeists flee if reduced to
between the fey and Zobeck, and over time the fey 6 hit points or fewer.
look into establishing a permanent base within the city. STATISTICS
The PCs are hailed as friends of the fey, and they are Str 7, Dex 22, Con 10, Int 3, Wis 16, Cha 5
welcomed to visit the domain of the Twilight Duchess Base Atk +3; Grp –3
whenever they might happen to be on the Plane of Feat Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Shadow. Skills Escape Artist +12, Hide +12*, Move Silently +6*
SQ hide by firelight
Cassie Helmsburg eventually recovers from her sorrow Environment Elemental Plane of Fire
and grows into a brave—if reckless—planeswalker. If Treasure none
Advancement 4–7 HD (Small), 8–13 HD (Medium)
the PCs are still active 8 years later, they might find
Level Adjustment —
themselves approached by a young adventurer who
seems familiar to them, if not for her looks then for her
Magical Light Sensitivity (Ex) A firegeist detests
headstrong determination. magical light of any intensity. It suffers a –2
penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving
throws when within the radius of a spell that
produces light (such as daylight or dancing
lights), as long as the caster level of the spell
equals or exceeds the firegeist’s HD.
Combustion Touch (Su) At will, as a standard action,
the firegeist can make a single touch attack that
deals 1d4 points of damage. The target must
immediately succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save
or catch fire, taking an additional 2d4 points of
damage on the following round. Once a firegeist
uses this ability, it must wait 5 rounds before
being able to use it again.
Hide By Firelight (Ex) In an area lit by nonmagical
flame (only), a firegeist gains a +20 racial bonus
on Hide and Move Silently checks.

Tales of Zobeck 31
The Knave
3 of Parts
The city is abuzz with talk about the Knave of Parts, and bounty
hunters and self-appointed vigilantes are converging on Zobeck in
BY the hopes of claiming the reward. Some rumors whisper, though, that
multiple Knaves haunt the clockwork citizens of Zobeck, although the
BILL COLLINS Lord Mayor himself denies these claims.

t his somewhat unusual adventure involves two chase scenes and at least one
roleplaying encounter leading to a final confrontation. The PCs encounter a
clockwork scullion missing internal gears. They spy the Knave of Parts fleeing and
can give chase. The first encounter blunders into ambushes in the Kobold Ghetto, allowing
the Knave to escape.
FOR4TH-6TH-LEVEL Hints point the PCs toward the Lord of the Heap in the Gray Middens, but getting to
CHARACTERS. him means braving the wind-up stirges and the smell of the place.
The next chase leads across the roofs of Zobeck into territory ruled by gargoyles known
as the Children of the 13, through whom they must fight or talk. At last, the PCs find the
trail to the Knave’s invisible tower, in which he rushes to complete the Silent Scullion.


k nave of Parts is something of a sandbox adventure. All of the pieces you need to
run the adventure are presented, but they need not be used in exactly the order
presented, nor all at once. You should not feel compelled to run Knave of Parts as
a normal adventure, running your players through the plot from beginning to end exactly
as written (although you certainly can!). Because of the modular nature of the adventure,
you can easily weave scenes from it into other adventures, almost as a series of side quests.
You can also mix up the order of the encounters, since the only one that has a definite
chronological placement is the last one. Or is it? There are three Knaves of Parts, after all.
Providing the PCs with encounters connected not to their current adventure but to an
ongoing campaign subplot is an easy way to create verisimilitude in your campaign. It can
also liven up a depressing or slow-moving adventure or session.


t he original Knave of Parts is Petr Bednarz. The Knave is a recurring villain who
leaves behind a calling card to taunt his victims, sow confusion, and build a
reputation for himself. Or rather, as many as three villains. Prior to the start of this
adventure and the inclusion of the PCs, the Knave of Parts is responsible for four daring
robberies, wherein he stole the internal components from three older clockwork scullions.
He plans to commit two more.


The original Knave of Parts, Petr Bednarz, was a journeyman to a master gearcrafter named
Jasna Vorlova, who passed away roughly a year ago. While Petr lacks Jasna’s skill, he knows
enough to utilize what she already made. As the Knave of Parts, Petr searches for Mistress

32 Tales of Zobeck
Vorlova’s last great masterpiece, the Silent Scullion.
Rather than some lofty desire to complete his master’s
work or serve the city, the bored journeyman gearcrafter
plans to complete the Silent Scullion merely to start a
new life as an unstoppable highwayman with an eternally
loyal companion
Taking parts from clockwork scullions is against
the law, and since Petr makes a decent living servicing
clockworks for the rich, he created the costume to
disguise himself. He also sometimes dreams of being a
famous hero, so becoming the Knave at least allows him
to fulfill the famous part of that dream. With a pocketful
of pasteboard rectangles to strew about, Petr Bednarz
roams the streets in black cowl and cape seeking the last
parts of his late mentor’s final treasure.
The Golden Gears: Every one of the 12 clockwork
scullions made by the enigmatic Mistress Jasna Vorlova
contained a single golden gear, a superbly crafted sprocket
that formed the essential piece, without which the
clockwork scullion cannot function. Jasna told no one her
secret, save only her favorite journeyman Petr Bednarz,

The Knave Of Parts

that bringing together six of the golden gears would
give a life to her final creation, the Silent Scullion. Petr’s
tongue is looser than Jasna’s, though, and he has revealed
that information knowingly to his sister, and
somewhat unknowingly to others.
The Silent Scullion: Petr knows the
unfinished Silent Scullion’s location, but not
the whereabouts of the golden gears. Unsure of
how Jasna intended to harvest the golden gears,
Petr set out to steal six of them,
and then assemble them together.
Petr lurks about town (generally at
night) watching clockwork
scullions go about their
business until he finds
a victim. He then
leaps out, disables
the clockwork
scullion with his
tick stop watch,
and extracts
the golden gear
within. The Knave is an
expert metal craftsman,
enabling him to open a scullion
in a tenth the normal time
(1 round).

The Knave of Parts

Tales of Zobeck 33
The Knave of Parts CR 8
Male human rogue 6/ fighter 1/shadowdancer 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Listen + 4, Spot + 4
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven
AC 20, touch 14, flat footed 15; Dodge, Mobility, evasion, trap sense +2,
uncanny dodge
(+5 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 46 (6d6+1d8+1d10+16)
Fort +6, Ref +11, Will +3; trap sense +2
Spd 30 ft.; Spring Attack
Melee mwk rapier +10 (1d6)
Special Atk sneak attack +3d6
Before Combat The Knave of Parts looks for a place to hide in plain sight.
He tries to avoid fights, but if pressed he hides and attempts to set
up a sneak attack.
During Combat The Knave of Parts fights on the defensive and talks the
entire time. He attempts to convince his opponents to let him go.
Morale The Knave of Parts attempts to escape at every possible
opportunity. If trapped, the Knave reacts differently depending on
Something Grander
who is playing the part. Petr and Roscislawa fight until they no
If the Knave of Parts’s motivation longer can. Lemassil fights until reduced to 10 hp, at which point she
as written does not appeal to drops her weapons and begs for mercy.
you, you should feel free to
give him a new purpose in life.
Perhaps the Knave seeks a Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 13
particular scullion built by his Base Atk +5; Grp +5
former master that holds some Feats Dodge, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse
great secret. Perhaps he seeks Skills Balance +17, Climb +5, Craft (gearcraft) +9, Diplomacy +3 Disable
to complete a scullion that his Device +7, Escape Artist +10, Hide +15, Jump +13, Knowledge
mentor believed would come (local) +12, Listen +4, Move Silently +15, Open Lock +9, Perform
to life once the last gear was (dance) +12, Spot +4, Tumble +17
placed. Maybe his motivations SQ hide in plain sight
are more sinister, maybe more Other Gear +1 mithril chain shirt, masterwork rapier, tick stop watch,
lighthearted. Whatever the case, gloves of dexterity +2, spring-heeled boots, whistle, 50 gp and a
adjust Petr’s reason for donning blue sapphire worth 150 gp
the Knave’s mask to best fit your
campaign’s tone (or better yet, to KNAVE THE SECOND
best inject a different tone into it). Petr’s sister, Roscislawa Bednarz, idolizes her brother, despite his recent turn
to crime. He confides in her and relies on her position as a servant for the
wealthy Rymut family to locate more scullions (the Rymuts’ scullion was the
third robbery). Wise enough to realize the extreme dangers of his chosen
lifestyle, Petr also relies on Roscislawa as his backup, in case he is injured,
captured, or killed. Thus, he trains her in secret. If Petr dies or is captured,
she immediately dons a near-identical outfit. Anyone observing this Knave
may make a DC 21 Spot check to realize she is a woman.
Roscislawa Bednarz;
Knave of Parts CR 8
hp 46; as Petr Bednarz, except as follows
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15
(+4 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex)
Melee +1 scimitar +10 (1d6+1/18–20/x2)
Other Gear +1 scimitar, bracers of armor +4,
ring of protection +1


Lemassil, She Who Suffers, is an erinyes exiled to Zobeck by her powerful
mistress. Stripped of her abilities to teleport and summon other devils,
Lemassil gained from her unhappy mistress the form of a human man, in
which she remains uncomfortably trapped. She hates the mortal world and
seeks escape, but she has yet to determine what she must do to end her exile.

34 Tales of Zobeck
Like so many of the impoverished humans among DC Result
which she now lives, Lemassil finds solace and
20 Before she died, Mistress Vorlova hid some puzzle
forgetfulness in alcohol. While sulking in a tavern one
clockworks that unlocked her last piece of gearcraft.
night, Lemassil overheard a drunken Petr Bednarz (True)
boasting quietly to his sister. Interested in what Petr
22 Mistress Vorlova’s books and (rumored) extensive
said, if only from wishing to alleviate boredom, Lemassil
notes on gearcrafting were never found. (Partially
began following Petr. Lemassil reasoned that if Bednarz true—Petr found and hid them)
makes the Silent Scullion work, she can kill him and
25 Mistress Vorlova’s final works involved magical
present the gift to her mistress, all in the hope of
golden gears that would give her final masterpiece
impressing her enough to end her exile. When Petr and life. (Partially true—the golden gears are not
Roscislawa fall, Lemassil steps into the role, hoping to themselves magical)
find the last gears and give the Silent Scullion life.
hp 85; MM 54 (erinyes) Once the PCs uncover at least some of the clues and
Notable Changes Lemassil is trapped in the form of a rumors available, they need to follow up with more
human male and lost the abilities to greater teleport detailed information.
at will or to summon a devil. This reduces her CR
There is no magic to detect on the card, but a DC 20
PART ONE: INVESTIGATION Craft (bookbinding), Knowledge (local), or Profession
(printer) check reveals the printer as Diderik Klupfel.

o nce the PCs begin their investigation of
the Knave of Parts, they need information.
Diderik is a half-elf with ink-stained hands who keeps
odd hours and needlessly fears the Knave of Parts.

The Knave Of Parts

Knowledge (local) and Gather Information His initial attitude is indifferent, but mentioning
checks (or bardic knowledge checks) can give the PCs a the Knave of Parts or clockwork scullions makes him
few clues with which they can begin their more in-depth unfriendly. If made at least indifferent again, he reveals
investigations. that a man in a cowl and wearing boots with extra-thick
CLUES AND RUMORS heels appeared after midnight one night and paid him
The following clues and rumors are mostly true, although well to make the cards while the man watched. When
some results (particularly at the lower DCs) contain only Diderik finished, the man took the cards and leapt up
partial truths. You can substitute a bardic knowledge onto the roof and disappeared into the night.
check for either of the following skill checks, although A GOOD PAIR OF BOOTS
the DCs are then 5 higher. If the PCs do not speak with Diderik or pick up on the
clue about the Knave’s strange boots, allow a passing
Table 3-1: Knowledge (local)
rumor to circulate about the Knave of Parts leaping
DC Result around thanks to magical boots. A DC 15 Knowledge
10 The Knave of Parts first appeared roughly a month (local) or bardic knowledge check reveals the likeliest
ago. (True) seller of such specialty footwear is the L Shop.
12 The Lord of the Heap probably knows more about The proprietor and master cobbler, Nerio di Siena,
the Knave of Parts than anyone. (True)
is disinclined to talk about other customers and has an
15 Most of the attacked scullions were the work of initial attitude of unfriendly. He only answers questions
Mistress Jasna Vorlova. (Partially true—all were her if made at least indifferent. A PC purchasing a pair of
boots worth at least 20 gp gains a +2 circumstance bonus
17 Mistress Vorlova researched the making of magical on any Diplomacy checks made by the party. Once the
guardians. (True) PCs get Nerio to talk, he says, “This young fellow named
20 Mistress Vorlova worked on several magical guardians Bednarz ordered a pair of spring-heeled boots about a
for wealthy Zobeck citizens. (True) month ago. Heard him say he was headed to Trollheim
Table 3-2: Gather Information to be an adventurer. Good luck! He paid me a little extra
to have them shipped to the Wheatsheaf when I finished
DC Result them.”
10 Three scullions have been attacked since the Knave
of Parts appeared. (True) THE WHEATSHEAF
Mistress Vorlova liked puzzles. (True)
Inquiring about the Knave of Parts brings all manner
12 of grand and improbable stories, many of which the
15 All of the scullions that were robbed were old. PCs already know. If the PCs ask about Bednarz, the
(True) innkeeper and patrons mutter and whisper. Nobody has

Tales of Zobeck 35
By this time, Petr knows that many
bounty hunters, adventurers, vigilantes,
and other groups seek his capture, but
despite the relatively generous reward
offered for his capture, the Knave of
Parts is not without friends. In the last
few days, Petr made contact with a
new and tiny gang of kobold sorcerers
calling themselves the Bushwhackers.
He promised to give the young, bored
kobolds something to do in the near
future, and the PCs inadvertently help
him fulfill that promise.
As the PCs approach the sewer
entrance, they spot a group of kobolds
gathered about the broken remains of
a scullion. The high-quality clothing
on the scullion indicate it belonged to
a well-to-do merchant or noble. PCs
can attempt a DC 15 Spot check to see
the Knave of Parts on the far side of the
Courtyard of Sheds just as he blows a
whistle and leaps to the roofs. Even if
the PCs do not see the Knave of Parts
directly, they notice a tell-tale calling
card on the chest of the scullion.
The Courtyard of Sheds is a small
open area just outside the Kobold
Ghetto where humans and kobolds
meet to buy and sell goods and services
from one another. During the day, the
courtyard is mostly filled with humans,
while kobolds dominate it at night.
The hours around dusk and dawn find
a fairly even mix, as well as the largest
The courtyard of sheds crowds. Regardless of the time of day
seen him lately, but a few talkative patrons reveal that he when the PCs arrive, though, the courtyard quickly clears
spent a lot of time talking about gargoyles, some talking when the PCs arrive, as people notice the Knave of Parts
trash heap called “the Lord,” and gearcrafting in older and the armed group chasing him.
scullions. Petr announced suddenly two weeks ago that
he was headed to Siwal and left without settling his bill. BUSHWHACKER AMBUSH (EL 8)
The innkeeper really wants to talk to him. The resourceful kobolds are all armed with two-handed
saps, with which they strike to subdue. The kobolds hide
PART TWO: THE BUSHWHACKERS up in rope tricks 30 feet above the ground over the sheds
(which are 10 feet high), and have pulled up the ropes to

a t some point, the PCs should realize that their
best source for more information is the Lord of
the Heap. A simple DC 10 Knowledge (local)
check reveals how to find the Lord. The easiest way to
meet the Lord of the Heap (and the way that involves the
conceal them. Sorcerers in each rope trick cast feather fall
on four kobolds apiece just before PCs appear. PCs can
make DC 15 Spot checks to avoid being surprised by the
kobolds dropping down.
The kobolds know that killing humans brings the wrath
least amount of time in the sewers) brings the PCs just of the Zobeck city watch onto their people, so they seek
outside the walls of the Kobold Ghetto. to subdue the PCs with nonlethal damage.

36 Tales of Zobeck
Kobold Sorcerers (2) CR 5 PART THREE:
hp 17; DMG 124, except as noted here
Spells Known

2nd (7)—rope trick, web (DC 15)
fter descending into the sewers from near the
Courtyard of Sheds (the opening of which
During Combat The sorcerers lead off their attacks
by casting web at any heavily armored types. Havakal happily points out in an effort to
They are not afraid to engulf an area in multiple appease the PCs), they party must muck through the filth
webs. If the kobolds catch more than half for half an hour before they arrive at the Gray Middens
the party in their webs, they offer a truce in and the lair of the Lord of the Heap.
exchange for “all your money.”
Morale The sorcerers fight until they take a point of Crawling through the muck of the sewers is unpleasant
damage, at which point they cast web again to nearly any living creature, but the Gray Middens seems
(this time somewhat recklessly, not bothering
to aim to miss their companions) and then run worse than usual. When the PCs first descend, they must
away. make DC 15 Fortitude saves to avoid becoming sickened
Young Kobold Bravos (8) CR 1/4 for as long as they remain in the Gray Middens. In
hp 7; MM 161 addition to the general foulness, the dangers of sewer gas
Melee +1 two-handed sap (1d6-1 nonlethal damage) are particularly prevalent here.
or +3 sling (1d3-1)
During Combat These bravos are untrained and Roughly 5 minutes into the sewers, the toxic gas of the
reckless combatants. They do not work together sewers affects the PCs (inhaled poison; DC 15; initial
and they have no clear understanding of tactics.
nausea 1d6 rounds, secondary 1d2 Con). A DC 15
Morale Although brave for kobolds, these bravos

The Knave Of Parts

are still cowards. As soon as one takes even Knowledge (dungeoneering) check provides a +2
a single point of damage, he attempts to flee. circumstance bonus on the save, as the PC recognizes the
Once at least 7 flee or are downed, the rest threat and can recommend wet fabric as an impromptu
attempt to flee. mask.
Development: The Bushwhackers surrender if all
the sorcerers drop or more than 10 kobolds drop or are FLAMMABLE SEWER GAS (EL 8)
otherwise unable to continue fighting. The kobolds close Roughly 20 minutes into the sewers, the toxic gas reaches
another critical concentration (inhaled poison; DC 15;
ranks and refuse to talk. Their initial attitude is hostile,
at least toward Diplomacy. They lack resolve, and the initial nausea 1d6 rounds, secondary 1d2 Con). A
smallest threat (DC 5 Intimidate) causes them to buckle DC 15 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check provides +2
and mewl pitiably for mercy. circumstance bonus on the save, as the PC recognizes
the threat and can recommend the use of wet fabric as an
An older kobold named Havakal approaches the PCs impromptu mask. In addition, any flame, spark (including
and speaks to them in Common. He mutters that the electricity effects), or source of extreme heat (such as a
Knave of Parts heard from the Lord of the Heap that heat metal spell) within the area causes the gas to explode
some of the younger kobolds were spoiling for a fight and in a 20-foot radius 8d6 fireball.
offered a few gold apiece to set a trap. Havakal offers to
turn over the Bushwhackers to the human authorities if WIND-UP STIRGES (EL 5)
the party does not make it worse for the entire ghetto. As the PCs approach the chamber in which the Lord of
The human owners of the scullion (who fled when the the Heap dwells, four mechanical mosquito-like pests
Knave leaped down) return to the scene at this point. fly down from a narrow, foot-wide opening above. These
The owners, retired civil servants named Matviyko and wind-up stirges were created years ago by a toy maker
Lyudmila, have no idea why anyone would attack their whose exotic but masterful clockwork creations led to
clockwork scullion, but they are upset to find out their his forced retirement in an asylum. Although most of his
lone servant now needs many repairs. If asked, they creations were deactivated, his inventions occasionally
mention buying the scullion from Mistress Jasna Vorlova pop up.
more than 5 years ago. Matviyko brags about how he THE LORD OF THE HEAP (EL — OR 4)
scared away the Knave before his wife was robbed. The Lord of the Heap hungers. He hungers for trash
Lyudmila remembers that the robber stank like the and he hungers for information. Conversation of any
sewers. sort sates his thirst for gossip. Few dare to approach the
Lord of the Heap, an otyugh of exceptional intelligence
(for his species) with the disturbing habit of snatching
decayed or slime-covered food from the floating masses
of effluvia that pass by him. Speaking with the Lord of
the Heap while he flails his filth-caked tentacles unnerves

Tales of Zobeck 37
Wind-Up Stirges (4) CR 2
MM 236 and Advanced Bestiary 42 (clockwork creature)
N Tiny construct (augmented magical beast)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Listen +1, Spot +1
AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 17
(+6 Dex, +5 natural, +2 size)
hp 5 (1d10); hardness 10
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will –1
Immunities construct immunities; Resistances acid 10, cold 10, fire 10;
Random Mutterings Weakness vulnerability to electricity
PCs who make a DC 16 Listen OFFENSE
check can listen in on the Lord
of the Heap mutter to himself. Spd 10 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Roll 1d8 on the following chart Melee proboscis +9 touch (attach)
for every minute a PC listens. Special Atk blood drain
Feel free to let the Lord of Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
the Heap repeat himself if the TACTICS
same result is rolled more than During Combat Mindless machines, the wind-up stirges fly directly at
once, and you should also feel the nearest targets and attack. Once a stirge deals 4 points of
free to add your own random Constitution damage, it detaches and flies off to process the blood
mutterings, possibly as hints to into energy. If its victim dies before the wind-up stirge’s appetite is
other events occurring in your sated, it detaches and seeks a new target.
campaign. Make sure punctuate Morale Wind-up stirges fight until destroyed.
each phrase with plenty of sloppy
lip-smacking, loud belching, and STATISTICS
other inelegant noises. Str 7, Dex 23, Con —, Int 0, Wis 8, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; Grp –9 (+3 when attached)
1d8 Random Muttering Feats Alertness, Weapon FinesseB
SQ construct traits, metal body, windup key
“Mmm, tasty. Oh, mmm,
1 roast rat and spicey
sauce.” Attach (Ex) If a wind-up stirge hits with a touch attack, it uses its eight
pincers to latch onto the opponent’s body. An attached wind-up
“Bet the Mouse King is stirge is effectively grappling its prey. The wind-up stirge loses its
in town. Tastes like it, it Dexterity bonus to AC and has an AC of 12, but holds on with great
does.” (see Tail of the tenacity. Wind-up stirges have a +12 racial bonus on grapple checks
Mouse King) when attached (already figured into the statistics above).
“Yuck. Gear grease An attached wind-up stirge can be struck with a weapon or
again. What are grappled itself. To remove an attached wind-up stirge through
they making at the grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the wind-up
Collegium this week?” stirge.
Blood Drain (Ex) A wind-up stirge drains blood, dealing 1d4 points of
“Rotting harpy? With a
Constitution damage in any round when it begins its turn attached to
4 side of kobold? Hlrm,
a victim.
hlrm, excellent.”
Metal Body (Ex) A wind-up stirge counts as a ferrous creature for the
“Tentacle? I hope purpose of rusting grasp and other spells that have special effects
5 it wasn’t a relative. on metal.
Mmmuuu… tasty.” Windup Key (Ex) A wind-up stirge must be wound up each day. The
“Siniliqi has a scheme. proboscis of the wind-up stirges function as the keys to wind up their
6 What it is? What it is?” companions, and when not attacking creatures near their lair, the
(see Devil you Know) wind-up stirges constantly keep themselves wound up.

7 “Oh! This is a treat!” or sickens most of his visitors, and so he remains an under-utilized source of
“Yuurrrgh, what is this?” information in the city.
8 Pause. “Oh well, prolly The relatively dark and narrow sewer passages open suddenly into a
taste good.”
large side chamber roughly forty feet across and almost as high. Heaps
of rubbish and offal choke many of the passageways leading to or out of it.
Allow the PCs to make DC 12 Listen checks to hear the sloshing and
gurgling of the Lord of the Heap. Any PC who beats DC 16 can also make
out the Lord of the Heap talking to himself.
The Lord of the Heap is an obese otyugh grown too large to easily exit his
chamber. He wears a royal-blue tablecloth. Although quite helpful, the Lord
of the Heap’s strange mannerisms and the unpleasant location of his home
keep him quite isolated, even from other otyughs (who do not approve of
his high-mindedness). Thus, he talks to himself constantly (see the Random

38 Tales of Zobeck
Mutterings sidebar), rumbling on in his liquid, burbly voice about whatever
he has heard recently. He ignores the wind-up stirges buzzing about just
outside his chamber.
The Lord of the Heap tends to be artless, blunt, and completely ignorant
of the rules of etiquette. If someone speaks to him he answers. He enjoys
conversing with intelligent creatures, but not so much to learn proper
etiquette. The Lord of the Heap does not hesitate to ask whatever questions
cross his mind, regardless of how they might embarrass or enrage his visitors.
While he is not purposefully or even knowingly obnoxious, insulting, and
abrasive, since he does not understand or care about the nuances of human
conversation he nonetheless frequently is all of those things.
The Lord of the Heap is initially indifferent toward visitors who do
not display hostility or open weapons. If the PCs enter his chamber with
weapons drawn, his initial attitude is Unfriendly. Destroying the stirges does
not affect his attitude. Offering the Lord of the Heap fresh food (in this case,
“fresh” means any food that does not flow down to him through the sewer)
grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks made to improve The Lord of the Heap
his attitude, while telling him information he does not already know (GM as a Villain
discretion) grants a +5 bonus. If made Friendly or Helpful, the Lord of the Instead of a weird, wonderful
Heap gladly answers any questions the PCs have. PCs who threaten the Lord otyugh, you can play the Lord
of the Heap as a villain of the
of the Heap or turn his attitude to Hostile face an angry advanced otyugh. slimiest variety—a slothful,

The Knave Of Parts

The Lord of the Heap knows all of the information presented in Part One. sluggish, slippery crime lord who
hides below the city of Zobeck.
He also knows everything in the Golden Gears paragraph under the Knave Instead of talking, the PCs have
of Parts information section. He is aware of rumors that the Knave of Parts to bargain heavily, agreeing to
operates out of an invisible tower, but unlike many in the city watch who nefarious favors or large bribes.
dismiss such claims the Lord of the Heap believes them, although he has no He could also be a massive,
greedy information broker.
idea where it stands. Although he suspects a man named Petr is the Knave
of Parts, the Lord of the Heap is not entirely certain (but he has no problem Perhaps he speaks Infernal, and
sharing his supposition). has long conversations with the
devils and other creatures that
Feel free to offer any other hints, clues, or rumors you wish the PCs to sneak into Zobeck. In any case,
have, either to help them get closer to solving the puzzle or else to send them if the Lord of the Heap is more
on a while chase. You should also intersperse useful knowledge with rumors villainous than merely strange,
his initial attitude when the PCs
and tidbits of information not relevant to this adventure (and maybe not approach is Hostile, and they
relevant to your campaign at all). As long as the PCs speak with and do not must quickly move to appease
attack the Lord of the Heap, make sure to give them enough information to at least one of his two hungers
help them conclude the adventure. (food and knowledge) before he
Assuming the PCs do not anger the Lord of the Heap, he can become
a source of information in future adventures as well. What knowledge he
shares pertaining to other adventures is, of course, up to you.
Lord of the Heap
Otyugh CR 4
hp 36; MM 204
Notable Abilities Int 13, Wis 14

As the PCs ready to make their departure, the Lord of the Heap suddenly
perks up a little, his tentacles waving madly. He gurgles happily that a storm
has arrived, sure to bring more run-off and delicious yummy treats. If the
PCs do not move to leave at this point, he strongly suggests they do not
dawdle in the sewers for much longer. The PCs notice as they leave that
the water level in the sewers is rising, and as they reach the surface they are
indeed faced with heavy rains and dark clouds.
Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs interact peaceably with the Lord of the Heap and
gain useful information from him, award them XP for an EL 3 encounter. If
they also provide the Lord of the Heap with information he did not already
possess, award them XP for an EL 4 encounter instead.

Tales of Zobeck 39

a s the PCs emerge from sewers
following their meeting with
the Lord of the Heap, they
find the city caught in a downpour.
The dull thrum of water striking
slate roofs and cobblestone
streets, the dark and cloud-filled
sky, and the drenching soak
falling on the heads of Zobeck’s
people cast the city in a dour
gloom. The clouds and rain dull
sounds and colors and smudges
details at a distance.
The Knave of Parts knows the PCs
are close to him, but he needs only one
more gear to complete his work. He
grows desperate, and in his desperation
he grows sloppy. When the PCs emerge
from the sewer tunnels, the Knave is
nearby. His original plan was to escape
through the tunnel the PCs emerge
from, but both the sudden storm and
the emergence of the PCs throw off his
plan. By that point, however, he has
already begun his final theft of a golden
gear, and he cannot help but complete
the removal.
A well-dressed woman just exiting
middle age cries out suddenly in fright.
Allow the PCs a DC 15 Spot check
to see her and the source of her fear.
Any PC who succeeds sees the Knave On the Rooftops
of Parts off in the distance, far away
but just close enough that the PCs could catch him. He humans, but they recognize the Knave of Parts’s costume
holds something large, gleaming and gold in his hands. and honor their deal, no matter who is the current Knave.
A scullion’s framework falls to the ground raining gears, Since the PCs are an obvious threat, he wastes no time
cogs, shafts and oil. For a moment, the Knave stands calling in his allies.
smugly, admiring the golden gear, but he notices the
PCs if they give chase. If the PCs chase after him, the THE ROOFTOPS
Knave of Parts immediately turns and leaps onto a roof At this point, let the players believe they are about to
and straight into the territory of the Children of the 13, embark on a chase scene. Place the PCs at the robbery
blowing a whistle the entire time to alert the gargoyles he location (R) and the Knave of Parts (K) on the map and
needs help. have the PCs roll for initiative. For this encounter, assume
the Knave of Parts has an initiative score of 25.
Petr Bednarz struck a deal with the Children of the
13 prior to the beginning of his criminal enterprise: In The Knave runs straight east until he gets to the roof
return for the shiny jewel in his pocket when he prepares of the inn, at which point he turns south and runs for
to leave the city (he told them it would take him 3–4 the square, hoping to lose the PCs in the thinning crowd
weeks) and a promise to “lead more sport” their way, the there. Also assume the Knave makes all Balance, Climb,
gargoyles answer his whistle when he is in their territory. and Jump checks he needs to stay ahead of the PCs. Once
The gargoyles can barely differentiate between different the PCs finally climb to the roof, read or paraphrase the

40 Tales of Zobeck
Water rushes over the slate roofs here, creating a slippery sheen that
flows ever downward to the city’s cobblestones below. A number of
strange shapes stand atop the roofs, seemingly at random, but the
increasing rains make spotting details difficult.
The strange shapes are gargoyles employing their freeze special ability to
appear as little more than statues. A DC 20 Spot check reveals the gargoyles
are alive. In addition, during this encounter, keep in mind the following.
Three buildings have scaffolding around them. Anyone may climb the
scaffolding to the roof at normal movement speed with a DC 5 Climb check
(failure halves the PC’s movement but does not cause him to fall).
The roofs in the area are slate. Moving up or down an angled roof, straight
across without changing elevation, or attacking or casting a spell requires a
Balance check every round. A DC 15 Balance check allows the PC to move
at half speed.
Failing this check by 4 or less causes the PC to lose his balance and flail Defeating the Knave on the
about on the roof, ending his movement after 5 feet but not causing him to Roofs
fall. Failing this check by 5 or more causes the PC to fall prone and slide 10 The PCs could catch up to and
feet toward the edge of the roof. If this slide distance causes him the PC to defeat the Knave of Parts in
this encounter. If that happens,

The Knave Of Parts

slide off the roof, he falls 30 feet to the ground below.
remember that there are two
A PC who makes gets a result of 25 or higher on his Balance check may people other than Petr willing
slide down the slate at a controlled pace and move at normal speed. Moving to take up the mantle of the
Knave. Give the PCs a few
up an angled roof costs double movement per square (which, combined with days to bask in the glory of their
the half movement a PC can move, reduces total movement to one-quarter capture before informing them
normal, to a minimum of 5 feet). that another clockwork scullion
was accosted and opened on
BOARDS the streets by a person dressed
Boards allow normal movement between roofs with a DC 10 Balance check. as the Knave of Parts. The
city watch informs them that it
Failing this check by 4 or less ends the PC’s movement in the middle of the is displeased they brought in
board, blocking the board for other characters unless they succeed at DC 15 the wrong person, but it offers
Tumble checks to move through the square. A PC who fails his Balance to forgive them if they bring in
check by 5 or more falls to the ground below. Boards are 30 feet above the the real Knave of Parts. At this
point, lead the PCs to Nightowl
street. Square, so they can capture the
YARDS new Knave and put an end to his
The yards are surrounded by fences 4-feet high, costing 1 square (5 feet) of
movement without a Jump check. A PC can attempt a high jump to leap
over a fence with a Jump check. If a PC attempts to jump over a fence but
fails to clear it, he falls prone on the side of the fence he started on.


Cranky, stealthy, argumentative, chatty, crafty gargoyles keep close watch on
each other and drive off or kill everyone but their own kind off the roofs.
All gargoyles in the city believe they descend from the legendary 13, a group
of half-fiend gargoyles who mysteriously became frozen in statue form.
Only one of the 13 has thus far broken his curse, but he has no memory of
the times before his long sleep and cannot confirm or deny the possibility
of being an ancestor of the city’s gargoyles. This universal belief makes the
city’s gargoyles particularly proud and arrogant creatures, despite the lack of
fiendish blood in any of them.
The Eldest Son, leader of the Children of the 13, quietly negotiated a tacit,
mostly unvoiced truce with the Zobeck city watch several decades ago. The
gargoyles stay off the streets and in return the city watch looks the other way
when someone blunders into their territory and fails to return.

Tales of Zobeck 41
Beginning one round after the second PC reaches the
The Eldest Son CR 6
roof, pairs of gargoyles enter the fight every round for 3 LE Huge monstrous humanoid
rounds. If the fight turns against the gargoyles, the Eldest Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +4, Spot +4
Son flies to the outer edge of the battle and calls for Languages Common, Terran
human and gargoyle alike to stop their fighting. If a PC DEFENSE
drops instead, the Eldest Son pulls his lesser brethren off AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 19
of the PCs to “avoid trouble with the Watch.” (+4 armor, +2 Dex, +7 natural, –2 size)
hp 97 (9d8+57)
Gargoyles (6) CR 4 Fort +12, Ref +7, Will +3
hp 37; MM 113 DR 10/magic
During Combat The Children of the 13 pair up in a Spd 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
fight to use aid another actions with grapples Melee 2 claws +13 melee (1d8+6) or
or normal attacks. They have a healthy fear of 2 claws +11 melee (1d8+6) or
spellcasters, and target those who cast spells bite +11 melee (1d8+3) and
first. As they do not have Fly-by Attack or the gore +11 melee (1d8+3)
Hover feat, they must devote at least a move Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
action to flying every round. The Children of the
13 do not attack to kill, since doing so might
bring down the wrath of the city watch. If a foe During Combat The Eldest Son prefers quietness
drops or retreats, the gargoyles move on to the to noise, and he fears eventually his brethren
next standing foe. will bite off more than they can chew. Thus, he
Morale Arrogant and proud, the Children of the 13 attempts to end combats as quickly as possible
fight until they cannot any more. Once one of through negotiations. Failing that, he attacks
them drops or three of them are reduce to 10 with his claws and attempts to bull rush unarmed
hit points or fewer, the Eldest Son makes an opponents off the rooftops.
appearance calls for an end to the hostilities Morale If half or more of his brood are seriously
and the remaining gargoyles switch to full wounded, he entreats them all to flee. He
defensive. wades into melee to defend the most seriously
wounded. He fights hard to prevent deaths on
THE ELDEST SON (EL — OR 6) either side, even going so far as to sacrifice
The Eldest Son became leader of the Children of the 13
by being bigger than everyone else. He has also outlived
Str 23, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7
many of his brethren in the past several centuries, Base Atk +9; Grp +23
and many who belong to the group are actually his Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Natural Attack (claws),
descendants. Rarely does he move from his position atop Multiattack, Toughness
the Great Stross Clock unless there’s trouble for his kin. Skills Hide +12*, Listen +4, Spot +4
SQ freeze
The Eldest Son generally allows the Children of the 13 Other Gear bracers of armor +4
to do as they will, and he does not care that they seek a SPECIAL ABILITIES
more active leader. He likes the quiet, and his squabbling, The Eldest Son’s natural weapons are treated as
squirming, cackling brethren bother him. Even though magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming
they constantly come to him for advice, most of what he damage reduction.
Freeze (Ex) The Eldest Son can hold itself so still
offers them is some variation on, “That was stupid. Do it appears to be a statue. An observer must
not do it again.” He does have a mate named Olenka, succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice the
and although they have produced numerous children gargoyle is really alive.
together, they rarely speak. The Eldest Son does not care Skills The Eldest Son has a +2 racial bonus on Hide,
Listen, and Spot checks. *The Hide bonus
for Cinder or the 13, but he keeps his disdain to himself, increases by +8 when the gargoyle is concealed
lest he alienate his followers. against a background of stone.
The Eldest Son resembles an enormous blue-gray stone reveal the Knave of Part’s hideout in exchange for a lasting
statue with long horns and brazen claws. Two enormous truce. The PCs may pass through the Children of the 13’s
black stone bands encircle his arms behind the wrist. A territories but they must agree to not reveal the gargoyles’
DC 25 Spot check the bands are not a part of him but are involvement with the Knave.
worn (they are his bracers of armor +4).
If the PCs seem reluctant, the Eldest Son offers them
Development: The Eldest Son pushes for a truce a further bribe of 100 gp apiece. Once the PCs agree to
between the Children of the 13 and the PCs, but the a truce, he says, “Go to the Nightowl Square. He boasts
Eldest Son has no desire to waste time on subtleties like about his hidden tower there. Look above Kummelweck
human conversation. Assuming the PCs agree to his House where the winds blow strange. Now, our deal is
truce, he gravely informs the PCs about the deal with the complete. Keep this quiet, do not tell the human lords,
Knave of Parts and how the Knave has not yet lived up and I’ll make sure the gaggle bother you no more.”
to his side of the bargain. The Eldest Son then offers to

42 Tales of Zobeck
The Eldest Son is as good as his word. Gargoyles steer The top entrance leads directly into the rookery for a
clear of any fights with the PCs in the future. More trio of arrowhawks Petr befriended when he moved into
importantly, his information pointing to the Knave’s the tower. A creature must fly or levitate to enter via the
hideout is true. top, as only the doorway exists in the Material Plane.
Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs negotiate a deal with the The bottom entrance is a secret door (DC 20 Search
Children of the 13 but one or more gargoyles died, check to find) tucked into the back outside corner of
award them XP for an EL 6 encounter (plus the XP for Kummelweck House. Only the doorway and door stand
defeating gargoyles). If they negotiate a deal without any on the Material Plane. The tower has no windows and
gargoyles dying, award them XP for an EL 7 encounter except for the arrowhawk rookery and work area is pitch
instead. dark.

PART FIVE: You should run the tower as one large encounter (but
grant XP separately for the arrowhawks and for the Knave
THE KNAVE’S HIDEOUT and the Silent Scullion), rolling initiative as soon as the

PCs enter the tower. The PCs can complete this section
fter his narrow escape, the Knave of Parts without a fight, but it is difficult.
goes to ground in his tower, Nevideny Vez.
Confident he escaped with the last golden gear LOWER ENTRANCE
he needs, he moves quickly to complete this first step of The Knave of Parts wedged the door behind him, then
his plan. He feels secure in his deal with the Children locked it. Although it is a secret door, it is in fact visible.
of the 13 and does not expect the PCs to find him as Opening the door requires a DC 25 Open Lock check to
quickly as they do. When the PCs arrive in his work area, unlock it and a DC 20 Strength check to force it open.
he inserts the last gear into the Silent Scullion and closes This creates an audible thud that alerts all inside. Creaky

The Knave Of Parts

it up. wooden stairs lead upward. Walking up these stairs
imparts a –10 penalty on any Move Silently checks.
Nevideny Vez: Rumors occasionally resurface that
speak of an invisible tower hidden somewhere within the LOWER STAIRS
city, found only by its shadow. Despite the best attempts The Knave greased one of the steps just below the third
of mages to dispel these rumors with logic (an invisible landing (25 feet up). A DC 20 Spot check notices the
tower would be seen in the first rain, birds would grease. If seen, bypassing the grease is simple. Otherwise,
frequently fly into it, dirt would cling to it, and so on), once a character reaches that step he must make a DC 15
the rumors persist. Balance check or risk falling off the stairs. A character
In this case, at least, the rumors are partially right who fails this Balance check must immediately make a
DC 15 Reflex save to avoid falling the 25 feet.
Years ago, the wizard Taras the Maimed, master of
Kummelweck House, built a hidden, magical retreat CENTER (WORKSHOP) (EL 9 OR 8)
above his home known as Nevideny Vez. Via magic The center of the tower doubles as both a workshop for
and utilizing clever builders from afar, he raised an the construction of clockwork creatures and as a place
invisible tower that stands more than 100 feet high. to sleep. Taras did not build the tower for comfort, as he
Unfortunately, the tower proved impractical for all the lived in Kummelweck House and only used the tower as
reasons mentioned above (which Taras realized during a workshop.
the first rain after completion), and Taras depleted This simple room with a high ceiling holds a
the remainder of his wealth to shift the tower at least huge bench with a large iron body atop it, a
partially to the Ethereal Plane. large wooden-framed mirror, a bench covered
Knowledge of the tower never disappeared, as the with clockwork parts, three partially assembled
rumors reveal, but the facts behind it (including how clockwork scullions, and a bed. Several small orbs
to enter it) died with Taras. While studying Mistress of obviously magical origin fill the room with
Vorlova’s extensive notes on clockwork and geargrinding, light.
Petr came across an unusual passage about Nevideny Vez, The Knave of Parts works feverishly to activate the
the hidden tower, where she kept her greatest creation. Silent Scullion working, hiding behind the body while
Following up on the lead, Petr spent several months he slams the chest cavity shut. The Knave gains a +5
researching Nevideny Vez before discovering it mostly by circumstance bonus on his Hide check to stay out of
accident several months ago. sight behind the Silent Scullion. His location becomes
The tower exists mostly in the Ethereal Plane, although immediately obvious once he slams shut the chest and the
the very top casts a shadow in sunlight. Attempts to Silent Scullion awakens.
climb the tower fail unless the climber does so through How this scene plays out can depend somewhat on
the Ethereal Plane. There are two entrances into the who is playing the role of the Knave of Parts at this point.
tower: one at the top and one at the bottom.

Tales of Zobeck 43
Neither Petr or Lemassil care to discuss anything with the
PCs and order the Silent Scullion to attack as soon as the
PCs enter the room. Roscislawa, however, hesitates. She is
unfriendly toward the PCs, but she responds to attempts
at Diplomacy (attempts to Intimidate her to improve her
attitude lead her immediately to attack).
Knave of Parts CR 8 or 7
o nce the PCs defeat the Knave of Parts in his
tower, they break the power of the legend.
Even if it is Petr they capture here, the Knave’s
time ends. Without a hidden base to retreat to or a
mission to drive them, Roscislawa and Lemassil see no
See page 34 reason or advantage in taking up the mantle, at least not
Morale Petr and Roscislawa fight until incapacitated immediately. There is no reason they might not become
or killed, but Lemassil attempts to flee when suddenly inspired some years later, of course.
reduced to 10 hp or less.
For capturing the Knave of Parts, dead or alive
The Silent Scullion,
(preferably alive), the city’s Consuls grant the PCs
Shield Guardian CR 8
a reward of 1,000 gp in total. If this amount is low
hp 112; MM 223
Stored Spell shout
for your campaign, you might also consider granting
Morale The Silent Scullion fights until destroyed or them the official deed to Nevideny Vez. If the PCs do
ordered to stand down by the Knave of Parts. not immediately reveal the existence of the invisible
Treasure: The books within the workshop detail the tower, they can take up residence in it without anyone’s
making of clockwork creatures, and are worth 500 gp. knowledge, but eventually they slip up and their hidden
Spending 40 hours to read these books grants a +2 bonus base is located and claimed by the city.
on Craft (clockwork) checks as long as they are re-read
once per year. In addition, the workshop contains three NEW ITEMS
full sets of masterwork artisan’s tools (Craft [clockwork]).
The Knave of Parts never bothered using these rickety,
rotted stairs. As long as only one Medium (or up to two
Small) creature at a time attempts to navigate a section of
t his adventure presents two new items, one
mundane and one magical.

These mechanical marvels contain powerful springs that
the stairs between each landing, the stairs hold. As soon allow prodigious leaping. Stomping down on the heel
as an additional creature steps on the stairs, that section activates the springs and resetting gears for 1 minute.
of the stairs collapses with a thunderous crash. Characters During that time, you may make standing Jump checks as
on the stairs when they collapse can attempt a DC 15 if you had a running start of at least 20 feet. If you do have
Reflex save to grab onto a landing and avoid falling to the a running start before your Jump check, you instead gain
top of the center room. a +2 circumstance bonus on it. Your Jump check result is
not limited by your height in any case.
Entering the arrowhawk rookery from inside the tower The boots require winding after every ten uses with a
is done by means of a locked trap door (DC 20 Open special key the maker—a demented dwarf who claims to
Lock to open). The rookery itself contains a surprise for be half-gnome and lives in the Vineyard District—keeps
the unwary: the entire 30-foot-square chamber is within private. He charges 5 gp per winding.
a permanent reverse gravity effect. The arrowhawks The dwarf only makes one pair of spring-heeled boots a
are quite used to the effect and can move around the year, and he charges 1,000 gp for them.
chamber without difficulty.
Reverse Gravity Trap: CR 7; magic device; proximity TICK STOP WATCH
trigger (enter the room); no reset (permanent effect); This small, silver pocket watch magically stops a single
spell effect (reverse gravity, 13th-level wizard, 3d6 clockwork device or creatures within 10 feet for 1d4+1
fall [upon hitting the ceiling of the 30-ft.- high room],
rounds. To use the watch, you must touch the target
DC 20 Reflex save avoids damage); Search DC 32;
Disable Device DC 32. clockwork creature or device with a melee touch attack.
You must wind the watch every 24 hours, just like a
The arrowhawks, Zkozzer, Vii’sh, and Pwuish, agreed
regular pocket watch, or the magic fails to work. If you
to protect the tower from aerial attacks in exchange for
fail to wind it one day, the watch loses its magic, but the
the Knave of Parts defending it from attacks from below.
power returns 24 hours after the next time you wind the
They attack any creature that enters this chamber who
isn’t the Knave of Parts.
Faint transmutation (clockwork); CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous
Adult Arrowhawks (3) CR 5 Item; tick stop; price 3,000 gp.
hp 38; MM 19
Morale The arrowhawks fight until reduced to 10 hit
points or less, at which point they flee through
the doorway.

44 Tales of Zobeck
The Gullet War
Welcome to a look at recent unsavory events in a small, hitherto-
widely-ignored neighborhood in the Free City of Zobeck. This can
serve as a lively background for several nights of separate or linked
adventures, or an interesting place for adventurers to live when they BY
cannot afford more reputable and safer accommodations.

t he Gullet is an unofficial, local name given to a few shady, often stinking streets
(thanks to rotten fish or spoiled oysters and clams in the dockside sheds) along
the docks of Zobeck. The Gullet is where used, salvaged, and sometimes stolen
items are energetically bought and sold.
The dim interiors of damp, moldy old Gullet warehouses—that is to say, almost all of
them—are intentionally left crowded and untidy to hide items of suspicious origin. The
owners usually know where to find whatever items they seek, of course, but city guardsmen
and hired investigators often take one glance at the insides of a warehouse and--short of the
murder of someone very important—they generally consider a search to be hopeless.
The streets of the Gullet were once cobbled, but in many places the stones were stolen,
or else smashed and ground to gravel by heavy wagons and dropped cargos over the years,
making muddy patches and standing pools of foul water common. Thanks to the energetic
stone- and stick-hurling of local youths, downing gulls and other birds for their stewpots,
small rodents and arachnids proliferate, while birds remain quite scarce locally.
All races are tolerated, if not openly welcome, within the Gullet. Few are those who
sneer at another’s heritage or wealth, and no one pries too closely into the personal affairs
of strangers, as only fools come to the Gullet unarmed. The Gullet is one of the places in
Zobeck where anyone with coin enough can buy a poisoned boot-toe knife or fingernail
“scratch-a-foe” sheath.
The young are welcome and encouraged, as are the weak, the small, and females of less
than frightful appearance. With the Gullet War underway, however, such easy targets wisely
give the place a wide berth these days, as both veteran thieves and “snatch gangs” of street
youths consider them nigh-irresistible targets.
For decades, the Gullet was a gathering place for merchants who traded in so-called
“ask no questions” goods. Many of the city’s poorest citizens lived off “eel pies” (savory
pastries containing mostly eels, but also anything else that could be diced, fried, and eaten,
including seaweed, week-old fish, rats, and strayed pets). Many of the city’s disfigured and
outcasts dwelt in the Gullet, and it was smelly, damp, and threadbare, but resilient and
vigorous. Recently, however, this small district has acquired a darker, deadlier reputation.


c ertain cunning veteran mercenary soldiers and murderers arrived in the Gullet
and mustered the street youths who made their livings by thievery into large and
formidable groups. Without many strong and persistent opponents, these groups
flourished, usually targeting the most vulnerable independent merchants, such as elderly
warehouse-keepers and fences of illicit goods.
Tales of Zobeck 45
Such persecuted merchants leapt to join Hamdel Defections from one group to the other became common,
Thardeemus, a recently arrived no-nonsense trader in as each cabal constantly competed for members. Petty
textiles, wines, and oils from afar, who offered “sensible grudges slowly grew in viciousness. Grudge begat
merchants” membership in the Black Lock. This secretive skirmish, unarmed brawls begat knifings, and eventually
cabal provides loans to its members with extremely low street fights became murder out in the open daylight.
interest rates and one “assistance” per year (consisting of Then came the Burn, and the Gullet War had well and
up to a dozen men, who can help load goods, rush wares truly begun.
out of the reach of a fire, or swiftly repair some valuable
piece of equipment or property for free). The Black
Lock also offers members a chance to privately share
information about thieves, dockside news and rumors,
and trade happenings elsewhere in Zobeck and up and
down the river. Most importantly, it provides protection.
A Black Lock member in good standing can call on
o ne unwritten but absolute rule governs of
dockland Zobeck: no one, for any reason,
starts a fire or stands by as someone else sets or
starts a fire. Damp most warehouses might be, but they
burn nonetheless, and their stored cargoes and repacked
“observers and witnesses” provided by the cabal and on
armed guards to escort them or their wares, and guard wares are often highly flammable and frequently represent
shipments, warehouses, shops, or even their abodes the bulk of someone’s wealth. Heaped crates, refuse, and
when necessary. Originally, these guards were business wares being moved provide ready means for fire to spread
associates of Thardeemus experienced in guarding from warehouse to warehouse.
people and items against violent thieves. Over time, When Ustagust’s Ropes and Nets caught fire one night,
although, Thardeemus came to increasingly rely on hired just after Ustagust called in the Black Lock guardians to
adventurers to fill the ranks of his guards. Of course, repulse vandals he knew to be Blades of the Vigilant, the
every member deemed heavy guards necessary at all Gullet erupted into a series of running battles. A stream
times, and Thardeemus was soon forced to restrict calls of armed folk converged from all over Zobeck to watch
for “the watchful might” of the Black Lock to one threat the fun and to use the fray as a chance to settle scores, cut
a month. some hated throats, and smash and steal what they could.
Once rumors of Thardeemus’s restriction leaked, Hamdel Thardeemus publicly accused Garthan
“smash” vandalisms became common. Violent thugs Narklovus of fire-setting. By the next morning all of
caused enough damage for a merchant to call in his Zobeck knew of the Black Lock and the Vigilant and the
monthly retinue of guards from the Black Lock, with a bitter war between them.
violent theft following a week or so later. Thardeemus
soon hired adventurers as Black Lock guards and allowed
members to call for guardianship twice a week (the
growing violence of the Gullet has since forced a change
to once a week).
Yet the damage had been done: near the end of the first
summer of the Black Lock’s existence, a longtime Gullet
merchant by the name of Garthan Narklovus organized
ore than three dozen deaths occurred in the
Gullet on the night of the Burn. Thugs broke
wagons and barrels (and ruined or stole their
they looted at least three shops. Scores
honest folk and many not—suffered
a rival cabal, called the Vigilant. Narklovus promised injuries of various degrees. Hundreds of incidents of
not the ineffectual protection of some foreigner, but despoilment (vandalism), both serious and minor, were
“local leaders you can trust, to know and defend you.” reported to the Citadel and the watch.
An open council, known as the Ring, leads the Vigilant. After the Burn, the Gullet became (on the surface)
The Vigilant Ring consists of Narklovus and six other curiously calm. As Ustagust rebuilt his shop, both cabals
merchants, three of his choosing and three elected from realized the folly of continuing open hostilities. The
local traders. The Vigilant promised more effective treasuries of both cabals were emptied for repairs, the
guardianship and hired warriors known as Blades. payment of fines, and for hiring new guardians to replace
From their founding, the Blades of the Vigilant hired the losses of that night. Both cabals also had to deal with
adventurers led by longtime Zobeck thieves and dockers the increased fears of their members and with sudden
who know the local streets well. More importantly, attention from the Spyglass Guild, the Mouse King (see
the Vigilant promised runners (called “whisper boys”). “Gangs of Zobeck” in Kobold Quarterly #4), and what
These youths watch for trouble and frequently drop in Thardeemus is wont to call “various independent local
to businesses of members or else loiter nearby, allowing a criminal opportunists.”
member to call for them to “bring the Blades!”
The activities of said opportunists and entrepreneurs
Suddenly, the Gullet was home to two rival cabals (mainly the original snatch gangs that plagued the Gullet
of merchants who daily competed with one other. before the founding of the cabals) led to members of

46 Tales of Zobeck
The Gullet War
War in The Gullet

both cabals suffering beatings during interrogation and as Some independent merchants still dwell in the Gullet,
intimidation. Kidnappings for ransom, blatant thefts, and trading daily with members of one or both cabals, but not
even killings are on the rise in the Gullet, and the cabals joining either group. They know more trouble approaches
seem unable to protect their member merchants. As a and many secretly implore those who hold power in
result, surviving cabal members seek to hire even more Zobeck to closely watch matters in the Gullet and be
bodyguards to discourage or respond to such harassment. ready to move in with force.
Both cabals blame one another for such violent
incidents, and spy heavily on rivals, often hiring visitors PC INVOLVEMENT
and youths from elsewhere in Zobeck as their eyes.
Skirmishes between the cabals continue to escalate and
tension builds again. Many merchants expect another
large eruption of violence some night soon and blame
the cabals of spending more effort thwarting one another
a nyone who ventures into the Gullet openly
bearing weapons, wearing armor, or publicly
displaying powerful magic quickly comes under
surveillance. Spies from both cabals hope to learn who
visitors work for and what they come to do, since armed
than the snatch gangs who started the entire mess.
Unfortunately, those merchants are more right than they strangers might work for the rival cabal. Eventually, the
know. visitors might be approached by both cabals or one of the
few remaining independent Gullet merchants who can
At first, the leaders of the cabals let the snatch gangs afford to hire bodyguards. Accepting such work gains
operate almost unimpeded, to stir up fresh fear and them permanent shadowing by spies of all other groups,
demand for cabal protection. The gangs quickly grew but does not itself precipitate violence.
bolder, and before they could grow out of control, the
cabals secretly went after the gang leaders. One trick the If such visitors show off goodly amounts of coin or
gangs had not mastered was hiding their structure, habits, belongings easily resold for profit (such as horses or spare
and activities, and the cabals quickly killed their founders armor), certain spies might decide to attempt sideline
and best fighters, shattering their power and intimidating thefts without informing the cabal they work for. On
many of the survivors into fleeing the Gullet or joining several recent occasions, competing would-be thieves
one of the cabals. Neither cabal informed its members while engaged in quite separate attempts to rob cabal-
of the extent of its success in breaking the power of the hired adventurers—and fighting erupted that spread
snatch gangs, blaming most gang activities on the other to involve both the adventurers and the cabals. The
cabal. distressing commonality of these street brawls delayed the
city’s attempts to police such disputes until the next day.

Tales of Zobeck 47
This inability to find witnesses to any disturbance in the Thardeemus quickly responds to complaints,
Gullet allows the PCs to engage in various scraps with suggestions, and calls for aid from cabal members, and
the locals without great fear of arrest or other sanctioned Hartolam is personally loyal to him. They are quick to
punishment. share information and “keep no secrets” from other cabal
Fighting to guard a person, item, cargo, or conveyance members—or so they claim. As a result, Thardeemus
when hired to do so is not itself a crime in Zobeck. is locally popular and respected, even by some Vigilant
Killing someone is always considered murder, unless it members, although most Gullet folk (including many
can be successfully passed off as “guilty misadventure.” To Black Lock members) wonder what he’s truly hiding.
that end, the leading causes of death among cabal guards Most people see the Black Lock as an effective and
and gang members in the Gullet are being run over by a well-run organization interested in maintaining the
wagon or trampled by a horse. status quo and protecting the interests of its members.
Attacking the shops or persons of Hamdel Almost everyone agrees that the Black Lock’s leader is up
Thardeemus, Jonthar Hartolam, Torl Ustagust, Garthan to something, but nobody knows what. The group acts
Narklovus, or any Ring member forces the aggrieved swiftly and exerts its might when necessary.
cabal to muster its guardians for open battle against Hamdel Thardeemus is a tall, burly, large-bellied
those foolish enough to do such a thing. If such an attack man with hard black eyes, reddish-brown hair, and large
occurs in daylight, independent merchants or members features, who always goes armed. Aside from a visible belt-
of the other cabal call in Zobeck’s city guard, who arrive knife, he hides various daggers up sleeves and down boots,
only a few minutes later. If such an attack happens at and wears a ring with a poisoned needle. He is usually
night, the other cabal hurls its own guardians into battle. well-dressed in conservative clothing, and personally
News of threats (without violence) made or perceived trades in high-fashion garments and boots. He also
against cabal members spread through the Gullet within secretly extracts a few coins here and there from Black
a few hours. Such threats earn the PCs shadowing by Lock fees, to eventually put toward property purchases
armed men, and not merely spies, who only challenge elsewhere in Zobeck.
them if they initiate violence. Usually polite, Thardeemus is a superb actor, and can
The PCs can join a cabal and attempt to climb into readily feign surprise, innocence, or fear well enough
positions of leadership. The leader of the cabal places to fool almost everyone. He is careful to always portray
more spies on any PC seen as too ambitious, seeking any himself as listening well, respecting opinions and
opportunity to discredit, attack, or frame the PC, or get testimony, whenever dealing with any cabal member
him arrested. Any PC who attempts to defy or unseat a (although privately he considers many of them easily-
cabal leader (including any member of the Ring) likely manipulated, weak, and ignorant fools).
goads the offended cabal into all-out attempts to murder Jonthar Hartolam is handsome but gaunt, soft-spoken
him. The assassins may be the cabal’s own guardians, and quiet of movement (some say “sly”), who has a
various hirelings, or important information may be knack for disappearing in a moment and reappearing
leaked to the other cabal. quickly and quietly somewhere else. He remains ever
alert for trouble and well armed. At all times, at least
THE BLACK LOCK two bodyguards openly accompany him, with another
two to four skulking nearby. He tries to stay aware of the
• Leader: Hamdal Thardeemus (N male human movements and gatherings of everyone in the Gullet,
expert 6, rogue 1). allowing him to muster the Black Lock’s armed might in
• Lieutenant: Jonthar Hartolam (NE male human a very short time. He is ruthless and vicious, preferring a
fighter 4). corpse to a witness.

• Members: 36 humans, 6 dwarves, 2 gnomes, 2 Most Black Lock members deal daily in the
kobolds. importation of textiles, wines, oils, and dyes (making
them the direct trade rivals of many Vigilant members),
• Suspected Headquarters: Black Lock House but the cabal specializes in ironmongery and clockwork
(tavern), Althol’s Fish (warehouse). fittings (the making, importation, alteration, and salvage
• Activities: Mercantile trade, smuggling, fencing, of gears, hinges, joints, pivots, and gimbals), and the
forgery, spying. making and sale of home-made door and window alarms
(tripcords to metal noisemakers such as old pots and
• Symbol: Black padlock, face-on, or a black-
pans) across Zobeck.
painted padlock worn around the neck or
displayed in the palm of the hand. The doorways and windows of certain Black Lock
vaults and offices are trapped with clockwork guillotines
• Alignment: Neutral evil.
or scything blades with shutoffs (often small levers hidden
in niches behind removable doorframes). Rumors state

48 Tales of Zobeck
the cabal headquarters is protected by several dozen
Falling Blade: Automatic reset; Search DC 19, Disable
clockwork traps (including a deep shaft that deposits Device DC 19; +6 atk; 3d6 slashing damage; falls
intruders into cushioned pits most cannot climb out within 1 round, remains down for 1 round, then resets
of ). Likewise, the homes and businesses of senior cabal in 2 rounds. This huge, heavily tapered metal slab
spans a doorway or window opening falls in channels
members have a few traps in strategic spots.
in the sides of that opening, trailing two chains that
trip a winch-cog so they are slowly drawn back up
BLACK LOCK CLOCKWORKS again after falling past a certain point. The blade
Zobeck is beginning to take an interest in the specialized slams down into a channel or is brought up about an
clockworks sold by many Black Lock members. The most inch short of striking a floor, sill, or other horizontal
common are nightbars (multiple stout metal security surface by its chains.
bars moved together across doors and windows by the Impaling Spike: Manual reset; Search DC 16, Disarm
Device DC 17; +2 atk; 1d4+1 piercing damage; metal
manipulation of a single control), elaborate locks, and
spike bursts forth.
various useful household items.
Scything Blade: Mechanical reset; Search DC 19,
One very popular installation, easily fitted into any Disable Device DC 19; +4 atk; 2d6 slashing damage;
large disused chimney, is an internal household loftbox slices across opening and resets within 1 round.
Cheap scything blades are simply large broadsword
(lift or dumbwaiter) that can easily lift heavy loads
blades, but more expensive ones are shaped and
between floors, such as firewood or coal from a cellar to raked so as to have more blade near the pivot point
hearths on floors above. A typical loftbox is raised and and less at the far end, and so cut more evenly along
lowered in a shaft by means of pulleys and “catch-dog” their swath.
cogs, so a relatively feeble person can crank a heavy load
up by repeatedly pulling a lever (rather than turning THE VIGILANT
one that revolves). The catch-dogs prevent unintended
reverses, so the operator can pause to rest or turn to deal • Leader: Garthan Narklovus (NE male human

The Gullet War

with other matters without fear of the load crashing back expert 5).
down to the bottom. A second lever must be moved to • Lieutenant: Bellomeir Izyndur (LE male human
change the direction of the crank-winch. Some owners rogue 4).
use hidden loftboxes to store valuables between floors,
and illicit trysts or conferences about illegal activities • Members: 38 humans, 6 kobolds.
occasionally take place in large loftboxes while they hang • Suspected Headquarters: Narklovus Trading
between floors. Loftboxes can be ordered made of stout (office), The Cracked Tankard (tavern).
metal, with doors fitted with several complicated locks, • Activities: Mercantile trade, smuggling, fencing,
for use as safes. forgery, monster running, spying.
Other popular Black Lock clockworks include slowly- • Symbol: Gray shield (flat top, round bottom)
rotating trays or spits, fans to cool rooms or to spread the bisected by staring yellow diamond-shaped eye.
heat of a modest hearth or candle-lamp in cold weather,
and watch globes. These hand-sized metal spheres show • Alignment: Neutral evil.
a short animated scene (often a fatal sword-duel, a fat Resentment grows among Vigilant members over
merchant falling down stairs and breaking many wares, the running of the cabal, but thus far the anger remains
or—in the most expensive and notorious globes—a unvoiced and private Increasingly, cabal members realize
glimpse of something sexual) to a single viewer who looks that Narklovus runs the Vigilant to enrich himself and
through a porthole. Activating a watch globe requires to suppress those who disagree with him. Ring members
winding up a key (often shaped to fit the theme of the merely serve as his toadies or dupes. The growing
internal animation). resentment has not yet boiled over into open revolt or
even discussion, but mutiny is not far off. The discipline
BLACK LOCK TRAPS through fear that Narklovus successfully generated will
Typical window or door traps are fashioned by Black only make the breach, when it comes, more explosive.
Lock artisans, the dwarves, gnomes, and kobolds in the
cabal. They work through Thardeemus and Hartolam, Outside opinions of the Vigilant vary. Some see the
and try to keep their names and faces secret even from Vigilant as more slick—and therefore more sinister—than
other cabal members). the equally evil Black Lock; some view it as a necessary
counter-balance to the villainous Black Lock; while many
These traps easily scale up for installations with larger grudgingly see them as a little better than their rival cabal,
or multiple blades. A trio of spikes and three scything with the potential to become a force for rough justice (or
blades set up as interlocking teeth, with the center blade a real problem) if the Black Lock collapsed.
cutting in the opposing direction to the outer two, is an
increasingly popular installation.

Tales of Zobeck 49
Garthan Narklovus is a sarcastic, sour man, balding Bellomeir Izyndur (LE male human rogue 4) was
and stooped (many call him “the Vulture” behind his hand-picked by Narklovus to join the Ring and is its
back), who likes to dress in the current fashion. He senior member.
is justifiably paranoid of betrayal from other Vigilant Sakroasz Maranthyr (N male human expert 4)
members. He keeps spies assigned to every member of a brilliant man in trade and at swindles, is a bone-
his cabal, constantly plans backup tactics and escape deep coward who does exactly what Narklovus tells
routes, and surrounds himself with both visible and him. Maranthyr says little, as he finds daily safety and
undercover bodyguards (the latter to watch the former). mercantile utility in being ignored and underestimated.
He leaps at the chance to buy magic to protect himself He covertly hires adventurers to “do things” he does not
against weapons and poisons or deflect any sort of want to be seen initiating, such as striking at rival Ring
spells, and he wears a half dozen useless amulets he members.
purchased in secrecy and at great expense. Narklovus is
a capable strategist and maintains absolute control over Indros Marthel (NE male human rogue 3), a short,
information shared within, and governance of, his cabal. darkly handsome, nattily dressed dyer and forger, fancies
He bribes the few Ring members not already beholden to himself both a wit and a hit with ladies. While certainly
him and generously provides gifts to all Ring members in the latter, he is hardly the former. He seldom loses his
the hope of staving off mutiny. temper but goes wild on the rare occasions when he does.
Bellomeir Izyndur is just as capable at devising Juilet Oosandur (NE male human rogue 3) is a
strategies and foreseeing consequences as Narklovus, and grossly fat, amiable sadist who deals in drugs and young
so is his leader’s only real rival for command. Izyndur bed-partners of both sexes. Trade-wise but lazy, he is
hides behind a mask of jovial loyalty to Narklovus, and a collector of maps and a skilled creator of scented
epitomizes patience. Far too wily to move openly against ointments and perfum. He can drink prodigiously
the Vigilant founder, or alert Narklovus to his ambitions without suffering any apparent effects.
in any way, Izyndur waits for the perfect opportunity Many Vigilant members import textiles, wines, oils,
to overthrow Narklovus. Izyndur likes to act the part of and dyes (competing with the Black Lock in some
an aging, paunchy merchant who used to be a clumsy fields). The Vigilant specializes in trapping and selling
swordsman. Few who meet him in passing guess he live monsters (as guardians, experimental “live meat” for
is any sort of thief—he portrays himself as the sort of alchemists and mages, as exotic food ingredients, and as
man more likely to throw a punch than do anything pets). Certain Vigilant members keep caged beasts hidden
sly. Which means, underneath, he is one of the best in warehouses or in concealed cellars beneath them so
actors in all Zobeck. Bellomeir is a natural mimic who they can be loosed to attack intruders. Some Vigilant
lampoons people he dislikes by mimicry of their speech traders buy trapped monsters (and “monster parts”) from
and mannerisms. Unbeknownst to most (including visiting adventurers.
Narklovus) he can mimic the speech of all ages, many
races, and both genders superbly enough to fool most VIGILANT MONSTERS
folk in the dark—and does so whenever he can profit Many Vigilant members employ caged monsters as
thereby. guardians against all intruders who blunder into reach of
the monsters. Others train their monsters to attack only
The Ring currently consists of six human merchants.
for specific reasons (such as opening a particular door or
Sollet Droom (N male human expert 3), a quiet, entering a specific area). The cabal headquarters and the
hook-nosed man who possesses stern eyebrows and businesses of all prominent cabal members have some sort
no family, is a brilliant entrepreneur who sees trading of guardian monster. Relatively few cabal members have
opportunities far clearer and faster than most. He avoids monsters guarding their homes, other than poison-fanged
losing his coins in such ventures because he’s also a dour spiders locked into false treasure coffers left visible for
pessimist. His ambition led him to borrow a lot of money thieves to take.
to establish his businesses, most of which he owes to the
Popular Vigilant monsters include venomous snakes,
cabal and its founder, making him very nearly a slave to
poisonous spiders, undead skeletons and zombies, dire
weasels and wild boars. Occasionally, these creatures
Amandur Heloaront (LN male human rogue 1) is escape their masters and end up rampaging nearby. Many
a handsome, glib, charismatic cabal spokeman (and adventurers within the Gullet gain notice during these
fraudster, on the side). Stuck in the same indebted rampages, which some suspect are done purposefully to
situation as Droom, Heloaront publicly supports the lure out those attempting to keep their abilities hidden.
cabal founder’s every word, whim, and scheme. Amandur
is swift-tongued and even swifter-witted, and thus
publicly represents the cabal whenever the group needs
a “face.”

50 Tales of Zobeck
The Gullet War
The Gullet

rooftop guards who can strike an alarm gong to alert

THE GULLET MAP KEY guards inside.

t he Gullet has more than a dozen important
places, some of which are more publicly known
than others. For each description, a code
indicates which power group in the Gullet controls that
particular location. Cabal Affiliations: (BL) = Black
This clean tavern serves food in addition to various
alcohols, but both provender and drink are pricey for
the Gullet. The tavern’s interior consists of dark wood
paneling and red-upholstered booths with fixed seating
Lock; (V) = Vigilant; (I) = Independent. and tables. Freelance lady escorts share takings with the
1. FORTIFIED HOUSE OF THARDEEMUS (BL) house in return for use of upper rooms. No rental sleeping
A grand, all-stone building of “fireproof ” outer accommodations exist, but secure short-term storage of
construction (slate roof ), Thardeemus’s mansion is small valuables is available, for a stiff fee.
guarded by three shifts of permanent house guards. A 4. ALTHOL’S FISH (I)
pull-cord alarm gong alerts additional swordsmen housed This reeking, rotting, dockside barn of exposed rafters
nearby. Most visitors never see more than several huge, and drying racks black with age and years of fish-filth
luxurious ground floor rooms used for entertaining. has tilting, uneven, soft-rotten floors. Several long,
Reputed (correctly) to have a false vault entirely built as a
massive, wooden but (rusty) metal-topped fish-sorting
trap for thieves, the house also contains a better-hidden, and -gutting tables fill the building. Although infested
actual vault, as well. with rats, Althol’s remains a popular gathering-place
2. THARDEEMUS TRADING (BL) for all in the Gullet. Indeed, many fish-eating folk of
Thardeemus’s shop and warehouse, where the importer nearby neighborhoods in Zobeck also descend on the
of textiles, wines, and oils spends his days. The all-stone place whenever catches are unloaded. As a result, Althol’s
shop, with a daub-cement roof, stands joined to the much functions as a neutral ground for the rival cabals.
larger warehouse. Six large, watchful armored guards 5. USTAGUST’S ROPES AND NETS SHOP (BL)
watch the shop, and shopkeepers keep cocked and ready This rebuilt establishment is the newest building in
hand crossbow guns hidden under their counters. Both the Gullet, and is a bright, neat, sparsely-furnished
shop and warehouse have skylights, but both also have building where most surfaces are sheathed in overlapping
Tales of Zobeck 51
hammered metal plates to inhibit possible fires. Ustagust from spoilage by submersion in the cold water (inside
is the feisty, aging proprietor with salt-and-pepper beard waterproofed canvas bags). Eel pies are made on the
whose old eyes miss nothing. A shrewd judge of character knife-scarred, never-cleaned cutting tables and the wood
who never forgets a face, Ustagust can peer right through oven, in full view of any customers who care to watch.
most disguises and falsehoods. Few do.
WAREHOUSE (BL) This shop and warehouse supplies wines, oils, mixed
Specializing in sails, timber, tar, oil, lamp oil, and goods, and—to the right clients—a variety of living and
ironmongery, the shop occupies half the landward the undead creatures. Built of stout wood, the walls glisten
building, while the warehouse takes up the dockside with fire-resisting treatments of unknown ingredients.
building and the other half of the landward building. Caged snakes (imported and bred) and monstrous spiders
These damp, patched old wooden buildings are (collected locally) are hidden in the attic, while more
the epitome of the dingy, heaped-with-junk Gullet exotic creatures are imported and hidden in the cellar.
warehouse, sagging and seemingly on the verge of Narklovus does a brisk trade in snake-flesh for upscale
collapsing. They are crammed with second-hand junk, Zobeck eateries and the tables of wealthy citizens.
including candles (until the rats eat them entirely away) 11. THE CRACKED TANKARD (V)
and massive wheels of far-traveled pepperhot cheese (that Damp, rotten, ramshackle, and of poor wooden
the rats eat only as a last resort). Largan Tarndarr is a construction, this rough but cheap tavern is filled with
terse, strong, tall, and broad-shouldered type who seems fixed bench-booths around the walls and circular tables
to have a very large staff of dirty, sly, spry scamperers and oft-mended chairs in the center of the taproom. No
to fetch things from dim and distant corners of the sleeping rooms or rental spaces are available. The Tankard
warehouse. serves no food beyond cheese and hardloaves of bread
7. JONTHAR HARTOLAM, IMPORTER (BL) with garlic butter and offers only a limited cellar (three
This shop and warehouse offers spices, clockwork, and ales and an everchanging selection of imported strong
ironmongery. The mud-brick walls and board-and-tar drink).
roof contain a surprisingly warm, dry, and clean shop that 12. IZYNDUR IMPORTATIONS (V)
stinks of a wide variety of spices. The establishment is run This shop and warehouse stocks wines and oils, as
by Hartolam’s wife, Jeireera, and his five daughters—all well as a variety of deadly creatures available to those
of whom are thin and dark-eyed, possessed of long, dark who know how to ask. A newer, better-lit (with a high
hair and dusky skin, and are as sly and ruthless as Jonthar central skylight) cousin to Narklovus Trading, Izyndur’s
himself. They are known to be skilled at throwing knives, deals in cheaper, lesser-quality oils and wines. The large
to have loaded hand crossbows hidden at hand, and to Izyndur family, proprietors of the establishment, insist
tip both their bolts and their blades with poisons (some that all are welcome and stick to the rule. Thus, like the
sleep-causing, and some deadly). nearby Althol’s Fish and Thelsurk Warehousing, Izyndur
8. THELSURK WAREHOUSING BARNS (I) Importations acts as a neutral ground for members of
These damp, all-wood, uneven-floored buildings house both cabals.
all-clients rental space for mixed cargos and are well-lit 13. INDROS MARTHEL, DYER AND TEXTILES
by candlewheel lanterns that can be raised and lowered
by chain-and-pulley from the exposed rafters. As
A trader in garments, raw cloth, rugs, draperies, and
cluttered and busy as the worst heaped-with-junk Gullet
monsters, Marthel is a small, scuttling, effeminate man
warehouses, these storage barns were a favorite haunt and
who seemingly never stops working, never eats or sleeps,
plundering-ground for the snatch gangs.
and cleans obsessively. As a result, his shop is almost
During the time of the cabals, the buildings have entirely dust-free (unlike the neighboring warehouses
become a neutral ground used by many visiting sailors next to it).
and folk from all over Zobeck looking to perform
Marthel turns vicious if threatened in any way, and
business without interference from the cabals. For their
looses some of his monsters to fight for him (he has giant
part, the cabals at least agree that keeping a safe and
weasels, a cellar that holds caged monsters for sale, and
independant warehousing business operating in the
two animated skeletons that obey him utterly). His staff
Gullet as a strong shield against any move in the city to
consists of his three older sisters, who hate him but fear
clean up the Gullet.
him too much not to obey him. They are of the firm and
9. SHOUNDOUN SUNDRIES (I) disgusted opinion that the skeletons are Marthel’s lovers.
This small, ramshackle place serves eel pies, sausages,
imported cheeses, small beer, and strong Gulletwash
An all-stone affair with a daub-cement roof, this well-lit
rum. Built over a cold well, the shop keeps ingredients
and clean shop and warehouse deals in textiles, wines,

52 Tales of Zobeck
oils, dyes, and the occasional monster. Two shifts of four
liveried house guards watch the place.
Three attentive young ladies hired from wealthier
Zobeck neighborhoods and paid quite well act as
shopkeepers. They are good at what they do, like their
employer and the shop, and have no idea that monsters
(brought into the cellar through a side door) are bought
and sold out from under them, daily.
Another ramshackle old dockside barn built and rebuilt
many times over, this purveyor of wines, dyes, and
mixed goods (as well as drugs and monsters to the right
clients) retains the sagging remnants of several exterior
staircases, chutes, and boarded-over dormers and turrets.
Oosandur’s staff doubles as guards, and is composed of
softly sinister sly types or big, burly, menacing thugs.
Oosandur busily built up a clientele from all over
Zobeck, and many citizens tramp into and out of this
shop every day, many of whom uneasily eye the rest of the
Gullet without wanting to get one step closer to it.
This unique establishment sells hot food and wines, and

The Gullet War

hires out messengers to send messages and run errands
and packages around Zobeck. The staff swiftly locates
specific goods and skilled craftworkers throughout the
city for affordable fees. The daub-cement roof is cut with
a large skylight reputed across the Gullet to be poisoned
in some way (a false rumor spread to keep thieves away).
This well-lit and airy shop usually smells pleasantly of
sausage buns or frying eggs, with an enthusiastic, well-
paid young staff whose members know the city very well
and who are proud of performing above expectations.
Old and much-repaired, but stoutly-built of stone and
exposed beams, this barn remains constantly damp thanks
to the cold pools (open-topped water tubs) in which
the staff keeps seafood. Specializing in fish, eels, clams,
oysters, imported foodstuffs, seasonings, and aquatic
monsters of various sorts, the place smells strongly of
both the seafood and the seasonings.
All are welcome here, regardless of cabal affiliations,
because Heloaront makes so much coin wagering with
visitors over nigh anything. Heloaront isn’t crooked,
just very shrewd about what he bets on, and how much.
Gamblers love to hang out here, listen, and chance a coin
now and then. They lose most of the time, but rarely seem
to mind. Much.

Tales of Zobeck 53
The Madman
5 at the Bridge
In the early hours before dawn, mist silently rises from the river. Then
the sound of metal screeching and groaning cuts through the morning
calm as the Puffing Bridge rises quickly, allowing a tall ship to pass up
or downriver. The screeching stops, and a distant voice calls out “Lower
The bridge is silent; it stands open, and the city is divided until it is
restored. In one short hour, the miners and merchants will throng the
A RACE streets. What’s wrong at the bridge?
t he PCs hear that the Puffing Bridge that is stuck open, and the misbehaving
machinery has somehow infected nearby clockwork watchmen. Miners and
workers can’t cross the river, and when the sun rises, the problem becomes clear to
everyone. The PCs are sent to fix the problem and find some missing engineers.
GNOME STATS BY This scenario quickly spirals out of control, with alchemical fire, insane clockwork
watchmen, a gnome plotter and his undead servants, and so on. The final encounter starts
BEN MCFARLAND as a simple fight against a kobold zombie, then escalates to include the gnome wizard and a
clockwork man, and then escalates further when it’s clear that the entire structure the party
is standing in is about to suffer a massive boiler explosion that will destroy the bridge and
maybe a chunk of the city and some innocent bystanders.
By advancing from an easy victory to a fully engaged party to a party with more threats
than it can deal with, the players are put under ever-increasing pressure, just as the boiler
itself pops rivets and threatens to destroy the bridge mechanism entirely. A ticking clock or
metronome makes a nice prop for this adventure.
If the party cannot stop it (through clever use of magic or through roguish skill), the
bridge is doomed and rendered inoperable for months, not to mention the death of miners
and engineers near the scene of the mad gnome’s plot. If the PCs fail, Zobeck’s reputation is
certainly besmirched.

The door to the house is locked as described in Scene 2. The interior is spare and clean, with
a few wall hangings and a table on the first floor, and no windows. The drawings on the
table are as described in Scene 2. The wooden stairs lead up to a second floor with shuttered
windows, a large wardrobe, a bed, and a chest filled with alchemical supplies.
This heavy ore barge is anchored midstream in the River Argent, and the ballista on it kept
pointed at the river entrance to the Engine Room. The ogres are completely terrified of
water, as they cannot swim, and distract themselves by doing a good job as guards. Creating
a hole in the barge is possible at the GM’s option, but the simplest way to avoid being shot
by the ogres and their ballista is to move quickly through the door into the lower engine

54 Tales of Zobeck
Attempts to break into the engine room are a criminal offense, as any
character with ranks in Knowledge (local) knows. Still, the party might
decide to break in or out at some point. The iron double door into this well-
built dwarven stone house is watched over by one of the berserk clockwork
watchmen, and is double-locked with a clever set of nested gears. Not one,
but two successful DC 25 Open Lock checks are required to open the door.
The iron doors themselves have hardness 10 and 100 hp, and hammering on
Designer’s Note:
them is absolutely certain to make a lot of noise and draw attention.
Convention Scenarios
LOWER ENGINE ROOM I’ve run “Madman at the Bridge”
Two sets of stairs lead down to this high-ceilinged room, one from the at conventions three times now,
and each time it has worked out
bridge door and one down from the Upper Engine Room. The windows
in entertaining ways. My favorite
looking out to the river are completely opaque sheets of tempered glass moment, though, is always
and provide very little light. The corner shelf where the gnome hides is when I ask the players which
just 2 feet wide and stands 20 feet above the main floor. The entire room is pregenerated character they’d
like to play: The barbarian?
shadowy, with flickering light from the boilers.
Rogue clockworker? Battle
cleric? Or maybe the aristocratic
SCENE 1: HELP, THE GUARDS ARE sorcerer? I wait and let everyone
decide, and then hand them the
RUNNING AMOK! pregen PCs, who are all exactly

The Madman at the Bridge

the classes described, and who

t wo brass clockwork watchmen stand near the bridge, one carrying are all kobolds.
a halberd, the other holding a tipstaff. I love that, and it seems that
If a character makes a successful DC 22 Spot check, read the the players love it too. Or at any
rate, it seems to breed a fair bit
following as well: of kobold voices and roleplaying
The eyes of both guards are spinning in circles. This is not normal at all! and a relaxed sense of “well,
we’re just kobolds trying to get
Stories are circulating about the bridge, but the real danger at the site is through this heroism thing.”
bigger than that. The city watch has been subverted by foul magic.
I have a funny feeling that the
CREATURES adventure won’t be quite the
same without them, so please
Two clockwork watchmen are at the site to attack anyone approaching see page 60.
within 50 feet of the bridge. They gain a surprise round as soon as one
PC moves within 50 feet unless someone in the party has made the Spot
check above. The two berserker clockworks attack the party without pause Designer’s Note:
or hesitation. A DC 30 Craft (clockwork) check is required to restore a Pacing
berserk clockwork watchman to sanity. You might notice that the first
scene sort of bleeds into the
Clockwork Watchman (2) CR 3 second scene, which sort of
hp 36 (see Zobeck Gazetteer) bleeds over into the barge attack
and so forth. As a convention
In addition to their normal abilities, these clockwork watchmen are fitted scenario, my goal was to keep
with special traps. things moving constantly in
Main Gear Trap (Ex): If a clockwork watchman is knocked to below 0 hp, this adventure. Once the party
its governing gears cease to move and a powerful alchemical fire is approaches the berserker
released. This is a 5-foot-radius burst centered on the clockwork, plus clockworks, things should just
one 10-foot-cone flare in random direction. Creatures caught in the fire keep them off-balance: crazy
take 2d6 points of fire damage (DC 15 Reflex save for half). automatons, then alchemical
fire, ballista bolts, ankle-biting
kobold zombies….
Run with it. Don’t let up!

t he clockwork man falls apart, and just then a small fireburst
explodes in the street. The flames burns blue and white, and the
paving stones crack around it.
The bridge itself is defended by two clockwork watchmen who are
dominated by and rigged to serve Haltopan Irregan, a mercenary from
Doresh. He waits until one of the guards is defeated, then throws
alchemical fire into the mix from his vantage point in a second-story
window. Haltopan enjoys a good alchemical firebomb much more than the
Tales of Zobeck 55
Puffing Bridge & Environs

Haltopan CR 8
Morale Haltopan attempts to flee out a different
Male human rogue 2/fighter 6
window (which he leaves open for just such an
LE Medium humanoid
occurrence) if reduced to 5 hit points or fewer.
Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative);
Senses Listen +5, Spot +5 STATISTICS
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin Base Atk +7; Grp +8
DEFENSE Special Atk sneak attack +1d6
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 11
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15; +5 if he has time to
SQ evasion, trapfinding
use his oil of magic vestment +5
Feats Combat Reflexes, Craft Clockwork*, Dodge,
(+3 armor, +4 Dex, +2 shield)
Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise
hp 56 (2d6+6d10+16)
Shot, Run, Weapon Finesse
Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +2
Skills Appraise +7, Balance +9, Disguise +5, Escape
OFFENSE Artist +9, Intimidate +10, Jump +6, Listen +5,
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Move Silently +9, Open Lock +9, Search +7,
Melee +8/+3 longsword (1d8+1/19-20) Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Spot +5,
Ranged +11/+7 alchemical firebomb (3d6 fire, 1d4 Swim +6, Use Rope +5
splash) Possessions +1 leather armor, +1 light wooden shield,
longsword, oil of magic vestment +5, eight clay
TACTICS alchemical firebombs, 8 pp, 18 gp, 5 sp, 14 cp.
During Combat Haltopan throws two alchemical
firebombs every round until either he runs out
or someone enters the room he is in. If he
runs out, he shutters the window, draws his
longsword, and backs into the corner to wait for
the PCs. If someone enters his room, he throws
firebombs if he has them, otherwise he backs
into the corner.

next person and throws two each round until he runs out The downstairs door is locked (Open Lock DC 22, retries
or until someone enters his refuge and makes him stop. permitted). It is also solid walnut shielded with copper
Terrain: The window is 20 feet above the street level, cladding as a fireproofing measure (hardness 6, 40 hp, fire
shuttered, and provides partial cover. The wall leading up resistance 5).
to the window requires a DC 25 Climb check to ascend.

56 Tales of Zobeck
Treasure: The tapestry downstairs is worth 2,500 gp, but it weighs 120
pounds and is fairly obvious when carried in the street. The large locked Round by Round to
chest in the upstairs chamber contains the plans of a steam engine and a DESTRUCTION!
series of comments scrawled on it in an illegible hand. With a successful Round 1: Hell hounds attack. The
DC 20 Knowledge (architecture and engineering) or Craft (clockwork) boiler whistles and the fires roar, as
if they were being fed extra air and
check, it is clear that the circles and marks show an interest in gauges, control
phlogiston, or perhaps powered by a
mechanisms, and weak points. The treasure chest also contains three extra salamander or elemental.
pots of alchemical fire, suitable for hurling at foes. Round 2: Mandebbok casts color
Developments: If the fight here sets fire to the house, the neighbors spill spray if he has a good target, or
summons a dire ape if not. The
into the street and a fire brigade turns up 10 minutes later. This is a huge
boiler screeches, and gears race
distraction from any fighting going on in the boiler room (see Scene 5). and grind until one of them fails,
springs out, and strikes a PC. Have
If Haltopan is captured, he is stoic and says very little except under
the PCs make Reflex saves, and the
magical compulsion or horrific Intimidation (DC 28 to make him talk). PC who rolled the lowest takes 2d4
Even then, he simply blames everything on “My master, the sorcerer of hp damage, and the machines make
darkest Harkasa.” He seems to think this master is a “Giant, an apelike fiend even more noise.
who swings from rooftop to rooftop.” In fact, he has confused one of the A DC 15 Knowledge (architecture
sorcerer’s summoned fiendish apes with the sorcerer himself, a confusion and engineering) or Craft
(clockwork) check makes it clear that
that the sorcerer himself encouraged.
the machinery has been tampered
with and is being driven far past the

The Madman at the Bridge

safe operating level.
Round 3: Dozens of rivets pop from

t he stairs down seem to lead to a chamber beneath the bridge.
There’s a loud thrumming noise from the river, though, and an
iron spear is suddenly thrown right across the stairs with enough
force to crack one of the stones of the bridge abutment.
the boiler, and the air becomes foggy
as if filled by an obscuring mist spell.
Attacks are subject to a 20% miss
chance for creatures within 5 feet,
and 50% for further away. The mist
disperses at the end of the round.
A ballista is mounted on a floating barge anchored in the river among the
morning fog, with a perfect line of fire to the boiler room entrance. Anyone Round 4: The boiler seems to have
released some of the pressure, but
attempting to enter the room is subject to fire: +10 attack, 3d6 piercing the main chamber is now glowing
damage plus a DC 15 Fort save or be pinned or knocked prone by the bolt red hot. Somewhere, a pipe is
(50% of either result; if swimming, an immediate Swim check with the gurgling, as if about to replenish
DC equal to 10 + damage dealt is required or the PC is pushed underwater the water supply of the overheated
metal. A DC 15 Knowledge
and immediately begins drowning). (architecture and engineering) or
The crew on the barge is a pair of ogres dressed in heavy cloaks. They are Craft (clockwork) check makes
it clear that the boiler is going
clearly larger than humans, but the fog and early morning darkness make it to explode if that water hits the
very difficult to identify them clearly. If the barge is approached, they use superheated boiler chamber.
their greatclubs to smash would-be boarding parties.
Round 5: Water hits the overheated
Ogres (2) CR 3 chamber, and then explodes
hp 43 each, clubs. into gas. The boiler roars and
hisses, releasing huge clouds
SWIMMING TO THE BARGE of supercharged steam into the
It is possible to swim to the barge in the fast-running waters of the River squares immediately adjacent to it
Argent, but it’s a bad idea. Just keeping position relative to the shore requires for 4d6 points of fire damage (DC 20
Reflex save for half). Metal begins
a DC 30 Swim check, because of the speed of the current. For every 5 points to tear itself apart, and the sound
less than that, the swimmer slips 5 feet downstream. of rattling, strained, about-to-fail
machinery is so loud that a DC 17
DEVELOPMENT Concentration check is required for
Several ropes are coiled on the wharf along the shore, which can be used all spells with a verbal component.
to haul in a drowning or wounded ally against the current. Throwing the Round 6: EXPLOSION! The boiler
rope successfully requires a DC 10 Rope Use check, +5 for every 10 feet of fails catastrophically at the start of
distance. the round, inflicting massive steam
burns and shrapnel slices for 4d6
points of fire damage and 2d6 points
of piercing damage to all creatures
in the chamber (DC 20 Reflex save
for half). Creatures who took cover
take half damage or none with a
successful save.

Tales of Zobeck 57
Mandebbok Urgenef



t he iron doors creak open, and there is
movement down in the chamber below. A
landing and a short flight of stairs leads
down into the mass of machinery.
b eyond the entry stairs and landing are a
maze of boilers, gears, and machinery that
hums, grinds, and generally grows noisier
and noisier.
Just inside the door, a zombie kobold and zombie This room is where it all blows to pieces if the party
human engage the party by surprise, attacking the first dawdles and waits and plays it safe. See the “Round by
creature to pass through the door. Round to DESTRUCTION” sidebar. The other dangers
include one trap, two summoned hell hounds and one
Zombie (2) CR 2
6 HD, hp 42 each; use bugbear zombie stats
invisible gnome sorcerer. The hell hounds are the most
obvious danger, but in the long run, the boiler is more
Treasure: Masterwork clockworking tools worth 1,000 dangerous to both the party and the city.
gp (and extremely valuable in the next scene).
Hell Hounds (2) CR 3
Development: As soon as the combat here is done, hp 26, 20
the party hears the ominous rumble of the boiler rivets
The hell hounds keep the party busy while the
popping in the room below. Any PC who makes a
gnome sorcerer pelts the PCs with spells. The sorcerer
Craft (clockwork) or Knowledge (architecture and
is Mandebbok Urgenef, a stoop-shouldered fellow who
engineering) DC 20 check knows that these are the
wears an enormous hooded cloak. He is also a big coward
sounds of a machine running past its normal tolerances,
who fears melee combat and is easily intimidated. For the
and that it might soon suffer a catastrophic failure. Any
start of the fight, he crouches, invisibly, on the platform
such failure here means the bridge will be stuck open for
10 feet off the floor in the southwest corner of the room.
days, possibly weeks.
He summoned the hell hounds while the party fought the
zombies, and sends them to attack whoever comes down
the stairs first.

58 Tales of Zobeck
Mandebbok Urgenef CR 6 TACTICS
Male gnome sorcerer 6 Before Combat The gnome has crazy plans to watch
NE Small humanoid the boiler explode with his own eyes.
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Listen +4, Spot +2 During Combat The gnome cackles, becomes
Languages Common, Gnomish, Infernal invisible and summons hellhounds and fiendish
DEFENSE apes! He casts a silent image of trapdoors
randomly popping open in a burst of smoke or
AC 15, touch 13, flat footed 13 dust to conceal the fact that he’s summoning.
(+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size) He might attempt to blind the PCs with
hp 27 hp (6d4+12) glitterdust if he can hit more than one with the
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7 (+9 vs illusions) spell or targets a spellcaster with an empowered
OFFENSE magic missile if he cannot.
Spd 20 ft. Morale His plans have gone completely awry, and only
Melee Shortspear +1 melee (1d4–2) complete destruction will make it better.
Ranged sling +5 ranged (1d3–2) STATISTICS
Special Attacks spells Str 6, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 18
Spells Known (CL 6th) Base Atk +3; Grp -3
3rd (4/day)—summon monster III Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment
2nd (6/day)—glitterdust (DC 16), invisibility Summoning, Empower Spell
1st (7/day)—animate rope, color spray (DC 16), Skills Bluff +8, Concentration +8, Craft (clockwork) +6,
magic missile, silent image (DC 16) Hide +6, Listen +4
0 (6/day)—arcane mark, daze (DC 14), ghost Languages Common, Gnome
sound (DC 15), mage hand, mending,

The Madman at the Bridge

SQ summon familiar (none currently summoned)
message, prestidigitation Combat Gear Bracers of Armor +2, Cloak of
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; DC 14 + SL) Charisma +2
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation,
speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, SPECIAL ABILITIES
duration 1 minute) Skills Gnomes receive a+2 racial bonus on Listen
checks and Craft (alchemy) checks.

Treasure: The gnome has brought along a sack of cash

for bribes and to pay his mercenary Haltopar and the
ogres. This amounts to 249 gp and three garnets, each FOILING THE GNOME’S PLOT
worth 100 gp.
Development: The machinery in the room is complex
and much of it is involved in transferring the rotary
motion of the boiler turbine to linear and hydraulic
pressure to lift the Puffing Bridge. Not just anyone can
t he city is, naturally, eager to keep this entire
unfortunate event quiet, and a minor City
Consul (perhaps the Guildmaster of the
Geargrinder’s Union) offers the party 500 gp each as a
reward for a job well done. More importantly, the City
fix it: it requires two DC 15 Knowledge (architecture Consuls begin to take warnings of gnome plots seriously,
and engineering) or Craft (clockwork) checks (each and the Arcane Collegium puts some major wards on the
requiring one full round) to remove the locked valves boiler room and machinery behind the Puffing Bridge.
and overridden control levers to normal settings and The danger has been made plain, and there’s much talk of
power down the gears. A DC 22 Disable Device can building a second bridge. Given the enormous expense, it
be used instead. During rounds 1 to 3, a create water or remains just talk.
quench spell can be used to put out the boiler and shut
down the danger. If the party captured Mandebbok alive, the party
is given an additional 200 gp as a bounty. The gnome
A mass of clockwork and human guards descends on is taken away to the Citadel, where he is very closely
the bridge and the boiler room as soon as the real danger questioned. If he reveals the names of his masters and
has passed, and “secures the area” (preventing looting of those who funded his mad scheme, the party might
the valuable material). be given a new target to pursue, an enemy somewhere
If the party kept the boiler in one piece, the bridge can outside the city. Or worse, perhaps an enemy within!
be repaired very quickly. As soon as the watch arrives,
30 clockworker kobolds begin pulling corpses out of the
way so they can readjust valves, restore rivets and welds,
re-align the power train to the bridge deck, and generally
fix everything that has been bent, burnt, and broken.
Within a couple hours, the bridge lowers to its usual
position, and cart and pedestrian traffic across the river
resumes as if nothing happened.

Tales of Zobeck 59
Male kobold fighter 4
LN Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1
Male kobold cleric 4 Languages Draconic, Zobeck Gutter Common
LN Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +3, Spot +3 DEFENSE
Languages Common, Draconic AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 17; Dodge, Mobility
(+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
DEFENSE hp 38 (4d10+12)
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +1
(+6 armor, +2 shield, +1 natural, +1 size)
hp 33 (4d8+12) OFFENSE
Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +6 Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 light pick +7 (1d3+1/x4) and
OFFENSE handaxe +6 (1d4+1/x3)
Speed 20 ft. (30 ft. 1/night for 4 rounds) Ranged light crossbow +8 (1d6)
Melee mwk morningstar +5 (1d6) Base Atk +4; Grp +0
Base Atk +3; Grp –1
Special Atk rebuke undead 5/day STATISTICS
Cleric spells prepared (CL 4th, +3 melee touch, +3 Str 11, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11
ranged touch) SQ light sensitivity
2nd—bull’s strength, eagle’s splendor, hold person Feats Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Two-
(DC 15), spiritual weaponD Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
1st—cause fear (DC 14), command (DC 14), magic Skills Craft (trapmaking) +9, Intimidate +7, Jump +5,
weaponD, obscuring mist, protection from Profession (miner) +6
good Possessions +1 chain shirt, +1 light pick, handaxe,
0—create water, cure minor wounds, detect magic, light crossbow (20 bolts), 14 gp, 12 sp, 9 cp
detect poison, mending BACKGROUND
Deity Perun; Domains Strength, War
Deity: Marena, the Red Goddess of Lust and Death
STATISTICS Background: Bandit, Miner
Str 11, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15 Height: 3’ 5” Weight: 35 Age: 11
SQ feat of strength 1/day, light sensitivity Scales: Dark rusty brown Eyes: Red Hat: Red
Feats Improved Turning, Lightning Reflexes Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
Skills Craft (trapmaking) +6, Diplomacy +9, Heal +10, sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Profession (miner) +9 Special Item Shadow hound’s bell. Once per night as
Possessions +1 chainmail, +1 light wooden shield, a swift action, you can summon a shadow hound
mwk morningstar, potion of aid, silver holy to fight for you or cover a retreat. It stays for 4
symbol, 10 gp, 10 sp, 20 cp minutes or until slain.
hp: 30, AC 14, Atk bite +7 (1d6+4), Init +5,
BACKGROUND Spd. 50 ft. (10 squares)
Patron Deity: Perun
Background: Miner and Diplomat
Height: 3’ 5” Weight: 35 Age: 11
Scales: Black Eyes: Red Hat: Black
Rebuke Undead (Su) Veelus can rebuke or command
undead 5 times per day as a 4 level cleric.
Feat of Strength (Su) Once per day, Veelus can
perform a feat of strength as a free action. He
gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength for
1 round.
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
Special Item Boots of strategic movement. These
boots can grant you a +10 bonus to base speed
and the use of the Run feat once per night for 4

60 Tales of Zobeck
Erdok Eelo Master Auggremar
Male kobold rogue 4 Male kobold aristocrat 3/sorcerer 2
N Small humanoid (reptilian) LN Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +0, Spot +0 Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +6
Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon, Languages Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Zobeck Gutter Common DEFENSE
DEFENSE AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 17
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 15 hp 32 (3d8+2d4+10)
(+3 armor, +5 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +8
hp 28 (4d6+12) OFFENSE
Fort +3 Ref +9 Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
OFFENSE Melee +1 spear +4 (1d6/x3)
Speed 30 ft. Ranged auto-reload clockwork crossbow +5 (1d8/19-
Melee +1 short sword +10 (1d4+1) or 20)
Mwk rapier +10 (1d4/19–20) Base Atk +3; Grp –2
Ranged sling bullet +9 (1d3) Sorcerer Spells (CL 2nd, +2 melee touch, +5 ranged
Base Atk +3; Grp –1 touch)
Special Atk sneak attack +2d6 (+3d6 with rapier or 1st (5/day)—expeditious retreat, true strike
short sword) 0 (6/day)—dancing lights, daze (DC 12), mending,
STATISTICS read magic, resistance
Str 11, Dex 21, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 14 STATISTICS
SQ evasion, light sensitivity, trap sense +1, Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 15

The Madman at the Bridge

trapfinding, and uncanny dodge SQ light sensitivity, summon familiar
Feats Ambush*, Weapon Finesse Feats Alertness, Investigator
Skills Appraise +10 (+12 trapmaking), Craft Skills Craft (trapmaking) +7, Diplomacy +7,
(trapmaking) +12, Craft (gearwork) +10, Disguise +7, Gather Information +12, Handle
Disable Device +10, Disguise +9, Gather Animal +5, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Knowledge
Information +9, Hide +10, Open Lock +10, (local) +6, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +6,
Profession (miner) +9, Sleight of Hand +10, Listen +6, Profession (miner) +4, Search +6,
Move Silently +10, Tumble +10 Spot +6
Possessions +1 leather armor, +1 short sword, Possessions +1 chain shirt, +1 spear, clockwork
pocket clock, masterwork thieves’ tools, 5 sp, crossbow, 21 gp, 12 sp, 7 cp.
3 cp.
Patron Deity: Sarastra, Mother of Night and Magic Patron Deity Hecate, Goddess of Night and Magic
Background: Miner, Sneak Thief Background Chieftain’s Son, Caravan Guard,
Height: 3’ 3” Weight: 35 Age: 15
Height: 3’ 7” Weight: 35 Age: 12
Scales: Black Eyes: Red Hat: Black
Scales: Dark Rusty Brown Eyes: Red Hat: Green
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
sunlight or within the radius of daylight spell.
Sneak Attack (Ex) Erdok gains an extra 1d6 from the
Ambush feat as long as he uses a light weapon,
such as his rapier or short sword. Auggremar’s bat familiar Normaus
Special Item Pocket Clock. This mass of enchanted hp 16, AC 17, flies 40 ft, Alertness, improved
gearwork can cast haste three times per night evasion, share spells, empathic link
as a standard action. It can also create a Special Items A clockwork crossbow and the Signet
time stop for a brief period (Erdok is not sure Ring of Karremark, the Kobold Prince of the
how long, really), but this destroys the item Night Ghetto. The crossbow reloads itself each
permanently. round, and so is always ready to fire, requiring
no reload time.
The signet ring can get you out of trouble with
human guards and clockwork watchmen (it’s
showy and official-looking), but it’s real power
is to summon a giant riding owl, Karremark’s
personal mount. That creature flies two kobolds
anywhere you ask it to, and might fight on your
behalf if you know how to coax it.

Tales of Zobeck 61
Brengan Rozhdi
Male kobold sorcerer 4 Male kobold barbarian 4
LN Small humanoid (reptilian) LE Small humanoid (reptilian)
Init 3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +2, Spot +6 Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +6, Spot +4
Languages Draconic, Zobeck Gutter Common Languages Common, Draconic, Zobeck Gutter
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Dodge DEFENSE
(+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 16
hp 27 (4d4+16) (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size)
Fort +5 Ref +4 Will +6 hp 49 (4d12+16)
OFFENSE Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +2
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) OFFENSE
Melee +1 quarterstaff +2 (1d4–2) Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Ranged alchemist’s fire flask +6 touch (1d6 fire +1d6 Melee +2 small Morganic greataxe +9 (1d10+6/x3)
fire following round) Base Atk +4; Grp +2
Base Atk +2; Grp –4 Special Atk rage 2/day
Sorcerer Spells (CL 4th, +1 melee touch, +6 ranged STATISTICS
Str 15, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14
2nd (4/day)—scorching ray (DC 16)
SQ fast movement, light sensitivity, trap sense +1,
1st (7/day)—cause fear (DC 15), mage armor, magic
uncanny dodge
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
0 (6/day)—detect magic, flare (DC 14), light,
message, ray of frost, resistance Skills Craft (trapmaking) +8, Handle Animal +8,
Intimidate +9, Listen +6, Profession (miner) +6,
STATISTICS Ride +11, Spot +4, Survival +8
Str 6, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 18 Possessions +1 hide, +2 small greataxe, 19 gp, 9 sp,
SQ light sensitivity, summon familiar 16 cp.
Feats Dodge, Extend Spell BACKGROUND
Skills Bluff +11, Concentration +11, Craft
Deity: Perun
(trapmaking) +6, Knowledge (arcana) +9,
Background: Miner from the Morganic Hills (once a
Profession (miner) +4, Spellcraft +9, Spot +6
spy for Morgau and Doresh)
Possessions +1 quarterstaff, 2 flasks of alchemist’s
Height: 3’ 6” Weight: 35 Age: 14
fire, 13 gp, 11 sp, 16 cp.
Scales: Dark brown Eyes: Red Hat: Red
BACKGROUND Rage (Ex) The following changes are in effect while
Patron Deity: Sarastra, Goddess of Night and Magic Rozhdi rages:
Background: Guild Apprentice at the Arcane AC 18, touch 13, flat 14
Collegium (dismissed) hp 57 (4d12+24 HD)
Height: 3’ 6” Weight: 35 Age: 17 Fort +12 Will +4
Scales: Dark rusty brown Eyes: Red Hat: White Melee +2 small Morganic greataxe +11
Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright (1d10+8/x3)
sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell. Base Atk +4 Grp +4
Brengan’s owl familiar Bartelbus Str 19, Con 23
hp 13, AC 19, fly 40 ft, Alertness, improved Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
evasion, share spells, touch spells, empathic sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell.
link Special Item The Morganic greataxe! Carnage!
Special Item Alchemical Lantern. Once per night,
this lantern can spit enhanced alchemical fire
for 2d8 points of fire damage as a touch attack
for 2 rounds in a row. The fire burns for an
additional round for another 1d8 points of fire
damage, and it counts as a magic weapon for
damage purposes.

62 Tales of Zobeck
Tale of the
Mouse King
Intrigue abounds in the Free City of Zobeck—above ground, below
ground, and even between the walls.


t ymon is a racist wererat bard in the mouse king’s court. He is next in line for the
Rat Throne and through waiting for his reign to begin. For three long years, he
bit his lip as Mouse King Teodore XII entrusted secrets to human lieutenants and
watered down the kingdom’s blood with afflicted lycanthropes. When the mouse kingdom
parted company with the Spyglass Guild and the underworld influence of the Rat Throne

diminished further, Tymon resolved to take action. Murdering his king was Tymon’s only
option—nay, his patriotic duty. FOR 5TH-LEVEL
After months of careful planning, Tymon assassinated Teodore XII. There were no CHARACTERS.
witnesses, but Yiri Tepeck, the mouse king’s loyal human lieutenant, overheard Tymon
instructing a minion to plant the king’s severed tail on a patsy. Neither the Council of Rats
nor anyone else within the mouse kingdom suspects Tymon. The Council very recently gave
the order for all to start looking for the murderer—the one Tymon framed with the king’s
bloody tail.


i n a Zobeck rooming house, a PC pulls a severed, 3-foot-long rat’s tail from his pack.
Moments later, the walls explode with the furry bodies of a gnashing rat swarm.
Ever growing swarms pursue the confounded adventurers under a storm-wracked
sky. A clue in the mud leads them to “Seek Justice” at a Kobold Ghetto address.
As the adventurers pick their way through the cramped ghetto, wererats leap from the
shadows and attack from the sewers. Dark rain falls upon the alley fight and kobolds yip
down from looming tenements.
At the ghetto address, a palsied kobold welcomes the adventurers by name. She
introduces them to Justice, a comatose kobold lying in a raised bed. The sleeping kobold
“speaks” through an autoscribe that reads his furiously darting eyes like Braille under
clockwork fingers. MOUSE KING MURDERED. BLAME CAST. For a price, the
adventurers learn where to seek their redeemer, Yiri Tepeck, the human lieutenant of the
murdered mouse king.
The PCs rescue Yiri from a venerable wererat with pink mucous eyes. Yiri tells them that
Tymon murdered the mouse king to hasten his own ascendance to the Rat Throne. The
Council of Rats will not believe Yiri, but they will believe the dead king himself—if only
the corpse could speak. Yiri proposes a desperate plan.
To clear their names, the PCs must sneak into the mice warrens, commandeer the corpse
of the mouse king, force an audience with the Rat Council, and prove Tymon is the killer
with speak with dead. They have precious little time. The next day, at midnight, the Council
of Rats performs a coronation rite that strips the old king of his memories and transfers
them into Tymon, the new mouse king.

Tales of Zobeck 63
PART ONE: RATS to the single-story roof of a shop 10-foot away incurs an
attack of opportunity and must succeed at a DC 25 Jump

t his adventure takes place in the Free City of
Zobeck on the eve of the Miner’s Holiday.
Groups of drunken kobolds, some 20 strong,
assail public houses, eager to drink a week’s wages and
yip out traditional songs. With the exception of the
check. If he fails by 4 or less and attempted the Jump
untrained, he clears the distance but lands prone. If he
fails by 5 or more, he does not clear the distance and must
make a DC 15 Reflex save to grab the far edge followed
by a DC 15 Climb check to pull himself up. If he fails
redoubled city watch, which patrols the streets with by 10 or more, he botches the jump completely and falls
tipstaffs of hold person, most Zobeck citizens stay indoors 20 feet to the street below, taking 2d6 points of falling
or give the annual “All Kobolds’ Eve” revelers a wide damage.
berth. Rat Swarm (3) CR 2
hp 13 each MM 239
This initial encounter assumes the PCs are staying in a Development: When the PCs look outside or exit
rooming house or inn in or near Zobeck’s city center, the building, they see a world exploding with vermin.
but you may easily substitute any interior space not on In every direction, rats erupt from the sewers, flood the
the ground floor with open windows and plaster walls. streets, and hop across slate rooftops. Residents abandon
Thunder rumbles and storm clouds roll at the horizon. their vermin-filled homes. Smoke billows from shops that
The party does not need to be together when the have caught fire. In the streets, parents rip rats from their
following event transpires, but the PCs are preferably children’s hair and dash the vermin against the cobbles.
within shouting distance of one another. Now that the rats have scented the PCs with the mouse
Choose or randomly determine a PC to discover the king’s tail, there are few places they can hide for long.
planted rat’s tail. When the PC next reaches into his A white-bearded cobbler named Hanis calls the PCs to
backpack, his hand touches on something odd—a thin the momentary safety of his roof. Looking out over the
rubbery whip—among his possessions. Create tension by Zobeck cityscape, the PCs see a swarm-world slowly turn
pausing and letting the player decide what to do next. Try to converge on their position.
to make it seem like a critical decision. If he withdraws
the tail, read or paraphrase the following.
Until the PCs meet Justice at the end of this part of the
A long tapering line emerges from the pack. adventure, Gather Information fails to reveal the mouse
At one rubbery end, a point. At the other end, king is dead. The Rat Council successfully keeps the news
a bloody stump. Its three-foot length finally under wraps (although the Spyglass Guild learns of it in
withdrawn, there can be no question. It is a three days). While the PCs remain ignorant, put them on
severed rat’s tail. the run. Flood and nearly overwhelm them with waves of
Seconds later, rats spill into the 10-foot-square room. rats—vengeful, foaming rat swarms whose gnashing teeth
Without warning, a horde of rats pours in an open and ceaseless chittering pursue them everywhere.
window on the second floor in a surge of furry bodies Not only rats endanger the PCs. Zobeck’s Mouse
and gnashing teeth. Plaster walls crack open and rats spill Kingdom is an influential criminal organization with
from between lathe strips. More than 300 rats clamber deep pockets and ubiquitous operatives. It only takes a
over each other in a frenetic race to climb legs and rip at few hours for a wererat’s description of the PCs to reach
faces. underworld affiliates and those who owe the mice a favor.
The first swarm fills all 4 squares of the 10-foot-square A common clerk with a gambling debt might squeal
room, so every PC who remains in the room starts and on the PCs’ location. Rattish propaganda that the PCs
ends his turn with the swarm in his square. Whether the are inadvertently responsible for the ongoing rat plague
door to the room is open or closed, a second rat swarm might lead a trusted cleric to cast hold person on the PCs
crawls over itself just on the other side of the threshold, and contact (bribed) authorities.
waiting to invade. Once connected, the two swarms are a Guards lock down the city gates. Their captains tell
contiguous horde, but for combat purposes treat them as them it is a precautionary quarantine against vermin-
two swarms that cannot fit into the room simultaneously. spread plague, but in truth, someone high in the chain of
If the door to the room is closed when combat begins, command is on the Rat Council’s payroll.
any PC who makes a DC 16 Listen check hears the
In short, let the PCs choose the setting, but keep the
swarm on the other side chewing its way in—a feat it
rats and turncoat allies coming until the PCs start to
accomplishes on the second round.
worry. If you prefer a faster game or the players become
Meanwhile, a third swarm races up the wall from the frustrated, move on to the Message in the Mud section.
street below and waits its turn to spill in through the
window. A PC who attempts to jump from the window

64 Tales of Zobeck
Rat Swarms (3) CR 2
hp 13; MM 239

Wererats (3) CR 2
hp 12; MM 173
Special These wererats drank potions
of magic fang.

3rd-level Human Rogues (2)

CR 3
hp 16; DMG 123
Notable Statistics Combat Expertise,
Improved Feint; Bluff +9
Note Add a wererat (MM 173) or 4
fiendish dire rats (MM 107) to
increase the EL by 1.


Draw the PCs somewhere isolated, such as
onto Hanis’s loose-shingle roof, a sinking
barge, or a rising Puffing Bridge for one

Tale of the Mouse King

final swarm encounter in Zobeck-proper.
In the middle of the combat, dark clouds
hasten dusk. Black, slanting rain falls,
and the world fills with glinting teeth and
flashing red eyes.
When the battle ends, the PCs notice
a message carved into the rain-pocked
mud. In large, deeply trenched letters,
the message reads, “Seek Justice. Kobold
Ghetto. Waterline Alley.” A severed rat’s
tail forms one of the letters.
A PC who succeeds on a DC 18
Knowledge (local) or bardic knowledge
check recognizes Waterline Alley as an
infamous kobold ambush site. Kobold PCs
receive a +2 competence bonus on this
If the PC do not hurry to the Kobold
Ghetto, another rat swarm wave
approaches and the PCs catch a glimpse
of a young kobold, named Semokep,
watching them from a distance and then
retreating into the shadows. Justice tasked
Semokep with bringing the PCs to him,
and the young kobold does whatever he
can to fulfill his master’s wish without
getting into harm’s way. He leaves the PCs
three messages in the mud. If the PCs
do not heed Semokep’s mud messages,
he attempts to lure them to the ghetto
with his mysterious appearances. If the Rats!
PCs catch Semokep, he knows nothing of
Justice’s reasons for wanting them.
Overhead, the storm rages.

Tales of Zobeck 65
PART TWO: When the PCs are midway down the alley or climb
to the catwalk, four rats the size of dogs race toward
THE KOBOLD GHETTO them along the catwalk—two on either side of the alley.
Foam drips from their muzzles. At the far end of the

t he Kobold Ghetto is a walled off section of
Zobeck on the city’s southeast side. Pungent
wafts of stale air assault the PCs as they
approach one of the only two gates that lead inside.
The four ever-present kobold guards demand the PCs’
alley, a wererat springs from a trash-covered sewer grate.
Whiskers twitch on its rat face and its naked tail snakes
and snaps behind it. It poises to pounce, and its teardrop
eyes flash with malevolence.

business. A 20 gp bribe (per PC) or a reasonable excuse Tymon dispatched rat swarms and four wererat death
backed up with a DC 15 Diplomacy check (plus a 5 gp squads (three wererats and four fiendish dire rats, all with
bribe, per PC) allows them access. A DC 15 Intimidation maximum hit points) to sniff out the mouse king’s severed
check gets the PCs in too, but later they must answer to tail and rip to shreds their dear king’s murderers. This
ten kobold guards and a dozen drunken kobold ruffians death squad followed Semokep back to this alley, where it
in order to exit. ambushes the party.

Tonight is “All Kobold’s Eve,” and the scrappy kobolds On round 2 of the fight, a second wererat enters the
are bristling for a tussle. No guards have any idea who or head of the alley to box in the PCs and a third wererat
what Justice is or to what it might refer. If a rat swarm steps from the shadows at the far corner of the catwalk.
pursues the PCs as they approach the gate, the guards On round 3, kobolds slide aside the wood covering
help them dispatch the rats, taking many of the larger the third-story windows and yip down at the alley
ones they kill “for later.” combatants. A kobold with a black eye throws a vial of
alchemist’s fire down into a random square, and the other
Once inside, non-kobold PCs find themselves thrust kobolds shout curses back at him.
into a foreign world. Cramped tenements rise between
a maze of 6-foot-wide alleys. Tilted doors and windows If the PCs are already short on life and resources,
puncture ramshackle buildings, and tacked-on stairs, consider reducing the hit points of the death squad’s
bridges, and dumb waiters suggest a highly vertical members to average. Otherwise, feel free to punish the
interior arrangement. Overhead, the tile roofs of the party physically in this encounter, to reinforce the might
looming structures meet, blocking out most of the sun. of their mouse kingdom adversary. The PCs can rest in
Rain hammers down on the tiles, and the sound joins the the near future, after they meet Justice.
reptilian yipping of distant kobolds as it echoes through The alley’s trash makes the entire area difficult terrain.
the litter-filled lanes. Fiendish Dire Rat (4) CR 1/2
Many tenements remain unoccupied during All hp 9 MM 107
Kobold’s Eve and the Miner’s Holiday the following TACTICS
day, allowing the PCs to rest in the Kobold Ghetto During Combat The 60-pound dire rats jump onto the
undisturbed, at least for a little while. A rat swarm locates heads of PCs. Treat this as a charge with an
the PCs after 10 hours. Every hour after that, there is a additional +1 bonus on attack rolls for the dire
10% chance that a rat swarm or wererat death squad (see rats having higher ground. The dire rats must
move through a threatened space (the 5 feet
Alley Fight) finds them. This situation continues until directly above the PCs) and so draw attacks of
the PCs end this adventure. More than one successful opportunity.
rest in the ghetto is unlikely. If a dire rat succeeds in its attack, it deals
normal damage and automatically makes an
ALLEY FIGHT (EL 6) overrun attempt (DMG 157) in which the rat
Waterline Alley is a particularly filthy, dead-end lane receives a +2 bonus on its Strength check from
on the east side of the Kobold Ghetto. Kobolds know the charge. All of the rats end up on the ground
at the end of their turn.
it well, for it is where they frequently lure and ambush
Wererat (Natural Lycanthrope),
troublesome outsiders.
Hybrid Form (3) CR 2
Tenements three stories tall box in three sides of a hp 19 MM 173
5-foot wide, 40-foot-long dead-end alley. A tin roof Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
connects the buildings overhead and creates a single TACTICS
shadow that deepens to pitch as the alley proceeds. Trash, Before Combat The wererats applied oil of magic
including splintered boards and sharp slices of tin, litter weapon to their rapiers. The two wererat
latecomers imbibed a potion of cat’s grace,
the ground. Wooden ladders tacked onto the alley’s
which remains in effect for 2 minutes.
flanking tenements connect the street level to a 1-foot- During Combat The wererats attempt to keep the lead
wide catwalk that runs along all three sides of the alley PC pinned down in the alley.
10 feet off the ground. Windows and doors from top to Morale Eager to make a name for themselves in the
bottom are boarded over except for a ground-level door Mouse Kingdom’s ranks, the young wererats
fight to the death.
that sits in darkness at the alley’s far end.

66 Tales of Zobeck
The door at the end of the alley leads into Justice’s tenement. It is barred
from the inside and bears the faint green sheen of the sassone leaf residue
smeared on the outside. The barred wooden door has hardness 5, hp 20,
Break DC 25.
Poison Door Trap: CR 3; mechanical; touch trigger; no reset; touch effect
(sassone leaf residue poison (contact, Fort DC 16, initial 2d12 hp,
secondary 1d6 Con); Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.

When the alley fight ends, the PCs hear a bar lifting on the opposite side of
the alley door. The kobolds yipping down from above suddenly fall quiet and
disappear behind hastily replaced boards. The door squeaks slowly open, and
a palsied female kobold appears in the crooked frame. She wears a mouse
skull necklace over a dress embroidered with thick metallic thread. Cataracts
cloud her eyes.
The female kobold greets each PC by name, and then with knobby fingers,
bids them enter. She never gives her name and remains quiet as she leads
Justice for Kobolds
the PCs into the cramped tenement and up rickety stairs. On the way up, a
random Medium PC’s weight causes one of his feet to smash through a stair Only 6 years ago, Justice was
merely Klekaclek, a young
tread up to his knee. The old female kobold reaches a narrow landing and kobold with an amazing gift for
opens a door to an upper apartment. lucid and often precognitive

Tale of the Mouse King

dreaming. An accident in the
A slanted door opens into a small bedchamber. In its center, atop a raised
lead mines rendered him
wooden bed, a rusty brown kobold sleeps. His atrophied limbs twitch in a unconscious, and he never
dream. A bizarre clockwork device perches above him. Exposed gears and woke up. What outside force
miniature pistons whirl and pump in its crab-shaped body. Two of its long drives his eye movements is
anyone’s guess. Perhaps it is
arms end in fingers that rest on the kobold’s furiously darting eyes. Another
the same force that inspired the
arm scribbles on parchment. All around the room, parchment filled with kobold gearsmith Jerlopep to
strange languages, ancient runes, and technical drawings paper the walls and construct the crab device that
encircle the sleeping kobold like a nest. reads Klekaclek’s eyes. Jerlopep
himself does not remember
The old female kobold points to the sleeping kobold and says, “Justice.” building it.
Justice’s body spasms and the autoscribe crab drops a parchment at the PCs’
Stranger still, Klekaclek and his
feet. It reads: crab grew the mind of a zelekhut
MOUSE KING MURDERED. BLAME CAST UPON YOU. inevitable. Klekaclek’s palsied
caretaker might be the only one
PCs new to Zobeck might not realize the gravity of their situation in who realizes this truth, for she
being framed for the murder of the mouse king. A DC 10 Knowledge (local) renamed him Justice. The rest of
the kobold ghetto dwellers fear
check reveals that the mouse king runs one of the largest gangs in Zobeck.
and honor him as an inscrutable
Retribution—from outraged gang members to crooked city watch—is nearly patron saint. Justice is fast
inescapable. becoming a hidden player in
the forces that drive Zobeck.
The PCs’ questions fall on deaf ears. The crab churns out nonsense phrases Whenever some group wrongs
in Draconic and draws fantastically accurate sketches of deadly nightshade the Zobeck kobolds, Justice
berries on pentagram plates. Without speaking, the old female kobold intervenes—often in labyrinthine
motions for the framed PC to place his hand on Justice’s bare chest. If the ways that involve calling in
favors from those he has helped
PC refuses, the autoscribe presents him with the following scribbled words to realize justice in the past.
over and over:
The female kobold urges again, but ultimately if the PC still refuses, the
crab writes the following line just before the PCs leave:
Assuming the framed PC (or any PC, for that matter) complies with the
old female kobold’s simple request, the sleeping kobold’s chest arches up in
spasm and meets his outstretched palm. The PC’s eyes roll back and raw
images flash into his mind: the face of a clock, metal spines, rats in the veins
of a bloodshot eye, a sewn corpse. The storm of images recedes into the
head of a metallic centaur with a crab’s claws and an eyeless kobold’s head. It

Tales of Zobeck 67
communicates without a voice, asking the PC to promise Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs receive the verse from Justice,
to ask a king a question. If the PC agrees, it promises to award them XP for a CR 3 creature. PCs who only receive
help him now in return. a part (or none!) of Justice’s aid gain no XP award.
The communication with the metallic centaur (the LEAVING THE GHETTO (EL — OR 5)
true form of Justice) is one sided. The question the PC If the PCs Intimidated their way into the ghetto, they
must ask springs to mind: have to deal with 22 angry kobolds to get out. Moreover,
THIS ASKS THE PAWN OF THE KING: other kobolds witness the ruckus, take note of the PCs,
WHERE ARE THE STATUES OF FATHER and pass the PCs’ descriptions along to their fellows.
BRIDGE? Drunken kobold gangs are likely to attack the PCs in the
If the PC refuses to promise, he snaps out of his vision Zobeck streets and return visits to the Kobold Ghetto
and the encounter ends just as if he refused to place his prove far less friendly. This might impact later adventures,
hand on Justice at all. If the PC does promise, he feels particularly if you later run the PCs through Knave of
magic flood his body as the metallic centaur trapped Parts.
within the kobold’s body casts lesser geas on him to seal Kobold (22) CR 1/4
the deal (CL 8th; DC 16). The PC simply knows what hp 4; MM 161
spell Justice wishes to cast on him and may voluntarily Notable Gear Half of the kobolds are armed with vials
of acid. The other half wield light picks.
fail his saving throw. If the PC attempts the saving throw
anyway and succeeds, the encounter ends and the PCs When the PCs leave the Kobold Ghetto, they find the
receive no further aid. If he does voluntarily fail (or rain and the rat swarms subsiding. The storm cooled the
attempts the save anyway but still fails), Justice provides night air. Shop owners and residents make hasty repairs
the following verse: to get them through the night, and horse-drawn wagons
FALL IN STEP WITH THE CARILLON splash puddles from cobblestone ruts as they rush off to
MARCH fetch supplies. Indefatigable kobolds resume their pub-
crawls and fill the city with their songs.
ARCH The mouse kingdom’s manhunt for the PCs cools once
they enter the ghetto, but it does not grow cold. The PCs
SAVE YIRI TEPECK FROM THE CURSE should still feel like convicts on the run. When the players
OF THE RAT become too complacent, introduce an instance or two
THE HUNTERS BECOME PREY—THE of a wererat death squad spotting them a couple blocks
HUNTED, THE CAT away. Keep the pressure on them, but give the PCs time to
escape and avoid endless fights.
Justice provides no further help, and the old female
kobold motions for the PCs to exit. If the PCs return
to Justice’s tenement more than one hour later, they PART THREE:
discover it empty. THE MOUSE WARRENS
Gather Information may help the PCs decipher the
verse. If Justice did not give the full verse, the PCs are
limited to DC 15 results or lower.
Table 6-1: Gather Information
DC Result
t he PCs must sneak into the mouse warrens to
find their alleged redeemer, Yiri Tepeck, the
loyal lieutenant of the murdered mouse king.
Tymon has all entrances to the mouse warrens heavily
guarded except one. The Great Stross Clock on Crown
Crown Square sits just west of the Kobold Ghetto.
Square has an entrance on the inside.
Crown Square’s Great Stross Clock features geared THE GREAT STROSS CLOCK (EL 4 OR 8)
15 puppets that march out hourly to the hammering of The Great Stross Clock is a pre-Revolt masterpiece
carillon bells. faithfully ticking away Zobeck’s progress for the past
Yiri Tepeck is a barrel-chested human thug with a 850 years. As the PCs approach this marvel, read or
20 hefty graying moustache that people joke keeps him paraphrase the following.
so quiet.
A 60-foot tower of smoky black stone rises from
25 Yiri Tepeck works for the mouse king. Crown Square and abuts a whitewashed four-
Moon Gift Arch is a legendary site, somewhere story manse with a slate roof. The Great Stross
26 in the equally legendary mouse warrens, where Clock looks out from the tower’s face 30 feet above
wererats “bestow” lycanthropy on “volunteers.” the ground. Massive seven-foot-long, gold-leaf
An old tunnel to the mouse warrens lies inside the hands mark off the time and the position of stars,
28 Great Stross Clock. sun, and moon on immense, circumscribed dials
etched with runes. Statues bearing the shields of

68 Tales of Zobeck
the Paladins of the Undying Light flank the clock City Watch Night Watchmen,
face and look reverently up at its face. Above the Human Fighter 3 (4) CR 3
clock, just under the shadows of the eaves, open hp 27; DMG 117
two windows as tall as halflings connected by a Notable Gear +1 halberd, screaming bolt, light
thin shelf. The left window’s shutters are painted crossbow, scalemail
to look like a cave mouth studded with gems. Clockwork Watchmen (2) CR 2
The right window’s shutter looks like a closed hp 36; Zobeck Gazetteer
drawbridge. Below the clock stand massive steel
doors guarded by five men with crossbows on their INSIDE THE CLOCK (EL 7)
backs and glowing halberds in their hands. If the PCs enter the Great Stross Clock via the puppet
When the great clock strikes the hour, the tiny doors and bring their own light, read or paraphrase the
drawbridge door at the top of the clock tower flops following.
down and clockwork puppets of kobolds in chains slowly A small wooden platform offers the only stationary
parade out onto the ledge. The carillon bells announce a footing inside the clock. Three levels of massive,
Stross patriarch puppet with upturned chin who goads meshing gears whirl between the platform
the kobolds along the ledge and into the opposite cave and the floor, roughly 40 feet below. Half ton
mouth door. Zobeck kobolds find the 1-minute show counterweights whoosh by, cams the size of wagon
incredibly offensive. wheels click methodically, and steel pinions engage
Normally, the Great Stross Clock is guarded only by its 10-foot spinning gears. The outward tapering
own arcane locked steel doors, but on “All Kobold’s Eve” walls are spattered with the same thick grease that

Tale of the Mouse King

the city watch maintains vigil against drunken kobolds coats the machine’s joints. Negotiating the clock’s
who might attempt to deface the ancient landmark. Even innards is the only way down. In fact, the ground
if the PCs manage to defeat the overwhelming power of floor is visible only when the turning, pumping
the guards, the steel doors remain nearly impenetrable. parts periodically align just right.
The steel double-doors have hardness 10, hp 60, and On the first level down, the PCs stand on the face of
break DC 28. While arcane locked, break DC is 38. a 15-foot-wide gear that makes one rotation each round.
Justice hinted at the only practical way into the A 4-foot-wide hole through its face provides the only
building: follow the puppet parade into the cave mouth access down to the next level, but due to parts moving
door before it closes. The architecturally complex underneath it, only one PC can pass through the hole
building offers plenty of footholds for the PCs to scale each round and only after succeeding on a DC 10 Climb
on the unguarded opposite side, requiring only DC 10 check. A PC who fails this check takes 1d4 points of
Climb checks. Climbing over the roof and onto the bludgeoning damage and must succeed at a DC 14 Reflex
puppets’ ledge requires a DC 16 Climb check, as the save or be drawn into the powerful machine. It mangles
climbing PCs must briefly dangle by their hands, 40 feet his body for 1d8 points of crushing damage each round
above the cobbles. When making this final Climb check, until he frees himself with a successful save.
the clambering PC must also succeed at a DC 16 Move On the second level down, two 10-foot-diameter
Silently check or the guards below hear him and begin meshing gears spin in opposite directions and form a
shouting. If the guards remain oblivious, after two of the floor. Each round, each gear makes a full rotation, so
PCs enter the clock, patrons of the Seven Bells Tavern creatures standing still atop them end in the same spot
across the square see the PCs and tip off the guards. on their same initiative count the following round. The
After a round of shouted warnings, the guards target gears’ motion could take a creature through a square
anyone on the roof or ledge with crossbow fire. One such that another creature threatens and thereby draw attacks
bolt sticks into the head of the Stross patriarch puppet, of opportunity. Creatures who sacrifice 10 feet of their
a mishap that brings cheers from gathering kobold movement compensate for the motion of the gears. On
spectators. A second hurrah goes up when the bolt this same level, a wrought iron pendulum arm—as thick
prevents the puppet from entering the cave mouth door, as a human torso—hangs down to the third level. Sliding
and proud Mr. Stross falls to the square below. One guard down the pendulum requires a DC 5 Climb check, while
fails to seize the lacquered puppet from the hands of climbing up requires a DC 20 Climb check.
laughing kobolds, who carry it off to some ignominious On the third level down, gears turn on end, pistons fire
end through the streets of Zobeck. Their numbers into the space, and counterweights swing dangerously
quickly swell into a miniature revolution of kobold pride. close. A PC sliding down the pendulum from above is
The other guards fail to batter down the clock tower’s safe until he attempts to move to the opposite side of the
steel doors, and one rushes to the Arcane Collegium for tower, where a ladder leads to the stone floor below. A
magical assistance. successful move requires a DC 15 Balance check and a
DC 15 Concentration check. Failure results in the PC
being drawn into the machine, which mangles his body
Tales of Zobeck 69
for 1d8 points of crushing damage each round until he An open wound stretches from the side of Krevlock’s
frees himself with a successful DC 14 Reflex save. bald head, down around her shoulder, and ending at her
On the ground floor, a small secret door leads pelvis. Within the tear, blood drips on clockwork gears
behind the walls of the manse attached to the clock embedded in cartilage and pinned to ribs. This pitiable
tower. Finding the secret door requires a DC 22 Search creature hisses and whines through shark teeth, then
check. A Medium PC who squeezes through enters an attacks by throwing out a spindly arm that splays into a
abandoned branch of Zobeck’s mouse kingdom warrens. spiny pad.
The PCs hear the sound of guards banging on the steel When the first PC climbs to the second level down,
doors of the clock tower when they reach this level. Krevlock attacks. Krevlock whines in a continuous
When the last PC enters the mouse warrens, he hears attempt to draw sympathy. Indeed, the PCs can avoid a
the massive doors fly open and the shouting of a dozen battle entirely by convincing the wretch they will cure
guards rushing inside. The guards do not follow the PCs her (a DC 22 Diplomacy check). Curing her requires a
into the warrens, but stand watch here in case the PCs single greater restoration or one restoration and three lesser
backtrack. restorations followed by a remove disease. Discovering the
A strange creature calls the Great Stross Clock home. way to cure Krevlock requires a DC 20 Craft (clockwork)
Inexpertly modified with clockwork parts, this wretch or Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check.
escaped Arcane Collegium anatomists 6 months ago If Krevlock drops, the clock snags her and crunches
and has hidden in the clock ever since. What was once her between gear teeth. Clock pins strain, bend, and
a normal female choker named Krevlock is now a pop. The age-old clock halts with a grinding sound
biomechanical parasite that feeds on the clock’s energy that all in Zobeck can hear. Whether or not the city
by meshing in its own gears. The PCs hear the revving of repairs the clock is up to you—its still face could forever
her lethal shock ability when they enter the clock. commemorate the PCs’ adventure, but some might
Krevlock CR 5
Unique female choker
CE Small aberration (augmented) Constrict (Ex) Krevlock deals 1d3+3 points of
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +1, Spot +1 damage with a successful grapple check
Language Undercommon against a Large or smaller creature. A creature
in Krevlock’s grasp cannot speak or cast spells
DEFENSE with verbal components.
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 15 Construct Defenses (Ex) As a unique half-machine
(+2 Dex, +4 natural, +1 size) choker, Krevlock has the following construct
hp 70 (11d8+21); fast healing 5 traits: immunity to all mind-affecting effects;
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +8 bonus 10 hit points (included above); and
OFFENSE immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis,
stunning, disease, death effects, and
Spd 20 ft., climb 10 ft. necromancy effects.
Melee 2 tentacles +11/+6 (1d3+3 plus lethal shock) Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Krevlock must
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft. hit a Large or smaller opponent with a tentacle
Special Atk constrict 1d3+3, improved grab attack. She can then attempt to start a grapple
TACTICS as a free action without provoking an attack
Before Combat Krevlock revs up her lethal shock to of opportunity. If she wins the grapple check,
a 2d8 electrical charge prior to appearing. Krevlock establishes a hold and can constrict.
During Combat If she retains a majority of her hit Chokers receive a +4 racial bonus on grapple
points, Krevlock uses improved grab, constrict, checks, which is already figured into Krevlock’s
and lethal shock to deadly effect. Otherwise, statistics.
she refrains from lethal shock in order to Lethal Shock (Su) Each round, screaming wheels
exercise fast healing. rev up inside Krevlock, adding 1d8 points of
Morale Krevlock is in constant pain and is filled with electricity to an internal charge (to a maximum
self-loathing, causing her to fight to the death. of 5d8). Krevlock may release the charge as
damage through steel spines implanted in her
STATISTICS hands. Those within 20 feet of the target and in
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 7 contact with the target via water or metal take
Base Atk +7; Grp +10 damage equal to half of what the target takes.
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved InitiativeB, All creatures succeeding on a DC 12 Reflex
Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Stealthy save take half damage (or one-quarter damage
Skills Climb +17, Hide +12, Move Silently +8 total for secondary targets). Krevlock’s fast
SQ construct defenses, quickness healing is suppressed on the round she releases
a lethal shock.
Quickness (Su) Krevlock can take an extra standard
action or move action during her turn each
Skills Chockers have a +8 racial bonus on Climb
checks and can always take 10 on Climb
checks, even if rushed or threatened.

70 Tales of Zobeck
consider it an affront to the city to leave the clock The mouse kingdom enjoys a certain amount of pomp
unrepaired. If kobold gearcrafters do fix the clock, they and tradition. This chamber, known to mice as the Moon
also remove the chains from the kobold puppets. Gift Arch, has seen hundreds of humanoids embrace
Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs cure Krevlock, award them XP lycanthropy over the centuries. Unless the PCs prevent it,
as if they defeated her. Yiri Tepeck—loyal servant of the murdered king and their
reputed redeemer—tastes the Moon Gift too. And the
MOUSE WARREN FEATURES full moon begins the next night.
The narrow alleys of the Kobold Ghetto are wide If the PCs successfully Move Silently along the passage
cul-de-sacs compared to the mouse warrens that snake for 30 feet, they can reach a door into the chamber
and branch behind the walls of Zobeck proper. Most without being noticed. Once the wererats notice them,
residents are unaware of the secret paths that hug their though, the two that flank Yiri move to intercept.
home and run between the buildings.
The ancient wererat drips with lycanthropy. Contact
After nine centuries of cyclical abandonment, with its spittle provides a chance for affliction of wererat
expansion of existing structures, and the annexing of lycanthropy. Although it is in hybrid form, the ancient
alleys, a vast network of thin passageways stretch behind wererat looks exactly like a bipedal, 5-foot-tall rat.
the plaster walls of hovels and chase the stone sides of
Zobeck’s proudest halls and cathedrals. Long-abandoned Ancient Wererat, Hybrid Form
hp 12; MM 173
tunnels run under the streets and connect one block
to the next. These are the mouse warrens, and only the TACTICS

mice know them well. Hundreds of the common variety During Combat In 1 round, the ancient rat reaches
Yiri, holds open Yiri’s eye, and drips a long line

Tale of the Mouse King

squeak by and nose around inside. Here and there, mouse of drool into it. Thereafter, it yells in a hoarse
holes offer an intimate view into private residences, shops, voice and throws saliva about the room with
and public buildings. The only light in the warrens shoots violent flicks of its head. All the while, it holds
in from the same mouse holes as solitary, dust-filled rays. Yiri’s head and threatens to break his neck
unless the PCs retreat. If the PCs do not retreat
W1. THE MOON GIFT ARCH (EL 6 AND EL 6) in 2 rounds or it loses half its hit points, it
follows through on its threat, killing Yiri instantly.
After entering the mouse warrens from the Great Stross Thereafter, it crushes its dread rat gem and
Clock, the PCs pick their way through narrow passages attempts to flee.
between buildings and crawl under the streets through SPECIAL ABILITIES
wet access tunnels that parallel the sewers. The passage Poison (Ex) contact Fort DC 14; initial lycanthropy,
hugs the walls of a large domed space two blocks north of secondary —. Only creatures the ancient
Crown Square. Holes look into the chamber, and the PCs wererat bites or who touch the ancient wererat
with their bare flesh must save versus its poison.
can spy on its occupants so long as they remain quiet and
The save DC is Constitution-based.
successfully Move Silently.
Two tall arches crisscross at the apex of a 30-foot- Combat Gear A necklace of braided hair bears a
wide domed chamber. Where they meet, a dread rat gem, which functions as an elemental
10-foot-wide hole admits the night sky, and a disc gem, except it conjures an ettin (hp 65; MM 106)
with two rat heads and two morningstars (cost
of moonlight slides along the floor. All around 3,300 gp).
the circular chamber, niches hold statues—each a
stage in a progression from human to rat form. In
the center of the room sits a fantastically executed
stone altar that looks like a human-sized rat
wrapped around a prone human and poised to
bite his neck. The rat and human bodies merge
into one being at the pelvis.
A barrel-chested man with a large graying moustache
a lies barely conscious atop the altar. His doublet is torn
open, and he bleeds from grievous wounds. Two unarmed
wererats in hybrid form flank him. A 5-foot-tall venerable
rat approaches them with a slow, feeble gait. Its hair is
gray-white and mangy. Its pink mucous eyes weep. A
line of drool hangs from its toothless maw. As it shuffles
forward on two legs, its distended belly pushes along the
floor like a laden sack. Despite its age, a strange aura of
potency surrounds the creature.

Tales of Zobeck 71
to the king. To Tymon’s chagrin, the council excepted
Wererat Guard (hybrid form) (2) CR 4
Male human wererat (natural lycanthrope) warrior 1/
Yiri for his years of faithful service. To satisfy Tymon’s
rogue 2 pureblood call however, they resolved to force the Moon
LE Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger); Gift upon Yiri.
MM 172
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +4, When the battle begins, Yiri Tepeck lies dying with
Spot +4 -3 hp. Yiri has tied an unfurled scroll of speak with dead
Languages Common, Halfling around his calf under his pant leg. Unless the PCs prevent
DEFENSE the ancient wererat from delivering a coup de grace, they
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12; Dodge might have to use the scroll just to find out Yiri’s plan for
(+1 armor, +4 Dex, +1 natural) their redemption.
hp 16 (1d8+1 plus 1d8+2 and 2d6+4)
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +4; evasion If the PCs save and revive him, Yiri thanks them
DR 10/silver and hurriedly answers their questions. Once he learns
OFFENSE they were framed for the murder of the mouse king, he
Spd 30 ft. divulges a desperate plan that could save them all. He
Melee rapier +6 (1d6+1/18–20) and tells the PCs that Tymon—a racist wererat bard with a
bite +1 (1d6+1 plus disease)
pinched face and ruby eyes—can keep all outsiders from
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks curse of lycanthropy (Fort DC 15), the Rat Council, and that the PCs are simply no match
disease (filth fever: bite; Fort DC 12; incubation for the might and numbers of the mice.
1d3 days; 1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con), sneak
attack +1d6 Yiri tells them their only hope is to abduct the body
TACTICS of the mouse king and ransom it back for an audience
During Combat The wererats attempt to flank a
with the Rat Council. They must hurry, though, for at
target to gain sneak attack damage. They midnight on the next night the Council of Rats performs
protect the ancient wererat with their lives. a coronation rite that strips the old king of his memories
Morale A wererat flees if it loses half of its hit points or and transfers them into Tymon, the new king. If the PCs
the ancient wererat flees or is dead.
refuse to listen to Yiri, he assures them they will all be
STATISTICS dead by morning.
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; Grp +3 Yiri does not know where the mouse king’s body is, but
Feats Alertness, Dodge, Iron WillB, Weapon FinesseB, the PCs can force any wererat they capture into revealing
Weapon Focus (bite) the corpse’s location on a DC 15 Intimidate check. The
Skills Balance +4, Climb +13, Control Shape +4,
Handle Animal +3, Hide +7, Listen +4, Move
body is in a guarded dockside warehouse on Three Knots
Silently +7, Spot +4, Swim +9, Tumble +11, Use Pier on Zobeck’s north side.
Magic Device +0
SQ alternate form, rat empathy, trapfinding
Yiri does not accompany the PCs. He rushes back the
Combat Gear wand of magic missile (1st) or wand of way the PCs came to hide his family. He knows from
color spray experience the mouse kingdom will abduct his kin once
Other Gear bracers of armor +1 the wererats learn he has escaped. On his way out of the
Yiri Tepack: Although Yiri Tepeck (N male human Great Stross Clock, he escapes the guards by feeding them
ranger 3/fighter 3/rogue 3) did not witness Tymon a sob story about how the PCs abducted and nearly killed
murder his king, he did listen as Tymon instructed him.
minions to plant the king’s tail on patsies. Yiri briefly Development: Common rats tell the Rat Council and
considered taking this knowledge to the Council of Rats, Tymon that the mouse king’s murderers are in the mouse
but despite his 15 years of loyal service to three mouse warrens with Yiri Tepeck. The flabergasted Rat Council
kings, he correctly believed the Rat Council would not wants to bring the full weight of the mouse kingdom to
take a human’s word over that of a natural wererat of bear on the audacious intruders, but Tymon (perhaps
Tymon’s rank and influence. Instead, Yiri secured a scroll foolishly) convinces them otherwise. Tymon knows the
of speak with dead (CL 6th; three questions) and planned intruders are his patsies, and he does not want to give
to convince the Rat Council to cast it upon the dead them audience with any wererats not loyal to him, for fear
king’s body to reveal the killer in the king’s own words. the PCs might announce—and with Yiri’s help, possibly
Unfortunately, Tymon intervened. even prove—he is the true murderer.
Tymon suspected Yiri knew his secret. Tymon had With expert persuasion and a touch of suggestion,
long hated Yiri anyway, not only because Tymon hates all Tymon frightens the normally fierce councilors by
humans, but because Yiri refused the Moon Gift on three convincing them the powerful assassins are after them
occasions. With the king’s murder fresh, Tymon easily personally. He further adds that the killers might even
convinced the Rat Council to suspect non-rats for the be the ones who assassinated Akad the Elder, founding
crime and either kill or expel all non-rats who had access member of Zobeck’s Cloven Nine! The council members

72 Tales of Zobeck
take human form and disband while courageous king- confines. When the PCs kill it, the wererat reverts to its
to-be Tymon personally sets a trap for the intruders. The medium-sized human form, and the PCs must push or
mouse kingdom’s resources rest in Tymon’s trusted hands. pull the corpse as they move.
W2. THE PIPE (EL 4) Wererat (Afflicted Lycanthrope),
As the PCs proceed through the mouse warrens, they Dire Rat Form CR 2
find themselves at the head of an abandoned utility hp 12; MM 173
tunnel that connects the warrens on either side of a W3. TYMON’S TRAP (EL 8)
Zobeck street. The walls of this elliptically-shaped chamber curve
A wet tunnel, just wide and tall enough to smoothly into an arched ceiling painted to look like
crawl through, proceeds into darkness. The faint the night sky. On either side of a center aisle, long
chittering of rats echoes from its throat. wooden benches face a small throne that stares
While crawling through the 40-foot-long tunnel, back from the far end. Beyond the throne stands a
Medium creatures are prone (-4 penalty on melee closed door.
attacks, cannot use ranged weapons except crossbows, When the mouse kingdom was a wererat-only
-4 penalty to AC against melee attacks) and cannot pass organization, 300 years ago, this whisper chamber was
each other. the throne room of the mouse king. Tymon intends on
When the first PC reaches the tunnel’s midpoint, a making it so once again, as soon as he comes to power.
wererat in dire rat form rushes him. Unlike larger PCs, The chamber’s elliptical shape grants it a unique acoustic
the Small creature suffers no penalties in the tunnel’s tight property. The slightest whispers of those standing at

Tale of the Mouse King

Tymon CR 9
Male wererat (natural lycanthrope, hybrid form) bard 7 Morale If the PCs discover Tymon or if they move from
LE Medium humanoid (shapechanger) his target area, he downs his elixir of shadow
Init +11; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen +4, jump, dissolves into the shadow behind the
Spot +4 throne, exits through the strong wooden door
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Infernal (hardness 5, hp 20) behind the throne, bars it
from the other side (Break DC 25), and casts
DEFENSE detect thoughts to determine the PCs’ plans.
AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed 17
(+4 armor, +7 Dex, +3 natural) STATISTICS
hp 37 (7d6+7 and 1d8+2) Str 12, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19
Fort +4, Ref +12, Will +10 Base Atk +5; Grp +6
DR 10/silver Feats AlertnessB, Blind-fight, Eschew Materials,
Improved Initiative, Iron WillB, Persuasive,
OFFENSE Weapon FinesseB
Spd 30 ft. Skills Balance +16, Bluff +13, Climb +15,
Melee +2 rapier +12 (1d6+1/18-20) and Concentration +11, Diplomacy +17, Gather
bite +7 (1d6+1 plus disease) Information +14, Intimidate +10, Knowledge
Ranged light crossbow +12 (1d8+1/x2) (arcana) +13, Perform (act) +13, Perform
Special Atk curse of lycanthropy (DC 15), disease (oratory) +14, Perform (wind instruments) +13,
(filth fever: bite; Fort DC 16; incubation 1d3 Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +10
days; 1d3 Dex, 1d3 Con) SQ alternate form, bardic knowledge, bardic music 7/
Spells Known (CL 7th): day (countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1,
3rd (1/day)—glibness, sculpt sound (DC 17) inspire competence, suggestion), rat empathy
2nd (3/day)—calm emotions (DC 16), detect Combat Gear elixir of shadow jump*, pipes of pain,
thoughts (DC 16), sound burst (DC 16), potion of invisibility
summon swarm (rats) Other Gear +2 rapier, +2 leather armor
1st (4/day)—charm person (DC 15), cure light
wounds, hypnotism (DC 15), hideous
laughter (DC 15) AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17
0 (3/day)—dancing lights, daze (DC 14), detect (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +3 natural)
magic, ghost sound (DC 14), message, Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +10
summon instrument Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19
During Combat After playing his pipes of pain for 1 Tymon can cast spells with verbal components only
round, Tymon casts sound burst (up to twice) while in human form. Tymon has a unique magic
and hideous laughter at the PCs for as long as item.
at least two of them remain within 10 feet of the Elixir of shadow jump: This elixir allows Tymon to
opposite door. The acoustics make it impossible move from one shadow to another within 130
for the PCs to pinpoint the source of these feet without passing through intervening space.
spells. The destination must be within line of site. Using
this ability immediately ends his turn. Tymon
may bring up to 50 pounds in gear, but no other

Tales of Zobeck 73
one end (a focus point) reflect to the ears of someone W4. PAWN TAKES KING (EL 7)
sitting in the throne at the other. Kings of old used it The PCs arrive at Three Knots Pier just a few minutes
for eavesdropping on political matters. Tymon and his after the spider thieves. In order to uncover the location
cronies intend to use it to cripple the PCs of the mouse king’s body, they must succeed at a DC 15
When a creature within 10 feet of one door targets a Intimidate check against a wererat. Clapboards hang from
creature within 10 feet of the opposite door with a sonic- a neglected warehouse. Large faded letters on its side read
based spell or effect, the chamber’s acoustics add +2 to “Angler’s Market.” Double doors face the water. Read or
the DC and maximize the sonic damage dealt (as the paraphrase the following.
Maximize Spell feat, but without an increase in spell On either side of the warehouse’s wide open doors,
level). In addition, sound bounced from the walls and two naked bodies lie in puddles of blood. Intestines
ceiling satisfies line of effect requirements. spill from their sundered corpses. An eye twitches
Tymon hides in human form and with total cover, open and closed in postmortem spasm. Beyond
back to back with the throne. When he hears the PCs the door between the bodies, somewhere deep
step into the aisle, he begins playing his pipes of pain. The in a large room of piled boxes, the tiny sound of
chamber’s acoustics increase the Will save to DC 16, and clicking gears and the tapping of metal on wood
those who fail take 4 points of damage for 2d4 rounds echoes faintly.
from the pipe’s effects. On round 2, he stops playing, and The two bodies are those of wererat guards who
two of his wererat minions enter the door nearest him reverted to human form when they were killed by the
and begin firing crossbows at the PCs. spider thieves. Within this 60-foot-by-40-foot warehouse,
The EL of this encounter depends on how quickly the shipping crates are piled high. Most of them contain
PCs discover Tymon’s presence, since at that point, he contraband smuggled in or stolen by the mouse kingdom.
flees. Thanks to Yiri’s description, the PCs can recognize When the PCs reach the far side of the interior or climb
Tymon by his pinched face and ruby eyes. For the most the boxes, the spot six spider thieves crowding atop large
satisfying adventure experience, endeavor to allow crates. Each of the points of their eight sickle-like feet stab
Tymon to escape—preferably after gloating. through the crates. The spider machines crowd around a
bloody human corpse. Blood splatters upon their black
Wererat (Natural Lycanthrope),
metal legs as one spider begins slicing off one of the dead
Hybrid Form (2) CR 2
man’s limbs.
hp 12 MM 173
Gear clockwork light crossbow (treat as light crossbow The human corpse is that of the mouse king, replete
that does not require a move action or provoke with long whiskers, brown hair and moustache, and puff y
an attack of opportunity when it autoloads a
red shirt over a silk vest of escape. Hanging around the
corpse’s neck is a blue gem on a silver chain (periapt of
health). A stone of alarm is stuck to the back of the gem
During Combat They do their best to keep the PCs
within 10 feet of the door opposite the throne (DC 15 Spot to notice).
by pinning them down with crossbow fire. To Tymon ordered these spider thieves to bring the dead
avoid Tymon’s sonic damage, they avoid that
area themselves. If a PC presses forward, a king’s body to the roof of the Sixes and Sevens gambling
wererat intercepts him halfway to keep him from hall after dark and guard it there until he arrives. He
realizing that Tymon hides behind the throne. assumed the small spider thieves would carry the relatively
Morale When only one wererat remains, it attempts heavy corpse (now in human form) together. He was
to flee. Its name is Sinders, and it happens to
be the one who planted the mouse king’s tail wrong. The machines casually begin to dismember
on the PCs. For fear, Sinders does not betray the corpse into six parts (head, torso, and 4 limbs) for
Tymon, but he does corroborate the dead king’s transport.
A cleric of at least 5th level, or anyone who succeeds
Development: After Tymon escapes the chamber, he at a DC 18 Spellcraft check, knows that speak with dead
concentrates on detect thoughts for 3 rounds. He discovers requires a mostly intact corpse that at least possesses a
the PCs’ plan to steal the king’s corpse, but he does mouth (such as a stitched-together body with at most one
not know why. Tymon is desperate for the dead king’s limb missing).
centuries of knowledge, which the coronation ritual
will transfer into him. He resolves to relocate the corpse Climbing up a crate requires a DC 10 Climb check.
before the PCs find and steal it. Tymon rushes back The rafters of the 35-foot-tall warehouse ceiling offer
into the warrens, where he secretly instructs the mouse plenty of handholds and require a DC 25 Climb check to
kingdom’s spider thieves to relocate the body. Since they negotiate. The spider thieves take 10 when climbing, even
are speechless machines, he can trust them not to reveal when rushed or threatened.
where they have taken the body or even that he tasked
them. Meanwhile, Tymon assembles the Rat Council in
an attempt to hasten his coronation.
74 Tales of Zobeck
The Council of Rats soon discovers the PCs have
the mouse king’s body. The rats are incensed and
puzzled. They assume the killers possess some
plan other than murdering the Rat Council, as
Tymon suggested, such as blackmail. Centuries of
accumulated mouse knowledge are at risk.
Their fury eclipses the fear Tymon previously
instilled in them, and they retake control of the
organization. The Rat Council orders waves of rat
swarms back into the streets. It assembles wererat
strike teams, dispatches assassins, calls in favors,
queries informants, and in all ways turns the full
power of the mouse kingdom underworld against
the PCs. As in Part One, wave upon wave of rat
swarms, dire rats, and wererat death squads assail
the PCs.


Tale of the Mouse King

The PCs might decide to take the corpse and
hide, but short of magical concealment, the only
safe place in Zobeck is the Kobold Ghetto, where
the stench masks their trail. If the mouse kingdom
loses the PCs’ scent, the mice assault the PCs’
family members and friends. The Rat Council
bribes authorities to trump up criminal charges
against the PCs, and in a few short hours, wanted
posters announce the PCs as rapists, sodomists,
and worse. Sketches of the PCs circulate among
the city watch and gatemen.
Three Knots Warehouse

Spider Thief (6) CR 2 If all this fails to ferret out the PCs within 24 hours,
hp 15; see page 77 the dead king’s brother—a familiar at the Arcane
TACTICS Collegium—convinces his master to magically divine the
During Combat A spider thief takes a full round action
location of the murderers. Oddly, the first result points
to slice off one of the mouse king’s limbs or to the mouse warrens (where Tymon is). After rewording
head (at random), and only one spider thief can the spell to look for the dead king’s abductors, the magic
dismember the corpse at a time. Once it has reveals the PCs’ location.
its prize, the spider thief attempts to return to
Tymon with it, clambering up walls and along If the PCs decide not to hide or the mice locate them, a
ceilings if that is the safest route. At least two veritable army of mice and wererats surrounds them. Their
spider thieves engage any who attempt to
interfere in their grisly mission.
only leverage is to threaten to destroy the king’s corpse,
Morale The spider thieves fight until destroyed. which they realize with a DC 12 Knowledge (local) or
DC 18 Knowledge (religion) check.
With the king’s corpse and a speak with dead scroll at DEAD MAN TALKING
their disposal, the PCs might decide to follow through If the PCs threaten to destroy the king’s corpse and the
on their promise to Justice. A cleric of at least 5th level, rats either do not know where the corpse is or the PCs
or anyone who succeeds at a DC 18 Spellcraft check, are visibly poised to carry out their threat, the mouse
knows speak with dead only works once per week on the kingdom suspends its attacks and solicits the PCs’
same corpse. If they ask the corpse Justice’s question, demands. The Council of Rats consents to speak with dead
it replies that it helped hide the Father’s Bridge statues cast on the corpse, provided the caster is not a PC, that
in the east basement of the Stross estate manor house the PCs first hand over the body, and that every PC is
nearly a century ago. The PC who promised to ask present. These lawful evil creatures are true to their word,
Justice’s question feels magic flee his body and knows that including their threat to flay the PCs if they prove guilty
somehow Justice heard the king’s answer too. of regicide.

Tales of Zobeck 75
Tymon pales when speak with dead is mentioned. If
the PCs do not explicitly name him as the murderer,
however, he convinces the Rat Council to an alternative
handling of their deal with the PCs. He points out
that the ripped and disjoint corpse might result in an
incorrect speak with dead response. If these PCs are not
indeed the killers, it is paramount the mice learn exactly
e ven if the PCs exonerate themselves, the Rat
Council does not thank them for revealing
Tymon as the killer. The deaths of wererat
family members, the dismembered corpse of their old
king, the intrusion of the PCs into their organization and
who is. He convinces the Rat Council to carry out the warrens, and a touch of embarrassment conspire to hold
coronation rite, after which he himself can announce back their appreciation. At best, the PCs gain a sliver of
the old king’s killer through his access to the old king’s respect for their gall and ability to stand against the mice.
memories. If the PCs object, the Rat Council very
reasonably concedes to hire a third party, 7th-level cleric, The new king, renamed Teodore XIII, does appreciate
to cast zone of truth on Tymon before they ask him the PCs’ actions. To the Rat Council’s chagrin, he offers
who killed the old king. If Tymon fails to avoid zone of the PCs positions in the organization if they agree to
truth’s effect with a DC 14 Will save, Tymon realizes his accept the Moon Gift.
predicament and attempts to cast a glibness spell, which If the PCs ask the new king Justice’s question, he
the cleric and several Rat Council members correctly (suspiciously) picks his vast catalogue of newly acquired,
identify. The Rat Council members call him on this, and ancient memories and answers it. Justice must magically
in desperation and rage he turns on the PCs. The rats let hear the answer, for the next day, four antique statues
the PCs and Tymon fight, but they intervene in the end grace the long empty pedestals of Father’s Bridge. Those
to keep Tymon alive long enough to suffer for this crime. who enter the city by that route are met by statues of
If Tymon prevails, the PCs must fight Tymon to escape Zobeck’s founding fathers, one of whom is a kobold
and then flee Zobeck to survive. proudly wielding his invention—the clockwork crossbow.
If the PCs do name Tymon, he calls them preposterous Finally, kobolds are publically recognized and respected
and attempts to storm off in a huff (and flee from in Zobeck’s history. They ride a new wave of racial pride.
Zobeck nonchalantly). The Rat Council awkwardly Some talk of unionizing the miners, some of knocking
but politely asks him to stay as an important witness. down the ghetto wall.
Tymon continues to object but is too frazzled to think The mouse kingdom enters a period of low-profile
of a politically acceptable reason to leave. When the rebuilding, restructuring, and expansion. Its influence
spell reveals him to be the killer, he attacks the PCs and recovers and grows. Teodore XIII speaks of repartnering
attempts to flee. If he escapes, Tymon can either become with the Spyglass Guild, but that group’s leader, Ersebet,
a recurring thorn in the PCs’ career or he simply flees refuses to accept an invitation. She is busy considering
Zobeck forever (as returning would only end in his how to best sucker the PCs into assaulting the mouse
death). kingdom again, a repeat performance that could end
in the Spyglass Guild gaining control of the mouse
kingdom’s smuggling and gambling assets.

76 Tales of Zobeck

t he fearsome new creatures known as spider
thieves make their debut in this adventure. They
are a modified and dangerous form of weaving
spider (see Zobeck Gazetteer page 31).

This clockwork spider-like creature is the size of a
dog. Each of the points of its eight sickle-like feet
stabs or sinks slightly into the ground. Razor wire
wraps its body, while gyros whirl visibly in its
faceless, clockwork head.
Spider Thief CR 2
Always N Small construct
Init +1; Senses low-light vision, scent; Listen –5,
Spot –5
Language understands Common
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13
(+1 Dex, +2 natural, +1 size)

Tale of the Mouse King

hp 15 (1d10+10)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5
Spd 50 ft.; climb 20 ft.
Melee 2 sickle claws +1 (1d4)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Atk razor line
During Combat A spider thief never initiates combat
unless ordered, but it does defend itself. It
begins combat by whirling its razor line in an
attempt to trip a target, choosing a new target
at random each round. Once it succeeds
at tripping a foe, the spider thief continues
attacking that opponent until he stops resisting,
and then it moves on to the next target.
Morale This clockwork machine follows orders even at
its own peril and fights until destroyed or told to
stand down.
Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Base Atk +0; Grp –4
Skills Climb +8
Razor Line (Ex) A spider thief can spin its abdomen
and whip out the razor wire line wound around
it. Razor line deals damage as a Small spiked
chain with a 15-foot reach, and the spider thief
has a +2 attack bonus with the line (thanks to
the line’s masterwork quality). A spider thief
can also fire the spike-tipped razor wire into the
ceiling and, with a soft ratcheting sound, winch
itself (plus up to 25 pounds) up the line at its
climb speed.

Tales of Zobeck 77
The Maiden
7 in the Glass
When desire and fate coincide the result is often greater than we ever
imagined, with consequences worse than we ever feared. Such is the tale
BY of Jezlo Latenkep, a threadbare entertainer who plies his trade among
the taverns and penny-playhouses of Zobeck.
a s a failed student of the Arcane Collegium, Jezlo scrapes a living in the Free City
with a magic lantern show. Despite some skill at tale-spinning, his clockwork
projectors are poor competition for the true magic of Zobeck’s bards and
While scrounging for spare parts near Zobeck’s university, Jezlo encountered a pair of
TH unscrupulous students who sell goods purloined from Collegium vaults. They sold him
some glass plates holding images which moved of their own accord. Both Jezlo and the
CHARACTERS. thieves mistook them for mere trinkets but the truth is very different: Each slide is a magical
recording device capturing a creature’s essence as well as its image. Created long ago by the
wizard Black Marcenzo, the plates lay forgotten for 80 years, but now their images are being
brought to life once more—quite literally. Souls leak out with every showing, loosing half-
real monsters to haunt the city streets.
Jezlo ignored the dangers at first, for coin flowed into his purse from the more impressive
shows. By the time he realized the truth, it was too late. He fell under the influence of the
phantasmal horde and was compelled to fire up his lantern day and night. With every
projection the horde grows stronger, more numerous, and more dangerous to the real


t he adventure begins with rumors of more than the usual strangeness on the
waterfront. Soon afterwards, one PC attracts the ghost of Kalina Durgotzar, a
noblewoman who died in the Great Revolt and whose spirit is pictured on one of
Jezlo’s slides. She implores the PC to help and does not take no for an answer.
Investigating the waterfront ghosts turns up several leads and phantasmal adversaries.
PCs can track down Jezlo by tracing the students who gave him the plates or by crossing
paths with the Gamin Girls, a band of young hoodlums who stole one of them. The PCs
eventually locate Jezlo in an abandoned playhouse, entranced by a phantasmal allip and
obsessively projecting slide after slide.
If Jezlo’s phantasmal horde is defeated, the PCs are left with the magical slides and a
moral quandary as to what to do with them. Kalina also appears one more time to the PCs,
guiding them to her final resting place, where a reward awaits her saviors.

78 Tales of Zobeck

s hortly after they hear the first rumors of trouble,
one sleeping PC receives a ghostly visitor. Read
or paraphrase the following.
Perhaps it’s all the gossip about ghosts haunting
Kalina Durgotzar
Female human ghost aristocrat 4
CG Medium undead (incorporeal)
CR 4

Init +1 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Spot +2, Listen +2

Language Common
Aura beseeching gaze 30 ft. (DC 16), forlorn aura 30
the waterfront, but tonight brings dreams of
ft. (DC 16)
phantoms and apparitions—flying shapes and
translucent horrors, and old enemies returned DEFENSE
AC 15 touch 15, flat-footed 14
from the grave.
(+4 deflection, +1 Dex)
At this, the sleeping PC awakens with a start and hp 21 (4d12+3)
notices a shadow on the wall silhouetted by a bright shaft Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +8
Resistance turn +4
of moonlight, cast apparently by something hovering
just outside the window. Nothing that could cast such a OFFENSE
Spd fly 30 ft. (perfect)
shadow is outside the PC’s window, but a DC 10 Search
Melee chill touch +3 (1d6 plus 1 Str drain)
or Spot check reveals the translucent face of Kalina Special Atk beseeching gaze
within the windowpane itself. After a few moments of TACTICS
staring sadly, she reaches out, but at that moment a cloud During Combat Kalina uses her beseeching gaze

The Maiden in the Glass

sweeps over the moon and both silhouette and reflection to convince reluctant PCs to help her. Once
disappear. she gains their cooperation, she uses her
beseeching gaze and chill touch to protect her
A HAUNTING LOVE chosen PC and herself.
Morale As a ghost who knows she will reform if
Confused and with only dreamlike recollections of her defeated, Kalina fights fearlessly to protect her
previous life, Kalina has mistaken the PC for her long- love. If attacked by her chosen PC, she recoils
lost love. The reason might be random chance, an affinity in horror and does not fight back. The next time
with the supernatural, or perhaps the fateful PC is a she manifests, Kalina thinks only of her love
once more and acts as if nothing happened.
descendent with an uncanny resemblance to the original.
Whatever the cause of her affections, Kalina’s ghost Str — Dex 12 Con — Int 11 Wis 15 Cha 19
now haunts the character whenever she escapes the Base Atk +3; Grp —
phantasmal glass. Kalina initially appears only as an Feats Iron Will, Toughness
unsettling shadow or faint reflection—a distorted shape Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +9,
Intimidate +9, Knowledge (nobility and
half-seen in polished armor, staring out of a wash-basin royalty) +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +7
or wine goblet, a reflection half-seen in a windowpane, or SQ incorporeal, rejuvenation
even a stained glass image looking down from a temple SPECIAL ABILITIES
window. As she grows in strength, Kalina begins to Beseeching Gaze (Su) Charm person, 30 feet, DC 16
manifest directly and can be seen by other party members Will save negates. The save DC is Charisma-
as well. based. Kalina can suppress or reactivate this
gaze attack at will as a free action.
Development: Attempts to communicate with Kalina Forlorn Aura (Su) Living creatures within 30 feet
are difficult. She cannot speak, but she can mime, write of Kalina must succeed at a DC 16 Will save
or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving
messages in steam or condensation, and draw frosty
throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon
letters with her chill touch. She cannot think very clearly, damage rolls for as long as they remain in
only that she loves the PC and is waiting for him (or range. Creatures that successfully save against
her!) to come home. She also knows that she is somehow the aura are immune to it for 24 hours.
Manifestation (Su) When manifesting, Kalina is
imprisoned, and begs the PC to help as best he can. Some
visible but incorporeal and can be harmed only
sample answers to likely questions are given below. She by other incorporeal creatures, magic weapons,
can give little more than this and looks confused and or spells, with a 50% chance to ignore any
distraught if pressed for further details. damage from a corporeal source. She can pass
through solid objects at will, and her attacks
ignore armor.

Tales of Zobeck 79
Table 7-1: Kalina’s Replies
Query Kalina’s Reply
Who are you?/What’s “It is I, my love. Your patient lover.”
your name?
Why are you here? “Waiting for you, my love. Just as I promised.”
Where have you come “There’s only darkness before the light comes. Something
from? cold and hard presses me. Traps me. I think there are
others. Help me, my love. I only want us to be together.”
Who else is there? “Monsters.”
What kind of monsters? “They frighten me, my love. Please help me!”
Tell me about the light? “It brings me to the ragged man. With the light. With
the writhing shadow.
How did you get here? “There’s only mist and ghosts…. Then you.”
More of Kalina’s history can be found in Concluding the Adventure.
She haunts her chosen PC relentlessly, but occasionally manifests on the
waterfront and around the Hieron Playhouse. She has no clear memory of
the way to and from the PC, she just finds herself drawn to her chosen hero,
flying toward him via the Ethereal Plane.

Getting the PCs Involved

Your party might be the kind of
PCs who naturally investigate WATERFRONT WEIRDNESS
rumors of trouble, but others
require material motivation to risk
their necks. Fortunately, Zobeck
has several groups interested in
keeping the waterfront quiet: The
mayor’s office, the Bargeman’s
Fellowship, and underworld
z obeck’s waterfront medley of taverns, bordellos, and gaming halls
are abuzz with rumor of ghosts and phantoms. Most people think
a bad batch of ghetto-brewed liquor or illusion-wielding students
from the Arcane Collegium are to blame. Because of this, the city watch is
less than enthusiastic, and the fact that most victims are drunks or rogues has
gangs like the Spyglass Guild
not done much to motivate them.
and Redcloaks all want to see
the chaos ended. PCs can use Gather Information to learn the facts behind the tales. Each
attempt takes 2d4 hours and costs 2d6 gp (mostly spent on drinks). If a
If a nudge is needed to get the
PCs interested, they can be PC goes to the extensive trouble of plotting out times and locations for the
approached by an NPC who attacks with a DC 20 Intelligence check or the use skills like Knowledge
offers gold or favors as payment. (geography) and Profession (cartographer), the party gains a +4 bonus
on the Gather Information checks. Fame also helps, and the PCs gain an
additional +2 bonus for every Tale of Zobeck they emerged from with a
good public reputation.
Table 7-2: Gather Information
DC Result
Ghosts are prowling the waterfront. Wilder stories also feature leaping
10 devils, goblins turning into monstrous wolves, seductive vampires,
animated shadows, fey monstrosities, and even a two-headed dragon.
All the encounters have been at night, mostly late. Not all the creatures
seem to be ghosts, but information is confused and contradictory.
14 Among them is a beautiful girl in a tattered wedding gown, some kind
of giant cat, and something unseen but sinister called the Whisperer.
There have been several disappearances among beggars, prostitutes,
18 and thieves late at night. A couple of people have been found dead,
apparently from fright.
One person describes a ghostly remorhaz, commenting that she’d seen a
20 picture of one that very night in a magic lantern show.
A magic lantern act was playing near all the credible sightings, and a
ghostly image often seen later was in the show that night. It was an
25 impressive new act using some magical plates bought at the Hedgehog

80 Tales of Zobeck
Jezlo is a minor but long-established feature of the waterfront. The PCs
can find out about him and his magic lantern (a device that uses no actual
magic at all) with a DC 10 Gather Information check once they know he’s
involved. He lives in a rundown corner of the Ashmill District.
A search of Jezlo’s hovel takes only a few minutes—he just doesn’t have
that much stuff to go through. The walls are lined with faded playbills for
theatres and taverns, layer after layer of them, possibly the only thing holding
together the crumbling walls. On one wall is a tiny shrine to the Gear
Goddess, beneath which a few bits of machinery sit on a scuffed workbench.
There’s also a set of mundane slides for a magic lantern, 175 cp, and handful
of half-empty bottles whose labels claim they’re cures for the recent Ashmill Bringing Gather
Information to Life
plague. PCs examining the playbills find Jezlo’s name on several of them.
He seems to have been a popular act in ages past, especially at the Hieron Don’t forget that when the PCs
use Gather Information, they’re
Playhouse. He has not headlined for decades, though. speaking to real people with
The PCs can also speak to Fourdryn the Papermaker, Jezlo’s dwarven personality and opinions that
might well influence their words.
neighbor. Amid scurrying kobold workers and the stench of pulp-slurry, he’s In the best cases, the PCs have
prepared to provide the following information. a few reliable contacts of their
own by now, but you can also
• Jezlo is behind on his rent. Last month he spent his life savings on
use the following NPCs for
some wild scheme to make himself rich. Something to do with rogues

The Maiden in the Glass

he met at The Hedgehog tavern, apparently. It seemed to be working,
but Jezlo disappeared once the rent was due. • Kinnolo, a grinning rogue
with ratty-features and alleged
• He looked haggard and on the verge of collapse last time Fourdryn connections to the Mouse King
saw him, but was still fussing over his magic lantern like it was made and Spyglass Guild.
of gold. • Kuyath the Kobold courier,
• He was also muttering about the Gamin Girls making off with an owl-rider enjoying a brew
on a rooftop perch.
something of his.
A DC 13 Knowledge (local) or bardic knowledge check identifies the • Lord of the Heap, who is
a-quiver with excitement at all
Gamin Girls as a band of urchins that often runs errands for the Laughing the wonderful tales. He happily
Ladies gang. A result of 25 reveals the location of the Hieron Playhouse. speaks to characters who
befriended him during Knave
PHANTASMAL FRIENDS AND FOES of Parts, sharing all the gossip
The following encounters involve creatures that escaped from Jezlo’s slides, that his Gather Information
score of +16 has heard.
but plenty of unrelated trouble can be found on the waterfront as well:
tavern brawls, pickpockets, belligerent gangs, and so on. You should feel free • Mirbeg, a talismonger doing
to include such things to liven up the investigation or to provide extra XP a roaring trade in (fake)
to parties that might be lagging behind a little. You can also create your own amulets protective against
ghostly attack
phantasmal monsters using the template on page 89.
Because phantasmal creatures cannot be truly slain, PCs can encounter • Zwiatya, a bitter dwarven
servant whose noble family
them more than once. As time goes on, the phantasmal creatures become was destroyed in the Great
more real and so more dangerous. Revolt.


The PCs are ambushed by a phantasmal manticore, which lies in wait in a
large stack of nine empty barrels. The barrels provide a +4 cover bonus to
AC (not included in the following stats). Removing six barrels negates the
cover bonus.
Moving a barrel requires a standard action (that provokes attacks of
opportunity) and a DC 10 Strength check. Although the barrels are empty,
they are quite large and unwieldy. They have hardness 5 and 15hp. Every
time a barrel is smashed, there is a 30% chance the stack collapses, removing
the manticore’s cover.

Tales of Zobeck 81
Behind the stack of barrels is the dead body of a Tracking down the culprit is not hard, as a fat northern
cellarman. A DC 12 Heal check reveals he is covered in giant is hardly inconspicuous. The PCs easily find him
bruises rather than bite marks, which likely did not cause as he argues with Peppercorn, the trollwife bouncer of
his death. The cellarman wears a few cheap rings (10 gp the King’s Head tavern. She does not know the giant and
total) but has no other treasure. refuses to let him in, despite Storuk’s angry insistence that
Phantasmal Manticore (50% real) CR 4 he is a regular.
LE Large construct (incorporeal) Storuk CR 5
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, 25% real phantasmal male hill giant
scent; Listen +5, Spot +9 CG Large construct (incorporeal)
DEFENSE Init –1 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 9 Listen +3, Spot +6
(+2 Dex, –1 size) Languages Common, Giant
hp 63 (6d10+30) DEFENSE
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3 AC 14 touch 10, flat-footed 13
Immune construct immunities (+3 armor, +1 Dex, –1 size)
OFFENSE hp 24 (25% of 12d10+30)
Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (clumsy) Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4
Melee 2 claws +10 melee (2d4+5) and Immune construct immunities
bite +8 (1d8+2) OFFENSE
Ranged 6 spikes +8 ranged (1d8+2/19-20) Spd 40 ft.
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Melee Huge mwk adamantine maul +16 (2d8+10) or
TACTICS slam +15 (1d4+7)
During Combat The manticore ambushes the party Ranged rock +7 (2d6+7)
with its spikes as soon as the last PC comes Special Atk rock throwing (120 feet)
into range. If uncovered by the removal of TACTICS
barrels, it switches to a full attack with its claws During Combat Storbuck is an eager brawler but only
and bite. pulls out his hammer if the PCs use lethal force.
Morale If pressed, the manticore retreats into the He especially loves to grapple characters and
barrels and up the tavern wall. hurl them into their fellows.
STATISTICS Morale Not realizing the fragility of his phantasmal
Str 20, Dex 15, Con —, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 9 form, Storuk fights until defeated, looking
Base Atk +6; Grp +15 shocked when he dissipates. When he reforms
Skills Listen +5, Spot +9, Survival +1 in 24 hours, he is angry for reasons he cannot
Feats Flyby Attack, Multiattack, TrackB, Weapon remember.
Focus (spikes) STATISTICS
SQ construct traits, phantasmal traits Str 25, Dex 8, Con —, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 7
DISBELIEVED Base Atk +9; Grp +20
The manticore’s statistics become the following if Feats Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple,
disbelieved: Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack
AC 10 touch 10, flat-footed 9 Skills Climb +7, Jump +7, Listen +3, Spot +6
(+1 Dex, –1 size) SQ construct traits, phantasmal traits
Damage The manticore deals 50% of normal DISBELIEVED
damage but takes double damage from any Storak’s statistics become the following if disbelieved:
disbelieving creature. AC 9 touch 9, flat-footed 9
(–1 size)
THE TROLLHEIM MENACE (EL 7) Damage Storak deals 25% of normal damage
but takes double damage from any disbelieving
The enraged innkeeper of the Dancing Bear, spots the
PCs as they pass by and demands they help him. Purple-
faced with rage, he yells quite loudly that “a thieving Storuk was a famous figure in pre-Revolt Zobeck. At
ball of Trollheim lard” devoured the tavern’s entire 9 feet tall and massively muscled (and equally obese)
mead stock, passed illusionary coins to pay for it, and Storuk devoured whole oxen in a single sitting and drank
drunkenly cold-cocked Masha the dancing bear on his the King’s Head tavern dry in an infamous marathon
way out. binge that almost killed him. He also accompanied Black
Marcenzo on several adventures. A DC 10 Knowledge
The innkeeper immediately offers the party a reward
(history) check recognizes the uncanny resemblance of
to make the criminal pay for this affront to “the honor of
this troublemaking Trollheimer to the famous Storuk
all the waterfront.” If the PCs refuse, he publicly berates
(right down to the missing ear torn off by a griffon bite).
them for cowardice, and speaks of ill of them after they
A DC 15 Knowledge (history) check reveals his colorful
depart. For the next week, all party members suffer a
history in full.
-1 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks made on the

82 Tales of Zobeck
The Maiden in the Glass
The Gamin Girls
The alleys of Zobeck are no
place for young girls without a
family. Even if they can avoid the
predators, pimps, and slavers,
few careers are available if
they do not want to be tavern
wenches, harlots, or mere
trophies for gang lords. Lucky
ones find their way to the Gamin
Girls, a pack of waifs who help
their sisters survive on the street
with minimal male interference.
The average age is only 13,
Gamin Girls Hideout with many members below 10.
Older girls usually drift off, find
If the PCs manage to question him, they find Storuk very upset. The city some manner of success, or join
has suddenly become very strange, and no one remembers him. He has no groups like the Laughing Ladies.
idea who Peppercorn is and claims the King’s Head porter is a dwarf named
Runcibul. If the PCs ask who else he knows in town, Storuk gives a short
list of people, including the wizard Marcenzo. His memories are otherwise
jumbled and fragmented, although he’s convinced that the Stross family
rules Zobeck. Storuk’s most recent memory (before the Dancing Bear) is
of a strange machine, a bright light, and Marcenzo saying he was “painting
with light.” After a few minutes of conversation, Storuk begins to dissipate.
During this time he becomes increasingly terrified and pleads for help.
A 14-year-old girl named Targy (N female human rogue 1), leader of the
Gamin Girls, shadows the PCs for an hour before approaching them. Make
Spot checks, opposed by Targy’s Hide check, for the PCs for every 5 minutes
that passes in game time. If a PC spots her watching them, Targy steps
forward and identifies herself. Otherwise, she waits for a moment of her own
choosing, such as when a female PC is out of earshot from the rest of the
group. She prefers speaking with women, especially just out of earshot, but
she reluctantly interacts with men if she must.
Despite her young age, Targy swears like a barge-hag and is a girl of
ruthless practicality. She speaks casually of the horrors of street life and
brazenly asks the PCs help in killing the Billygoat Man. Targy is a ragged
Tales of Zobeck 83
waif little more than skin and bones, whose steely one corner. This little shrine holds the kejenczyr’s plate,
expression gives her an imposing look despite her small lit by candle-stubs and battered lamps and lanterns. A
size and obvious youth. She might eventually warm to the handful of Gamin Girls sit in front of it, as if in prayer.
PCs a little, if treated respectfully, but she remains wary A small mob of eight charmed Gamin Girls fights
of adults for years. to protect the kejenczyr. They mob the PCs with rat
The Gamin Girls recently fell afoul of a kejenczyr poniards, trying to flank enemies and prevent them
(“wicked goat” in Sylvan), a rare breed of half-fiend from closing with the kejenczyr. All good-aligned gods
satyrs said to be the spawn of a shadow fey with infernal consider using deadly force against children, even those
connections. They once haunted the depths of the who themselves attack with deadly intent, as an evil act.
Margreve Forest and reveled in violence and lusts that Paladins and clerics of good gods know this automatically,
even the wildest satyrs shied away from. Normal satyrs while other characters may make DC 8 Knowledge
wiped out the kejenczyr in Marcenzo’s time, but not (religion) checks to recall this. Attacking to subdue or
before the phantasmal glass captured one. The Gamin otherwise incapacitate the girls without causing them
Girls stole its slide from Jezlo a few days ago, and in their permanent harm is perfectly acceptable.
ignorant mishandling of the glass they released it. The Gamin Girls (8) CR ½
kejenczyr holds the gang prisoner by magical charm, and hp 4; female human commoners
Targy alone escaped its trap. She dares not go to another Size As children, these girls are size Small, giving
gang for aid and (rightfully) assumes no one in authority them +1 to AC and on attack rolls.
would care. The PCs are her only hope. Morale Each Gamin Girl fights until she can’t (knocked
out, incapacitated, or killed) or until her charm
Targy leads the PCs to a warehouse the Gamins call is lifted. In the latter case, a formerly charmed
home. Inside is a maze of crate stacks, rising up like Gamin Girl turns on the kejenczyr with a terrible
wooden ziggurats, with a small “shrine” tucked away in
The Billygoat Man CR 6
Morale If badly wounded, the Billygoat Man tries
75% real phantasmal kejenczyr (half-fiend satyr)
to escape, taking his glass plate with him if
CE Medium construct (incorporeal)
possible. During the escape, he dissipates
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
suddenly and the glass falls to the ground,
Listen +15, Spot +15
shattering into a dozen pieces.
Languages Common, Infernal, Sylvan
Str 14, Dex 17, Con —, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 15
AC 15 touch 15, flat-footed 12
Base Atk +2; Grp +2
(+2 deflection, +3 Dex)
Feats AlertnessB, Dodge, Mobility
hp 47 (5d10+20)
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +4, Disguise +10 (+12
DR 5/cold iron and 5/magic; Immune construct
acting), Hide +15, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
immunities; Resistance acid 10, cold 10,
(nature) +11, Listen +15, Move Silently +15,
electricity 10, fire 10; SR 15
Perform (wind instruments) +10, Spot +15,
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Survival +9 (+11 aboveground)
OFFENSE SQ construct traits, phantasmal traits
Spd 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Melee head butt +4 (1d6+3) and
Pipes (Su) All creatures within a 60-foot spread
dagger –1 (1d4+2/19-20) and
(except the Billygoat Man) must succeed on a
bite –1 (1d6+2) or
DC 15 Will save or be affected by charm person,
2 claws +4 (1d4+2)
sleep, or fear (caster’s choice, caster level 10th).
Ranged shortbow +5 (1d6/×3) A creature that successfully saves against any
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th) of the pipe’s effects cannot be affected by the
3/day—darkness same set for 24 hours. In the hands of other
1/day—desecrate, unholy blight (DC 17) beings, the pipes have no special powers.
Special Atk pipes, smite good Smite Good (Su) Once per day, the Billygoat Man can
TACTICS make a normal melee attack against a good foe
Before Combat The Billygoat Man moves stealthily that deals +5 extra points of damage.
from crate to crate (by dimension door if Skills Satyrs have a +4 racial bonus on Hide, Listen,
necessary) while playing his pipes, using Move Silently, Perform, and Spot checks.
desecrate and unholy blight, and sniping with DISBELIEVED
his shortbow. The Billygoat Man’s statistics become the following if
During Combat Eventually, bloodlust gets the disbelieved.
better of caution and he rushes to attack. As AC 12 touch 12, flat-footed 11
he charges, the Billygoat Man calls on eight (+1 deflection, +1 Dex)
charmed Gamin Girls to help him. Damage The Billygoat Man deals 75% of normal
damage but takes double damage from any
disbelieving creature.

84 Tales of Zobeck
Once freed from the kejenczyr’s influence, the Gamin
Chimera CR 5
Girls become friendly toward the PCs (especially any
25% real chimera
female characters). Targy happily lets the PCs have the CE Large construct (incorporeal)
slide “at bargain price” and tells them how the gang Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent;
filched it from Jezlo’s cart outside a creepy red building Listen +1, Spot +1
on Mummer’s Lane. As long as Targy and the other girls Language Draconic
are treated fairly and respectfully by the PCs, the Gamin DEFENSE
Girls become enthusiastic, if unconventional, allies of the AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 9
(+1 Dex, –1 size)
hp 79 (9d10+30)
Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +6
PART THREE: Immune construct immunities
CHIMERA IN THE COLLEGIUM Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (poor)

Melee bite +12 (2d6+4) and
stone’s throw from the Collegium’s gate stands bite +12 (1d8+4) and
the Hedgehog tavern. Bribery (5 gp plus gore +12 (1d8+4) and
a DC 13 Diplomacy check) or persuasion 2 claws +10 (1d6+2)
(a DC 13 Intimidate check) gets its oily proprietor, Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Atk breath weapon
Radomir Schlenk, to spill the beans on who sold Jezlo
the enchanted plates: Mirom and Volos Czavargo (N TACTICS
During Combat The Chimera is angry, confused, and
male human wizard 1), two well known campus rogues.
trapped in a room too small for its comfort. It

The Maiden in the Glass

For 10 gp or a DC 20 Intimidate check, Radomir also attacks anything it sees and tries to force its way
directs the PCs to Mirom and Volos. out the door if the PCs give it room.
Morale The chimera escapes if given the chance. It
Mirom and Volos are identical twins who share a smug perches on the hall’s roof, howling and snarling
demeanour and an impish sense of humor. Despite years until its plate is removed from the lantern. If
of study, both are barely competent wizards. They make escape is impossible, it instead fights until
a better living as bawds and thieves than as wizards and defeated.
see no reason to change their ways. As they come from a Statistics
rather wealthy family, they perform their many exploits Str 19, Dex 13, Con —, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; Grp +17
out of boredom rather than any real need for the money. Feats Alertness, Hover, Iron Will, Multiattack
The twins share an apartment in a campus hall Skills Hide +1
SQ construct traits, phantasmal traits
notorious for students with little aptitude but wealthy
families. Noticeable outside their door is an acrid SPECIAL ABILITY
smell—a mix of vinegar and stagnant water. The door Breath Weapon (Su) The breath weapon is usable
once every 1d4 rounds, deals 3d8 acid (gas)
is locked, and if the PCs knock or otherwise announce damage; Reflex DC 17 for half damage.
their presence, those who make a DC 10 Listen check DISBELIEVED
hear a low but plaintive cry for help. Entry requires The chimera’s statistics become the following if
breaking down the door (DC 15 Strength check) or disbelieved.
picking the lock (DC 20). AC 9 touch 9, flat-footed 9
(–1 size)
Inside the room, the acrid smell is overpowering, Damage The chimera deals 25% of normal
its source obvious. In the upturned wreckage of the damage but takes double damage from any
apartment prowls a chimera with a black dragon disbelieving creature.
head. Its three heads sniff and snap at the air, the lantern, the chimera fills the room and grants it a
the claws on its hairy forelimbs tear up the carpet cover bonus. The lantern is a Diminutive unattended
and score the wood beneath, and its muscular tail object that weighs 3 lb.
lashes behind it like a whip.
The twins are very grateful once the PCs deal with the
As soon as the door opens, the chimera turns its chimera. From Mirom and Volos, the party can learn
attention to the PCs. that the chimera plate was one of a dozen or so the twins
A DC of 16 Spot check reveals a pair of cowering recently acquired. They sold the rest to Jezlo Latenkep, a
figures behind an overturned table. Any PC who makes magic lantern operator who lives in the Ashmill District.
a DC 22 Spot check also sees an overturned lantern Neither student realized the potential danger of the plates
still projecting a picture of the chimera. Destroying until now, when they awoke the chimera while toying
the lantern (Hardness 2, 1 hp) or shattering the plate with it.
(Hardness 1, 1 hp) causes the chimera to dissipate on the The PCs know enough to blackmail the twins,
following round. Although not consciously defending threatening them personally or to reveal their schemes

Tales of Zobeck 85
to the Collegium authorities. Mirom
and Volos can offer 500 gp to buy off
the PCs, but they don’t forget such a
slight. The twins are careful planners,
and they never make any overt moves
against the party, although they do
have friends among the Redcloaks
(see Redcloak Rukus for more details)
and eventually attempt to enact their



t he Hieron is a disused
theatre swallowed up by
the maze of Zobeck’s alleys.
The Hieron Playhouse was the home
venue of the Morgau Mummers,
players who specialized in dark
tales of corruption, retribution, and
vengeance from beyond the grave.
Word spread that its crimson-painted
walls housed a cult of the Red
Goddess, and although these claims
were later debunked and traced to
a competing troupe of actors, the
theatre never recovered and closed
several years later. Rumor killed the
Hieron more efficiently than even
Marena herself could have, goes the
saying around Zobeck.
In its last decade, the Hieron
welcomed Jezlo’s special effects and
phantasmagoria, although he never Hieron Playhouse
headlined a show, and so it was to the
theatre that he went to ground. By the time the PCs reach The exterior doors themselves are stiff but unlocked.
him, the unfortunate lantern-man is under the spell of an The ground floor is essentially a single large room filled
allip and summons creatures day and night. The allip is with benches, with a raised stage across from the main
almost ready to lead the horde onto the streets of Zobeck doors. The second floor is just a series of simple balcony-
for a night of chaos and violence. The area around boxes for patrons who could afford privacy. Downstairs,
the Hieron is eerily deserted, as the allip’s constant abandoned props, costumes, and theatrical equipment
whispering drove off the area’s drunks and beggars—and sprawl in dusty, moldering heaps. Jezlo’s magic lantern is
even its rats. set up at the front, projecting onto a curtain of sulfur and
lime smoke on the stage. A horde of slithering, ill-defined
The Hieron Playhouse is an unassuming squat circular
creatures writhe within the room, creating an undulating
tower of stone. A few torn and rain-smeared playbills
audience of unnamed terrors.
still adorn its walls between carven devils, apparitions,
and the skeletal image of Saint Charon. Painted the color A glass and clockwork box projects images onto the
of fresh bright blood, beams and bare stone are visible smoky stage. Monsters of every size and description
in several places, and the entire building is ragged with appear briefly as an elderly man in threadbare
peeling and rot. Despite the scabrous frontage, the place garb, slides plates in and out. Jezlo looks exhausted
shows some signs of life: on the ground before its doors but works with dogged determination. About his
are a length of broken chain and a rusted padlock, from shoulders he wears a black cloak that crawls and
behind the boarded-up windows shines a bright flickering undulates over his emaciated frame, trailing wisps
light, and there’s the unmistakable smell of sulfur wafts of fuliginous vapor into the air. As you watch, the
through the air image of a serpentine humanoid expands into

86 Tales of Zobeck
translucent life. It takes onsubstance and slithers Phantasmal Horde CR 8
to join its companions on the theatre floor—a 75% real unique construct (incorporeal)
horde of unfinished creatures, like half-done CN Fine 20-square swarm
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
sketches come to life. They move through and
scent, Spot +14, Listen +14
over and around each another like a swarm, as if
seeking the missing parts of themselves.
AC 14; touch 14, flat-footed 12
The cloak is actually an allip, drawn to the slides by (+2 Dex, +2 size)
the creatures they produce, hunched around Jezlo and hp 116 (20d10+6)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +8
urging him on. The horde surrounds both them and the Immune construct immunities
projector, lapping around the edge of the stage and the
first few rows of seating. Discarded plates of phantasmal
Spd 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (average)
glass are scattered beside the projector. Melee swarm 4d6
Surrounding Jezlo and his allip master is an immense Special Atk distraction (DC 20)
phantasmal horde. The horde is a mass of half-formed, TACTICS
barely real images: Some humanoid, some bestial, and During Combat The horde protects Jezlo and the
others ill-defined and almost shapeless. Several appear as allip, surrounding them in a ring but never
entering their square.
the same face, while others have faces and upper bodies Morale Nearly mindless, the horde fights until
from several creatures melded together in a horrific destroyed.
gestalt. They possess no real intelligence yet, and function STATISTICS
like an immense mindless swarm rather than individual

The Maiden in the Glass

Str 2, Dex 14, Con —, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 2
creatures. Unlike a normal swarm, the horde fills 20 Feats Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Improved
contiguous squares. Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness (2)
Skills Listen +14, Spot +14
Jezlo Latenkep CR 1 SQ fast healing 5, half damage from slashing and
hp 7; N male human expert 2 piercing, massive swarm, swarm traits
During Combat Exhausted, Wisdom drained, SPECIAL ABILITIES
and hypnotized, Jezlo is unaware of his
Fast Healing Every round that Jezlo swaps slides, the
surroundings and simply operates the lantern,
horde heals 5 hp.
ignoring combat or any other threat against him.
Massive Swarm The horde fills 20 squares instead
Morale If the allip is destroyed or its magic dispelled,
of the normal 4. All of the squares it occupies
Jezlo collapses into unconsciousness.
must be adjacent to at least one other square
Allip CR 3 it occupies (it cannot form smaller, separate
portions of itself). It otherwise acts in all ways
hp 26; MM 10
like a normal Tiny swarm.
During Combat The allip only fights to defend itself
and Jezlo, doing its best to prevent would-be DISBELIEVED
rescuers from getting too close to its slave The phantasmal horde’s statistics become the
by unleashing its babble power at the first following if disbelieved.
opportunity. AC 13; touch 13, flat-footed 12
Morale Its only chance at achieving its goals is Jezlo, (+1 Dex, +2 size)
and thus the allip fights until destroyed. Damage The phantasmal horde deals 75% of
normal damage but takes double damage from
ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES any disbelieving creature.
There are a number of ways to fight the Phantasmal
Horde besides hacking at it. • Communication: Impassioned speeches, bluffs,
or threats can sow confusion in what passes for
• Breaking the Plates: There are plates scattered the horde’s mind. A DC 30 Bluff, Diplomacy, or
all around Jezlo: in the lantern, on the floor, Intimidate check renders the horde confused for
and discarded on nearby benches. The PCs can 1d4 rounds. Making this check requires 2 rounds
make ranged attacks against the lantern or plates of speech, and each skill can only succeed against
through the horde, but only if they successfully the horde once.
disbelieve. Even then, the horde grants 20%
concealment to the lantern, Jezlo, and the plates • Kalina: If the PC Kalina chose in the first part of
as long as the PCs remain outside it. For every the adventure makes a DC 13 Charisma check,
destroyed plate, the horde gains 1d3 negative Kalina’s ghost emerges from the phantasmal horde
levels. If all 10 plates are broken or damaged, the to fight beside him, aiding and protecting him as
horde dissipates the following round. Plates have best she can.
Hardness 1 and 1 hit point. • Pushing Through: Pushing through the horde
requires a successful bull rush. The horde resists
with a +16 bonus, which drops to +8 if the
attacker successfully disbelieves it.
Tales of Zobeck 87

t he fate of the phantasmal glass and the creatures trapped within
it are ultimately up to the PCs. The creatures might not be alive
in the strictest sense of the word, but they’re certainly more than
mere images. Jezlo is devastated that he spent his life savings on something
too dangerous to use and pleads with the PCs to let him keep the plates until
he can find a responsible buyer. Of course, the plates rightfully belong to the
Arcane Collegium, which offers a reward of 230 gp per intact plate, with a
1,000 gp bonus if the PCs reveal the names of those behind this scandalous
theft of national treasures.
Of the phantasmal menace, only Kalina’s ghost lingers after the battle
ends, as long as her plate remains intact. If so, she silently pleads with the
PCs to destroy it. When that happens her confused mind clears a little. She
smiles sadly as she approaches her “love” and attempts to gently embraces
him for a moment, whispering a single word in his ear before fading away:
A DC 20 Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), or
bardic knowledge check reveals Durgotzar is the name of one of Zobeck’s
former noble families, destroyed in the chaos of the Great Revolt. Records of
Scaling the Climax the time paint them as just one more lackey of the infamous Stross, but later
Even a phantasmal EL 8 historians speculated that they were perhaps simply loyal to the old order
encounter is more than enough and paid the ultimate price. A footnote mentions that the last Durgotzar was
to challenge 4th-level PCs. Lady Kalina, and that the revolt erupted on the night before her wedding.
Higher-level groups might need
Her fiancé never returned from battle, and it’s said she died of grief waiting
more of a challenge, especially
since their improved saving for him to return. She was buried in the family tomb—all that stands of
throws increase the chance they their former mansion. Since that time, the area has had a reputation for being
disbelieve the horde. Adding haunted, and the land still stands empty to this day.
creatures from Part Two is
an easy way to increase the If the PCs make the journey to the weed-choked ruins of the Durgotzar
difficulty: Adding the manticore family mansion, they find Kalina’s ghost waiting for them. She silently directs
brings the EL to around 9, while
him to open her sarcophagus: Clasped in the corpse’s mummified hands are
using both it and Storuk increase
the EL to 10. a pair of silver wedding bands known as the Durgotzar Bands. After silently
encouraging the PC of her affections to take them, she fades away forever.


s everal new items, either magical or simply called such, are presented
in this adventure.

These matching rings are carved with the comet heraldry of House
Durgotzar. They are infused with Kalina’s eternal love and worry for her
beau. When both rings are worn, each wearer knows the condition of the
other as per the deathwatch spell. This applies over any distance, as long as
both rings are on the same plane.
Moderate necromancy; CL 12th; Forge Ring, deathwatch; Price 2,000 gp.

A magic lantern, which actually uses no magic at all, is a device that uses a
powerful lamp to project painted images from glass slides onto a screen, wall,
or curtain of smoke. In theatres , large versions provide lighting and special
effects. More elaborate examples have multiple lamps and a hand-cranked
mechanism to insert colored filters and slide plates over one another, creating

88 Tales of Zobeck
the appearance of simple movement. The technological Phantasmal creatures appear to those using detect
limitations of these devices make them mere trinkets, magic possess moderate illusion (phantasm) auras. They
inferior to even the simplest magical illusions. are particularly vulnerable to dispel magic effects, which
Nevertheless, they were a fad in Zobeck 80 years ago, and forces them to dissipate for a number of hours equal to
a number survive as toys and curios. the caster’s level check (no save). Closely interacting with
A typical magic lantern weighs 15 pounds and costs a phantasmal creature allows a character to make a Will
1,000 gp. save to recognize it as mostly illusory. A character also
receives a Will save if killed by phantasmal creatures to
Black Marcenzo first created phantasmal glass, but its Type: Type becomes construct. The creature gains the
exact purpose was lost to time. Although phantasmal incorporeal subtype.
glass superficially resembles typical plates from a magic Hit Dice: A phantasmal’s Hit Dice become d10s.
Recalculate hit points for the new HD type, if
lantern, its pictures are illusionary images within the glass appropriate. The phantasmal gains bonus hit points
itself, and not merely painted on. When examined, these based on its size. Any creature that disbelieves the
images seem to shift and move slightly as if alive. phantasmal deals double damage against it.
Armor Class: A phantasmal gains a deflection bonus
Images in phantasmal glass tend to leak out if to its AC equal to its Charisma bonus (minimum +0).
projected by a magic lantern or otherwise strongly lit. Against creatures who disbelieve it, all bonuses
The result is a creature with the phantasmal template, to the phantasmal’s Armor Class (of all kinds of
which occasionally appears near the area where the glass bonuses except size) are individually reduced to the
percentage of how real it is, rounded down. Thus,
was used. Manifestations last between a few minutes a phantasmal creature that is 25% real with an AC

The Maiden in the Glass

and a few hours before vanishing. The summoner has no of 14 (+4 from deflection) only has AC 11 when
control over the creature summoned. disbelieved (25% of its +4 deflection bonus to Armor
A phantasmal glass pane is a 1/2-inch thick clear glass Damage: A phantasmal creature deals normal damage
plate, roughly 6 inches long and 3 inches tall, with the unless it is disbelieved, in which case the damage it
appropriate image floating in the middle of it, rather than deals is reduced to the percent it is real.
painted onto the side. Special Attacks: A phantasmal creature retains all
the special attacks of the base creature, but if
Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Create Wondrous Item,
disbelieved, those attacks only affect its targets a
shadow conjuration; Price 230 gp.
percent of time equal to how real it is.
Special Qualities: The phantasmal retains all the
NEW TEMPLATE: special qualities of the base creature, and gains the


• Glass Heart (Ex): The creature is inextricably

linked to the phantasmal glass plate from which it
hantasmal creatures, sometimes simply known originated. It cannot travel more than a mile from
as phantasmals, are not truly alive, but neither the plate and if the plate is destroyed the creature
are they mere illusion. Formed from shadow- permanently dissipates at the end of its next turn.
stuff and a sliver of soul, they are intelligent but do not • Incorporeal Rejuvenation (Su): When reduced
to 0 hp, the phantasmal dissipates and cannot
possess the full knowledge of their former lives. Their manifest again for 24 hours. After this time, it can
memories are vague and dreamlike, and often with be brought forth from its glass again, fully healed.
significant gaps. When free of their plates, the creatures Abilities: A phantasmal creature has no Constitution
often re-enact events and tendencies of their former lives. score, and thus is immune to any effect that requires
a Fort save unless it affects objects or is harmless.
CREATING A PHANTASMAL CREATURE Although incorporeal, a phantasmal creature
Phantasmal creature is an acquired template that can possesses a Strength score and can interact with the
world and deal physical damage in combat.
be added to any living creature, hereafter known as the
Challenge Rating: A 25% real phantasmal creature’s
“base creature.” It uses the base creature’s statistics and
CR is –2 lower than the base creature, a 50% real
special abilities except as noted below. Phantasmals are phantasmal is CR –1, and a 75% real phantasmal’s
constructs composed primarily of shadow-stuff, but those CR remains unchanged.
who believe they are real take full damage from them.
Most phantasmal creatures are only 25% real, but they
become stronger if summoned frequently, growing to
50% or even 75% real. The percentage real a creature is
affects its maximum hit points, Armor Class, damage,
and challenge rating. See the shadow conjuration spell
for other general rules.

Tales of Zobeck 89
8 Redcloak Ruckus
The Kobold Ghetto is home to mining gangs, slum lords, clan chiefs,
and much worse. One of the most infamous is the crew called the
BY Kobold Wreckers.
o ften hired for legitimate demolition work throughout the city, the Kobold
Wreckers demolish any building in town for the right price. Watching them work
recently became a form of entertainment for the city’s poorer residents. In barely
contained chaos, hundreds of red-cloaked kobold miners descend on a structure and reduce
it to rubble. Somewhat frequently, the oft-careless kobolds lose some of their members
A RIOTOUS ADVENTURE in the process. Less frequently, the Wreckers demolish the wrong house (sometimes with
people still within). That the incorrectly demolished houses are often owned by people who
FOR6TH-LEVEL recently crossed the Redcloaks is dismissed by that group as mere coincidence.

CHARACTERS. The Kobold Wreckers secretly follow Nerborg the Stitched, a kobold conjurer wight,
born at the height of kobold independence in Zobeck, whose long-term goal is to turn
Zobeck into a kobold-led city-state. Much to Lord Volstaff Greymark's chagrin, Nerborg’s
newest advisor and power-hungry human liaison is Greymark’s bastard son, Edmure. For
the first time in his life, Edmure has garnered power independent from his father’s influence
and he intends to use it.


e dmure targets the PCs with the Kobold Wreckers. They survive and enter the
Kobold Ghetto for answers. Once there, they find themselves caught in a kobold
riot, desperately trying to find their way to the Wrecker’s boss, Gnomesnatcher.
In the mayhem, they confront him but learn little other than Nerborg's name.
Lord Greymark hears what happened and fears the worst. Under the assumption his son
will soon be exposed to the authorities, he has the PCs charged with lettres de cachet as
those responsible for inciting the riot.
At the same time, he sends one of his agents to the characters. Once the agent is
confident the party is ignorant of Edmure's involvement, he claims his master knows they
were wrongly accused and wants to help. The agent then provides "evidence" marking
Nerborg as the mastermind behind the attacks.
The agent instructs the party on how to find Nerborg. They must then avoid capture,
enter the catacombs, defeat Nerborg in his sanctum, and clear their names.
For this adventure to play out as written, the PCs must become targets of the Kobold
Wreckers, on behalf of Edmure Greymark. How Edmure grows to hate the PCs so strongly
is up to you, and it should make sense to your campaign. The hooks provided here merely
present ideas you can build on to fit into your game.
1. If the PCs ran through Devil You Know, they certainly drew the ire of the Sons of
Mammon. Perhaps Edmure is a member of the cult, and as a matter of revenge he
targets the characters for death. In this case, Edmure’s name is on the list of cult

90 Tales of Zobeck
members kept in Siniliqi’s ledger (whether or not you omit his
surname depends on how much intrigue you want to introduce to
your campaign; this adventure assumes his surname is not revealed in
the ledger).
2. One of PCs might have crossed Edmure in the past. The PC and
Edmure are rivals, and this event is just another escalating step in
that feud. As a twist, the rivalry might be one-sided, with the PC Making Edmure a Rival?
not realizing Edmure hates him. In either case, this hook arguably
Edmure can become an
requires the greatest amount of pre-planning on your part, as you excellent rival for a member
must introduce Edmure early in your campaign and establish him as of the party, or even the whole
a rival. party. His high-born bastard
lineage, combined with his
3. Edmure does not know anyone in the party, but he mistakes a PC desire for power and lurid tastes,
for one of his rivals and takes the opportunity to eliminate him. This provide many ways he can
hook is classic case of mistaken identity, and once things begin, the conflict with the PCs. It is best if
you can introduce Edmure earlier
characters are embroiled until they can clear their name and get free. in your campaign, perhaps as
As a whimsical twist, the PCs might later meet the real rival—who a minor NPC the players do
looks nothing at all like the targeted character. not think twice about—even an
unnamed NPC they inadvertently
insult. You need to tailor the
PART ONE: JUST BAD LUCK? exact reason he hates the PCs
to the specifics of your group,

t he adventure begins as the PCs head up to their rooms for the
night in an inn. As the last of them trudge up the stairs and reach
but his hatred makes it very
easy for you to explain why the

Redcloak ruckus
characters are targeted.
their rooms in the back corner of the building, a barely muted roar
rattles the shutters and shakes a bit of dust from the rafters.
With a crash, the wall of the inn falls in an avalanche of dust, planks, Shatterpick
and bricks, and a gang of pick-wielding, goggle-wearing kobolds spills Once wound, this clockwork-
into the room. The water tower of the building next door occupies most driven heavy pick flares blades
of the gash and spurts a cold mist from the battered tank. The whole and spikes with each strike,
inn begins to groan and rattle, and bits of the ceiling smash to the while a sliding counterweight
inside the haft adds force to
floor. the blow. This allows attacks
Kobolds pack the building, tearing it apart inside and out. on objects to ignore hardness
and gives the shatterpick an
A group of six Kobold Wreckers harry the PCs. Two of the kobolds attack increased critical threat range
one of the walls of the room, squealing in delight as they swing their hissing against opponents (19–20/x4).
Shatterpicks weigh 8 pounds
picks, while the other four hinder the PCs with their strange bronzed picks and cost 350 gp.
held menacingly. With high-pitched yips and yowls, they attack. Allow PCs
DC 12 Listen checks to avoid being surprised. After 5 rounds, the springs fully
unwind and must be wound
KOBOLD WRECKERS (EL 10) again, requiring a full-round
action that provokes attacks of
Because the Kobold Wreckers continue their work even as the PCs fight opportunity. On a roll of a natural
against a small contingent of them, the structure falls apart all around them. 1, the pick malfunctions and
At the start of every round, including the first, PCs and kobolds alike must unwinds its spring prematurely,
make increasingly difficult Reflex saves to avoid the various pieces of roof requiring it to be wound again.
and structure falling from the roof, flying from the walls, or spraying up from Shatterpicks are always
the floor. At the beginning of the fifth round, the building collapses. masterwork weapons and they
can be magically enhanced
The round-by-round breakdown for Reflex saves and damage dealt is as temporarily, as with the
follows. magic weapon spell, but their
clockwork nature prevents
Round 1: 2d6 points of nonlethal damage; DC 10 halves. permanent enhancements.
Round 2: 2d6 points of nonlethal damage; DC 13 halves.
Round 3: 3d6 points of crushing damage; DC 15 halves.
Round 4: 3d6 points of crushing damage; DC 15 halves.
Round 5: At the beginning of this round, the building collapses, dealing
3d6 points of crushing damage to those still inside and burying them in the
rubble. A DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage from the collapse and avoids
Tales of Zobeck 91
Buried characters take 1d6 points of
nonlethal damage per minute. If a buried
character falls unconscious, he must
make a DC 15 Constitution check or
take 1d6 points of lethal damage each
minute thereafter until freed or dead.
As suddenly as they arrived, the
kobolds disperse—diving into sewers,
fleeing through hidden doors, and
disappearing down crowded alleyways.
The collapse of the inn creates a cloud of
dust in a 240-foot radius for 10 minutes.
Treat the cloud of dust as an obscuring
mist spell for purposes of visibility and
The reputation of the Kobold
Wreckers is such that as soon as they
arrive NPCs flee from the inn. Most
escape. Afterwards, however, a few
wander in the cloud of dust looking
for their loved ones. There are two
bodies and four survivors trapped in the
wreckage. Finding the survivors require
four DC 12 Search checks, and if one of
the Search check results is 15 or higher,
the PC also discovers one of the bodies.
If the PCs discover at least three of the
survivors, they also discover the kobold
Nicktail. Otherwise, if the PCs intend
to give chase to the long-gone kobolds
'wreckers at the Inn instead of helping with search efforts

Kobold Wrecker (6) CR 4

Male kobold rogue 2/fighter 2 they are brought below 10 hit points. The Kobold
LE Small humanoid (reptilian) Wreckers do not initially use Power Attack
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity; against living foes (although those attacking the
Listen +5, Spot +5 wall use it to maximum effect) unless they are
Language Draconic hitting quite easily, at which point they use a
4-point Power Attack.
DEFENSE Morale The Kobold Wreckers seek the complete
AC 16, touch 13, flat footed 14 destruction of the inn. They fight until the fourth
(+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural, +1 size) round or reduced to 5 hp, at which point they
hp 22; 2d6+2d10+4 flee.
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0; evasion STATISTICS
OFFENSE Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 6
Spd 30 ft. Base Atk +3; Grp +1
Melee shatterpick +8 melee (1d4+2/19-20/×4) Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Power
Ranged sling +6 ranged (1d3) Attack, Weapon Focus (heavy pick)
Special Atk sneak attack +1d6 Skills Climb +9, Craft (trapmaking) +7, Jump +9,
TACTICS Listen +5, Profession (miner) +7, Search +7,
Spot +5, Tumble +7
During Combat Kobold Wreckers attack anyone SQ light sensitivity, trapfinding
interfering with their work, lobbing tanglefoot
Combat Gear 2 tanglefoot bags
bags or attacking with their shatterpicks. If
Other Gear shatterpick, sling with 20 bullets
anyone targets the two kobolds attacking
the wall in the first two rounds, all remaining SPECIAL ABILITIES
kobolds attack that character until he drops or Light Sensitivity (Ex) Kobolds are dazzled in bright
another character attacks the kobolds working sunlight or the radius of a daylight spell.
at the wall. The two Wreckers attacking the wall Skills Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Craft
only respond to attacks against themselves if a (trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search
single hit deals 10 or more points of damage or checks.

92 Tales of Zobeck
or they simply fail at two of their Search checks, one of Query Reply
the NPC searchers suddenly calls out that he found a
What’s security “Like I know? I’ve never been invited. I
trapped kobold.
like inside? just wait outside. But I can show you where
The crowd immediately descends on the kobold with it is!”
murderous intent, but it disperses if the PCs make any At some point, as the players fumble for more
effort to calm the people or lay claim to the kobold. Left questions, tell them that the whistles and tromping boots
unsupervised, the townsfolk free the kobold and lynch of the city watch are approaching. If they need further
him. In this case, if the PCs fail to interrogate the trapped prompting, have Nicktail hint that the watch might want
kobold, repeat this encounter a few days later in another to take him in for questioning, so if they want him as a
inn the PCs stay in. guide, they should start moving. He points out, “The boss
Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs escape the building before the is always back after a job, but he might not be there long.
inn collapses, award them the full XP for the encounter If you want to talk to him, now’s the time.”
even if they defeated no kobolds. If the PCs assist in Ad Hoc XP: If the PCs get Nicktail to talk, award
searching for survivors, award them XP for an EL 4 them XP for an EL 4 encounter.



t he kobold trapped in the wreckage who the
PCs speak to is named Nicktail. Nicktail is a A
a s the PCs reach the Ghetto, they find
themselves in the middle of a full-blown riot
as scores (perhaps hundreds) of kobolds form

Redcloak Ruckus
member of the Kobold Wreckers and a Zobeck mobs in the streets, looting, burning, vandalizing, and
native. In his mind, this was just another day at work, and lynching anything and anyone in their way. The PCs
all he wants is a healing potion and a beer. He does not must navigate this riot to reach Gnomesnatcher’s hideout
know or hold any grudge against the PCs or any other before he goes to ground.
inn patron, and nor does he care (although he does feel
some small amount of remorse for the two who did not If Nicktail is with the party, he manages the party’s
survive, if their bodies are recovered). entrance to the Ghetto in exchange for assurances of
his safety and bypasses the traps that ordinarily stand
If the townsfolk get to Nicktail before the PCs ready for intruders. If the PCs decide to chase after
intervene, his starting attitude is hostile instead. If made Gnomesnatcher without Nicktail, they must pay the
friendly, Nicktail answers the PCs’ questions. If made appropriate bribes to enter: humans cost 5 gp; dwarves
helpful, Nicktail offers the additional advice: “Be ready cost 10 gp; elves, gnomes, and halflings cost 25 gp, and
for a rough trip. The Ghetto’s restless!” gnomes receive taunts, insults, and mild (if bizarre)
Likely questions and answers include the following: threats as they pass through the gate. The gate is only
open from sunset to sunrise. Since the PCs were attacked
Table 8-1: Nicktail’s Replies as they were readying to bed down, they should have
Query Reply plenty of time to get to the Ghetto before the gates close
What were you “The boss said the inn was supposed to get at dawn.
kobolds doing? smashed, so we smashed it good!”
The kobold ghetto presses in on the tall folk. The
Who is the “Gnomesnatcher. He’s the boss of the buildings rise up and lean out with balconies
Boss? Wreckers.” and extensions, wires and lines, stitching the
Who are the “We are! Can’t always work a mine, you structures together in a loose patchwork. The sky
Wreckers? stupid too-tall. We get paid to smash is rarely visible. Strings of lanterns and banners
buildings that need smashing.” hang down from above. Pigeon traps and strange
Who hired you “I don’t know. I just swing a pick. People mechanical devices clutter railings and balconies
to smash this want to hire us and they go talk to the boss. as tightly as the crowds infest the street.
building? He knows. That’s why he’s the boss.”
Even if the PCs have never been to the Ghetto before,
Where is the “He’s in the Ghetto. He’s got a building just
they can feel the air humming with an undercurrent
boss now? for his personal crew.”
of tension. Kobolds avoid eye contact, even with one
How do we get “I know” how to get there when I’m in the another, as they weave through the packed alleys. The
there? Ghetto.
miners stumbling out of taverns or hunched together
Will you take us “Hee, hee! It’s your funeral. The boss hates at alleyway entrances seem ready to brawl. Arguments
there? uninvited guests. As long as you promise to blossom among merchant tents. Cats spit and hiss at each
let me go when we get there, sure, I’ll take
turn. All kobold eyes turn as the PCs pass, watching them
you! Let’s go!”
eerily, as if daring them to start something.
Tales of Zobeck 93
Chaos erupts suddenly, in shouts and screams. A wagon of chickens
and geese overturns, spilling small wooden cages across the cobblestones,
and a crowd scrambles to grab what it can. Ahead, a street brawl erupts—
battlecries in Draconic, the clash of steel, the clatter of wood on bone. A
kobold leaps onto a windowsill near the PCs, pointing in their direction
with a torch, and yells, “Them! They did it! It’s the pink-skins’ fault! Make
them pay!”


At this point, have the players roll for initiative. From here until the PCs
arrive at Gnomesnatcher’s hideout, they are in one long, continuous
encounter. As the long encounter plays out, you can draw the players into
the chaos of the riot by describing the stinging smoke; the smell of blood,
Avoiding the Riot
sewage, and sweat; and the terrible cacophony that allows only shouting. End
At this level, the PCs have this encounter with Nicktail spotting the door to Gnomesnatcher’s lair if you
access to numerous spells and
abilities that might allow them
become overwhelmed or you or your players grow frustrated or bored.
to cross the Kobold Ghetto Preparation: Before you run this encounter, make sure you understand
unmolested. There is no reason
to arbitrarily prevent them from
how it works. This is a complex encounter, utilizing a rotating map to
using these abilities, but the riot represent the winding streets and alleys of the Kobold Ghetto and an inset
occurs as written, even if the that allows you to record each map rotation. Event areas on the map are each
PCs are not at the heart of it shaded by color and trigger events according to the Triggered Events chart. If
when it begins. Even if the PCs
have a means to move through
at all possible, you should draw the street map ahead of time on a battle mat,
the Ghetto, make sure to keep and then rotating and resetting the characters on it as the party takes each
track of time and movement fork.
through combat rounds
and have events trigger at As the party approaches the end of a street on the map and comes close to
appropriate locations—if the PCs going off the edge of it, roll a d4. The result dictates which side of the map
are not targeted by the events attaches next (this is referred to herein as resetting the map). Keep track of
but merely watch on from a safe
distance, they can still gain a
the route the PCs follow as best you can, as some configurations create dead-
sense of the chaos and rage ends, demanding the PCs retrace their steps and find another route.
broiling through the area, they
Assume all triggered events occur on the initiative count immediately after
just miss out on opportunities to
gain experience. the PC who triggers the event (before any other character, even if another
character shares that PC’s initiative count). For NPCs not connected to
The most obvious way of triggered events, assume they always go on initiative count 10.
avoiding the riot is to fly above
it. If the PCs have enough NPCs: Randomly place 2d6+4 kobold NPCs on the map every time you
magic for the entire party reset the PCs to the beginning of a street. These NPCs remain stationary
to fly (including Nicktail), let
them. They can avoid many
unless the PCs interact with them or they are part of a triggered effect.
encounters and dangers that Sewers: Sewer entrances are marked on the map, and the tunnels are
way, but the technique is not
represented with red lines. Sewer grates require a DC 13 Strength check to
perfect. Nicktail does not know
how to find Gnomesnatcher’s open, and a crowbar provides a +2 circumstance bonus. All sewer tunnels are
hideout from the air, so the PCs 5-foot-diameter cylinders. Not all tunnels connect and some dead end. Use
must land at every map reset only one tunnel encounter each time you reset the map.
point and wait 1d3 rounds while
Nicktail gets his bearings. Of Triggered Events: Some events occur at marked locations when the
course, during those rounds appropriate character enters the event’s area. As the triggering character
on the ground, you should feel
enters a section, determine the event and resolve it. Many events may trigger
free to use the triggered events
tables to keep the PCs on their in a single round, although each type of trigger occurs only once between
toes. map resets. Only PCs can trigger events; NPCs following them (such as
Nicktail, cohorts, followers, hangers-on, or allies) do not.
Starting the Encounter: After the kobold leaps up and singles out the
PCs, allow them one round to react, then push at them a mob of kobolds
from one direction (these kobolds act on initiative count 10). If the PCs
hesitate, use the rain of glass area effect event (see below) and urgent pleads
from Nicktail to spur them into movement.

94 Tales of Zobeck
Redcloak Ruckus

The Redcloak Riot

Tales of Zobeck 95
Ending the Encounter: Once the party makes it to the 1d10 Result
area marked with a D, or when you or your players have
Cascade of Bricks (EL 3). All characters within 10
had enough of the encounter, Nicktail suddenly lets out
feet of the triggering PC (including him) take 3d6
a squeal and points to a red door just ahead. He jumps up points of bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 15
and down, crying out “There! There! Gnomesnatcher is 5 Reflex save halves the damage. A PC who succeeds
there!” As soon as the PCs have their attentions focused at a DC 20 Spot check can see the bricks before they
on the door, on his initiative Nicktail dives for an open fall, allowing the party to avoid this event.
tunnel entrance and runs away. Rain of Glass (EL 1). The triggering PC and
Remain in initiative order for as long as the PCs everyone adjacent to him take 2d4 points of slashing
6 damage and 1d4 points of piercing damage. A
stay out on the street. Every round that goes by after
successful DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage.
Nicktail points out the door that the PCs remain in the
streets, roll for a triggered event using the tables below Falling crates (EL 6). The triggering PC and every
on initiative count 20. The door into Gnomesnatcher’s character within 20 feet take 5d6 points of damage
and are buried. A successful DC 15 Reflex save
hideout is easily opened, as it was smashed off its hinges
halves the damage and avoids being buried. Buried
by rampaging animals charging through the streets and
hastily replaced by Gnomesnatcher’s lieutenants.
7 characters take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per
minute. If a buried character falls unconscious, he
TRIGGERED EVENTS (EL VARIES) must make a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6
points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until
Starting when the first PC enters Trigger Option areas
freed or dead. This event only occurs once.
A, B, or C and rotating through the party, roll 1d6 to
determine the general nature of the event: 1–2, Area Killing Field (EL —). The PCs come across piles
of human bodies, all of them decapitated and
Effect Events (Table 8-2); 3–6 Creature Events (Table 8 filled with dozens of puncture wounds (of the size
8-3). For Trigger Option area D, use the Marked Area consistent with kobold heavy picks).
Events (Table 8-4).
Burning Refuse (EL 1). The way is blocked by a 10-
Area Effect Events foot high pile of burning refuse that deals 2d6 points
Roll 1d10 to determine the event the PCs trigger. Some of fire damage to anyone attempting to climb it.
of these events are repeatable, while others should only
9 Standing in a square adjacent to it deals 1d4 points
occur once during this encounter. If a single-occurrence of fire damage. A successful DC 15 Reflex save halves
the damage.
event occurs and is later rolled again, consider the result a
non-event (a result of 1). Collapsing Wall (EL 7). The triggering PC and
every character within 20 feet take 6d6 points of
Table 8-2: Area Effect Events damage and are buried. A successful DC 15 Reflex
save halves the damage and avoids being buried.
1d10 Result
Buried characters take 1d6 points of nonlethal
1 Non-event (EL —). No event occurs. 10 damage per minute. If a buried character falls
unconscious, he must make a DC 15 Constitution
Sewer Gas (EL 1). The triggering PC and all
check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage each
characters within 10 feet of him are subjected to the
minute thereafter until freed or dead. This event only
toxic gas (inhaled poison; DC 15; initial nausea 1d6
occurs once.
2 rounds, secondary 1d2 Con). A DC 15 Knowledge
(dungeoneering) check provides +2 circumstance Creature Events
bonus on save, as the PC recognizes the threat and Roll 1d10 to determine the event the PCs trigger. Some
can recommend wet fabric as an impromptu mask.
of these events are repeatable, while others should only
Chamber Pot (EL 1). Treat as a grenade weapon occur once during this encounter. If a single-occurrence
(+3 ranged touch). If the chamber pot successfully event occurs and is later rolled again, consider the result a
strikes in a creature’s square, that creature must make
non-event (a result of 1).
a DC 15 Reflex save or take 1d4 points of damage
3 from the shattering pot. In addition, all creatures in Table 8-3: Creature Events
the square struck by the chamber pot or an adjacent
square must succeed at DC 12 Fort saves or become 1d10 Result
nauseated by the shattered pot’s splashed contents. Non-event (EL —). No event occurs.
This event only occurs once. 1
Rotten Garbage (EL 4). All characters within the Deranged Clockwork Watchman (EL 2).
10 feet of the triggering PC (including him) take Something damaged this clockwork watchman so
2d6 points of nonlethal damage, 1d6 points of lethal it permanently acts as under the confusion spell.
4 damage, and become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. A
2 This event only occurs once.
successful DC 15 Reflex save halves the damage and Clockwork Watchmen CR 2
a DC 20 Fort save negates the nausea. hp 36; Zobeck Gazetteer

96 Tales of Zobeck
1d10 Result 1d6 Result
Kobold Brute Squad (CR 6). These kobolds have Two in One (EL varies). Roll again on this chart,
an initial attitude of hostile. 6 ignoring results of 1 or 6, and once on the Creature
Kobolds (8) CR 1/4 Events chart.
3–5 hp 4; MM 161
Kobold Wrecker CR 4 Sewer Tunnel Events
hp 22; see page 92 If the PCs are in the sewer tunnels, once per map reset
Stampeding Animals (EL 8). These monitor randomly determine a PC to trigger a sewer tunnel event.
lizards broke loose from their kobold handlers and When the triggering PC reaches a corner or intersection
6–7 are running amok. This event only occurs once. in the sewers, roll 1d6 to determine the event the PC
Monitor Lizards (7) CR 2 triggers. Some of these events are repeatable, while others
hp 22; MM 275 should only occur once during this encounter. If a single-
Beating (EL 5). PCs who make a DC 12 Spot occurrence event occurs and is later rolled again, consider
check witness a handful of kobolds beating a the result a non-event (a result of 1).
defenseless human merchant.
Kobolds (4) CR 1/4 Table 8-5: Sewer Tunnel Events
8–9 hp 4; MM 161 1d6 Result
Kobold Wrecker CR 4 Non-event (EL —). No event occurs.
hp 22; see page 92 1
Merchant; human expert 1 CR 1/2 Sewer Gas (EL 1). The triggering PC and all
hp 3; DMG 109 characters within 10 feet of him are subjected to the
Murder (EL 5). On a successful DC 15 Spot toxic gas (inhaled poison; DC 15; initial nausea 1d6
2 rounds, secondary 1d2 Con). A DC 15 Knowledge

Redcloak Ruckus
check, the PCs spot two Kobold Wreckers gutting
a human traveler and trying to run off with his (dungeoneering) check provides +2 circumstance
10 coin purse. bonus on save, as the PC recognizes the threat and can
recommend wet fabric as an impromptu mask.
Kobold Wreckers (2) CR 4
hp 22; see page 92 Rat Traps (EL 1). Cleverly concealed rat traps fill a
10-foot-radius space. See Marked Square Triggered
Marked Square Triggered Events (EL varies) Events for an explanation on positioning the traps.
When a PC enters a square marked purple, roll 1d6 to Rat Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger;
determine the event the PC triggers. The areas of these
3 manual reset; area effect (all creatures in
10-ft. radius; Atk +6; 1d2 damage, reduce
effects begin at the square directly ahead of the PC and speed by 10 feet until healed (minimum
extend in the direction he was moving when he entered speed 5 feet); Search DC 15; Disable
the marked square. For radius areas, the center is 2 Device DC 5.
squares ahead in that direction (if this puts the center Rat Swarm (EL 2). A swarm of rats attack the PCs.
inside a building or other wall, assume that the effect 4 Rat Swarm (CR 2)
occupies all of the radius not blocked to the PC). For hp 13; MM 239
cone areas, the cone begins directly ahead of the PC and Green Slime (EL 4). Multiple patches of green
expands in the direction he was moving when he entered 5 slime (DMG 76) cover eight adjacent squares in the
the marked square. direction the PCs are traveling.

Table 8-4: Marked Square Events Flammable Sewer Gas (EL 8). The triggering PC
and all characters within 10 feet of him are subjected
1d6 Result to the toxic gas (inhaled poison; DC 15; initial
Non-event (EL —). No event occurs. nausea 1d6 rounds, secondary 1d2 Con). A DC 15
1 Knowledge (dungeoneering) check provides +2
Smashed Crates (EL —). A pile of crates are circumstance bonus on save, as the PC recognizes
2 smashed, creating 15-foot cone of rough terrain. 6 the threat and can recommend wet fabric as an
Fruit Cart (EL —). An overturned cart has spilled impromptu mask. This gas lingers in the triggered area
apples, oranges, pears, or some other fruit across the for 10 rounds. In addition, any kind of flame, spark
3 street, creating a 10-foot-radius slippery mess (treat as (including electricity effects), or source of extreme
a grease spell). heat (such as a heat metal spell) within the area causes
the gas to explode in a 20-foot radius 8d6 fireball.
Broken Jars (EL —). Two amphora smash together,
4 creating a 10-foot-radius sticky mess (treat as a
tanglefoot bag).
Burst Bag (EL —). A bag containing jagged metal,
5 stone, or wood bursts, creating a 15-foot cone covered
in treacherous shards (treat as caltrops).

Tales of Zobeck 97

o nce the PCs enter
Gnomesnatcher’s hideout, read
or paraphrase the following.
The heavy, small door opens into
a long hall with a very low ceiling.
It is dark and has a stale, musty
smell not unlike the rest of the
Ghetto, with a hint of spilled beer
in the air. The riot still echoes
outside, raging in the streets—at
odds with the quiet stillness here.
A low ceiling makes what would
be a spacious area cramped and
The wood flooring creaks a bit
whenever a creature larger than Tiny walks
across it ( a –5 penalty on Move Silently
checks). Gnomesnatcher’s pet basilisk
mills about in its pit, causing the floor to
creak menacingly. Allow the PCs DC 5
Listen checks to hear the creaking wood
and DC 10 Spot checks notice a massive
chair, like a throne, sitting across the room.
Cloaked in the shadows of the place,
DC 16 Spot checks reveal a reptilian
The Throne Room
figure sitting lazily on the throne.
Nearby curtains (behind which his lieutenants lurk) Gnomesnatcher wants to keep his hideout locked
rustle when Gnomesnatcher speaks in a menacing tone. tight until the riot passes, so he is willing to negotiate.
He speaks in Common, since he knows most humans His beginning attitude is hostile. PCs who wish to
cannot understand Draconic. make Diplomacy checks gain a +2 bonus for speaking
“You’re deep in the wrong place, Too-Tall. Drop in Draconic and an additional +2 if they offer an initial
your money and get out, and maybe you’ll live bribe of 100 gp or more. Not offering a bribe at all results
through the riot. Stay here and they’ll just wonder in a –2 penalty on the check. The PCs take a further –2
what happened to you.” penalty for every gnome present but gain a +2 bonus for
every kobold in the party.
Any vaguely hostile response starts combat, as his
hidden lieutenants are on edge from the riot outside. NEGOTIATIONS
Usually, the hideout crawls with kobolds, but with the If the PCs shift Gnomesnatcher’s attitude to indifferent,
recent attack on the inn, most of the Wreckers are out he answers questions for 500 gp and he allows them to
spending their coin. Gnomesnatcher feels safe enough, leave through the tunnel they came in, putting them
though, with his pet basilisk and lieutenants all around back into the riotous Ghetto. If they shift his attitude to
him. Gnomesnatcher’s basilisk has full concealment at friendly or better, he answers questions for 100 gp and
the moment, down in its pit, and his three lieutenants shows them a tunnel leading outside the Ghetto from the
took 20 on their Hide checks, giving them Hide results basilisk run (after caging the creature). If the PCs cannot
of 26. improve Gnomesnatcher’s attitude to at least indifferent
in two attempts, he grows bored and attacks (with his
basilisk and lieutenants helping him, of course).
Likely questions and answers follow.

98 Tales of Zobeck
Table 8-6: Gnomesnatcher’s Replies Gnomesnatcher CR 6
Query Reply Male kobold fighter 2/paladin of tyranny 4
NE Small humanoid (reptilian)
Who hired you “We were not hired to ‘kill’ you. Just Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., light sensitivity;
to kill us? smash the inn. You were supposed to be Listen +6, Spot +6
unfortunate accidents.” Aura aura of despair (10 ft.), aura of evil
So who hired “I never know who hires us. The time and Languages Common, Draconic
you? place to be smashed is sent to me and I make DEFENSE
it happen.” AC 16, touch 12, flat footed 16
(+4 armor, +1 natural, +1 size)
And who sends “That’s none of your business. You want hp 39 (6d10+6)
you the time and to hire us, you have to meet with Nerborg. Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +3
the place? You make it through that, and your target Immunity disease
is done.” OFFENSE
Where do we “Hell if I know! And I do not want to Spd 30 ft.
find Nerborg? know—for just such a time as this. I do Melee shatterpick +9/+4 (1d4+1/19-20/×4) or
+1 ranseur +10/+5 (1d6+1/×3)
know I don’t want to cross him. You want to
Ranged sling +7 (1d3)
find him, you go talk to another kobold.” Special Atk deadly touch, rebuke undead (5/day; +2
After Gnomesnatcher reveals all this information he to hit; 2d6+3 dmg), smite good (+2 to hit; +4
grows anxious and tells the PCs it is time to leave. If
they made him friendly, his lieutenants lure the basilisk TACTICS
During Combat Gnomesnatcher attempts to disarm
into the cage and close the door, allowing the PCs to opponents then bull rush into the basilisk pit.
depart down the tunnel to safety. The lantern around the Morale Gnomesnatcher cannot flee and continue to
corner (marked with a star) shows the proper marks in lead. He fights to the death.

Redcloak Ruckus
the sewers to lead them out of the Ghetto. Otherwise, STATISTICS
Gnomesnatcher’s lieutenants escort the PCs back the Str 13, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; Grp +7
way they came, up to the main entrance and out into the Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Bull Rush,
Ghettos outside. Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
Focus (ranseur)
COMBAT (EL 8) Skills Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +11,
If the PCs fail to improve Gnomesnatcher’s attitude to Intimidate +11
SQ detect good, divine grace, divine health, light
at least indifferent after two tries, they threaten him or sensitivity, trapfinding
attempt to use Intimidate on him, or they simply attack Combat Gear tanglefoot bag
him, Gnomesnatcher and his lieutenants attack. Other Gear +1 ranseur, shatterpick, chain shirt, cloak
of charisma +2 (figured into statistics)
The throne room area has a very low ceiling—Small
creatures are unaffected, Medium creatures must hunch Aura of Despair (Su) Gnomesnatcher radiates a
and treat every square as difficult terrain, and Large malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet
creatures must squeeze and treat every square as difficult of him to take a –2 penalty on all saving throws.
This ability otherwise functions identically to the
terrain. The basilisk pit is covered with flooring that gives
paladin's aura of courage class feature.
way to any Medium or larger creature stepping on it, Aura of Evil (Ex) Gnomesnatcher's aura of evil (see
dropping the creature 10 feet into the basilisk pit below. the detect evil spell) has power equal to his
Enclosure Pit: CR 1; mechanical; location trigger; paladin of tyranny level, just as with the aura of
manual reset; DC 20 Reflex save avoids; 10-ft. deep a cleric of an evil deity.
(1d6, fall); Search DC 24; Disable Device DC 20. Deadly Touch (Su) Gnomesnatcher can cause
wounds with a successful touch attack. Each
day, he can deal 8 hit points of damage. An
Basilisk CR 5 opponent subjected to this attack can make
a DC 14 Will save to halve the damage. This
hp 52; MM 24
ability is Charisma-based.
Gnomesnatcher’s Lieutenants Detect Good (Sp) At will, Gnomesnatcher can use
detect good, as the spell.
Kobold Wreckers (3) CR 4 Light Sensitivity (Ex) Gnomesnatcher is dazzled in
hp 22; see page 92 bright sunlight or the radius of a daylight spell.
Rebuke Undead (Su) Gnomesnatcher rebukes
undead rather than turning undead.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day, Gnomesnatcher may
attempt to smite good with one normal melee
attack. This ability is otherwise identical to the
standard paladin's ability to smite evil.
Skills Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Craft
(trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search

Tales of Zobeck 99
PART FIVE: finding people such as yourselves. Be thankful that it was
I who found you before the Praetor’s watchmen, for they
LORD GREYMARK’S FIXER are less inclined to talk and have been ordered to kill you
if you resist arrest.”

a fter the PCs leave the Ghetto, whether via
Gnomesnatcher’s basilisk tunnel or back
through the chaos of the Ghetto’s riot, allow
them to finally rest and recover in whatever safe haven
they can find. No inn in any district adjacent to the
Tyron (human expert 4/rogue 4)
hp 36; DMG 109 and 123
Notable Ability Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 16
Notable Skills Bluff +47, Diplomacy +17,
Intimidate +17, Sense Motive +13
CR 7

Kobold Ghetto or the district in which the inn the PCs Notable Gear cape of the mountebank, circlet of
originally stayed out will accept them for the night, and persuasion
unless they have a private residence to hide in, they must
hole up somewhere not as safe or secure as they might
If the PCs refuse Tyron, Kobold Wreckers hound them
like. If Gnomesnatcher is still alive, the PCs can count
by night and city watch patrols pursue them by day. Allow
on continued harassment from Kobold Wreckers until
the PCs no further chances to rest, interrupting their
Nerborg is destroyed.
sleep with kobolds or watchmen as appropriate. No inn
Once the PCs recover their spells, they are approached or private citizen in the city takes in the PCs, for their
by a man named Tyron, a fixer for Lord Greymark. ominous reputations spread throughout Zobeck.
Charged with learning if the PCs know of Edmure
At night, the PCs are attacked by squads of Kobold
Greymark’s involvement with the Kobold Wrecker’s
actions, Tyron intends to hand them Nerborg. His initial
attitude is indifferent. Kobold Wreckers (4) CR 4
hp 22; see page 92
Tyron wears a long coat and narrow-brimmed felt hat.
He is tall and thin, and is in the later years of middle During the day, the PCs are hunted by squads of the
aged. As befitting someone of his standing, Tyron wears city watch.
only the finest clothing and carries himself with dignity City Watchmen,
and calm disinterest. After he greets the PCs, Tyron says, Human Warrior 1 (14) CR 1/2
“A long way from a ruined inn, are not you? We should hp 4; DMG 109
talk. Step into my office, I mean you no harm. Much has
Clockwork Watchmen (4) CR 2
happened since you plunged headlong into the stink of
hp 36; Zobeck Gazetteer
the Ghetto. The waters are deep, and the Praetors seek
your skins. I can help.” A CONVERSATION WITH TYRON
He leads the PCs outside and raises a hand. On cue, Tyron appears again before the PCs if they manage to
a dark Kariv wagon rolls around the corner, driven by elude capture for 3 days and repeats his offer to assist
two hard-looking men with loaded heavy crossbows. It them. Otherwise, if they are captured, he visits them in
casually creaks to a stop behind Tyron, who steps inside prison. In any case, eventually the PCs need to conclude
and then speaks again from the window. “Would not you their conversation with Tyron, who remains indifferent to
like to know who has been trying to kill you? I can give their plight.
you answers. Step inside.” Tyron asks the following questions. He needs to be
Just prior to meeting the PCs, Tyron consumed a certain of the answers and reasonably certain the PCs tell
potion of glibness, making his answers quite inscrutable. the truth. Roll contested Bluff and Sense Motive checks if
He wears a cape of the mountebank and dimension doors the characters quibble in their answers.
away if combat begins. Tyron refuses to speak outside the Who directed that the inn be destroyed?
gypsy wagon, which is specially built with a very thin lead
lining and a number of minor magical enhancements that Who is Gnomesnatcher and is he alive?
make scrying and mundane eavesdropping difficult. Who hired him?
If the PCs refuse to enter, Tyron shrugs and says, Why did they hire him?
“Really? There are lettres de cachet issued for you, with
As long as Tyron believes their answers and you feel
quite accurate portraits. My patron could help and see
the characters reasonably answered the questions, Tyron
that those warrants are rescinded. Are you certain you
allows the PCs to question him. Likely questions and
do not want to talk? The Praetors are not gentle in their
answers follow. If Tyron visits the PCs in prison in order
work, but they are thorough in their investigations.”
to conclude this conversation, he arranges their release (as
If the PCs ask who Tyron works for or how he long as they promise not to leave the city) at this point
found them, he responds, “My master wishes to remain and takes them down to his black Kariv wagon to answer
anonymous for now, but trust that the has many ways of their questions there.

100 Tales of Zobeck

Table 8-7: Tyron’s Replies PART SIX:
Query Reply
Who is your “He prefers to remain unknown

Who really
ordered the
for now, but he is a powerful man.”
“A kobold named Nerborg, supposedly
a seer. Perhaps his visions showed you
would be a threat to him. It would
t he gates to the cemetery stand open at all hours
of the day, with the groundskeepers closing
them only when the dead become restless. As
one of the rare few cemeteries standing within the city
itself, the grounds here are crowded with family plots
appear that he inadvertently fulfilled
containing multiple bodies and sometimes ostentatious
that prophecy himself.” (False;
Edmure ordered the demolition)
but relatively small crypts and statues marking families or
individuals of importance.
Where can we “His warren lies beneath one of
find Nerborg? the few cemeteries in Zobeck. I will One crypt stands apart and rises above the cemetery in
provide you directions, but you face white-marble majesty. Steep steps lead to a wide, raised
him yourselves.” (True) terrace surrounding the structure. The tarnished bronze
What is it you “My master wants Nerborg dead. In doors bear a massive coat of arms, under which is proudly
want? return, he will ensure the warrants go proclaimed the name “Drake” in bold letters.
away.” (True) The mausoleum is empty except for a small dais in
Why should we “Because he will not stop trying to the center and a bronze brazier in the corner. A DC 15
kill Nerborg? kill you. Nearly as importantly, once Search check reveals a catch that allows the dais to be
he is dead, you can offer him as the shifted aside with ease, revealing a stair that leads down
true culprit and return to your lives.” into inky shadow. The air that wafts up from the stairwell

Redcloak Ruckus
is cool and humid, smelling faintly of rot and sulfur. The
And if we do “The Praetors are unhappy, and walls are damp and covered in harmless slime, algae, and
not? shall remain that way until you are mildew.
captured, killed, or can prove your
innocence. Chances are he and his
kobolds keep hunting you until you
rot in a hole or under a pile of rubble.
Either choice sounds uncomfortable.
Do things my way, and everyone
wins.” (True)
At some point, as the PCs fumble for more
questions, the wagon stops and one of the doors
opens. Tyron breathes in the fresh air and then
turns to the PCs and says, “This is the end of our
time together. I am dropping you off here, a scant
two blocks from Drake’s Mausoleum. To find
Nerborg, seek the entrance to his warren there. If
you want a place to hide for the night, consider
the cellar of the inn that was destroyed. Who
would look there? But do not delay. As I said, both
Nerborg and the Praetors are quite busy looking for
If the PCs delay their assault on Drake’s
Mausoleum, hound them with city watch patrols
and Kobold Wreckers, as appropriate. Allow them
to rest in the cellar of the inn one night, but force
them to dodge or battle patrols on their way to
and from the inn. This adventure assumes the PCs
are not captured after they conclude their business
with Tyron, and if they are he and his master simply
allow them to rot there, effectively ending the
adventure unless they can escape.

Drake's Mausoleum

Tales of Zobeck 101

The stair descends for hundreds of feet, with four The constant hissing of something steam-driven can
switchbacks, before ending at a dark hall. Unless the be heard with a DC 20 Listen check, while a DC 15
PCs use no light and make concerted efforts at stealth, Spot check reveals the source of the hiss: a clockwork
Nerborg is aware of their approach. As soon as one of myrmidon stands motionless but ready within one alcove.
them so much as whispers within 20 feet of the entrance Nerborg is in no mood to converse. He denies ordering
to the room, he hears them and moves into position. the Kobold Wreckers to attack the inn in which the PCs
The ceiling in the massive room is 20 feet high, with stayed and goes so far as to deny even knowing who the
balconies located 15 feet off the floor. The walls, pillars, PCs are. As any PCs learn if they succeed at DC 12 Sense
and balconies are all made of white marble. Motive checks, both of these statements are true. At this
If the PCs somehow catch Nerborg unawares, he point, though, it is far too late for the PCs to change their
sits tinkering at a workbench in an alcove off to the mind, as Nerborg intends to make spawn of them, now
side, building a shatterpick he hopes to find a way to that they have infiltrated his lair. Assuming he is aware
permanently enhance. Lengths of pipe, random gears, and of the PCs before they reach his lair, Nerborg drinks
assorted tools lie scattered about. A DC 12 Listen check his potion of fly and then casts invisibility and summon
allows the PCs to hear Nerborg muttering to himself in monster III to summon two hellhounds.

Nerborg the Stitched CR 8

Male kobold dread wight conjurer 6 Base Atk +3; Grp –2
CE Small undead (augmented humanoid) Feats Augment SummoningB, Empower Spell,
Init +8; Senses blindsense 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.; Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (conjuration),
Listen +2, Spot +2 Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (slam)
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal Skills Concentration +11, Craft (clockwork) +12,
DEFENSE Knowledge (arcana) +12, Spellcraft +12
AC 22, touch 15, flat footed 18; invisible SQ enhanced summoning, rapid summoning
(+2 armor, +4 Dex, +5 natural, +1 size) Combat Gear ring of the ram (18 charges),
hp 39 (6d12) potion of fly
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +7 Other Gear bracers of armor +2, headband of
Immunities undead immunities; Resistance turn +4 intellect +2 (figured into statistics), spell
OFFENSE component pouch
Spd 30 ft.; fly 60 ft. (good) SPECIAL ABILITIES
Melee slam +9 (1d3–2 plus energy drain) Command Wights (Su) Nerborg can automatically
Special Atk command wights, create spawn, energy command all normal wights within 30 feet as a
drain (DC 15) free action. Normal wights never attack Nerborg
Spells Prepared (CL 6th) unless compelled.
3rd—empowered magic missile, lightning bolt (DC 16), Create Spawn (Su) Any creature killed by Nerborg’s
summon monster III (x2, one already cast) energy drain ability rises as a dread wight in 1d4
2nd—glitterdust (x2; DC 16), invisibility (already cast), rounds. A dread wight created in this manner is
web (DC 16), winding key* under the command of its creator and remains
1st—animate rope, color spray (DC 14), grease so until either it or the creator is destroyed.
(DC 15), magic missile (x2) Energy Drain (Ex) A creature struck by Nerborg’s
0—arcane mark, mending, message, prestidigitation natural attack gains one negative level. The
* New spell introduced in Zobeck Gazetteer DC for the Fort save to remove the negative
TACTICS level is 15. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Before Combat Nerborg drinks his potion of fly and Enhanced Summoning (Ex) Nerborg gained the
casts invisibility and summon monster III. Augmented Summoning feat for free instead of
During Combat On the first round, Nerborg casts the Scribe Scroll feat. He adds 2 to the DC of
winding key on the clockwork myrmidon. Nerborg any caster level check made to dispel the
supports the clockwork myrmidon by casting conjurer's summoned creatures.
glitterdust on as many foes as possible and Light Sensitivity (Ex) Nerborg is dazzled in bright
controlling the battlefield with a well-placed grease sunlight or the radius of a daylight spell.
spell. He casts web if the clockwork myrmidon Rapid Summoning (Ex) When Nerborg casts a
goes down or to entrap flying, invisible, or summon monster spell, its casting time is 1
otherwise annoying foes avoiding his defender. standard action.
Nerborg targets spellcasters with empowered Skills Kobolds have a +2 racial bonus on Craft
magic missile, then follows that with three charges (trapmaking), Profession (miner), and Search
from his ring. Once foes move within melee checks. A dread wight has a +8 racial bonus on
combat with him, he relies on energy drain to Move Silently checks.
weaken or eliminate foes. Spellbook Nerborg’s spellbook contains all of the
Morale Trapped as he is in within his lair, Nerborg fights spells he has prepared, plus all 0-level spells,
until destroyed. plus sepia snake sigil, sleet storm, summon
Base Statistics If caught unawares and unable to monster I, and unseen servant.
prepare himself for combat, Nerborg cannot fly
and is not invisible. Augmented Summoned Hellhounds (2)
STATISTICS hp 34, MM 153
Str 8, Dex 18, Con —, Int 17, Wis 14, Cha 15 Augmentations bite +6 (1d8+2 plus 1d6 fire)

102 Tales of Zobeck


his coach
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h and stops
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the PCs
PCs exit
he PC

sttopps before
h aasks,
skks,, ““Is
at the mausoleum, and as
C emerge they inform him. As
exxiitt the
h cemetery, he approaches in
b fo them. Leaning out of the
Iss iitt done?”
do If the PCs were forced
too rretreat
etreatat oorr ot
herwrwwisi e ddid not succeed, he encourages
th emm ttoo re
g ouup an andnd he hea
heada back down, implying that
he city
t watch
wattchc iiss nearby
n arrbyy and that he can only hold
them at bay for so long.
Once the PCs utterly defeat Nerborg and
confirm it to Tyron, he destroys the lettres de
cachet in their presence and shows them their
pardons, as signed by the Lord Mayor and two
of the Consuls (including Volstaff Greymark).
Tyron is quite pleased and informs the PCs that
his master will not forget this service,
offering that his master might hire
them again some time in the future.

Redcloak Ruckus
With Nerborg’s defeat, Greymark
considers Edmure’s involvement
sufficiently concealed. For now,
Greymark does not move against his
illegitimate son, but at some time
in the future, once the troublesome
bastard has caused him one too many
headaches (and that time likely fast
approaches) the PCs might find themselves once
again visited by Tyron, bearing another and far more
delicate job from his master.
Edmure himself likely sees this defeat as yet another
reason to hate the PCs, and he immediately begins
plotting his next attempt at revenge. Although he
does not directly appear in this adventure, he can
become a thorn in the side of the PCs for much of
the remainder of the campaign, causing them untold
troubles from the sidelines. Eventually, of course,
you should allow the PCs to bring down Edmure
once and for all (with or without the blessings of his
embarrassed father). If you also ran the party through
“Devil You Know,” Edmure might convince Siniliqi to
join him in his attempts at vengeance, giving the PCs
two recurring antagonists.

Nerborg & Myrmidon

Tales of Zobeck 103


t his adventure presents a new monster, the
dangerous clockwork myrmidon.

This humanoid-shaped construct looks like an animate
suit of full plate armor, but behind the joints are brass
and iron pipes. The face of its squat head is made in such
a way as to give it an angry-looking expression. It moves
with a grace unusual to most clockwork creations.
Clockwork Myrmidon CR 4
SQ construct traits, death throes, diligent sentinel
Always N Large construct
Environment Zobeck
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Treasure none
Listen +7, Spot +7
Advancement 6–18 HD (Large)
Language Common
Level Adjustment —
AC 20, touch 11, flat footed 18
Alchemical Flame Jet (Ex) A mechanism within a
(+2 Dex, +9 natural, –1 size)
clockwork myrmidon’s chest allows it to produce
hp 56; (5d10+30)
a 20-foot-long jet of burning alchemists fire that
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1 deals 4d6 points of damage to a creature struck
Immunities construct immunities by it (requiring a ranged touch attack). Producing
OFFENSE this jet requires a standard action that does
Spd 40 ft. not provoke attacks of opportunity. A clockwork
Melee heavy pick +8 (1d8+3/×4) and myrmidon can use this ability at will, but the
slam +2 (1d8+3) reservoir attached to the mechanism only holds
Special Atk alchemical flame jet (ranged touch +4; three charges (each use of the ability uses up
4d6 fire), grease spray (Ref DC 12) one charge).
Space 10 ft; Reach 10 ft. Death Throes (Su) The clockwork myrmidon’s
alchemical flame jet mechanism explodes
TACTICS the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. Every
During Combat A clockwork myrmidon defends itself creature within 10 feet of the clockwork
from attack but does not initiate combat unless myrmidon takes 2d6 points of damage per
so directed by its master. When it does enter charge remaining. A DC 12 Reflex save halves
battle, a clockwork myrmidon is unrelenting and the damage. A clockwork myrmidon with 0
single-minded, and attacks one particular target charges remaining in its alchemical flame jet
until that foe surrenders, flees, or is defeated. loses this ability. The save DC is Constitution-
Unless given instructions otherwise, a clockwork based.
myrmidon attacks whatever enemy is closest Diligent Sentinel (Ex) Clockwork myrmidons are
to it. designed to keep guard. They have a +4 racial
Morale A clockwork myrmidon attacks until destroyed bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
or ordered to stand down. Grease Spray (Ex) A clockwork myrmidon can spray
STATISTICS nonflammable grease from a mechanism in
its chest up to 30 feet. This grease functions
Str 16, Dex 14, Con —, Int 3, Wis 10, Cha 1
in all ways like the grease spell. A clockwork
Base Atk +3; Grp +10
myrmidon carries only enough grease for
Feats Greater Weapon Focus (heavy pick), Weapon
a single use of this ability before it must be
Focus (heavy pick), Weapon Focus (slam)
recharged. Spraying grease is a standard action
Skills Listen +7, Search +6, Spot +7 that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Clockwork myrmidons are upgraded clockwork including a masterwork Large heavy pick (included in
watchmen, with steel parts instead of iron. Many are the cost). Powering a clockwork myrmidon requires a
heavily armored at their joints and most vital parts. They four-day ritual combining magic, alchemy, and clockwork
do not ordinarily engage in patrols or menial labor, and techniques that consumes 600 gp in special oils and must
are only brought out in particularly dangerous situations be performed within a reusable chamber (this chamber
that even clockwork watchmen cannot handle. cannot also build clockwork scullions or clockwork
watchmen). Building this chamber costs 750 gp and
requires successful DC 19 Craft (clockwork) checks.
A clockwork myrmidon is solid and tough, and requires
a heavy, specialized chassis and components requiring CL 9th, Craft Construct, animate construct V, mending,
caster must be at least 9th level; Price 8,000 gp; Cost
3,000 gp and DC 21 Craft (clockwork) checks to build, 7,600 gp + 176 XP.

104 Tales of Zobeck

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Tales of Zobeck 105

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free city crossroads city

tales of adventure
A city of wonders, and a city of corruption
and despair. Zobeck is home to gypsies,
kobolds, powerful guilds and seductive
devils, a crossroads city where the people
of all corners of the compass come to
barter, cheat, and deal.
Some come with plans to conquer, for the
city’s freedom is a fragile thing: nobles
seek to restore their privileges, devils seek
souls, and evil gods seek converts.

Fantastic tales of adventure chosen by Open Design patrons!

A Plague of Shadows—by Joshua Stevens
a mystery for 1st-level characters
The Devil You Know—by Jim Groves & Mike McArtor
an adventure for 4th-level characters
Knave of Parts—by Bill Collins
an urban legend for 4th-6th-level characters
The Gullet War—by Ed Greenwood
a location of intrigue and action
The Madman at the Bridge—by Wolfgang Baur
a race against destruction for 5th-level characters
Tail of the Mouse-King—by Tim & Eileen Connors
a murder mystery for 5th-level characters
The Maiden in the Glass—by Dan Voyce
a ghost story for 5th-level characters
Redcloak Ruckus—by Ben McFarland
a riotous adventure for 6th-level characters

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